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Populations of soil amoebae were estimated throughout two wheat crops and a fallow from wheat rotations suppressive and non-suppressive to take-all. The suppressive pasture-pasture-wheat plot showed higher rhizosphere populations of mycophagous amoebae and higher associations of mycophagous and other amoebae with wheat roots throughout the crop period than the non-suppressive continuous-wheat plot. Populations of mycophagous amoebae were positively and significantly (P = 0.05) correlated with populations of the take-all fungus in both soils, and with soil moisture in the non-suppressive soil. The possible role of mycophagous amoebae in the wheat rhizosphere in suppressive soil is discussed.  相似文献   

Amoebae were isolated from soil of the Waite Institute permanent pasture plot which is suppressive to take-all of wheat. Nine species of amoebae belonging to eight genera were tested for their mycophagy against Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici, Cochliobolus sativus and Phytophthora cinnamomi. Members of the genera, Gephyramoeba, Mayorella, Saccamoeba, Thecamoeba and an unidentified species of the order Leptomyxida, were mycophagous. Feeding of mycophagous amoebae and their ability to perforate and lyse melanized propagules of fungi are discussed.  相似文献   

Twenty-seven soils, mostly from forested locations in southeastern Australia and Western Australia, were surveyed for the presence of mycophagous vampyrellid amoebae. Characteristic perforations and lysis of conidia of Cochliobolus sativus incubated in 20 of these soils indicated the presence of these amoebae. Isolations of Arachnula impatiens and an amoeba which may be a species of Theratromyxa were obtained from 15 soils. A. impatiens perforated and lysed hyphae and chlamydospores of Phytophthora cinnamomi in culture.  相似文献   

Hyphae of Gaeumannomyces graminis var. trilici deposited on millipore niters were buried in a naturally-suppressive permanent pasture soil and in a non-suppressive wheat-field soil. Hyphal density and survival of pigmented hyphae declined at a faster rate in the pasture soil than in the wheat-field soil. Hyphae recovered from the suppressive soil showed a higher association of mycophagous and other soil amoebae and scanning electron microscopy of these hyphae showed extensive erosion and discrete perforations in their walls. The possible role of soil amoebae in reducing saprophytic survival of the take-all fungus is discussed.  相似文献   

Potato common scab induced by Streptomyces scabies is a serious constraint for potato-producing farmers and the incidence of potato scab depends on the soil chemical properties. We examined the chemical characteristics of conducive and suppressive soils to potato common scab with reference to the chemical properties of nonallophanic Andosols, recently incorporated into the classification system of cultivated soils in Japan. Allophanic Andosols with a ratio of pyrophosphate-extractable aluminum (Alp) to oxalate-extractable aluminum (Alo) of less than 0.3–0.4 were “conducive” soils with a high allophane content of more than 3%. On the other hand, nonallophanic Andosols with a Alp/Ala ratio higher than this critical value were “suppressive” soils, and their allophane content was less than 2%. The concentration of water-soluble aluminum (AI) was also a useful index for separating conducive from suppressive soils as well as the Alp/Ala value and allophane content. The suppressive soils showed a much higher concentration of water-soluble Al at pH 4.5 to 5.5 than the conducive soils. The high concentration of water-soluble Al may be responsible for the control of the incidence of potato common scab in Andosols.  相似文献   


A refined scheme for the semi micro chemical analysis of sulfur fractions in soils is presented. Pyrite is analyzed, as iron, after extraction in HNO3. Non‐pyrite iron is excluded by a pretreatment with HF/H2SO4. Water‐soluble sulfate and jarosite [KFe3(SO4)2(OH)6], the other dominant sulfur fractions in acid sulfate soils, are analyzed turbidimetrically, as sulfate, after successive extractions by EDTA.3Na (water soluble plus exchangeable SO4) and by hot 4 M HCl (jarosite). These methods are simpler, less bulky and more specific than most existing procedures.

Introduction of elemental sulfur analysis permits estimation of organic sulfur fraction as well. Sums of individual sulfur fractions agree well with separate total sulfur determinations.

