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为了筛选出人工栽培赤松茸最佳的栽培料配方,采用不同栽培料配方及用量共12种处理对赤松茸进行栽培试验,研究不同配方对赤松茸菌丝发菌、出菇、子实体形态以及产量等指标的影响,结果表明:T4栽培料配方比T1、T2和T3栽培料配方菌丝生长强,出菇数量较多而且粗壮,尤其是T4-2和T4-3处理更为突出;子实体产量方面,配方T4明显...  相似文献   

雀茸毒蛾Dasychira melli是杉木偶发性害虫。林间调查与室内饲养相结合,对湘南地区杉木林中雀茸毒蛾的生活史和生活习性进行观察,采用无人机和直升机喷洒测定3种药剂的林间防效。结果表明:雀茸毒蛾在湖南南部地区1 a发生3代,幼虫危害期分别为5月上旬至6月上旬,7月上旬至8月上旬,8月下旬至10月初。直升机施用2%阿维·苏云金杆菌可湿性粉剂(WP)150,225 g/hm2或0.5%甲氨基阿维菌素苯甲酸盐乳油(EC)900 mL/hm2防治雀茸毒蛾,药后11 d防效均超过90%,且无显著差异。  相似文献   

赤松茸是生长在赤松林树根部,与树根共生的一种野生食用菌,俗称松茸、松口蘑针松茸,属担子菌亚门层菌纲无隔担子菌亚纲伞菌目口蘑科口蘑属的一个种。松茸的特点是子实体寄生在松树根上,和周围的腐殖层形成菌丝网。松茸菌丝一般在枯枝落叶层下面3—5厘米深处土壤中活动,并进入松树的细根中与之共生形成外生菌根。  相似文献   

针对云南省松茸产量连年锐减的严重现实 ,通过对松茸产区及市场的深入了解 ,结合在林间试验地的研究和观测调查 ,提出一系列促进松茸可持续发展的途径。禁止采收和收购占松茸总量约36 .4 %的未成熟幼茸 ,可使云南松茸在现有基础上增产 1.96倍 ;在保持现有松茸生态环境条件下 ,采用科学的采收方法 ,实施一系列有关的科学技术措施 ,在 2 7hm2 范围内松茸产量连年成倍增加 ;在 1hm2试验林范围内 ,松茸个数增加 4 5.2 8% ,产量增加 4 8% ,而有关鸟害等损失则降低 ,森林生态环境得到改善 ,土壤营养条件也不同程度得到改善。因此 ,恢复和保护松茸生态环境并配合适当的技术措施与科学的采集方法 ,更适合当前云南松茸的发展以及经济效益的进一步提高。  相似文献   

近年来竹林地下害虫金针虫大面积发生,部分地区爆发成灾,竹笋产量和质量逐年下降。为了大幅提升竹笋产量和品质,促进竹产业健康可持续发展,于2019—2021年在余杭瓶窑镇塘埠村、余杭径山镇西山村、富阳永昌镇青何村、富阳永昌镇长盘村等4个覆盖早竹林试验样地,遂昌县三仁乡坑口村非覆盖毛竹林试验样地,开展绿僵菌菌剂防治竹林金针虫田间试验。结果表明:绿僵菌菌剂能够有效防治竹林金针虫,第1年施菌防治率为57.1%;第2年防治率达到85%以上,金针虫虫口密度降低60%以上。说明绿僵菌连续施用2 a对竹林金针虫有较为显著的防治效果。  相似文献   

设置香菇废菌糠、有机肥、复合肥3种施肥处理,研究不同处理对板栗(Castanea mollissima)林土壤理化性质及产量的影响。结果表明:在连续5 a施肥处理后,施用废菌糠和有机肥土壤有机质含量比施肥前增加30.12%和37.18%,其有机质含量比单纯施复合肥处理分别高出36.13%和34.87%;3个处理的速效N含量比施肥前增加27.78%~31.53%,施复合肥导致土壤p H下降16.08%,而施废菌糠或有机肥土壤p H分别上升5.60%和2.28%;3个处理的板栗产量相近,但是使用废菌糠具有良好的经济效益、生态效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

松茸菌株对6种松树幼苗的感染及其菌根解剖学研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
利用我国滇产松茸9924菌株及日产松茸99606菌株,分别对云南松、华山松、马尾松、火炬松、湿地松及加勒比松6种松树幼苗实施人工菌根接种。研究结果表明,接种后90d的云南松和湿地松分别有75%和78.1%的幼苗受感染并形成菌根;接种后180d,6种松树幼苗分部都可形成菌根,菌根感染率分别达90.63%-100%,感染指数达50.00-84.68;菌根形态主要有棒状、二叉分枝状及多叉分枝状3种;随树种的不同,各类菌根形态所占比例也不同;不同树种根系上形成菌根的长度也有差异,以马尾松根系上的菌根最长,华山松的菌根最短;此外,各种组合之间在菌套厚度,哈蒂氏网结构上也略有差别。  相似文献   

