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为了更好的防治松毛虫,我们于一九七八年五月份到山东省学习了利用病毒防治赤松毛虫的经验。并在我县用此种病毒(从山东带回的赤松毛虫病毒)作了防治落叶松毛虫的实验。实验结果表明,赤松毛虫病毒对落叶松毛虫亦能侵染,而且有明显效果,现将实验情况介绍如下:  相似文献   

灭幼脲Ⅰ号及其混剂防治赤松毛虫对比试验赤松毛虫是山东省沂水县山地赤松、黑松的主要害虫。生产防治中灭幼脲常常与其它化学农药混合使用,目的是提高灭幼脲的防治效果。我们在大面积防治松毛虫的同时,进行了药效对比试验,防治对象为越冬后5—6龄赤松毛虫。防治前调...  相似文献   

赤松毛虫是松树叶部的主要害虫,近几年来在辽宁省北宁市大面积发生,平均每年发生面积3666.7hm^2,平均虫口密度为每株35.5头,危害相当严重,直接影响北宁市林业建设,但使用化学农药防治赤松毛虫产生的高毒污染,已成为社会的一大公害。为有效防治赤松毛虫,开展了无公害绿色新型药剂防治试验。结果表明,用碧绿1%苦参碱可溶性液剂1000倍液进行人工喷雾防治,效果可达93.4%以上。  相似文献   

赤松毛虫是松树的主要食叶害虫.多年来,一直采用喷雾、喷粉等施药方法进行防治,虽然取得了一定效果,但也造成了严重的环境污染,杀伤了天敌,破坏了生态平衡.为克服以上弊病,探讨氧化乐果涂环防治的可行性及适宜的浓度,我们于1984年秋季在山东省沂水县汞丹山林场进行了不同浓度氧化乐  相似文献   

论哲盟松毛虫综合管理的战略闫伟勇(哲里木盟森林病虫害防治站松毛虫属鳞翅目枯叶蛾科,是松树的毁灭性食叶害虫。由于经营不当,生态系统遭到严重破坏,使松毛虫危害日趋严重。我盟南部山区油松林年发生面积1.7万hm2左右,且落叶松毛虫、油松毛虫、赤松毛虫相伴发...  相似文献   

马尾松毛虫危害湿地松的防治指标的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
在测定马尾松毛虫取食湿地松针叶量、湿地松针叶蓄积量、人工模拟失叶对湿地松树高生长的影响以及林间调查松毛虫危害对树高生长影响的基础上,提出了马尾松毛虫危害湿地松的防治指标,2年生松树失叶20%、4~6年生松树失叶30%、8~10年生松树失叶50%时严重影响当年秋梢高生长,需要防治.  相似文献   

通过对3—4代类型区马尾松毛虫室内外取食及为害针叶量、松树针叶蓄积量和人工模拟虫害对松树材积生长影响进行测定、研究分析的基础上,提出了该类地区马尾松用材林松毛虫防治指标。试验表明,因虫灾引起松林失叶25%时,一般情况下不必防治;失叶50%以上时,要根据害虫数量、林分状况及天敌对害虫控制能力等进行综合评断。防治指标与松树年龄的幂回归关系为 y=1.4903·x~(1.1688)。  相似文献   

对河北省抚宁县、滦平县油松天然次生林、人工林及油松、栎类混交林地越冬上树的赤松毛虫种群数量变动进行监测,同时分析测定油松针叶量与松毛虫取食量之间的关系,以失叶25%为防治指标。结果表明,在河北省抚宁县赤松毛虫发生区、油松、栎类混交林地比油松纯林区防治指标高出1.9倍。在滦平县油松毛虫发生区,油松、蒙古栎、辽东栎混交林区比油松人工林地防治指标高出2.9倍。混交林地对松毛虫有明显的自然控制能力。  相似文献   

对河北省抚宁县、滦平县油松天然次生林、人工林及油松、栎类混交林地越冬上树的赤(油)松毛虫种群数量变动进行监测,同时分析测定油松针叶量与松毛虫取食量之间的关系,以失叶25%为防治指标。结果表明,在河北省抚宁县赤松毛虫发生区,油松、栎类混交林地比油松纯林区防治指标高出1.9倍。在滦平县油松毛虫发生区,油松、蒙古栎、辽东栎混交林区比油松人工林地防治指标高出2.9倍。混交林地对松毛虫有明显的自然控制能力  相似文献   

油松飞播林油松毛虫防治指标的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
于1984~1989年在平山县飞播油松林区对油松毛虫幼虫食叶量和油松毛虫不同程度危害后,松树材积损失量方面进行了试验研究。通过研究,确定最佳的防治指标为油松针叶损失率达50%。  相似文献   

