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In order to assess the changes in soil K pools as affected by K‐fertilizer application and the impact of the changes on K balance, grain yield, and K uptake, an experiment was conducted in Central Zhejiang Province, E China, in a continuous double‐cropping rice system. Two sites were selected: (1) the Agricultural Research Institute of Jinhua (ARI) where soil is calcareous and (2) the Shimen Research Farm (SM) where soil is acidic. Eight consecutive crops were grown (1997–2000) in ARI and five consecutive crops (1998–2000) at SM. Treatments included unfertilized control (CK) and three different fertilizer treatments (NP, NK, and NPK). Potassium extracted by ion‐exchange resin decreased from 26 mg kg–1 to 5–10 mg kg–1 after eight consecutive seasons of growth at the ARI site. Addition of 100 kg K ha–1 for each rice crop was not enough to maintain initial K availability, especially in the calcareous soil at ARI site. In treatments with K, a small increase in readily available K was observed only in SM soil. The K extracted by HNO3 also decreased significantly in the treatments without K addition and was increased slightly in the treatments with K application. In the NP treatment, the decrease in HNO3‐K was several times greater than resin‐K, indicating that nonexchangeable K may be the major source of K supply to rice. Soil K depletion was greater for hybrid rice than for inbred rice, and this difference in K demand should be taken into account in developing fertilizer recommendations for irrigated rice.  相似文献   

Information concerning sources and sinks of available P in soil is needed to improve soil P management and protect water quality. This study, conducted from 1989 to 1998 on a Sultan silt loam soil (Aquantic Xerochrept), determined the annual P removal rate by corn (Zea mays L.) and P transformation as affected by P rate and winter cover cropping. Treatments included two P rates (0 and 44 kg P ha–1) applied to corn at planting each year. All cover crops received 19.6 kg P ha–1 at seeding each fall. Also included was a control without any cover crop and with no P addition. Corn yield and P uptake were affected by P fertilizer additions, but not by cover crops. A fairly constant amount of P was supplied from indigenous soil P when no external P was added. When the amount of P added exceeded that removed by corn, the excess P was converted mainly to NaOH-extractable inorganic P (NaOH-Pi). When the amount of P applied was below that removed by corn, indigenous soil NaOH-Pi acted as a source of available P for the plant. With no reduction of organic P (Po) extractable by NaOH or NaHCO3, the contribution from Po to the available P pool appeared limited. The role of NaOH-Pi in P availability in the soil was substantiated by its significant correlation with labile NH4Cl-extractable P (NH4Cl-P; r2 =0.60, P <0.001) or NaHCO3-Pi (r2 =0.81, P <0.001) pools. The NaOH-Pi for the soil reflected the changes in soil P resulting from past fertilizer P input and P removal by the crops.Scientific Paper Number 0005-34  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted at ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Research Farm, Sabajpura, Patna (longitude 85°13′N and 1atitude 25°37′E), Bihar, India for four consecutive years 2004–05 to 2007–08 to develop a diversified cropping system for an irrigated ecosystem in Bihar by introducing pulse/oilseed/vegetables as a second or third crop in 10 rice-based cropping systems. Four crop cycles have been completed for all the cropping systems. During all years of the experiment there were significant variations among the cropping systems. Maximum paddy yield equivalent was recorded in rice–tomato–bottle gourd (40.44 t ha?1) followed by rice–potato–onion (28.47 t ha?1), rice–coriander–lady's fingers (26.79 t ha?1), rice–carrot–cowpea (24.59 t ha?1) and rice–mustard–tomato (24.44 t ha?1). A higher value for the diversification index (DI) represents a higher level of crop diversification. It is evident from the results, that DI varies from 0.299 on a medium-sized farm to 0.903 on a small farm, with an average DI value of 0.643 among all farm categories. A survey revealed that the average DI value for small-scale farmers was highest (0.741) compared with the medium- (0.591) and large-scale (0.626) categories, and the differences were negligible. This seems reinforce the view that the smaller the farm, the higher the level of crop diversification.  相似文献   

