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我非常羡慕Calvin Schwabe博士在兽医、公共卫生和医学史上所取得的终生成就和卓越贡献,尤其赞赏他在1984年发表的《兽医与人类健康》中提出的“一种医学”观点,正是这种观点激发我们努力将兽医和人医结合起来以提高世界的公共卫生健康。Marguerite Pappaioanou博士在新世纪也再一次向世人强调了兽医在维护和提高人类的健康水平方面所占据的不可或缺的重要地位。有鉴于此,本文系统地阐述了兽医科学的时代内涵及其所担负的责任与发展方向。  相似文献   

8月18—19日,农业部在青岛举办第四届兽医科技发展论坛暨全国动物防疫专家委员会年会,农业部副部长高鸿宾强调解决制约兽医事业发展的各种问题,关键在于科学的决策、科学的措施和科学的方法。全面谋划和推进“十二五”兽医事业科学发展,必须把推进兽医科技进步放到更加突出和重要的位置,切实提高兽医工作对粮食安全、食品安全和公共卫生安全的保障能力。  相似文献   

在公众的概念中,公共卫生一般是指人的卫生事务,兽医公共卫生是指动物卫生事务,两是两件事,或简单地认为医生给人看病,兽医给动物看病。其实不是这样简单。以医学和生物学为基础的公共卫生问题涉及人与动植物构成的生态匿,由动植物引起的公共卫生问题有很多。从农产品的国际贸易看,世界贸易组织制定的《卫生与植物卫生措施协定》主要考虑的是卫生问题,协定对卫生一词的解释是,卫生包括动物卫生和人的卫生,而人的卫生是指由动物卫生对人的卫生产生的卫生影响。由于动物卫生不仅就动物本身产生公共问题,并且在更大的范围内表现公共性,所以,在深化公共卫生体制改革中,要对兽医公共卫生工作给予应有的重视。  相似文献   

我非常羡慕Calvin Schwabe博士在兽医、公共卫生和医学史上所取得的终生成就和卓越贡献,尤其赞赏他在1984年发表的<兽医与人类健康>中提出的"一种医学"观点,正是这种观点激发我们努力将兽医和人医结合起来以提高世界的公共卫生健康.  相似文献   

<正>兽医公共卫生(veterinary public health,VPH)是社会文明发展到一定阶段的产物,它是利用一切有关人类和动物健康的知识、活动及物质资源,来保障社会公共卫生与人类健康的一门综合性应用学科。兽医公共卫生是国家公共卫生体系的重要组成部分,是兽医学科与医学、食品科学、环境科学、公共卫生等学科交叉后的新兴学科,是社会发展和公共卫生需求牵引兽医学的扩展,是人类文明程度的体  相似文献   

兽医公共卫生的不可替代性社会责任   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>1 兽医公共卫生的基本职能兽医公共卫生(veterinary public health,VPH)是通过理解和应用兽医科学对人类身体、心理和社会福祉作出的所有贡献的总和。这一学科涵盖了将动物和人类健康联系起来的大量关切,主要关注减少人类与动物、动物产品和动物栖息地相互作用带来的危害[1]。人们对兽医的认识往往局限于宠物、家畜禽等农场饲养动物疫病的诊疗和控制,但兽医医学的真正维度和社会贡献是非常广泛的,它关系到人类健康、经济发展、环境  相似文献   

兽医公共卫生主要包括畜禽食品卫生及人畜共患病的防治两大类,它与人类的身体健康密切相关。 一.强化兽医公共卫生的重要性。我国虽已消灭或控制了一些严重危害人类健康的畜禽疫病,但毕竟还有不少疾病还未彻底根除,难免会从某个被人忽视的环节带入人体,危害人类的身体健康和生命安全。其中最主要的环节就是畜禽的饲养管理不符合兽医卫生要求,导致接触感染,交叉感染及误食引起的各种疾病。 二.削弱兽医公共卫生的原因。从目前来看,我国的经济还不够发达,人民的生活还不够富裕,人们对兽医公共卫生的认识还很落后,导致兽医公共卫生…  相似文献   

在后疫情时代,如何保障公共卫生体系安全是摆在人们面前的重要课题。兽医公共卫生是公共卫生体系中重要的组成部分,其对于我国公共卫生体系的不断完善发挥着重要的作用。本文以松原职业技术学院高职畜牧兽医专业为例,从畜牧兽医专业人才提升兽医公共卫生的必要性、提升兽医公共卫生意识的改革措施等方面进行改革探讨,以期为畜牧兽医专业群其他专业的兽医公共卫生改革提供一定的借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

