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Measurements of the size dependence of a solid-solid phase transition are presented. High-pressure x-ray diffraction and optical absorption are used to study the wurtzite to rock salt structural transformation in CdSe nanocrystals. These experiments show that both the thermodynamics and kinetics of this transformation are altered in finite size, as compared to bulk CdSe. An explanation of these results in the context of transformations in bulk systems is presented. Insight into the kinetics of transformations in both bulk and nanocrystal systems can be gained.  相似文献   

利用量子隧穿理论研究了磁性半导体隧道结中自旋输运的偏压影响,分别讨论了自旋注入源是铁磁金属和铁磁半导体两种情况下,磁性半导体隧道单结中自旋注入效率对偏压的依赖关系。数值计算表明,增加偏压对于提高单结的自旋注入效率是有利的,但会降低单结或由两个磁性隧道单结组成的双结的隧道磁阻(TMR)。数值计算还发现对于磁性隧道双结在顺序隧穿和两边势垒对称的情况下成立的关系式TMR=η2(η为单结自旋注入效率)在有限偏压下不再成立,这些数值结果与实验一致。  相似文献   

Precision isothermal solution calorimetry was used to determine the standard-state enthalpy of formation of a number of phases in the Y-Ba-Cu-O system. An analysis of the data indicates that YBa(2)Cu(4)O(8) is thermodynamically metastable under ambient conditions. Taken together with the results from previous investigations, these data show that all of the superconducting compounds in the Y-Ba-Cu-O system are thermodynamically metastable at low temperatures.  相似文献   

目的 研究葛根素纳米晶的制剂处方、制备工艺及其对粒径的影响,并对葛根素纳米晶进行表征。方法 采用高压均质法制备葛根素纳米晶,以粒径为指标,考察稳定剂、药辅比、投料量、制备温度等参数对纳米晶制备的影响。在此基础上,考察干燥工艺对葛根素纳米晶固化的影响。采用扫描电镜(SEM)及透射电镜(TEM)进行葛根素及纳米结晶形态学的观察。结果 采用聚维酮K30作为稳定剂、药辅比为1:2、制备温度43 ℃以上时,可制得粒径为20~50 nm的葛根素纳米晶。投药量对纳米晶粒径没有显著性影响,投药量为10%(w/v)时,采用700 bar 5次的高压均质条件即可制得所需的纳米晶。冷冻干燥可以用于纳米晶的干燥。将葛根素制成纳米结晶之后,其外观由不规则状态变为圆整的球形。结论 所确定的葛根素纳米晶制剂处方与制备工艺条件可行,可有效地制备100 nm以下的葛根素纳米晶。  相似文献   

闫云辉  华远照  李向荣  郭伟 《安徽农业科学》2009,37(25):11847-11848
[目的]以聚乙烯醇为辅助剂合成具有生物相容性的CdS纳米晶。[方法]用2-巯基乙醇作配体,采用配住化学原理合成CdS纳米晶,通过UV-Vis、PL、TEM时样品进行表征。[结果]得到的CdS纳米晶具有明显的量子尺寸效应和稳定的荧光性质。[结论]通过调节巯基乙醇和硫离子的用量可得到不同尺寸的CdS纳米晶,聚乙烯醇起到了有效控制CdS纳米晶单分散性的作用。  相似文献   

半导体物理学是凝聚态物理学的一个重要分支,也是现代微电子器件工艺学的理论核心。研究和探讨半导体物理学的发展规律,对于掌握半导体科学技术今后的发展趋势具有重要意义。文章着重回顾与评述了晶体管的发明过程、半导体超晶格物理的发展以及半导体纳米量子器件的研究进展,展望了新型半导体纳米材料的发展前景,并以半导体物理学的发展历程为依据剖析了其发展规律和特点  相似文献   

Solid-state devices developed primarily for nuclear gamma spectroscopy have many potential uses in x-ray analysis.  相似文献   

When Tribolium confusum pupae were exposed continuously to temperatures from 10 degrees C to 40 degrees C, the adults which finally emerged exhibited wing abnormalities typical of those obtained with x-irradiation. The data indicate the implication of two processes. Two mathematical models are suggested to account for this phenomenon.  相似文献   

