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OBJECTIVE: To define the role of passively tranferred immunity in protection against early infection with ovine herpesvirus 2 (OvHV-2) in lambs. ANIMALS: 15 adult sheep and 34 lambs. PROCEDURES: 2 groups of animals were used, including 15 lambs born to OvHV-2-free ewes and 19 lambs born to OvHV-2-positive ewes. After nursing colostrum, all lambs and their dams were introduced into a flock positive for OvHV-2. Blood was obtained from the lambs every 2 weeks and examined by PCR assay and competitive inhibition ELISA. RESULTS: None of the animals had positive results by PCR analysis for samples obtained approximately 2 weeks after introduction into the flock. In the group of lambs from OvHV-2-infected ewes, 5 of 19 had positive results at 1 month of age and 17 of 19 by 5 months of age. In the group of offspring from OvHV-2-negative ewes, only 1 of 15 had positive results at 1 month of age, and the number reached 12 of 15 by 5 months of age. All lambs in both groups had positive results by 6 months. An active antibody response to the virus was detected in animals within 3 weeks after viral DNA became detectable in the blood. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Analysis suggests that passively transferred immunity does not play an important role in the delay of infection with OvHV-2 in lambs. Age also does not seem to influence susceptibility. The rate of infection in young lambs may simply be a reflection of the intensity of viral exposure in their environment.  相似文献   

Dissemination of small ruminant lentivirus (SRLV) infections in Norway is affected by the different control strategies used for maedi-visna virus (MVV) infections in sheep and caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus (CAEV) infections in goats. Here we investigated SRLV phylogenetic group variants in sheep. CAEV-like isolates, belonging to phylogenetic group C, were found among both seropositive sheep and goats in mixed flocks, in which sheep and goats are kept together. Intra-herd clustering confirmed that mixed flock animals were infected by the same virus variant, suggesting ongoing interspecies transmission. Few sheep flocks were found to be infected with the MVV-like phylogenetic group A. The apparent absence of SRLV group A type in goats is probably due to the MVV control programme and animal management practices. SRLV group C targets lungs and mammary glands in sheep, and induces typical SRLV pathological lesions. SRLV group C isolated from the sheep mammary glands suggested a productive infection and potential for transmission to offspring. SRLV group C was most prevalent among goats. A lower PCR sensitivity in seropositive sheep suggested a lower load of SRLV group C provirus in sheep than in goats. Higher genetic divergence of group C than in other SRLV groups and extensive heterogeneity among group C isolates in the matrix C-terminal region demonstrate the need for identifying conserved target regions when developing PCR protocols for SRLV detection. As sheep and goats may serve as reservoirs for all SRLV genogroup types, successful control programmes require inclusion of both species.  相似文献   

The study was designed to better define the variables affecting the success of the establishment of ovine herpesvirus 2 (OHV-2)-free sheep flocks. A total of 38 lambs born to OHV-2-positive ewes was selected and divided into four groups. Three groups of 10 lambs each were separated from the positive ewes at 2, 2.5 and 3 months of age, respectively, and maintained in isolation facilities. One group of eight remained in the positive flock as controls. Peripheral blood samples from each lamb were examined regularly by PCR for OHV-2 DNA. All lambs (100%) that were weaned and maintained in isolation from the ages of 2, 2.5 and 3 months remained negative until the termination of the experiment at 1 year of age. One lamb was discovered to be PCR-positive on the day of isolation at 2.5 months of age, and was promptly removed from the isolation group. In contrast, all lambs (100%) that remained with the flock became PCR-positive by 6 months of age. The data confirmed that, with rare exceptions, separation of lambs from OHV-2 infected animals at around 2 months of age reliably yields OHV-2-free sheep. Appropriate PCR monitoring will enable the rare exceptions to be removed from the group, and is recommended as a safety measure.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to apply whole flock testing over time to determine the prevalence, distribution and spread of infection in a recently infected flock, with a view to planning intervention strategies for disease control. PROCEDURE: Serology, pooled faecal culture (PFC) and histology were used to determine the distribution and persistence of infection in a sheep flock in south east New South Wales between 1997 and 2002. Partial flock testing was done up to June 2000, after which annual whole flock testing, using PFC was performed. RESULTS: Faecal shedding of M a paratuberculosis was not detected in home-bred sheep until 7 years after the introduction of infected sheep in 1993. For at least 7 years there was clustering of infection and shedding within two age groups only. The infected groups appeared to have been exposed to infection (mycobacterial contamination) at an early age (<12 months) and commenced shedding at 5 years of age or older. Groups that were exposed to contamination as adults did not shed detectable amounts of M a paratuberculosis during the study period. CONCLUSION: Clustering of detectable infection in age groups of sheep that were exposed as lambs was a feature on this farm, providing indirect evidence of finite duration of survival of M a paratuberculosis on pasture and the influence of age on the susceptibility of sheep to develop detectable M a paratuberculosis infection. Spread of infection occurred very slowly and was probably related to the long incubation period (exposure to shedding interval) of 5 years observed on this farm. The findings suggest that partial flock culling, selective grazing management and vaccination could lead to a reduction in mycobacterial contamination on farm to a level at which patent infection no longer occurs. Better understanding of disease spread within flocks over time through flock profiling using PFC will help in devising surveillance strategies (including testing protocols for market assurance testing) to detect infected flocks where there has been clustering and slow spread of infection.  相似文献   

