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所谓白线裂是蹄壁与蹄底间的角质(白线)腐败和其结合部的一部分呈现分离的病症。其原因为广蹄和蹄壁蹄角质不良、削蹄失宜和硬地机械作用所致,育成马的发病率较乘骑马和赛马为高,其理由主要是因为马体在成长过程中,蹄也同样不十分成熟。但是,目前对育成马白线裂仍处于缺乏具体实地调查状态。作者对其呈现的症候作了调查,现概括介绍如下。  相似文献   

<正>牛漏蹄病,是牛蹄底部角质分解腐烂的一种疾病,又称腐蹄病。常发生于饲养管理不善、厩舍潮湿不卫生的牛,以水牛和奶牛最为常见,马、骡、羊也常发此病。1病因牛漏蹄分干漏和湿漏两种:干漏多因蹄底嵌入异物,日久气血运行受阻,蹄缺失润养,蹄壁枯干;或由于饲养管理不善,过度使役,蹄部缺乏营养,使角质腐败。湿漏多因厩舍潮湿不卫生,蹄部长期被粪尿污水浸渍,湿毒入侵所至。  相似文献   

里风蹄是马、骡、驴蹄病之一,一年四季均有发生。主要是因圈舍卫生不良,蹄底经常受粪尿污物浸蚀,或因蹄冠外伤、蹄真皮炎,或因蹄底嵌入异物等,日久造成气血运行受阻,蹄胎失去润养,致使蹄壁内层角质与中层角质分离,中间形成灰白色粉末,由浅入深,有的可直达蹄冠部,造成空洞。初期患畜跛行不明显,后期跛行加重。值得注意的是,该病症状与漏蹄病症状相反,运步蹄底落平,呈悬跛状,如不仔细检查,很易误诊。20年来,笔者用“活血止痛膏”治疗147例,治愈率达98%以上。此药膏生肌  相似文献   

<正>1蹄尖的过度生长蹄壁角质通常比蹄踵角质坚硬,因此尽管它们生长的速率一样,但蹄尖角质的磨损要比蹄踵慢得多。这样的结果就是使角质的过度生长主要发生在蹄尖。多余的角质使蹄尖翘起,这样使蹄角度更小,从45°减至30°或20°,甚至变平。严重病例的蹄壁前方凹陷而蹄尖离地。内部蹄骨向后旋转,从而对后部边缘(屈肌结节)的压力更大,增加了发生蹄底溃疡的可能性。尽管蹄骨的尺寸不变,它与角质过度生长的程度无关。这样看来,牛蹄与牛角根本不同,因为角骨的长度会  相似文献   

正驴蹄底刺伤是驴常见病之一,蹄底刺伤是由于尖锐物体刺入马、骡、驴的蹄底、蹄叉,轻则蹄底损伤重则蹄骨、屈腱、籽骨滑膜囊的损伤,刺伤多数引起化脓感染,甚至引发破伤风。病是突然发生的,驴不堪走路或行走缓慢,支跛明显。蹄底刺创,前蹄比后蹄多发,蹄角质不良,蹄底、蹄叉过削,蹄底长时间地浸湿,当驴踩在尖锐直立的物体,如树根、青稞根、庄稼茬子等,蹄底被刺创,并刺伤蹄壳内软组织均为刺创发病的原因。1发病情况  相似文献   

漏蹄 (蹄叉腐烂、白线裂 )是蹄底角质长期受粪尿浸渍引起腐烂分解的一种疾病 ,是马骡常发病之一 ,牛羊也常发生。严重者达角质深层 ,引起真皮发炎 ,分泌灰黑色恶臭液体 ,或充满灰褐色渣滓。笔者自 1 998年以来 ,用双氧水、碘片治疗家畜漏蹄 4 8例 (马 8例、骡 1 4例、驴 1 3例、牛 8例、羊 5例 ) ,治愈4 5例 ,治愈率 93 75% ,效果良好。1 治疗方法将患畜保定在四柱栏或专用修蹄架中 ,固定好病肢 ,先用镙丝刀将蹄底部的粪泥清理干净 ,再用蹄刀削铲蹄底 ,使深部的病灶充分暴露 ,寻找病位 ,判定病性。经削铲蹄底部彻底暴露出腐烂、化脓创后 ,…  相似文献   

<正>马属动物的蹄底挫伤在临床上时有发生,是由于马在行进过程中蹄底真皮受到砖瓦块、石头等钝性物体的撞击和压迫引起的损伤,一般为局限性渗出性真皮炎,有时也伤及更深部的组织,常伴发组织溢血,如挫伤的组织发生感染,还可引起化脓性过程。就发病动物及病位来看,马比骡多发,前蹄较后蹄多发,且多发生于蹄底后部,如蹄支角。多年来,笔者诊治马属动物蹄底挫伤67例,获得了较好的疗效,现报告如下。  相似文献   

