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Drought and salinity are the most important abiotic stresses that affect plant's growth and productivity. The aim of the present work was to evaluate the effect of salt and water deficit on water relations, growth parameters and capacity to accumulate inorganic solutes in quinoa plants. An irrigation experiment was carried out in 2009 and 2010 in the Volturno river plain. Three treatments irrigated with fresh water (Q100, Q50 and Q25) and three irrigated with saline water (Q100S, Q50S and Q25S) were tested. For saline irrigation, water with an electrical conductivity of 22 dS m?1 was used. Actual evapotranspiration (ETa), water productivity (WP), biomass allocation, relative growth rate (RGR), net assimilation rate (NAR), specific leaf area, leaf area ratio and ions accumulation of quinoa plants were evaluated. WP and plant growth were not influenced by saline irrigation, as quinoa plants incorporated salt ions in the tissues (stems, roots, leaves) preserving seed quality. Treatment with a reduction in the irrigation water to 25 % of full irrigated treatment (Q25) caused an increase in WP and a reduced dry matter accumulation in the leaves. Quinoa plants (Q25) were initially negatively affected by severe drought with RGR and NAR reduction, and then, they adapted to it. Quinoa could be considered a drought tolerant crop that adapt photosynthetic rate to compensate for a reduced growth.  相似文献   

Salinity is one of the major factors limiting agricultural productivity in arid and semi‐arid regions. Saline areas around the world are increasing and sources of fresh water are decreasing. The increasing importance of the use of brackish water to supplement regular irrigation has demonstrated a need for finding new potential plants with tolerance to irrigation with saline water which can be used in industrial agriculture. The aim of this study was to determine whether irrigation with brackish water of Crambe Abyssinica, a plant commonly used for industrial oil production and for ornamental purposes and with high economical value, especially in Central Asia and the Aral Sea region, is feasible. One more goal was to study how it influences growth and development, seed and oil yield and some physiological parameters such as photosynthesis, transpiration, chlorophyll content, osmotic potential and accumulation of fresh and dry weight. The effects of three salinity levels, 3, 6 and 9 dS m?1, were investigated in a greenhouse experiment during two consecutive years. Results of this study showed that growth of Crambe abyssinica in arid zones and irrigation with mild saline water up to EC 6 dS m?1, mostly common in these areas is feasible, suggesting tolerance to moderate salinity levels and feasibility of its culture in areas of the Aral Sea with adequate salinity levels. Consequently, in spite of the fact that biomass and seed yield were significantly decreased in plants irrigated with brackish water, Crambe abyssinica might be cultivated as an alternate source of green biomass and for industrial vegetable oil under conditions not suitable for conventional plant production.  相似文献   

微咸水对滴灌棉花冠层光合特征及产量品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨微咸水对新疆膜下滴灌棉花影响效果,利用排碱渠微咸水与河水混合方式,以河水为对照(CK),设置3 g/L和5 g/L两个微咸水矿化度,研究微咸水对滴灌棉花冠层光合特征及产量品质的影响。结果表明:灌溉初期微咸水对棉花影响不明显,至盛花期影响逐渐增强,与对照相比,微咸水滴灌使棉花LAI、MTA、Pn均降低,且5 g/L降幅大于3 g/L,而3 g/L蒸腾速率和气孔导度高于CK和5 g/L。微咸水滴灌使棉花产量降低,3 g/L下降不明显,5 g/L则显著下降,主要原因是单株铃数显著下降,而单铃重呈增加趋势,衣分无明显变化。微咸水对纤维长度和比强度无显著影响,但马克隆值显著增大。因此,低矿化度的微咸水在新疆棉花生产中可适当使用,是缓解棉花旱情实现稳产高产的重要途径。  相似文献   

不同灌溉方式下的水稻群体质量   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
为探明不同灌溉方式对水稻群体质量的影响,以籼稻扬稻6号和粳稻扬粳4038为材料,从移栽至成熟进行畦沟灌溉(FI)和干湿交替灌溉(AWD)处理,以习惯水层灌溉(TF)为对照,结果表明,与TF相比,FI和AWD的产量分别增加了10.60%和8.43%。FI和AWD减少了无效分蘖数,提高了分蘖成穗率和顶部3叶的叶面积比率,增加了叶长、粒叶比、透光率、抽穗期至成熟的干物质积累量、剑叶光合速率、根量和根系活力。说明FI和AWD可以改善群体质量,进而增加产量。  相似文献   