菌根真菌菌种的更替与其可持续性的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
巨尾桉菌根化组培苗试验林中所接种的彩色豆马勃,已持续生存达10a之久;而接种的西澳粘滑菇、漆蜡蘑仅生存2~6a,之后则被其它菌根菌种所更替。自然条件下未经接种的的蓝桉人工林,造林后2~4a的林中以硬皮马勃、漆蜡蘑等菌根真菌为主;之后则先后由鸡油菌和牛肝菌所取代。松茸菌在适合的自然条件下可在林中生存达数十年之久,其持续性十分明显;人工接种松茸菌的云南松幼苗上,经6a的连续观察,菌丝体仍然生长旺盛。菌根真菌的菌种更替现象及可持续性与菌种本身的生长特性有关。若菌种能适应其环境条件,则生长可持续下去;反之则可能被其它菌种所更替,因此,菌根技术的推广应用,应坚持“适地适菌”和“适树适菌”的原则,方可取得持久的接种效果。  相似文献   

以赤松幼苗接种松茸菌进行盆栽和圃地栽培试验,研究菌根菌感染数量和菌根菌对苗木生长效应的影响。结果表明:在盆栽条件下,三种处理根系菌根真菌的感染指数分别为80、50、3,截根接种和不截根接种分别为对照的26.7倍和16.7倍,且截根处理是不截根的1.6倍;幼苗苗高、地径生长量显著提高,干重比对照分别增加33.3%和18.5%。在圃地条件下,截根接种与不截根接种的幼苗苗高、地径生长量比对照分别提高5.4%、4.2%和14.9%、6.9%。  相似文献   

灰树花(Grifola frondosa),又称栗子蘑、舞茸,是多孔菌科的一种食、药用真菌。灰树花形似珊瑚、肉质脆嫩、营养丰富、风味独特,同时还具有提高人体免疫力、抑制肿瘤、调节体内微循环、促进人体脂肪代谢、健体瘦身等功效,颇具开发前景。 黑龙江省林副特产研究所于1997~2000年进行了灰树花的引种栽培和产品开发研究,并完成了灰树花的“清水舞茸”与“双茸汤粉”2个开发产品的研制工作。现将其加工技术要点介绍如下。 1 “清水舞茸”软罐头加工技术 1.1 加工工艺 灰树花→整理→精洗→护色→漂洗→预煮→冷却→调料→计量→装袋→真…  相似文献   

根据绿菇的生物学及生态学特性,本研究采取一系列的林间管理措施进行对比试验。结果表明清除林下杂灌草、疏伐/间伐、林地覆草、人工开沟、林间施肥等林间管理措施均可以显著增加绿菇的自然产量,包括自然出菇数及个体均重。各种处理中,个体数均增加60.0%以上,而个体均重的增加以施肥处理效果最佳,达到24.1%。文章最后还对野生绿菇的增产提出其它的管理建议。  相似文献   

The commercial harvest of American matsutake (Tricholoma magnivelare) is a multi-million dollar industry in the Pacific Northwest region of North America. How to best manage for sustainable mushroom production is uncertain and concerns remain about the cumulative effects of picking in the same areas year-after-year and whether raking of surface litter and mineral soil layers to find mushrooms will reduce subsequent fruiting. Here, we evaluate the effects of several mushroom harvest techniques on American matsutake production.This study was established in the Oregon Cascades in 1994 with the selection of 18 shiros of similar mushroom production. Six mushroom harvest treatments were implemented in 1995: (1) control, (2) best management practice (BMP), (3) shallow rake, litter replaced, (4) shallow rake, no replacement, (5) deep rake, litter replaced, (6) deep rake, no replacement. These treatments were pooled into three litter disturbance groups for analysis: (a) no raking of the litter, (b) litter raked with replacement, and (c) litter raked without replacement.Matsutake production on additional shiros was monitored to further compare the control and BMP treatments. Our results demonstrate that careful picking (BMP) was not detrimental to mushroom production during the initial 10 years of mushroom harvest activity. One-time treatments in which the forest floor litter layers were removed and not replaced were strongly detrimental to matsutake production and the effects have persisted for 9 years. Matsutake production was reduced to an intermediate degree by the raking with litter replacement treatments. Damage to shiros caused by repeated raking was not tested, however we expect that the effects of repeated raking would be more severe than those reported here. Negative treatment effects were particularly noticeable in years with abundant fruiting. When environmental conditions are poor for fruiting all shiros experience low production, thereby obscuring treatment effects.Within-year and year-to-year variation in fruiting is a major challenge to studies of matsutake ecology, particularly with regard to documenting treatment effects. Further studies spanning years or even decades will likely be needed to quantify production, effects of management activities, and investigate the biology of Tricholoma magnivelare.Because this study was limited to one habitat type, extension of the results to substantially different habitats types must be made with caution. However, we speculate that since the underlying biology of matsutake fruiting is similar across a wide range of habitats, careful picking should generally not hinder subsequent fruiting when other substantial disturbance to the shiro is absent.  相似文献   

