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Choledochal cysts, congenital segmental dilations of the common bile duct, have been reported in few cats, and histologic characterization is lacking. A 20-mo-old spayed female domestic shorthair cat was presented because of vomiting and weight loss. There was progressive elevation of liver enzyme activity (ALT > ALP, GGT) and hyperbilirubinemia. Diagnostic imaging identified focal cystic dilation of the common bile duct, dilation and tortuosity of adjacent hepatic ducts, and a prominent duodenal papilla. A choledochal cyst was suspected, and the animal was euthanized. On postmortem examination, there was a 2-cm, firm, thickened, cystic dilation of the common bile duct, patent with adjacent ducts. Histologically, the cyst wall was expanded by fibroblasts, collagen, and lymphoplasmacytic inflammation. Adjacent bile ducts were markedly dilated and tortuous, with lymphoplasmacytic inflammation and papillary mucosal hyperplasia that extended to the major duodenal papilla. There was chronic neutrophilic cholangitis, suggesting bacterial infection and/or disturbed bile drainage, extrahepatic obstruction, and lymphoplasmacytic pancreatitis with ductular metaplasia. Prominent lymphoid follicles within biliary ducts and duodenum suggested chronic antigenic stimulation. Choledochal cysts can be associated with chronic neutrophilic cholangitis, extrahepatic obstruction, choledochitis, duodenal papillitis, and pancreatitis, and should be a differential for increased hepatic enzymes and hyperbilirubinemia in young cats.  相似文献   

Histopathologic features of hepatic peribiliary cysts were described in a young slaughtered pig. The animal was an apparently healthy 6-month-old pig of mixed breed. Macroscopically, all lobes of the liver contained numerous cysts of varying size containing serous fluid in all lobes. Histopathologically, the cysts were located mainly around the large bile duct and in the connective tissue of the portal tracts. Within serial sections, these cysts were assumed to be solitary or multilocular, but they were separated from the bile duct. The cysts were lined by a single layer of columnar, cuboidal, and flattened epithelial cells. Occasionally, goblet cells were observed. The epithelial cells were stained with periodic acid-Schiff/alcian blue and high-iron diamine/alcian blue, indicating the presence of neutral mucin, sialomucin, and sulfomucin. Grimalius' method revealed the presence of endocrine cells in the lining epithelium. There was no bile pigment in the cysts by the Hall method.  相似文献   

A 6-year-old male elk presented in August with a 4-month history of weight loss and a 1-day history of being recumbent and unable to rise. The elk's body condition score was 1.5/5. Hematology and blood chemistry showed an inflammatory leukogram, mild electrolyte abnormalities, and elevated liver enzyme activities. Because of poor prognosis, the owner elected euthanasia. On necropsy, 8 diverticula were in the duodenum distal to the common bile duct, which was dilated and filled with feed material. Many intrahepatic bile ducts were dilated up to 5 cm, were filled with ingesta and gritty material, and had walls thickened up to 1.5 mm. On histologic examination, mural thickening of dilated bile ducts was because of increased fibrous connective tissue with inflammatory cell infiltration and hyperplastic and hypertrophic epithelial lining. Portal tracts diffusely contained hyperplastic bile ducts and had increased amounts of fibrous connective tissue. Abscesses that contained bacteria were scattered throughout the liver. Duodenal diverticula lacked the tunica muscularis, and the muscularis mucosa was hypertrophied. Caudal to some diverticula, the duodenal lumen was narrowed. An additional finding was embolic pneumonia with fungi morphologically and immunohistochemically consistent with Aspergillus spp.  相似文献   

