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Nitrogen fertilizer represents a significant cost of production for the grower and may also have environmental impacts through nitrate leaching, use of fossil fuels for manufacture and application, and N2O emissions associated with denitrification. The development of N-efficient cultivars will be of economic benefit to farmers and will help to reduce environmental contamination associated with excessive inputs of N fertilizers. The physiological, metabolic and physio-chemico processes that may contribute to high N-use efficiency (NUE) and reduced N fertilizer inputs while maintaining an acceptable yield are reviewed and the prospects for application in breeding programs discussed. Promising N management strategies for high NUE are also considered. Traits operating from the cellular to the whole-crop scale, including root traits, nitrate assimilation, N partitioning, leaf and canopy photosynthesis, senescence, grain N remobilization and grain protein content and composition, are discussed in relation to their optimization in both feed and bread-making cultivars. Promising traits for selection by breeders to increase NUE are identified, and approaches for their integration at the whole plant level discussed. It is concluded that: (i) increased root length density (RLD) at depth, (ii) a high capacity for N accumulation in the stem, potentially associated with a high maximum N-uptake rate, (iii) low leaf lamina N concentration, (iv) more efficient post-anthesis remobilization of N from stems to grain, but less efficient remobilization of N from leaves to grain, both potentially associated with delayed senescence, and (v) a reduced grain N concentration may be of particular value for increasing NUE in feed wheat cultivars; and (vi) for bread-making cultivars, high NUE may be associated with high capacities for uptake and assimilation of N, with high post-anthesis N remobilization efficiency and/or specific grain protein composition.  相似文献   

Groundnut as a pre-rice crop is usually harvested 1–2 months before rice transplanting. During this lag phase much of N in groundnut residues could be lost due to rapid N mineralization. Mixing of abundantly available rice straw with groundnut residues may be a means for reducing N and improve subsequent crop yields. The objectives of this experiment were to investigate the effect of mixing groundnut residues and rice straw in different proportions on (a) growth and yield of succeeding rice, (b) groundnut residue N use efficiency and (c) N lost (15N balance) from the plant–soil system and fate of residue N in soil fractions. The experiment consisted of six treatments: (i) control (no residues), (ii) NPK (at recommended rate, 38 kg N ha−1), (iii) groundnut residues 5 Mg ha−1 (120 kg N ha−1), (iv) rice straw 5 Mg ha−1 (25 kg N ha−1), (v) 1:0.5 mixed (groundnut residues 5 Mg: rice straw 2.5 Mg ha−1), and (vi) 1:1 mixed (groundnut residues 5 Mg: rice straw 5 Mg ha−1). After rice transplanting, samples of the lowland rice cultivar KDML 105 were periodically collected to determine growth and nutrient uptake. At final harvest, dry weight, nutrient contents and 15N recovery of labeled groundnut residues were evaluated.  相似文献   

Breeding for improved grain yield (GY) and grain nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) is an important objective of many rice breeding programs. A better understanding of the genetics of these two complex traits and their genetic relationship is required for more efficient breeding. This study reports the results of a linkage mapping study conducted for these two traits using 127 rice recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from the cross of Zhanshan 97/Minghui 63. Phenotypic data were collected under two nitrogen conditions in 2006 and 2007. For NUE, four and six QTLs were identified in 2006 and 2007, respectively. These QTLs were on chromosomes 1, 2, 6, 7 and 11. For GY, nine and five QTLs were detected on chromosomes 1, 2, 7 and 11 in 2006 and 2007, respectively. The phenotypic and genetic correlations between NUE and GY are positive and highly significant. Four genomic regions, including C86-C2340 on chromosome 1, RZ599-R1738 on chromosome 2, RZ471-C1023 on chromosome 7 and R3203-RM20a on chromosome 11, were found to contain QTLs for both NUE and GY. The effects of the co-located QTLs were in the same direction for NUE and GY, providing a genetic basis for the observed positive genetic correlation between the two traits. These genomic regions might be explored for the simultaneous improvement of NUE and GY in breeding.  相似文献   

In Argentina, peanut production is concentrated in areas where unpredictable and intermittent periods of water deficit occur almost every year especially, during the pod growth period. Florman INTA is the most popular variety among peanut producers, but it is highly sensitive to drought. Manfredi 393 INTA was released as a drought-tolerant variety. Differences between these varieties in radiation interception and crop mass accumulation relative to light levels, as well as in allocation of assimilate to economic yield under water deficit, have not been previously studied.

