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采用计算机随机模拟方法模拟了在一个闭锁群体内连续对单个性状进行 1 5个世代选择的情况。选择过程中世代不重叠 ,每个世代的种畜根据动物模型最佳线性无偏预测 (BLUP)法估计的育种值进行选留 ,并在此基础上系统地比较了不同群体规模、公母比例和性状遗传力对群体遗传方差和近交系数变化的影响。结果表明 ,扩大育种群规模、增加公畜比例以及对低遗传力性状进行选择时 ,群体遗传方差降低的速度和近交系数上升的速度会更慢 ,在长期选择时可望获得更大的持续进展和适宜的近交增量  相似文献   

In Ireland, a new beef genetic index has been developed. Growth rate is expressed as expected progeny difference for carcass weight (EPDCWT) and is estimated on an across-breed basis. Cross-breeding of dairy cows with both Aberdeen Angus and Belgian Blue beef sires is widely practised. The objective of this study was to compare blood metabolites, slaughter traits and carcass composition of progeny from Holstein–Friesian dairy cows and Aberdeen Angus (AA), Belgian Blue (BB), Friesian (FR) and Holstein (HO) sires. The AA and BB sires were selected, within breed, to be of either high (H) or low (L) estimated genetic merit for carcass weight. A total of 170 male progeny from spring-calving cows and 42 sires (10 AA, 13 BB, 7 FR and 12 HO) were artificially reared indoors and managed together until the end of their second grazing season when they were assigned to either a Light (560 kg) or Heavy (620 kg) slaughter weight. Blood metabolite concentrations were measured six times throughout life and feed intake was recorded during the first and second winter. Carcass measurements and selected non-carcass components were recorded after slaughter and the right side of each carcass was dissected into lean, fat and bone. Differences in blood metabolite concentrations amongst genetic groups were negligible although there were some effects of the prevailing level of nutrition. M. longissimus area scaled for carcass weight was 0.220, 0.221, 0.260, 0.255, 0.212 and 0.208 (SE 0.004) cm2/kg for AAH, AAL, BBH, BBL, FR and HO, respectively. Carcass measurements scaled for carcass weight were greater for L, AA, HO and the dairy strains than for H, BB, FR and the beef breeds, respectively. There was no effect of estimated genetic merit for carcass weight on carcass composition. Statistically significant interactions between genetic merit and beef breed existed for some traits with the genetic merit effect largely evident for AA only. BB and the beef breeds had more lean, less fat and more high value lean in the carcass than AA and the dairy strains, respectively. It is concluded that genetic group had little effect on blood metabolite concentrations but there were some feeding level effects. Estimated genetic merit for carcass weight affected carcass weight, m. longissimus area and carcass measurements scaled for carcass weight but the effects were confined to AA. There were large effects of beef breed and dairy strain on carcass composition.  相似文献   

Minimum coancestry mating (MC) is a simple mating system to reduce inbreeding in populations, in which matings are allocated so as to minimize the average inbreeding coefficient of progeny. This system was compared with random mating (RM) in simulated broiler lines. The population structure and genetic parameters were determined on the basis of an existing broiler line. Comparison of mating systems was made under two selection methods. The first method (DIS) was based on selection index for achieving desired genetic gains. In the second method (LPS), a combination of the family index and linear programming technique was applied to obtain the desired genetic gains. The selected traits were body weight at 6 weeks of both sexes and age at sexual maturity of hen. Four schemes by all the possible combinations of selection and mating methods (DIS + RM, DIS + MC, LPS + RM and LPS + MC) were compared in terms of genetic gains and inbreeding during 15 generations of selection and mating. The results obtained are summarized as follows: (i) the four schemes produced similar genetic gains averaged over replicates; (ii) the variations of genetic gains under LPS + RM and LPS + MC schemes were much smaller than under DIS + RM and DIS + MC schemes; (iii) irrespective of the selection methods, MC reduced the average inbreeding coefficients to about 80% of RM and; (iv) the inbreeding coefficients of individuals in the schemes with RM were distributed in a wide range, while the inbreeding coefficients in the schemes with MC showed a high uniformity. From these results, the LPS + MC scheme was recommended as a selection and mating strategy in closed broiler lines.  相似文献   

