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Mega-event is an important driving force for the development of urban tourism industry. As a co-host city of 2022 Winter Olympics, Zhangjiakou will encounter new opportunities in tourism development. This paper build a dynamic model about the influence of Olympics on urban tourism industry, and put forward specific strategies for the city promoting its tourism development by taking the opportunity of hosting the Winter Olympics.  相似文献   

陈燕 《中国农学通报》2018,34(31):99-105
为了说明旅游经济时空差异对促进甘南州旅游经济协调发展,提高甘南州旅游业发展水平的作用,本研究以甘南州7 县1 市(县级市)为研究对象,运用变异系数、泰尔指数、因子分析法等方法,对2010—2016 年的甘南州旅游经济时空差异特征进行分析。结果表明:甘南州旅游经济总体呈向上发展的趋势,旅游经济的绝对差异逐渐增大,相对差异缓慢缩小。区域内部差异逐渐缩小且影响着甘南州旅游经济地区差异的总体发展趋势;甘南州7 县1 市旅游经济发展水平差异在空间上呈现出3 种不同的类型区。建议甘南州在完善旅游基础设施条件、开发新的旅游项目和旅游产品、加强旅游合作和拓展宣传渠道方面,着力缩小旅游经济差异。  相似文献   

刘超 《中国农学通报》2004,20(6):362-362
西部地区城市化进程缓慢,一个重要的原因就是西部城市竞争力偏弱,因此培育西部城市竞争力,充分发挥中心城市的带动和辐射作用就成为推动西部城市化的一个重要手段。培育西部城市竞争力应注意从树立符合发展需要的新观念,加强对重点城市竞争力的培育,提高城市产业、企业的竞争力,加强人力资源的开发与管理,抓住机遇勇于创新、筑巢引凤招商引资,治理城市区域生态环境、建设生态城市等几个方面着手。  相似文献   

Taking tourists in Tai'an City—an outstanding tourism city of China for example, this paper explored the influence of online comments(word-of-mouth effect) on tourists' intention of purchasing services of accommodation facilities and restaurants through analyzing 502 valid questionnaires. Then measures and suggestions were proposed for tourist enterprises improving online word-of-mouth marketing.  相似文献   

乡村旅游对中国统筹城乡发展、大力建设社会主义新农村、构建和谐社会意义巨大。乡村旅游游客旅游行为研究,是乡村旅游发展的一个关键问题,必须高度重视。作者以问卷调查为主要手段,以福建泉州双芹村乡村旅游区为案例,在分析国内外有关乡村旅游游客旅游行为研究现状的基础上,对乡村旅游游客的旅游决策行为、旅游偏好行为、旅游空间行为、客主交互效应和旅游体验评价认知等旅游前、中、后的行为进行研究,总结了福建沿海地区乡村旅游游客的旅游行为特征,并提出了该地区乡村旅游发展的相关建议。  相似文献   

Switzerland is one of the best tourism destinations in the world. Its development experience is valuable for Hebei, whose competitiveness is weak comparatively in spite of rich tourism resources. Specifically, the successful experiences of tourism development in Switzerland include environmental protection, cultural heritance, exhibition marketing, investment, brand management, hotel management, and so on. On this basis, four suggestions are recommended to upgrade tourism in Hebei Province based on its actual situations, namely regulating tourism market, pushing tourism education, attracting investments, and building tourism brand.  相似文献   

The new urbanization provides opportunities for the ecological protection of traditional regional culture. In the context of the integrated development of agriculture, tourism, and cultural industries, this paper integrates the thinking of "immersive theatre" and adopts the design method of multithread dramatic narrative mode to create a number of interactive flow lines in the architecture and focus on the sensory experiences of environment, enabling the traditional regional culture to really touch the audience.  相似文献   