A 15-year-old female Holstein cow was presented with a history of anorexia and weight loss. Abnormal physical examination findings included poor body condition, dehydration, icterus, and photodermatitis on nonpigmented areas of the skin of the dorsum. At necropsy, the common bile duct was greatly enlarged, with thickened walls, and tightly adhered to the hepatic capsular surface and serosa of adjacent loops of the small intestine. Two sessile, yellowish, friable, well-circumscribed, cauliflower-like, bulging masses (14 and 8 cm in diameter) were attached to the inner surface of the common bile duct blocking its lumen. Microscopically, the tumor was composed of well-differentiated, columnar epithelial cells with oval or round, vesicular, basal nuclei arranged in papillary projections. Periodic acid-Schiff-positive material accumulated in the apical cytoplasm of the neoplastic cells. Immunostaining of the tumor cells was positive for cytokeratin (CK) of wide-spectrum screening and for CK 7. The diagnosis of papillary adenocarcinoma of the extrahepatic bile duct was based on the morphologic features of the neoplasm and evidence of local invasion. To the best of our knowledge, extrahepatic bile duct carcinomas have not been described in cattle.  相似文献   

A 2-year-old, spayed female, Labrador Retriever-cross presented with a subcutaneous mass of several weeks' duration in the right flank region. Surgical excision and histologic examination were performed. The 1.0-cm-diameter mass was circumscribed, unencapsulated, and cystic with a bilayer wall. The inner layer resembled intestinal mucosa, including a tall columnar lining epithelium, crypt-like glands containing scattered neuroendocrine cells that were strongly immunopositive for synaptophysin, and a supporting lamina propria-like fibrovascular tissue that contained lymphocytes and plasma cells. The outer layer was 1- to 2-mm thick and was composed of intersecting and blending bundles of smooth muscle and collagen. Given the presence of organized intestinal tissues in the subcutis, the lesion was consistent with intestinal choristoma.  相似文献   

CASE DESCRIPTION: A 10-year-old sexually intact female dog was examined because of a static, well-circumscribed subcutaneous mass and associated fistulous draining tract located along the right ventrolateral aspect of the thoracic body wall of 15 months' duration. CLINICAL FINDINGS: Results of computed tomography and fistulography confirmed the presence of the fistulous tract. Computed tomography also revealed a focal, hypodense region in the right ventral portion of the liver that was adjacent to but not clearly associated with the fistulous tract. TREATMENT AND OUTCOME: Surgical exploration of the tract revealed that it passed into the right hemithorax to the diaphragm; entered the right medial lobe of the liver; and terminated in a well-encapsulated, cystic liver lesion. The right medial liver lobe and all affected tissues were removed. Histologically, the liver lesion consisted of a fibrotic, dilated bile duct. The dilated bile duct and fistula were lined with biliary epithelium. On the basis of these findings, a diagnosis of spontaneous external biliary fistula was made. Five months after surgery, the dog was clinically normal. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: To the authors' knowledge, spontaneous external biliary fistula in a dog has not been reported in the veterinary medical literature. Despite the rarity of this condition, it should be considered in a dog with similar clinical findings. Clinical findings and results of appropriate diagnostic imaging procedures may provide valuable information in making this diagnosis and in planning surgical treatment.  相似文献   

A number of pale-stained cell foci were observed within a well-differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma which developed in a 10-year-old male mongrel dog. The foci were composed of hepatocyte-like cells, but did not contain glycogen granules in their cytoplasm. Immunohistochemically, the focus cells coexpressed both bile duct type cytokeratin and vimentin. Electronmicroscopically, they were abundant in cytoplasmic organelles and contained bile pigments. Bile canaliculi were noted between the focus cells. The focus cells in the present case were considered to be neoplastic hepatocytes expressed bipotential features of hepatic stem cells.  相似文献   

Based on the studies and results presented here, leptin and its receptor were expressed by adipose tissue, mammary alveolar epithelial cells, liver hepatocytes, and the lining epithelium of the bile duct of the one-humped camel (Camelus dromedarius). Our observations support the biological importance of leptin in the mammary gland as well as the likely local effect of leptin on the peripheral tissues. We suggest that there may be an association between hepatic leptin and the lipogenic activity of the liver in the dromedary camel.  相似文献   

