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主要介绍了海洋捕捞业专家系统的结构、特点和功能,分为4部分:海洋渔业资源系统,海洋捕捞生产系统,海洋捕捞管理服务系统和海洋捕捞辅助系统。每个部分又分为相应的子系统,它们相互结合、相互作用,并结合一些实际情况对主要的3个子系统进行了初步的预报、检验和评估,得出建立海洋捕捞业专家系统的可行性和重要性,同时对今后研究方向提出了建议。  相似文献   

官文江  陈新军 《水产学报》2009,33(2):220-228
大型灯光围网是我国近海捕捞鲐鲹鱼的主要作业方式之一,探讨和估算捕捞效率对其渔业资源评估和管理有着重要的意义。根据1998~2003年东黄海我国鲐鲹鱼大型机轮灯光围网生产统计数据,利用一般线性模型对其捕捞效率进行了估算,讨论了线性模型误差结构的选择及数据变换对结果的影响。根据鲐鲹鱼单位捕捞努力量的渔获量(CPUE)数据呈正偏,以及CPUE均值与方差在对数尺度下的线性关系,选择了负二项分布、伽马分布与对数正态分布作为误差分布。研究表明,由于CPUE零值的存在,其对误差分布结构有很大影响。当采用最大似然估计时,对数正态分布与伽马分布的CPUE需加一常数(δ),δ取值对结果有较大影响,随 增大将使估计的捕捞效率对比度得到压缩。为了避免δ取值的影响,同时采用了Delta-GLM方法。通过不同模型的比较,选择了Delta-负二项或Delta-伽马方法。根据Delta-负二项或Delta-伽马方法估算结果,各渔业公司间的捕捞效率存在很大的差异,且具有明显的区域性。32ºN以北海区,捕捞效率高低依次为苏渔、辽渔、青渔、舟渔、宁渔、沪渔;台湾东北部海区,捕捞效率高低依次为苏渔、辽渔、舟渔、沪渔、宁渔、青渔。  相似文献   

殷瑞  刘群 《南方水产》2007,3(2):36-41
实际种群分析(VPA)是渔业评估的经典方法之一,被广泛应用于分析渔业的历史数据、估算渔业种群的资源量及捕捞死亡系数.文章提出了体重结构的VPA(WVPA),蒙特卡罗模拟分析的结果表明,即使在较高的白色噪音水平下(30%),WVPA仍然可以较准确的估算捕捞死亡系数[相对估算误差REE=3.81%(长寿命种群),和2.75%(短寿命种群)].文章应用WVPA与年龄结构的VPA一起评估大西洋赤鲷渔业,结果表明,采用WVPA得到的结论与采用VPA的结果近似一致,但考虑到体重结构产量数据更易获得,该方法更具有优越性.  相似文献   

东海区海洋渔业资源研究数据库系统的设计和实现   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
在系统收集东海区历年海洋捕捞产量、捕捞努力量统计资料、主要经济鱼类生物学参数以及渔业资源研究文献报告题录等资料基础上,对数据资料进行整理和补充,建成了渔业资源研究数据库。利用Basic语言编程实现渔业资源评估、产量预报、回归分析、判别函数分析等数据处理、分析功能。通过Foxpro编程和API接口,实现对数据库的管理和对数据处理功能的调用,形成了东海区海洋渔业资源研究数据库系统,系统提供数据的输入、  相似文献   

<正> 浩瀚的海洋,蕴藏着大量的渔业资源,吸引着人们发展大批渔船竞相捕捞。但是,某渔场每年、每季或每汛究竟有多少资源量?却随时都有变化。届时估计可能有多少渔获量?安排多少渔船捕捞较为恰当?这些都是渔业指挥部门和生产单位至为关心的问题。为解决这个问题,有必要对渔获量作一番概要的估计,这项工作称作渔获量趋势预报(以下简称趋势预报)。  相似文献   

大型灯光围网是我国近海捕捞鲐、鲹的主要作业方式之一,探讨和估算捕捞效率对其渔业资源评估和管理有着重要的意义.根据1998-2003年东黄海我国鲐、鲹大型机轮灯光围网生产统计数据,利用一般线性模型对其捕捞效率进行了估算,讨论了线性模型误差结构的选择及数据变换对结果的影响.根据鲐、鲹单位捕捞努力量的渔获量(CPUE)数据呈正偏,以及CPUE均值与方差在对数尺度下的线性关系,选择了负二项分布、伽马分布与对数正态分布作为误差分布.研究表明,由于CPUE零值的存在,其对误差分布结构有很大影响.当采用最大似然估计时,对数正态分布与伽马分布的CPUE需加一常数(δ),δ取值对结果有较大影响,随δ增大将使估计的捕捞效率对比度得到压缩.为了避免δ取值的影响,同时采用了Delta-GLM方法.通过不同模型的比较,选择了Delta-负二项或Delta-伽马方法.根据Delta-负二项或Delta-伽马方法估算结果,各渔业公司间的捕捞效率存在很大的差异,且具有明显的区域性.32°N以北海区,捕捞效率高低依次为苏渔、辽渔、青渔、舟渔、宁渔、沪渔;台湾东北部海区,捕捞效率高低依次为苏渔、辽渔、舟渔、沪渔、宁渔、青渔.  相似文献   