<正>1牛局限性蹄皮炎(蹄底溃疡)该病是指蹄底后1/3处(蹄底和蹄球、结合部)的非化脓性坏死。患指(趾)的动脉搏动增强,患侧蹄壳增温。乳牛可能试图以趾的前部负重,伫立于水泥沟沿上,踵部不负重。去除蹄底后部及蹄球部的增生角质,在蹄底后1/3处,接近底、非接合部的位置,初期可见角质变软、崩解、脱失,局部有压痛,后期露出蹄底真皮,局部有出血区或死区。或者已长出菜花样或莲蓬状肉芽组织。削去角质,可以发现深层的坏死,但一  相似文献   

硫酸锌治疗奶牛蹄底溃疡   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
蹄病是奶牛的三大疾病之一。临床上通常采用修蹄、浴蹄、局部处理和全身抗菌治疗等措施防治奶牛蹄病 ,但往往不能取得令人满意的效果。 De-mertzis( 1 973)、齐长明等 ( 1 999)曾报道硫酸锌对奶牛腐蹄病的治疗作用 [1~ 2 ] ,为了对此进行进一步的研究 ,我们在贵阳市某奶牛场就硫酸锌对奶牛蹄底溃疡的防治效果进行了观察 ,取得了令人满意的结果。1 材料与方法1 .1 病例及分组 根据蹄底病变和跛行情况对蹄底溃疡作出诊断 ,并对其严重程度给予评分。压诊时蹄底角质发软 ,动物有疼痛反应 ,运步笨拙者定为“ ”,记 1分 ;蹄底角质出现较小缺…  相似文献   

近年来 ,笔者采用土方填塞毛发法治疗马类家畜漏蹄 68例 (其中马 9例、骡 2 6例、驴 33例 )全部治愈。病情较轻者 1次治愈 ,严重者 3次治愈。此法简便易行 ,安全可靠。现简介如下。将患畜保定于六柱栏内 ,患蹄蹄底朝上让助手固定。用手术刀彻底清除蹄叉内腐烂角质组织和脏物 ,直到患畜表现疼痛或有出血而达健康组织为度。用沸油 (在清油中放入花椒十数粒 ,加热至沸腾 ) ,倒入患蹄内。连续 1~ 3次 ,然后将尾毛末或头鬃末填塞满蹄叉 ,用蜂蜡密封 (以防进水 ) ,患蹄带一只旧手套即可。保持厩舍干燥 ,及时修蹄 ,防止蹄部损伤 ,切忌在泥泞道路上…  相似文献   

The mechanical properties of horn samples from 22 hind claws with chronic laminitis were determined in adult Austrian Fleckvieh cows. The resistance to deformation was quantified as the modulus of elasticity (E). Tension tests revealed mean E values of 520MPa for the dorsal wall, 243MPa for the abaxial wall, 339MPa for the axial wall and 97MPa for the sole. E tended to be lower in laminitic horn than in sound horn in all segments tested, with the difference being largest in the abaxial wall. The mean dry-matter content (DMC) of the laminitic claws was 75.8% in the dorsal wall, 75.86% in the abaxial wall, 71.15% in the axial wall and 69.28% in the sole. These values are generally comparable to those for sound claws except in the axial wall. Further, E and DMC were only correlated in the axial wall. Chronic laminitis leads to a low resistance of claw horn to mechanical insults in the dorsal wall, abaxial wall and sole, and to the loss of a correlation between the E and DMC in these segments. The reason for these alterations is therefore not increased ingress of moisture, but must be due to changes in the microstructure, biochemical components and/or horn formation by the diseased dermis.  相似文献   

Hind claws of 15 adult, sound Fleckvieh cows were used for material analysis. The elastic modulus was tested in tension tests according to EN ISO 527 and ASTM D 638-03 at a universal material testing machine. Samples were taken from different segments of the bovine claw to find the differences in material properties. Samples orientation was parallel to the horn tubules and transversal, respectively. Dry matter of the test samples was determined at the time of testing. Elastic modulus values were highest with mean = 659.7 N/mm2 at the dorsal wall. Values dropped axial to 416.3 N/mm2, abaxial to 343.9 N/mm2 for longitudinal (parallel) samples and to 433.1 N/mm2 for transversal samples. The elastic modulus of the sole segment was found to be 172.1 N/mm2. No difference was calculated neither between right and left feet, lateral and medial claws, nor between longitudinal and transversal samples.  相似文献   