An experiment was set with two different regimes of water supply. Half of the crop was irrigated (IRR) from sowing to maturity, while the other half received no water between 47 and 113 days after sowing. The fraction of PAR intercepted, (f), leaf area, pod and vegetative above-ground biomass and leaf carbon dioxide exchange rate (CER) were measured periodically during the water deficit period. The leaf area index, degree of leaf folding, canopy extinction coefficient, radiation use efficiency (RUE), partitioning factor, (p), and harvest index (HI) were calculated from the measurements.

Under water stress, f was reduced in both varieties with respect to their controls, and the reduction was proportionally higher in Florman INTA as a consequence of a higher leaf area reduction and degree of leaf folding. However, f remained higher in Florman INTA than in Manfredi 393 INTA due to the enhanced capacity of the former to generate leaf area under non-limiting water supply.

RUE values were higher in Manfredi 393 INTA than in Florman INTA, both under irrigation as well as under severe water deficit, where they were obtained using a two-parameter exponential model. The reason for the higher RUE values in Manfredi 393 INTA was its ability to maintain a higher leaf CER.

Partitioning to pods under irrigation was greater in Manfredi 393 INTA than in Florman INTA, as a result of a longer pod filling period and higher p. Towards the end of podfill, there was a rapid increase of p in Florman INTA, but too late to improve its HI. Under water stress, the time course of p for both varieties was lower than in the IRR treatments and consequently, HI at harvest was reduced. Low HI values could be attributed to some extent to the mechanical impedance of the upper soil layer, caused by water deficit. Mechanical impedance alters the relation among p and HI values obtained under irrigation and water stress. However, even if it is accounted for, cultivars with high HI under IRR conditions usually have high HI under water deficit.  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(2):208-216

To examine the possibility of breeding high-yielding cultivars with high nitrogen use efficiency for dry matter accumulation (NUEd) and to provide simple criteria for the selecting and breeding high-yielding cultivars with high NUEd as well as useful information for the mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTL) controlling NUEd, we cultured recombinant inbred lines (RILs) of rice hydroponically in 2000 and 2001. RILs with a higher grain yield tended to show greater total dry matter accumulation (TDMA) and higher harvest index (HI), while increasing TDMA resulted in a decrease in HI. The contribution ratio of the TDMA to grain yield (2000 : 67.3%, 2001 : 68.2%) was higher than that of HI in both 2000 and 2001. Even at the same high-yielding level, there was a significant difference in the TDMA and HI values. In both years, the contribution ratios of NUEd and total nitrogen absorption (NTA) to TDMA were about 62.0 and 38.0%, respectively. The contribution ratio of the NUEd to grain yield was higher than those of the NTA and HI in both 2000 (41.6%) and 2001 (42.9%). These results suggested that the high-yielding rice plants generally displayed high TDMA and HI values. Further increase in rice grain yield should be based on the further increase in TDMA than in HI, and to increase TDMA leading to a high grain yield, the emphasis also should be put on improving NUEd in RILs.  相似文献   

