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施肥时期对杨梅大小年的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
将采后(7月)施肥提前到春,夏梢发生前施用,能显著地缩小杨梅大小杨梅大小年幅度(变异指数春,夏肥为12.04,采后肥为33.98),夏梢停长前(7月上旬)喷布500mg.1^-1多效唑,增产效果显著,施春,夏肥与采后肥相比,果实单果重,可溶性固形物仿显著提高,果实含酸量显著降低。  相似文献   

南方果树七─九月份主要农事历柑桔七月约果生长发育、县消生长充实用。管理重点是控制夏梢、保果壮果、培养秋梢。(1)对1年生柑桔树在小暑、大暑间放第二次夏梢、培养树冠,在放第二次夏梢前后,施1~2次速效肥。秋植树在小暑,春植树在大暑放梢。(2)对2年生柑...  相似文献   

早钟6号是福建省目前主栽的最早熟的枇杷品种,每年第二季度的工作主要是果实采收及采后管理。第二季度中各月的农时为:4月的清明-谷雨、5月的立夏-小满、6月的芒种-夏至,枇杷的物候期主要是:果实成熟期(4月上旬),春梢生长期,夏梢抽生期,夏梢生长期。第二季度栽培管理的关键是:适时采收、提高果实好果率。加强肥水与树体管理。5月是枇杷采收后的第一个月,此时的管理对第二年的结果影响极大,要特别注意。  相似文献   

华红(长红)脐橙虽然是从纽荷尔脐橙中选育出来的,但其生物学特性与其它脐橙品种相比有其不同点,只有掌握其物候期、结果习性、落花落果等特点,才能形成一套丰产优质的栽培技术措施。下面是华红(长红)脐橙生物学特性的观察情况。1物候期 以海拔250m为观测点,结果表明:每上升100m高度,物候期推迟3~4天,比同海拔、同砧木的罗脐 35号推迟 5~ 7天。1.1梢的情况春梢萌芽始期3月 1~5日抽梢始期3月10~11日自剪期4月 11日;夏梢抽发始期 5月 30日;早秋梢抽发始期为 7月 31日至 8月2日,晚秋梢…  相似文献   

芦柑夏秋梢的新型管理这种管理方法的对象是4~7年生芦柑.主要目的是要多留一次夏梢,并对夏梢进行处理,以促发更多的秋梢,为明年丰产打下基础,同时也减少了当年生理落果的数量.3月15日左右,春梢约8~12厘米长,选桔树中部强壮春稍留4片叶短截;桔树上部疏...  相似文献   

省力化施肥就是从常规年施肥 4~ 5次减少到 2次,甚至1次。其主要特点是施肥次数少、肥量足、时期准,达到省工、省本、高效的目的。其主要效果是:年施肥每666.7m2仅需 4工,比常规施肥10工减少 6工左右;橘果提早着色3~4天,果品质量有所改善;着果率和产量略有提高。省力化施肥应掌握如下技术:1施肥时期 一年二次施肥:第1次施壮果肥在6月下旬至7月上旬幼果迅速膨大前,作用是促进幼果迅速膨大,增加产量。同时,到果实成熟期 ( 9~ 10月),施入的壮果肥已被大量吸收,土壤肥力,特别是氮肥处在低水平,有…  相似文献   

在每666.7平方米300株的密植条件下,通过精细管理,使甜油桃达到1年定植,2年丰产,此项技术我们称之为“甜油桃前促后控速丰栽培技术”。“前促”是指苗木萌芽后,4、5、6、7这4个月促使树体加速生长,达到结果、丰产所要求的营养生长量;“后控”是指7月底以后,及时控制营养生长,使其迅速成花。实践表明,前促后控管理,第二年露地桃每666.7平方米产量可达600~800公斤,第三年每666.7平方米产量达到2000~3000公斤,具体措施是:1、前期加强管理促生长(1)加强土、肥、水管理及时中耕锄草…  相似文献   

1柑橘1.1抹除晚秋梢对10月份抽生的晚秋梢继续进行全部抹除。1.2采收按照柑橘品种、果品不同用途,掌握不同的采收标准。如不易受冻地区早熟温州蜜柑等品种可推行完熟采摘。采收应分批适时,按“采果十大注意”采摘,并按果实大小分级包装运销或保鲜贮藏。1.3施肥幼龄树: 10月底前后施一次以有机肥为主的越冬肥;成年树:一般早熟品种采后施,中熟品种边采边施,晚熟品种采前7~10天施,施足施好采果肥,以有机肥料为主,常规施肥量约占全年总肥量35%左右。如按50kg株产计算,每株约施折合氮:0.20~0.25…  相似文献   