Soil quality assessment has been suggested as an effective tool for evaluating sustainability of soil and crop management practices.The objective of this study was to develop a sensitive soil quality index(SQI) based on bulk density(BD),water-holding capacity(WHC),water-stable aggregates(WSA),aggregate mean weight diameter(AMWD),total organic C(TOC) and C input to evaluate the important rice-wheat cropping system on an Inceptisol in India.A long-term experiment has been conducted for 18 years at the Indian Council of Agricultural Research-Indian Institute of Farming Systems Research,Modipuram,India.The treatments selected for this study were comprised of a no-fertilizer control and N,P and K fertilizers(NPK) combined with Zn and S fertilizers(NPK+ Zn+S),farmyard manure(NPK+FYM),green gram residues(NPK+GR) and cereal residues(NPK+CR),laid out in a randomized complete block design with three replications.Soil samples were collected and analyzed for BD,WHC,WSA and TOC.Correlation analysis revealed that both rice and wheat yields signi?cantly increased with the increases in AMWD,TOC and C input,but decreased with the increase in BD.The SQI values were then generated based on regression analysis of BD,WSA,AMWD,TOC and C input with rice and wheat yields for the 0–15 and 15–30 cm soil layers,respectively.Regression analyses between crop yields and SQI values showed a quadratic type of relation with the coeffcient of determination(R~2) varying from 0.78 to 0.89.With regard to soil sustainability,applying crop residues to both rice and wheat could maintain soil quality for a longer period,whereas the highest yields of both the crops were recorded in the NPK+Zn+S treatment.The regression equations developed in this study could be used to monitor soil quality in a subhumid tropical rice-wheat cropping system.  相似文献   

More details have yet to be indicated on the interactions between arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi and phosphorus (P) chemical fertilization under field conditions. Accordingly, the objectives were to: (1) evaluate the combined effects of mycorrhizal fungi and chemical P fertilization on maize yield, yield components, and nutrient uptake and (2) indicate the optimum rate of P chemical fertilization (P1, P2, P3) with the use of mycorrhizal fungi (Glomus intraradices and G. mosseae). A factorial experiment using randomized complete blocks with three replicates, conducted at the Research Station of the Faculty of Agriculture, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz branch, Iran. Results indicated the significant effect of P, AM fungi, and their interaction on most of the measured traits. Grain yield (7909.3 kg/ha), maize nutrient content of P (0.39%), zinc (Zn) (42.1 mg/kg), iron (Fe) (68.3 mg/kg), and the colonization rate (47.5%) were all the highest by the interaction of G intraradices × P2.  相似文献   

  目的  探讨长期不同轮作方式与施肥条件下对水稻产量、植株养分吸收利用及对土壤养分含量的影响,为黄壤地区合理轮作方式选择提供参考。  方法  依托25年的黄壤(稻田)长期定位试验,选取4种轮作方式:水稻单作(RM)、水稻-小麦轮作(RWR)、水稻-油菜轮作(RRR)、水稻-绿肥轮作(RMR),分析比较各轮作方式作物产量、植株氮磷钾养分吸收情况及土壤养分含量的差异。  结果  不同轮作方式2016 ~ 2020年水稻平均产量表现为RWR > RRR > RM > RMR,但各处理之间差异不显著。与RM处理相比,RWR、RRR和RMR处理水稻秸秆和籽粒平均氮磷钾养分含量分别提高10.9% ~ 37.0%、63.6% ~ 101.6%、11.9% ~ 17.6%和7.1% ~ 20.4%、19.7% ~ 37.6%、6.0% ~ 8.1%;秸秆和籽粒平均氮磷钾养分吸收量分别提高15.0% ~ 45.4%、69.7% ~ 113.9%、16.1% ~ 24.8%和3.7% ~ 22.6%、15.9% ~ 40%、2.6% ~ 10.1%;水稻植株平均氮磷钾养分总吸收量分别提高8.0% ~ 30.2%、22.3% ~ 44.8%、12.9% ~ 21.3%。各轮作处理水稻秸秆和籽粒氮磷钾养分含量、吸收量及吸收效率大小均表现为:RWR > RRR > RMR。与RM处理相比,各轮作处理土壤有机质提高37.0% ~ 41.1%、全氮提高1.7% ~ 28.6%、碱解氮提高24.4% ~ 47.5%、有效磷提高2.2% ~ 54.8%。  结论  在现有种植制度与施肥条件下,多种轮作方式均可维持水稻产量不降低,且能提高单位面积土地生产力、提高水稻植株氮磷钾养分吸收量、改善土壤肥力。  相似文献   