The assemblages of fruitbodies produced by sheathing mycorrhizal fungi associated with clones of Betula spp. were affected by ‘host’ genotype and the origin of propagating soil during the first 6 years after transplanting into a groundwater gley with mull humus.Significantly more fruitbodies were produced when rooted cuttings were propagated in soil A than in soil B, on average 19.5 compared with 4.5 per tree. The larger numbers in soil A were associated with a preponderance of fruitbodies of Laccaria tortilis; Hebeloma spp. being relatively more abundant in soil B.Appreciably more fruitbodies were associated with clone 12.5D of B. pendula than with clone 9.3D of B. pubescens, 19.9 compared with 4.6, the difference being largely attributable to the ‘substitution’ of the prolific L. tortilis by the sparse Inocybe petiginosa.Whereas soil type had a significant effect on numbers of fruitbodies associated with the three more productive clones, it had no effect on numbers of fruitbodies associated with clone 9.3D.  相似文献   

云雄是云南省林业科学院经济林研究所历时20多年选育出的板栗新品种,通过优株选择、无性系评比试验、物候观测、授粉试验、花粉生活力测定、区域化栽培试验、产量和品质测定等多年的栽培研究.结果表明,该品种坚果大、品质优、产量高.用其授粉,平均成实率高达87.4%,且对主栽品种坚果增重明显,增重幅度为4.9%~26.3%.用云雄花粉人工辅助授粉,较自然授粉平均每公顷增产396.5 kg,增产率18.5%;坚果平均增重1.43 g,增长率16.4%.因此,在板栗栽培中,选用云雄作为授粉品种,对提高产量和品质具有重要作用.  相似文献   

竹笋专用有机肥在笔竹笋用林中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对不同立地条件笔竹笋用林施用不同量竹笋专用有机肥,并与相应的专施氮肥相比较。结果表明:竹笋专用有机肥对毛竹笋用林产量影响显著,平均可使竹材产量提高20%-30%;在肥力较差的毛竹笋用林连续几年施用该有机肥,第3-第4年的增幅比第1-第2年大,土壤肥力和母竹林活力增强;但在土壤条件较好的毛笋用林施用该肥料,第3-第4年比第1-第2年增幅减小。竹笋专用有机肥能提高竹笋品质和营养,该肥料可在生产中推广应用。  相似文献   

云雄是云南省林业科学院经济林研究所历时20多年选育出的板栗新品种,通过优株选择、无性系评比试验、物候观测、授粉试验、花粉生活力测定、区域化栽培试验、产量和品质测定等多年的栽培研究。结果表明,该品种坚果大、品质优、产量高。用其授粉,平均成实率高达87.4%,且对主栽品种坚果增重明显,增重幅度为4.9%~26.3%。用云雄花粉人工辅助授粉,较自然授粉平均每公顷增产396.5 kg,增产率18.5%;坚果平均增重1.43 g,增长率16.4%。因此,在板栗栽培中,选用云雄作为授粉品种,对提高产量和品质具有重要作用。  相似文献   

Falling needles collected from under individual 70-year-old Norway spruce (Picea abies) trees for about four years were checked for fungal fruitbodies. The most common fungi were Lophodermium piceae and Rhizosphaera kalkhoffii. Maximum frequencies of fruitbodies occurred in late autumn for L. piceae (ca. 80% of the needles), in summer for R. kalkhoffii (ca. 60%) and in winter for the third most common fungus, Tiarosporella parca (ca. 10%). The frequencies of needles with fruiting fungi varied greatly within and between years. This is the first report of T. parca from Sweden.  相似文献   