Genetic merit for growth rate, expressed as expected progeny difference for carcass weight (EPDCWT), is available for dairy and beef sires used in Ireland. The once predominantly Friesian (FR) dairy herd has experienced significant introgression of Holstein (HO) genes over the past two decades, and cross-breeding of dairy cows, not required to produce herd replacements, with beef bulls is common. The objective of this study was to compare growth rate, feed intake, live animal measurements and slaughter traits of progeny of Holstein–Friesian dairy cows and bulls of two contrasting maturity beef breeds namely Aberdeen Angus (AA) and Belgian Blue (BB), each selected for either high (H) or low (L) estimated genetic merit for carcass weight. Two dairy strains (FR and HO) were also included giving six genetic groups in total. A total of 170 male progeny from spring-calving cows were artificially reared indoors and subsequently managed together at pasture until the end of their second grazing season when they were assigned to one of two mean slaughter weights (i) 560 kg (Light) or (ii) 620 kg (Heavy). Daily feed intake was recorded during the first winter and during finishing. Body measurements were recorded four times during the animals' life, and linear scoring was carried out at 9 months of age and again at slaughter. Carcasses were graded for conformation and fatness (15 point scale). Slaughter and carcass weights per day of age for AAH, AAL, BBH, BBL, FR and HO were 782, 719, 795, 793, 804 and 783 (SE 12.9) g, and 415, 372, 438, 436, 413 and 401 (SE 5.8) g, respectively. Corresponding values for carcass weight, kill-out proportion, carcass conformation class (15 point scale) and carcass fat class (15 point scale) were 314, 283, 334, 333, 317 and 305 (SE 4.7) kg, 526, 518, 553, 550, 519 and 511 (SE 2.9) g/kg, 6.2, 5.4, 8.0, 7.9, 5.3 and 3.7 (SE 0.26), and 9.8, 9.3, 7.4, 7.2, 9.3 and 8.2 (SE 0.26). There were significant interactions between estimated genetic merit for carcass weight and beef breed with the differences between H and L mainly expressed for AA only. Feed intake differences between H and L animals were negligible and largely attributable to the differences in live weight. Following scaling for live weight, beef breeds of high estimated genetic merit for carcass weight had lower skeletal measurements, indicating greater compactness, with the effect more pronounced in AA. It is concluded that using beef sires of estimated high genetic merit for carcass weight on dairy cows increases growth rate and carcass weight of the progeny but the effect may not be similar for all breeds.  相似文献   

Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data enable the estimation of inbreeding at the genome level. In this study, we estimated inbreeding levels for 19,075 Finnish Ayrshire cows genotyped with a low‐density SNP panel (8K). The genotypes were imputed to 50K density, and after quality control, 39,144 SNPs remained for the analysis. Inbreeding coefficients were estimated for each animal based on the percentage of homozygous SNPs (FPH), runs of homozygosity (FROH) and pedigree (FPED). Phenotypic records were available for 13,712 animals including non‐return rate (NRR), number of inseminations (AIS) and interval from first to last insemination (IFL) for heifers and up to three parities for cows, as well as interval from calving to first insemination (ICF) for cows. Average FPED was 0.02, FROH 0.06 and FPH 0.63. A correlation of 0.71 was found between FPED and FROH, 0.66 between FPED and FPH and 0.94 between FROH and FPH. Pedigree‐based inbreeding coefficients did not show inbreeding depression in any of the traits. However, when FROH or FPH was used as a covariate, significant inbreeding depression was observed; a 10% increase in FROH was associated with 5 days longer IFL0 and IFL1, 2 weeks longer IFL3 and 3 days longer ICF2 compared to non‐inbred cows.  相似文献   

