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Swards were developed from plants of contrasting populations of Dactylis glomerata L. selected for high and low dry-matter (DM) production in monocultures and mixed cultures grown during 1970 and 1971. DM production of these mono-genotype swards was assessed during 1974. Those swards developed from the divergent selections from monocultures maintained a significant difference between the high and low selections, whereas those developed from selections out of mixed cultures showed no significant difference in yield. These results are consistent with earlier reports that there is no positive relationship between competitive ability in mixed cultures and vigour in pure stands. The implications of the physiological basis of these responses in terms of grass breeding are discussed.  相似文献   

Potato virus Y (PVY) is a potyvirus affecting potato productivity by reducing yield and quality. To reduce the amount of PVY in potato production systems, state seed certification agencies have established threshold criteria, which simultaneously increase quality. Research has documented several commercial cultivars lacking symptom expression of PVY despite infection. The presence of PVY asymptomatic clones in production and breeding populations is particularly important because it may provide an inoculum source in breeders’ seed and this reduces the efficiency of selection. The objectives of this research were to determine to what extent PVY asymptomatic clones are present in potato-breeding populations, and if PVY expression is influenced by the environment. After exposure to PVY, genotypes from different 2x and 4x populations were evaluated for the presence of PVY both visually and by ELISA assay. PVY asymptomatic genotypes were identified in both 2x and 4x populations. Chi square indicated dependency between PVY symptom expression and (1) ploidy, (2) genetically distinct 4x germplasm enhancement populations, and (3) expression in a north temperatevs. tropical environment using 4x progeny from five half-sib families. Dependency was not found between two 4x genetically related sub-populations and PVY asymptomatic expression. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) indicated that clones within family, families, location, and the interaction of location by clone were significant sources of variation for PVY symptom expression, ELISA, and visual evaluation. PVY asymptomatic clones were present in both 2x and 4x populations with higher frequencies in a north temperate compared to a tropical environment, suggesting that PVY symptom expression may be influenced by the environment.  相似文献   

Dactylis glomerata and Holcus lanatus were grown together in boxes with either full competition, root competition only, shoot competition only or no competition between them. The boxes were either fertilized (150 kg ha-1N, 100 kg ha-1 K, 80 kg ha-1 P) or not fertilized. The experiment was continued for 13 months, and a total of six cuts were taken.
H. lanatus was more competitive than D. glomerata throughout the experiment, though the effect declined after flowering during the second growing season. The effects of root competition were generally much greater than those of shoot competition and tended to increase during the first year. However, the effects of root competition declined, relative to shoot competition, after flowering in the second growing season.
Fertilizer applications slightly increased the root competitive ability of H. lanatus relative to D. glomerata but slightly reduced its shoot competitive ability.  相似文献   

对滇中朗目山野生二倍体鸭茅用秋水仙素处理萌动种子,获得了混倍体鸭茅(同一植株根尖中二倍体细胞和四倍体细胞混存),混倍体鸭茅的形态学特征及生长发育均与二倍体无明显差异;从混倍体鸭茅自然传粉后代中,获得了纯合同源四倍体鸭茅。同源四倍体鸭茅的气孔和种子均较二倍体大,但形态、发育与二倍体差异较小。以诱导所得混倍体为母本,与四倍体栽培种杂交,杂交F1代为四倍体,其形态学特征及物候发育均介于野生二倍体和四倍体栽培种之间,早期生长与四倍体栽培种相当,优于野生二倍体,繁殖性能与野生二倍体相当,强于四倍体栽培种,分蘖、再生性及干物质产量均强于二倍体,但明显不如四倍体栽培种。以鸭茅野生二倍体为母本,与四倍体栽培种进行杂交,获得的杂交三倍体高度不孕,但早期生长、分蘖、再生等明显优于母本二倍体,杂交三倍体开放传粉后代倍性复杂,混倍体、四倍体和五倍体都有。  相似文献   