集约水稻系统下施肥对土壤有机氮形态及供氮的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Changes of soil organic nitrogen forms and soil nitrogen supply under continuous rice cropping system were investigated in a long-term fertilization experiment in Jinhua, Zhejiang Province, China. The fertilizer treatments included combination of P-K, N-K, N-P, and N-P-K as well as the control. After six years of continuous double-rice cropping, total soil N and hydrolysable N contents remained stable in plots with N treatments, while the hydrolysable N contents were substantially reduced in those plots without N application. Compared to the unbalanced fertilization treatments, P and K increased the percentage of hydrolysable ammonium N in the total soil N with the balanced application of N, and also maintained higher rice grain yields and nitrogen uptake. Grain yield was positively correlated with total N uptake (r = 0.875^**), hydrolysable N (r = 0.608^**), hydrolysable ammonium N (r = 0.560^**) and the hydrolysable unknown N (r = 0.417^**). Total N uptake was positively correlated with hydrolysable N (r = 0.608^**), hydrolysable ammonium N (r = 0.440^**) and hydro, lysable unknown N (r = 0.431^**). Soil nutrient depletion and/or unbalanced fertilization to rice crop reduced N content in soil microbial biomass, and therefore increased C/N ratio, suggesting a negative effect on the total microbial biomass in the soil.  相似文献   

长期不同施肥对红壤性水稻土产量及基础地力的影响   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
利用长期定位施肥试验并结合盆栽试验,研究长期不同施肥模式对双季稻产量和土壤基础地力的影响,并分析水稻产量和肥料贡献率对土壤不同基础地力的响应。结果表明:长期施用氮磷钾肥(NPK)或氮磷钾肥配施稻草(NPKS)有利于双季稻产量的增加。NPK处理的早稻产量、晚稻产量和年总产量分别较对照(CK)处理增产100.7%、67.0%和81.9%,NPKS处理分别增产113.8%、77.7%和93.7%。CK处理早稻基础地力产量随试验年限的增加呈极显著下降趋势(p0.01),晚稻基础地力产量在试验的前9年随年限增加呈极显著下降(p0.01),之后基本维持稳定。长期施用氮磷钾肥或氮磷钾肥配施稻草有利于土壤基础地力的提升。土壤基础地力产量和基础地力贡献率均表现为NPKSNPKCK。NPK和NPKS处理早稻基础地力产量分别较CK提高38.5%和68.1%,晚稻分别提高25.8%和49.0%。NPK和NPKS处理早稻基础地力贡献率分别较CK提高21.4%和54.9%,晚稻分别提高12.8%和22.8%。无论施肥或不施肥,早晚稻产量均随土壤基础地力产量提高而增加;肥料对早晚稻产量贡献率随基础地力产量提高而极显著降低。土壤有机质、全氮、速效钾是影响土壤基础地力的主要养分因子,土壤全磷、全钾、碱解氮、有效磷对土壤基础地力也产生重要影响。  相似文献   

针对保山区域冬早大棚辣椒氮磷钾肥料效应缺乏系统研究,存在偏施氮肥、盲目施肥和过量施肥的现象,采用三因素五水平二次正交旋转组合设计,通过田间小区试验,研究氮磷钾肥料效应模型,通过频率分析研究高产优化施肥组合方案。保山大棚辣椒氮磷钾肥料效应回归模型Y=38 180.4+19.865 7N+16.102 7P+16.150 1K+0.026 6NP+0.012 4NK-0.006 8PK-0.025 8N2-0.038 5P2-0.014 1K2,目标产量大于53 000 kg/hm2的优化施肥组合方案为N 568.9~631.9 kg/hm2,P2O5 242.7~321.3 kg/hm2,K2O 684.6~794.8 kg/hm2,氮磷钾比例为1∶0.47∶1.23,与当地施肥量水平相比,温暖区氮肥用量平均降低36.3%,温热区氮肥用量平均降低23.1%。氮磷钾肥配合施用能显著提高大棚辣椒产量,氮肥效应达极显著水平,磷肥和钾肥效应达显著水平,效应排序为氮肥>钾肥>磷肥;氮磷和氮钾的交互效应为显著正效应,N用量在175~425 kg/hm2时,辣椒产量随着P2O5用量的增加呈先增后降趋势,增幅随着磷肥用量的增加而减小,N用量在175~573.7 kg/hm2时,钾肥效应趋势与磷肥一致,在高氮情况下,辣椒产量随着磷肥(或钾肥)用量的增加而增加。  相似文献   

