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Although silicon (Si) is not an essential element, it presents a close relationship with the alleviation of heavy‐metal toxicity to plants. This work was carried out to evaluate the effects of Si application to soil on the amelioration of metal stress to maize grown on a contaminated soil amended with Si (0, 50, 100, 150, and 200 mg kg–1) as calcium silicate (CaSiO3). Additionally, the cadmium (Cd) and zinc (Zn) bioavailability as well as their distribution into soil fractions was also studied. The results showed that adding Si to a Cd‐ and Zn‐contaminated soil effectively diminished the metal stress and resulted in biomass increase in comparison to metal‐contaminated soil not treated with Si. This relied on Cd and Zn immobilization in soil rather than on the increase of soil pH driven by calcium silicate application. Silicon altered the Cd and Zn distribution in soil fractions, decreasing the most bioavailable pools and increasing the allocation of metals into more stable fractions such as organic matter and crystalline iron oxides.  相似文献   

耕作方式对紫色水稻土全硫及有效硫的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄小娟  江长胜  郝庆菊  袁雪 《土壤》2012,44(2):267-273
以位于西南大学农业部重庆紫色土生态环境重点野外科学观测试验站 1990 年设立的长期免耕试验田为研究对象,通过采集 0 ~ 60 cm 土壤,应用等质量计算方法,探讨了冬水田平作(DP)、水旱轮作(SH)、垄作免耕(LM)和垄作翻耕(LF)等不同耕作方式对土壤全硫和有效硫的影响。结果表明,在 0 ~ 60 cm 深度内,土壤全硫和有效硫含量呈现出明显的垂直递减规律,即随着土壤深度的增加,含量逐渐降低;不同耕作方式下,土壤全硫含量及储量为 LM>SH>DP>LF,有效硫含量及储量为 LM>DP>LF>SH。长期垄作免耕提高了土壤全硫及有效硫的含量和储量,与对照 DP 处理相比,LM 处理全硫与有效硫含量分别增加了 20.80% 和 1.31%,储量分别增加了 19.54% 和 5.36%。耕作层(0 ~ 20 cm),DP、SH、LM、LF 处理土壤有效硫平均含量分别为 27.15、13.45、31.43 和 24.01 mg/kg,DP、LF 以及 LM 处理为硫不缺或硫丰足,而 SH 处理为缺硫土壤(土壤有效硫含量<16 mg/kg)。对缺硫土壤,应重视硫肥的施用,以促进农作物产量和品质的提高。  相似文献   

Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal(VMA) fungi have been credited with improving the growth and mineral nutritons of many host plants but these effects are moderated by soil factors and nutrient balance.The combined effects of VAM,Zn and P application on the growth and translocation of nutrients in wheat were investigated using a calcareous soil marginal in P and Zn concentrations.Wheat was grown in a growth chamber under various combinations of VAM,P and Zn with measurements done at heading stage and maturity,Vegetative dry matter accumlation was increased by P application and reduced by VAM treatments.Both P and VAM increased grain yield.Zince oncentration and uptake were generally reduced by P addition and VAM infection,There were no antagonistic effects of Zn on P acquisition in the plant,The role of VAM in enhancing the translocation of Zn and P from root to grain would be beneficial to seed setting and yield.  相似文献   

不同灌溉处理对夏玉米氮素吸收及转移的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
通过田间试验, 研究了两个生长季夏玉米4 个不同水分处理(灌溉1 水、灌溉2 水、灌溉3 水、灌溉4 水)对其各个生育阶段氮素吸收、分配、转移的影响。结果表明, 拔节抽雄期灌水可以增加夏玉米茎叶的氮素积累量和氮分配比, 生育后期灌水各处理之间单株氮素积累量无显著差异; 穗部的氮素积累75%来源于扬花后期氮素同化吸收, 25%来自营养器官茎叶的氮素转移, 说明灌浆至成熟期穗部氮素主要吸收利用土壤中的氮, 充足的水分可以保证营养器官积累更多的氮素, 但后期同化氮素比率随着灌水的增加而减小。因此, 灌浆至成熟期需要维持适中的水分条件, 在保证吸收利用土壤氮素的同时, 增加储存在茎叶中的氮素向籽粒的转移, 从而提高氮素利用效率。  相似文献   