The proposed analysis of pyrite permits also distinction of the components Fe2O3, FeO and FeS2 in soils and rocks2.  相似文献   

《Soil Use and Management》2018,34(1):154-162
Fusarium wilt disease is one of the most serious soil‐borne diseases in banana orchards worldwide. Some soils are suppressive to Fusarium wilt, although the mechanisms are still unclear. In this study, two typical banana‐growing soils (ultisol and inceptisol), which were either suppressive or conducive to Fusarium wilt, were collected from Hainan, China. Particle size distribution, pH values, electrical conductivity (EC ), enzyme activities and microbial polymerase chain reaction amplification of the soil samples were analysed. The suppressive soils had significantly more >2 and <0.053 mm aggregates than the conducive soils. In addition, the suppressive soils had a comparatively even size distribution within the range of 0–0.25 mm. Total carbon, total nitrogen and soil enzyme activities in the aggregates of suppressive soils were also significantly higher than those in the conducive soils. For example, soil invertase activities in the >2 mm aggregates were 7.9–11.9 and 3.2–3.3 mg/g for the suppressive and conducive soils, respectively. Furthermore, in situ EC can be applied as an indicator of the integrated contrast between the suppressive and conducive soils, and could be a new tool for monitoring soil‐borne disease.  相似文献   

The suppression of Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici by certain soils or following certain soil treatments is considered to be an expression of either specific or general antagonism sensu Gerlagh (1968). Specific antagonism is effective in dilutions as high as 1 in 1,000, can be transferred from soil to soil, operates near or on wheat roots, is destroyed by 60°C moist heat for 30 min. or desiccation, is fostered by wheat monoculture but may be lost from a soil by fallow or rotation with certain crops, especially legume hay or pasture crops. Strains of Pseudomonas fluorescens may be involved. General antagonism is a soil property which cannot be transferred and is resistant to 80°C moist heat for 30 min, to methyl bromide and chloropicrin, but not to autoclaving. Take-all control by organic amendments, minimum tillage, or a soil temperature of 28°C may be expressions of increased general antagonism.In much of the southern Australian wheat belt, where take-all can cause heavy crop losses, some general but rarely specific antagonism is apparently operative. Both types of antagonism are probably operative in long-term wheat growing areas of the Pacific Northwest U.S.A. where take-all is virtually nonexistent.  相似文献   


The distribution of zinc in some major Zimbabwean soils was studied using 120 profiles taken from 22 different locations. The total zinc status (TL‐Zn) of the horizons of soils studied was low (8 ppm), and the range was narrow (3.7 to 16.3 ppm). The residual zinc (RS‐Zn) fraction was about 65 percent of the total zinc found in the soils, while 15 percent was organically bound zinc (OG‐Zn), 14 percent was available zinc (MG‐Zn), and 6 percent was zinc associated with hydrous metal oxides (OX‐Zn). The total zinc status of the soils was related to parent material. Generally, texture had a significant effect on zinc distribution with heavier textured soils having more zinc in most fractions than the lighter textured soils. A decrease in zinc down the profile was observed for available, residual, and total zinc. If cropped intensively, 32 per cent of the soils with less than 1 ppm available zinc have the potential for zinc deficiency. Multiple stepwise regression analysis showed that organic matter, silt and clay contents, available copper, and resin P2O5 contents were important for predicting the available zinc content of the soils, while texture and organic matter content were important in predicting total zinc content.  相似文献   

The effect of 5 yr of repeated application of elemental S (S°) fertilizer on predatory protozoa in soil was investigated. Protozoa that feed on the bacteria Arthrobacter globiformis and Enterobacter aerogenes or the fungi Fusarium solani and Neurospora crassa were enumerated by most probable number (MPN) methods. The application of S° fertilizer reduced the microbial biomass and its activity in soil. Soils treated with 44kg S° ha−1 yr−1 for 5 yr exhibited a 30–71% decline in MPN of protozoa feeding on bacteria and more than a 84% decline in the population of mycophagous amoebae. This decline in protozoa populations parallelled changes in microbial biomass, especially in the case of mycophagous amoebae and fungal biomass. The adverse effect of repeated S° applications on microbial biomass and predatory protozoa was long lasting. Since nutrient transformations (e.g. mineralization) in soil are influenced by microbial interactions, our results suggest reduced nutrient turnover via microbial predation in S° treated soils.  相似文献   