为研究不同干旱程度对不同藜麦种子萌发及幼苗生长期耐旱性的影响,以忻藜1号(黑藜)、忻藜2号(白藜)和忻藜3号(红藜)为材料,采用培养皿萌发、土培育苗的方法,设置6个PEG 6000浓度梯度(0、5%、10%、15%、20%、25%),对3种藜麦的种子和幼苗进行处理,测定其种子发芽率、发芽势、下胚轴长、根长等指标和幼苗脯氨酸含量、丙二醛(MDA)含量、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性和过氧化物酶(POD)活性等生理指标。结果表明:(1)随着PEG 6000浓度的升高,藜麦种子的发芽势、发芽率、下胚轴长和根长都呈现逐渐降低的趋势,用回归分析求得白藜半致死PEG 6000干旱胁迫浓度为20.02%,黑藜为20.25%,红藜为24.70%;(2)随着PEG 6000浓度的升高,3种藜麦幼苗SOD和POD活性都呈先升后降的趋势;MDA和脯氨酸含量与干旱胁迫程度呈显著正相关关系。由此可得,红藜耐旱性最强,黑藜次之,白藜最差。  相似文献   

The number of productive tillers is an important yield component in wheat and is affected by water stress and genetic factors. A greenhouse experiment was conducted during spring 1992 at ICARDA, Tel Hadya, Syria, with eight genotypes representing two Triticum species ( Triticum turgidum L. ssp. durum and Triticum aestivum L. ssp. aestivum ) under four soil-moisture regimes (95 %, 75 %, 55 %, and 35 % field capacity) to study the effect of water deficit on tiller development and tiller contribution to grain yield. In the highest watering regime appearance of Tiller 1 was delayed in both species. Also Tiller 2 was suppressed in this treatment in durum , while its appearance was delayed in aestivum. In the driest treatment, a majority of the tillers were suppressed and the ones which emerged were delayed. In durum , the heat units required to produce successive leaves on the tillers were higher than that for the main stem and increased with increasing water stress, causing high rate of tiller abortion. In aestivum , each tiller, once produced, developed leaves at the same rate as on the main stem. Phyllochron of tillers as well as main stem was not affected by water stress in aestivum. In aestivum , contribution by tillers to yield was higher than that of durum in all treatments. Results indicate that early appearance of tillers and faster rate of leaf appearance under water stress result in higher tiller survival and greater tiller contribution to final yield. Hence, tiller dynamics under water stress can be used as a selection criterion for breeding for drought tolerance.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to compare the potential seed yield of eight quinoa varieties, to explore their mineral composition of seeds and to identify superior varieties in two locations with different soil properties. Compared with neutral soil conditions, seed yield in the marginal (saline–sodic) soil was decreased by 45 %. Under the latter soil conditions seed yield was negatively correlated with crop density, indicating that a considerable yield loss was due to poor and uneven plant density caused by adverse soil properties. Among the varieties, ‘RU–5–PQCIP–DANIDA–UNA’ produced the highest seed yield (>20 dt ha?1) when grown under neutral soil conditions. Under marginal conditions, the above‐mentioned variety and ‘N 407’ produced seed yields up to 10 dt ha?1 whereas the rest reached yields of only about 5 dt ha?1. The majority of the varieties accumulated significantly more protein (20 %) in the seeds under saline–sodic soil conditions (lower yielding environment). The varieties originated from South America were superior in accumulating protein in the seeds at both locations. Mineral contents of calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), zinc (Zn) and manganese (Mn) in the seeds were significantly higher in the neutral soil. No differences were found for phosphorous (P), iron (Fe), copper (Cu) and boron (B) between the two locations. The South American varieties were again superior in mineral composition. Adaptation of certain quinoa varieties even under marginal environments seems promising for seed production and/or protein and mineral content in the seeds. Agronomic data are needed in a due course, over a higher number of locations and/or various climatic conditions.  相似文献   

The relationship between grain yield and carbon isotope discrimination (Δ) was analysed in wheat grown under different water regimes in the Ningxia Province (north‐west of China). When the association was significant, the relationships between grain yield, Δ and other drought tolerance related traits, such as leaf ash content (ma), chlorophyll concentration (Chl), relative water content (RWC), stomatal conductance (gS) and the ratio of internal CO2 leaf concentration to ambient CO2 concentration (Ci/Ca), were also examined. Using correlation analysis, the relationships were determined during two consecutive years in a set of 20 spring wheat cultivars (landraces, improved varieties and advanced lines) under rainfed and irrigated conditions, including saline conditions. The relationship between Δ and yield within environments highly depended on the quantity of water stored in the soil at sowing, the quantity and distribution of rainfall during the growth cycle, and the irrigation before anthesis. Δ predicted grain yield under limited irrigation (post‐anthesis water stress) but not under pre‐anthesis water stress (rainfed conditions), fully irrigated and saline conditions. Under limited irrigation, grain Δ correlated significantly to grain yield leaf ma at heading and maturity. It also significantly positively correlated to Chl, RWC, gS and Ci/Ca assessed at anthesis. A precise characterization of the timing and intensity of the abiotic constraints experienced by the crop is consequently needed before implementing the use of Δ in wheat breeding programmes.  相似文献   

