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The effect of jasmonic acid (JA), applied alone or in combination with gibberellin A3 (GA3), on the induction of seedlessness in ‘Neo Muscat’ (Vitis vinifera) was investigated. Endogenous JA levels in the florets of ‘Neo Muscat’ and ‘Delaware’ (Vitis vinifera x Vitis labrusca) were also studied. The proportion of seedless berries induced by application of GA3 alone 12 d before full bloom (DBB) was 17.0%, and at 6 DBB it was 62.7%. The proportion of seedless berries induced by GA3 + JA applied 6 DBB increased significantly with increasing JA concentration, while pollen germination decreased quadratically with increasing JA concentration. JA did not affect seed number per berry or the seed’s fresh weight. Treatment with JA alone also induced seedlessness effectively. Although the fresh weight of the seedless berries induced by the application of GA3 + JA 12 DBB decreased quadratically with increasing JA concentration, there were no significant differences between the treatments at 6 DBB. Fruit soluble solids and titratable acidity were not affected by JA. There were no obvious differences in the amounts of JA in the florets of ‘Delaware’ and ‘Neo Muscat’.  相似文献   


Lime (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle cv. ‘Paan’) native to South East Asia, has a distinct flavour and quality characteristics. Maintenance of the green colour in the peel of lime is a desirable quality attribute during storage. Post-harvest chlorophyll degradation in lime was studied in fruit stored at room temperature (30°C) at a relative humidity (RH) of 70 – 85%. Within 7 d of storage, the total chlorophyll content decreased to 53.9% of its initial level. The highest chlorophyllase activity (1.68 units mg–1 protein) was observed after 4 d of storage and declined thereafter. Peroxidase activity differed from chlorophyllase activity and increased significantly to 6.25 units mg–1 protein after 9 d of storage, (i.e., at the late maturity stage). Respiration rate and 1-aminocyclopropene-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) oxidase activity did not significantly affect the chlorophyll degradation process in lime.The total nitrogen content of lime peel was inversely correlated with its chlorophyll content. A higher soluble protein content was observed in yellow peel than in mature green peel. A colour index chart was developed for maturity stages 1–4 in lime based on peel colour changes from mature green to full-yellow, and its correlation with chlorophyll content and fruit quality attributes.  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》2001,87(3):191-198
Leaf extracts of 27 ‘Yuzu’ and related acid citrus cultivars were analyzed using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis for isozyme variation of glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase (GOT) and shikimate dehydrogenase (SDH). SDH yielded 12 different isozyme phenotypes and six cultivars were discriminated by this enzyme alone. GOT produced 10 different isozyme phenotypes and four cultivars were separated. When both enzyme systems were taken together, 16 cultivars (59%) were uniquely discriminated and the rest could be classified into four groups of 2–4 cultivars each. Mutation originated cultivars could not be discriminated. Differences between cultivars suggested that isozymes may provide useful markers for cultivar identification.  相似文献   

翠屏晚(木奈)具有顶端生长优势,整形修剪历来以自然开心形树冠为主.通过定干(木奈)、培养主枝、副主枝、结果母枝,一般需要3~4年时间才能投产.晚(木奈)长放、轻剪、早结、丰产整形修剪技术要点如下. 1 定植苗定干 亩植32株,干高30~40厘米,在主干上按不同方向培养3~5个主、侧枝、任其生长作为骨干枝.经长放的主枝当年基部一般不分枝,而在5月下旬春梢充实后,骨干枝的中、上部才长出副梢、侧梢、下垂梢.这些枝梢只要不重复均应保留,以便利于幼树树冠扩大,形成多主枝结果树势,为早结丰产打下基础.  相似文献   

‘Slight Smile’和‘Sheng Ni’是野鸢尾(Irisdichotoma)和射干(I.domestica),经杂交、回交、自交获得的实生后代群体中选育获得的。‘Slight Smile’花色橙黄色,开花时间为10:15~17:45;‘Sheng Ni’花色粉色,开花时间为12:00~19:00。2个品种的花期为7月下旬~8月下旬,耐寒、耐干旱、耐瘠薄,北方可露地越冬。  相似文献   

