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青贮油菜在生长期藏猪饲粮中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究青贮油菜在生长期藏猪饲粮中的应用效果,试验选择40头平均体重在(7.45±0.78)kg的健康状况良好的生长期藏猪,随机分成5个处理,每个处理4个重复,每个重复2头猪,分别饲喂不同添加比例(0、10%、20%、30%与40%)的青贮油菜饲粮。预饲期7 d,试验期28 d,自由采食与饮水。结果表明:随着饲粮中青贮油菜比例的升高,藏猪平均末重、全期增重、平均日增重不断降低,而饲喂基础平均日采食量、干物质基础平均日采食量、料肉比不断增加。与对照组(处理1)相比,添加10%与20%青贮油菜组藏猪的平均末重、全期增重、干物质料肉比、粗灰分表观消化率差异不显著(P0.05),而干物质、粗蛋白质与粗脂肪表观消化率显著低于对照组(P0.05),添加30%与40%青贮油菜,全期增重、平均日增重、料肉比、干物质、粗蛋白质与粗脂肪表观消化率均显著降低(P0.05)。结果说明,青贮油菜可用于生长期藏猪饲粮配制,添加10%~20%时可保障生产性能,并提高经济效益。  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究利用酶制剂青贮杂交狼尾草,对牧草品质和肉猪饲喂效果的影响。选用150头100日龄体重50kg杜长大三元肉猪。实验分5个处理,每个处理3次重复,每个重复10头。对照组(CK)饲喂基础日粮;处理Ⅰ饲喂基础日粮,同时饲喂添加麦麸的杂交狼尾草青贮料;处理Ⅱ饲喂基础日粮,同时饲喂添加麦麸和纤维素酶青贮的杂交狼尾草青贮料;处理Ⅲ饲喂基础日粮,同时饲喂添加麦麸和纤维素菌液青贮的杂交狼尾草青贮料;处理Ⅳ饲喂基础日粮,同时饲喂添加麦麸和乳酸菌青贮的杂交狼尾草青贮料。结果表明,处理Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ与CK相比平均日增重差异不显著(P0.05),但平均日增重绝对值分别比CK提高了2.3%,8.6%,4.4%和2.2%,精料肉比分别降低了9.7%,14.9%,11.4%和9.5%,经济效益分别提高了11.34%,36.03%,21.60%和14.03%。4组饲喂杂交狼尾草青贮料的肉猪与CK相比会适当降低肉猪屠宰率,显著提高肉猪的背膘厚,肉猪的板油重、胃重呈增加的趋势,大肠重量差异不显著,小肠重量和长度则变短变轻,且增加肉质颜色等品质。说明利用纤维素降解菌可以提高牧草青贮品质,提高肉猪饲喂效果和经济效益。  相似文献   

为探索饲喂不同比例全株玉米青贮对肉牛犊牛肥育性能及养殖效益的影响,选择36头体重和月龄相近的架子牛,分别饲喂全株玉米青贮添加比例(占粗饲料比例,以干物质计)为30%、50%、61%、70%、90%、100%的全价日粮,观察其对架子牛的肥育性能、健康情况及经济效益的影响。结果显示:日粮粗饲料中全株玉米青贮适宜添加比例为30%~70%;添加比例为70%时试验牛日增重最高,添加比例为30%时试验牛的料重比和增重成本最低,日效益最高。  相似文献   

为研究肉兔日粮中添加不同比例糜子秸秆对肉兔生长性能、内脏器官指数和肉品质的影响,试验选择35日龄、体重1 kg左右、生长发育良好的新西兰肉兔200只,随机分为4组,每组50只。对照组饲喂无糜子秸秆日粮,各试验组分别饲喂含8%、16%、24%糜子秸秆的全价肉兔日粮35 d,检测糜子秸秆对平均日增重、料肉比等生长性能,心脏、肝脏、肾脏等内脏指数,pH值、亮度(L)、红度(a~*)、黄度(b~*)、剪切力、滴水损失等肉品质指标的影响。结果表明:24%糜子秸秆组平均日增重显著高于对照组和8%糜子秸秆组(P0.05);24%糜子秸秆组料重比极显著低于对照组和8%糜子秸秆组(P0.01),16%糜子秸秆组料重比极显著低于对照组(P0.01);心脏指数、肝脏指数、肾脏指数等内脏指数各组间差异不显著(P0.05);pH值、L、a~*、b~*、剪切力、滴水损失等肉品质指标各组间差异不显著(P0.05)。说明在肉兔日粮中添加适量比例的糜子秸秆可提高肉兔生长性能,对肉兔内脏器官发育和肉品质无不利影响,建议糜子秸秆在肉兔日粮中的适宜添加比例为16%~24%。  相似文献   