We describe 8 young dogs with congenital dilatation of the intra- and extrahepatic bile ducts and diffuse cystic kidney disease, compatible with Caroli's disease in humans. The dogs were referred between 1980 and 2000 because of chronic disease at an age of 6 months to 3 years. These dogs included 3 Collies, 2 Frisian Stabyhouns, 2 Jack Russell Terriers, and 1 mixed-breed dog. The most common signs were vomiting (6/6), polyuria and polydipsia (4/6), and anorexia (4/6). Ascites was a common finding (4/6). Clinicopathologic abnormalities were available for 6 dogs. All had increased plasma alkaline phosphatase activity and fasting bile acids: increased alanine aminotransferase activity and urea and creatinine concentrations were present in 50% of dogs. Ultrasound examination of the liver showed severely dilated bile ducts without evidence of obstruction, and calcification in all cases but 1. Postmortem examination revealed severe dilatation of the larger intra- and extrahepatic bile ducts. The common bile duct and gall bladder were normal, and the bile system was patent. The ducts contained a clear viscid fluid often with calcified material. Microscopically, marked portal fibrosis was present, often with abnormally structured dilated bile ducts lined with columnar or cuboid epithelium and regularly small calcifications. The lesion was complicated by ascending cholangitis in 1 dog. The kidneys showed marked cortical and medullary fibrosis with a diffuse radial cystic pattern; only slight renal fibrosis was found in the oldest dog. Seven dogs were euthanized without treatment; the oldest dog was alive and well 5 months after diagnosis and was maintained on a protein-restricted diet.  相似文献   

Five-month-old male goats were treated with 25 mg diethylstilbestrol dipropionate (DES-DP) by a single intramuscular injection, causing characteristic histological alterations in the peripheral glandular epithelium of the prostate, resulting in squamous metaplasia. Using a panel of monoclonal and polyclonal cytokeratin antibodies on frozen tissue sections of control prostates, we were able to immunohistochemically distinguish between the normal secretory cells, which are positive for cytokeratin 18 as detected with the antibody RGE 53, and the scattered basal cells, which could be specifically stained by the antibody RCK 103. Cytokeratins indicating squamous differentiation, i.e., nos 4 and 13, recognised by the antibodies 6B10 and 1C7, respectively, were found in sporadic cells throughout the normal goat prostate. Profound changes in cytokeratin expression were observed in the metaplastic lesions as compared to control peripheral glandular tissue. In this respect three monoclonal antibodies are of special interest. RCK 103 is immunoreactive with resting and all stages of differentiating basal cells. Antibodies 1C7 and 6B10 strongly stain the squamous cells in the metaplastic lesions, with 1C7 staining all the squamous cells in the lesions except the basal cell layer, and 6B10 being immunoreactive with the same suprabasal cells or the more differentiated cells in the upper strata. As a result the number of cytokeratin 18-positive cells is drastically reduced upon metaplasia. The results indicate that the goat system can be used as a suitable model system to further test the applicability of immunohistochemical methods in meat inspection and toxicological pathology.  相似文献   

An 11‐year‐old, neutered female British Shorthair cat was referred with a 4‐week history of abdominal pain and vomiting. Abdominal ultrasonography revealed a dilated common bile duct containing a spindle‐shaped structure with several reflecting interfaces. Differentials that were considered included an intraluminal foreign body, or helminth parasites within the common bile duct. Surgical exploration of the abdominal cavity demonstrated the presence of two grass awns obstructing the common bile duct. Anomalies of the portal vasculature were noted during surgery and were considered an incidental finding. The clinical signs resolved following surgical removal of the grass awns.  相似文献   

Sarcomatous proliferation of spindle cells was present in the mammary gland and many metastatic sites in a 10-year-old female domestic cat with tubulopapillary carcinoma in the mammary gland. Transition from neoplastic tubular structures to spindle cells in the primary site and fascicular proliferation of the spindle cells with or without coexistance of tubulopapillary carcinoma in the primary and metastatic sites were observed. Most of spindle cells were positive for cytokeratin CAM5.2 as well as the normal luminal epithelium but not the myoepithelium. From these results, this case was diagnosed as tubulopapillary carcinoma with spindle cell metaplasia and it was clarified that neoplastic luminal epithelial cells can transform to sarcomatous appearence.  相似文献   