Jelly seed (JS) in ‘Amrapali’ mango (Mangifera indica L.) is a physiological disorder, the cause of which has long remained obscure. The disorder is distinguished by the appearance of jelly-like tissue in the pulp adjoining the stone, although the fruit show no external symptoms. The objective of this study was to determine the causative factor inducing the JS disorder in ‘Amrapali’ mango. Studies showed, for the first time, that JS in ‘Amrapali’ mango arose at the start of germination-associated events in the seed of developing fruit. The trigger for premature seed germination originated from reduced synthesis of very-long-chain fatty acids (VLCFAs) in the seed of developing fruit. This then promoted the production of cytokinins, leading to the onset of premature germination-associated events in the seed. Consequently, a large increase in the activities of pectinolytic enzymes in JS pulp occurred that led to the rapid degradation of pectin and excessive softening of the pulp, to the consistency of jelly. The application of plant growth regulators to developing fruit showed that gibberellic acid (GA3) increased the incidence of JS, while paclobutrazol reduced the incidence of JS, confirming that the onset of early germination during fruit maturation and ripening played a primary role in the incidence of the JS disorder.  相似文献   

(续前)4土肥水管理4.1改良土壤‘南果梨’树大多栽植于山坡地、沙滩地等瘠薄的土地上,其特点是土层浅薄,土壤质地或粘或沙,养分贫乏。这种土壤不能满足果树根系生长发育对土壤环  相似文献   


We analysed ploidy levels in Japanese persimmon (Diospyros kaki) to investigate the possible occurrence of unreduced eggs in this fruit species. Among the five cultivars tested, ‘Fujiwaragosho’ produced a very high frequency of embryos whose ploidy levels were more than hexaploid. These embryos were mainly nonaploid or dodecaploid, while the ploidy levels of the endosperms of the seeds from which the embryos derived were mainly normal nonaploid. A few seeds contained octadecaploid endosperms with hexaploid, nonaploid or dodecaploid embryos. Octadecaploidy in the endosperm and dodecaploidy in the embryo, in a seed, indicated that the unreduced embryo sac might have been involved in the formation of seedlings, with ploidy variation in some cases. However, there was no such indication in most cases because the ploidy level of most endosperms was the normal nonaploid. These results suggest that several modifications, including incomplete meiosis of megaspore mother cells or extra mitotic divisions during embryo sac formation, may occur in ‘Fujiwaragosho’. The possible use of ‘Fujiwaragosho’ as a mother plant for sexual polyploidisation breeding in persimmon is discussed.  相似文献   

<正>1选育过程"黑宝公"是合肥丰乐种业股份有限公司选育的圆形墨绿皮红瓤无籽西瓜品种。2003年冬季配组,2004年春、冬季组合初选,2005年、2006年春季比较试验,2007年春季开始生产和示范试验。2010年通过安徽省品种鉴定登记:皖品鉴登字第1001004;2011年通过广西区品种审定:桂审瓜2011001号;2013年通过国家品种鉴定。  相似文献   

‘洛尔卡’是来自法国的一个加工型朝鲜蓟品种,该品种花苞卵球形,苞片青绿色,结蕾性较强,品质较好。全生育期240 d左右,采收期60 d。常德市于2005年引进该品种,通过多年的试验示范,已全面掌握该品种的生长习性和栽培特点。目前,该品种在当地平均每667 m2产500 kg以上,每667 m2收益在1 000元左右,已经成为当地效益最好的冬季休闲作物之一,农户和加工企业种植热情高。  相似文献   


The effects of heat injury induced by long exposures were evaluated in strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa ‘plants’) Camarosa in this study. Seedlings were grown in 14 × 12 cm pots using perlite for three weeks at 25/10°C day/night temperature, and watered daily by modified 1/3 Hoagland nutrient solution. Half of the plants were transferred to a growth chamber with a constant 25°C, 16/8 h (light/dark) photoperiod regime and 1200 lux light intensity for a week to acclimate the plants. Temperature was increased stepwise (5 K per 48 h) to 30, 35, 40°C and finally to 45°C. In addition to others, plants were transferred from the outside to the growth chamber, at each temperature step to impose a heat shock. Leaf relative water content (RWC, %), loss of turgidity, chlorophyll content (Spad value) and heat-stress tolerance (HTS; LT50) were measured in control and stressed plants. Total soluble proteins and total DNA were extracted from the leaves following the above treatments using standard procedures and total protein contents were determined using a Bradford assay. In general, effects of gradual heat stress (GHS) and shock heat stress (SHS) on the variables studied were mostly significant, except for chlorophyll content, while the effect of temperatures was significant for all the variables. Interaction between the heat stress type and temperature treatments was not significant for leaf RWC, loss of turgidity and chlorophyll content. Data also indicated that total protein and DNA contents were changed significantly by heat stress types (GHS and SHS) and/or temperature treatments. The plants exposed to GHS exhibited a significant increase in HST compared with the plants exposed to SHS (LT50 of 41.5°C and 39°C, respectively). Consequently, gradual heat stress increased HST in strawberry leaves. Increased HST may be associated with the accumulation of several heat-stable proteins in GHS plants.  相似文献   