Dactylis glomerata and Lolium perenne were grown in single-species stands and in mixed-species stands in boxes for 1 year. Plants were grown in paired rows in each box with full competition below ground, but aerial partitions prevented shoot competition. The rows were cut either frequently (six cuts) or infrequently (three cuts). In single-species stands, frequent defoliation reduced the root competitive ability of D. glomerata plants, when growing with infrequently defoliated plants, though this occurred only if no N fertilizer was applied. Frequent defoliation did not affect the root competitive ability of L. perenne plants, in single-species stands, whether or not N fertilizer was applied. In mixed-species stands, the root competitive ability of D. glomerata was always greater than that of L. perenne, though N fertilizer applications and frequent cutting both reduced the root competitive ability of D. glomerata relative to L. perenne. Mixtures of frequently cut and infrequently cut plants, in unfertilized single-species stands, always yielded more than the mean of the uniformly treated stands (frequently or infrequently cut); they usually yielded more than the highest-yielding uniformly treated stand. Mixtures of frequently and infrequently cut plants, in fertilized single-species stands, always yielded less than the mean of uniformly treated stands. Mixed-species stands usually yielded more than the mean yield of the component species, and sometimes yielded significantly more than the highest yielding component. This effect generally increased with time. Relative yield totals (RYT) were consistently greater than 1·0, in both single-species and mixed-species stands, when no N fertilizer was applied. RYT were greatest (1·2–1·6) when neither N nor P fertilizer was applied, and generally increased with time. The results are discussed in relation to the effects of cutting on root competition and the probable value of mixed-species stands.  相似文献   

Quantitative traits and allozymes were used in two experiments to clarify the ecotypic differentiation of natural cocksfoot ( Dactylis glomerata ) populations from north-west Spain. Thirty-nine populations belonging to the four main ecotypes in Galicia were cultivated in two field experiments. In the first experiment, there were significant differences between ecotypes for heading date, flag leaf length, growth habit and vigour. Coastal populations were the least infected by rust. In the second experiment, allozyme markers presumed to be diagnostic for ssp. glomerata vs. izcoi ( TO1 1·00, TO1 1·03) were found in all populations studied (ten tetraploids and one diploid izcoi ). This suggests that gene flow occurs between coastal and interior populations. Culm and panicle lengths of tetraploids (without application of fertilizer) were inside the izcoi range in 1997, but some plants from all populations exceeded it in 1998. It is concluded that ssp. izcoi also occurs on the coast. Populations with a high level of complementary seasonal growth were detected.  相似文献   

Twelve varieties of cocksfoot, Dactylis glomerata L., were analysed for three mineral elements (Na, K, Ca) and their dry matter (DM) yields were measured in pot and field trials. Among these characteristics there were strong varietal differences in Na concentration, whereas in other cases the varietal differences were less significant. The concentrations of individual mineral elements were, in most cases, independent of yield and of one another.
Parent plants and their clonal derivatives were highly correlated in Na and Ca concentration as well as in DM yield. Tiller size or position on the parental plant had no significant effects on the mineral concentrations or DM yields of clones derived from separated tillers.
Within varieties continuous variation was observed for Na concentration and the range of variation increased with increasing mean Na concentration. When plants were grown under different experimental conditions there was a high repeatability in Na concentration within varieties over cuts and years. This result was taken as an indication of a strong genetic basis for Na concentration. The results obtained in this study show that it is possible to develop grass varieties of defined potential Na concentration.  相似文献   

Abstract Plant competition strongly affects the species composition of managed grassland. To identify relevant processes, Festuca pratensis (Huds.) and Dactylis glomerata (L.) were grown as monocultures or mixtures in boxes placed in the field for two seasons and subjected to two cutting frequencies. Root and shoot competition effects were separated using soil and aerial partitions. Shoot competition was analysed by measuring the vertical distribution of the leaf area and root competition by analysing the absorption of tracers. Values of relative yield indicated that the two grasses fully competed for the same limiting resources under the experimental conditions. The competitive ability of F. pratensis was lower during both years relative to D. glomerata. This was mainly related to its consistently lower shoot competitive ability, which was associated with less leaf area in the upper layers of the canopy and shorter leaves. Root competitive ability of F. pratensis changed with season. It was similar to that of D. glomerata during spring and autumn, but less during summer. The lower root competitive ability in summer might be due to the lower root activity of F. pratensis, measured as rubidium (Rb) and strontium (Sr) absorption in July, 0·1 and 0·2 m below the ground. Cutting frequency did not greatly influence the relative importance of root and shoot competition during the first growing season. However, under infrequent defoliation, the competitive ability of F. pratensis decreased markedly in full competition during the second growing season. These results suggest that distinct differences in the canopy structure and root activity of different plant species can affect the relative importance of root and shoot competition during the season.  相似文献   