The expression pattern of several intermediate-filament proteins (vimentin, cytokeratin 8, 18 and 19) and the basal lamina component laminin was investigated in the Wolffian and the Müllerian ducts of bovine embryos and fetuses. The material studied comprised sexually undifferentiated stages [crown-rump length (CRL) 0.9 cm/1.0 cm/1.2 cm/1.9 cm/2.5 cm] and female stages (CRL 3.0 cm/4.2 cm/5.1 cm). Laminin could be demonstrated in the basal lamina of the developing Wolffian and Müllerian duct as well as in the stroma surrounding the Müllerian duct. The intermediate-filament protein vimentin was expressed in the mesothelium of the funnel field and in the epithelium of the Müllerian duct in all studied specimens, whereas the epithelial cells of the Wolffian duct only showed vimentin expression from a CRL of 2.2 cm onwards. In the cranial part of the Müllerian ducts only a few cells stained with pan-cytokeratin antibodies, whereas mesothelium and epithelium of the Wolffian duct showed as distinct immunostaining in all investigated stages. Both genital ducts showed no immunostaining with the antibody against cytokeratin 19 at any time of development. We conclude from our immunohistochemical results that the epithelial cells of the Wollfian duct do not contribute cells to the developing Müllerian duct.  相似文献   

A method to collect bile directly from the hepatic duct is described for use in the sheep. The technique is a combination of the intestinal re-entrant cannulae and a catheter from the duodenal lumen to the hepatic duct. The cystic duct is ligated near its junction with the common bile duct. The catheter is fixed in the proximal visible end of the hepatic duct. One plastic cannula is fixed to the duodenum opposite to the opening of the common bile duct and the other is fixed in the same way about 15 cm posterior to the first one. The two plastic cannulae fixed together with a plastic tube serve as an extra-abdominal anastomosis. During the collection periods the bile duct catheter is passed through an opening in the wall of the connection tube into a collection bag that is fixed to the plastic cannulae. Between the collection periods the catheter ends in the lumen of the anastomosis.  相似文献   

A single mass was found on the left submandibular salivary gland at necropsy of a 15-month-old male commercially bred laboratory Beagle dog from a control dose group from a repeat toxicity study. Microscopically, the mass was composed of a well-demarcated area of coagulative necrosis surrounded and separated from the normal salivary gland tissue by a thick fibrovascular capsule. Necrosis was admixed with areas of hemorrhage, fibrin, edema, fibrinoid necrosis of the vascular tunica media, and thrombosis of small and large vessels. Within the necrotic tissue, there was marked ductal hyperplasia, and squamous metaplasia of duct and acinar epithelium. The mass was diagnosed as necrotizing sialometaplasia of the submandibular gland. Hyperplastic ductal elements and squamous metaplasia can be mistaken microscopically with squamous cell carcinoma. Therefore, pathologists should be aware of this lesion as to avoid errors in the diagnosis of this benign pathologic condition.  相似文献   

In dogs gastrinomas are rare endocrine neoplasms that have always been reported to arise from the pancreas. We report here what we believe to be the first case of a duodenal gastrinoma in a dog. A nine-year-old, male, Pekinese dog was presented with a three-day history of anorexia, vomiting and mucous diarrhoea. Clinical examination and laboratory findings suggested the presence of a severe hepatobiliary disorder. Abdominal ultrasonography showed a diffuse increase in echogenicity of the liver, with severe gallbladder dilation and marked dilation of the cystic duct, common bile duct and extrahepatic bile ducts. Based on these findings, an extrahepatic biliary tract obstruction (EBTO) of unknown cause was suspected. At laparotomy, the gallbladder and the extrahepatic bile ducts appeared severely dilated. The gallbladder was tense and could not be compressed suggesting an outflow obstruction. The duodenum at the level of the common duct orifice appeared slightly thickened and severely hardened for a length of 1 cm. Biopsies from the duodenum and liver were obtained and a cholecystoduodenostomy was performed. The duodenal biopsy revealed severe fibrosis of the submucosa and a infiltrate of small pockets and cords of round to polygonal cells with granular cytoplasm. Based on this appearance the differential diagnoses included neuroendocrine tumours and poorly differentiated carcinoma. Despite surgery and supportive therapy the dog continued to be anorexic and to vomit 3-6 times daily. After euthanasia and necropsy, histopathology showed the presence of a neuroendocrine neoplasia involving the duodenal wall with focal invasion of the adjacent pancreas and small liver metastases. On immunohistochemistry, the cytoplasm of approximately 90% of neoplastic cells intensely expressed neuron specific enolase and gastrin. These findings were consistent with a diagnosis of gastrinoma.  相似文献   