The vegetative and reproductive performance of ‘Coscia’ pear (Pyrus communis L.) growing on seven rootstocks [OHF 69, OHF 97, OHF 513 and BP 1 (P. communis), clonal seedling (Davis AxB) of P. betulifolia, and quince BA 29 and EMA (Cydonia oblonga)] were compared over an 8-year period. The trial was conducted at the Experimental Orchard Farm Station in northern Israel, on a well-drained soil with pH 7.5. Trees were planted in December 1998 at a distance of 4.0 m 2.0 m, and trained with a central axis. The most vigorous trees were on P. betulifolia seedling, followed by BP 1 and the three OHF rootstocks (69, 97, 513). All the above rootstocks demonstrated greater vigour than quince BA 29 or EMA. The reason for this effect, at least in part, appeared to be the excellent water status (high midday stem water potential values) of trees on P. betulifolia in comparison with the other rootstocks. The highest cumulative yields per tree were harvested from trees on P. betulifolia and BP 1, followed by the three OHF rootstocks (69, 97, 513). However, the highest cumulative yield of large fruit (> 60 mm) was obtained from trees on P. betulifolia, followed by the OHF series and BP 1. The two quince rootstocks had the lowest cumulative yield, and the lowest yield of large fruit. A positive correlation was found between the vigour of the tree, as affected by the rootstock, and both total yield and fruit size. We conclude that, in a warm climate, yield efficiency is not the only parameter that should be taken into account, and building a strong tree for the weak scion cultivar is the first requirement for establishing an orchard. Fruit quality at harvest and during cold storage were examined for fruit from three rootstocks only. The highest soluble solids content values at harvest were obtained in fruit grown on quince EMA, compared to values for BP 1 and P. betulifolia fruit.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out to improve fruit set, yield, quality, marketability, and exportability of ‘Washington’ Navel orange. Pre-harvest foliar sprays of GA3, K, and Ca, either alone or combined, were applied at full bloom. The following treatments were applied: {control (T1), 25 mg/L GA3 (T2), 2% K2SO4 (T3), 25 mg/L GA3 + 2% K2SO4 (T4), 25 mg/L GA3 + 2% Ca Cl2 (T5), 2% K2SO4 + 2% Ca Cl2 (T6), and 25 mg/L GA3 + 2% K2SO4 + 2% Ca Cl2 (T7). All treatments improved fruit set, yield, physical and chemical characteristics, mineral content of leaves and fruit rind, and the percentage of exportable fruit in comparison to the control. Fruit set, fruit detachment force, peel firmness, and the mineral content of leaves and fruit rind were enhanced significantly with the combination of GA3 + K2SO4 + Ca Cl2 (T7) in comparison to all other treatments and the control. Results indicated that all foliar combination treatments improved fruit quality and marketability, and increased the percentage of exportable fruit and reduced the defects of non-exportable fruit.  相似文献   


Two durian cultivars, ‘Monthong’ and ‘Chanee’, were investigated with respect to post-pollination processes in the pistil and the percentages of fruit set after self-pollination or reciprocal crossing. Pollen grains from each cultivar germinated normally on both stigmas and grew downwards healthily. The percentage of penetrated ovules exceeded 40% in all treatments. However, fruit set after self-pollination in ‘Chanee’ was extremely low. The percentage of fruit set in ‘Chanee’ 35 d after self-pollination (DAP) was 0% in 2002 and 2003, while that of ‘Monthong’ was 6.9% in 2002, and 23.6% in 2003. The percentage of fruit-set after cross-pollination was significantly higher. On the basis of pollen-tube growth behaviour and the non-synchronisation of fruit drop between self-pollination and the two cross combinations, it may be that ‘Monthong’ and ‘Chanee’ durians possess post-zygotic barriers to selfing, especially in ‘Chanee.’  相似文献   


