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对青藏高原的可可西里地区藏羚羊的头骨进行了研究,藏羚羊头骨形状、鼻颌切迹、面嵴、角突等均不同于牛、羊的结构。  相似文献   

<正>银黑狐全身骨骼可划分为中轴骨和四肢骨.中轴骨又可分为头骨和躯干骨;四肢骨又可分为前肢骨和后肢骨.一、头骨银黑狐的头骨近似于圆锥形.颅骨和面骨的背侧面略隆突,二者之间的长度比约1:2.成年银黑狐头部各骨之间已基本骨化,界限不明显(一)头骨背侧面:可见到明显的枕嵴和  相似文献   

<正>一、头骨貉的头骨近于圆锥形,背面观由后向前逐渐变窄.侧面观背缘向背侧隆突,略呈弓形.颅骨与面骨的长度比约1:1.(一)头骨背面观枕嵴高大呈弯嵴状,两侧弯向后外侧.矢状嵴隆凸,沿枕骨的背侧面向前下方伸延.在额骨和鼻骨背侧面正中,具有一条明显的前后伸延的浅沟,额骨颧突基部无眶上孔.颞骨颧突和颧骨颞突相连.突向侧方,构成颧弓.面嵴不发达.鼻骨短,其前端与上颌犬齿的前缘相对.  相似文献   

为研究乌蒙凤鸡骨骼系统与其生活习性相适应的特征,为乌蒙凤鸡的遗传资源鉴定提供骨骼理论依据,采集乌蒙凤鸡和威宁鸡公、母各一只对其外形进行观察和测量,将骨骼制成散片骨骼标本进行详细的描述。结果显示:两个鸡种的骨骼愈合程度有明显差异;乌蒙凤鸡头骨颧骨后端只达鳞骨颧突,威宁鸡骨颧骨后端超过鳞骨颧突延伸到后方;乌蒙凤鸡第15个颈椎上无细长的颈椎肋,威宁鸡第15个颈椎上有细长的颈椎肋,无颈椎肋骨可能增大颈的扭转范围,使之活动更灵活;乌蒙凤鸡尾综骨愈合成一块片状三棱形,威宁鸡尾综骨愈合成一块片状三棱形且背面有突起。表明乌蒙凤鸡骨骼系统的愈合程度相对于威宁鸡来说较高。  相似文献   

观察描述成年、雄性藏羚头骨的形态学特点,并与藏羊头骨进行了比较。藏羚头骨呈长四面棱锥形,其颅长、颅宽和颅高分别为25.5cm、11.0cm和8.5cm,颅长与颅宽和颅高的比值分别为2.32和3.0,上下臼齿齿弓的长度分别为5.8和6.0cm,角长为58.2cm,有22个角环棱。藏羚额骨不发达,颅腔顶壁主要由顶骨构成,有较明显的枕嵴,顶额缝形成了颅顶的最高点,额骨眶突发达。藏羚齿式为:2×(  相似文献   

鸵鸟骨骼观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为适应奔跑和支持体重,鸵鸟的后肢骨骼特别发达。股骨和小腿骨,其形态结构与家畜相似。头骨断面呈海绵状,颈椎18枚,腰椎、荐椎、尾椎愈合成腰荐骨。胸骨扁而平呈板状,无龙骨突。  相似文献   

<正>海狸鼠在陆地上体态笨拙,但在水中运动非常灵活。前、后肢游泳动作灵敏,可作圆周运动。躯体在水中可延纵轴方向左右旋动。在游泳过程中,除长大的尾部起舵的作用外,四肢也具有一定的作用,因而四肢骨具有下述相应的特点:后肢骨特别发达,后肢骨与前肢骨的长度比约3:2;前肢肩带部的锁骨发达,肩胛骨的肩胛突长大。 一、前肢骨 包括肩带部骨、臂骨、前臂骨和前脚骨。 (一)肩带骨:包括肩胛骨和锁骨。 1.肩肿骨 近似于三角形的板状骨,斜  相似文献   