The use of biochar in agriculture is a promising management tool to mitigate soil degradation and anthropogenic climate change. However, biochar effects on soil nutrient bioavailability are complex and several concurrent processes affecting nutrient bioavailability can occur in biochar‐amended soils. In a short‐term pot experiment, the concentration of N, P, K, S, Ca, Mg, Cu, Zn, Mn, B, Fe, and Na in the shoots of maize grown in three different soil types [sandy soil (S1), sandy loam (S2), and sandy clay loam (S3)] was investigated. The soils were either unamended or amended with two different biochars [wheat straw biochar (SBC) or pine wood biochar (WBC)] at two P fertilizer regimes (–/+ P). We used three‐way ANOVA and Principal Component Analyses (PCA) of transformed ionomic data to identify the effects of biochar, soil, and P fertilizer on the shoot nutrient concentrations. Three distinct effects of biochar on the shoot ionome were detected: (1) both biochars added excess K to all three soils causing an antagonistic effect on the uptake of Ca and Mg in maize shoots. (2) Mn uptake was affected by biochar with varying effects depending on the combined effect of biochar and soil properties. (3) WBC increased maize uptake of B, despite the fact that WBC increased soil pH and added additional calcite to the soil, which would be expected to reduce B bioavailability. The results of this study highlight the fact that the bioavailability of several macro and micronutrients is affected by biochar application to soil and that these effects depend on the combined effect of biochar and soils with different properties.  相似文献   

Deficiency of sulfur (S) is becoming widespread in the rainfed systems of India, and there is increasing need for diagnosing the deficiency. Calcium chloride and Ca phosphate are commonly used for extracting available S in soils. Because of cost and the ease of availability locally, we prefer using Ca chloride as an extractant over Ca phosphate, for extracting available S. However, there is paucity of data on the comparative evaluation of the two extractants to extract available S, especially in soils having a wide range in natural pH (from acidic to alkaline range). It is recognized that soil pH plays a dominant role in the adsorption–desorption and extractability of sulfate‐S in soils. We compared the extraction of S by Ca chloride and Ca phosphate in 86 Indian soils having a wide range in pH (4.5 to 10.6). Sulfur in the extracts was determined by ICP‐AES. Considering all the 86 soil samples tested, there was an excellent agreement between the values of extractable S determined by using the two extractants (r = 0.96, p < 0.001). However, the correlation coefficient (r) between the values of extractable S by the two reagents, although highly significant, varied among the groups of soil samples according to the range in soil pH. The highest correlation coefficient (r = 0.99, p < 0.0001, n = 17) was found for soils with pH in the alkaline range (8.5–10.6), and the lowest correlation coefficient (r = 0.71, p < 0.0001, n = 58) was obtained with a set of soil samples with pH in the acidic range (4.5–6.5). For soil samples having pH in the near‐neutral range (6.7–7.3), an excellent agreement was observed (r = 0.93, p < 0.0001, n =11) between the extractable‐S values obtained by the two extractants. While Ca phosphate extracted higher amount of S compared to Ca chloride in soil samples with pH in the acidic range, the two extractants were equally effective for soil samples with pH in the neutral or alkaline range. Our results suggest that for most of the soils in the semiarid tropical regions, which have pH in the neutral to alkaline range, Ca chloride can replace Ca phosphate as an extractant for removing available S in such soils.  相似文献   