Detection of small ruminant lentiviruses (SRLVs) in sheep and goats usually relies on serological testing. In this study, we evaluated semi-nested PCR and nested PCR techniques applied as a diagnostic tool for detection of maedi-visna virus (MVV) and caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus (CAEV) in naturally infected sheep and goats, respectively. The examination of 193 ovine and 85 caprine serum samples by the ELISA revealed the presence of specific antibodies in 133 (69%) and 18 (21.2%) animals, respectively. Presence of proviral DNA was manifested in 103 (53.4%) sheep and 12 (14.2%) goats. Despite the relatively lower sensitivity of PCR, the fact of detection of proviral DNA in 19 out of 60 ovine samples and 7 out of 67 caprine samples collected from animals previously negative by ELISA was noteworthy. In conclusion, the data demonstrated that combinations of both ELISA and PCR might afford optimal detection of SRLVs infection.  相似文献   

Four Merino lambs were intranasally inoculated with bovine herpesvirus type 5 (BHV-5) reference strain N569. Two lambs were mock-inoculated as negative controls. The virus-inoculated animals developed apathy, inappetence, rhinitis, nasal, ocular and genital discharge, slight diarrhea and neurological disorders, like tremor and salivation. BHV-5 was isolated from the nasal discharge in two of the animals, while the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) detected the virus in all the infected lambs. Two lambs died on post infection day (PID) 13, while the other two infected animals were euthanized on PID 15 and 30. Gross pathological changes were not observed, however, histopathological examinations revealed diffuse nonsuppurative meningo-encephalitis in all infected animals. Viral antigen was detected by immunohistochemistry and viral nucleic acid was revealed by in situ hybridization in the brain of the two lambs, which died on PID 13. The virus was demonstrated by virus isolation and by PCR from different organs of all the infected animals. Slight rise of antibodies was observed in the infected animals from PID 15. The results show that BHV-5 is able to cross the species barrier and may establish infection in sheep.  相似文献   

Ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma (OPA) is a naturally occurring contagious lung neoplasia caused by jaagsiekte sheep retrovirus (JSRV). Although no specific circulating antibodies against the virus can be detected in infected sheep, JSRV proviral DNA sequences can be found in peripheral blood leukocytes (PBLs) in clinically affected and in a proportion of in contact animals. In this study, existing hemi-nested PCR procedure is compared with a new one-step PCR technique that was developed to minimise potential DNA contamination and reduce sample and reagent handling. Different blood preparations were assessed and the best results were achieved on DNA prepared from buffy coat. The sensitivity of this PCR was lower in JSRV infected sheep without lesions of OPA than in clinically affected sheep, which indicate that this PCR may not be not fully appropriate for screening of individual sheep, but rather to provide results at flock level. This PCR is the only currently available blood test for detection of JSRV infected sheep and may be useful in epidemiological studies and in control programmes of OPA.  相似文献   

Ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma (OPA) is a contagious lung tumour of sheep caused by Jaagsiekte sheep retrovirus (JSRV). The disease is a particular problem in flocks in many parts of the world. The aim of the study was to assess screening methods for individual animals as a prelude to future eradication trials. Results of histological examination were used as the standard to evaluate the relative sensitivity and specificity of an established heminested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test for JSRV proviral DNA from blood and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) samples. PCR results from tissue samples are included as control data. PCR testing of blood samples was found to have an estimated sensitivity of only 10% (95% confidence interval (CI) 3-20) while the sensitivity of the PCR test on BAL samples was 89% (CI 79-96) in comparison to the results of histological examination. We conclude that PCR testing of BAL samples is an effective confirmatory test for sheep with suspected clinical OPA. It is also a useful tool for the pre-clinical identification of individual infected sheep within an infected flock and therefore may prove beneficial in future control or eradication programmes.  相似文献   

