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李旭光  张喜昌  张艳 《齐鲁渔业》2020,37(3):1-3,I0001
研究虾夷马粪海胆幼胆对鲜海带、盐渍海带、干海带、白菜和萝卜的饵料选择性。利用五种物料饲喂虾夷马粪海胆幼胆50天,检测海胆的成活率、生长情况。结果发现,摄食鲜海带和干海带组成活率最高,分别达到(99.83±0.29%)和(93.50±2.60%);摄食干海带和盐渍海带组的增重率最高,分别达到(120.36±3.13%)和(117.34土5.74%);摄食鲜海带和盐渍海带组的壳径扩增率最大,分别达到(4.74±0.45%)和(4.30±0.40%)。虾夷马粪海胆幼体摄食干海带时,饵料系数最低,为1.62±0.53。研究表明,鲜海带、干海带和盐渍海带都是虾夷马粪海胆的优选饵料。  相似文献   

厦门水产学院鱼类饵料研究组用褐藻类(海带)制成粗藻胶做为鱼类饵料粘合剂,试验证明是经济和有效的。一、粗藻胶的制备利用次等干海带在水中浸泡1小时,然后切碎,加入干海带重量的10~15倍水和干海带重量的10~12%的纯碱(碳酸钠),加热至60℃,保温一小时并不断搅拌,使海带呈  相似文献   

调味海带脆片生产工艺   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文探讨了以干海带为原料,通过硬化、护绿、调味、微波干燥等工艺生产海带脆片的方法。  相似文献   

近日从山东省海洋与渔业厅了解到,今年山东省海带生产喜获丰收。据统计,该省淡干海带产量约33万吨,比去年增产10%。  相似文献   

海带含有丰富的碘质,经常食用海带,有预防甲状腺肿大的作用,这正是众所周知的普通常识.但在食用过程中如何使海带碘含量的损失程度达到最小?这是个很少引人注目的问题.我国群众在食用海带前多习惯采用水泡或水煮的办法将干海带泡开,一些大的菜市场零售海带时,也是预先把干海带放入水槽中浸泡1-2天,然后出售水发海带.这种做法,不仅费时间,而且海带碘含量损失很大.据有关部门测试,干海带在水中浸泡2小  相似文献   

适度疏密养殖效果好山东荣成市人和镇水产养殖公司针对桑沟湾海带养殖密度过大,水体交换缓慢,水域环境恶化,养殖效益低的实际,主动稀疏海带养殖密度,取得显著成效。该公司在桑沟湾有2700亩海带养殖水面。前几年,由于密度过大,致使成本高、产量低,亩产淡干海带...  相似文献   

由中国海藻工业协会委托国家水产品质量监督检验中心,对部分海带制碘企业收购的干海带进行的质量抽查已结束,现将抽查结果予以通报,希望能引起海带生产(加工)单位以及各级水产质量监督管理部门的高度重视。  相似文献   

利用褐藻酸钠生产污水提取褐藻糖胶   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从海带综合利用生产褐藻酸钠、碘、甘露醇后的污水中提取褐藻糖胶的实验条件研究表明:Na2CO3溶液与污染 水用量比(体积比)为1:5.5,pH为5.5,乙醇浓度为60%,复水温度为75℃时,提取的粗褐藻糖胶中褐藻糖的质量百分比浓度最大达到22.5%,粘度测定结果证明本法制得的褐藻糖胶与干海带直接提取的褐藻糖胶的性质是相似的。  相似文献   

海带有淡干和盐干两种,淡干海带叶长宽而厚,宜于同肉烩燉。现在市场上出售的多盐干品,叶较短窄而薄,宜于凉拌、炒食或作汤,现简介如下:(1)凉拌海带:将盐干海带以凉水冲洗一次,洗去盐分,然后浸于温水十几分钟,泡软(如叶厚者,时间可稍久)切成长一寸左右的细丝(叶子窄的,横切成细丝即可),再用凉开水冲洗一次,稍沥干水分,置碟子中,另用大蒜一、二瓣,用刀拍碎,蒜泥放在海带丝中,加酱油、麻油凉拌,喜吃酸的可再加些醋。(2)凉拌豆腐海带:盐干海带的前一段处理法  相似文献   

海带养殖在我国渔业生产中占有重要地位。目前,全国海带养殖面积约20余万亩,年产淡干海带30万t,其中威海市海带产量占全国海带总产量的1/2强。为了推动海带养殖业的发展、巩固和提高,作者最近作了调查,现将调查报告全文刊登。  相似文献   

