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核桃壳与木屑栽培平菇的营养成分对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
测定了以核桃壳为基质(受专利保护)栽培平菇的主要营养成分和矿质元素,通过与木屑为基质栽培平菇的营养成分和矿质元素比较,结果发现:核桃壳种植的平菇粗纤维和多糖的含量明显高于木屑栽培的平菇,粗纤维和多糖分别相差13.8%和3.64%;蛋白质含量略低,相差4.5%;核桃壳组平菇矿质元素含量较高,尤其是铁和锌的含量,核桃壳组平菇铁和锌分别高于木屑组平菇32.3mg.kg-1和36.3mg.kg-1。  相似文献   

测定了厚朴非药用部位的营养成分,并将其作为平菇(Pleurotus ostreatus)的栽培基质,对平菇的生长性状、营养成分以及重金属含量的影响进行评价.结果表明:厚朴非药用部位含有平菇生长所需的粗纤维、粗蛋白等营养成分;当厚朴非药用部位添加量为67%时,平菇产量可达58.68 kg、蛋白质(干基)含量达23.0%,相对于对照分别提高18.3%、15.6%;且平菇符合无公害食品的标准;因此,厚朴非药用部位可以作为平菇栽培基质加以利用.  相似文献   

张苗  夏伟 《食用菌》2024,(2):31-32+36
目的:系统性评价丹栀逍遥散中药渣栽培平菇的可行性。方法:以丹栀逍遥散中药渣为研究对象,将中药渣和棉籽壳混合栽培平菇,并分析不同配方平菇的生物转化率、营养成分、重金属以及平菇中栀子苷的残留。结果:配方3(含中药渣40%)栽培的平菇生物转化率最高;发菌时间较短且菌丝长势强,菌袋污染率低;粗蛋白和总糖含量高,粗脂肪含量显著降低,而灰分、粗纤维含量变化不显著;重金属含量在安全范围内且栀子苷未检出。结论:用丹栀逍遥散中药渣栽培平菇安全可行,既能延长中药渣的价值链,又可丰富平菇的栽培基质。  相似文献   

不同地区平菇营养成分的分析比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
收集山东、河南等10个平菇主栽地区的10个平菇(Pleurotus ostreatus)主栽品种,参照国家标准检测方法测定平菇子实体的主要营养成分含量,并采用单因素方差分析法、变异系数法、氨基酸比值系数法进行分析。结果表明,不同地区栽培平菇中,湖北平菇膳食纤维含量、江西平菇总糖含量、河南平菇粗多糖含量相对较高,存在显著性差异(P0.05),蛋白质、粗脂肪含量间无显著性差异(P0.05)。各地区味觉氨基酸、药用氨基酸含量及氨基酸评价中,山东平菇均表现出明显优势。脂肪酸含量中吉林平菇含量最高(9.075 g·kg~(-1)),是山东平菇的2.5倍。因此可选择膳食纤维、总糖、粗糖、氨基酸、脂肪酸含量作为平菇代表性指标,在筛选优势主栽地区、营养品质分析及平菇高附加值产品的开发中提供理论依据。  相似文献   

为了对利用葛根渣栽培的平菇和香菇的营养价值和重金属含量做出评价,采用国家检测标准规定的分析方法,分别测定葛根渣栽培的、市售的平菇和香菇的总糖、粗蛋白、粗脂肪、粗纤维、灰分、铅、砷、汞、镉的含量。结果显示利用葛根渣栽培的平菇、香菇的基本营养成分含量与市售的同种菌含量相近,但部分重金属含量超出国家标准限量。说明利用葛根渣栽培的平菇、香菇与市售的同种菌相比,具有同样的营养价值,但受到了部分重金属污染。  相似文献   

平菇优良菌种筛选及其营养成分研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文对目前人们经常食用的十余种平菇类食用菌进行了栽培实验,筛选出适宜于昆明地区栽培的平菇优良品种,并对其营养成分,微量及常量元素的含量作出了分析评价。  相似文献   

利用醋糟栽培平菇,对其子实体中的总糖、粗蛋白、脂肪和粗纤维等营养成分的研究已有报道,但醋糟培养料对平菇子实体中矿质元素与氨基酸含量有何影响尚未见报道.笔者就这一问题对醋糟和棉子壳栽培的平菇子实体中的10种矿质元素和17种氨基酸含量,分别进行了测定比较.现将测定结果报道如下.  相似文献   

以生长在不同地域皀4个大果沙枣品种皀果实为试材,研究其抗氧化活性及不同抗氧化活性成分含量之间皀差异和相兲性。结果表明:4个大果沙枣品种ABTS·+自由基皀清除活性、DPPH自由基皀清除活性、铁氧化还原能力(FRAP)具有显著性差异,‘八卦沙枣’和‘牛奶头沙枣’皀抗氧化活性最高;4个大果沙枣品种之间鞣质、总酚、游离酚、结合酚、黄酮含量均有显著性差异,其中‘大白沙枣’皀总酚、结合酚含量均显著高于其他品种,‘八卦沙枣’皀黄酮含量显著高于其他品种;DPPH、ABTS、FRAP 3个抗氧化测定方法测定4个大果沙枣品种皀抗氧化活性具有显著或极显著相兲性;黄酮含量可作为判断大果沙枣抗氧化活性强弱皀指标。  相似文献   