Artificial selection and high genetic gains in livestock breeds led to a loss of genetic diversity. Current genetic diversity conservation actions focus on long‐term maintenance of breeds under selection. Gene banks play a role in such actions by storing genetic materials for future use and the recent development of genomic information is facilitating characterization of gene bank material for better use. Using the Meuse‐Rhine‐Issel Dutch cattle breed as a case study, we inferred the potential role of germplasm of old individuals for genetic diversity conservation of the current population. First, we described the evolution of genetic merit and diversity over time and then we applied the optimal contribution (OC) strategy to select individuals for maximizing genetic diversity, or maximizing genetic merit while constraining loss of genetic diversity. In the past decades, genetic merit increased while genetic diversity decreased. Genetic merit and diversity were both higher in an OC scenario restricting the rate of inbreeding when old individuals were considered for selection, compared to considering only animals from the current population. Thus, our study shows that gene bank material, in the form of old individuals, has the potential to support long‐term maintenance and selection of breeds.  相似文献   

The Japanese Shorthorn is a Japanese Wagyu breed maintained at a small population size. We assessed the degree of inbreeding and genetic diversity among Japanese Shorthorn cattle using pedigree analysis. We analyzed the pedigree records of registered Japanese Shorthorn born between 1980 and 2018, after evaluating the pedigree completeness. The average of the actual inbreeding coefficients increased at the same rates annually from approximately 1.5% in 1980 to 4.2% in 2018 and was higher than the expected inbreeding coefficients over time. The effective population size based on the individual coancestry rate largely decreased from 127.8 in 1980 to 82.6 in 1999, and then remained almost constant at approximately 90. Three effective numbers of ancestors decreased over time until 1995, then remained almost constant. In particular, the effective number of founder genomes (Nge) decreased from 43.8 in 1980 to 11.9 in 2018. The index of genetic diversity based on Nge decreased from 0.99 in 1980 to 0.96 in 2018 due to genetic drift in non-founder generations. Changes in inbreeding and genetic diversity parameters were similar between Japanese Shorthorn and other Japanese Wagyu breeds, but the magnitude of the changes was lower in the Japanese Shorthorn.  相似文献   

In order to control rates of response and inbreeding, mate selection using fuzzy selective mating criteria (FMC) was investigated in adult multiple ovulation and embryo transfer nucleus schemes for dairy cattle. Stochastic simulation was used to model the closed nucleus scheme. This mate selection was examined in four alternative mating and male selection schemes: (i) a hierarchical scheme; (ii) a hierarchical sibship scheme (two males per sibship); (iii) a factorial scheme (two sires per dam); and (iv) a factorial sibship scheme (two males per sibship and two sires per dam). Genetic response and inbreeding rate tended to be reduced by increasing the trade-off parameter of FMC between the expected breeding value and inbreeding of progeny. Inbreeding rates in all schemes were reduced by reducing the variance of family size through selection and the average coancestry of mating pairs through mate allocation.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate the current level of inbreeding in the German cow population and for bull dams born in Germany, to find out sires most related to different subsets of their breed and to demonstrate the negative effect of homozygosity in the case of complex vertebral malformation (CVM). Further on, the application of optimum genetic contribution (OGC) theory for the selection of bull dams and bull sires in different breeding scenarios was investigated. Levels of inbreeding for the cow population were in a low range from 0.97% to 1.70% evaluating birth years from 1996 to 1999 in a total dataset of 244,427 registered Holstein cows. The inbreeding coefficient of 8030 bull dams was much higher, i.e. 3.71%, for the birth year 1999. Increases in inbreeding of 0.19% per year indicated an effective population size of only 52 animals. Individual sires like R.O.R.A. Elevation and Hannoverhill Starbuck were highly related to potential bull dams with coefficients of relationship of 13.4% and 12.9%, respectively, whereas P.F. Arlinda Chief (16.3%) and Carlin-M Ivanhoe Bell (16.1%) were highest related to the best available AI sires. Coefficients of relationship were calculated by classes of estimated breeding values (EBV) for production traits showing highest values above 7% in the two highest EBV-classes. The optimum genetic contribution theory using official EBVs and approximative, for zero inbreeding corrected EBVs, was applied for elite matings in a breeding program embracing 30 young bulls per year to find the optimal allocations of bull sires and bull dams. Compared with the actual breeding program applied in practice, OGC-theory has the potential to increase genetic gain under the same constraint for the increase of average relationship by 13.1%. A more relaxed constraint on increase in inbreeding allowed even higher expected genetic gain whereas a more severe constraint resulted in more equal contributions of selected bull sires. Contributions from 21 selected bull sires and 30 selected bull dams for a scenario at 5% constrained relationship were used to develop a specific mating plan to minimise inbreeding in the short term in the following generation applying a simulated annealing algorithm. The expected coefficient of inbreeding of progeny was 66.3% less then the one resulting from random mating. Mating programs can address inbreeding concerns on the farm, at least in the short term, but long-term control of inbreeding in a dairy population requires consideration of relationships between young bulls entering AI progeny test programs. Significantly better EBVs of CVM-free bulls compared with CVM-carriers for the paternal fertility justify the application of OGC for elite matings.  相似文献   