In Mediterranean drylands, drought survival is a major factor of persistence of perennial forage grasses. In the island of Corsica, plant survival and changes in water-soluble carbohydrate (WSC) content were investigated in first- and second-year swards of two populations of cocksfoot: Lutetia, a drought-sensitive cultivar, and KM2, a drought-resistant Mediterranean population. When subjected to a moderate drought under a rain-shelter. Lutetia died whereas KM2 recovered with low mortality. The sensitivity of survival to the date of defoliation is emphasized. In first-year swards, WSC content in entire tiller bases at the end of the drought was four times greater in KM2 than in Lutetia and was correlated with differential recovery in the two populations. Conversely in second-year swards, no relationship between WSC content in entire tiller bases and recovery was found. However, WSC content in the youngest living enclosed leaves of KM2 accumulated to reach 63% of dry matter (DM) whereas in Lutetia WSC fell below 30% of DM; this factor might be associated with its survival. In both tiller bases and enclosed leaves, sucrose content and the content of large fructans tended to increase over the summer, whereas monosaccharide content declined. Enclosed leaves are the main survival organs: their role as a sink for translocated material (sucrose) and as a site of fructan accumulation is discussed.  相似文献   

The rates of litter decomposition, organic matter loss and nutrient release for Dactylis glomerata (Gramineae) and Vicia villosa (Leguminosae) were studied at two sites in north Greece, which differed in soil pH, soil particle distribution and nutrient availability.
Climate, soil characteristics and taxonomic plant differences affected the rates of litter decomposition. Litter loss was higher at site A (neutral soil) than at site B (acid soil). Organic matter loss was generally low. Dry weather affected both parameters. Nitrogen release from litter was higher for both species at site A. The rate of P and K release was higher in the neutral soil than in the acid soil for both species, while that of Ca for both species and of Mg for Vicia was higher in the acid soil. Phosphorus, Ca and Na release from the litter of the leguminous species began earlier than from the graminaceous species. P mineralization from Vicia litter seemed to start just after its incorporation into the soil.  相似文献   

Production and nutritive value of forage in silvopastural systems can be improved by introducing shade‐ tolerant grass and legume species in appropriate mixtures. The management of these systems can present a challenge regarding the selection of the proper grass and legume species as well as the maintenance of the optimum balance between the two species in the grass–legume stand. The objectives of the present study were to evaluate the performance of pure stands and mixtures (75:25, 50:50, 25:75) of Dactylis glomerata:Trifolium subterraneum under full sun, 60% shade and 90% shade. Dry matter production of D. glomerata was not affected by shading, while that of T. subterraneum was drastically reduced. Shading increased the crude protein (CP) and acid detergent lignin content, but did not affect the acid detergent fibre and neutral detergent fibre content. The dry matter production of the 75:25 and 25:75 mixtures was higher compared to the one of the 50:50 mixture, while the CP content of the 75:25 mixture was the highest under moderate shading. However, relative yield, aggressivity index and competitive balance index indicated higher competitive ability for D. glomerata compared with T. subterraneum especially under shade. Therefore, the 25:75 mixture is suggested as the most suitable under moderate shade (60%), to perpetuate the stand and avoid the frequent re‐sowing of T. subterraneum.  相似文献   

Summary Among 70017 seeds in progenies of crosses from 23 interdihaploids with aS. phureja clone, homozygous for the seed marker ‘embryo spot’, 2 parthenogenetic monohaploid, 18 dihaploid and 3 tetraploid plants were detected. It is postulated that they have arisen from reduced, unreduced and doubled unreduced unfertilised egg cells.  相似文献   