沈金敖 《海洋渔业》1982,(6):269-271
浩瀚的海洋,蕴藏着大量的渔业资源,吸引着人们发展大批渔船竞相捕捞。但是,某渔场每年、每季或每汛究竟有多少资源量?却随时都有变化。届时估计可能有多少渔获量?安排多少渔船捕捞较为恰当?这些都是渔业指挥部门和生产单位至为关心的问题。为解决这个问题,有必要对渔获量作一番概要的估计,这项工作称作渔获量趋势预报(以下简称趋势预报)。  相似文献   

渔船捕捞作业行为识别算法准确率直接影响捕捞努力量的估算精度,现有的捕捞作业行为识别算法存在特征局限及算力要求高等问题。基于2019—2021年辽宁省拖网渔船的北斗船位数据计算捕捞努力量,构造含空间信息的特征向量和基于极限梯度提升算法的拖网渔船捕捞作业行为识别模型。结果表明,模型的准确率、敏感性、特异性和马修斯相关系数分别为96.47%、99.58%、95.02%和0.923 4。捕捞努力量平均绝对误差为0.100 9 kW·h,均方根误差为0.985 1 kW·h。研究证实,提出的捕捞努力量算法精度较高,可为渔业资源评估和限额捕捞管理提供基础数据支撑。  相似文献   

<正> 一、前言渤海的秋天可算得是渔业的黄金时代,人们把视线集中在捕捞对虾的生产上,可是只要得知毛虾资源较好,河北重点渔区宁可放弃对对虾的捕捞,也要集中力量捕捞毛虾,可见及时预报毛虾资源的好坏是多么重要的。渤海三省市有关水产研究所,对预报本地区秋汛毛虾可捕数量的预报方法均有一些研  相似文献   

李纲  陈新军  官文江 《水产学报》2010,34(5):740-750
运用基于贝叶斯的剩余产量模型,对东、黄海鲐资源进行评估,确定了当前鲐资源开发利用状态,估算了在不同收获率水平下未来5年鲐资源量和年总可捕捞量,分析了管理策略实施后鲐资源崩溃的风险。结果表明,2006年东、黄海鲐正遭受过度捕捞,但其资源量并未处于过度捕捞状态。决策分析表明,收获率为0.3是最适预防性的管理策略,在该策略下,鲐平均资源量将从2006年的451千吨将增加到2011年的871千吨,2011年资源量恢复到BMSY的概率为0.48,而过度捕捞的概率为0。  相似文献   

The bleeding efficiency of anaesthetized and exhausted Atlantic salmon was studied. Unbled fish were used as control groups for both treatments. Several analytical methods (computer vision, Minolta Chroma Meter, transflectance spectroscopy, haemoglobin iron and visual assessment of smoked fillets) were used to evaluate colour or residual blood contents of pre‐rigor and smoked fillets. In all cases, the amount of residual blood in the fillets was modest and blood was not considered a quality problem in terms of fillet appearance. Perimortem stress did not affect residual blood contents of pre‐rigor fillets. Only salting and smoking had a significant effect on filet colour. The low levels of residual blood was partly attributed to filleting shortly after killing allowing washing before the blood had time to coagulate. In addition, a computer vision method was developed for automated blood inspection of the body cavity after gutting and washing. A classifier (‘no blood’ or ‘blood present’) based on linear discriminant analysis was tested and the classification accuracy was over 90% as evaluated with the leave‐one‐out method.  相似文献   

随着渔业资源评估理论、数理统计方法和计算机技术的进步, 资源评估模型朝着多样化和复杂化不断发展, 其中种群模拟技术是检测模型适用性和局限性的重要手段。该技术由种群仿真理念发展而来, 通过模拟“真实”种群的方式, 对资源评估结果和管理策略进行有效的评价和预测, 并凭借可结合海洋环境因子、鱼类洄游空间分布以及多鱼种渔业进行资源评估的特性, 已成为开发新资源的重要评估方法之一。为此, 本文对种群模拟的结构和发展过程进行了回顾, 对该技术的核心组成部分操作模型和常见的四类误差(过程误差、观测误差、模型结构误差和管理误差)展开分类讨论。此外, 本文还结合近年来迅速发展的数据缺乏和数据适中模型的特点, 根据实际应用案例对种群模拟的作用和使用前景进行梳理, 并就种群模拟技术发展中存在的主要问题和潜在解决办法提出分析和建议。  相似文献   