Among the most important Mediterranean annual crops, durum wheat is widely grown in drought-prone areas. Therefore, improving water-use efficiency (WUE) of durum wheat represents a major breeding goal. IDu-WUE (Improving Durum wheat for Water Use Efficiency and yield stability through physiological and molecular approaches) is a collaborative project among public and private research centres in Italy, Spain and WANA (West Asia and North Africa) countries (Morocco, Tunisia, Syria and Lebanon) funded by the European Union aimed at investigating the genetic variation for WUE and yield stability in durum wheat grown in Mediterranean droughtprone areas. During the first year of the project, a number of morpho-physiological traits (e.g. early vigour, flowering time, leaf rolling, number of fertile tillers, etc.), WUE, WUE-related traits (e.g. carbon isotope discrimination, canopy temperature, chlorophyll fluorescence, etc.), yield and its components have been investigated in a RIL population (249 lines) and a collection of ca. 190 durum wheat accessions characterized by a high level of linkage disequilibrium (Maccaferri et al., 2005),  相似文献   

四川干旱情况下灌水对土壤和小麦产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为减少粮食损失,探讨四川在干旱气候条件小麦有效节水栽培,通过在四川绵阳丘陵区设置田间试验,大田生产条件下,分析比较了完全依靠自然降水和人工浇灌以及进行1 次渗灌、2 次渗灌,小麦生长重要时期土壤物理特性的变化及小麦主要农艺性状和产量状况。结果表明:不同灌溉处理在小麦各生长阶段对土壤物理特性和小麦农艺性状影响不同。苗期和拔节期,不同处理间土壤紧实度、土壤容重、土壤含水量差异较小。开花期和成熟期,不同灌溉处理对土壤紧实度、土壤容重、土壤含水量以及小麦性状影响较大。在四川丘陵干旱和半干旱地区,对冬小麦在拔节期进行渗灌1 次为宜,此次灌溉比完全依靠自然降水每公顷增加小麦产量2113.46 kg,增产极显著。  相似文献   

氮素对滨海盐土棉花产量、品质及生物量的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为研究不同施氮量对滨海盐土花后棉株生物量、生物量累积特征及其与产量、品质的关系,于2010年和2012年在江苏滨海盐土设置了氮肥水平试验。结果表明:在0~600 kg·hm-2范围内施氮量越大棉株总生物量累积越多,而皮棉产量2010年和2012年分别在施氮375 kg·hm-2和300 kg·hm-2时达到最大;成铃数在施氮300~375 kg·hm-2范围内达到最大;铃重和衣分随施氮量增加而增加,达到最大值后(≥300 kg·hm-2)差异不显著。在300~375 kg·hm-2施氮量范围内纤维比强度最高;高氮有利于上部、顶部果枝纤维长度、比强度、伸长率的提高和马克隆值的优化,但显著降低中下部果枝棉纤维比强度,导致中部纤维马克隆值变劣、下部果枝纤维伸长率下降,说明高氮对中下部果枝棉纤维品质的形成利弊各半,适量高氮可提高上部及顶部果枝产量、品质。在滨海盐土条件下,利于产量、品质及氮素利用效率提高的适宜施氮量为375 kg·hm-2。  相似文献   

为研究不同种植模式核桃品质、产量的差异,以单作(核桃纯林上坡B1、核桃纯林下坡B2)与间作(红枣/核桃上坡C1、红枣/核桃下坡C2)2种种植模式的核桃为研究对象,对其品质(单果质量、含水量、出仁率、脂肪含量、脂肪酸组分及其含量、蛋白质含量、氨基酸组分及其含量、还原糖含量)进行比较和产量分析。结果表明,不同种植模式的核桃品质、产量均有较大差异,纯林模式有利于核桃积累水解后还原性糖,而间作模式有利于核桃积累蛋白质。B2处理的核桃出仁率、脂肪含量、脂肪酸含量、氨基酸含量、还原糖含量均较高,而其蛋白质含量较低;同种种植模式,下坡处理的核桃产量显著高于上坡处理的核桃产量。综合考虑各项指标,B2处理的核桃的产量最高、品质较好。  相似文献   