基于莆田定位为世界妈祖文化中心,从文化创意的视角研究妈祖文化旅游地产,旨在把妈祖文化资源优势转变为经济优势,延伸妈祖文化旅游产业链,提高妈祖文化旅游产业的附加值。应用SWOT 分析法分析了莆田拥有发展妈祖文化旅游地产的四大优势:妈祖文化发源地优势、临海且滞后开发的较原始自然环境生态优势、客源市场优势和政策环境优势,因此具有很大的发展空间。针对存在的优势、弱势、机遇和挑战,笔者提出了莆田发展妈祖文化旅游地产的思路:做好资源整合规划;突出旅游房地产的文化特色;提升旅游房地产的环境品质;创新融资平台;注重营销策略。文章为莆田妈祖文化旅游的跨越发展提供决策参考。  相似文献   

Facing the rapid development of urbanization and deficiency of capital for city infrastructure construction, this paper suggests accelerating the reform and introduction of foreign capital to quicken the city infrastructure construction.  相似文献   

通过构建经济承载力、土地承载力、可供水资源承载力、建设用地承载力与生态环境承载力人口容量模型综合测度研究区5市理论城镇化发展水平,从而与实际城镇化发展水平进行对比分析。结果表明:(1)银川市与石嘴山市实际城镇化发展水平高于理论城镇化发展水平,且城市人口潜力指数大,具有吸纳外来人口的能力;(2)吴忠市、中卫市和固原市实际城镇化水平低于理论城镇化水平,城镇化发展水平偏低,且人口潜力指数较小,不具备吸纳外来人口的能力。以此为依据,为不同人口密度等级区新型城镇化发展提出相应的对策与建议:(1)对于人口极密集区与密集区,一方面应加强中心城市的辐射带动能力,另一方面加强政府引导作用,推动人口市民化进程与城市空间协调发展;(2)对于人口中等区,一方面,加强中心城市的拉力作用,另一方面,创造农村推力作用,着力解决城镇化过程中流动人口的“后顾之忧”;(3)对于人口稀少与极稀区,一方面应鼓励就地城镇化,另一方面要打破城乡二元结构,促进本区域城镇化发展水平。  相似文献   

陈钰 《中国农学通报》2011,27(4):483-487
城市湿地公园是城市生态环境的重要组成部分,在可持续发展理念下,从保护和改善湿地生态环境入手,充分发挥湿地综合功能,探索湿地公园生态旅游发展对策,以促进湿地公园建设和生态旅游可持续发展。立足于生态学、经济学、旅游学、社会学等学科交叉与整合的背景,运用归纳法、演绎法、调查研究法等方法,通过完善基础设施和城市旅游产业环境,提高湿地空间景观质量,在科学理论指导下发展湿地生态旅游将促进湿地公园建设和生态旅游可持续发展,使自然资源与人文资源协调发展,提升湿地公园的生态效益、社会效益和经济效益。科学地开展湿地生态旅游,利于湿地生态环境保护,促进生态城市建设,实现湿地综合效益最大化。  相似文献   

大庆市湿地生态旅游发展SWOT分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在旅游业大发展的时代背景下,湿地生态旅游被认为是旅游业可持续发展的最佳模式之一。笔者介绍了大庆市湿地的概括,采用SWOT分析法对大庆市湿地生态旅游开发的各项因素进行分析,得出大庆市湿地不仅具备景观多样化、动植物资源丰富、独特的城中湿地和多处鸟类自然保护区以及便利的交通条件等开展湿地生态旅游的先决条件,而且拥有国内外生态旅游发展的有利形势和地方政策大力支持的大好机遇;但同时存在湿地保护和开发以及旅游管理等方面的困难和问题,以期对大庆地区湿地生态旅游的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

On the basis of analyzing defi nitions and signifi cance of cultural soft power, signifi cant value of brand culture marketing of Chinese tourism destinations was clarified. Basic contents of cultural soft power-based brand culture marketing of tourism destinations were explored from two perspectives: resource characteristics and marketing strategies of brand culture of tourism destinations.  相似文献   