鱼类精子质量评价研究进展   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
在鱼类人工繁育中,研究者主要关心的是卵子质量,长期以来对精子质量未引起足够重视.而精子质量同样会影响繁育效果的重要因素.鱼类精子质量的评价指标有多种,如精子活力、运动时间、密度、形态、受精率和生理功能等.其中最传统的评价指标是精子活力,其测定方便,能较准确地预测受精率.将精子运动时间和活力综合考虑可更好地反映精子的运动能力.而精子受精率则是精子质量的直接反映,但会受到卵质等因素的影响.质膜完整性、线粒体功能、染色质结构完整性等可体现精子的质量,但测定方法较繁琐.近年来,鱼类精子质量检测技术迅速发展,计算机辅助精子分析(CASA)、流式细胞术(FCM)分析、低渗肿胀(HOS)、单细胞凝胶单泳(SCGE)等技术的建立,使得测定指标更多样、客观、准确.本文逐一介绍了评价精子质量的各种指标,并对各指标的测定方法、测定原理、国内外研究情况进行详细叙述,旨为我国鱼类精子质量评价研究提供背景资料.  相似文献   

渔业资源评估模型的研究现状与展望   总被引:9,自引:6,他引:3  

制定合理的渔业管理计划, 实现渔业资源的可持续利用, 需对渔业资源进行科学的评估, 而渔业资源评估模型则是进行渔业资源评估的重要工具。随着计算机计算能力的提高及在多学科交叉的推动下, 30多年来渔业资源评估模型得到了快速发展。随着渔业资源评估模型日益复杂、多样化, 模型的选择、使用难度也相应地增加了, 而模型的不恰当运用则可能导致渔业资源管理的失误。本文对渔业资源评估模型的基本结构、主要类型及参数估计所使用的统计模型等方面进行了全面回顾, 介绍了目前使用的主要渔业资源评估模型, 展示了渔业资源评估模型的发展历程及所取得的进展。同时, 文章对渔业资源评估模型中存在的问题进行了探讨, 并对其未来的发展进行了展望。


K Lorenzen  G Xu  F Cao  J Ye  T Hu 《Aquaculture Research》1997,28(11):867-880
A transparent population modelling approach is used to analyse a large-scale extensive fish culture system, the bighead carp, Aristichthys nobilis (Richardson 1845), fishery in a Chinese reservoir. The population model incorporates explicit submodels for density-dependent growth and size-dependent mortality, and allows the assessment of stocking density, seed fish size, fishing mortality (fishing effort), and gear selectivity. The process of model building and parameter estimation from stocking and catch data is described in detail. The full analysis is carried out in computer spreadsheets where all model components are visible and can easily be modified to take account of specific conditions, or to explore different assumptions. The practical use of the model in management decision making is discussed, together with data requirements and the possible need for experimental management.  相似文献   

Standardization of catch-per-unit-of-effort (CPUE) data can be integrated into stock assessment methods. We apply this method to the stock of trevally (Pseudocaranx dentex) off the west coast of New Zealand to address: (1) whether the stock assessment model explains all of the annual variation in the CPUE data, and (2) the impact on the assessment results of how the catch-at-age data are weighted. If not all of annual variation in CPUE is explained by the stock assessment model, the assessment may be statistically inadequate. The inadequacy may be in the representation of the population dynamics, in the relationship between CPUE and abundance, or due to additional variation in CPUE left unexplained by the independent variables. Catch-at-age data often have too much influence on the estimated abundance trajectory, so the sample size used in the catch-at-age likelihood function is often reduced when applying age-structured stock assessment methods. The integrated approach automatically places more weight on the CPUE data compared to the catch-at-age data, and may therefore provide an alternative to arbitrarily downweighting catch-at-age data.  相似文献   

