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The critical nitrogen (Nc), defined as the minimum N concentration required for maximum growth, is proposed for diagnosis of the in-season N status in crop plants. It has been established for several crops including rice on whole-plant dry matter (DM) basis but has not been determined for canopy leaf basis. This research was undertaken to develop a new Nc dilution curve based on leaf dry matter (LDM) and to assess its applicability to estimate the level of N nutrition for Japonica rice in east China. Three field experiments were conducted with varied N rates (0–360 kg N ha−1) and three Japonica rice (Oryza sativa L.) hybrids, Lingxiangyou-18 (LXY-18), Wuxiangjing-14 (WXJ-14) and Wuyunjing (WYJ) in Jiangsu province of east China. Five hills from each plot were sampled from active tillering to heading for growth analysis and leaf N determination. The Nc dilution curve on leaf N concentration was described by the equation Nc = 3.76W−0.218, when LDM ranged from 0.67 to 4.25 t ha−1. However, for LDM < 0.67 t ha−1, the constant critical value Nc = 4.09%LDM was applied. This Nc dilution curve on LDM basis was slightly higher than the curves on plant DM basis in Japonica rice, yet both lower than the reference curve of high yielding Indica rice in tropics. The N nutrition index (NNI) and accumulated N deficit (Nand) of leaves ranged from 0.65 to 1.06 and 79.62 to −6.39 kg ha−1, respectively, during main growth stages under varied N rates in 2010 and 2011. The results indicate that the present Nc dilution curve and derived NNI and Nand adequately identified the situations of N-limiting and non-N-limiting nutrition in two rice varieties and could be used as reliable indicators of N status during growth of Japonica rice in east China.  相似文献   

采用裂区试验设计探究了地下滴灌和地表滴灌(drip underground, DU; drip surface, DS)模式下土壤水分调控(分别为田间持水量的40%~50%、60%~70%和80%~90%,记为W40、W60和W80)对夏玉米干物质和氮素积累与分配及水分利用效率的影响。结果表明,DU处理的吐丝后氮素积累量及水分利用效率分别较DS显著提高了6.18%和4.85%~8.61%。夏玉米的干物质、氮素指标及产量对滴灌模式的响应依赖于土壤水分调控水平,在W40和W60处理条件下,DU处理显著增加夏玉米的净光合速率,提高了吐丝后干物质和氮素的积累量及向籽粒的转运,最终DU处理的干物质积累量、籽粒氮素积累量、产量及氮肥偏生产力分别提高了3.29%~19.94%、?1.10%~20.65%、3.29%~19.94%和3.31%~23.64%。而在W80处理条件下, DS处理的干物质积累量、吐丝后氮素积累量、产量及蒸散量比DU处理分别提高了6.80%~12.24%、5.93%、8.39%~14.91%和9.73%~14.57%。综上所述,在限水灌溉条件下,地下滴灌能够增加吐丝后干物质积累量、氮素积累量及其对籽粒氮素的贡献率,最终增加产量。在充分供水条件下,地表滴灌更有利于干物质及氮素的积累,但由于消耗过多的水分,因此水分利用效率未显著增加。  相似文献   

氮素形态对小麦花后干物质积累与分配的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用随机区组试验,研究了铵态氮、硝态氮和酰胺态氮3种氮素形态对小麦花后干物质积累与分配的影响,结果表明:(1)小麦花后籽粒干重及地上部总干重随生育进程不断增加,而旗叶、穗下节、穗下鞘、颖壳的干重均随着生育进程呈下降趋势;(2)氮素形态对小麦花后干物质积累与分配有显著影响。硝态氮处理下小麦花后地上部总干物质量最高,并且随着生育进程,干物质在旗叶、穗下节、穗下鞘、颖壳中分配比例降低,在籽粒中的分配比例高于其它2个处理。(3)铵态氮、硝态氮和酰胺态氮3种氮素形态处理下小麦产量分别为7250.5kg/hm2、7575.3kg/hm2和7156.2 kg/hm2。在本试验条件下,硝态氮处理增产效果最佳,较酰胺态氮处理增产5.8%。  相似文献   