为了研究不同施肥量对黄芪生长发育、药材产量及种子产量质量的影响,以甘肃省漳县种植的药用植物黄芪为材料,比较了2 种不同比例(N:P:K=1.25:3:1、N:P:K=2:3:1)下的6 种施肥处理(A1、A2、A3、B1、B2、B3)对黄芪生长状况(株高、分枝数、根长、根直径、地上部分鲜重、地上部分干重、根鲜重和根干重)、药材产量、种子产量与质量的影响。研究结果表明:不同时期各施肥处理对黄芪的影响不同,其中以生育中期影响最大;在不同施肥量处理下,A2 处理有利于提高黄芪药材产量,根鲜重、根干重产量最高;A3 处理种子产量最高;N:P:K=1.25:3:1 处理较N:P:K=2:3:1 处理黄芪种子产量高,并且种子的相对质量也有提高。A2处理有利于提高黄芪药材产量;A3处理有利于提高黄芪种子产量。  相似文献   

为了研究不同灌溉定额下不同品种(标准型、丰产型和高糖型)糖用甜菜的产量、质量和光合特性的响应,在东北地区甜菜4个生长时期进行了7个滴灌处理水平的试验研究,测定不同处理对标准型、丰产型和高糖型甜菜品种的生长情况、光合特征、产量质量及灌溉效率的响应。结果表明,不同灌溉量对不同类型甜菜生长指标、光合参数及产质量影响不同。标准型和高糖型甜菜品种对其生长性状各指标有利的灌溉定额为320~360 m3/ha,3个品种甜菜叶绿素含量对灌溉定额的最佳响应为300~320 m3/ha。标准甜菜品种随着灌溉量的增加并不利于其进行光合作用,而高糖型与丰产型甜菜品种随灌溉量的增加在叶丛快速生长期对叶片蒸腾速率的影响显著,在320 m3/ha灌溉量处理下光合效率较好。随着灌溉量的增加,标准型甜菜品种根产量增加;当灌溉量达320 m3/ha时,丰产型甜菜品种根产量不再升高而保持平稳、高糖型甜菜品种糖度下降。叶片水分利用效率在生育期前期总体上要高于生育后期,增加灌溉量并不能提高不同类型甜菜品种的灌溉水生产效率。在本研究特定区域内优化不同品种甜菜的灌溉制度可改善甜菜生长和产质量,并为建立甜菜灌溉模型提供理论基础。  相似文献   

Drought is a major limitation to crop yields worldwide. Screening for soybean yield under water deficit is often a bottleneck in breeding programmes. We assessed the validity of a standardized drought tolerance screening method to predict water‐limited field performance of soybean in NW Argentina. First, to determine the phenological period when yield of glasshouse‐grown plants was more sensitive to water deficit, we applied treatments during 21 days in V7, R3 or R5 stages, being the period from R5 to R6 the most critical for yield. Afterwards, two glasshouse experiments were carried out to quantify the tolerance of either eight or four genotypes, respectively, by applying a controlled water deficit of constant intensity during the critical period. Finally, yield data obtained in field trials in Argentina across several locations and seasons classified according to rainfall were analysed. Drought Susceptibility Index was calculated for each experiment and for field data, and rankings of tolerance were similar in all cases. This standardized method, which can be automated for high‐throughput phenotyping, could represent a useful tool in breeding programmes for identifying soybean cultivars with improved performance under drought conditions.  相似文献   

The response of cotton to constant salinity has been well documented under controlled conditions, but its response to changing salinity under field conditions is poorly understood. Using a split‐plot design, we conducted a 2‐year field experiment to determine the effects of soil salinity and plant density on plant biomass, boll load, harvest index and leaf senescence in relation to cotton yield in three fields with similar fertility but varying salinity. The main plots were assigned to weak (electrical conductivity of soil saturated paste extract, ECe = 5.5 dS m?1), moderate (ECe = 10.1 dS m?1) and strong (ECe = 15.0 dS m?1) soil salinity levels, while plant density (3.0, 4.5 and 7.5 plants m?2) was assigned to the subplots. Soil salinity had a negative effect on seedcotton yield, but the negative effect was compensated for by increased plant density under strong‐salinity conditions. Seedcotton yield under weak salinity changed little with varying plant density, but the medium plant density yielded better than the low or high plant density under moderate salinity. Plants accumulated 49 and 112 % more Na+ in leaves under moderate and strong salinity than under weak salinity. Strong salinity also led to higher boll load and early leaf senescence. Plant density had no effect on Na+ accumulation in leaves, but greatly reduced boll load and delayed leaf senescence. Plant biomass, maximum leaf area index and harvest index were greatly affected by salinity, plant density and their interaction. Accelerated leaf senescence under strong salinity was attributed to the high boll load and increased accumulation of toxic ions like Na+ in leaves, while delayed leaf senescence with increased plant density was attributed to the reduced boll load. Optimal yield can only be obtained with proper coordination of total biomass and harvest index by modification of plant density based on salinity levels.  相似文献   