长期施肥对黑土磷素的影响   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:10  
A twelve-year field trial was carried out to determine the impact of long-term fertilization on phosphorus (P) distribution in the soil profile, P balance, and the transformation and availability of soil P in a black soil (Phaeozem, FAO). Under a wheat-soybean-corn rotation, during twelve years where no fertilizer was applied, crops removed 60 and 81 mg P kg^-1 soil in the control and NK treatment, respectively. About one third of the P absorbed by crops was originated from organic P. Ca2-P, Ca8-P, Al-P and Fe-P were the main forms of inorganic P absorbed by crops. The surplus P from fertilization remained in the 0-20 cm soil layer and increased with the application rate of P. The combined application of NP or NPK increased available P to a lesser extent than the combined application of PK. Fertilizer P had mainly transformed to the Al-P, Fe-P, Ca2-P, and Ca8-P forms. By using the P budget (X), changes in total P (Y1) and available P (Y2) in soils under the current cropping system could be predicted by the equations: Y1 = 0.02 1.01X and Y2 = 2.08 0.15X.  相似文献   

针对保山区域冬早大棚辣椒氮磷钾肥料效应缺乏系统研究,存在偏施氮肥、盲目施肥和过量施肥的现象,采用三因素五水平二次正交旋转组合设计,通过田间小区试验,研究氮磷钾肥料效应模型,通过频率分析研究高产优化施肥组合方案。保山大棚辣椒氮磷钾肥料效应回归模型Y=38 180.4+19.865 7N+16.102 7P+16.150 1K+0.026 6NP+0.012 4NK-0.006 8PK-0.025 8N~2-0.038 5P~2-0.014 1K~2,目标产量大于53 000kg/hm~2的优化施肥组合方案为N 568.9~631.9 kg/hm~2,P_2O_5 242.7~321.3 kg/hm~2,K_2O 684.6~794.8 kg/hm~2,氮磷钾比例为1∶0.47∶1.23,与当地施肥量水平相比,温暖区氮肥用量平均降低36.3%,温热区氮肥用量平均降低23.1%。氮磷钾肥配合施用能显著提高大棚辣椒产量,氮肥效应达极显著水平,磷肥和钾肥效应达显著水平,效应排序为氮肥钾肥磷肥;氮磷和氮钾的交互效应为显著正效应,N用量在175~425 kg/hm~2时,辣椒产量随着P_2O_5用量的增加呈先增后降趋势,增幅随着磷肥用量的增加而减小,N用量在175~573.7 kg/hm~2时,钾肥效应趋势与磷肥一致,在高氮情况下,辣椒产量随着磷肥(或钾肥)用量的增加而增加。  相似文献   

Five wheat cultivars differing in tillering capacity and stature, Sahar-2006 (SH-06) (tall and low tillering), Faisalabad-2008 (FSD-08) (tall and low tillering), Lassani-2008 (LS-08) (medium stature and low tillering), Abdulstar-2002 (AS-02) (medium stature and high tillering) and Triple dwarf-1 (TD-1) (dwarf and low tillering), were planted in 10-, 20- and 30-cm spaced rows in a two-year study with same plant density. Higher grain yield in 20-cm spaced rows during both years and 30-cm spaced rows during the first year of the study in tall and low tillering wheat cultivars was attributed to more productive tillers, grains per spike and 1000-grain weight. However, the higher number of productive tillers resulted in better grain yield of the dwarf and low tillering cultivar under narrow row spacing. Higher leaf area index and crop growth rate were observed in 20- and 30-cm spaced rows 90 days after sowing, thereafter a drastic decrease was observed in 30-cm spaced rows. In conclusion, for harvesting maximum wheat productivity, tall and low tillering cultivars should be planted in 20-cm spaced rows. Medium stature and low tillering cultivars may be planted in 20 or 30-cm spaced rows, whereas low tillering dwarf cultivars should be planted in 10-cm spaced rows.  相似文献   

