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龙眼果皮发育解剖学观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以储良龙眼品种为试材,观察了果皮的解剖结构发育特点。果皮发育早期(花后10d前),细胞体积小,排列紧密,细胞分裂活跃,外果皮有凸起的皱褶结构,有大量的表皮毛分化。果皮发育中期(花后10~52d),细胞体积变大,表皮毛开始脱落,外果皮逐渐平滑,中果皮处有石细胞群和海绵状组织的分化。果实发育后期(花后52d后,假种皮快速膨大阶段),有木栓形成层出现,形成周皮代替表皮起保护作用,随着果实生长,木栓层出现局部破裂。龙眼果皮可划分为外、中、内3层。中外果皮在发生次生木栓化前,由外表皮细胞及其附属物和角质层组成;在形成木栓形成层产生次生结构后,外果皮则由周皮组成。内果皮来源于子房内壁的几层细胞,由一层内表皮细胞和与之紧密相连的几层薄壁细胞组成。中果皮根据其组织特点可进一步分为上中果皮和下中果皮,上中果皮包括石细胞群、外层维管束和外果皮之内的薄壁细胞;下中果皮则主要包括海绵组织和其中的维管束。  相似文献   

采用石蜡切片技术对甜瓜果实发育的组织结构进行了观察。结果表明:甜瓜外果皮包括表皮、气孔器和表皮毛,在幼果生长过程中,外表皮细胞主要进行垂周分裂,以适应果实体积的增大,随着果实的逐步发育,表皮细胞间隙逐渐填充一些含有木质素成分的物质,并在表皮细胞表面形成一层较厚的角质层。中果皮分为上中果皮和下中果皮,上中果皮包括薄壁细胞和横向伸长细胞,下中果皮则主要包括海绵组织和其中的维管束。幼果期,中果皮细胞排列紧密,各部分细胞大小及形态无明显差异。随着果实的发育,细胞分裂速度减慢,细胞体积不断增大,中果皮细胞径向直径呈现出梯度变化,由外向内逐渐增大。在果实成熟过程中,下中果皮大部分细胞高度分散,细胞壁破裂,细胞互相融合。构成细胞壁的纤维素成分快速溶解,果实软化成熟。  相似文献   

抗裂性不同的荔枝品种果皮发育过程中钙的分布动态研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
 研究比较了抗裂荔枝品种‘怀枝’和易裂品种‘糯米糍’果皮中钙的含量, 并用电子探针技术(X - 射线电子散射能谱, X-Ray electron dispersive spectrum) 分析了两者钙的显微分布动态。研究表明,‘怀枝’积累钙的能力明显高于‘糯米糍’。两品种果皮发育早期, 海绵组织形成之前(花后10 d) , 在中果皮内层有大量的富钙区域, 随着果皮发育, 海绵组织形成, 该部位的富钙区消失; 而在果肉快速膨大前(花后52~66 d) , 内果皮成为钙信号最强的区域, 同时, 表皮细胞内积累大量的钙, 成为富钙细胞层, 表明钙可在果皮组织内再分布。果实发育后期(花后66~80 d) 表皮之下的厚壁组织钙分布最弱。本文还对两品种钙含量差异与种子发育的关系及各部位钙与果皮力学性能的关系进行了讨论。  相似文献   