In cattle, genetic markers at the leptin (LEP) gene and at those linked to the gene have been described as affecting calving interval (markers LEPSau3AI and IDVGA51), or daily weight gain (BMS1074 and BM1500). This work investigated the effect of these alleles on LEP mRNA levels in cattle subcutaneous and omental adipose tissues. A sample of 137 females of a Brangus‐Ibage beef cattle herd was analysed to evaluate the distribution of the polymorphisms; then, animals having at least one of the IDVGA51*181 (allele 181 at marker IDVGA51; six animals), LEPSau3AI*2 (four), BMS1074*151 (13), BM1500*135 (six) alleles and a control group composed of animals without any of these alleles (four animals) were submitted to surgery to obtain omental and subcutaneous adipose tissues. Leptin mRNA expression was quantified by TaqMan RT‐PCR, using 18S rRNA as internal control and adjusted for the effect of body condition score, through regression analysis. Omental fat had LEP gene expression 33% lower than the subcutaneous tissue. Carriers of IDVGA*181 and BMS1074*151 showed subcutaneous fat leptin mRNA levels higher than the controls. Leptin controls feed intake and coordinates reproduction; therefore, animals with higher LEP gene expression will probably have lower daily weight gain than others with similar forage offer and nutritional condition and probably will also have longer calving interval.  相似文献   

Gene dropping simulation was applied to Japanese Black cattle population in Hyogo prefecture, to examine the survivals of alleles originated from founder animals. In the analysis, unique alleles were assigned to founders, and the genotypes of all descendants along the actual pedigree were generated through Monte Carlo simulation following Mendelian segregation rules. By replicating this process 10 000 times, the distribution of frequencies of alleles from each founder was estimated. From the distribution, several quantities useful for the management of genetic diversity, such as the probability of allele extinction and the probability of alleles surviving at a critically low frequency were derived. The materials used were 68 781 animals born in 1955–1998 and their pedigree records traced back to the population in 1937 or before. The expected number of alleles retained in the population drastically decreased during the analyzed period, and reached to 57.9 in the population of 1998, which was only 3.3% of the total number of alleles assigned to founders. Detailed analysis of major founders with relatively high genetic contributions to the current population revealed that alleles from most of the major founders are now at high risk of future extinction. These results strongly suggest that for the management of genetic diversity, the genetic contributions of founders are not fully informative, and emphasize the importance of the detection of live animals having founder alleles with high extinction possibilities.  相似文献   