Lattice mismatch stresses, which severely restrict heteroepitaxial growth, are greatly minimized when thin alumina films are grown by means of van der Waals forces on inert mica substrates. A 10-nanometer-thick epitaxial film exhibits crystallographic sixfold symmetry, a lattice constant close to that of the basal plane [0001] of alpha-alumina (sapphire), and an aluminum: oxygen atomic ratio of 1:1.51 +/- 0.02 (measured by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy), again the same as for bulk sapphire. The film is free of steps and grain boundaries over large areas and appears to be an ideal model system for studying adhesion, tribology, and other surface phenomena at atomic scales.  相似文献   

采用微波协助加热的联氨还原工艺快速合成了纳米Ni粉,并利用X-射线粉末衍射仪(XRD)、透射电子显微镜(TEM)、比表面仪(BET)等测试方法对其结构、形貌和比表面积进行了表征,并用差热分析法(DTA)研究了纳米Ni粉对高氯酸铵(AP)热分解的催化效果。结果表明,微波合成工艺法不仅速度快、反应条件简单、重现性好,而且所得的纳米Ni粉结晶好、分散性好,比表面积大。当其质量分数5%时,可使AP的高温分解峰温度降低了99.25°C,表观分解热增加了960 J/g,表现出对AP热分解具有显著的催化性能,明显优于传统水浴加热法所制得的纳米Ni粉催化剂。  相似文献   

Size and shape in biology   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
Arguments based on elastic stability and flexure, as opposed to the more conventional ones based on yield strength, require that living organisms adopt forms whereby lengths increase as the (2/3) power of diameter. The somatic dimensions of several species of animals and of a wide variety of trees fit this rule well. It is a simple matter to show that energy metabolism during maximal sustained work depends on body cross-sectional area, not total body surface area as proposed by Rubner (1) and many after him. This result and the result requiring animal proportions to change with size amount to a derivation of Kleiber's law, a statement only empirical until now, correlating the metabolically related variables with body weight raised to the (3/4) power. In the present model, biological frequencies are predicted to go inversely as body weight to the (1/4) power, and total body surface areas should correlate with body weight to the (5/8) power. All predictions of the proposed model are tested by comparison with existing data, and the fit is considered satisfactory. In The Fire of Life, Kleiber (5) wrote "When the concepts concerned with the relation of body size and metabolic rate are clarified, . . . then compartive physiology of metabolism will be of great help in solving one of the most intricate and interesting problems in biology, namely the regulation of the rate of cell metabolism." Although Hill (23) realized that "the essential point about a large animal is that its structure should be capable of bearing its own weight and this leaves less play for other factors," he was forced to use an oversimplified "geometric similarity" hypothesis in his important work on animal locomotion and muscular dynamics. It is my hope that the model proposed here promises useful answers in comparisons of living things on both the microscopic and the gross scale, as part of the growing science of form, which asks precisely how organisms are diverse and yet again how they are alike.  相似文献   

杨树溃疡病菌温度依赖性的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对菌落最大生长速率、直径加倍时间的测定和所得结果的聚类分析,将供试菌株分为4个温度依赖型,并分析了杨树溃疡病菌(Botryosphaeria dothidea)的极限温度和对连续高温的忍受能力及扩散趋势.  相似文献   

采用相对论平均场理论(RMFT)下的GL85,GL92,TM1和TM2等核物质参数组,研究了这些参数组对中子星的粒子数密度分布、状态方程及质量-半径关系的影响.结果表明,在不同的参数组下,超子出现的密度、顺序和种类均不同;状态方程的软硬情况也较大不同;中子星的引力质量和相应的半径有明显不同.计算结果也表明,采用GL85,TM1和TM2等参数组得到的中子星质量和半径均在脉冲星的观测数据范围内,而采用GL92参数组得到的中子星质量小于中子星质量下限1.4M⊙(M⊙=1.99×1030kg为太阳质量).  相似文献   