试验旨在研究不同水平白酒糟对肉兔生产性能、屠宰性状和肉品质的影响。选择30日龄断奶兔120只,随机分成5个处理,每个处理4个重复,每个重复6只,分别饲喂含0%(对照组)、3%、6%、9%和12%白酒糟的饲粮。结果表明:饲粮添加不超过9%的白酒糟对肉兔的采食量、日增重、饲料增重比、屠宰率和肉质无显著影响(P<0.05),但生长性能、屠宰率和肉质随白酒糟添加量增加有下降趋势;12%组的采食量和日增重显著低于对照组,而饲料增重比和肌肉滴水损失显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。综合来看,饲粮添加不超过9%的白酒糟对肉兔生产性能、屠宰性能和肉品质无显著影响,但12%的添加量会显著降低肉兔生产性能、屠宰性能和肉品质。  相似文献   

半胱胺对肉兔生产性能和血清生化指标的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
选择160只45日龄肉兔(公母各半)随机分成5组,在基础日粮中分别添加0、60、90、120、150mg/kg的半胱胺饲喂30d。结果表明:①在日粮中添加半胱胺可以提高肉兔的日增重和日采食量,降低料重比。其中90mg/kg组的肉兔日增重比对照组提高了15.78%(P0.01),日采食量提高了5.12%(P0.01),料肉比降低了9.09%(P0.01);②在日粮中添加半胱胺可以提高肉兔血清中总蛋白、白蛋白、生长激素水平,酸性磷酸酶和碱性磷酸酶的活性,降低血清中尿素氮水平和谷丙转氨酶的活性。  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究稻壳粉对生长肉兔生长性能、养分表观消化率和屠宰性能的影响。试验选择28日龄的体重相近的新西兰兔600只,随机分成5组,每组6个重复,每个重复20只,公母各占1/2。5组肉兔分别饲喂添加0(对照组)、5%、10%、15%和20%稻壳粉的试验饲粮。预试期7 d,正试期35 d。结果显示:饲粮中添加不同比例的稻壳粉对肉兔的平均日采食量无显著影响(P0.05),但随着饲粮中稻壳粉添加量的增加,肉兔的平均日增重和死亡率呈下降趋势,料重比呈升高趋势。15%和20%稻壳粉组肉兔的平均日增重较对照组显著降低(P0.05),料重比较对照组显著升高(P0.05)。饲粮中添加不同比例的稻壳粉对粗脂肪、粗纤维、中性洗涤纤维、酸性洗涤纤维和酸性洗涤木质素的表观消化率无显著影响(P0.05)。随着饲粮中稻壳粉添加量的增加,饲粮能量、粗蛋白质的表观消化率呈逐渐下降趋势,其中15%和20%稻壳粉组与对照组相比显著下降(P0.05)。随着饲粮中稻壳粉添加量的增加,肉兔的屠宰性能呈下降趋势,其中20%稻壳粉组的全净膛重、半净膛重、全净膛率和半净膛率均显著低于对照组(P0.05)。综合本试验测定指标,生长肉兔饲粮中稻壳粉的添加量不宜超过15%。  相似文献   

甜高粱青贮品质及对山羊饲喂效果的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文旨在研究甜高粱(Sorghum bicolor (Linn.) Moench)青贮品质及其对山羊生产性能的影响。供试6个甜高梁品种青贮品质特性测定显示:甜高梁青贮发酵品质均良好,但品种间青贮营养品质存在较大差异。以甜高梁青贮+400g精料、甜高梁青贮+200g精料及玉米(Zea maysL)青贮+400g精料(对照)3种日粮方式进行山羊饲喂试验,结果表明:饲喂甜高粱青贮+400g精料组的山羊采食量、增重效果显著高于甜高粱青贮+200g精料组和玉米青贮+400g精料组。  相似文献   