Data from purebred and crossbred calves, consisting of Afrikaner (AF), Charolais (CH), Simmental (ST) and Hereford and Aberdeen Angus combined (HA), were analyzed to estimate breed additive effects, breed maternal effects, average individual heterosis and average maternal heterosis. The traits studied were birthweight (BW), weaning weight (WW) and preweaning average daily gain (ADG) (kg). A multiple regression procedure was used for the estimation of these genetic effects and for predictions for breed crosses that were not included in the data set. Crosses containing higher proportions of CH or ST were heavier at birth and weaning than the other crosses and purebreds. The direct effects of BW were negative and significant (P < 0.05), except that of the CH, which was the highest. The regression coefficients were ?24.87, ?18.16, ?22.80 and ?27.02 for AF, CH, ST and HA, respectively. The maternal effects were not significant. Both average individual and average maternal heterosis regression coefficients were also not significant for BW. Regression coefficients of both direct and maternal effects for WW were not significant and were characterized by large standard errors. Average individual heterosis and average maternal heterosis regression coefficients were, however, significant (P < 0.01) and the values were 5.34 and 2.19, respectively. A similar pattern was observed for ADG, except for the regression coefficients of the maternal effects, which were significant, with larger estimates for AF and ST reflecting their superior mothering ability. The values were 0.01, 0.13, 0.13, 0.03; ?0.82, ?0.85, ?0.85, ?0.81; 0.03 and 0.01 for direct effects and maternal effects of AF, CH, ST and HA; and average individual heterosis and average maternal heterosis, respectively. Means and standard errors of purebreds and their F1 crosses not included in the dataset were predicted.  相似文献   

The effects of plasma progesterone concentrations on LH release and ovulation in beef cattle given 100 microg of GnRH im were determined in three experiments. In Experiment 1, heifers were given GnRH 3, 6 or 9 days after ovulation; 8/9, 5/9 and 2/9 ovulated (P<0.02). Mean plasma concentrations of progesterone were lowest (P<0.01) and of LH were highest (P<0.03) in heifers treated 3 days after ovulation. In Experiment 2, heifers received no treatment (Control) or one or two previously used CIDR inserts (Low-P4 and High-P4 groups, respectively) on Day 4 (estrus=Day 0). On Day 5, the Low-P4 group received prostaglandin F(2alpha) (PGF) twice, 12 h apart and on Day 6, all heifers received GnRH. Compared to heifers in the Control and Low-P4 groups, heifers in the High-P4 group had higher (P<0.01) plasma progesterone concentrations on Day 6 (3.0+/-0.3, 3.0+/-0.3 and 5.7+/-0.4 ng/ml, respectively; mean+/-S.E.M.) and a lower (P<0.01) incidence of GnRH-induced ovulation (10/10, 9/10 and 3/10). In Experiment 3, 4-6 days after ovulation, 20 beef heifers and 20 suckled beef cows were given a once-used CIDR, the two largest follicles were ablated, and the cattle were allocated to receive either PGF (repeated 12h later) or no additional treatment (Low-P4 and High-P4, respectively). All cattle received GnRH 6-8 days after follicular ablation. There was no difference between heifers and cows for ovulatory response (77.7 and 78.9%, P<0.9) or the GnRH-induced LH surge (P<0.3). However, the Low-P4 group had a higher (P<0.01) ovulatory response (94.7% versus 61.1%) and a greater LH surge of longer duration (P<0.001). In conclusion, although high plasma progesterone concentrations reduced both GnRH-induced increases in plasma LH concentrations and ovulatory responses in beef cattle, the hypothesis that heifers were more sensitive than cows to the suppressive effects of progesterone was not supported.  相似文献   