通过大体解剖学和动物学头骨测定的方法对马鹿头骨进行观察,并与牛、羊、马、鬣羚相比较。雄性马鹿头骨呈狭长的角锥性,额骨上有角突,角突长而分叉;鼻骨较短前窄后宽,前端呈水平状,边缘呈锯齿状,这与马、鬣羚鼻骨不相似;上颌骨接近颌前骨部位有一个犬齿齿槽,齿槽部位有6个臼齿齿槽,下颌骨有6.5个,因此上颌骨臼齿齿列比下颌骨臼齿齿列短;颧骨的前下方、鼻骨的侧面、泪骨的前上方及上颌骨的后上方,形成一个等边三角形缝隙;缝隙与鼻腔之间由一形状不规则的薄骨片隔开,这与牛、羊、马、鬣羚都不相似。  相似文献   

通过观察、测量和生物统计分析,比较了成年滇南小耳猪头骨15个和华南野猪头骨5个,测定重量、尺度等39项。滇南小耳猪与华南野猪在头骨重量间差别不明显;头骨的宽度、高度、颜面角度各项尺度明显大于华南野猪,而长度、额鼻角等项均小于华南野猪,野猪的头更长、额鼻面更平直;二者泪骨形态相似,呈方形或菱形,依泪骨形态判断,滇南小耳猪由华南野猪进化、驯养形成的可能性较大。  相似文献   

<正> 二、呼吸系统 水貂呼吸系统(表1)包括呼吸道(鼻腔、咽、喉、气管、支气管)和机能器官(肺)。 (一)鼻腔(cavum nasi):鼻腔(图1)位于头骨的面颅内,仅起始部具含有软骨支架的外鼻突出于面部。鼻腔是呼吸道的起始部,由面骨(鼻骨、额骨、颌前骨、上颌骨、腭骨、鼻甲骨及鼻翼软骨)构成骨质支架,内面衬有粘膜。前经鼻孔与外界相通,后经鼻后孔与咽相通。鼻腔正中有鼻中隔软骨,将鼻腔分为左、右两部分。鼻中隔长:♂1.71cm,♀1.66cm;宽:♂0.84cm,♀0.80cm。鼻道长:♂4.65cm,♀4.02cm。鼻腔包括鼻孔、鼻前庭和固有鼻腔三部分,每侧鼻腔内有复以粘膜的筛鼻甲、背鼻腔、腹鼻甲骨。  相似文献   

This study was aimed to demonstrate the specific anatomical features of the skull bones of Nehring's blind mole rats. Eight skulls, belonging to animals of both sexes, were used. The occipital squama contributed to the formation of the caudal portion of the skull roof. The foramen magnum was quite large. The external occipital crest was present only in the males. The parietal bones formed the middle portion of the skull roof together with the well‐developed inter‐parietal bones. The zygomatic process of the temporal bone formed the zygomatic arch by extending to the temporal process of the zygomatic bone. The zygomatic process of the frontal bone and the frontal process of the zygomatic bone laterally bordered the orbit. There was a single septal process of the nasal bone. Each ramus of the mandibula had four processes. The mandibular ramus had an angular process on its caudal rim, which extended dorsolaterally. The dorsal free end of the mandibular ramus possessed a coronoid process. In the back, there were two other processes, situated medially and laterally. The medially situated process was referred to as a condylar process, and the laterally situated process was referred to as an alveolar process. The alveolar process detected on the mandibular ramus has not been reported in any rodent species, other than those of the family Spalacidae. Blind mole rats can be a real eye‐opener for evolutionary science. The burrowing rodents are key to answering a controversial question about how new species arise.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the axial skeleton of two porcupines (Hystrix cristata). The important features of the skull, observed in this study are as follows: The zygomatic process of frontal bone (os fron-tale) was found to be rudimentary, and the infraorbital foramen (for. infraorbitale) was very large. The zygomatic bone (os zygomaticum) has two processes (frontal and temporal) and the zygomatic arch (arcus zygomaticum) was composed of three bones. The dental formulae were 2 (I 1/1, C 0/0, P 1/1, M 3/3) = 20. The angular process (Proc. angularis) of mandible is well developed. The vertebral formula was found as C7, T15, L4, S4, Ca12. All of cervical vertebrae had the transverse foramen (for. transversarium). The first eleven spinous processes (proc. spinosus) of thoracic vertebrae were caudally-sloped, the twelfth as the anticlin vertebrae and the last three were directed cranially. Hemal arches (or ossa arcus hemalis) were presented as separate bones which articulate with the ventral surfaces of the caudal ends of the bodies of the second, third and fourth caudal vertebrae.  相似文献   