为探索青海高原甜高粱和玉米青贮品质,开展甜高粱、玉米和甜高粱与玉米和麦秆混合青贮品质感官评定与等级划分,原料与青贮营养成分分析,青贮甜高粱和青贮玉米饲喂奶牛日粮养分分析的比较研究。结果表明:各饲料处理青贮后感官评定得分与等级划分均为良好。不同海拔甜高粱和玉米生育期不同,养分含量也不同;青贮后养分含量变化差异显著(P0.05),低海拔(1 850 m)甜高粱青贮后钙含量显著增加,玉米青贮后粗蛋白、粗脂肪和无氮浸出物显著增加,甜高粱70%+玉米30%混合青贮后粗蛋白、粗脂肪和钙含量显著增加(P0.05);高海拔(2 300 m)甜高粱青贮后无氮浸出物显著增加,玉米青贮后粗蛋白、粗脂肪和钙显著增加,甜高粱70%+麦秆30%混合青贮后无氮浸出物和钙显著增加(P0.05);不同海拔间表现相同的为青贮后灰分、中性洗涤纤维、酸性洗涤纤维和p H显著降低(P0.05)。青贮甜高粱日粮比青贮玉米日粮中灰分低15.22%,糖含量高80.29%。综合评价,甜高粱是优质饲料作物。  相似文献   

为查明针奶牛场用全混合日粮(TMR)的稳定性以及对TMR粒度和营养品质的影响,结合某奶牛场的TMR调制实践,分别对泌乳和干奶牛群的TMR进行分析研究。结果显示,TMR日粮中各原料实际添加量误差及与配方目标值的变异系数分别为0. 35%~4. 84%,8. 51%~47. 37%;日粮中各层颗粒度的相对误差由1. 1%至4. 38%,变异系数最大为30. 54%,最小为3. 09%;日粮添加量的各营养成分与推荐值的变异系数由1. 57%至7. 43%,与实际添加量差值变化不大。上述结果表明,A奶牛繁育场在制作TMR日粮过程中配方比例及营养成含量达到了基本标准,但是对日粮添加量的准确性存在问题。  相似文献   

As a forage source for total mixed ration (TMR) silage production, locally produced crop silage is now used in addition to imported hay. This type of TMR ensiling is regarded as a two‐step fermentation process; hence, a survey was carried out to determine whether the bacteria in crop silage affect the subsequent TMR ensiling. Fermentation product contents and bacterial community were determined for TMR silage and its ingredient silages collected in August, October and November. August product contained corn, sorghum and Italian ryegrass silages, October product had wheat silage exclusively and November product did not include any crop silages. Acetic acid, lactic acid, 2,3‐butanediol and ethanol were predominant fermentation products in corn, sorghum, Italian ryegrass and wheat silages, respectively. Robust lactic acid fermentation was seen in TMR silage, even if acetate‐type and alcohol‐type silages were mixed as ingredients. The finding that bacterial community of the TMR silage appeared unrelated to those of ingredient silage supported this. Silages of various fermentation types can therefore be formulated without interfering with lactate‐type fermentation in TMR silage.  相似文献   

[目的]饲草在肉牛养殖中发挥着重要作用,通过牛体增重对比不同饲草及其配比喂养西门塔尔肉牛效果,以确定较优的青贮甜高粱和全株饲用玉米的配比。[方法]在冬季温室养殖条件下,设计5组配比的青贮甜高粱和全株饲用玉米饲喂西门塔尔肉牛,定期称量牛体增重,并分析各试验组养殖效益。[结果]试验结果显示,青贮甜高粱和全株玉米喂养西门塔尔肉牛总增重量平均达90.95 kg,最小为84.63 kg,日平均增重1.01 kg/d,最小增重0.89 kg/d,平均增重率为38.66%。比较投入和整个试验期收益的稳定性,青贮玉米秸秆30%和青贮甜高粱70%效益较好,平均增重率为40.48%。[结论]青贮玉米和甜高粱秸秆搭配舍饲喂养西门塔尔肉牛都可实现稳定增重,效益优于单独应用。  相似文献   

Citrus pulp is known to contain a functional molecule of beta‐cryptoxanthin which is one of the carotenoids showing anti‐oxidative capacity. Influences of citrus pulp silage feeding to dairy cows on beta‐cryptoxanthin concentration in plasma, other blood properties and milking performances were investigated. Four Holstein cows were fed total mixed ration (TMR) containing citrus pulp silage 20% dry matter (DM) for 2 weeks with free access to the TMR. Dry mater intake, milk production and milk components 2 weeks later were not altered compared with those of the control group without citrus pulp silage. Activities of aspartate aminotransferase, alanin aminotransferase and gamma‐glutamyltranspeptidase in plasma were not affected by feeding of citrus pulp silage. Concentrations of protein, albumin, sulfhydryl residue, ascorbic acid, thio‐barbituric acid reactive substance and urea nitrogen in plasma were also not altered by citrus pulp silage feeding. Concentration of beta‐cryptoxanthin in plasma was increased approximately 20‐fold compared with the control group (P < 0.05). Content of beta‐cryptxanthin in pooled milk fat fraction was also increased approximately three times compared with that of the control group. Feeding of TMR containing citrus pulp silage 15% DM for 30 days to eight dairy cows also increased plasma beta‐cryptoxanthin concentration 30‐fold compared with that before feeding.  相似文献   