Knowledge of plant responses to soil water availability is essential for the development of effcient irrigation strategies.However,notably different results have been obtained in the past on the responses of various physiological indices for different plants to soil water availability.In this study,the responses of various plant processes to soil water availability were compared with data from pot and field plot experiments conducted on maize(Zea mays L.).Consistent results were obtained between pot and field plot experiments for the responses of various relative plant indices to changes in the fraction of available soil water(FASW).A threshold value,where the relative plant indices began to decrease with soil drying,and a lower water limit,where the decline of relative plant indices changed to a very slow rate,were found.Evaporative demand not only influenced the transpiration rate over a daily scale but also determined the difference in transpirational response to soil water availability among the transient,daily and seasonal time scales.At the seasonal scale,cumulative transpiration decreased linearly with soil drying,but the decrease of transpiration from FASW = 1 in response to water deficits did not affect dry weight until FASW = 0.75.On the other hand,the decrease in dry weight was comparable with plant height and leaf area.Therefore,the plant responses to soil water availability were notably different among various plant indices of maize and were influenced by the weather conditions.  相似文献   

Grassland‐livestock farming is the main agricultural activity in the Inner Mongolia steppe of China. It has been estimated that more than 80% of the grasslands suffer from sulfur (S) deficiency in this region. In an incubation study and a greenhouse experiment with alfalfa, the influence of soil moisture (40% and 70% water‐holding capacity, WHC), nitrogen (0 and 200 mg N (kg soil)–1 as NH4NO3), and elemental sulfur (eS; 0 and 300 mg S (kg soil)–1) amendments on the apparent eS oxidation, eS‐oxidation rate, net S‐mineralization rate, and S uptake of alfalfa were studied. After 28 d of incubation, the eS‐oxidation rate was four times higher at 70% than at 40% WHC if no N was applied. With N application, soil moisture had only minor effects on eS oxidation during the whole incubation period. In the greenhouse experiment, lower values for eS‐oxidation rate and net S‐mineralization rate were found if no N was applied. Application of N and eS significantly increased alfalfa growth and S uptake. The results of both experiments suggest that combined N and eS applications are the best way to alleviate S deficiency on these calcareous soils.  相似文献   

The form of sulfur fertilizer can influence its behavior and crop response. A growth chamber study was conducted to evaluate five sulfur fertilizer forms (ammonium sulfate, ammonium thiosulfate, gypsum, potassium sulfate, and elemental sulfur) applied in seed row at 20 kg S ha?1 alone, and in combination with 20 kg phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5) ha?1, to three contrasting Saskatchewan soils. Wheat, canola, and pea were grown in each soil for 8 weeks and aboveground biomass yields determined. The fate of fertilizer was evaluated by measuring crop sulfur and phosphorus concentration and uptake, and supply rates and concentrations of available sulfate and phosphate in the seed row. Canola was most responsive in biomass yield to the sulfur fertilizers. Sulfate and thiosulfate forms were effective in enhancing soil-available sulfate supplies in the seed row, crop sulfur uptake, and yield compared to the elemental sulfur fertilizer. Combination of sulfur fertilizer with monoammonium phosphate may provide some enhancement of phosphate availability, but effects were often minor.  相似文献   

High soil salinity imposes osmotic stress and ion toxicity in plants, leading to substantial crop yield loss worldwide. Understanding of the quantitative and dynamic physiological responses to composite soil salt stress is limited and needs to be expanded. In this study, physiological, nutritional, and biomass yield parameters of tobacco(Nicotiana tabacum L.) grown in soil with five levels of composite soil salinity(CSS), basal CSS level(control, CK) and 3(T1), 6(T2), 9(T3), and 12(T4) times the...  相似文献   