协同提高产量和资源利用效率,是旱作马铃薯高产高效的基础。本研究以陇薯10号为材料,于2017-2019年进行大田试验,设置当地农民习惯栽培(CK)、高产高效栽培(YE)和超高产栽培(HY)3种栽培模式,测定旱地马铃薯叶面积指数(LAI)、叶片SPAD值、冠层光合能力、干物质积累转运、块茎产量、水肥利用效率等指标。结果表明,与CK相比,YE和HY均提高了马铃薯LAI和叶片SPAD值,YE在降雨较少的2017年增幅更明显;二者均减慢了马铃薯块茎膨大后的LAI和叶片SPAD降低幅度,使其冠层光合能力在块茎膨大期和淀粉积累期2年平均提高29.9%、34.7%和40.2%、50.5%。基于较高的LAI和冠层光合能力,YE和HY的地上干物质在块茎膨大期较CK 3年平均增加123.05%和118.53%;同时块茎膨大后同化物对块茎的贡献率增加22.56%和19.29%,使马铃薯产量在2017-2019年平均增加47.93%和47.78%,水分利用效率平均增加77.59%和75.85%,均达到显著差异水平。YE和HY使马铃薯商品薯产量显著增加,收益显著提高,在2017-2019年分别较CK新增纯收益7330.3元hm^-2和6024.6元hm^-2。较大的群体冠层和较高的物质生产促进了植株对N、P、K的积累,YE的N、P利用效率较CK分别提高15.21%和17.20%,N、K收获指数分别提高3.85%和7.79%;HY的N利用效率提高12.37%。YE的WUE、N和P利用效率较HY提高2.05%、2.53%和23.41%,新增纯收益1305.7元hm-2。因此,YE减施缓释尿素40%并有机替代、密度60,000株hm^-2,能够提高水分和养分利用效率,维持马铃薯花后较高的冠层光合能力,促进茎叶干物质向块茎转运,实现作物增产和资源高效利用协同发展,是半干旱区黑膜覆盖马铃薯种植推荐的高产高效模式。  相似文献   

It is important to increase potato production and the natural resource utilization efficiency in dryland farming system. A field experiment was conducted using Longshu 10 with three planting modes from 2017 to 2019, including farmer mode (CK), the mode with high yield and efficiency (YE), and higher yield mode (HY). The leaf area index (LAI), SPAD, photosynthetic rate, accumulation and remobilization of dry matter, water use efficiency (WUE) and fertilizer use efficiency (FUE) was investigated. The results showed that LAI and SPAD were increased in YE and HY compared to CK, and it was more significant in 2017 when there was less rainfall. Meanwhile, less reduction in LAI and SPAD after tubers enlargement resulted in an increase of canopy photosynthetic rate by 29.9%, 34.7% (in 2018 and 2019), and 40.2%, 50.5% (in 2018 and 2019) during the expanding stage and starch accumulation stage, respectively. Average aboveground dry matter in YE and HY was higher than CK by 123.1% and 118.5% in the enlargement stage due to higher LAI and photosynthetic rate. The contribution rate of assimilation after potato tuber enlargement in YE and HE was higher than CK by 22.56% and 19.29%, resulting in an average potato production increase of 47.93% and 47.78%, and average water use efficiency increased by 77.59% and 75.85%, respectively. YE and HY advantaged in tuber production and income improvement. Compared with CK, the net income increased by 7330.3 Yuan hm-2 and 6024.6 Yuan hm-2 in 2017 to 2019, respectively. The accumulation of N, P, and K was significantly enhanced due to large population canopy and high plant biomass accumulation. Compared to CK, N and P use efficiency, and the harvest index of N and P was increased under YE mode by 15.21%, 17.20% and 3.85%, 7.79%, respectively, and the N use efficiency was increased by 12.37% under HY mode. WUE, N, and P use efficiency of YE mode was higher than HY by 2.05%, 2.53%, and 23.41%, respectively, and the net income increased by 1305.7 Yuan hm-2. Therefore, replacement of slow-release urea with organic manure by 40% and improvement of planting density with 60,000 plants hm-2 in YE mode potentially increased in water use efficiency, nutrient use efficiency, high canopy photosynthetic rate maintenances, and remobilization of dry matter from stem and leaf to tubers. In conclusion, YE as a high tuber production and resource use efficiency planting mode, is recommended in semi-arid areas with black-film mulched potato cultivation regime.  相似文献   