Abstract A glasshouse study was undertaken to determine the physiological and morphological changes in cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.) during regrowth after defoliation. Individual plants were arranged in a mini‐sward in a randomized complete block design. Treatments involved harvesting each time one new leaf had expanded (one‐leaf stage), up to the six‐leaf stage, with the plants separated into leaf, stubble (tiller bases) and roots. Stubble and root water‐soluble carbohydrate (WSC), stubble and leaf dry matter (DM), tiller number per plant and leaf quality (crude protein (CP), estimated metabolizable energy (ME) and mineral content) were measured to develop optimal defoliation management of cocksfoot‐based pastures. WSC concentration in stubble and roots was highest at the five‐ and six‐leaf stages. Mean WSC concentration (g kg?1 DM) was greater in stubble than roots (32·7 ± 5·9 vs. 9·4 ± 1·5 respectively). There was a strong positive linear relationship between plant WSC concentration and leaf DM, root DM and tillers per plant after defoliation (Adj R2 = 0·72, 0·88 and 0·95 respectively). Root DM plant?1 and tiller DM tiller?1 decreased immediately following defoliation and remained low until the three‐leaf stage, then increased from the four‐leaf stage. Tillers per plant remained stable until the four‐leaf stage, after which they increased (from 9·9 ± 0·5 to 15·7 ± 1·0 tillers plant?1). Estimated metabolizable energy concentration (MJ kg?1 DM) was significantly lower at the six‐leaf stage (11·01 ± 0·06) than at any previous leaf regrowth stage, whereas CP concentration (g kg?1 DM) decreased with regrowth to the six‐leaf stage. Both the levels of ME and CP concentrations were indicative of a high quality forage throughout regrowth (11·37 ± 0·04 and 279 ± 8·0 for ME and CP respectively). Results from this study give a basis for determining appropriate criteria for grazing cocksfoot‐based pastures. The optimal defoliation interval for cocksfoot appears to be between the four‐ and five‐leaf stages of regrowth. Delaying defoliation to the four‐leaf stage allows time for replenishment of WSC reserves, resumption of root growth and an increase in tillering, and is before herbage is lost and quality falls due to onset of leaf senescence.  相似文献   

Several tuber-bearingSolanum species were screened for resistance to races 1 and 2 of Columbia root-knot nematode,Meloidogyne chitwoodi. Reproductive factor (Rf = Pf/Pi) was assessed and used to infer host resistance. Several clonal selections in one Plant Introduction accession ofSolanum hougasii showed high levels of resistance to both races. Crosses ofS. hougasii with tetraploid breeding clones yielded 14 vigorous F1 hybrids. Three of these interspecific hybrids expressed non-host (Rf<0.1) responses to race 1 and poor host (0.1f<1.0) responses to race 2. Six hybrids were nonhosts to race 1 but good hosts (Rf>1.0) to race 2. Three hybrids were good hosts to both races, and one was a poor host to race 1 and non-host to race 2. The occurrence of resistance to both races in the F1 hybrids indicates success in the first step of introducing resistance to races 1 and 2 ofM. chitwoodi to the cultivated potato gene pool.  相似文献   

Performance of continuously stocked Mule ewes nursing Suffolk-cross twin lambs over three grazing seasons, between April and August, was compared on swards of N-fertilized diploid perennial ryegrass (D), tetraploid perennial ryegrass (T) and tetraploid perennial ryegrass with white clover (TC), the latter receiving no fertilizer N. Sward height was maintained by variable stocking rate close to a target of 4–6 cm (constant treatment) from turnout and compared in July and August with a rising sward height treatment (target 6–8 cm). Lambs on TC swards had significantly higher (P <0·001) liveweight gains compared with lambs on T swards by 41 gd-1 in April–June and by 68gd-1 in July-August. Live weight and body condition score of ewes in August were significantly higher (P<0·001) on TC compared with T swards, by 11·3 kg and 0·75 respectively. Rising sward heights in July–August increased live-weight gain of lambs compared with constant sward heights by 102, 39 and 54gd-1 in consecutive years, associated with sward height increases of 0·9, 0·5 and 0·6cm respectively. Rising sward height increased ewe live weight and body condition score by 5·1 kg and 0·3 respectively, compared with results from constant sward heights. Effects of sward height and sward type were additive. T swards had a significantly (P<0·01) 16% greater overall lamb output than the D swards due mainly to a 10% higher achieved stocking rate. Stocking rates of ewes on TC vs T swards were 40, 13 and 12% lower in April-August in successive years. The higher liveweight gain of lambs on the TC swards resulted in lamb outputs of 76, 105 and 101% of the T swards in successive years, showing that grass/clover swards containing over 20% clover could produce similar lamb output ha-1 to grass swards given 150–180 kg N ha-1.  相似文献   