以种植于青海刚察木里煤田江仓矿区排土场不同坡向(半阴半阳、阳坡和阴坡)、生长期为1~5 a的垂穗披碱草为研究对象,对该植物根系开展单根拉伸试验,测定其根径、单根抗拉力、抗拉强度、极限拉伸应变率和拉伸模量等力学指标。分别以采样位置、生长期和坡向为自变量,以上述力学指标为响应变量,通过单因素方差分析,探讨各自变量对上述指标的影响。结果表明:在半阴半阳坡和阴坡,各指标在不同取样点未表现出显著性差异,在阳坡,除根径外,其余指标均表现出显著性差异;随生长期增加,各坡向的植物抗拉力、抗拉强度等指标呈增加的变化特征;阳坡植物根径、单根抗拉力大于半阴半阳坡,而其余各指标则表现出相反的变化特征,在半阴半阳边坡,植物根系力学指标大于阴坡。  相似文献   

Hoof growth and wear studies were conducted on ten spring-calving cows over 12 months. The rates of hoof wall growth and wear were lower in autumn and winter than during spring and summer. Both were greater in 2-year-old than in mature cows (p<0.05). Sole wear occurred most rapidly along the abaxial edge of the weight-bearing surface, less quickly in the toe and heel areas, and most slowly in the mid-sole region. Both hoof wall wear and sole wear were greater in lateral digits than in medial digits (p<0.01). Sole concavity, measured using a profile gauge, was greater in 2-year-olds prior to calving than in mature-aged cows (p<0.05) but this difference disappeared soon after calving as concavity was lost in the younger cows. Medial digits almost always had greater concavity than lateral digits. Sole concavity measurements were also made on the hind digits of 24 autumn-calving cows on four occasions at 2-monthly intervals. Prior to calving, concavity was much greater in these cows than in the spring-calving cows. However, concavity was lost rapidly following calving and concavity measurements were soon similar to those found in the spring-calving cows.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare measurements of the medial and lateral claws of the hind feet in cattle, and to establish reference values to aid in functional claw trimming. Variables of the medial and lateral claws of 40 hind feet obtained from 40 slaughtered German Simmental cows were measured. To standardise the observations the soles of both the medial and lateral claws were first trimmed to a defined thickness of 5mm at the apex and 8mm at the heel, before measurements were taken. After this standardisation, the mean lengths of the dorsal walls of the two claws were not significantly different (means, lateral 76.8, medial 77.1 mm). However, there were considerable other differences. For example, the soles of the lateral claws were significantly (P < 0.01) longer (means, 120.1mm versus 112.7 mm, and wider (means, 52.0 mm versus 42.5 mm). In 36/40 feet, the sole of the lateral claw protruded approximately 2-3mm above the sole of the medial claw after the standardisation. The soles of the lateral claws were therefore then trimmed to the height of the medial claw ("levelling") and the measurements were repeated in the lateral claws. The dorsal wall of the lateral claw was then significantly shorter than that of the medial claw (means, 74.8 mm versus 77.1 mm) and, most importantly from a functional point of view, the sole was significantly thinner than that of the medial claw (means, 2.71 mm versus 5mm at the toe tip, 4.9mm versus 8 mm at the heel). Finally, the horn capsule of all claws was removed and various measurements of the corium surface were made. The length of the dorsal corium surface did not differ statistically (P > 0.05) between the lateral (mean, 62.6 mm) and medial (mean, 62.5 mm) claws. Strict adherence to the principles of functional trimming thus reduces the thickness of the sole, the length of the dorsal wall and the length and height of the bulb of the lateral claw. This suggests that the sole of the medial claw should be left an extra 3 mm thicker than previously recommended such that, after "levelling", the sole of the lateral claw remains thick enough to protect fully the corium and the claw retains a more normal shape.  相似文献   