Grain growth in wheat depends on current photosynthesis and stem water-soluble carbohydrates (WSC). In semiarid regions with terminal drought, grain filling in wheat crops may depend more on stem WSC content than on current assimilates. Reduction in grain yield under drought is attributed to shorter duration of linear grain growth despite increased contribution of stem reserves to grain yield. The amount of stem reserves is measured either by changes in stem dry weight (indirect method) or by stem WSC content (direct method). Genotypic variation in the rate and duration of linear grain growth and in percent contribution of stem reserves to grain yield has not been evaluated in wheat. The objectives of this study were: (i) to quantify the relationship between the direct and indirect measurement of stem reserves during and across the grain-filling period and (ii) to measure the extent of genotypic variation in rate and duration of linear grain growth and in percent contribution of stem reserves to grain yield. Dry weight, WSC content and grain yield of the main stem were measured at 10-day intervals in 11 diverse wheat genotypes under well-watered and droughted-field conditions across 2 years. Drought reduced stem WSC content from 413 to 281 mg and grain yield from 4.6 to 2.5 t ha−1. Stem WSC content and dry weight were positively correlated. Genotypic differences in linear rate of grain growth were significant in well-watered (ranging from 48.9 to 72.4 mg spike−1 day−1) and in droughted-field (ranging from 33.2 to 59.9 mg spike−1 day−1) conditions. Drought, on average, reduced the linear rate and duration of grain growth by 20 and 50%, respectively. Reduction in linear rate ranged from 13 to 43%. The amount of current assimilates and stem reserves contributed to grain yield was reduced, respectively, by 54 and 11% under drought. Genotypic differences in percent contribution of stem reserves to grain yield were significant in well-watered (ranging from 19.1 to 53.6%) and in droughted-field (ranging from 36.6 to 65.4%) conditions. The wheat genotypes responded differently to drought. Main spike grain yield was reduced by 43% under drought due to 26 and 11% reduction in grain weight and number of grains, respectively. Grain yield was correlated with linear grain growth under well-watered (r = 0.96) and droughted (r = 0.83) conditions. The genotypic variation observed indicates that breeding for a higher rate of linear grain growth and greater contribution of stem reserves to grain yield should be possible in wheat to stabilize grain yield in stressful environments.  相似文献   

Drought is the major cause of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) yield losses in the UK and many other regions where the crop is not normally irrigated. However, drought tolerance has not been a breeding target partly because the extent of the problem was not understood, it is difficult to design effective selection screens, and because of the suspicion that few varietal differences existed. The aim of this study was to evaluate the genetic resources necessary to improve drought tolerance. Specific objectives were to assess the degree of genotypic diversity for drought tolerance, characterise genotypic differences in response to drought, and identify sources of germplasm with greater drought tolerance than current commercial varieties. Over 3 years, 46 beet genotypes representing diverse genetic backgrounds were tested in the field under large polythene covers to impose a drought beginning approximately 40 days after emergence until harvest. Sugar, root and total dry matter yields were measured under drought and irrigated conditions. The percentage green crop cover was measured at regular intervals and used in the calculation of radiation use efficiencies for each genotype. Drought tolerance index (DTI) was computed as the fraction of irrigated yield maintained under drought, normalised by the mean yield across all genotypes in the trial. Seven genotypes were tested in all years, and the data on these were used to calculate yield stability statistics and to estimate broad-sense heritability. There were more than two-fold differences in droughted and irrigated yields between genotypes, and nearly a two-fold difference in DTI. According to an index that combines yield potential and drought tolerance, some genotypes performed better than the three locally adapted commercial varieties included in the test. There were significant effects for genotype, treatment and G×E interactions for yield components and radiation use efficiency. There were also significant genotype differences in harvest index but few significant G×E interactions. Droughted and irrigated yields were positively associated, but there was no close relation between yield potential and DTI. The seven genotypes common to all years differed in yield stability and in sensitivity to water availability. Thus, the genetic resources exist for germplasm improvement. Both yield potential and DTI (which may ensure better yield stability) should be considered simultaneously as breeding targets for drought-prone areas.  相似文献   

Plastic film or straw mulching cultivation under non-flooded condition has been considered as a new water-saving technique in rice production. This study aimed to investigate the yield performance in terms of quality and quantity and water use efficiency (WUE) under such practices. A field experiment across 3 years was conducted with two high-yielding rice cultivars, Zhendao 88 (a japonica cultivar) and Shanyou 63 (an indica hybrid cultivar) and four cultivation treatments imposed from transplanting to maturity: traditional flooding as control (TF), non-flooded plastic film mulching (PM), non-flooded wheat straw mulching (SM), and non-flooded no mulching (NM). Compared with those under the TF, root oxidation activity, photosynthetic rate, and activities of key enzymes in sucrose-to-starch conversion in grains during the grain filling period were significantly increased under the SM, whereas they were significantly reduced under the PM and NM treatments. Grain yield showed some reduction under all the non-flooded cultivations but differed largely among the treatments. The reduction in yield was 7.3–17.5% under the PM, 2.8–6.3% under the SM, and 39–49% under the NM. The difference in grain yield was not significant between TF and SM treatments. WUE for irrigation was increased by 314–367% under the PM, 307–321% under the SM, and 98–138% under the NM. Under the same treatment especially under non-flooded conditions, the indica hybrid cultivar showed a higher grain yield and higher WUE than the japonica cultivar. The SM significantly improved milling, appearance, and cooking qualities, whereas the PM or the NM decreased these qualities. We conclude that both PM and SM could significantly increase WUE, while the SM could also maintain a high grain yield and improve quality of rice. The SM would be a better practice than the PM in areas where water is scarce while temperature is favorable to rice growth, such as in Southeast China.  相似文献   


In sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), rice production from smallholder farms is challenged because of a lack of fertilizer inputs and nutrient-poor soils. Therefore, improving nutrient efficiency is particularly important for increasing both fertilizer use and rice yield. This review discusses how to improve the return from fertilizer input in terms of agronomic N use efficiency (AEN), that is, the increase in grain yield per kg of applied N, for rice production in SSA. The AEN values we summarized here revealed large spatial variations even within small areas and a certain gap between researcher-led trials and smallholder-managed farms. Experimental results suggest AEN can be improved by addressing spatial variations in soil-related factors such as P, S, Zn, and Si deficiencies and Fe toxicity in both irrigated and rainfed production systems. In rainfed production systems, differences in small-scale topography are also important which affects AEN through dynamic changes in hydrology and variations in the contents of soil organic carbon and clay. Although empirical evidence is further needed regarding the relationship between soil properties and responses to fertilizer inputs, recent agricultural advances have generated opportunities for integrating these micro-topographical and soil-related variables into field-specific fertilizer management. These opportunities include UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) technology to capture microtopography at low cost, database on soil nutrient characteristics at high resolution and more numbers of fertilizer blending facilities across SSA, and interactive decision support tools by use of smartphones on site. Small-dose nursery fertilization can be also alternative approach for improving AEN in adverse field conditions in SSA.

ABBREVIATIONS: AEN: agronomic nitrogen use efficiency; FISP: farm input subsidy program; VCR: value cost ratio; SOC: soil organic carbon; SSA: sub-Saharan Africa; UAV: unmanned aerial vehicle  相似文献   

为探讨受控生态生保系统(CELSS)中利用光周期调控提高植物能量利用效率的可能性,以红蓝LED(90%红+10%蓝)为光源,在开花前及开花后各设置12、16、20和24h四个光周期水平,形成16个处理,研究光周期对小麦生长发育、产量和营养品质的影响。结果表明,开花前光周期延长使小麦开花时间显著提前,特别是导致出苗到拔节和拔节到抽穗的天数显著减少。开花后光周期延长会缩短开花到成熟的时间,且开花前和开花后光周期对小麦生育期长度的影响相互独立。在开花前,短光周期有利于小麦营养器官的构建,增加株高、分蘖数、叶片数和营养器官干重,进而提高籽粒产量、收获指数和能效比。在开花后,长光周期提高了灌浆期叶片光合速率,促进籽粒中干物质积累,提高籽粒产量、收获指数和能效比。开花前短光周期的增产作用主要是因穗数和穗粒数增加,而开花后长光周期的增产作用主要是因粒重增加。在开花前后,延长光周期均导致籽粒淀粉含量增加和蛋白质含量减少。在开花前12h光照、开花后24h光照的处理下小麦产量和能量利用效率均最高,说明开花前短光周期结合开花后长光周期最有利于小麦高产和能量高效利用。  相似文献   