We investigated the seasonal appearance and longevity of fruitbodies of Agaricales in a mixed forest dominated by Pinus densiflora (Sieb et. Zucc.) for about 3 years. A total of 3563 fruitbodies in 27 genera from 13 families appeared; Collybia, Marasmius, Mycena, Rhodophyllus, and Lactarius were dominant. The seasonal trend of appearance of fruitbodies differed among genera. There were no significant relationships between any factors of temperature and the number of fruitbodies in any of the dominant genera or Amanita. The number of fruitbodies of Mycena and Lactarius increased with the indices of precipitation. The longevity of fruitbodies ranged from 2.6 days in Mycena to 71.9 days in Lactarius. The longevity in Collybia and Mycena, which appeared in early summer, increased as the highest daily temperature became higher. On the other hand, that of Marasmius, Amanita, Rhodophyllus, and Lactarius, which appeared in autumn, increased as the lowest daily temperature became lower. The longevity of fruitbodies in every genus surveyed except Amanita decreased as the frequency of precipitation increased. It is possible that the rate of deterioration is higher in June–July than in September–December, and the longevity of fruitbodies might vary with the temperature. On the other hand, precipitation would facilitate the appearance of fruitbodies and shorten their longevity in Mycena and Lactarius.  相似文献   

When stydying the growth of different provenances of Betula pendula and B. pubescens it was noted that fruitbody production by many sheathing (ecto-)mycorrhizal fungi followed distinctive patterns in time and place.When saplings of B. pendula and B. pubescens, from seed collected from ranges of locations in western Europe, were grown on a brown earth at latitude 55° 52′ N, autumnal yellowing and defoliation occurred sooner on saplings originating from northern locations (Scandinavia, 60°–66°N) than on those from the south (United Kingdom and Germany, 50°–55°N); the latter group of trees, particularly of B. pubescens, tended to be taller than the former.In the first 6 years after planting Betula spp., more than 90% of the fruitbodies (toadstools, earth-fans of Thelephora terrestris and elf-cups of Peziza badia), usually appearing in the autumn, were of fungi known, or suspected, to form sheathing mycorrhizas with Betula spp. Mean numbers of fruitbodies increased from 0.4 to 28 and 170 per tree in the 2nd, 4th and 6th years respectively after planting. Numbers of fungal species producing fruitbodies progressively increased from one, Hebeloma crustulvniforme, in the 2nd year to 14 (B. pubescens) and 18 (B. pendula) in the 6th year when Hebeloma spp. accounted for 79% of fruitbodies; Laccaria ‘laccata’, 15%; Inocybe lanuginella, 5% and Lactarius pubescens, 1%. Of the 6th year Hebeloma total, H. crustuliniforme, H. fragilipes, H. mesophaeum and H. sacchariolens accounted for 32, 33, 13 and 11% repectively.Mean distances between fruitbodies and the stems of trees widened at c. 0.16 m year?1 for Hebeloma crustuliniforme; for Laccaria ‘laccata’ they increased by 0.27 to 0.87 m year?1 between the 4th and 5th years after planting but remained virtually unchanged in the 6th year. Distributions differed within and between concentric 10 cm annuli. In the 6th year appreciably more Hebeloma fruitbodies, except those of H. sacchariolens, were found in intermediate annuli than in annuli nearest and furthest from trees. In contrast those of Laccaria ‘laccata’ and Inocybe lanuginella developed at densities of 1500 m?2 and 500 m?2 in most annuli.Fruitbodies of Laccaria ‘laccata’ were significantly clustered in sectors of the differing annuli possibly reflecting associations with radially growing secondarily thickened roots, whereas those of I. lanuginella occurred at random.From 2 to 6 years after planting the mean annual production of toadstools and elf-cups averaged 55 and 0.1 per tree originating from latitude 50° N and 66° N respectively. Earth fans of Thelephora terrestris were likewise less commonly associated with trees of northern origin.B. pubescens, unlike many provenances of B. pendula, seemed to resist invasion by the leaf rust Melampsoridium betulinum. The northern provenances of B. pendula were significantly more seriously infected than southern provenances.  相似文献   

不同培养料配方对白灵菇生长的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过不同培养料配方对白灵菇菌丝体和子实体生长的对比试验,结果表明,在供试的4个配方中,配方1棉子壳培养料菌丝生长速度最快、产量最高,其次是配方2玉米芯培养料和配方4玉米芯与木屑混合培养料,配方12、4、子实体各自产量与配方3木屑培养料子实体产量差异极显著,配方1与配方2对白灵菇的菌丝体生长和子实体产量的影响差异不明显,配方1和配方4相比差异显著,说明配方2玉米芯培养料是代替配方1棉子壳培养料进行白灵菇生产的最佳配方,其次是配方4玉米芯与木屑混合培养料,为白灵菇生产者提供了新的原料资源。  相似文献   

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