A small scale agroforestry study which was begun in 1952 was revisited in 1985 to evaluate the long-term influence of site preparation and grazing on tree growth and survival in a Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii)-white oak (Quercus garryana)-sheep silvopastoral system. In 1952–1953, two-year-old Douglas-fir seedlings were planted at the rate of 2500 trees/ha under three levels of site preparation: (1) no treatment, (2) oak thinned by 50%, and (3) oak clearcut. From 1954 to 1960, yearling ewes grazed one-half of each of the three thinning treatments for 3–4 weeks each spring. The conifers have been undisturbed since grazing was discontinued in 1960. Survival of planted conifers averaged 64% in 1985 and did not vary among either site preparation or grazing treatments. From 1964 to 1985, trees on the thinned and clearcut plantations grew an average of 1060 and 990 cm in height, respectively, compared to 900 cm on the unthinned plantation. Diameter at breast height (dbh) averaged 3.8 and 5.6 cm greater on thinned or clearcut plantations, respectively, than on the unthinned control by 1985 (p < 0.05). Conifers on grazed plantations had increased height and dbh growth during the first 12 years of plantation life, averaging 63 cm taller (p < 0.10) and 0.7 cm greater in dbh (p < 0.05) than the ungrazed plots by 1964. By 1985 the difference in height (122 cm) and dbh (1.0 cm) between grazed and ungrazed plantations was not statistically significant. These data suggest that although site preparation can positively influence conifer growth, total clearfelling is no better than thinning oaks. Furthermore, proper grazing can increase height and dbh growth of the conifers during and immediately after the grazing years.  相似文献   

A small scale agroforestry study which was begun in 1952 was revisited in 1985 to evaluate the long-term influence of site preparation and grazing on tree growth and survival in a Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii)-white oak (Quercus garryana)-sheep silvopastoral system. In 1952–1953, two-year-old Douglas-fir seedlings were planted at the rate of 2500 trees/ha under three levels of site preparation: (1) no treatment, (2) oak thinned by 50%, and (3) oak clearcut. From 1954 to 1960, yearling ewes grazed one-half of each of the three thinning treatments for 3–4 weeks each spring. The conifers have been undisturbed since grazing was discontinued in 1960. Survival of planted conifers averaged 64% in 1985 and did not vary among either site preparation or grazing treatments. From 1964 to 1985, trees on the thinned and clearcut plantations grew an average of 1060 and 990 cm in height, respectively, compared to 900 cm on the unthinned plantation. Diameter at breast height (dbh) averaged 3.8 and 5.6 cm greater on thinned or clearcut plantations, respectively, than on the unthinned control by 1985 (p < 0.05). Conifers on grazed plantations had increased height and dbh growth during the first 12 years of plantation life, averaging 63 cm taller (p < 0.10) and 0.7 cm greater in dbh (p < 0.05) than the ungrazed plots by 1964. By 1985 the difference in height (122 cm) and dbh (1.0 cm) between grazed and ungrazed plantations was not statistically significant. These data suggest that although site preparation can positively influence conifer growth, total clearfelling is no better than thinning oaks. Furthermore, proper grazing can increase height and dbh growth of the conifers during and immediately after the grazing years.  相似文献   

A red alder planting spacing study was used to compare three modeling approaches that have been successfully used for other tree species. These three approaches predict stand structure and dynamics in plantations that are 7 to 16 years old, with planting densities of 976 to 13 899 trees/ha. The diameter-distribution-prediction approach tended to over-predict the diameter at breast height (dbh) for larger trees in stands planted at low density and to under-predict dbh for smaller trees in stands planted at high density. This approach may be useful for comparing planting densities when a tree list is not available. The stand-table-projection approach tended to under-predict dbh for smaller trees in young stands planted at low density and to over-predict dbh for smaller trees in young stands planted at high density. This approach, however, provided consistency between stand- and tree-level growth projections, and should be useful for comparing planting densities when a tree list is available. The individual-tree-growth approach provided the best representations of observed diameter distributions at all planting densities, stand ages, and growth intervals. This approach may be best suited for stands that have been thinned, stands with mixtures of species, and stands with heterogeneous size classes.  相似文献   

Shade coffee plantations support high numbers of Neotropical migratory birds, but relatively little is known about the structural and floristic attributes used by individual species. From 2005 to 2007, we studied the relationship between habitat characteristics and Neotropical migratory birds in shade coffee plantations in the Venezuelan Andes. Our results indicate that density of migrants was significantly related to both structural and floristic attributes of coffee farms. Specifically, upper canopy foragers were positively associated with number of large trees (>38?cm dbh), tree canopy height, and understory vegetation density. Low canopy and ground foragers were positively associated with numbers of small (8?C23?cm dbh) and medium (23?C38?cm dbh) trees and increased shade cover. Moreover, certain tree species, especially Inga spp., Erythrina spp. and Acnistus arborescens, were important components of habitat for those species that forage in the canopy. For example, our detailed foraging observations showed that Inga trees were used in greater proportion than available throughout plantations by Cerulean Warblers (Dendroica cerulea), a species of high conservation concern. Overall, our research suggests that suitability of coffee plantations for migratory birds may be improved by managing for particular structural and floristic characteristics of plantations.  相似文献   