Calvin Schwabe博士的“一种医学”观点在很长时间了激发了许多公共卫生组织人员努力将兽医和人医结合起来以提高世界范围内的公共卫健康生水平。Schwabe博士很多年前指出:兽医应该其在职业的所有方面——食品安全、阐述抗生素耐药性的威胁、预防和控制突发性人兽共患病、保护环境和生态系统、参与生物恐怖主义预警、非人兽共患病(免疫接种可预防的疾病、慢性疾病和创伤)、加强公共卫生设施建设、以及通过研究推动医学的发展等等领域作出努力。本文对兽医所做的出色工作作了总结和概括,并且讨论了克服困难、实现“一种医学”所需的决策和行动。  相似文献   

兽医公共卫生学是研究一切与人类和动物健康问题有关的理论知识、实践活动和物质资源的综合性学科。在目前的形势下,兽医公共卫生在人畜共患病和动物源性食品安全方面发挥着重要防线作用。本文就当前我国公共卫生形势下,阐述了兽医公共卫生学的重要性,对教学改革与实践进行了总结,以期加强人们对兽医公共卫生意义的认识,并为提高教学质量提供指导。  相似文献   

This article presents the results of an Internet-based review conducted in January and February 2003 to assess the educational opportunities available in veterinary public health, epidemiology, and preventive medicine at the 27 veterinary schools in the United States. Most professional veterinary curricula are designed to train students for careers as highly qualified private practitioners, although there is an increased need for veterinary perspectives and contributions in the public health sector. The future of veterinary public health relies on the opportunities available in education to teach and encourage students to pursue a career of public service. The results of this review indicate the availability of a wide variety of required courses, electives, and post-graduate training programs to veterinary students in the United States. Veterinary students are exposed to a median of 60 hours of public health, epidemiology, and preventive medicine in required stand-alone courses in these areas. Four veterinary schools also have required rotations for senior students in public health, preventive medicine, or population medicine. Contact time for required public health, epidemiology, and preventive medicine courses ranges from 30 to 150 contact hours. Advanced training was available in these subjects at 79% of the 27 schools. Greater collaboration between veterinary schools, schools of public health, and the professional public health community will increase exposure to and opportunities in public health to all future veterinarians.  相似文献   

The evolution of preventive medicine and public health training in professional veterinary medicine curricula is documented. Most veterinary colleges in the US began with a single course in meat hygiene or public health, with a focus on food hygiene issues. These courses laid the foundation for modern veterinary preventive medicine and public health training for veterinary students. Most graduates of veterinary colleges today have extensive training in population health, preventive medicine, and zoonotic diseases.  相似文献   

Since the early days of veterinary science, vets have played an important part in protecting public health through controls over the safety of food of animal origin. Traditionally, public health has been treated as a topic separate from the mainstream veterinary subjects of diagnosis and treatment of animal disease. However, there is now increasing awareness of the interconnection between animal and human health, and between the work of vets in production animal practice and those in food safety and other disciplines, as Kenneth Clarke explains.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes a presentation given at the Association for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine sponsored Calvin W. Schwabe symposium honouring the lifetime achievements of Dr. S. Wayne Martin. While the concepts were amalgamated from many sources, the examples were primarily selected to represent areas where Wayne Martin has been an active researcher and educator. The purpose was to describe the impact of veterinary epidemiology on public health in the past and present and to consider the future of veterinary epidemiology in public health. Veterinary medicine contributes to public health not only in the area of zoonotic disease prevention and control, but also through contributions to animal health, comparative and basic medical research, and population and environmental health. Veterinary epidemiologists contribute to both research in public health and the practice of public health through a wide range of methodological approaches and via the networks of trained epidemiologists working in the area. The contributions of veterinary epidemiologists have resulted in significant improvements in human health. There are considerable challenges and opportunities facing veterinary epidemiologists working in the public health area in the future. Meeting these needs will require continued integration between veterinary and human public health research and practice, and enhanced communication of both content and context expertise.  相似文献   

Public health and veterinary medicine share a focus on population health and primary prevention, along with a commitment to preparedness, response, and recovery in the event of disease outbreaks. Public-health and veterinary professional degree programs share commonalities in their educational accreditation requirements related to epidemiology and public-health practice. The initiation of a number of joint professional degree programs over the last five years, including the joint Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and Master of Public Health (DVM/MPH), represents an exciting development for inter-professional education for veterinarians interested in public health. Various models for joint DVM/MPH educational programs are discussed, including pre-veterinary public-health credentialing, integrated programs, and post-DVM executive programs. Collaborations between colleges of veterinary medicine and schools of public health show great promise in both educational and research innovation.  相似文献   