为研究裹包层数对甜高粱(Sorghum saccharatum Moench)青贮饲料青贮品质的影响。分别采用4层、6层、8层及12层裹包处理含水率为65%~70%的甜高粱,评价贮藏期干物质含量、粗蛋白、粗脂肪、NDF、ADF、半纤维素以及感官品质的变化。结果表明:6层裹包层数基本能实现甜高粱青贮饲料长期良好的贮藏。  相似文献   

Whole-crop barley harvested at the mid-dough stage was ensiled in 3-L laboratory silos either directly (at 30.7% DM) or after wilting (37.8% DM), and with or without application of Inoculant A, B, or D. Each inoculant contained multiple strains of Lactobacillus plantarum and Enterococcus faecium. Two silos per treatment were opened on d 1, 3, 7, 15, and 47 for silage analysis. Wilted silages had higher (P < 0.05) pH than unwilted silages, and Inoculant B (unwilted crop) and Inoculants A, B, and D (wilted crop) decreased (P < 0.05) silage pH compared to the controls. Reducing sugars concentration was 36% lower (P < 0.05), on average, in the wilted than in the unwilted silages. Silages prepared with Inoculants B or D had lower (P < 0.05) concentrations of reducing sugars than the control. Wilting of the barley crop further increased the difference between inoculated and control silages (wilting x inoculation P < 0.05). Neither wilting nor silage inoculants affected concentrations of nonprotein N, ammonia N, or free amino acid N in silage. Wilting did not affect the concentration of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) in the silages. Across DM levels, inoculant-treated silages had larger (P < 0.01) populations of LAB than did the uninoculated controls (7.1 x 10(9) vs 2.3 x 10(9) cfu/g silage DM). Wilting resulted in lesser (P < 0.05) silage lactic acid concentration than the directly ensiled crop. At both DM levels, lactic acid concentration was higher (P < 0.001) in inoculated silages than in controls. The in situ soluble and potentially degradable fractions of silage DM were not affected by wilting or inoculant treatment. The rate of degradation of the potentially degradable silage DM was 35% lower (P < 0.05) in wilted than in unwilted silage. As a result, the calculated effective degradability of silage DM was lower (P < 0.001) in wilted than in unwilted silage. Inoculants did not influence the rate of degradation or effective degradability of silage DM in the rumen. Whole-crop barley ensiled at approximately 30% DM (without wilting) contained higher concentrations of soluble sugars and lactic acid and had higher ruminal degradability of DM than wilted silage (38% DM). Although inoculants did not improve DM degradability of barley silage, lower terminal pH and increased concentrations of lactic acid may improve aerobic stability upon feed-out.  相似文献   

Six wethers were used in a digestibility experiment arranged as replicated 3 × 3 Latin square to evaluate the nutritive value of total mixed ration (TMR) silages that were made from ensiling of TMR containing 0, 6.5 and 13.0% (dry matter basis) of spent mushroom substrate (SMS) for 45 days (treatments denoted as CSMS, LSMS and HSMS, respectively). The amount of SMS replaced the same amount of timothy hay in the respective TMR. All TMR were well preserved as indicated by their low pH, low ammonia‐N and high lactic acid contents. Increasing levels of SMS in the TMR silage quadratically reduced (P < 0.05) nutrient digestibility with the exception of ether extract. The difference of total digestible nutrients and digestible energy contents between LSMS and CSMS TMR silage were less than those between LSMS and HSMS. Increasing concentration of SMS in the ration tended to decrease content of total volatile fatty acids in rumen fluid but increased the ratio of acetate to propionate and pH. The study suggests that a SMS level of 6.5% in the diet DM can be recommended for silage based TMR.  相似文献   