A female 8-month-old Simmental calf was presented with a history of a gradually enlarging mass in the ventral abdominal skin since 4 months of age. The mass was well circumscribed, lightly pigmented, and rough surfaced with many fine fissures and was attached to the skin by a relatively broad pedicle. On cut section, there was a border between the reddish-black stroma and overlying epithelium, including hemorrhagic foci of variable sizes. Histologically, the tumor was papillomatous with angiokeratomatous features and irregular hyperplasia with epidermal rete ridges and dilated vascular channels filled with blood in the superficial dermis. In the epidermis, orthokeratotic hyperkeratosis, variably sized keratohyalin granules, and many koilocytes, some of which had papillomavirus (PV) genus-specific structural antigen-positive nuclei, were also observed. Cells lining the dilated vascular spaces were positive for vimentin and alpha-smooth muscle actin but negative for factor VIII-related antigen, desmin, and PV. The lesion was regarded as an angiokeratomatous papilloma and was similar to other angiomatous lesions.  相似文献   

The epididymal duct unit, comprising the ductus conjugens, ductus epididymidis and ductus deferens, was studied histologically, ultrastructurally and immunohistochemically in five sexually mature and active birds. The main morphological features of the pre-dominant non-ciliated (type III) cell of the epithelial lining of this duct unit include, but are not limited to, a moderately abundant smooth or sparsely granulated endoplasmic reticulum, electron-dense secretory granules and numerous mitochondria in the supranuclear zone of the cytoplasm. A single, large heterogeneous lipid droplet, of unknown function, was characteristically situated immediately proximal to the nucleus. The epithelium is obviously secretory and specifically, of the merocrine, and not apocrine, type of secretion. The epithelium of the epididymal duct unit was only focally and weakly to moderately immunopositive to both actin MF and desmin IF, while the duct unit was immunonegative to cytokeratin and vimentin intermediate filaments. The peritubular muscular layer was moderately to strongly positive to both actin and desmin, and negative to cytokeratins and vimentin.  相似文献   

Spontaneous thymoma was found in the left lobe of the thymus of a male 10-week-old Sprague-Dawley (SD) rat. Microscopically, the thymic mass showed a sheet of dark area with multiple pale foci. The dark area mainly consisted of densely compacted small lymphoid cells with sporadic large epithelioid cells and mitotic figures. The epithelioid cells and mitotic figures were more frequent than those of the normal thymic cortex in this animal. The multiple pale foci were similar to the normal thymic medulla and occasionally had Hassall's corpuscles; thus, they were regarded as medullary differentiation areas. Furthermore, some perivascular spaces recognized as characteristics of thymoma were present in the center of the mass. Immunohistochemically, the epithelioid cells in the dark area were positive for cytokeratin. Ultrastructurally, desmosomes and tonofilaments were observed in the epithelioid cells. Thus, this tumor was diagnosed as a thymoma. This is a rare case of thymoma occurring spontaneously in young adult SD rat.  相似文献   

An 8-year-old female African wild dog (Lycaon pictus) from a zoo in Gyeonggi province, Republic of Korea presented with a 3.0 x 2.0 x 2.5 cm in size, smooth-surfaced, solitary pedunculated mass protruding into the uterine lumen. Microscopically, the mass was covered with epithelium, contained endometrial gland tissue, and was dilated in the vascularised stroma. Within the mass, there was extensive diffuse haemorrhage with several blood vessels apparently plugged with fibrin. At the base of the mass, the spaces lined with epithelium near the attachment of the stalk were interpreted to be glandular structures. There were segments of cuboidal epithelium found on the surface of the mass, which was similar to the lining the uterus. A diagnosis of an endometrial polyp was made based on the gross and histology findings. This is the first case report of a spontaneous endometrial polyp in an African wild dog.  相似文献   

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