Soil sulfur (S) partitioning among the various pools and changes in tropical pasture ecosystems remain poorly understood. Our study aimed to investigate the dynamics and distribution of soil S fractions in an 8‐year‐old signal grass (Brachiaria decumbens Stapf.) pasture fertilized with nitrogen (N) and S. A factorial combination of two N rates (0 and 600 kg N ha–1 y–1, as NH4NO3) and two S rates (0 and 60 kg S ha–1 y–1, as gypsum) were applied to signal grass pastures during 2 y. Cattle grazing was controlled during the experimental period. Organic S was the major S pool found in the tropical pasture soil, and represented 97% to 99% of total S content. Among the organic S fractions, residual S was the most abundant (42% to 67% of total S), followed by ester‐bonded S (19% to 42%), and C‐bonded S (11% to 19%). Plant‐available inorganic SO4‐S concentrations were very low, even for the treatments receiving S fertilizers. Low inorganic SO4‐S stocks suggest that S losses may play a major role in S dynamics of sandy tropical soils. Nitrogen and S additions affected forage yield, S plant uptake, and organic S fractions in the soil. Among the various soil fractions, residual S showed the greatest changes in response to N and S fertilization. Soil organic S increased in plots fertilized with S following the residual S fraction increment (16.6% to 34.8%). Soils cultivated without N and S fertilization showed a decrease in all soil organic S fractions.  相似文献   

A pot experiment was conducted to compare the uptake and dry matter production potential of NH inf4 sup+ and NO inf3 sup- and to study the effect of Baythroid, a contact poison for several insect pests of agricultural crops, on growth and N uptake of maize (Zea mays L.). Nitrogen was applied as (15NH4)2SO4, K15NO3, or 15NH4NO3 and in one treatment Baythroid was combined with 15NH4NO3. Source of N had, in general, a nonsignificant effect on dry matter and N yield, but uptake of NO inf3 sup- was significantly higher than that of NH inf4 sup+ when both N sources were applied together. Substantial loss of N occurred from both the sources, with NH inf4 sup+ showing greater losses. Baythroid was found to have a significant positive effect on dry matter yield of both root and shoot; N yield also increased significantly. Uptake of N from both the applied and native sources increased significantly in the presence of Baythroid and a substantial added nitrogen interaction (ANI) was determined. The positive effect of Baythroid was attributed to: (1) a prolonged availability of NH inf4 sup+ due to inhibition of nitrification, (2) an increased availability of native soil N through enhanced mineralization, and (3) an enhanced root proliferation.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine the adequate copper (Cu) foliar spray concentration to correct Cu deficiency on barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) when grown in a calcareous soil. Five Cu foliar spray solution levels were tested (0% or control; 0.03%, 0.06%, 0.13%, and 0.33%). Copper was applied in the sulfate form at the early boot stage. The results showed that Cu flag leaf concentration was increased with the highest Cu application (0.33%), while Cu concentration in the grain was increased with a spray of 0.03%. An antagonism between Cu, Zn, and Fe leaf concentration was observed. Grain yield and harvest index showed a linear positive response to Cu foliar spray concentrations. A significant increase of 19.6% on grain yield was recorded with a foliar spray 0.33% of Cu.  相似文献   

水分管理和施用石灰对水稻镉吸收与运移的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
通过田间试验,研究了间歇灌溉和全生育期淹水2种水分管理结合水稻分蘖期施用石灰对不同水稻生育期的土壤和水稻各组织中Cd分布与运移的影响。研究结果表明,全生育淹水和施用石灰均能升高土壤p H值,降低土壤中有效态Cd含量;施用石灰能降低土壤中酸可提取态Cd所占比例而残渣态所占比例增加。在全生育期淹水条件下施用石灰有利于改善土壤性状并提高土壤中Fe质量百分含量。与不施用石灰相比,在间歇灌溉条件下,施用石灰处理的糙米中Cd质量分数从0.86 mg/kg降低到0.56 mg/kg,而在全生育期淹水条件下,施用石灰处理的糙米中Cd质量分数从0.77 mg/kg降低到0.34 mg/kg;无论间歇灌溉还是全淹水处理条件下,施用石灰均增加了水稻总生物量。施用石灰后,在灌浆期,水稻茎叶中Cd的富集系数显著降低(P0.05);在成熟期,根和稻米中Cd的富集系数显著降低(P0.05);在全生育期淹水条件下,成熟期水稻根到茎叶转运系数和茎叶到米中转运系数均显著降低(P0.05)。水稻糙米中Cd含量与土壤中有效态Cd含量、水稻地上部Cd累积量呈显著正相关,与土壤p H值呈显著负相关。上述研究结果表明,施用石灰能够显著降低稻田土壤中Cd的生物有效性;采用全生育期淹水结合在分蘖期施用石灰是降低稻米中Cd含量有效措施且不会导致水稻减产。  相似文献   