研究分析农业生态系统NPK养分循环和产量的可持续性,对实现养分资源优化管理和农业可持续发展具有重要意义。基于长期冬季作物-双季稻轮作种植定位试验,分析了2004—2017年冬闲-双季稻、马铃薯-双季稻、紫云英-双季稻、黑麦草-双季稻、油菜-双季稻等轮作种植模式早、晚稻产量的可持续性与稳定性;采用投入产出法(Input-Output Analysis)分析不同轮作种植模式NPK养分循环与平衡状况。结果表明:1)黑麦草-双季稻模式早稻产量变异系数与可持续性指数分别为0.09和0.81,说明稻田冬种黑麦草有利于促进早稻产量稳定性和可持续性的提高;油菜-双季稻模式晚稻产量变异系数与可持续性指数分别为0.07和0.82,说明稻田冬种油菜有益于晚稻产量稳定性和可持续性的提高;2)长期冬季作物-双季稻轮作种植未影响水稻产量和糙米NPK养分含量(P>0.05);3)在稻田轮作种植周年内目前的NPK投入水平下,黑麦草-双季稻、紫云英-双季稻、油菜-双季稻、马铃薯-双季稻等模式均存在严重的K亏缺现象,K亏缺量分别为375.70 kg(K)·hm-2、279.98 kg(K)·hm-2、363.71 kg(K)·hm-2、93.74 kg(K)·hm-2;黑麦草-双季稻、紫云英-双季稻、油菜-双季稻等模式均在冬季作物种植季存在严重的K亏缺现象,K亏缺量分别为240.07 kg(K)·hm-2、89.57 kg(K)·hm-2、140.08 kg(K)·hm-2,但马铃薯-双季稻模式在马铃薯种植季K盈余为255.21 kg(K)·hm-2;同时黑麦草-双季稻模式和紫云英-双季稻模式均存在冬季作物种植季存在N亏缺,N亏缺量分别为59.47 kg(N)·hm-2和89.17 kg(N)·hm-2;油菜-双季稻模式和马铃薯-双季稻模式在晚稻种植季均存在严重的K亏缺现象,K亏缺量分别为45.93 kg(K)·hm-2、124.33 kg(K)·hm-2。冬季作物-双季稻轮作种植模式的养分循环是冬季作物和外部投入的NPK肥料共同驱动的养分循环,建议科学管理冬季作物和3季的NPK养分投入。  相似文献   

本文研究了土区小麦-玉米轮作体系长期氮磷钾化肥不同配合施用方式及氮磷钾化肥与秸秆或有机肥配合施用对钾素平衡以及土壤钾库的影响。试验包括9个处理,分别为不施肥(CK)、单施氮(N)、氮钾(NK)、磷钾(PK)、氮磷(NP)、氮磷钾(NPK)、氮磷钾配合一季秸秆还田(SNPK)、氮磷钾配合低量有机肥(M1NPK)和高量有机肥(M2NPK)。结果表明,除NK、PK和M2NPK处理外,其它处理小麦和玉米钾的携出量均大于钾的投入量,导致土壤钾素处于亏缺状态,20年累计亏缺量为6174333 kg/hm2。与试验前相比,长期施肥种植没有显著影响土壤全钾含量; 长期施用钾肥显著提高土壤速效钾含量,但长期不施钾肥处理的土壤速效钾含量也未显著降低; 无论施钾与否土壤非交换性钾(Mactotal K)以及非交换性钾中更容易被HNO3溶解提取的钾(Step K)均明显低于试验前水平。表明土壤非交换性钾可以作为该土壤钾素消耗的指标。考虑到施钾肥的经济投入和现有资源高效利用(如秸秆、有机肥),从长远的角度出发,维持土壤钾素肥力以及土地可持续生产力,土区小麦-玉米轮作体系采用秸秆全部还田或施有机肥是必要的。  相似文献   

Zinc (Zn) fertilization is important for Zn crop biofortification as well as increasing yields, thus proper Zn recommendations for soil application is needed for Zn deficient soils. The effectiveness of Zn applications was evaluated in different combinations of rates (2.5, 5.0, 7.5, and 10.0?kg?ha?1 per year) and frequencies (initial, alternate, and every year) in rice (Oriza sativa L.) – wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cropping system in a Zn-deficient upland calcareous soil in the fourth year. Zn applications to rice at 7.5 and 10?kg?ha?1 of alternate year and 5.0 to 10?kg?ha?1 of every year had the highest rice equivalent yield as compared to no-Zn treatment. Hence, Zn application to rice at 7.5?kg?ha?1 at alternate years is the lowest rate at which highest rice equivalent yield of rice-wheat cropping system can be obtained.  相似文献   