Maedi-visna (MV) infection was detected in a cohort of 68 purchased ewes, one of several groups of sheep introduced to a farm after the previous stock had been culled with suspected foot-and-mouth disease in 2001. Except for short periods totalling six to seven weeks when the sheep co-grazed with 13 ewe lambs and ram lambs, the infected cohort was kept separate from other sheep on the farm over a total of 21 months. During this period two crops of lambs were reared from the infected ewes. All the lambs were fattened and killed, and all ewes were culled after the second crop of lambs had been weaned. Subsequent serological testing of the remaining sheep on the farm confirmed the elimination of MV infection from the flock, leading to its acceptance in the Maedi Visna Accreditation Scheme of the Scottish Agricultural College's Sheep and Goat Health Schemes.  相似文献   

Previous studies from this laboratory have defined the pattern of acquisition of ovine herpesvirus 2 (OHV-2) in lambs under natural flock conditions. This study examined the question of whether OHV-2 could be transmitted between adult sheep. Two potential routes of transmission were examined: (1) direct inoculation of either viable leukocytes or whole blood from OHV-2 positive sheep, and (2) horizontal transmission through natural contact with OHV-2 positive sheep. Two groups of OHV-2 negative adult sheep were inoculated with material from infected sheep, one with 5x10(8) viable peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL), and the other with 100 ml of whole peripheral blood. No PCR signals were detected in any of the three sheep inoculated with the PBL during the 20 weeks following inoculation. In the group of five sheep inoculated with whole blood, two became PCR-positive at 7 and 8 weeks post-inoculation, respectively, and the remaining three sheep maintained their negative status until termination of the experiment at 20 weeks post-inoculation. In two experiments conducted in different flocks, a total of 20 adult sheep were used to examine horizontal transmission by contact; all animals became PCR-positive within 12 months of mixing the uninfected and infected animals. The results of these experiments support two conclusions. First, the susceptibility to OHV-2 is not limited to young lambs; adult sheep remain fully susceptible. Second, the fact that whole blood, but not PBL, from infected sheep was able to transmit the infection to only two of five inoculated sheep suggests that the infection in peripheral blood cells may be largely non-productive.  相似文献   

Small ruminant lentiviruses (SRLVs) are prevalent in North American sheep and a major cause of production losses for the U.S. sheep industry. Sheep susceptibility to SRLV infection is influenced by genetic variation within the ovine transmembrane 154 gene (TMEM154). Animals with either of two distinct TMEM154 haplotypes that both encode glutamate at position 35 of the protein (E35) are at greater risk of SRLV infection than those homozygous with a lysine (K35) haplotype. Prior to this study, it was unknown if TMEM154 associations with infection are influenced by SRLV genetic subgroups. Accordingly, our goals were to characterize SRLVs naturally infecting sheep from a diverse U.S. Midwestern flock and test them for associations with TMEM154 E35K genotypes. Two regions of the SRLV genome were targeted for proviral amplification, cloning, sequence analysis, and association testing with TMEM154 E35K genotypes: gag and the transmembrane region of env. Independent analyses of gag and env sequences showed that they clustered in two subgroups (1 and 2), they were distinct from SRLV subtypes originating from Europe, and that subgroup 1 associated with hemizygous and homozygous TMEM154 K35 genotypes and subgroup 2 with hemi- and homozygous E35 genotypes (gag p < 0.001, env p = 0.01). These results indicate that SRLVs in the U.S. have adapted to infect sheep with specific TMEM154 E35K genotypes. Consequently, both host and SRLV genotypes affect the relative risk of SRLV infection in sheep.  相似文献   

Border disease without nervous signs or fleece changes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A natural infection with border disease virus occurred in a flock on low ground in Argyll in the spring of 1984. The outbreak was unusual in that the typical clinical signs of border disease, ie, tremor and, or, fleece changes were not present; manifestations of disease were restricted to abortion and the birth of small weak lambs. The disease was shown to have been introduced to the flock by four healthy ewes persistently infected with border disease virus among a group of 39 purchased in October 1983. Further investigations in late August 1984 detected viraemia in six of seven ill-thriven lambs and four of 24 apparently healthy lambs. Attempted 'natural vaccination' of susceptible sheep by mixing them at grass for three months with groups of ewes and lambs known to contain virus excretors was largely unsuccessful as only four of 22 'sentinel' sheep seroconverted. In October 1984 the persistently infected purchased animals and all that year's lamb crop were removed from the farm. No disease occurred in 1985 when the lambing percentage was 129 per cent compared with 100 per cent in 1984. Two of the four persistently infected purchased ewes were mated at Moredun Research Institute in December 1984 and both produced healthy but persistently infected lambs.  相似文献   