施氮量和灌溉方式的交互作用对水稻产量和品质影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本研究旨在探讨氮肥和灌溉方式对水稻产量和品质的的影响及其互作效应, 这对指导水稻高产、优质和高效栽培有重要意义。将两优培九(籼稻)和扬粳4038 (粳稻)种植于土培池, 设置常规灌溉(CI)、轻干湿交替灌溉(WMD)和重干湿交替灌溉(WSD) 3种灌溉方式及0氮(0N, 0 kg hm-2)、中氮(MN, 240 kg hm-2)和高氮(HN, 360 kg hm-2) 3种氮素水平, 观察其对产量和稻米品质的影响。结果表明, 在中氮和高氮水平下, 产量、稻米的整精米率、外观品质和崩解值, 以轻干湿交替灌溉显著高于或优于常规灌溉。在中氮水平下, 重干湿交替灌溉的产量和稻米品质显著低于或劣于常规灌溉; 在高氮水平下, 重干湿交替灌溉的产量高于常规灌溉, 稻米品质在这两种灌溉方式间差异不显著。轻干湿交替灌溉显著提高了灌浆期剑叶光合速率、籽粒中ATP酶活性及根系中吲哚-3-乙酸、玉米素+玉米素核苷和脱落酸含量。说明灌溉方式和氮肥对产量和稻米品质具明显互作效应。在轻干湿交替灌溉和中氮水平下根系、叶片和籽粒生理活性增强是水稻产量提高和稻米品质改善的重要生理原因。  相似文献   

为探究藜麦在北京浅山区的适应性及最佳播期,笔者以‘陇藜1号’为研究对象,开展从3月底至7月中旬共计8个播期的比较试验。结果表明:‘陇藜1号’在北京浅山区的最适播期为5月下旬,全生育期104天,株高153.6 cm,千粒重3.14 g,产量1781.25 kg/hm2,转色后可观赏18天,成熟时麦穗和茎秆都呈红色,全田景观效果好。与‘陇藜1号’生育日数相当的早熟型品种可于5月下旬在昌平延寿镇,乃至昌平、门头沟、密云、怀柔、平谷等海拔300 m左右、年平均气温与年平均积温与本试验点相近的浅山区示范种植。  相似文献   

通过对甜菜在苗期、叶丛繁茂期、块根糖分增长期和糖分积累期的生理所需进行控水灌溉,研究不同灌水量对甜菜产质量的影响,确定少水、多糖、高产的最佳灌水方案,为甜菜节水灌溉提供理论依据,指导甜菜生产科学灌溉。试验设置3312.75、4005.30、4697.85、5390.40、6082.95、6775.50 m3/hm2等6个灌水梯度,在苗期、叶丛繁茂期、块根糖分增长期和糖分积累期分别按各生长期需水比例灌入不同水量,收获时测定甜菜含糖率、产量和产糖量,分析水分利用效率(WUE)和灌溉水分利用效率(IWUE)。结果表明,灌水量对甜菜含糖率、产量和产糖量影响明显,全生育期灌水量为3312.80 m3/hm2时甜菜的产质量处于较低水平,随着灌水量的逐渐增加,甜菜的含糖率、产量和产糖量呈现上升趋势,全生育期灌水量为4697.90 m3/hm2时甜菜的含糖率、块根产量和产糖量均为最高,但当灌水量高于4697.90 m3/hm2时甜菜的含糖率、块根产量和产糖量开始下降,在灌水量为6775.55 m3/hm2时,甜菜的含糖率、块根产量和产糖量均为最低。因此在新疆石河子地区甜菜全生育期灌水7次时,总灌水量在4697.90 m3/hm2,可以使甜菜含糖率、产量和产糖量达到最佳。  相似文献   

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