随着国民经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高,肉、蛋、奶需求量逐渐增加,牛肉具有高蛋白、低脂肪且富含丰富维生素及微量元素等优点备受人民青睐,人们对牛肉需求量呈上升趋势,同时对其品质和食品质量安全有着更高的要求。本文从肉牛的营养需要及肥育、瘤胃的代谢与营养调控、饲料替抗与绿色添加剂的开发、本地特色饲料资源开发与利用等方面进行了综述,以期为我国冀北地区肉牛饲养管理与肥育发展提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

Genetic parameters and genetic trends for weaning weight adjusted to 240 d of age (WW240), and weight gain from weaning to 24 mo of age (GW730) were estimated in a Colombian beef cattle population composed of Blanco Orejinegro, Romosinuano, Angus, and Zebu straightbred and crossbred animals. Calves were born and weaned in a single farm, and moved to 14 farms postweaning. Data were analyzed using a multiple trait mixed model procedures. Estimates of variance components and genetic parameters were obtained by Restricted Maximum Likelihood. The 2-trait model included the fixed effects of contemporary group (herd–year–season–sex), age of dam (WW240 only), breed direct genetic effects (as a function of breed fractions of calves), breed maternal genetic effects (as a function of breed fractions of dams; WW240 only), individual heterosis (as a function of calf heterozygosity), and maternal heterosis (as a function of dam heterozygosity; WW240 only). Random effects for WW240 were calf direct genetic, dam maternal genetic, permanent environmental maternal, and residual. Random effects for GW730 were calf direct genetic and residual. All relationships among animals were accounted for. Program AIREML was used to perform computations. Estimates of heritabilities for additive direct genetic effects were 0.20 ± 0.003 for WW240, and 0.32 ± 0.004 for GW730. Maternal heritability was 0.14 ± 0.002 for WW240. Estimates of heritability suggest that selection for preweaning and postweaning growth in this population is feasible. Low direct and maternal preweaning heritabilities suggest that nutrition and management should be improved to allow fuller expressions of calf direct growth and cow maternal ability. The genetic correlation between direct additive and maternal additive effects for WW240 was − 0.42 ± 0.009, indicating an antagonistic relationship between these effects. The correlation between additive direct genetic effects for WW240 and GW730 was almost zero (− 0.04 ± 0.009), suggesting that genes affecting growth preweaning may differ from those influencing growth postweaning. Trends were negative for direct WW240 and GW730 weighted yearly means of calves, sires, and dams from 1995 to 2006. Maternal WW240 showed near zero trends during these years. Trends for calf direct WW240 and GW730 followed sire trends closely, suggesting that more emphasis was placed on choosing sires than on dam replacements.  相似文献   

The experiment was designed to evaluate the effects of housing system and short-term transportation on the pituitary and adrenal response and on blood progesterone concentrations of beef cattle. Since the use of steroid hormones in farm animals has been banned in the EU (Council Directive 96/22/EC), it seems important to study the possible modifications in serum progesterone concentrations induced by stress in cattle. Thirty-two, 6 months old male Piedmontese beef cattle (16 reared in a littered loose house, Group A, and 16 housed in a littered tying stall barn, Group B) were blood sampled at T1 (6 months old), T2 (12 months old), T3 (18 months old, before transportation to the slaughterhouse) and T4 (after transportation to the slaughterhouse) in order to measure hormonal concentrations and lymphocyte glucocorticoid (GR) and β-adrenergic (β-AR) receptor concentrations. Circulating hormone concentrations were measured using commercial radioimmunoassay kits, whereas lymphocyte receptor density was determined through binding assays. In beef cattle housed in tie stall barn a significant increase in serum cortisol concentration was observed at T3, whereas there was no effect of the housing system on blood progesterone concentrations. Short-term transportation caused a significant increase in blood cortisol and catecholamine concentrations in both groups, whereas lymphocyte GR and β-AR significantly decreased in Group A. Our data confirm the activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and the catecholaminergic system in short-term transportation and suggest that the stress-induced increase in circulating progesterone concentrations does not exceed the limit established by pending legislation.  相似文献   