In order to clarify the ensiling characteristics of stylo (Stylosanthes guianensis Swartz), the effects of wilting (no wilting, light wilting and heavy wilting) and storage temperatures (10°C, 20°C, 30°C and 40°C) on the fermentation quality and aerobic stability of stylo silage were investigated. Wilting had no significant influence on the contents of crude protein, ether extract and acid detergent fiber, and numbers of lactic acid bacteria, aerobic bacteria, yeasts and mold (P > 0.05). Heavy wilted material, wilted for 12 h, had higher neutral detergent fiber content and lower water‐soluble carbohydrate content than unwilted and light wilted materials (P < 0.05). Wilting and storage temperatures had significant effects on pH value, acetic acid, butyric acid and NH3‐N contents of stylo silage (P < 0.01 or P < 0.05). Wilting tended to reduce acetic acid and NH3‐N contents and improve the fermentation quality of stylo silage. In all the silages, no wilting silage ensiled at 30°C had the highest butyric acid content (P < 0.05). High temperature of 40°C markedly restricted the growth of lactic acid bacteria and aerobic bacteria in silage, irrespective of wilting. The wilted silage or silage stored at low temperature had poor aerobic stability.  相似文献   

目的 探究不同晾晒时间和青贮时间对全株青贮玉米发酵品质的影响。方法 以玉米(Zea mays L.)青贮品种“曲辰9号”为试验材料,将乳熟末期的青贮玉米全株收获粉碎后,在阴凉处分别晾晒0(对照,CK)、1、2、3、4 d,然后在塑料桶(5 L)中分别进行青贮,待青贮60、90、120 d时进行发酵品质的评定。结果 青贮玉米的含水量随着晾晒时间的增加而降低,在晾晒2、3、4 d后含水量显著(P<0.05)低于CK;用晾晒2、3、4 d的全株青贮玉米原料进行青贮,pH值显著(P<0.05)高于CK,晾晒2 d青贮120 d处理除外。晾晒时间对乳酸、丁酸、中性洗涤纤维(NDF)和酸性洗涤纤维(ADF)含量均产生显著(P<0.05)影响,青贮时间仅对乳酸、丁酸产生显著(P<0.05)影响,其中,乳酸含量随着青贮时间的延长而增加,丁酸含量在原料晾晒之后明显增加。CK处理中,青贮90、120 d的NDF含量显著(P<0.05)高于青贮60 d处理。利用氨态氮、乙酸、丙酸、丁酸开展V-Score分析,晾晒导致青贮玉米发酵品质降低,试验中品质较优的青贮为原料粉碎后未经晾晒的处理(CK)。结论 在未经晾晒处理下进行青贮60 d的青贮玉米,综合品质较高。在青贮玉米原料含水量为74%时,不建议粉碎之后通过晾晒降低含水量再青贮。  相似文献   

通过测定不同类型甜高粱饲草与葡萄籽饲喂小尾寒羊的生产性能和血常规,为甜高粱饲草和葡萄籽安全高效的饲喂绵羊提供理论依据。试验选取甘肃省定西市的小尾寒羊28只(17.30±1.20) kg,随机分为4组,分别为:饲喂甜高粱青贮+精补料(SN组)、甜高粱青贮+6%葡萄籽精补料(SY组)、甜高粱干草+精补料(DN组)、甜高粱干草+6%葡萄籽精补料(DY组)。分别在饲养试验的第1、30、60和100天晨饲前称重;第20、50和100天晨饲前采集血液,测定血常规。结果表明:甜高粱饲草与葡萄籽的添加对小尾寒羊平均干物质采食量、平均日增重和料重比影响不显著(P>0.05),但SY组比DN组平均日增重增加30%以上,终体重增加15.4%。葡萄籽的添加对小尾寒羊血液生理参数影响不显著(P>0.05)。甜高粱青贮组(SN+SY)小尾寒羊红细胞数目(RBC)和红细胞压积(HCT)显著高于甜高粱干草组(DN+DY)(P<0.05)。甜高粱青贮组(SN+SY)平均红细胞血红蛋白含量(MCH)和平均红细胞血红蛋白浓度(MCHC)极显著低于甜高粱干草组(DN+DY)(P<0.01)。试验第20和100天甜高粱青贮组(SN+SY)小尾寒羊血小板数目(PLT)显著低于甜高粱干草组(DN+DY)(P<0.05)。试验动物血液生理参数均在安全生产范围内,但饲喂甜高粱青贮对小尾寒羊红细胞和血小板相关指标更有利,且甜高粱青贮和葡萄籽结合饲喂对小尾寒羊生长性能有改善的潜力。  相似文献   

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