对不同熟期类型大豆种质收获指数进行比较分析,结果表明:在同一熟期种质之间,收获指数可以作为评价丰产性的指标之一,但不同熟期类型间没有可比性。  相似文献   

In the rain-fed areas of northern China, maize (Zea mays L.) is a main field crop, as it is well adapted to high temperatures and bright sunshine. However, low and variable rainfall and high evapotranspiration rates are common in water-limited environments during the growing season, and often mismatched rainfall events with the critical growth stages, making yield unstable. In this study, the performance of a furrow-planting and straw-mulching system was compared with the conventional flat-planting system in a double-crop culture of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and summer maize for two consecutive years (2005-2006 and 2006-2007). The four tested treatments were: conventional flat planting (F), furrow planting between ridges (B), flat planting with wheat straw-mulching (FS), and furrow planting between ridges with wheat-straw mulch (BS). Soil water content and leaf area index (LAI) were measured throughout the growing season each year, and grain yield and precipitation-use efficiency (PUEY) were determined.On average, ridge tillage combined with furrow planting increased maize yield by 430 kg ha−1 (7.3%) and PUEY by 10.7% (1.5 kg ha−1 mm−1), compared with the conventional flat planting; furrow planting coupled with straw mulching increased yield by an additional 16.9% and PUEY by 19.4%, respectively. From jointing to maturity, LAI values of BS were significantly higher than those of F-system (55.6% vs. 26.1% in 2006 and 81.4% vs. 21.7% in 2007). Our data suggest that maize production adopted by furrow planting with straw-covered ridges performed best under seasonal average rainfall below 480 mm, which was associated with better synchronization of seasonal soil water supply and crop needs, leading to improved maize yield and PUEY.  相似文献   

为了提高受控生态生保系统(CELSS)的能量利用效率,研究了在受控环境下开花前后光照强度对春小麦生长发育及生产效率的影响。结果表明,提高开花前光照强度(IBF)可显著缩短春小麦生育期;开花后光照强度(IAF)对小麦生育进程影响不显著。IBF的增强有利于春小麦营养体的构建,小麦籽粒产量有所提高,但小麦收获指数、粒叶比和能效比显著降低。IAF增强使小麦叶片光合速率、籽粒产量、收获指数、粒叶比和能效比均显著提高。高IBF下小麦籽粒产量的增加主要是因为提高了每株穗数和穗粒数,而高IAF下小麦籽粒产量的增加主要是因为提高了粒重。IBF和IAF提高均使得春小麦籽粒淀粉含量增加,蛋白质含量减少。高IBF对小麦产量的促进作用有限,而低IBF+高IAF的光照策略可以显著提高小麦的源库协调性和能量利用效率,可作为载人航天CELSS小麦培养的光照方案。  相似文献   

Glycemic index of grain amaranth, wheat and rice preparations was studied in noninsulin dependent diabetic subjects. Diets containing 50 g carbohydrate equivalent were given and post-prandial blood glucose estimated at different intervals. Glycemic index calculated for different experimental diets showed that GI of amaranth-wheat composite flour diet (25∶75) was the least (65.6%) followed by wheat diet (65.7%), rice diet (69.2%), amaranth-wheat flour 50∶50 (75.5%), and popped amaranth in milk (97.3%). Therefore 25∶75 combination of amaranth and wheat, wheat and rice can be considered low GI food, 50∶50 grain amaranth and wheat medium GI food and popped amaranth and milk combination high GI food.  相似文献   

This study investigated changes in accumulation and partitioning of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) with harvest dates of early, middle, and late maturity sweet sorghum varieties in 2006 and 2007 in North China. All the varieties exhibited an obvious trend of decrease in concentrations of N, P and K in aboveground plants from elongation to 60 days after anthesis (DAA). The reduction in nutrient concentrations was found in the order of K (14.5 − 4.5 g kg−1) > N (13.3 − 7.4 g kg−1) > P (2.40 − 0.96 g kg−1). Conversely, N, P, and K accumulation significantly increased from elongation to anthesis, and continued to increase until 40 DAA. The accumulation of N, P, and K at maturity (40 DAA) was 128–339 kg ha−1, 30–75 kg ha−1 and 109–300 kg ha−1, respectively. Between elongation and anthesis, the middle and late maturity varieties had a higher ratio of N (50–82%), P (55–83%), and K (62–88%) accumulation than the early varieties (51–64% for N, 40–62% for P, and 55–75% for K). Sweet sorghum exhibited only one important K uptake stage from elongation to thesis according to the accumulation ratio (percentage of the nutrient accumulated at a given stage relative to that at physiological maturity) and rate (kilogram of nutrient accumulated per day per hectare). The stage from anthesis to grain maturity was the second important N and P uptake period. During the delay harvest period between 40 and 60 DAA, the early varieties exhibited significant increases in N accumulation; and the late varieties exhibited the reverse. P accumulation did not decrease significantly, whereas K accumulation decreased for all varieties in both years. Although of the N and P concentrations in straw were significantly lower than in grains, the N, P and K accumulation in straw was 2.2–9.3, 1.7–7.7, and 8.1–30.5 times higher than in grains, respectively. The concentrations of N and P in leaves were higher than in stems after anthesis. We found significantly higher accumulation of P and K in stems than in leaves, with a comparable N accumulation. The findings are helpful to make a fertilization regime recommendation for sweet sorghum production as a bioethanol crop in North China. It also suggests a further genetic improvement for optimizing nutrient use.  相似文献   