为探究新鲜海带在晾晒情况下海带总多糖、甘露醇和褐藻胶含量的变化,掌握其晾晒干燥特性并建立可准确预测干燥进程的干燥模型,以湿基含水率、干燥速率、干燥时间为指标,海带湿基含水率达到18%以下作为干燥终点,分析山东荣成海域海带在光照度大于30000 Lx且相对湿度小于70%情况下晾晒,湿基含水率以及海带总多糖、甘露醇和褐藻胶...  相似文献   

为实现海带收获转运机械化,减轻海带收获人员的作业强度,通过改进现有海带养殖筏架模式,将海带苗绳首尾依次连接成串,便于海带机械化收获转运,在此基础上设计并试制回转伸缩齿爪式收获转运试验装置。采用单元数值算法对海带收获过程中成串海带苗绳张力及拖拽力进行计算与分析,对照分析不同苗绳拖拽角度对转运装置运行状态的影响。计算分析和台架试验结果显示:海带收获转运装置拖拽附着养成海带苗绳结合点张力为1290 N,当拖拽海带苗绳起吊角≤15°时,伸缩齿爪无法挑起苗绳,易发生脱绳现象;当拖拽海带苗绳起吊角>15°时,伸缩齿爪可依次挑起海带苗绳,海带能够顺利经过转运装置,达到海带收获转运的目的;回转伸缩齿爪式收获转运装置台架试验运行情况良好,齿爪顺序伸缩机构可有效解决收获转运过程中海带缠绕齿爪的关键问题。液压系统设计采用叠加式液控单向阀,可解决油管泄漏吊臂快速下降的问题,提高系统的安全性。试验研究表明,回转伸缩齿爪式收获转运技术是可行的,可为海上试验打下扎实的基础。  相似文献   

主要介绍了从动力学研究桑沟湾养殖容量的主要思路、方法及结果。研究以精细过程观测为基础,以数值模型为手段,从物理海洋学角度考察养殖海区水动力特征,研究水动力对物质循环的影响、对颗粒态/溶解态营养物质的补充和对养殖生物量的影响,探寻不同养殖模式效果的技术路线;介绍了两个航次设计方案与目的。通过观测发现养殖对水动力垂直结构有很大影响,底层流速最大并滞后表层,发现弱动力条件下海底颗粒物和营养盐无法进入水体上层的事实。据此提出双边界层动力模型,建立一维数值模型进行机制探讨,将养殖阻力三维化建立水动力数值模型,定量给出养殖对水动力和水交换的阻碍;以此驱动三维养殖生态模型,充分考虑养殖对水动力的影响、水动力对生源要素的输运。建立了一个真正的物理-生物过程耦合模型。利用该模型进行的数值模拟和实验表明,贝藻兼养多元养殖是健康、高效养殖的有利措施;桑沟湾在现有养殖模式下,目前已基本达到了它的养殖容量,养殖品种分布不变,减少养殖密度至目前的0.9倍会略微提高产量,降低成本;减少湾口海带养殖密度,会大幅度提高贝藻兼养区的营养盐总量和养殖生物产量,从海带与贝类经济价值对比会有更高的效益。人为提高水动力混合或许是解决湾内营养盐缺乏的途径。  相似文献   

Cultured sea urchins of similar size (mean ± SE = 4.33 ± 0.48 g in body weight) were fed biofilms only, kelp (Laminaria japonica)+biofilms (biofilms as supplementary food) and a control diet of kelp only for 7 months in the laboratory. The somatic growth and the survival rate of the sea urchins were measured monthly, and the gonad wet weight and gonad color difference were determined at the end of the experiment. The results show that diet did not significantly affect survival rate (P > 0.05), but had highly significant effects on somatic growth from the first month to the end of the experiment (P < 0.01). Sea urchins fed biofilms only showed negligible or even negative somatic growth at the end of the experiment. Sea urchins on the kelp+biofilms grazed biofilms and consumed kelp during the experiment, and showed sustained greater increase in body weight than those of fed kelp only after the fourth month (P < 0.05). The biofilms may have supplied micronutrients. At the end of the experiment, gonad production of sea urchins fed biofilms was too little (0.11 ± 0.09 g) to identify sex and measure color. Gonad wet weights of males and females and gonad color fed kelp+biofilms did not differ significantly from those of fed kelp only (P > 0.05). However, sea urchins fed kelp+biofilms were more uniform in gonad color than those fed kelp only (P < 0.01), indicating biofilms supplementation could reduce the percentage of low-grade roe. This study therefore reveals the potential of biofilms as a supplementary food in the culture of sea urchins.  相似文献   