增密减氮对棉花干物质和氮素积累分配及产量的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为了探讨种植密度和施氮量对棉花干物质与氮素积累分配及产量的影响。本研究以聊棉6号为试验材料,设置5.25、6.75和8.25万株hm-2 (D5.25、D6.75、D8.25) 3个种植密度, 0、105、210、315和420 kg hm-2 (N0、N105、N210、N315、N420) 5个施氮量,研究增密减氮对棉花干物质积累与分配、氮素积累与分配、产量及其构成因素的影响。结果表明,与D5.25相比, D6.75、D8.25条件下棉花干物质积累量显著升高, 2016年提高了17.6%、28.7%, 2017年提高了12.6%、20.9%。与N0相比,施氮肥后干物质积累量随施氮量的增加显著升高, 2016年各施氮处理分别提高了4.5%、11.1%、13.7%、16.3%, 20...  相似文献   

In 11 field trials in Rwanda, Tunisia and The Netherlands, the total dry matter production and tuber dry matter production of eight potato cultivars were analysed in terms of radiation interception and radiation use efficiency. The variation in length of the growing season was the most important factor explaining the differences in both total and tuber dry matter production among cultivars and sites. Radiation interception was the most important factor because the radiation-use efficiency was negatively correlated with radiation intensity and the variation in harvest index was of minor importance. Variation in length of the growing season among sites was related to daylength and temperature, in that shorter days at emergence and higher temperatures throughout the season resulted in a shorter growth cycle. The extent of these effects differed among cultivars, and it was concluded that climatic effects on tuber dry matter production could be attributed to the effects of temperature and daylength on the length of the growth cycle.  相似文献   

The total growth and tuber dry matter production of a potato crop are determined mainly by the duration of its growth cycle. This in turn depends on climate, cultivar and crop management. The influence of climate factors defining crop growth and its timing were analysed by dividing the growth cycle into three phases and relating the duration of these phases to temperature, daylength and radiation. The variation in the length of all three phases contributed to the variation in the duration of the growth cycle and thus to the variation in tuber dry matter production. The variation in the length of the first phase (between emergence and tuber initiation) was best explained by the meteorological variables observed. Both higher temperatures and shorter daylengths hastened development in this phase. The magnitude of their effects depended on cultivar. In the second phase, from tuber initiation to end of leaf growth, temperature and daylength had similar effects but they were less clear and the variation in duration of phase 2 could not be explained as well as variation in the duration of phase 1. The last phase, from the end of leaf growth to the end of crop growth, was shortened by high temperatures and high radiation. A small part of the variation in the duration of this phase was explained by these variables. At this level of crop analysis, the effect of climate on crop development was explained best for the first phase, which is the most important one in explaining the variation in ground cover duration and tuber dry matter production. Quantitative understanding of the processes involved is required to be able to explain the effect of climate during the various phases of the growth cycle.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted under outdoor pot-culture conditions to determine effects of nitrogen (N) deficiency on sorghum growth, physiology, and leaf hyperspectral reflectance properties. Sorghum (cv. DK 44C) was seeded in 360 twelve-litre pots filled with fine sand. All pots were irrigated with half-strength Hoagland's nutrient solution from emergence to 25 days after sowing (DAS). Thereafter, pots were separated into three identical groups and the following treatments were initiated: (1) the control (100% N) continued receiving the half-strength nutrient solution; (2) reduced N to 20% of the control (20% N); and (3) withheld N from the solution (0% N). Photosynthetic rate (Pn), chlorophyll (Chl) and N concentrations, and hyperspectral reflectance of the uppermost, fully expanded leaves were determined at 3- to 4-day-interval from 21 to 58 DAS during the N treatments. Plants were harvested 58 DAS to determine effects of N deficiency on leaf area (LA), biomass accumulation, and partitioning. Nitrogen deficiency significantly reduced LA, leaf Chl content and Pn, resulting in lower biomass production. Decreased leaf Pn due to N deficiency was mainly associated with lower stomatal conductance rather than carboxylation capacity of leaf chemistry. Among plant components of dry weights, leaf dry weight had the greatest and root dry weight had the smallest decrease under N deficiency. Nitrogen-deficit stress mainly increased leaf reflectance at 555 (R555) and 715 nm (R715) and caused a red-edge shift to shorter wavelength. Leaf N and Chl concentrations were linearly correlated with not only the reflectance ratios of R405/R715 (r2 = 0.68***) and R1075/R735 (r2 = 0.64***), respectively, but also the first derivatives of the reflectance (dR/dλ) in red edge centered 730 or 740 nm (r2 = 0.73–0.82***). These specific reflectance ratios or dR/dλ may be used for rapid and non-destructive estimation of sorghum leaf Chl and plant N status.  相似文献   