桃果实采后成熟过程中脂氧合酶活性变化   总被引:39,自引:5,他引:34  
吴敏  陈昆松  张上隆 《园艺学报》1999,26(4):227-231
以‘玉露’和‘仓方早生’桃果实为试材,测定了成熟衰老过程中脂氧合酶(LOX)活性的变化。结果表明,采后玉露桃果实在20℃下贮藏,后熟软化进程很快,采后1~5d,硬度由(14.93±1.00)kg/cm2降至(5.11±0.85)kg/cm2,随后变化平缓,表现为采后初期硬度快速下降期和后期缓慢下降期两个阶段,但仓方早生桃果实的软化类型不同于玉露;两品种果实均具有典型的乙烯跃变过程,LOX活性峰先于乙烯释放峰出现2~3d。5℃低温贮藏可显著抑制LOX活性及乙烯的生成,有效地减缓软化;经低温贮藏16d后的玉露桃果实,置于20℃仍能正常后熟软化,且不影响其品质。  相似文献   

叶面喷肥对苹果叶片功能的影响丛旭娥,于锡斌(山东省莱西市望城镇果业站266601)(莱阳农学院)试材为7年生新红星。共设4个处理:①花蕾分离期喷0.3%尿素;②花终期喷0.5%尿素;③谢花后1周喷500倍光合微肥,12天后再喷1次;④花芽分化期(5月...  相似文献   

阿月浑子结果特性研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了国外阿月浑子大小年结果的研究进展,包括以下几个方面:(1) 花序芽分化及其脱落;(2) 树体对大小年结果的响应;(3) 激素与花序芽脱落;(4) 大小年结果的控制措施;(5) 大小年结果机理和存在的问题  相似文献   

壳聚糖涂膜处理对杨梅活性氧代谢的影响   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
2℃±1℃下,杨梅采后6d内,SOD活性缓慢下降,APX和GR活性缓慢上升,活性氧产生速率趋于稳定状态,MDA含量也缓慢上升。6d后,SOD、APX和GR活性迅速下降,活性氧产生速率和MDA含量均迅速上升。1%壳聚糖处理杨梅能延缓SOD、APX和GR活性的下降,使之保持在较高水平,维持MDA在较低水平,同时抑制活性氧的产生速率。而0.5%壳聚糖处理对杨梅SOD、APX和GR活性及活性氧产生速率和MDA含量无明显影响。  相似文献   

Studies documenting pistachio fruiting patterns (Pistacia vera L.) conclude this species shows evidence of alternate bearing; fruit production fluctuates between an ‘on’ year of high yields and an ‘off’ year of low yields. However, alternate bearing in pistachio has never been statistically tested. We collected yields of 4288 trees over six years to test for alternate bearing in a mature orchard planted with ‘Kerman’ scions grafted onto P. integerrima rootstock – the combination planted on the bulk of the acreage in California. A majority (58%) of the trees exhibited statistically significant alternate bearing patterns. Yet 42% showed yield patterns that were indistinguishable from random fluctuations, the standard measure of alternate bearing (I) was only modest (mean I = 0.48), and I varied considerably among trees (range = 0.04–0.83). These findings support that pistachio shows alternate bearing behavior but suggest alternate bearing is less ubiquitous and fruiting patterns are more complex than previously suspected. The presence of such a diversity of yield dynamics creates considerable challenges for crop management and research.  相似文献   