套袋对2种类型红肉猕猴桃果实着色的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】探讨套袋处理对2种不同类型红肉猕猴桃果实着色的影响,为解析光照对花色苷合成分子机制的影响提供依据。【方法】以不同类型的红肉猕猴桃品种‘红阳’与‘天源红’为试材并分别对其进行套袋处理,使用日本柯尼卡美能达可携式色差计CR-400对不同处理、不同时期、不同果实部位进行色差指标的测定,采用高效液相色谱法对这些样品果的花色苷含量进行半定量分析。【结果】套袋能使‘红阳’猕猴桃果实中果皮、内果皮的色度角明显降低,促进中果皮绿色变淡,内果皮红色变深。‘红阳’猕猴桃的中果皮在整个果实发育过程中始终没有检测到花色苷的存在,内果皮在花后70 d开始有花色苷的积累,随后出现交替增长的规律。在果实生长发育前期,套袋果实解袋后内果皮花色苷积累量高于一直套袋和未套袋果实。在花后100~120 d,未套袋果实内果皮花色苷积累量一直增加,至花后120 d达到最大,高于一直套袋和解袋果实。套袋能够显著降低‘天源红’果实外果皮的色度角,而对果肉(中果皮和内果皮)和果心色度角并无显著影响。一直套袋会阻碍花色苷在外果皮、果肉、果心中的积累。套袋果实解袋后外果皮、果肉、果心花色苷的积累量明显升高,在花后110 d达到最大。【结论】套袋果实解袋能够促进‘红阳’猕猴桃果实内果皮更多地积累花色苷,甚至高于非套袋果实,可以促进内果皮更好地着色。一直套袋能够促进‘红阳’内果皮着色,但促进强度不如前者。套袋处理对‘天源红’果实的影响主要集中在外果皮,果肉次之,对果心的影响较小。套袋果实解袋能够促进‘天源红’猕猴桃果实外果皮、果肉更多地积累花色苷,甚至高于非套袋果实,可以促进外果皮和果肉更好地着色。一直套袋阻碍‘天源红’果实花色苷的合成积累,影响着色。  相似文献   

温州蜜柑粗皮大果形成过程的解剖学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】为了明确温州蜜柑粗皮大果形成的原因和关键时期,【方法】试验以‘国庆一号’温州蜜柑为材料,比较果实发育过程中,粗皮大果与薄皮果果蒂处果皮的显微结构差异。【结果】结果表明,花后21 d粗皮大果中果皮细胞开始排列疏松,花后28 d其外果皮出现凹凸不平现象,这些均与薄皮果存在明显差异;花后7~21 d果皮细胞层数快速增长,导致果皮增厚,粗皮大果与薄皮果表现显著差异;果实成熟前,薄皮果果皮逐渐变薄,粗皮大果的果皮却不断增厚,成熟时其果皮厚度达到薄皮果的3.8倍。【结论】花后7~28 d是粗皮大果果皮增厚的关键时期。  相似文献   

公颜慧  刘林 《园艺学报》2015,42(10):1944-1952
为了解辣椒果实成熟过程中果皮内贮藏物质的变化模式,用光学和透射电子显微技术对绿色和成熟变红果皮进行显微化学和超微结构观察。结果表明,果实充分膨大并且仍呈绿色时,中果皮的薄壁组织和内果皮含大量淀粉粒,中果皮的厚角组织及外果皮无淀粉。果实成熟变红后,淀粉粒消失,果皮积累两种脂滴,外果皮积累质体脂滴,中果皮及内果皮积累质体脂滴和胞质脂滴;胞质脂滴椭球形,存在于细胞质中,沿质膜内表面排列,质体脂滴球形和棒状,存在于有色体中;外果皮中质体脂滴以球形为主,中果皮和内果皮中质体脂滴以棒状为主;胞质脂滴和质体脂滴都与四氧化锇反应,显示脂肪酸链含有双键。归纳起来,果实成熟前,果皮中的贮藏物质是淀粉粒,淀粉积累有组织特异性,只在中果皮的薄壁组织和内果皮中积累;果实成熟变红后,贮藏物质转化成胞质脂滴和质体脂滴,质体脂滴存在于所有组织,而胞质脂滴不存在于外果皮;辣椒油富含不饱脂肪酸。  相似文献   

以黑叶、糯米糍、桂味、禾虾串荔枝品种为材料,应用扫描电镜比较观察了果皮的超微结构。所有品种的果面均由峰谷组成,峰即肉眼可见的龟裂片,谷即联接龟裂片的低洼部位,峰谷均由许多小突起构成。不同品种果面小突起的排列方式与突起程度有别。小突起受到破坏后,形成蜂窝状凹陷。小突起与蜂窝状凹陷的表面均呈皱褶的网状。果面普遍观察到微裂口与表皮毛。禾虾串上观察到特有的联接龟裂片的长条状组织。讨论了荔枝果皮结构与贮藏保鲜的关系  相似文献   