The kelp Saccharina japonica is a dominant seaweed along the Sanriku coast where fisheries for sea urchin and abalone are among the most prosperous in Japan. We investigated the phenology of the kelp at depths of 6, 9 and 12 m from March 2015 to March 2016. The sea urchin Mesocentrotus nudus, a dominant herbivore off the coast, was also monitored with respect to its gonads for fishery use. Juvenile kelp appeared in March and rapidly elongated until May. Weight of the kelp significantly increased from April to July. Sori formation commenced from September and ceased in December. Density and biomass of the kelp were higher in the shallower sites than in the deeper one throughout the year. The highest biomasses recorded between July and October were 3773, 1939 and 501 g dry weight m?2 at depths of 6, 9 and 12 m, respectively. No regrowth of kelp blades was observed, indicating that S. japonica in this region has an annual life cycle. The gonad index of the sea urchin in the 12-m site was lower than that in the 6- and 9-m sites, indicating the close relation of the gonad index with the biomass of the kelp.  相似文献   

In the Shiretoko Peninsula, a World Natural Heritage site, the sustainable management of kelp forests has drawn public attention because of the economic and ecological importance of kelp. We spatially estimated the distributions of kelp forests in the Shiretoko Peninsula before and after harvest. Field surveys were conducted in coastal waters (23.74 km2) at the ends of July and August 2008, immediately before and after harvest. Data on the presence or absence and thickness of the kelp forests were collected via acoustic observation. The data were interpolated using geostatistical methods. Before harvest, the kelp forests were continuously distributed over 5.64 km2 (thickness 33–132 cm), especially near the north part of the study area. After harvest, they were sparsely distributed over 2.73 km2 (thickness 35–105 cm). In the southern part of the study area, the influence of harvests was observed as declines in forest area. In addition, relatively thickly forested areas formed the majority of the part most likely to be harvested. Selective harvesting for area and size was confirmed though quantitative mapping of kelp forests. The quantitative mapping of both the distribution and harvest of kelp forests was successful.  相似文献   

The abundance, species composition, and stable isotope ratios of benthic organisms were investigated to determine the trophic structures in abalone (Haliotis discus hannai) habitats, which are characterized by contrasting vegetation of crustose coralline algae (CCA) and kelp beds. A size–frequency analysis revealed that juvenile abalones with shell lengths (SLs) smaller than ~30 mm primarily inhabited CCA beds, whereas adults were abundant in kelp beds. Stable isotope analyses indicated that CCA beds were composed of a single food chain, whereas kelp beds supported multiple food chains. The abalone were divided into three size groups to estimate potential species interactions during their ontogeny. A small gastropod, Homalopoma sangarense, was the most abundant species, but is suspected to be less competitive with abalone, especially in CCA beds. An abundant starfish Asterina pectinifera appeared to function as a potential predator of juvenile abalones in both CCA and kelp beds. We concluded that CCA beds are essential for immediate post-settlement processes of abalones, whereas kelp beds are more important for providing refuge and food sources for adult abalones. The present study highlights that ontogenetic niche shifting can be a successful life-history strategy to sustain the abalone population in a subtidal rocky shore ecosystem.  相似文献   

  1. Ecological stability based on statistical variability was contrasted with the asymptotical local stability of transient states during successional changes in community structure in kelp forests and barren grounds.
  2. Simplified semi-quantitative ecological models with different levels of complexity were constructed to represent transient successional states in kelp and barrens, and Routh–Hurwitz's criteria and Levins' criterion of local stability were also estimated.
  3. The results suggest that ecological stability based on statistical variation does not match local (mathematical) stability, since although successional changes in kelp exhibited less variability (measured as percentage coefficient of variation), barren beds were more locally stable. The local stability criteria used in the current work could be a suitable technique for evaluating the likelihood of transient ecological states to resist or change, since it considers states at equilibrium to maintain their properties only against small disturbances.
  4. These outcomes are relevant because the natural alternation between kelp and barrens could be disrupted by the intensive harvest of kelp species carried out over the last 10 years on the central-north Chilean coast and in other temperate ecosystems.
  5. Additionally, the negative effects of harvesting kelp species could have a synergetic relationship with other drivers such as climate change and coastal pollution. Thus, strict policy managements to limit the kelp harvest are deeply encouraged. A monitoring programme for assessing the current conditions of benthic–pelagic ecosystems along the Chilean coast is also required.

屠幼英  朱连冬 《海洋渔业》1997,19(3):121-123
对北太平洋的太平洋褶柔鱼为原料制成的鱿鱼丝干制品的脂肪酸进行组成及变化研究,在夏季其不饱和脂肪酸氧化极快。用保鲜技术对鱿鱼丝进行处理,变色速率下降,且其不饱和脂肪酸含量变化减慢,因而认为鱿鱼丝变色与脂肪酸含量及组成有关,并提出降低其氧化速率的途径和参考方法。  相似文献   

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