本文研究了半导体光催化剂TiO2对碱性染料的光催化特性,其对碱性染料的脱色率可达99%以上。催化降解反应属动力学一级反应,半衰期t1/2<8min。  相似文献   

Size and scaling in human evolution   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Our general conclusion is simply stated: many lineages display phyletic size increase; allometric changes almost always accompany increase in body size. We cannot judge adaptation until we separate such changes into those required by increasing size and those serving as special adaptations to changing environments. In our view, the three australopithecines are, in a number of features, scaled variants of the "same" animal. In these characters, A. africanus is no more "advanced" than the larger, more robust forms. The one early hominid to show a significant departure from this adaptive pattern toward later hominids-cranially, dentally, and postcranially-is H. habilis from East Africa. The australopithecines, one of which was probably a precursor of the Homolineage, were apparently a successful group of basically vegetarian hominids, more advanced behaviorally than apes (87), but not hunter-gatherers. The fossil hominids of Africa fall into two major groupings. One probable lineage, the australopithecines, apparently became extinct without issue; the other evolved to modern man. Both groups displayed steady increase in body size. We consider quantitatively two key characters of the hominid skull: cranial capacity and cheek tooth size. The variables are allometrically related to body size in both lineages. In australopithecines, the manner of relative growth neatly meets the predictions for functional equivalence over a wide range of sizes (negative allometry of cranial capacity with a slope against body weight of 0.2 to 0.4 and positive allometry of postcanine area with a slope near 0.75). In the A. africanus to H. sapiens lineage, cranial capacity increases with positive allometry (slope 1.73) while cheek teeth decrease absolutely (slope - 0.725). Clearly, these are special adaptations unrelated to the physical requirements of increasing body size. We examined qualitatively other features, which also seem to vary allometrically. Of course, many characters should be studied quantitatively, but we think that the scheme outlined here should be treated as the null hypothesis to be disproved.  相似文献   

The superconducting compound K(3)C(60) (with transition temperature T(c) = 19.3 kelvin at ambient pressure), formed as a single phase by reaction of alkali vapor with solids of the icosahedral C(60) molecule (buckminsterfullerene), shows a very large decrease of T(c) with increasing pressure. Susceptibility measurements on sintered pellets showing bulk superconductivity are reported up to 21 kilobars of pressure, where T(c) is already less than 8 kelvin. The results are consistent with a piling up of the density of states at the Fermi level.  相似文献   

以东北地区植被指数数据为基础,设置了西南—东北方向、南—北方向两条生态样带,使用小波进行时空时频分析,了解归一化植被指数变化的多尺度特征以及与地形、气候因素的空间多尺度关联性;应用冗余分析定量研究环境因子对归一化植被指数空间分布的影响。结果表明:小波能量谱可以清晰识别归一化植被指数空间尺度结构,在西南—东北、南—北样带上,主要特征为50~70、70~160 km,归一化植被指数在西南—东北方向上的变异性强于南—北方向;小波相干图谱能够直观显示归一化植被指数与环境因子随空间尺度、空间位置变化的依赖关系,在小尺度上地形对植被空间分布起着主导作用,大尺度上气候因子为主要因素。对于西南—东北方向上归一化植被指数,降水量、海拔是其主控因子,其中降水是其空间分异的首要影响因子;在南—北方向上,气温、海拔、降水量是归一化植被指数的主控因子,其中气温是其空间分布的主导因子。  相似文献   

动物体型大小调控分子机制研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
任红艳 《湖北农业科学》2014,53(20):4783-4787
体型大小的差异是不同动物之间最明显的表型差异,了解动物体型大小的调控机制对于揭示生命的奥秘和保障人类的生命健康安全都具有重要的意义.随着分子生物学、发育生物学和功能基因组学等技术的发展,科学家们以果蝇、线虫等模式生物为研究材料,对调控细胞、器官和个体尺寸大小的机理进行了大量研究,结果发现,除了环境、营养等外在因素对体型大小的影响外,内在的微观因素(包括细胞大小与数量、DNA含量、激素水平、生长相关信号通路、特定基因等)起到了决定性作用,这些因素通过调控细胞数量与大小进而影响器官乃至个体的大小.对影响动物体型大小的基因及其信号通路进行了综述,目的是为动物体型大小调控机制研究提供理论参考.  相似文献   

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