研究了软核山楂与硬核山楂内果皮发育过程中的组织形态结构及其差异,为育种工作中亲本的选择以及杂交后代品质的鉴别提供形态学依据。试验材料为软核品种新宾软籽和硬核品种山东大绵球。采用Van Soest洗涤纤维分析法,比较山楂内果皮木质素与纤维素含量;采用间苯三酚浸染法和石蜡切片法,比较内果皮木质化程度和显微结构。结果表明:硬核山楂内果皮纤维素含量(249.7±9.4)g/kg和木质素含量(252.6±5.0)g/kg均显著高于软核山楂内果皮纤维素含量(175.5±5.1)g/kg和木质素含量(134.2±1.8)g/kg,约为软核山楂的1.42倍和1.88倍;在花后16~46 d,软核山楂靠近种仁处内果皮3~4层细胞逐渐木质化,直至全部木质化,而硬核山楂内果皮近45层细胞逐渐木质化,直至全部木质化;硬核山楂内果皮厚度、细胞层数与细胞直径均显著大于软核山楂,在花后46 d时,硬核山楂内果皮厚度[(1 662.75±63.83)μm]、细胞层数(45层)约为软核山楂内果皮厚度[(454.41±18.33)μm]的3.66倍、细胞层数(26层)的1.73倍,硬核山楂内果皮靠近中果皮处细胞长轴直径[...  相似文献   

林子腾 《福建果树》2002,(Z1):50-51
荔枝为无患子科荔枝属的常绿乔木果树。果实圆形 ,成熟时果皮红艳可爱 ,果肉香甜可口 ,营养丰富 ,被誉为果中的珍品。常食荔枝 ,能补脑健身 ,开胃益脾 ,壮阳补气。荔枝原产于我国华南地区 ,有一千多年的栽培历史 ,主产广东、广西、福建、云南、台湾等省区。荔枝有一百多个品种 ,但品种混杂 ,各地区语言不同 ,造成同物异名或同名异物的现象很常见。可依据果皮龟裂片及裂片峰特点归为三大类。第一类 :果皮龟裂片突起、裂片峰尖锐 ,有明显的刺手感 ,为妃子笑、桂味品种组 ;第二类 :果皮龟裂片略平、裂片峰毛尖 ,有点刺手 ,为黑叶、三月红品种组…  相似文献   

荔枝果皮超微结构的比较观察   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以黑叶,糯米糍,桂味,禾虾串荔枝品种为材料,应用扫描电镜观察了果皮的超微结构。所有品种的果面均由峰谷组成,峰即肉眼可见的龟裂片,谷即联接龟裂片的低洼部位,峰谷均由许多小突起构成。不同品种果面小突起的排列方式与突起程度有别。小突起受到破坏后,形成蜂窝状凹陷。  相似文献   

In drupe fruits, in addition to fruit size, the proportions of mesocarp and endocarp tissues are critical objectives for fruit quality, crop production and management. The olive fruit is a typical drupe, with cultivars which show a wide range in both fruit size and the proportions of mesocarp and endocarp. Characterizing the roles of tissue and cellular processes in producing genetically based fruit size variability is necessary for crop improvement, as well as deepening our understanding of fruit developmental physiology. This study used microscope image analysis to evaluate cell number and size, the growth of mesocarp and endocarp tissues, and their developmental timing in producing fruit size among six olive cultivars with a large range of fruit size. We found that cultivar mesocarp and endocarp size increased linearly with fruit size, with larger sizes favoring an increasingly greater mesocarp/endocarp ratio. Within the mesocarp, cultivar-based fruit size related directly to cell number and was established soon after bloom by cell division rate. In spite of different cell division rates, all cultivars showed similar timing of cell division activity, with the majority of cells produced in the two months after bloom but, surprisingly, a substantial number of cells formed during the following 6 months. Cell expansion was high throughout fruit growth and an important factor in achieving final fruit size, but cell size did not differ among cultivars at any time. We can conclude that fruit size differences among olive cultivars are due at the tissue level to both mesocarp and endocarp sizes and at the cellular level to cell division throughout fruit growth. Furthermore, since cell size is consistent among cultivars in spite of variable cell division, it is likely that cultivar differences in cell expansion accompany those in cell division.  相似文献   