Bending properties of samples of cortical bone taken from the cranial, caudal, medial, and lateral quadrants of the midshaft of the radius, femur, and metacarpus of 12 ponies, 18 months old, were determined by 4-point loading at a rate of 10 mm/minute. The elastic modulus for all samples was between 16.2 and 20.2 GN/m2, and the ultimate breaking strength, between 204 and 255 MN/m2. There was greater variation in these properties between bone quadrants than between bones. Samples from the cranial and medial quadrants of both femur and radius were stiffer and had greater ultimate breaking strength than caudal or lateral samples. All samples of radius deformed more and absorbed more energy before reaching the greatest load than did samples of femur. The elastic modulus and the ultimate breaking strength of radius within any quadrant were highly correlated to specific gravity. However, at any specific gravity, caudal and lateral samples were not as strong as cranial and medial samples. Samples taken from exercised ponies, male ponies, or those fed diets containing 0.7% Ca,0.6% P or 2.7% Ca,1.1% P tended to be stiffer and have a greater ultimate breaking strength than samples taken from unexercised ponies, females, or those fed diets containing 0.7% Ca,1.4% P.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether the bending modulus and yield strength of the outer stratum medium (SM) differed from those of the SM zona alba (SMZA) and to what degree they differed. In addition, a comparison was made among our values and values reported elsewhere. SAMPLE POPULATION: 10 normal equine feet. PROCEDURE: A 3-point bending technique was used to determine the bending modulus and yield strength of the outer SM and SMZA. Efforts were made to minimize biological and technical factors that could influence the bending modulus. RESULTS: Bending modulus of the outer SM was (mean +/- SD) 187.6 +/- 41.3 MPa, whereas mean value for the SMZA was 98.2 +/- 36.8 MPa. Mean yield strength was 19.4 +/- 2.6 MPa for the outer SM and 5.6 +/- 1.7 MPa for the SMZA. Values for bending modulus and yield strength differed significantly between the outer SM and SMZA. Significant differences were not detected when the outer SM was loaded in bending from the outer or inner surface. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Potentially, the SMZA could serve as a mechanical buffer zone between the rigid hoof wall and bone and laminar tissues. This buffer zone potentially assists the feet of horses in transmitting a load through the tissues and prevents the most susceptible tissues from becoming damaged. More consistency among tissue selection, preparation, and testing protocols must be attained before an accurate 3-dimensional finite-element model of an equine foot can be constructed.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: To improve osteochondral graft reconstruction of subchondral cystic lesions in the medial and lateral femoral condyles by matching the material properties of donor and recipient sites. OBJECTIVES: To measure biomechanical and biochemical parameters that influence the function and healing of osteochondral grafts used to reconstruct subchondral cystic lesions. HYPOTHESIS: Suitable donor sites are available within the stifle joint for reconstructing the femoral condyles, despite considerable regional property variation. METHODS: Fifty-six osteochondral cores were harvested from 6 distal femurs for initial studies that determined subchondral bone modulus of elasticity and ultimate stress. In a second study, 28 osteochondral cores were harvested from 6 distal femurs to measure cartilage aggregate modulus, thickness and sulphated glycosaminoglycan (sGAG) content. Using micro-CT imaging, subchondral bone mineral density and bone volume fraction were also measured. In both studies 2-dimensional contour plots using a bicubic interpolation method and normalised data were generated to allow visual comparison of joint surface characteristics. Statistical comparisons between donor and recipient site raw data were made using an ANOVA for repeated measures with a post hoc Tukey test. RESULTS: Material properties of cartilage and bone vary considerably over the surface of the stifle joint but the central region of the medial condyle, where subchondral cystic lesions freqdently occur, typically demonstrated bone strength and modulus values of the highest observed. Cartilage thickness and aggregate modulus were highest in the medial femoral condyle and axial aspect of the lateral condyle. CONCLUSIONS: Material properties of the grafts from the trochlear groove and axial aspect of the lateral trochlear ridge were the closest match for those found in the medial condyle, whereas properties of the lateral condyle were most similar to those found in the trochlear groove and axial aspect of the medial trochlear ridge.  相似文献   

通过对2种苜蓿(Medicago sativa)品种(系)茎秆进行拉伸、剪切、弯曲试验,并分析其纤维成分含量,对苜蓿茎秆抗倒伏性能进行了评价。结果表明,低纤维苜蓿新品种(系)茎秆抗拉强度、抗剪切强度、抗弯曲刚度分别较甘农3号降低7.09 MPa,5.11 Mpa和0.21 MPa,茎秆拉伸弹性模量、剪切弹性模量、弯曲弹性模量,分别比甘农3号降低347.72 MPa,15.49 MPa、22.59 MPa,初花期茎秆NDF和ADF分别比甘农3号降低4.07%,6.18%,新品种(系)茎秆纤维含量低是其抗倒伏能力弱于甘农3号的原因之一。  相似文献   

Measurements of both front feet of slaughtered German Simmental cattle (17 heifers, 13 cows) were carried out to document the normal shape and size of the forelimb claws and to gain information about function and possible predisposition to disease. Only clinically normal feet were examined, and a standardised sole thickness of 5mm at the tip and 8mm in the heel region in both claws was established as a reference. The dorsal wall length, dorsal wall angle, heel length, height and width, sole and claw length and claw width, sole circumference and sole area were measured. After removal of the horn capsules, measurements of values at the level of the corium were carried out. The lateral front claws were wider and the medial claws longer than their partner claws. Overall, the sole surface areas and circumferences of the paired claws were similar, but were statistically larger in the medial claws. The front claws were characterised by long and high heel bulbs, and had a toe length:heel bulb length ratio of approximately 1.6:1. These properties, together with the musculo-tendinous attachment of the limbs to the trunk, are believed to provide better protection for the forelimb claws when standing or walking on hard surfaces. Functional mechanical relief of the medial front claws is probably best achieved by pairing the soles of the foot to the same level, which usually entails reduction of the lateral claw. For German Simmental cattle, a dorsal wall length of 75mm can be used as a guideline when trimming front and hind feet.  相似文献   

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