Two 1·0 ha plots of a late-heading diploid perennial ryegrass (var. Contender) and a late-heading tetraploid ryegrass (var. Condesa), and two 1·4 ha plots of the tetraploid with Aberystwyth S184 small-leaved white clover, were direct sown in May 1987. Over the three years 1988–90 they were continuously stocked by Mule ewes with Suffolk-cross twin lambs, from early April to the end of August, at a target sward surface height (SSH) of 4–6 cm on one set of plots (constant swards) and, on the other set, al 4–6 cm rising after June to a target 6–8 cm (rising swards). The heights were achieved by variable stocking. Fertilizer N was applied only to the grass plots at the rate of 150- 180kgN ha-1 annually.
SSH was mainly within the target 4–6 cm, after higher initial heights at turnout in 1988and 1990. Mean heights of the constant swards (April- August) averaged 5·53, 4·43 and 5·04cm in the three years. The rising swards (July-August) increased in height over the constant swards by an average of 0·88, 0·48 and 0·55 cm, in successive years.
Clover content of the herbage mass dry matter in the grass/clover swards increased over each grazing season to average 13·0, 26·5 and 21·2% in the three years, with a high mean stolon density of 130 in m-2 in August 1990. Ryegrass tiller densities in year 3 were 23% higher in the diploid than in the tetraploid swards, which had 43% more than the 10000 tillers m-2 of the tetraploid ryegrass/clover swards.
It is concluded that the combination of a densely stoloniferous small-leaved clover with the open growth habit of a tetraploid ryegrass can achieve swards of high clover content under continuous sheep stocking.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to evaluate random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) as a source of markers for use in investigations in potato genetics. Segregation of 18 loci in diploidSolanum goniocalyx xS. phureja and 12 loci in tetraploidS. tuberosum ssp.tuberosum ×S. tuberosum ssp.andigena families fitted Mendelian and tetrasomic ratios, respectively. Eight loci in the diploid progeny were arranged in three linkage groups. Segregations of these markers fitting expected ratios indicate that they can be effectively used in potato genetics, breeding and evolution.  相似文献   

Leaf stage‐dependent defoliation is linked to the plant's physiological status and may be a more suitable criterion than time‐based intervals for harvesting forage grasses, but no reports of research with annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam. var. westerwoldicum) were found. To address this, a 2‐year field study was carried out at Raymond, MS, on a Loring silt loam soil (fine‐silty, mixed, thermic Typic Fragiudalfs). Forage production, morphological characteristics and nutritive value responses to defoliation based on leaf stage (2, 3 and 4 leaves per tiller) and two residual stubble heights (RSH; 5 and 10 cm) of a tetraploid (“Maximus”) vs. a diploid (“Marshall”) cultivar of annual ryegrass were quantified. Forage harvested, in 2011, increased linearly as leaf stage increased from 7.3 to 8.8 Mg/ha, but during 2012 was least (7.0 Mg/ha) at 3‐leaf stage and similar at the other two leaf stages (7.6 Mg/ha). Tiller density was less for Maximus (1,191 tillers/m2) than for Marshall (1,383 tillers/m2). Leaf blade proportion decreased with increasing leaf stage and was greater by 9% for Maximus than for Marshall. Generally, forage nutritive value became less desirable with increasing leaf stage. There was a dichotomy in forage harvested and nutritive value responses, but maximum forage productivity was achieved when annual ryegrass was defoliated at the 4‐leaf stage interval.  相似文献   

Diploid and tetraploid perennial ryegrass swards were managed under an intensive silage system over 3 years. The swards were subjected to five tractor wheel pass treatments to simulate combinations of silage operations in the field from cutting, tedding, lifting and fertilizing. Wheel tracking was applied uniformly over the swards after June, July, August and October cuts each year.
Tractor wheel passes caused mean reductions in herbage dry matter (DM) yield during successive years of 14%, 6% and 9% compared with their absence, and frequent or delayed wheel passes affected yield more adversely than infrequent or undelayed wheel passes. Nitrogen and mineral concentrations in herbage and nutrient offtakes were also generally reduced but organic matter digestibility (OMD) was unaffected. Soil assessments each autumn showed that soil bulk density increased in the wheel-pass treatments, particularly when frequently applied. The two sward types responded in a similar manner to the wheel-tracking treatments, probably because they had similar cushioning capability, the disadvantage of the tetraploid in terms of fewer tillers in relation to the diploid being compensated for by larger tiller size. Soil compaction, with its adverse effect on sward growth vigour, and direct wheel damage to young regrowth will be lessened by minimizing wheel traffic on silage swards and undertaking operations over short rather than long periods.  相似文献   

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