With the accelerating urbanization, ecological environment of the city has attracted increasing attention, so the resulting problems have become key research focuses in all countries. Against this background, urban agriculture has been applied as one of the effective approaches for relieving urbanization. From the perspective of industrial form of urban agriculture, planning models of urban agriculture were explored, industrial form and planning model of Chengdu urban agriculture were analyzed to forecast its development prospects. Multi-dimensional development, and sustainable development measures were given to guarantee the sustainable development of urban agriculture.  相似文献   

Under the impetus of China's urbanization and industry updates, the high-tech new towns (areas) are developing rapidly with an unprecedented scale. The areas which being rich in the natural environment resources, but weak in traffic up are also included in the urban construction lands, and often these urban construction lands is a new city or high-tech development zone of choice. In the city's character building and natural resource protection, the high-tech new town (area) has a lot of issues such as the popular gathering, environmental protection, investment and so on. In this paper, Yantai City of Shandong high-tech Development Zone, an instance of the urban design for the card, summary of the Binhai New Science and Technology Park development characteristics and design requirements, refining the design concept and strategy, shaping the features multi-purpose, rich in content, distinct features of the city park life designed to provide a reference for similar urban planning and design.  相似文献   

Along with the process of urbanization,the old-town renewal has become the top task in the city construction.Directed by quantitative analysis of city's economy,this paper puts forward a new conception and model of development capacity for old city renewal,established land class evaluation system and AHP model to determine the land class and its evaluation factors.Restricted by the old town's eco-environment and social environment,and targeted by its economy,this paper suggests that the upper limit model of the old city's development capacity should be decided by its eco-environment volume and social environment,and the lower limit model should be determined by the market economy,thus the renewal can see the economy,society and environment proceed orderly and harmoniously.Upon the platform of ARCGIS with considering Nanyang old town renewal planning and design,this paper has drawn a digital map for old town renewal development intensity,and explores tentatively the proper development capacity under the platform of GIS.  相似文献   

九江生态农业观光园的开发模式与发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文简述了农业观光园的由来和类型,分析了目前九江市生态农业观光园的主要模式,九江生态农业旅游资源以及生态开发模式,并在此基础上,针对九江生态农业观光园的发展提出了开发对策。  相似文献   

Forest experience is an important scale for measuring the development degree of forest tourism,and also an indispensable part of forest tounsm.Domestic theoretical and practical researches on forest experience and forest tourism have been less reported,forest tounsm development and research from the perspective of forest experience have remained in the exploration stage,and researches on natural education and forest culture have also been just initiated.This paper explored problems of current forest tourism development from three perspectives of forest experience,i.e.environmental index,experience content and facility service.By applying scientific development and marketing methods,and combining with traditional health-care culture,forest tourism development spaces could be expanded.Finally,the paper proposed to establish forest ecological monitoring system and enrich forest experience projects to provide visitors forest tounsm expenence with high additional value and satisfaction degree.  相似文献   

Vernacular settlement is a sum of settlements that keep traditional landscapes in the process of urbanization, and its coverage coincides with that of urban community and rural settlement to some extent. It is a phenomenon of social development against the background of rapid urbanization. As a national famous historic and cultural city, Tianshui City should have had excellent traditional cultural genes as the driving force for its development, however, only fragments of some historic blocks have been left in the recent urbanization. This paper, on the basis of investigating the old urban district of Tianshui City, analyzing the historical phenomenon, summarized the root causes for the status quo of vernacular dwellings in the city, so as to raise the concerns on humanistic thought, and provide proper guidance for the sustainable development of vernacular settlement.  相似文献   

On the basis of analyzing categories and distribution of tourism resources in Panzhihua City,spatial distribution features of the resources were explored,and spatial combination laws proposed pertinently,quantitative and qualitative methods used to evaluate value of tourism resources in the city,and suggestions given for the hierarchical development of local tourism resources.  相似文献   

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