The present study reports data on the skull bone morphometry of barking and sambar deer. The skulls of adult barking deer (n = 6) and sambar deer (n = 6) of either sex (n = 3 males and n = 3 females) were collected from the Aizawl Zoological Park, Aizawl, Mizoram, India, with official permission from the Government of Mizoram. Anatomically, barking and sambar deer's skulls were elongated, pyramid-like, dolichocephalic and consisted of thirty-two cranial and facial bones. The cranial bones were eleven (three single and four paired), comprising of occipital, sphenoid, ethmoid, frontal, interparietal, parietal and temporal. The facial bones were twenty-one (one single and ten were paired), consisting of the maxilla, premaxilla (incisive), palatine, pterygoid, nasal, lacrimal, zygomatic (malar), vomer, turbinates, mandible and hyoid. In the present study, altogether 41 different measurements were taken morphologically and 6 different indices were applied. The obtained morphometrical parameters were significantly (p < .01, p < .05) higher in males than females of both species. Species wise, all obtained parameters were higher in sambar deer than barking deer. The obtained 41 different skull parameters and 6 indices showed statistically significant differences (p < .01 and p < .05) between both sexes of barking and sambar deer; however, practically these differences were meagre. The present morphometrical study on the skull of both species can help the wildlife professionals and zoo veterinarians determine the sex of these animals and differentiate it from other domestic and wild small ruminants for solving veterolegal cases. This study's findings will also motivate and assist other comparative studies with various domestic and wild small ruminants.  相似文献   

A 2-year-old male Thoroughbred was evaluated for multiple firm, raised nodules of the maxilla and mandible that had been present since 6 months of age. The horse was evaluated as a yearling with a final histologic diagnosis of fibrosarcoma. As a 2-year-old, the colt made a loud upper airway sound and was agitated after strenuous exercise. Results of upper airway endoscopy indicated severe narrowing of the nasal passages and pharynx with normal resting function. Radiography revealed multiple circular bony lesions in the mandible, maxilla, multiple long bones, and cervical vertebrae. Biopsy specimens of the left mandible and right facial bone were obtained. A diagnosis of leiomyosarcoma with extensive metastatic bone formation was made on the basis of histologic features and the immunohistochemical staining properties of the biopsy specimens. Because of the diffuse distribution of the lesions, prognosis was guarded; 4 years after diagnosis, the horse had not pursued an athletic career.  相似文献   

A 13-month-old female Andalusian was evaluated because of a congenital left deviation of the maxilla and nasal septum, which had resulted in a gross malocclusion of the maxillary incisor teeth. Surgical correction of a deviated nasal septum and premaxilla in a horse was first reported in 1978 and involved a pre-maxilla osteotomy and use of an autogenous rib graft, with a nasal septum osteotomy performed in a second surgery; to the authors' knowledge, no alternative surgical treatments have since been described. In this horse, a new surgical treatment by distraction osteogenesis without nasal septum osteotomy was attempted. After the procedure, the premaxilla and nasal septum deviations were corrected; however, an overjet lesion (rostral projection of maxillary arcade over the mandibular arcade) was evident, for which the owners declined treatment. Compared with previously recommended procedures, distraction osteogenesis appears to be a less invasive treatment for congenital facial deformities and may be considered an option in the treatment of congenital deviation of the nasal septum and premaxilla (wry nose), head scoliosis, brachygnathism, and prognathism in horses.  相似文献   

The skull of the grey heron (Ardea cinerea) was examined with an emphasis on describing the orbital region. In the young (circa sixteen to seventeen days old) heron, the frontal bone (os frontale) and nasal bone (os nasale) comprised separate paired bones, connected by sutures (sutura interfrontalis, sutura internasalis and sutura frontonasalis plana). In adult animals, the relationship between these bones was different: the left and right frontal bone and the left and right nasal bone had grown together, and the frontal bone and nasal bone had fused into a common frontonasal bone (os frontonasale). In the ectethmoid bone (os ectethmoidale), the main components comprised of the orbital and antorbital part of the ectethmoid plate (lamina ectethmoidalis orbitalis et antorbitalis), the lateral process (processus lateralis ectethmoidalis) and the tubercle (tuberculum ectethmoidalis); the left and right ectethmoid plates were fused together to form the ectethmoid sinus (sinus ectethmoidalis) between them. In the young heron, the anatomical and functional link between the frontal and lacrimal bones did not exist yet, nor did the osseous frame of the ectethmoid‐lacrimal complex. Further research into the young heron skulls is needed. This article provides novel insights into the grey heron's orbital region.  相似文献   