Granulocytic Ehrlichia infection in sheep is common in Norway in areas with Ixodes ricinus. In this study, 2 sheep flocks that had been grazing on I. ricinus infested pastures the previous season, were blood sampled after being housed indoors for nearly 6 months during wintertime. Thirty animals from each flock were examined for granulocytic Ehrlichia infection in the peripheral blood by blood inoculation studies, stained blood smear evaluation, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis and serology (IFA-antibodies). The animals were sampled twice within a three-week period, the first time before and the second time after lambing. Two sheep in one flock were found Ehrlichia positive by both blood smear evaluation and PCR before lambing, and 3 sheep were found positive after lambing; 2 by blood smear examination and 3 by PCR. In the other flock, no sheep was found infected before lambing, but 2 ewes were found positive after lambing by both blood smear evaluation and PCR. In the first flock, 87% of the animals were found seropositive before lambing, and the mean antibody titre (log10 +/- SD) to E. equi was 2.45 +/- 0.401. In the second flock, 40% were found seropositive before lambing, and the mean antibody titre was 1.93 +/- 0.260. Seroprevalence and mean antibody titre in these 2 flocks were significantly different (p < 0.001). The present study indicates that sheep may be a reservoir host for granulocytic Ehrlichia infection from one grazing season to the next under natural conditions in Norway.  相似文献   

Ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma (OPA) is a contagious disease caused by jaagsiekte sheep retrovirus (JSRV). In the three studies performed, we have obtained data of the importance of colostrum/milk (C/M) in the transmission of JSRV. In the first study, a group of sheep from a flock with a long history of OPA, samples from colostrum and peripheral blood leucocytes (PBLs) were collected. Two specific PCRs (U3-LTR and env of the JSRV) were carried out. Using U3PCR 8/34 sheep were positive in colostrum whereas with envPCR 7/34 were positive. From these animals only one was positive with U3PCR in the PBLs. Evidence of the transmission of JSRV infection by C/M was obtained in two more separate studies. In the second study, PBLs from five lambs from JSRV+ ewes and two from JSRV-ewes were tested by the U3PCR. They were fed C/M by their mothers during 3 months and slaughtered 7 months after birth. Three out of five lambs from the JSRV+ sheep become PBL positive at 3-4 months old and the other two were also positive at 4-6 months of age. One lamb of the JSRV-sheep became also PBL positive at an age of 3 months. In the third study, a group of lambs from JSRV negative mothers were fed with C/M from JSRV+ sheep and housed in separate unit. For comparison, another group of the same origin and maintained in another different unit, were fed with C/M containing a JSRV virus preparation. All lambs were blood sampled monthly and JSRV infection was detected as early as 15 days and several times onwards in both groups. Control groups fed with C/M from JSRV free flock and JSRV blood test negative sheep were always negative. Together these results indicate that suckling is an important natural transmission route for JSRV.  相似文献   

Two control programs were evaluated for their efficiency in eradicating the maedi-visna (M-V) virus from a single sheep flock. In both programs, the agar gel immunodiffusion test was used for the detection of M-V infected animals at regular intervals. In program 1, the test and remove program, ewes that were serologically positive for M-V were immediately removed along with their offspring. The prevalence of infected sheep decreased gradually and a seronegative flock was obtained after 30 months of monitoring. Program 2 entailed the removal of replacement ewe lambs at birth prior to the ingestion of colostrum. Maedi-visna antibodies have not been detected in this flock. These results show that under conditions similar to the industry norms, M-V can be expelled. Although the approach of program 1 is more practical for sheep producers, program 2 is more effective because of the earlier development of a M-V seronegative flock. Because of the nature of the humoral response, a longer time period than four years is required to ensure that M-V has been completely eradicated from each flock.  相似文献   