Three-year field trials were set up on eutric brown soil in northwestern Croatia (Zagreb) with the objective to determine the effect of plant density and nitrogen rates on the formation and size of leaf area of seed sugar beet, and on the yield and seed quality in seed production without transplanting. Investigations should also reveal how much the yield and quality of sugar beet seed depend on the leaf area index (LAI). Four plant densities of seed sugar beet were investigated after crop wintering (40 000, 80 000, 120 000, and 160 000 plants/ha) as well as three nitrogen rates (60, 120, and 180 kg/ha) applied in two identical topdressings: at the beginning of the spring growing period and immediately before shooting of inflorescence stalks. Leaf area formation was strongly influenced by weather conditions. An increase of plant density from 40 000 to 160 000 plants/ha led to a decrease of leaf area per plant. Raised nitrogen rates in topdressing caused an increase of leaf area, depending on the precipitation and soil fertility. Maximum LAI, achieved in the flowering stage, grew almost linearly with increasing plant density (LAI: 1.77–4.85 m2/m2), but was statistically significant only up to 120 000 plants/ha. Raised nitrogen rates in topdressing led to a significant increase of the LAI in the stage of inflorescence stalk shooting, though not in full flowering. On the basis of this research, seed yield and germination of seed sugar beet could not be predicted regarding LAI in the flowering stage.  相似文献   

Our objective was to define sensitive morphological indicators that could be used to discriminate between drought sensitive and drought tolerant potato cultivars before final tuber yield is reached. A total of six potato cultivars contrasting for drought tolerance and earliness were subjected to three levels of water supply in two field trials in 1995 and 1996. We examined which parameter among stem height, number of green leaves and leaf length (the two latter parameters were only measured on two cultivars) was most sensitive to moderate drought conditions and responded similarly to water shortage regarding tuber yield, tuber number and average tuber dry weight. Drought reduced the number of green leaves in cultivars Krostar and Désirée, respectively, up to 22 and 25% 124 days after planting during the season but this effect levelled off towards the end of the season. Drought also induced significant length reductions (29, 43 and 53%, respectively, for the leaf numbers 17, 18 and 19) but there were no differences among the two cultivars examined. Stem height was sensitive to drought and the effect was stronger on later cultivars especially when water shortage started early as in 1996. In 1996, stem height ratios were negatively related (R2=0.80) to TDWS (tuber yield ratio indicative of drought tolerance) whereas they were positively related in 1995 (R2=0.21). However, care is needed as the negative relationship of 1996 was associated to earliness of cultivars. Indeed, stem height was less reduced in early cultivars (13 and 14% for Eersteling and Jaerla, respectively) than in mid-late cultivars (25 and 29% for Désirée and Nicola, respectively). In the drought treatment, no supernumerary tuber was observed across the season contrary to the irrigated treatment. According to the year, final tuber number or average tuber dry weight was reduced by the drought treatment. Reduction in tuber number (17%) in the drought treatment was not associated to lower tuber yields due to compensation by average tuber dry weight (6%). Different growth strategies can be followed by the potato plant to adapt to different drought conditions without tuber yield being significantly affected.  相似文献   