Alternate bearing is a serious problem in many apple varieties. In fact, each year, apple trees have to be thinned in order to ensure a correct and constant balance between the reproductive and vegetative tendencies of the plant. In organic fruit growing, there is no alternative to the expensive and time-consuming process of hand-thinning. Under these conditions, the use of natural bio-stimulants which enhance the efficiency of nutrient uptake, plant fitness to different pedoclimatic conditions, and plant tolerance to stress, offers new opportunities to reduce the negative effects of alternate bearing. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of Actiwave®, a metabolic enhancer derived from the alga, Ascophillum nodosum, on ‘Fuji’ apple trees affected by experimentally-imposed alternate bearing. The experiments were carried in open field conditions over four consecutive years. Although the effect of Actiwave® was erratic from year-to-year, the compound generally reduced those problems linked to alternate bearing. Actiwave® had its most significant effect on alternate bearing plants that were also affected by nutrient deprivation due to the absence of fertilisation. In these trees,Actiwave® decreased the oscillations in yield between “on” and “off” years and increased the average fruit weight on plants affected by too-high a crop load. Treated trees also showed higher leaf chlorophyll contents (increased by 12%), with a consequent increase in the rates of photosynthesis and respiration. On the other hand, under standard conditions, in well-fertilised balanced plants, Actiwave® did not have any significant effect. This evidence corroborates the hypothesis that Actiwave® may be a useful tool to reduce alternate bearing in organic and low-input farming.  相似文献   

Control of regular cropping in apple is considered critical for fruit growers to ensure their economical sustainability. Irregular flowering can be mitigated by plant growth regulators thanks to their promotion or inhibition effects. In this study, responses of GA4+7 and ethephon on alternate bearing in ‘Golden Delicious’/M9 were examined. GA4+7 and ethephon were applied on the same trees during three consecutive years (2010–12). Flowering, yield, shoot growth, and also some fruit quality parameters were assessed. GA4+7 appeared to be more effectual to regulate alternate bearing. The alternate bearing index calculated with yield in successive years was high in control (0.91), moderate in ethephon (0.71), and low in GA4+7 treated trees (0.41). Modified alternate bearing index, based on cluster number, indicated moderate intensity in GA4+7 (0.53) and high intensity in the others. Although GA4+7 reduced crop density at about 50%, there was little variation in yield per tree and crop efficiency due to increasing of fruit size. GA4+7 did not increase shot length after establishment of equilibrium between vegetative and generative growth in 2012. Ethephon slightly reduced vegetative growth and relatively increased fruit size due to the decrease of fruit set.  相似文献   

采果结束后对大十果桑结果母枝重截是其夏季修剪的主要内容。结果表明:采果结束时立即对结果母枝留3~4节重截提高次年产量和品质、减小树体、增强树势的综合效果最好。重截过迟,会严重削弱树势,造成次年大幅减产。叶果兼用时,为了克服因集中重截而造成断叶现象,可以在采果结束后30 d以内分期分批对结果母枝重截,对次年产量和品质的影响较小。  相似文献   

宣化牛奶葡萄架式和栽培技术改进研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
罗国光  于光浩 《园艺学报》1990,17(4):249-256
连续五年的田间试验证明,宣化牛奶葡萄长时期内表现产量低、大小年严重,是与传统的漏斗架式栽培技术落后有密切关系。通过改造架式、改革整形修剪方式及其它栽培技术,达到了大幅度增产和克服大小年的良好效果。本试验为牛奶葡萄的老园改造提供了有效的途径。本文并对进一步提高牛奶葡萄的品质进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Antimetabolites, gibberellic acid, growth retardants, abscission chemicals and white oil, alone or in combination, have been used in a series of trials to regulate the alternate bearing of ‘Valencia’ orange trees after they had been screened on ‘Navel’ orange trees.Although most of the chemicals reduced yields of ‘Navel’ orange trees, none reduced the “on”-year crop of ‘Valencia’ orange trees to a level that would increase “off”-year crop enough to even their bearing.This appears to be due to the physiological differences between the two cultivars, to the effect of the different time of fruit removal and to the different patterns of bearing of ‘Valencia’ orange trees.  相似文献   


A data resampling method to test signi®cance of alternate bearing against a null hypothesis of random independent variation is described and discussed.  相似文献   

Ethephon and 2,4,5-T were used on ‘Imperial’ mandarin to study their effects on fruit thinning, fruit size, rind pigments and alternate bearing.Ethephon at 250 p.p.m. produced the largest and heaviest fruits. Pigment levels were not affected by 2,4,5-T, but ethephon increased carotenoids and reduced chlorophyll a and b levels. The effectiveness of a colouring agent seems to be related to its ability to reduce both levels of chlorophyll a and b provided that carotenoid levels do not decrease.Treated trees exhibited less tendency towards alternate bearing than control trees. Ethephon had a greater thinning-effect than 2,4,5-T. It also evened cropping for 2 successive years. One spray of ethephon in an “on” year would be effective in reversing and leveling cropping of ‘Imperial’ mandarin for at least 4 years under Mildura conditions.  相似文献   

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