Although it is one of the traditional fruits, persimmon production in Iran is only about 7,320 tons annually and there has been a decrease in cultivated acreage. The decrease in persimmon consumption can be attributed to the unpleasant astringency of the local Iranian cultivars. The producers' and handlers' lack of knowledge of techniques for removing astringency before sending the fruit to market has greatly influenced this issue. This study was conducted in order to develop recommendations for a simple and economical method for removing the fruit astringency of local cultivars. Fruits of a commercial cultivar (cv. ‘Shiraz’) in Fars province, Iran were harvested at the local commercial maturity stage (breaker stage). The fruits were dipped in ethanol (20, 35 and 50%), acetic acid (3, 6 and 10%), commercial vinegar, hot water (60°C) and tap water as control for 30 min. Some qualitative characteristics such as total soluble solids (TSS), vitamin C, total acids, pH and tannic acid of the treated fruits besides fresh weight changes were measured at 4-day intervals after storage at room temperature. Results indicate that vitamin C and TSS were highest in the 20% ethanol, hot water and 35% ethanol treatments. Total acid was highest in 10 and 6% acetic acid treatments. Tannins were highest in the control treatment and lowest in the 20% ethanol, hot water followed by 35% ethanol. Fruit juice pH was also highest in the 20 and 35% ethanol and hot water. Although tannic acid and total acid declined after treatment, fruit juice pH and TSS increased. Weight loss was lowest in the ethanol 20, 35 and 50%, and hot water treatments, respectively. Results suggest the use of 20% ethanol treatment with ‘Shiraz’ persimmon before short storage and supply to markets would be beneficial in improving consumer acceptance besides being commercially economical and practical.  相似文献   

Our objective was to study the differentially expressed proteins (DEP) in various Malus spectabilis (crabapple) varieties (M. ‘Snowdrift’, M. ‘Hongling’ and M. ‘Hongjin’) in relation to Malus domestica (‘Gala’) and their role in pollination. Our method used a two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) to analyse the differential proteins in the pollen of several crabapples. The 2-DE apples combined with the tandem mass spectrometry (MS-MS) and protein database retrieval helped us to identify the nature and function of DEPs in ‘Gala’ apples and crabapples. We identified 1195 proteins through 2-DE. Among these, six DEPs, namely chloroplast ferritin, Actin, Beta-fructofuranosidase, vacuolarH+-ATPase catalytic subunit, Full = Phosphoglucomutase, and Cytochrome b were identified by MS-MS. This study identified six DEPs among the pollen from the ‘Snowdrift’ crabapple, ‘Hongling’ crabapple, ‘Hongjin’ crabapple, and ‘Gala’ apples. The DEPs included metabolism related proteins, stress/regulatory proteins, and proteins involved in signal transduction.  相似文献   

葡萄柚(Citrus paradisi Macf)及其在我国的发展前景   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
葡萄柚(CitrusparadisiMacf)及其在我国的发展前景叶荫民(中国农业科学院柑桔研究所重庆400712)葡萄柚营养价值高,风味独特,是世界柑桔类四大类群之一(甜橙类、宽皮柑桔类、柠檬来檬类、葡萄柚和柚类)。80年代初至90年代初的10年...  相似文献   


Nitric oxide (NO) is an essential endogenous plant signalling molecule involved in a wide range of plant developmental processes. To investigate the effect of NO on breaking dormancy in bulbs, bulbs of Oriental lily (Lilium orientalis) ‘Siberia’ were treated with various concentration of the NO donor, sodium nitroprusside (SNP; 0.0,1.0,3.0, or 5.0 mM). The results showed that the effect of NO was dose-dependent, with the maximum biological response at 1.0 mM SNP. When applied exogenously, the 1.0 mM SNP treatment reduced the time required to release dormancy in Oriental lily bulbs. Meanwhile, 1.0 mM SNP significantly increased the shoot length:bulb height ratio. In addition, 1.0 mM SNP significantly lowered starch concentrations and increased water soluble carbohydrate (WSC) and reducing sugar concentrations. These results indicate that NO treatment, at the correct dose, reduced the time required to release dormancy in bulbs by accelerating the degradation of starch and increasing the accumulation of WSC and reducing sugars in Oriental lily bulbs.  相似文献   

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