荔枝果皮的扫描电镜观察   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:20  
潘洵操  谢宝贵 《园艺学报》1996,23(3):227-230
荔枝极不耐贮,果实采收后3~4天即开始变褐、变质、霉烂。用扫描电镜技术观察查皮结构,发现其外果皮细胞外壁和角质层很薄,且向外作半球形突出,易受机械损伤,因而保护能力较差。  相似文献   

Fruit development was investigated in field and changes in pericarp structure were comparatively studied in over-winter off-season and on-season longan (Dimocarpus longan Lour. cv. Chuliang). The results showed developmental problems including small fruit size, severe fruit cracking and heavy fruit drop in the off-season fruit, although their seed size was not significantly affected compared to the on-season fruit. Anatomical studies showed that off-season longan fruit had a poorly developed pericarp, which was reflected by smaller fresh weight as well as thinner pericarp thickness, thinner spongy tissue, fewer cell layers in the periderm, smaller cell size and fewer cell numbers in the parenchyma tissue at the upper mesocarp, and fewer cell layers in the endocarp. In contrast, the recovery of the sclereids in the mesocarp was higher in the pericarp of the off-season fruit. The poor development of the pericarp in off-season fruit probably caused the small fruit size and severe fruit cracking. It was suggested that the adverse climatic conditions encountered by fruit development in the over-winter off-season longan suppressed cell division and expansion in the pericarp but did not affect sclereid formation.  相似文献   

The contributions of different fruit parts to the growth of a parthenocarpic cucumber fruit were analysed throughout fruit development. Growth in length and circumference were measured along the fruit. Cell size was measured at several places in the pericarp of the fruit during its development and the contribution of cell division and expansion to the growth of the fruit was quantified. All parts along the fruit expanded in length and thickness at approximately the same rate, except for the fruit ends, where the growth rate slowed down sooner than in the middle part. The increase in thickness of the fruit was the result of a constant increase in thickness of placenta and pericarp throughout development of the fruit. No specific expansion zones were observed. Cells expanded continuously throughout ovary and fruit development. Cell division, however, was restricted to the first part of the growing period. Cell size decreased from the peduncle end towards the blossom end of the fruit. Along the pericarp radius there was also a gradient in cell size with the largest cells in the middle of the pericarp. During fruit development the zone with the largest cells shifted a little towards the epidermis. Although there were marked differences in cell size within a fruit, all cells continuously expanded and cell division ceased in the whole fruit at approximately the same time.  相似文献   

疏花对大久保桃中果皮细胞分裂与膨大的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 研究了大久保桃树〔Prunus persica (L. ) Batsch. ‘Okubo’〕疏花后果实生长发育期间果皮细胞分裂与膨大的变化。结果表明: 果皮细胞分裂一直持续到盛花后6周。疏花明显促进了花后3周内幼果中果皮的细胞分裂, 增加了果实中果皮细胞层数和果皮厚度, 这是导致成熟果实体积增大的主要原因。  相似文献   


We examined growth and development of the ‘Manzanilla’ olive fruit mesocarp in transverse equatorial sections during the first 12 weeks after full bloom (AFB). Sequential sampling and quantitative data provided an integrated view of the formation of this tissue. The mesocarp, or fruit flesh, was formed by relatively isodiametric parenchyma cells with a small number of isolated sclereids. By four weeks AFB a gradient in cell size characteristic of mature olive fruits began to appear. Biweekly measurements of cell size and number indicated that, as in other drupes, both cell division and expansion contribute to initial mesocarp growth. From six weeks AFB, further mesocarp growth was determined solely by cell expansion. Transverse areas of mesocarp and endocarp, also measured biweekly, revealed that both tissues expand in a similar manner until eight weeks AFB, after which mesocarp growth predominated.  相似文献   

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