The axial skeleton of orange rumped agouti, Dasyprocta leporina, was studied for better understanding of its locomotor behaviour. The bones from eight adult agoutis of both sexes were observed for their anatomical features and functional significance. The vertebral formula was found to be C7T12L7S5Cy5–6. The well-developed occipital crest, caudally oriented prominent axis spine and well-developed transverse processes from C3–C7 indicated a highly flexible neck with greater sagittal mobility. Articular facets were horizontal in anterior series while oblique in the posterior series, which enabled them to perform both lateral and sagittal movements during locomotion. The caudally directed thoracic spines, T12 as anticlinal vertebra and prominent mamillary process in the posterior series were suggestive of strong dorso-ventral flexion/extension and rotation. The robust lumbar vertebrae, well-developed transverse processes with cranio-ventral extension, were the feature for powerful sagittal/dorsoventral movement. The presence of spinous processes and well-developed transverse processes in all caudal vertebrae was an indication of a highly movable tail. The ribs were 13 pairs with first seven as sternal and six as asternal. They were laterally compressed in the anterior series as a cursorial adaptation. A strong muscular attachment to vertebrae provides this rodent speed, agility, dexterity and strength suitable for survival in food chain.  相似文献   

Nasal septal deviation has been studied in relation to nasal pathology and mass effect in dogs. The purpose of this retrospective, cross‐sectional study was to compare the prevalence of nasal septal deviation in dogs with rhinitis, neoplasia, and those without nasal pathology based on the facial index, skull index, and cranial index. Computed tomographic studies of the nasal cavities of dogs performed over a 5‐year period were retrospectively reviewed. This study had 233 dogs meeting the inclusion criteria with 135 dogs with no nasal pathology, 63 dogs with nasal neoplasia, and 35 dogs with rhinitis. The prevalence of nasal septal deviation, the angle, maximum distance, and longitudinal extent of deviation were recorded, as well as measurements to calculate the facial index, cranial index, and skull index. The results showed no difference in the prevalence of nasal septal deviation between dogs with nasal pathology and those without. The mean longitudinal extent of deviation and maximum distance of deviation was statistically greater for those with neoplasia compared to those with rhinitis and without nasal pathology. The longitudinal extent of deviation was inversely proportional to the cranial index, facial index, and skull index. The angle of deviation was directly proportional to the facial index and skull index. In conclusion, nasal septal deviation is an anatomic variant in different breeds of dogs with no predilection based on nasal pathology. Nasal septal deviation should be interpreted cautiously in the assessment of canine nasal disease.  相似文献   

A 5-year-old anorexic and lethargic Connemara mare presented with severe facial swelling and dyspnea. No distinct central nervous symptoms were present. Radiographs of the skull showed diffuse radiolucency with loss of definition of the periodontal lamina dura and swelling of the decalcified nasal bones. Given the severe bone damage and its poor general condition, the pony was euthanized. Histological evaluation of the lesion revealed a granulomatous reaction with numerous sections of adult and juvenile nematodes, which were morphologically and molecularly identified as Halicephalobus gingivalis. The position of this facultative parasite within its free-living congeners is reviewed in this article, and the possible infection routes are discussed. This report presents the first record of equine halicephalobiasis in Belgium.  相似文献   

Thirteen anomalous calves with clefts of the face were morphologically examined, and craniofacial skeletons were studied in detail. According to the type and site of the cleft, four groups could be distinguished: median cleft lip and jaw (CLJ); median cleft lip, jaw, and palate (CLJP); lateral CLJ; and cleft palate (CP), including unilateral and bilateral type. Craniofacial skeletal abnormalities were observed in several bones at the roof, wall, and floor of the nasal cavity and at the boundary portion between the nasal and cranial cavities. Fissure formation at the cranial sutures, partial absence of the nasal process of the incisive bone, and opening of the bony palate were characteristic changes in median CLJ and CLJP, lateral CLJ, and CP, respectively. Furthermore, various associated changes were recognized in the median and paramedian skeletal elements of the face and other organs. The morphological changes of craniofacial skeletons with various types of clefts of the face depended on the site and degree of the cleft formation and reflected developmental errors of the facial embryonic segments. These changes would suggest disorders of the correlated development of facial processes and of other fetal organs of the face. For these conditions, etiologically hereditary cases were negative.  相似文献   

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