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人工授精技术已广泛应用于畜牧养殖业,猪的人工授精技术应用比例也在逐年加大。深部输精技术能够减少输精时的精子数量,使饲养公猪的数量及综合成本大大降低,优秀公猪的利用范围在很大程度上得到提高,具有优秀基因的猪的利用率明显提高,选育进程加快。为了探究母猪深部输精技术的特点及应用效果,文章对母猪深部输精的应用器材、深部输精方法、我国及发达国家深部输精的研究应用进展进行综述,并探讨未来母猪深部输精的研究方向。  相似文献   

猪深部输精技术使用效果的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正猪人工授精因具有减少场内疫病的传播、降低公猪饲养量、提高优良公猪利用率等方面的优势,所以,在规模化猪场乃至小型养殖户中得到越来越广泛的应用。但是在实践中,常规人工授精也存在一些有待改善的问题,如工作量大、易造成精液倒流,致使受胎率低、产仔数少等。因此,人工授精技术需要进一步地改进提高。目前,一种新的人工授精技术开始得到应用,即深部输精。深部输精可以将公猪精液送入更深部位,更接近母猪受精的输卵管部位,使公猪精子与母猪卵子缩短接触距离,从而  相似文献   

过去几年里,利用低精子剂量进行猪人工授精的多项新技术已经开发成功和/或已进行了评估。借助这些新技术,可以将含有较少精子数的授精精液输入母猪的子宫体(子宫颈后输精)或子宫角(子宫内深部输精)。通过子宫颈后授精技术,用3倍稀释的精液已能够使母猪成功怀孕;借助子宫内深部授精技术,用稀释比例高达20倍的新鲜精液或6倍的冷冻一冻融精液能使母猪成功妊娠,且所获得的繁殖性能与采用常规人工授精技术的母猪相近。最近,一项借助腹腔镜将精子输入输卵管内的新技术已经开发成功,以此作为这些技术的补充。研究表明,此腹腔镜法人工授精技术可适用于稀释精液和性控精液的人工授精。此新技术的开发成功将使当前可用精子技术得到更有效的应用。借助适当的授精技术,可以使冷藏精液、冷冻-冻融精液和性控精液轻易获得较高的受精率。  相似文献   

猪人工授精中深部输精技术的研究与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
房国锋  曾勇庆 《养猪》2012,(6):34-37
近年来,一种仅需低精子数的深部输精技术得到了研究和应用。相对于常规子宫颈输精法,深部输精就是将精液输送到子宫体、子宫角或输卵管部。采用低剂量的新鲜或冷冻一解冻精液进行深部输精,母猪所取得的繁殖力和所需的操作时间与常规人工授精没有明显差异。深部输精技术可以大幅提高优秀公猪的利用率,提高冷冻或性别控制精液的使用效果,其在繁殖领域的研究以及在养猪生产中具有广阔的应用前景。本文概述猪人工授精中3种深部输精技术的研究与应用情况,分析实施深部输精需要考虑的一些影响因素。  相似文献   

在现代化养猪实践中,利用猪常温精液,以传统的子宫颈内进行人工授精,已被广泛的运用,并取得了可喜的成绩。自动采精和分装系统、运用电脑对猪精液质量进行分析,运用低剂量精子进行子宫颈后、子宫深部人工输精技术的日趋成熟,以及精液冷冻保存技术、性控技术的研究都得到长足的进步,将对生猪生产产生深刻的影响。  相似文献   

猪人工授精成功的标准和提高措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
猪人工授精是否成功一般以公猪输配母猪数量的大小、受胎率的高低、窝产仔数的多少来决定.近年来,随着猪人工授精技术的不断发展,尤其是输精器械不断改良,精液稀释配方不断改进,精子质量监控不断加强,输精方式不断改善,采用猪人工授精技术无论是在公猪输配母猪比例、受胎率还是窝产仔数上都要好于本交.  相似文献   