Summary A number of previously selected hydroxyproline (hyp) resistant cell lines of a diploid potato (Solanum tuberosum L., clone H2578, 2n=2x=24) could be regenerated into plants which were further analysed. Hyp resistance, although lower than in the originally selected calli, was still present in regenerated shoots and in callus initiated from these shoots and it was not lost upon (mini)tuber propagation. Regenerated shoots showed a wide range of phenotypic variation. The chromosome number, analysed in 4 clones, appeared to be hypotetraploid (44 or 45). Tuber-propagated regenerants generally showed increased frost tolerance both at the plant and the cell level. In leaves this seemed to be associated with increased levels of both proline and total amino acid content. However, in callus only the total amino acid content but not proline was still elevated. In the wild type the frost tolerance of the tubers appeared to be lower than that of the leaves. Between tubers of wild type and the hyp resistant regenerants no differences in frost tolerance were found, although proline and total amino acid content tended to be higher in tubers from the regenerants.  相似文献   

采用节水栽培并减少氮肥用量是实现豫北冬小麦生产的高产、高效和环境友好发展的必然选择,探明限水减氮对冬小麦产量和植株各层次器官干物质运转的影响,可为该地区冬小麦节水栽培和合理施用氮肥提供科学依据。2009—2010和2010—2011年连续2年在河南浚县钜桥进行小麦田间裂区试验,主区设置2个灌溉水平[拔节水(W1)和拔节水+开花水(W2)],副区设置5个氮肥水平[330 kg hm~(–2) (N4,豫北地区小麦生产中常规施氮量)、270 kg hm~(–2) (N3)、210 kg hm~(–2) (N2)、120 kg hm~(–2) (N1)、0 kg hm~(–2) (N0)],测定了籽粒产量和植株各层次器官干物质运转量、运转率和对籽粒贡献率。减量施氮与N4相比,各营养器官向籽粒运转的干物质量均有增加,其中,穗轴+颖壳的干物质运转量增加了323.2%,增幅远高于茎节的24.5%和叶片的4.6%,且穗轴+颖壳的干物质运转率和对籽粒贡献率增幅也远高于茎节和叶片。减量施氮处理的叶片干物质运转量的增加主要源于倒三叶和倒四叶,分别增加28.7%和201.1%,而茎节干物质运转量的增加主要源于除穗位节外的其他茎节,分别增加21.7%(倒二节)、71.8%(倒三节)、44.5%(倒四节)和31.1%(余节)。与W2相比, W1干物质运转量无显著差异,但干物质运转率略高(24.6%vs. 23.8%),对籽粒贡献率较高(35.1%vs. 30.0%),籽粒产量降低11.2%,水分供应量减少750 m3 hm~(–2)。可见,减量施氮促进了营养器官,尤其是穗轴+颖壳和下层器官(倒三叶、倒四叶、倒三节、倒四节和余节)的干物质向籽粒的运转,提高了对籽粒贡献率,有利于提高籽粒产量。  相似文献   

为探究玉米品种顺单6号的适宜种植密度及施氮量,设置3个种植密度和4个施氮水平,采用随机区组设计,研究不同密度及施氮量对顺单6号叶面积、干物质积累、穗部性状及产量的影响。结果表明,当种植密度与施氮量分别为60000株/hm^2与210kg/hm^2时,玉米干物质积累量最大,叶面积及叶面积指数大小适宜,千粒重较大,产量最高,为10547.06kg/hm^2。综合分析认为玉米品种顺单6号在贵州安顺地区适宜种植密度和施氮量分别为60000株/hm^2与210kg/hm^2。  相似文献   

通过气体交换参数和荧光诱导动力学参数研究了低磷胁迫对油菜不同生育期光合特性、叶绿素荧光参数及能量分配的影响。结果表明:与对照相比,低磷处理明显降低了油菜蕾薹期、花期的Pn;油菜三个生育期的Fm 、Fv 、Fv/Fm没有显著下降,表明低磷处理没有影响到油菜叶片的原初反应中心;但是,低磷胁迫使油菜蕾薹期ФPSⅡ、ETR、qP显著下降,NPQ显著上升,能量分配方面D和Ex上升,P下降,表明低磷胁迫导致油菜蕾薹期PSⅡ电子传递受阻,油菜植株启动了能量耗散途径应对低磷胁迫。  相似文献   

