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Stem rot caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum is one of the most devastating diseases of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) which causes huge loss in rapeseed production. Genetic sources with high level of resistance has not been found in rapeseed. In this study, 68 accessions in six Brassica species, including 47 accessions of B. oleracea, were evaluated for leaf and stem resistance to S. sclerotiorum. Large variation of resistance was found in Brassica, with maximum differences of 5- and 57-folds in leaf and stem resistance respectively. B. oleracea, especially its wild types such as B. rupestris, B. incana, B. insularis, and B. villosa showed high level of resistance. Our data suggest that wild types of B. oleracea possess tremendous potential for improving S. sclerotiorum resistance of rapeseed.  相似文献   

A triploid hybrid with an ABC genome constitution, produced from an interspecific cross between Brassica napus (AACC genome) and B. nigra (BB genome), was used as source material for chromosome doubling. Two approaches were undertaken for the production of hexaploids: firstly, by self-pollination and open-pollination of the triploid hybrid; and secondly, by application of colchicine to axillary meristems of triploid plants. Sixteen seeds were harvested from triploid plants and two seedlings were confirmed to be hexaploids with 54 chromosomes. Pollen viability increased from 13% in triploids to a maximum of 49% in hexaploids. Petal length increased from 1.3 cm (triploid) to 1.9 cm and 1.8 cm in the two hexaploids and longest stamen length increased from 0.9 cm (triploid) to 1.1 cm in the hexaploids. Pollen grains were longer in hexaploids (43.7 and 46.3 μm) compared to the triploid (25.4 μm). A few aneuploid offsprings were also observed, with chromosome number ranging from 34 to 48. This study shows that trigenomic hexaploids can be produced in Brassica through interspecific hybridisation of B. napus and B. nigra followed by colchicine treatment.  相似文献   

Using three varieties of Brassica rapa, cv. Hauarad (accession 708), cv. Maoshan-3 (714) and cv. Youbai (715), as the maternal plants and one variety of B. oleracea cv. Jingfeng-1 (6012) as the paternal plant, crosses were made to produce interspecific hybrids through ovary culture techniques. A better response of seed formation was observed when ovaries were cultured in vitro at 9–12 days after pollination on the basal MS and B5 media supplemented with 6-benzylaminopurine (BA) and naphthylacetic acid (NAA). The best response was observed for cross 714×6012 with the rate of seeds per ovary reaching 43.0%. Seeds for cross 715×6012 showed the best germination response (66.7%) on the regeneration medium (MS+1.0 mg l–1 BA+0.05 mg l–1 NAA). In all three cross combinations, good response in terms of root number and length of plants was observed on the root induction medium (MS+1.0 mg l–1 BA+0.1 mg l–1 NAA). A better response was observed for the regenerated plants cultured for 14 days than for 7 days. The ovary-derived plants with well-developed root system were hardened for 8 days and their survival rate reached over 80%. Cytological studies showed that the chromosome number of all plants tested was 19 (the sum of both parents), indicating that these regenerated plants were all true hybrids of B. rapa (n = 10) × B. oleracea (n = 9). The regenerated plants were doubled with colchicine treatment, and the best response in the crosses 708×6012, 714×6012 and 715×6012 was observed when treated with 170 mg l–1 colchicine for up to 30 h and their doubling frequency reached 52, 56 and 62%, respectively.  相似文献   

Phytophthora root and stem rot caused by Phytophthora sojae, is one of the most damaging diseases of soybean, for which management is principally done by planting resistant cultivars with race specific resistance which are conferred by Rps (Resistance to Phytophthora sojae) genes. The Rps8 locus, identified in the South Korean landrace PI 399073, is located in a 2.23 Mbp region on soybean chromosome 13. In eight cv. Williams (rps8/rps8) × PI 399073 (Rps8/Rps8) populations, this region exhibited strong segregation distortion. In a cross between the South Korean lines PI 399073 (Rps8/Rps8) and PI 408211B (multiple Rps genes) this region segregated in a Mendelian fashion. In this study, microsporogenesis was evaluated to identify meiotic abnormalities that may be associated with the segregation distortion of the Rps8 region. Pollen was collected from greenhouse-grown plants of the parental genotypes: Williams, PI 399073, and PI 408211B; as well as selected Rps8/rps8 RILs from Williams × PI 399073 BC4F2:3 and PI 399073 × PI 408211B F4:5 populations. There were no differences for pollen viability among the genotypes. However, for PI 399073, a mix of dyads, triads, tetrads and pentads was observed. A high frequency of meiotic abnormalities including fragments, laggards, multinucleated microspores; and microcytes containing DNA was also observed in Rps8/rps8 Williams × PI 399073 BC4F2:3 RILs. These meiotic abnormalities may contribute to the high degree of segregation distortion present in the Williams × PI 399073 populations.  相似文献   