茶枝屑替代木屑栽培平菇的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为拓展平菇(Pleurotus ostreatus)栽培基质来源,提高茶枝利用率,以夏灰1号平菇为试验菌株开展了茶枝屑替代木屑栽培平菇的配方优选、平菇子实体主要营养成分分析、茶枝屑代料栽培平菇效益评估以及平菇子实体质量安全性评价等研究。结果表明,茶枝屑替代木屑栽培平菇的最佳配方为茶枝屑30%、木屑45%、麦麸20%、石灰3%、石膏1%、磷肥1%。与纯木屑栽培的平菇子实体相比,纯茶枝屑栽培的平菇子实体灰分、蛋白质、膳食纤维、粗多糖以及多酚类营养物质含量分别提高了28%、42.36%、6.15%、9.42%以及60.87%;菌袋生产成本降低了23.3%,提高了栽培平菇的经济效益以及食用菌的质量安全性。表明茶枝是一种很好的栽培平菇的新型栽培基质材料。  相似文献   

平菇和金针菇下床料营养成分的测定   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文采用常规方法对金针菇和平菇下床料及栽培料棉子壳的营养成分进行了测定,结果表明下床料的粗纤维含量大幅度下降,而蛋白质的含量有所提高,灰分和磷的含量也有所上升,值得开发利用。  相似文献   

Chromosome karyotypes of the most commonly cultivated and medicinally used Echinacea taxa, E. angustifolia DC. var. angustifolia and E. purpurea (L.) Moench., were analyzed. The chromosomes of both taxa are medium in length, ranging from 4.12 to 5.83 μm in E. angustifolia var. angustifolia and 3.99 to 6.08 μm in E. purpurea. No abrupt length changes in the chromosomes were noted. The karyotypes of the two species are generally similar, but a distinguishable feature exists in one pair of chromosomes. The centromere of chromosome pair 10 is subterminally located in E. purpurea, but terminally located in E. angustifolia var. angustifolia, which can be readily recognized in mitotic metaphase cell plates. This finding may provide useful information for Echinacea evolutionary, genetic, and breeding studies.  相似文献   

沙枣在河西走廊广泛栽培,多年来由于品种机械、生物学混杂及生境条件与栽培方法差异,造成品种严重退化。为进一步探索提高沙枣品种质量,选繁优良品种,开发综合利用价值,我们从沙枣的主要产区广泛收集沙枣品种资源,从原种的果实质量及容器育苗培育的高生长、地径、根系生长、生物产量等指标分析,结果表明代号为9、24、17、5号等品种表现良好。初步选定果肉经济型沙枣7个、抗逆速生型沙枣9个、二者兼备型沙枣5个品种为优良品种。本试验为定向培育经营提供沙枣种源依据。  相似文献   

"吉能源甜菜1号"是以单胚品系DTN 162-3-11为母本,二倍体多胚品系HRR7为父本,按3∶1比例自然杂交而成。该品种在2008—2010年吉林省甜菜品种区域试验中,平均根产量为45627.6kg/hm2,比对照品种HYB74增产7.5%;含糖率为17.2%,比对照高1.6度,差异显著;产糖量为7836.5kg/hm2,比对照提高16.9%;乙醇产量4411.5kg/hm2,比对照提高18.2%。"吉能源甜菜1号"稳定性好,抗逆性强,适于东北西部及蒙东地区种植。  相似文献   

Seeds from five lots each of Echinacea angustifolia DC, and E. pallida (Nutt.) Nutt. were germinated in a growth chamber in light (40 μmol·m(-2)· s(-1)) or darkness at 25 °C for 16 to 20 d after soaking in 1 mM ethephon or water for 10 min, or moist stratification at 4 - 6 °C for two weeks. Either light or ethephon promoted seed germination of E. angustifolia and E. pallida, in comparison with darkness in nine of ten lots. Ethephon in the dark had similar or greater germination percentages than water with light. Ethephon with light improved germination in three of ten lots compared with ethephon in the dark. The effect of cold, moist stratification in comparison with darkness varied by seed lot. Five lots of E. purpurea (L.) Moench were tested; however, no treatment differences were measured. The finding that ethethon promoted E. angustifolia and E. pallida seed germination in darkness could be useful in the cultivation of these two species. Chemical name used: 2-chloroethylphosphonic acid (ethephon).  相似文献   

枸橼在我国有11个类型(变种、品种或杂种),根据它们的地理分布和植物学性状,认为枸橼的原发中心在云南的西南部和西部;野生的沧源香橼是枸橼的原始类型,由其演化为小香橼、小果香橼和栽培的大香橼等;佛手是由枸橙演化而来。  相似文献   