增施氮肥是保证水稻高产的重要栽培措施,但高氮肥投入所增加的植株氮素积累大部分滞留在营养器官中,对产量的促进作用有限。叶片是氮素储存的主要器官及籽粒氮素的主要供给源。为了明确植株中氮素分配对水稻生长的影响,本研究将拟南芥铵转运蛋白基因AtAMT1.2在水稻韧皮部特异表达,促进叶片氮素输出,检测转基因水稻植株在不同氮肥浓度下的生长情况。试验结果显示,高氮下pOsSUT1::AtAMT1.2转基因水稻分蘖数、氮素利用效率显著增加,叶片中糖输出量增加,分蘖芽中独角金内酯途径相关基因OsTB1、OsD14表达水平下调。研究说明增加叶片氮素输出能够增大叶片中糖向分蘖芽的转运量,促进分蘖生长,从而提高了有效分蘖数并带来了更高的氮素利用效率。  相似文献   

The influence of crop density on the remobilization of dry matter and nitrogen from vegetative plant parts to the developing grain, was investigated in the durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) varieties Creso, Simeto and Svevo cultivated in the field at three seeding rates, 200, 250 and 400 seeds m−2. Variety × seeding rate interaction was unsignificant for all recorded characters. Grain yield declined in the order Svevo > Simeto > Creso. Yield differences mainly depended on the different number of kernels per unit land and, secondly, on mean kernel weight. Spike components differed among varieties: Svevo and Simeto showed more kernels per spikelet and Creso more spikelets per spike. Grain yield was highest with 400 seeds m−2 primarily due to the higher number of spikes per unit area, and secondly, to the higher mean kernel weight. Post-heading dry matter accumulation was highest in Svevo and lowest in Creso, but varieties showed a reverse order for dry matter remobilization and contribution of dry matter remobilization to grain yield. The increase of seeding rate increased both the post-heading dry matter accumulation and the dry matter remobilization from vegetative plant parts to grain. Nitrogen uptake of the whole crop and N content of grain was higher in Simeto and Svevo than in Creso. The N concentration of grain did not vary among varieties, but Svevo showed a markedly lower N concentration and N content of culms at maturity, which may be consequence of the high N remobilization efficiency performed by this variety. The N uptake by the crop was highest with 400 seeds m−2, but the N concentration of culms, leaves and even grain was slightly lower than with the lower seed rates. The post-heading N accumulation was by far higher in Simeto and Svevo than in Creso, whereas remobilization was highest in Svevo and lowest in Simeto. The percentage contribution of N remobilization to grain N was by far higher in Creso than in the other two varieties. Post-heading N accumulation and N remobilization were highest with the highest plant density, but the contribution of N remobilization to N grain content did not differ between seeding rates.  相似文献   

Five candidate genes LpIAA1, LpRUB1, LpBRI1, LpSHOOT1 and LpTB1 with putative function in plant architecture were allele sequenced in a panel of 96 diploid perennial ryegrass genotypes of diverse origin. The total length of the non‐redundant genomic DNA alignment was 5425 bp and revealed 270 polymorphic sites in total. A negative significant Tajima's D value was detected in LpTB1 gene, suggesting selection pressure for low‐frequency alleles in this gene. All 96 genotypes were evaluated for plant height and dry matter yield over two years. Marker–trait associations were calculated between polymorphic sites and both phenotypic traits. Three indels and three single nucleotide substitutions in LpTB1 gene were significantly (P < 0.05, q < 0.05) associated with plant height, while one indel was associated with dry matter yield. The results suggest putative role of LpTB1 gene in plant height determination in perennial ryegrass and provide means for target allele selection.  相似文献   