栽培模式及施肥对玉米和大豆根际土壤磷素有效性的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
栽培模式及施肥管理对作物吸收利用土壤磷素的影响较大,本研究为探明玉米/大豆套作系统作物根系交互作用下根际土壤无机磷组分动态变化特征,利用盆栽试验测定了玉米/大豆套作(M/S)、玉米单作(MM)和大豆单作(SS)3种栽培模式以及不施肥(CK)、施氮钾肥(NK)和施氮磷钾肥(NPK)3种施肥处理下玉米和大豆地上部生物量及吸磷量和根际与非根际土壤速效磷、无机磷组分含量,以期为优化玉米/大豆套作系统磷素管理提供理论依据。研究结果表明同一施肥水平下,套作玉米的籽粒产量显著高于单作玉米;施磷显著提高了单作玉米籽粒产量,而对套作玉米籽粒产量影响不大。无论施肥与否,套作大豆秸秆及籽粒产量均高于单作大豆。所有施肥处理均表现为套作模式下单株作物地上部磷积累量显著高于单作模式。玉米成熟期,CK、NK处理下套作玉米根际土壤速效磷含量分别比单作玉米高54.2%和71.8%;大豆始花期,NPK处理下套作大豆根际土壤速效磷含量比单作大豆高19.8%。大豆成熟期,NK、NPK处理下套作大豆根际土壤速效磷含量分别比单作大豆高23.8%和108.0%。无论是单作还是套作模式,玉米根际土壤Al-P含量在3个施肥处理下均低于非根际土壤。CK和NK处理下单作玉米根际土壤Al-P含量分别是套作玉米的1.19倍和1.22倍;NPK处理下单作玉米根际土壤Fe-P含量是套作玉米的1.21倍。在CK、NK和NPK施肥处理下,单作大豆根际土Al-P含量分别是套作大豆1.12倍、1.30倍和1.25倍,单作大豆非根际土Al-P含量分别是套作大豆的1.22倍、1.30倍和1.06倍。CK、NK处理下单作大豆根际土壤Fe-P含量分别是套作大豆的1.47倍和1.12倍。研究得出结论,低磷条件下,与单作相比,玉米/大豆套作更有利于作物对土壤Al-P、Fe-P的活化吸收。  相似文献   

轮作体系下冬油菜养分利用效率的区域研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fertilization is essential for oilseed rape because it is sensitivity to nutrient deficiency, especially for winter oilseed rape(Brassica napus L.). To investigate regional nutrient efficiency and nutrient uptake-yield relationship of winter oilseed rape in an intensive cropping system, this study used data from 619 site-year on-farm experiments carried out in the winter oilseed rape planting area of the Yangtze River Basin, China from 2005 to 2010, with large yield in the range of 179–4 470 kg ha~(-1). Currently recommended application rates of N, P and K fertilizers increased rapeseed yield at different levels of soil indigenous nutrient supply(INS) in this region. Boundary values of plant nutrient uptake were established to analyze the nutrient uptake-yield relationship of winter oilseed rape(internal nutrient efficiency), i.e., 128 kg N ha~(-1), 24 kg P ha~(-1), and 122 kg K ha~(-1). The internal nutrient efficiency declined by 48.2%–64.1% when nutrient uptake exceeded the boundary value, resulting in excessive nutrient uptake(i.e., low yield response with high nutrient uptake), especially for K. In the intensive cropping system, agronomic efficiencies of N, P, and K were 5.9, 3.4, and3.6 kg kg~(-1), and recovery efficiencies of N, P, and K were 35.6%, 24.1%, and 36.8%, respectively. These findings showed that the fertilization rate should be optimized by considering INS, nutrient status, and nutrient efficiency of winter oilseed rape. In this study,considering the lower yield improvement to high K uptake levels and low K fertilizer efficiency, application rate of K fertilizer should be reduced since soil K deficiency has already been mitigated.  相似文献   

The major soil animal groups,enchyraeid worms and oribatid mites,were compared in the abundance and diversity between conventional fields(CT)and organic farming fields with tillage(OT) or no-tillage(ON)practices,The values of abundance,species richness,diversity and evenness were significantly larger in OT and ON than in CT,indicating that the abundance and diversity in organic farming fields were greater than those in conventional farming,The community structure of enchytraeid genera was different between OT and ON,Enchytraeus was the most abundant in OT ,while Fridericia in ON,The abundance of oribatids in OT was similar th that in ON,while the species richness and diversity in the former were smaller,These results suggeste that no-tilage practice under organic management might comtribute to the improvement in quality of soil mesofauna.  相似文献   

以"国家潮土土壤肥力与肥料效益长期监测站"的定位试验为平台,选取试验中的5个处理,即1)NK(不施磷肥);2)NPK(施氮磷钾化肥);3)MNPK(NPK化肥+有机肥);4)1.SMNPK(MNPK处理施肥量的1.5倍);5)SNPK(NPK化肥+秸秆还田),分析不同施肥下土壤全磷(TP)和有效磷(Olsen-P)的演...  相似文献   

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