国外猪人工授精技术研究进展   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
猪精液在液态下保存以及传统的子宫颈内人工授精,在现代养猪产业已广泛应用.但精液冷冻,以及近年来发展的XY精子分离技术,还没有在猪上商业化使用.新的输精方式如子宫颈后、子宫深部和腹腔镜人工授精技术的发展,将会有助于实现冻精和性控精液在猪人工授精中的有效率应用.  相似文献   

<正>猪人工授精是否成功一般以公猪输配母猪数量的大小、受胎率的高低、窝产仔数的多少来决定。近年来,随着猪人工授精技术不断地发展,尤其是输精器械不断改良、精液稀释配方不断改进、精子质量监控不断加强、输精方式不断改善,采用猪人工授精技术无论是在公猪输配母猪比例、受胎率还是窝产仔  相似文献   

提高猪人工授精受胎率的主要措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
影响人工授精受胎率的因素有种公猪精液质量、母猪发情排卵情况、人工授精技术、输精方式等。笔者根据实际工作经验,总结了一些提高猪人工授精受胎率的措施。1提高精液质量公猪精液质量主要是精子活力强弱。精子活力强,可保持较长时间的受精能力。提高精液质量应注意以...  相似文献   

“二次稀释法”是指采出种公猪精液后,由常规一次稀释,改为经二次稀释后的精液供输精的办法。此法在确保猪人工授精效果的前提下,有效地降低了母猪输精过程中精子的用量。应用此法,可以充分发挥优良公猪的利用效应,压缩种公猪的饲养量,从而提高经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

This contribution provides an overview of approaches to correlate sow fertility data with boar semen quality characteristics. Large data sets of fertility data and ejaculate data are more suitable to analyse effects of semen quality characteristics on field fertility. Variation in fertility in sows is large. The effect of semen factors is relatively small and therefore impossible to find in smaller data sets. Large data sets allow for statistical corrections on both sow- and boar-related parameters. Remaining sow fertility variation can then be assigned to semen quality parameters, which is of huge interest to AI (artificial insemination) companies. Previous studies of Varkens KI Nederland to find the contribution to field fertility of (i) the number of sperm cells in an insemination dose, (ii) the sperm motility and morphological defects and (iii) the age of semen at the moment of insemination are discussed in context of the possibility to apply such knowledge to select boars on the basis of their sperm parameters for AI purposes.  相似文献   

The current cervical artificial insemination (CAI) procedure, involving deposition of excessive sperm numbers, is uneconomical for pig industry. The most obvious alternative requires uterine deposition in combination with fixed-time AI, which would reduce the number of sperm required per pregnant sow, thus allowing the best use of valuable boars and, ultimately, the commercial integration of frozen-thawed and sexed sperm. This review depicts possible best ways to implement an efficient use of liquid-stored, frozen-thawed and sexed sperm by the pig industry.  相似文献   

奶牛性控冻精人工授精影响因素研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用分离X和Y精子的性控精液进行人工授精是控制家畜性别之最简单可行的方法.然而,低密度性控精液输精效果还不如常规人工授精,许多技术环节都有待改进.以常规冻精和稀释常规冻精为对照,研究解冻方法、输精时间和部位、不同精液来源和输精员以及育成和经产牛等因素对性控冻精人工授精妊娠率的影响.结果显示,精液解冻水浴温度和持续时间对人工授精效果有显著影响,性控精液对解冻水浴温度更敏感;性控冻精和稀释常规冻精比常规冻精对输精时间要求更严格;3种精液输精到排卵卵泡同侧子宫角基部受胎率都显著高于输精于子宫体和同侧子宫角前端;3种精液育成牛受胎率(80%)都显著高于经产牛(50%);于输精同时注射促排卵素3号明显提高性控冻精受胎率;经严格挑选、能够从事胚胎移植操作的技术熟练输精员之间性控冻精受胎率差异不显著;在所设计的不同条件下,性控冻精与稀释同样倍数的常规冻精行为相似,说明精子分离过程没有对精子造成特殊损伤.研究结果说明,精确控制人工授精各个技术环节可以实现消除性控与非性控、低密度与高密度精演之间的差别,获得高妊娠率.  相似文献   