Non-destructive, rapid diagnosis of plant nitrogen status is important for the evaluation of wheat growth and the dynamic management of nitrogen nutrition. Two wheat cultivars, Zhengmai 366 (high protein content) and Aikang 58 (medium protein content) were grown in field trials at five different nitrogen levels (0, 90, 180, 270 and 360 kg ha−1) in two consecutive growing seasons at Zhengzhou, China. Leaf chlorophyll fluorescence (ChlF) parameters, leaf and stem biomass, and nitrogen content were measured simultaneously at different growth stages, establishing an evaluation model of plant nitrogen nutrition in wheat using ChlF parameters. The results showed that the differences in ChlF parameters between the three top leaves (1–3LFT) was small from the reviving to the flowering stages. With increasing nitrogen levels, the difference in ChlF parameters between the fourth leaf (4LFT) and the first three leaves (1–3LFT) decreased gradually, indicating that 4LFT is sensitive to N fertilizer application and has a disadvantage in competition for redistributed N. The correlation coefficients between ChlF parameters for the upper, fully expanded leaves and N concentration of the corresponding leaves were 0.628 for Fv, 0.607 for Fm, 0.579 for Fv/Fo, and 0.600 for Fv/Fm at P < 0.01, but only 0.248 for Fo at P < 0.05. At the reviving and jointing stages, the relationships between the normalized differences between 1–2LFT and 4LFT (NDF12/4) for Fv/Fo and Fv/Fm to plant nitrogen concentration (PNC) were the most significant (r <  0.79, P < 0.001), the determination coefficient (R2) for Fv/Fm was much higher than for Fv/Fo, and the two regression equations were grouped at reviving and jointing with similar R2 values between the stages. At booting and flowering, the normalized differences between 1–2LFT and 4LFT for Fo, Fm, and Fv better reflected the changes in PNC; the R2 values were 0.654–0.797 (P < 0.001) at booting and 0.515–0.584 (P < 0.001) at anthesis, and the two regression equations were grouped at booting and anthesis with greater differences in R2 between the stages. The unified regression equation could be used to express the relationship between plant nitrogen sufficiency index (NSI) and ChlF parameters with R2 values of 0.623 (P < 0.001) for NDF12/4 for Fv/Fm, and 0.567 (P < 0.001) for NDF12/4 for Fv/Fo during the reviving and jointing stages, while R2 = 0.666 (P < 0.001) for NDF12/4 for Fm and 0.615 (P < 0.001) for NDF12/4 for Fv during booting and anthesis. These results show that the relationship between NDF and NSI was stable and reliable over the different years, varieties, and N supply levels. We conclude that the spatial differences in ChlF parameters between 1–2LFT and 4LFT should be ideal indicators of plant nitrogen status in wheat, and will provide a decision-making method for N diagnosis and regulation in field production.  相似文献   

Rice morphology and N leaching, together with mineral N in the soil and soil solution around root, were determined at different growth stages in a 3-year experiment located in the Taihu Lake region, China. The results showed that the N application rates had little impact on the soil mineral N around root, but increased the dry matter and N accumulation aboveground in the high fertility soil (55.3 mg kg−1 of soil mineral N before rice season in 2008). However, no significant difference in grain yield was observed in all N treatments in these 3 years. Path analysis showed that spikelet per panicle made the greatest direct contribution (0.781) and total contribution (0.309) to grain yield compared to other yield components. And a higher panicle per m2 and dry matter accumulation resulted in yield decline later in the season due to a decline in the percentage of filled grains.No significant increases in plant N uptake, regardless of N application rates, were observed at the seedling stage, which indicated that lower N application rates could suffice during the rice early growing stages. Nitrate contents, in spite of high N rates input, in the percolation water were all below 1.0 mg L−1 throughout the rice growing season. The increased N rates showed an increment of total N leaching through the percolation water, but not significant. The cumulative total N leaching only accounted for 1.86–4.96% of N fertilizer input, which suggested the N leaching should not be considered as main pollution resources in paddy filed in summer rice season. However, the evaluation of N leaching in different stages indicated that N leaching at seedling stage was larger in dominant (averaged 39.8% of total N leaching) than other stages. For the lower absorbing ability of rice seedling and more N leaching risk, suggestions on N fertilizer reduction should be made at rice early growing stage in this region.  相似文献   

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