The ability of three soil Na indices to predict soil conduciveness or suppressiveness to disease caused by the soil fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense was evaluated in seven banana plantations from the Canary Islands (Spain). These indices were exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP), soluble Na (SS0) and sodium adsorption ratio (SAR0) in 1:2.5 soil-water extracts (SARw and total cationic concentration (TCCw)=0. Sodium selectivity coefficients (KG0,K0) and TCC0 were calculated from soil exchange and solution data. The effects of ESP, SAR0, SS0, TCC0, KG0 and K0 on soil available iron (Fe extracted from soil by DTPA) and aggregate stability in water (water-stable aggregates (WSA), 200-2000 μm) were also studied. Our results showed that SAR0 calculated using cationic concentrations in 1:2.5 extracts might be a good indication of a relationship between SS0 and soluble divalent cations in conducive and suppressive volcanic soils to Fusarium. Both TCC0 and dispersion-flocculation concentrations seem to be not linked to soil suppressiveness or conduciveness to Fusarium wilt. These results suggested that soil physical properties seem to be not controlled by Na behaviour in these type of soils and, therefore, sodicity and salinity should not be a problem from a physical point of view. Moreover, SS0 and SAR0 were always greater in suppressive areas than in conducive areas. SAR0 was significantly correlated with SS0 but correlations between ESP against SS0 and SAR0 were weak. For SAR0 values above 2.5 (mmolc l−1)1/2 and ESP values below 15%, the exchangeable Na did not seem to be related to the capacity of suppressive areas to release more Na to soil solution. Larger values of SS0 were observed in suppressive areas for these values of SAR0 and ESP. It implies a lower quantity of soluble Na salts in conducive samples. A high Na salt content in soil can produce an increase of soil pH, which exerts a negative influence on available Fe release to soil solution. A clear separation between conducive and suppressive samples from relations between SS0 and SAR0 against WSA and Fe-DTPA showed that SS0 and SAR0 can be satisfactory indices to study the influence of Na concentrations on the incidence of Fusarium wilt. The mass of WSA increase in conducive areas might be favoured by the smaller amounts of soil solution Na found in these samples. In conclusion, our data provide evidence that release of Na to soil solution could favour soil suppressiveness to Fusarium wilt limiting soil aggregation and the availability of Fe, at least in soils of volcanic nature that are not affected by salinity or sodicity processes.  相似文献   

基于近地成像光谱的小麦全蚀病等级监测   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
小麦全蚀病是检疫性的土传病害,对小麦生产危害极大,对其发生的监测是治理的根本。遥感技术可实时、宏观监测病害发生发展,尤其是成像光谱技术的图谱合一,可精准对病害识别和分类。该文首先通过主成分分析提取不同小麦白穗率的冠层光谱特征;再通过灰色聚类分析方法,研究白穗率等级的可分性;最后利用基于径向基(RBF,radial basis function)核函数的支持向量机对全蚀病害的近地成像高光谱图像进行分类,从而验证近地成像光谱在全蚀病监测上的可行性。研究结果显示:该方法对5种程度的小麦全蚀病白穗率的分类精度均达94%以上,Kappa值大于0.8。研究表明利用该方法,通过近地成像光谱图像可以准确监测小麦全蚀病的病情,对小麦全蚀病的治理有指导意义。  相似文献   

Total Zn in alluvial and calcareous soils (average 138 and 70 ppm respectively) was significantly related to their contents of CaCO3 (negatively), O.M. and clay (positively). Extracting Zn by Na2EDTA gave the highest values for both soil types. Total Cu contents varied widely from 26 to 111 ppm in alluvial and from 15 to 30 ppm in calcareous soils. They were negatively correlated with the CaCO3 contents. The pot experiments showed that EDTA(NH4)2CO3, Na2EDTA and DTPA are reasonable extractants for available Zn from both soil types. DTPA was efficient for all soils investigated, while Na2 EDTA and EDTA-citrate were specific for extracting Cu from calcareous soils.  相似文献   

Malt extract was added to soil in order to provoke the natural growth of fungi. The testate community was quantified. The main species, Phryganella acropodia increased in numbers during the first 3 weeks then it reached a steady state. The growth of three other species: (Centropyxis aerophila sphagnicola, Plagiopyxis declivis and Tracheleuglypha acolla) was followed and their densities were one-tenth of those of P. acropodia although their numbers increased towards the end of the experiment when the density of P. acropodia became stable.Features of the growth of the testate amoebae were estimated (rate of growth, production, mortality, number of generations and generation time) to explain the fluctuations of their densities.The numbers of fungal spores and the variation of the biomass of mycelium were measured, and were different to what would have been expected as the biomass of fungi remained unaltered. The hypothesis of mycophagy by P. acropodia is proposed and supported by the frequency of the presence of this species on mycelium.  相似文献   