The study aimed at investigating effects of lime and mineral P fertilizers on P uptake and growth of maize (Zea mays subsp.) in greenhouse pot experiment. Combination of four P rates and four lime rates were applied to four highly acidic soil samples and the soils were incubated for a total of 112?days after which maize (Zea mays subsp.) was planted. The maize plants were harvested for analysis after 42?days of growth. Control experiments were also included. Available P (Bray I) and pH were significantly increased after incubation. Maximum available P was obtained in the soils that received the highest P rate and optimum lime rate. Levels of exchangeable acidity were significantly decreased in the P and lime treated soils compared to the control experiments. Plant biomasses and P uptake of maize increased significantly (p?≤?0.001) with application of P and lime compared to the control experiments.  相似文献   

Atmospheric deposition has resulted in an accumulation of inorganic sulfur (S) in many forest soils. At Sösemulde (Harz Mountains) samples from 5–240 cm depth were analysed. Most sulfate (SO4) is accumulated at about 30–60 cm depth: 8.5–9.5 mmolc kg–1. Large amounts can also be retained in > 100 cm. To assess changes in SO4 dynamics in time,adsorption isotherms have been included in several process-oriented models, e.g., in MAGIC. The Lange Bramke (LB) Model is the first model used on the catchment scale containing solubility products for the hydroxosulfate minerals jurbanite and alunite. By reconstructing the long-term acidification history (140 years) both models were successfully calibrated to a 14-year deposition, soil and streamwater data set at Lange Bramke catchment (Harz Mountains). According to MAGIC the present accumulation of SO4 in 0 –80 cm is 8.7 mmolc kg–1, while according to the LB-Model 10.2 mmolc kg–1 are stored as jurbanite. Both models predicted 4.5 mmolc kg–1 SO4 in the subsoil layer, retained as alunite in the LB Model. These values correspond to the amounts measured in soil and subsoil samples at Sösemulde, respectively. However, for future scenarios with decreasing S inputs the models show different developments in SO4 concentrations. Changes in MAGIC are gradual whereas the LB model predicts stepwise decreasing SO4 values as soon as previously stored hydroxosulfates are fully dissolved. Such concentration jumps have not been observed.  相似文献   

小青菜对土壤中毒死蜱吸收移动特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以小青菜为供试蔬菜,通过在土壤中添加毒死蜱,进行盆栽试验,研究毒死蜱对小青菜生长的影响、在土壤中的降解速度以及在小青菜中的吸收和转移规律,为蔬菜中农药残留风险评估和蔬菜安全生产提供理论依据。试验结果表明,与对照相比,含有高浓度(>50.0 mg kg-1)毒死蜱土壤对小青菜的生长有显著抑制作用;毒死蜱在不同处理土壤中的半衰期从23.03 d至77.43 d不等;残留于土壤中的毒死蜱能够被种植的小青菜根系吸收并转移至茎叶部分,随着土壤中处理浓度的增加,毒死蜱在小青菜根、茎和叶中的残留量也随之增加,且毒死蜱在小青菜根中的残留量最大,在叶中的残留量最小;土壤中毒死蜱残留量与小青菜根、茎和叶中毒死蜱的含量呈良好的线性关系,线性方程分别为:C根=0.025 1C土壤-0.235 8,C茎=0.012 3C土壤-0.051 7,C叶=0.000 7C土壤+0.011 5。为了实现蔬菜中农药残留从农田到餐桌的全程控制,保证无公害蔬菜的安全生产与供应,首先要对生产基地土壤中的农药残留进行检测,并从源头上进行控制。  相似文献   