The growth hormone receptor (GHR) is the cell surface receptor for growth hormone (GH) and is required for GH to carry out its effects on target tissues. The objectives of the present study were to estimate the allele and genotype frequencies of the GHR/Alu I gene polymorphism located in the regulatory region in beef cattle belonging to different genetic groups and to determine associations between this polymorphism and growth and carcass traits. Genotyping was performed on 384 animals, including 79 Nellore (Zebu), 30 Canchim (5/8 Charolais + 3/8 Zebu), 30 Simmental × Nellore crossbred and 245 Angus × Nellore crossbred cattle. Alleles Alu I(+), Alu I(−) and Alu I(N)null allele–were evidenced for the GHR/Alu I polymorphism and the frequency of the Alu I(N) allele was significantly higher than the frequency of the Alu I(+) and Alu I(−) alleles in all genetic groups. Genotype Alu I(N/N) of the GHR/Alu I predominated in Nellore animals, while the Alu I(N/+) and Alu I(N/−) predominated in the other genetic groups. In the association studies, traits of interest were analyzed using the General Linear Model (GLM) procedure of the SAS program and least squares means of the genotypes were compared by the Tukey test. Significant associations (P < 0.05) were observed between the Alu I(N/N) genotype of the GHR/Alu I polymorphism and lower weight gain and body weight at slaughter, although a confounding between genotypes and genetic groups may have occurred.  相似文献   

Hemotropic mycoplasmas (hemoplasmas) are Gram-negative bacteria that parasitize the erythrocyte surface of a wide variety of mammals. The present study aimed at investigating the occurrence of hemoplasmas in beef cattle in the Brazilian Pantanal, an area endemic for bovine trypanosomiasis in South America. Additionally, the objective of this study was to characterize molecularly the genotypes of the found hemoplasmas. For this purpose, blood and serum samples of 400 beef cattle were collected from five properties in Corumbá, Nhecolândia sub-region, Mato Grosso do Sul, in Midwest Brazil. Blood samples underwent DNA extraction and standard 16S rRNA gene-based PCR assays for hemoplasmas. The sequences obtained were submitted to phylogenetic inferences, distance analysis, and genotype diversity. The Indirect Enzyme-Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay (iELISA) indicated the presence of anti-Trypanosoma vivax IgG antibodies in 89.75% of the animals sampled, confirming the endemicity of said agent in the studied region. Among the 400 bovine blood samples tested, 2.25% (9/400) were positive for hemoplasmas in cPCR. The phylogenetic analysis of the obtained sequences confirmed the presence of 'Candidatus Mycoplasma haemobos' and Mycoplasma wenyonii DNA in 0.5% (2/400) and 1.75% (7/400) animals, respectively. Five genotypes of M. wenyonii and one of 'Candidatus M. haemobos' were detected among the sequenced amplicons. The present study showed low molecular occurrence of haemoplasmas in beef cattle sampled in the Brazilian Pantanal, an area endemic for bovine trypanosomiasis. Despite of the conservation of the 16S rRNA gene, there was considerable diversity of hemoplasma genotypes infecting the sampled beef cattle.  相似文献   

The Franches-Montagnes is an indigenous Swiss horse breed, with approximately 2500 foalings per year. The stud book is closed, and no introgression from other horse breeds was conducted since 1998. Since 2006, breeding values for 43 different traits (conformation, performance and coat colour) are estimated with a best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) multiple trait animal model. In this study, we evaluated the genetic diversity for the breeding population, considering the years from 2003 to 2008. Only horses with at least one progeny during that time span were included. Results were obtained based on pedigree information as well as from molecular markers. A series of software packages were screened to combine best the best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) methodology with optimal genetic contribution theory. We looked for stallions with highest breeding values and lowest average relationship to the dam population. Breeding with such stallions is expected to lead to a selection gain, while lowering the future increase in inbreeding within the breed.  相似文献   

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