籼粳亚种组合干物质累积效率与光合特性的关系   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
徐目  陈翠莲 《杂交水稻》1992,(1):40-42,44
从光合特性研究表明:亚种间杂交稻的高干物质累积效率,不是由于单叶光合速率的提高,而是因为叶面积指数增大所致.光合系统发达,利用弱光能力较强,是其叶面积指数增大的生理基础。亚种杂交稻每粒谷子所占叶而积同汕优63十分接近,但每朵颖花占有的叶面积则比汕优63低14.8%。  相似文献   

Arabinoxylans (AX) are the major polymers of wheat grain cell walls. The content and the structure of AX polymers show large differences between tissues and between wheat cultivars that affect the end-use properties and nutritional quality of the grain. The development of new wheat cultivars with enhanced quality, therefore, requires methods to exploit this variation and it is essential to understand and modulate the mechanisms controlling the key events of cell-wall polymer synthesis.This paper summarises recent knowledge on the structure and physicochemical properties of AX including variation between cultivars and tissues, methods for analysis and screening, biosynthetic mechanisms and approaches to identifying key genes. This knowledge is essential to understand AX properties and defined possible targets for plant breeding.  相似文献   

Total phenolics, flavonoid contents and antioxidant capacity from a wide collection of rice germplasm were measured, and their relations to grain color, grain size and 100-grain weight were investigated. Highly significant genotypic differences were observed in total phenolics, flavonoid contents and 2,2-azino-bis-(3-ehylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) diammonium salt (ABTS) radical cation antioxidant capacity. They displayed an increasing order in the white rice, red rice and black rice, yet several white rice had higher phenolics and flavonoids contents than the red rice. Significant positive pair-wise correlations were found among the phenolics, flavonoid contents and antioxidant capacity, and the coefficient between the phenolic contents and antioxidant capacity was extremely high (r = 0.96). Among all rice accessions, the grain color parameters had negative correlations with the phenolics, flavonoid contents and antioxidant capacity (p < 0.001). The negative correlation between a* and antioxidant capacity, and the positive correlation between H° and antioxidant capacity were consistent within the respective white rice and red rice groups. Flavonoid contents had positive correlation with grain length and length to width ratio, and had negative correlation with the 100-grain weight among all rice accessions. It was also found that 100-grain weight still had negative correlations with phenolics, flavonoid contents and antioxidant capacity within the white rice genotypes. These relationships may serve as indexes to indirectly select breeding lines high in the phenolics, flavonoids and antioxidant capacity. Principal component analysis including the information for phenolics, flavonoids, antioxidant capacity, grain color parameters, grain size and 100-grain weight extracted five principal components that explained 83.7% of the total variances. The results of this study may provide new opportunities for rice breeders and eventually commercial rice growers to promote the production of rice with enhanced nutritional quality.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the relative roles of genotype, environment and genotype-by-environment interactions in determining the metabolite profile of durum wheat grain. Four durum wheat cultivars were grown under conventional and organic farming systems over three consecutive years. The use of a high-throughput gas chromatography–mass spectrometry platform allowed the analysis of sets of different polar and non-polar compounds, including amino acids, sugars, organic acids, fatty acids (saturated and unsaturated), and sterols. Statistical analysis of the data showed a small impact of genotype and large effects of both year and genotype-by-environment interaction on the metabolite composition and quality of the wheat grain. Overall, the data from this study highlight the potential role of metabolic profiling in the analysis of durum wheat quality and production.  相似文献   

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