In swine, the use of frozen-thawed (FT) sperm for artificial insemination (AI) is limited because of poor sow fertility, possibly associated with a post-thaw capacitation-like status resulting in fewer fully viable sperm. Sow fertility to AI with FT sperm may improve with deeper deposition of sperm within the female tract, insemination very close to ovulation, or reversal of cryocapacitation by seminal plasma (SP). We performed two experiments to examine these suggestions. In experiment 1, 122 multiparous Yorkshire sows received 600 IU equine chorionic gonadotrophin at weaning and 5 mg pLH 80 h later to control time of ovulation. The predicted time of ovulation (PTO) was 38 h after pLH injection. Thereafter, sows were assigned on the basis of parity to a single AI of FT sperm at 2 h before PTO, or at 12 h before PTO, or FT sperm supplemented with 10% SP at 12 h before PTO. Control sows received fresh semen at 12 h before PTO. All semen doses were adjusted to 3 x 10(9) live cells and deposited into the cervix. Experiment 2 employed 99 multiparous crossbred sows and repeated the treatments of experiment 1 except that all FT inseminations were intrauterine. In both experiments, farrowing rates were lower (p < 0.01) following FT inseminations with no effect of time of insemination or of supplemental SP. In experiment 1, litter size was smaller following FT insemination (p < 0.05), but no effect on litter size was evident in experiment 2. Supplemental SP had no effect on litter size in either experiment. The lack of effect of either SP or timing of FT insemination on sow fertility suggests that the non-lethal sperm cryoinjury affecting fertility involves more than just cryocapacitation.  相似文献   

The increasing use of frozen semen, the high cost of a dose of semen from some stallions, and the inability of some stallions to cope with their demand has triggered an incentive to reduce the number of spermatozoa from the traditional 500 PMS to significantly lower numbers per insemination. Two techniques have been described to deposit low sperm numbers in the uterus. Although experimental results have been reported for the rectally guided deep horn insemination (RGDHI) and endoscopic deep horn insemination (EDHI) techniques, little information is available in clinical settings with respect to the results of either method. This article reports on a comparison of the rectally guided insemination and hysteroscopic techniques in a clinical setting over three breeding seasons. Semen frozen in 0.5-mL straws and concentrations of 40 to 200 million per straw was available from 88 stallions whose fertility with frozen semen ranged between 0% and 100%. Of the 2544 inseminations performed 1279 were done by RGDHI, which resulted in a 43% seasonal pregnancy rate compared with 45% for the 1265 inseminations using the EDHI technique. There was an overall, but nonsignificant, advantage for the EDHI technique over the RGDHI and semen usage was slightly lower when using the EDHI procedure. There was no difference in fertility among breeding seasons for either technique. However, fertility of some stallions was increased by increasing the sperm numbers in the inseminates. From these data and results from others, it is evident that lower sperm numbers deposited by rectally guiding a flexible pipette to the tip of the horn or by using an endoscope to deliver the semen will result in acceptable pregnancy rates with frozen semen in commercial settings.  相似文献   

奶牛性控精液品质检测及效果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本试验旨在利用精子分析仪对奶牛性控冷冻精液精子的运动性能及体外受精率进行分析。结果表明:性控精液精子活力及顶体完整率、前向性与常规精液相比差异显著(P<0.05);曲线速度、直线速度、平均路径速度、平均移动角度、前向性差异均不显著(P>0.05);体外受精率差异不显著(P>0.05)。结论:奶牛性控精液运动性能及受精率低于常规精液。  相似文献   