As detailed in the Association of Schools of Public Health / Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges 2007 Joint Symposium on Veterinary Public Health, veterinary public health (VPH) can no longer be viewed as a unique sub-specialty of veterinary medicine. Rather, its practice pervades nearly every aspect of the veterinary profession, regardless of whether the practitioner is engaged in small-animal, large-animal, research, corporate, or military practice. In congruence with the practice of VPH, the teaching of VPH should also pervade nearly every aspect of veterinary education. Accordingly, at Western University of Health Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine (WU-CVM), public health is not simply taught as an individual course but, rather, is interwoven into almost every aspect of the curriculum, continually emphasizing the relevance of this discipline to the practice of veterinary medicine. This article outlines the teaching philosophy of WU-CVM, provides an overview of the curriculum, and describes the integral nature of public health throughout all four years of the educational program.  相似文献   

在我国养猪业面临产品安全和环境污染两大瓶颈的情势下,如何使所生产的猪肉食用卫生,所排粪污环境安全,纯天然、无污染、广效低毒、绿色环保的中兽医药学为破解这两大瓶颈提供了技术支撑。充分发挥我国传统的中兽医药技术的特色和优势,构建以中兽医药为主体的猪只康养技术供给体系,旨在集生产管理"适其天性"、所喂药料"无污染"、治疗药物"纯天然"、预防措施治"未病"、治疗方法"和谐调节"和四季保健"药饲同源"于一体的技术供给体系,从源头上破解这两大难题,从而实现猪只康养,环境安全,猪肉安康,凸显出中兽医药是猪只康养的最佳供给体系。  相似文献   

Veterinary medicine is failing both to sustain its academic base and to meet national needs for research in the fields of comparative medicine (translational research), public health, and food production. The basis for the shortage of veterinarians with research expertise is multi-factorial and related to the substantial commitment of time and money required to obtain both a DVM and advanced training, as well as the lack of motivation among veterinary students to engage in biomedical science. Effective strategies for increasing the number of veterinarian scientists must address these issues using a balanced combination of money, marketing, and mentoring. Success will require not only that we increase and improve opportunities for research training, but also that we create and sustain veterinary college environments that attract, foster, and reward dedication to research. The 'research pipeline' needs to be transformed into a 'research manifold' with multiple portals for entry and re-entry of trainees. Age-appropriate educational and mentoring programs should be implemented at K-14, baccalaureate, veterinary college, post-graduate, and junior faculty levels to promote recruitment, training, and retention of veterinarian scientists. New initiatives are especially needed to attract students with primary interests in science and biomedical research to the veterinary profession and to facilitate transition of motivated veterinary graduates from private practice to research careers. Specific examples of such programs are presented and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

This article is about change; particularly the prospect for change in veterinary research during the last decade and a half of the 20th century. The title encapsulates the idea that veterinary medicine, if it is to be effective, periodically has to change its approach to solving animal health problems; that over the last century we have witnessed one major change, that from veterinary medicine as an art to veterinary medicine as a science, and that we are probably on the brink of another change, moving from a scientific or more correctly an experimental approach to a mathematical or observational approach.  相似文献   

Advances have been made in expanding veterinary curricula to deliver basic key knowledge and skills necessary for provision of health care to captive and companion non-domestic or non-traditional species in the veterinary colleges of the United States and Canada. These advances were in large part facilitated by the deliberations and recommendations of the White Oak Accords. Though a five-year review of curricular opportunities at US and Canadian veterinary colleges shows that progress has been made in implementing the recommendations of the White Oak Accords, there remains room for improvement. The broadly comparative and health-maintenance basis of zoological medicine contributes critically to the potential for veterinary medicine to make important contributions to the concept of the integrated health of the planet. Emergence of key zoonotic and production-animal diseases derived from and within wildlife populations since 2000 has increased awareness worldwide of the importance of zoological medicine in protecting both production livestock and public health. These areas are addressed in elective curricula at colleges emerging as centers of excellence in zoological medicine, but it is critical that core curricula in zoological medicine at all schools be strengthened to include these important areas to prepare our DVM/VMD graduates to protect companion-animal, production-animal, and public health.  相似文献   

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