为了解塞罕坝地区樟子松人工林生长状况及生物量大小,给该地区樟子松林的经营及生态功能的评价提供科学依据,建立了该地区樟子松生物量模型,并对樟子松林生物量的大小及其分配规律进行了探讨。研究结果表明,该地区单株各器官生物量的最优模型形式均为CAR类型,且均达到显著或极显著水平,分别为W_干=0.026 8 D~(2.643 6)、W_枝=0.061 2 D~(1.862 7)、W_叶=0.112 4 D~(1.542 9)、W_果=0.000 04 D~(3.311)和W_整=0.093 D~(2.342 9);I地位级樟子松平均单株生物量明显高于II地位级,但林分总生物量则相反;与其他分布地区相比,该地区樟子松林生物量处于较高水平;樟子松生物量分配由高到低依次为干、枝、叶、果,其所占比重分别为50.87%~80.66%、10.76%~23.54%、7.31%~24.28%和0.34%~1.25%;树干生物量所占比重随林分年龄及胸径的增加而增加,枝和叶所占比例则随林分年龄和胸径的增加而逐渐下降。  相似文献   

利用内蒙古大青山32株华北落叶松解析木数据,分析研究华北落叶松人工林的树高、胸径、年龄、材积之间的关系,并选取对数模型、理查德模型、考尔夫方程和逻辑斯蒂方程等4个常用的生长模型对树高、胸径、材积生长量进行拟合.结果表明:效果好的生长模型分别为胸径对数模型y=-24.03+ 11.28×Log(x+1.99),树高理查德模型Y=27.27×[1-Exp(-0.041 ×x)]△1 5735,材积理查德模型y=7495.55×[1-Exp(-0.001×x)]△3.13.经F检验(F <0.05) =6.94,呈显著.3个预测模型的标准误差、平均百分误差、平均绝对百分误差都非常小,平均相对误差均在±2.5%以内,预测值与实测值无显著差异(p=0.05).  相似文献   

南酸枣天然林生长规律研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对南酸枣天然及人工状态下的生长过程研究表明 ,南酸枣天然林胸径生长高峰期在 15年生左右、树高生长高峰期在15~ 2 0年生 ,材积生长高峰期在 2 0年生左右 ,南酸枣人工林的胸径、树高生长峰值比天然林的出现时间早 8~ 10a,峰值大。经过人工培育 ,南酸枣具有更强的速生性 ,人工造林效果好 ,在森林分类经营中具有广阔的发展前景  相似文献   

通过对马尾松4种造林密度的定位观测分析结果表明,不同造林密度对胸径、单株村积生长的影响达到显著性差异,对树高生长影响差异不显著,不同密度林分径级分布差异明显,密度为2500株/hm2和1250株/hm2的林分,其胸径≤6cm径阶的株数占57.2%和45.9%,≥8cm径阶的株数占42.8%和54.1%;而密度为10000株/hm2和5000株/hm2的林分,其胸径≤6cm径阶的株数占89.6%和76%,≥8cm径阶的株数占10.4%和24%;不同径级林分的合理密度通过胸径与树冠面积的相关关系,用回归直线方程y=a+bx分别求得各胸径最低保留株数,作为间伐强度、间伐开始期和间伐重复期的参考依据。  相似文献   

尤溪国有林场杉木人工林林分材种出材率表的编制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用尤溪国有林场近年来伐区调查设计资料,选择杉木林分平均胸径和平均高为辅助因子,应用多方程分析对比法研制杉木人工林林分一元和二元材种出材率表。结果表明,林分材种出材率与平均胸径D及D2H之间的关系,以Y=aeb/x方程效果最佳,但规格材的拟合效果不如总出材率;采用平均胸径和平均高2个因子编制的林分二元材种出材率表,精度要高于只用平均胸径1个因子的林分一元材种出材率表。所编数表简便实用,在森林资源调查中有应用价值。  相似文献   

密度指数与林分测树因子数学模型及应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
刘君然 《林业科学》1994,30(3):247-252
以落叶松(LarixgmeliniiRupr.)天然林标准地为材料,选取30块大样本标准地,通过N=aD-b得出林分测树因子数学模型。G=aSDIb(H-1.3)c式为密度指数、树高与断面积模型;以Y=aSDIbXo式为密度指数与直径、株数、断面积的模型。模型可用于编制树高标准表、直径标准表、密度标准表以及密度控制图等。  相似文献   

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