The present study was performed to test fertility in single‐ovulating and superovulated dairy heifers after insemination with low dose sex‐sorted sperm under field conditions. Some parameters, including the dosage, deposition site and timing, were assessed with the pregnancy rates after artificial insemination (AI). Moreover, the use of oestrus synchronization in combination with sorted sperm was evaluated. Besides that, we also improved the embryo production efficiency in superovulated dairy heifers by optimizing the timing of inseminations and repartitioning the sexed sperm dosage among multiple inseminations. The conception rate (52.8%) in heifers after low dose (2 × 106) insemination with sorted sperm deep into the uterine horn did not differ (p > 0.05) from that (59.6%) of conventional AI (1 × 107 non‐sorted sperm) and that of deep insemination with low dose non‐sorted sperm (57.7%). There was also no difference (p > 0.05) between conception rates after single (51.7%) and double (53.8%) deep insemination with sorted semen. Heifers inseminated with sorted sperm at synchronous oestrus had a lower pregnancy rate (48.1%) than heifers at spontaneous oestrus (53.6%), but this did not reach statistical difference (p > 0.05). The average number of transferable embryos collected in vivo from heifers inseminated with sorted sperm (4.81 ± 2.04) did not differ (p > 0.05) from that obtained from heifers after insemination with non‐sorted sperm (5.36 ± 2.74). Thus, we concluded that the pregnancy rate after deep intra‐uterine insemination with low dose sorted sperm was similar to that of non‐sorted sperm, which was either also deposited at a low dose deep intra‐uterine or into the uterine body. Sychronization of oestrus can be beneficial in combination with sorted sperm to optimize the organization and management of dairy herds. The results from superovulated heifers demonstrated that our insemination regime can be used to obtain a comparable embryo production efficiency with sorted sperm than with non‐sorted sperm.  相似文献   

Encapsulation of boar semen is a novel technique that allows insemination to be performed as a single intervention without the need to dilute the semen. The research reviewed in this paper shows that spermatozoa encapsulated in alginate are able to achieve the same fertility as two or three inseminations per oestrus using standard techniques and unencapsulated cells. The use of encapsulated spermatozoa is currently limited by the need for longer semen processing time and wastage of disposable material (catheters, plastic bottles, etc.). In this review, the advantages, the drawbacks and the future possibilities for artificial insemination with encapsulated spermatozoa in the sow are discussed, with the aim of applying this promising new methodology for the optimization of sow reproductive performance.  相似文献   


The objective of this study was to evaluate the fertility of sexed semen compared with conventional semen with regard to the puberty and breeding ages of Holstein dairy heifers subjected to double Ovsynch protocol with fixed time of artificial insemination. A total of 468 Holstein heifers were divided into two groups. The first group was 122 dairy heifers inseminated via conventional semen, while the second group was 346 heifers inseminated with sexed semen. The puberty and breeding ages of heifers were determined from the farm records. Estrus was synchronized using the double Ovsynch protocol. Numbers were estimated for pregnancy at 40 and 60 days post insemination, embryonic loss, and abortion. The results revealed that the heifers inseminated with sexed semen had a significantly lower first-service pregnancy rate (51.45%) than those inseminated with conventional semen (61.47%). Heifers achieving puberty before 350 days old had a higher pregnancy rate. Embryonic losses and abortion rates did not differ between the two types of semen. Holstein heifers subjected to Ovsynch protocol with sexed semen had an acceptable first-insemination pregnancy rate. Even the applications of sexed semen reduce the reproductive fertility and pregnancy rate in Holstein heifers.


使用流式细胞仪分离精子进行仔猪性别控制的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本研究旨在探索流式细胞仪分离精子在猪性别控制中的应用。使用流式细胞仪分离猪XY精子,而后通过母猪输卵管授精生产"预知"性别的仔猪,并使用吖啶橙染色法检测粗分离对精子核酸含量的影响。结果,成功利用分离获得的猪X和Y精子对母猪进行输卵管授精,母猪怀孕率、产仔率均为100%;输Y精子母猪产仔雄性率100%(♂6/6),对照母猪产仔雄性率57.14%(♂8/14);3头输X精子母猪产母仔率91.67%(♀11/12),对照母猪产雌性仔猪40%(♀2/5);使用性别分离精子不影响母猪的怀孕率、产仔率,但窝产仔数较低;吖啶橙染色法检测结果表明,流式细胞仪粗分离对猪精子核酸含量没有显著影响(P>0.05)。本研究结果提示,使用流式细胞仪分离精子授精可以有效改变仔猪的性别比例。本研究结果为猪分离精子性别控制技术的推广应用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

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