A two-year experiment was conducted in an iron(Fe)-deficient orchard with calcareous soil to find out an alternate method for soil application of Fe ethylenediamine-N,N'-bis(2-hydroxyphenylacetic acid) (Fe-EDDHA) in orange trees. Foliar sprays of Fe-EDDHA (5 g l?1, pH = 7.8), sulfuric acid (pH = 3), citric acid (5 g l?1, pH = 2.4), Fe (II) sulfate solutions (250, 500, and 750 mg Fe l?1) with their initial pH (6.5, 6.35, and 6.12) and reduced ones to pH of 3 were compared with soil applied (75 g tree?1) Fe-EDDHA and a control test. Although optimum chlorophyll content, leaf Fe concentration, fruit quantitative and qualitative attributes were resulted from soil application of Fe-EDDHA, repeated sprays of Fe-EDDHA or acidified Fe solutions created suitable results. Acidification of Fe solutions made them more effective in alleviation of leaf Fe concentration and Fe chlorosis, probably due to remobilization of inactive Fe within the plant and prevention of Fe oxidation and precipitation in foliar solutions.  相似文献   


Phosphorus sorption isotherms were used to estimate phosphorus fertilizer rates on a phosphorus fixing Alfic Fragiorthod soil from north Idaho. Five rates ranging from 0–584 kg/ha corresponded to sorption equilibrium solution levels from 0.06 to 0.20 ppm P. Yield of sweet corn (variety Spancross) grown two successive years was related to the sorption equilibrium solution P level. Whole plant weight, weight of ears, number of ears, and ear size approached maximum when the sorption equilibrium solution P level was near 0.13 ppm. The P content of leaves at early tassel stage increased with increasing sorption equilibrium solution P in a nearly straight line relationship. The leaves contained 0.27% P when the sorption equilibrium solution P was 0.13 ppm, the level producing maximum yield. The 0.20 ppm P resulted in 0.41% P in corn leaves.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the effect of urine and ammonium nitrate on maize (Zea mays L.) vegetative growth, leaf nutrient concentration, soil electrical conductivity, and exchangeable‐cations contents under various concentrations of NaCl in a soil substrate. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized block design with eight replications under greenhouse conditions. The experimental soil substrate was made from a 1 : 1 : 1 volume‐ratio mixture of compost, quartz sand, and silty‐loam soil. Salinity was induced by adding 0, 15, and 30 mL of 1 M NaCl solution per kg of substrate to achieve an electrical conductivity (EC) of 1.3 (S0), 4.6 (S1), and 7.6 (S2) dS m–1. Nitrogen sources were urine and ammonium nitrate applied at 180 and 360 mg N (kg soil substrate)–1. Basal P and K were added as mono potassium phosphate in amounts equivalent to 39 mg P and 47 mg K (kg substrate)–1, respectively. In the S0 treatment, a 3‐fold increase in EC was measured after urine application compared to an insignificant change in ammonium nitrate–fertilized substrates 62 d after sowing. Under saline conditions, application of 360 mg N (kg soil)–1 as urine significantly decreased soil pH and maize shoot dry weight. At the highest salt and N dose (S2, N360) 50% of urine‐fertilized plants died. Regardless of salinity there was no significant difference between the two fertilizers for investigated growth factors when N was supplied at 180 mg (kg soil)–1. Leaf N and Ca contents were higher after urine application than in ammonium nitrate–fertilized plants. At an application rate of 180 mg N (kg soil)–1, urine was a suitable fertilizer for maize under saline conditions. Higher urine‐N dosages and/or soil salinity exceeding 7.6 dS m–1 may have a deleterious effect on maize growth.  相似文献   

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