《Soil biology & biochemistry》2001,33(4-5):449-455
The influence of several soil properties on soil conduciveness or suppressiveness to disease caused by the soil fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense was studied in seven field plots of banana plantations, situated in Tenerife and Gran Canaria islands (Canary Islands, Spain). In each plot, soil samples were taken in conducive and suppressive areas to Fusarium wilt. Water-stable aggregates (WSA: 200–2000 μm diameter), soil particle size, and selected soil solution characteristics [pH, electric conductivity (EC) and soluble Na] were determined in the samples. Aggregate water-stability was higher in soils of conducive areas than in suppressive areas. The percentage of WSA in the conducive areas ranged from 460 to 330 g kg−1, while in the suppressive areas the maximum value was 285 g kg−1 and the minimum was 150 g kg−1. The soils had high clay content and the EC and soluble Na tended to be higher in suppressive areas than in conducive areas. Soil solution pH was lower in conducive areas (except sites 1 and 9). Our data provide evidence that in different soil areas of the same plot, the structural stability of aggregates, presumably controlled in part by the clay fraction, soluble Na concentration and EC, is of great importance for the conduciveness or suppressiveness to banana wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense of the soils studied. Finally, we hypothesize that a greater stability of the aggregates forming anaerobiosis could partly explain most of the available Fe found in soil areas where the disease was severe, at least in these types of soils.  相似文献   

Copper concentrations should be maintained at 100 ppm (gg Cu g?1 dry soil) in the surface layers of undecomposed peat soils, and 400 ppm in humified muck soils. The Cu supports plant nutrition, and inhibits enzymes that degrade the organic soils (Histosols). The required or extravagant applications of Cu may threaten groundwater quality if the Cu, or elements displaced by the Cu, moves downwards in the soils. To test this, powdered CUSO4.5H2O was applied to the top 15 cm of replicated microplots of organic soils to increase their Cu concentrations by 0, 150, 500, and 1500 ppm at field sites A (peat) and B (muck) in May 1978 and by 0, 100, 300, and 800 ppm at field site C (mucky peat) in 1979. Duplicate cores of up to 50 cm depth were taken in the spring of 1981 from each of the 56 microplots and analyzed. At all sites, none of the Cu additions caused significant displacement and downward movement of Ca, Mg, K, Fe, Mn, or Zn. There was a leaching of small fractions of the applied Cu down to 40 cm depth only when 1500 ppm of Cu was added to the humus-poor, acidic peat at site A. Some of the Cu applied at the 500 ppm rate at site A and 1500 ppm rate at site B was found in the 20 to 30 cm zone. At site C, none of the applied Cu moved from the top 20 cm (plow layer).  相似文献   

杭州市城市土壤中重金属、磷和其它元素的特征   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
Health implications of inhaling and/or ingesting dust particles with high concentrations of heavy metals from urban soils are a subject of intense concern. Understanding the geochemistry of these metals is key to their effective management. Total concentrations of heavy metals, phosphorus (P) and 8 other elements from topsoil samples collected at 82 locations in Hangzhou City were measured to: a) assess their distribution in urban environments; and b) understand their differentiation as related to land use. Metal mobility was also studied using a three-step sequential chemical fractionation procedure. About 8.5%, 1.2%, 3.6%, 11.0% and 30.3% of the soil samples had Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, and Zn concentrations, respectively, above their allowable limits for public and private green areas and residential use. However, in commercial and industrial areas, most samples had metal concentrations below their allowable limits. Statistical analyses revealed that the 16 measured elements in urban soils could be divided into four groups based on natural or anthropic sources using a hierarchical cluster analysis. Additionally, Cu, Pb, and P showed similar spatial distributions with significant pollution in commercial zones, suggesting vehicle traffic or commercial activities as dominant pollutant sources. Also, Cd, Co, Cr, Ni, Zn, Mn and Fe had the highest concentrations in industrial locations, signifying that industrial activities were the main sources of these seven metals. Moreover, the data highlighted land-use as a major influence on heavy metal concentrations and forms found in topsoils with large proportions of soil Cd, Co, Cr, and Ni found in residual fractions and soil Cu, Pb and Zn mainly as extractable fractions.  相似文献   

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