In this work, acoustic and computer vision techniques are combined to develop an automatic procedure for biomass estimation of tuna during transfers. A side scan sonar working at 200 kHz and a stereo camera, positioned facing towards the surface to record the ventral aspect of fish, are set as acquisition equipment. Moreover, a floating structure has been devised to place the sensors between cages in transfers, creating a transfer canal that allows data acquisition while fish swim from donor to receiving cage. Biomass assessment is computed by counting transferred tuna and sizing a representative sample of the stock. The number of transferred tuna is automatically deduced from acoustic echograms by means of image processing techniques, whereas tuna size is computed from the stereo videos using our automatic computer vision procedure based on a deformable model of the fish ventral silhouette. The results show that the system achieves automatic tuna counting with error below 10%, achieving around 1% error in the best configuration, and automatic tuna sizing of more than 20% of the stock, with highly accurate Snout Fork Length estimation when compared to true data from harvests. These results fulfil the requirements imposed by International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas for compliant transfer operations.  相似文献   

Stock assessments are often used to provide management advice, such as a total allowable catch (TAC), to fishery managers. Many stocks are not assessed annually, and the TAC from the previous assessment is often maintained in years between assessments. We developed two interim management procedures (MPs) that update the estimate of current vulnerable biomass from a surveyed index of abundance to adjust the TAC from a previous assessment. These MPs differ in how they handle uncertainty in observed indices. Using closed‐loop simulation, we evaluated the two interim MPs (with 10‐ and 5‐year assessment intervals) against several “status quo” approaches: (1) an annual assessment, and (2) a stock assessment every 5 or 10 years with (a) fixed TACs or (b) projections between assessments. We evaluated performance across three life‐history types and six operating model scenarios. The interim MPs performed similarly to annual assessments in terms of trends in biomass and yield, regardless of the assessment interval of the interim MPs. The interim MPs often produced more yield than the Fixed TAC MP with 10‐year assessment intervals, for example, in depleted scenarios. The Fixed TAC MP performed more similarly to interim MPs when the assessment interval for the Fixed TAC MP was decreased to five years. The interim MPs can also perform well when circumstances arise that are not accounted for in the Projection MP. Our results show that interim MPs should be considered for infrequently assessed stocks or rebuilding stocks, and highlight potential cost savings of interim MPs over annual assessments.  相似文献   

印度洋长鳍金枪鱼资源评估的影响因素分析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
多个模型被用于印度洋长鳍金枪鱼(Thunnus alalunga)的资源评估,但这些模型的评估结果均存在较大的不确定性,为此,本文对影响印度洋长鳍金枪鱼资源评估的因素进行了分析。分析结果认为:(1)由于渔业数据存在不报、漏报或混报及采样样本数过低、采样协议出现变化等问题,造成印度洋长鳍金枪鱼渔业的渔获量、体长组成或年龄组成数据存在质量问题;(2)尽管对单位捕捞努力渔获量(catch per unit effort,CPUE)进行了标准化,但目标鱼种变化及捕捞努力量空间分布变化仍严重影响了标准化CPUE数据的质量;(3)印度洋长鳍金枪鱼的种群生态学及繁殖生物学研究仍比较薄弱,种群结构、繁殖、生长、自然死亡信息比较缺乏,在资源评估中,相关参数设置需借用其他洋区的研究结果;(4)海洋环境对印度洋长鳍金枪鱼的资源变动与空间分布具有显著影响,但评估模型较少考虑海洋环境的影响。由于上述问题的存在,导致当前评估结果存在较大不确定性。未来,应继续探索提高资源评估质量的方法,同时研究建立管理策略评价框架,以避免渔业资源评估结果的不确定性对该渔业可持续开发的影响。  相似文献   

Bench-Scale Evaluation of a Micro-Computer Automated Algal Turbidostat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A bench-scale, micro-computer automated algal turbidostat was constructed and its production and culture maintenance capabilities were evaluated. The computer program "Supervisor," written in Turbo Pascal, consisted of a series of functions and procedures integrated through a core program consisting of a: 1) stack; 2) bubble sort routine; and 3) supervisor procedure. The program controlled the daily routine procedures including harvesting, feeding, monitoring and a semimonthly disinfection process. Data received from the monitoring devices were used by the computer for decision making processes concerning changes in operation. In addition to reducing labor, continuous computer monitoring insured more reliable system operation.
The system operated successfully for five months, reliably producing Chlorella minutissima . For each harvesting event, the percent volume removed from each chamber depended on the solar cell reading recorded immediately before the harvest cycle began. Significant correlations between millivolts and algal biomass concentrations allowed the use of solar cells as a reliable and inexpensive method of culture density management. Kinetic studies using Chlorella minutissima resulted in a maximum biomass concentration of approximately 190 g/m3 and an average specific growth rate of 0.66/d. Experimental data combined with a first order computer analysis projected a daily harvest of 82 g/m3/d (dry weight) based on a 38% turnover rate, the average observed harvest rate for the three chambers.  相似文献   

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