We sought to determine whether infection of recently weaned 12-16-week-old Merino lambs with an Australian S strain M. a. paratuberculosis, at doses consistent with natural exposure, could be detected in the first few months post-inoculation. Such detection would facilitate the use of weaner sheep as sentinel animals for the presence of infectious doses of M. a. paratuberculosis on pastures. In controlled pen trials, oral doses of approximately 10(7)-10(8) viable organisms were demonstrated to be infective, whereas doses below 10(4) organisms failed to produce detectable infection. Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (M. a. paratuberculosis) was isolated from intestinal and/or lymphoid tissues collected at necropsy 7 or 14 weeks after first infection, but there were no associated gross or microscopic lesions. Skin testing with intradermal Johnin detected all three infected lambs at 13 weeks post-infection, and one of the three infected lambs at 6 weeks post-infection, with 100% specificity. Results for whole blood IFN-gamma assay showed some correlation with infection status but lacked specificity. One infected lamb gave a positive result in an ELISA for antibodies to M. a. paratuberculosis, 14 weeks post-infection and 1 week after skin testing. This was the first demonstration of experimental infection with S strain M. a. paratuberculosis in Australian Merino sheep at doses likely to be representative of natural infection. Culture from tissues in the first few months post-exposure could facilitate the use of naive weaner sheep as tracer animals to detect heavy contamination of pastures with M. a. paratuberculosis, but low-level contamination may not be detected in such a system.  相似文献   

Reticuloendotheliosis virus (REV), a common pathogen of poultry, has been associated with runting and neoplasia in an endangered subspecies of grouse, the Attwater's prairie chicken. The pathogenesis of REV infection was examined in experimentally infected prairie chickens. Three groups of four Attwater's/greater prairie chicken hybrids were infected intravenously with varying doses (tissue culture infective dose [TCID50], 200, 1000, and 5000) of a prairie chicken-isolated REV. A fourth group of four birds was not infected. Blood was collected prior to infection, and at various times up to 37 wk following infection. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were examined for integrated proviral DNA by a single-amplification polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and nested PCR of a region within the pol gene. The nested PCR identified REV proviral DNA in all REV-inoculated birds by 2 wk postinfection and confirmed chronic infection throughout the study. With the exception of a bird that died from bacterial pneumonia 8 wk postinfection, neoplasia, resembling that seen in naturally occurring infections, was observed in all birds, even those receiving as little as 200 TCID50 of virus.  相似文献   

Most studies that investigate the prevalence of infections with feline leukemia virus (FeLV) are based on the detection of p27 antigen in blood, but they do not detect proviral DNA to identify the prevalence of regressive FeLV infections. The aim of the present study was to assess the prevalence and status of FeLV infection in cats in Southern Germany. P27 antigen enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), anti-p45 antibody ELISA, DNA polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of blood and RNA PCR of saliva were performed. Nine out of 495 cats were progressively (persistently) infected (1.8%) and six were regressively (latently) infected (1.2%). Cats with regressive infections are defined as cats that have been able to overcome antigenemia but provirus can be detected by PCR. Twenty-two unvaccinated cats likely had abortive infections (regressor cats), testing FeLV antigen- and provirus-negative but anti-p45 antibody-positive. Most of the FeLV-vaccinated cats did not have anti-FeLV antibodies. Both progressive, as well as regressive infections seem to be rare in Germany today.  相似文献   

A field trial to study the practicability and efficacy of maedi-visna control in sheep by artificial rearing of lambs was carried out during the lambing season of 1979. Lambs were immediately separated from the dams at birth, deprived of ovine colostrum, and reared isolated from the parent flock. Bovine colostrum was given instead of maternal colostrum. Eleven farms participated in the experiment. All flocks were severely infected with maedi-visna virus: 63-100% of the ewes were seropositive as demonstrated by ELISA. Artificially reared lambs were serologically tested and positives culled at the age of 6, 12, 18, 24, 30 and 36 months. Only very few positives were found: 1/389, 1/376, 0/337, 1/223, 1/192 and 0/144, respectively. The first two sero-positive lambs occurred in one flock, and it could be ascertained that both had mistakenly been given ovine colostrum probably containing maedi-visna virus. No explanation, other than sub-optimal hygiene and isolation, could be found for the two sero-positive sheep that turned up in another flock at 24 and 30 months of age although, transplacental infection cannot be entirely excluded. It is concluded that artificial rearing of ovine colostrum-deprived lambs is an effective and practicable method for the control of maedi-visna in sheep. The method appears particularly useful when valuable genetic material has to be salvaged.  相似文献   

Out of 189 lambs in the flock, 25 animals suffered from bilateral or unilateral conjunctivitis, or keratoconjunctivitis. By serological examination (RVK), positive levels of antibodies to the group-specific antigen of Chl. psittaci were found in three out of six lambs examined by laboratory methods. Bacteriological examination of eye smears of six lambs showed in four cases the infection by microorganisms of Moraxella bovis. Smears from the conjunctivas of these lambs were after preparation instilled in the yolk sacs of six to seven days old chicken embryos. One strain of Chlamydia psittaci was isolated from the same material as Moraxella bovis.  相似文献   

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