吉林省薄皮甜瓜主产区白粉病菌生理小种的初步鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2011年秋季对吉林省四个地区的不同乡镇,不同栽培模式的薄皮甜瓜上采集的共9个来源的白粉病菌进行生理小种鉴定。按照国际通用的瓜类白粉病生理小种鉴定标准体系,根据病菌在13个鉴别寄主上的抗感反应,初步确定吉林省瓜类白粉病菌存在单囊壳白粉菌(S.fuliginea)的两个生理小种,即小种1和小种2France,且主流小种为...  相似文献   

以三江平原小叶章沼泽化草甸为研究对象,采用静态箱法,研究了氮素添加对小叶章群落多样性以及CO_2排放通量的影响,以期得出群落多样性以及CO_2排放对氮沉降的响应规律。结果表明:高氮显著增加了小叶章湿地的Shannon-Wiener指数,但是低氮降低了小叶章湿地的Shannon-Wiener指数;高氮显著抑制了小叶章湿地的优势度指数,低氮也降低了小叶章湿地的优势度指数;高氮显著增加了小叶章湿地的均匀度指数,虽然低氮也增加了小叶章湿地的均匀度指数,但是差距不大。在自然对照样地中,小叶章湿地CO_2排放通量平均值为411.79mg·m~(-2)·h~(-1),而低氮样地中,小叶章湿地CO_2排放通量平均值为607.50mg·m~(-2)·h~(-1),高氮样地中,小叶章湿地CO_2排放通量平均值为608.86mg·m~(-2)·h~(-1),施氮显著增加了小叶章湿地的CO_2排放通量,但低氮与高氮处理之间差异不显著。  相似文献   

Organic production of one of the most popular botanical supplements, Echinacea, continues to expand in the U.S. Echinacea seeds typically show a high degree of dormancy that can be broken by ethephon or gibberelic acid (GA), but these methods are currently disallowed in organic production. In order to determine the efficacy of non-chemical seed treatments, we evaluated the effect of varying seed source and supplying light, with and without cold-moist stratification, on seed germination of the three most important medicinal species of Echinacea, E. angustifolia DC, E. purpurea (L) Moench, and E. pallida (Nutt.) Nutt. Treatments included cold-moist stratification under 24 h light, 24 h dark, and 16/8 h light/dark to break seed dormancy. We found that germination was greater in the E. purpurea and E. pallida seeds from a commercial organic seed source compared to a public germplasm source. When seeds were not cold-moist stratified, 16-24 h light increased germination in E. angustifolia only. Echinacea angustifolia, E. purpurea, and E. pallida seeds that were cold-moist stratified under 16-24 h of light for 4 wk had a significantly greater percentage and rate of germination compared to seeds germinated in the dark. Therefore, cold-moist stratification under light conditions is recommended as a method to break seed dormancy and increase germination rates in organic production of Echinacea.  相似文献   


Efficient in vitro procedures for mass propagation of four commercially important Echinacea species have been deveoped. Plants of E. angustifolia, E. pallida, E. paradoxa and E. purpurea were regenerated by three methods, namely axillary bud proliferation, adventitious shoot formation and somatic embyrogenesis. Shoot tips obtained from in vitro germinated seedlings, adventitious shoots or somatic embryo-derived plantlets, when cultured on Murashige and Skoog medium enriched with 1 μM 6-benzylaminopurine, 2 μM kinetin, 0.5 μM indole-3-butyric acid and 4 mg–1 paclobutrazol multiplied three-fold within 3–4 weeks in culture. Incorporation of paclobutrazol in the shoot multiplication medium was necessary to recover healthy and robust shoots suitable for rooting. Direct, high-frequency shoot formation on intact leaves of shoots grown on 6-benzylaminopurine and kinetin-supplemented media, an unusual and novel observation made in this study, occurred in all the species studied. Rooting of in vitro developed shoots was achieved relatively easily with Murashige and Skoog basal medium rather than with auxin-enriched media. Culturing of hypocotyl explants on medium containing 3,6-dichloro-o-anisic acid (commonly known as dicamba), or 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, resulted in direct somatic embryogenesis in all the species examined. The presence of cytokinin was required for somatic embryo germination, but further development of germinated somatic embryos into normal plantlets occurred in Murashige and Skoog medium. We conclude that the procedures described here could be used for rapid propagation as well as genetic transformation of commerically cultivated Echinacea species.  相似文献   

‘禾韵2号’,由美国引入的越橘中选出,属半高丛类型。果实极晚熟,在吉林地区8月下旬成熟。果实扁圆形,呈蓝色,被白色果粉,平均单果质量1.8g,品质佳。结果枝条上呈串状结果,果穗紧密。抗病力和抗寒力强,丰产性好。该品种2010年10月通过吉林省农作物品种审定委员会审定。适宜于吉林省土壤pH值4.2~6.0、冬季绝对低温不低于-30℃、无霜期110d以上、≥10℃积温2300℃以上的地区引种试栽,须简易防寒。  相似文献   

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