L. M. Reid  X. Zhu  A. Parker  W. Yan 《Euphytica》2009,165(3):567-578
Preliminary field observations in our maize breeding nurseries indicated that breeding for improved resistance to gibberella ear rot (Fusarium graminearum) in maize may indirectly select for resistance to another ear disease, common smut (Ustilago zeae). To investigate this, we compared the disease severity ratings obtained on 189 maize inbreds, eight of which included our inbreds developed with selection for gibberella ear rot resistance after field inoculation and breeding for 8–10 years. No correlation was found between disease severities for the 189 inbreds but the eight gibberella-resistant lines were consistently more resistant to smut. To further examine this relationship and to determine if these eight inbreds would be useful for developing inbreds with either common smut or fusarium ear rot (F. verticilliodes) resistance, we conducted a Griffing’s diallel analysis on six inbreds of maize, four with high levels of gibberella ear rot resistance representing all of the pedigree groups in our eight gibberella lines, and two with very low levels. Our most gibberella ear rot resistant inbreds, CO433 and CO441, had the lowest disease ratings for all three diseases, the consistently largest general combining ability effects and several significant specific combining ability effects. It was concluded that some inbreds bred specifically for gibberella ear rot would also be useful in breeding for resistance to common smut and fusarium ear rot.  相似文献   

Gossypium turneri, a wild cotton species (2n = 2X = 26, D10D10) originating from Mexico, possesses invaluable characteristics unavailable in the cultivated tetraploid cotton gene pool, such as caducous involucels at anthesis, resistance to insects and tolerance to abiotic stresses. However, transferring desired characteristics from wild species into cultivated cotton is often fraught with diverse obstacles. Here, Gossypium hirsutum (as the maternal parent) and G. turneri were crossed in the Hainan Province of China, and the obtained hybrid seeds (2n = 3X = 39, ADD10) were treated with 0.075% colchicine solution for 48 h to double the chromosome complement in order to overcome triploid F1 sterility and to generate a fertile hexaploid. Chromosome doubling was successful in four individuals. However, the new synthetic hexaploids derived from these individuals were still highly sterile, and no seeds were generated by selfing or crossing. Therefore, an embryo rescue technique was employed in an attempt to produce progenies from the new synthetic hexaploids. Consequently, a total of six large embryos were obtained on MSB2K medium supplemented with 0.5 mg l?1 KIN and 250 mg l?1 CH using ovules from backcrossing that were 3 days post-anthesis. Four grafted surviving seedlings were confirmed to be the progenies (pentaploids) of the new synthetic hexaploids using cytological observations and molecular markers. Eight putative fertile individuals derived from backcrossing the above pentaploids were confirmed using SSR markers and generated an abundance of normal seeds. This research lays a foundation for transferring desirable characteristics from G. turneri into upland cotton.  相似文献   

Interspecific hybridization was carried out between Lilium longiflorum and L. lophophorum var. linearifolium by using the cut style method of pollination, as a contrast, intraspecific hybridization between L. longiflorum ‘Gelria’ and L. longiflorum was also made, but no mature seeds and offspring were obtained from the two combinations under in vivo condition. Ovules excised from each carpel 5–35 days after pollination (DAP) were cultured on B5 or half-strength B5 medium containing sucrose at different concentrations in vitro. In L. longiflorum × L. lophophorum var. linearifolium, only 1.17% of ovules excised at 10 DAP developed into seedlings, and in L. longiflorum ‘Gelria’ × L. longiflorum, only 0.99% of ovules excised at 25 DAP developed into seedlings; none of the ovules excised at other different DAP in the two cross combinations produced any seedlings. The results showed that interspecific hybridization had a more serious post-fertilization barrier than the intraspecific hybridization, and that a lower concentration (3%) of sucrose led to better embryo development and higher percentage of seedlings in ovule cultures. All hybrid seedlings obtained were successfully transplanted to soil and grew normally. The progenies investigated were identified as true hybrids based on inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) analysis.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that expression of salt-responsive genes, including Bruguiera gymnorhiza ankyrin repeat protein 1 (BgARP1), enhances salt tolerance in both Agrobacterium tumefaciens and Arabidopsis. In this report, we further characterized BgARP1-expressing Arabidopsis to elucidate the role of BgARP1 in salt tolerance. BgARP1-expressing plants exhibited more vigorous growth than wild-type plants on MS plates containing 125–175 mM NaCl. Real-time PCR analysis showed enhanced induction of osmotin34 in the 2-week-old transformants under 125 mM NaCl. It was also showed that induction of typical salt-responsive genes, including RD29A, RD29B, and RD22, was blunted and delayed in the 4-week-old transformants during 24 h after 200 mM NaCl treatment. Ion content analysis showed that transgenic plants contained more K+, Ca2+, and NO3 , and less NH4 +, than wild-type plants grown in 200 mM NaCl. Our results suggest that BgARP1-expressing plants may reduce salt stress by up-regulating osmotin34 gene expression and maintaining K+ homeostasis and regulating Ca2+ content. These results indicate that BgARP1 is functional on a heterogeneous background.  相似文献   

Wild abortive (WA)-type cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) has been exclusively used for breeding three-line hybrid indica rice, but it has not been applied for generating japonica hybrids because of the difficulties related to breeding japonica restorer lines. Determining whether the major restorer-of-fertility (Rf) gene used for indica hybrids can efficiently restore the fertility of WA-type japonica CMS lines may be useful for breeding WA-type japonica restorer lines. In this study, japonica restorer lines for Chinsurah Boro II (BT)-type CMS exhibited varying abilities to restore the fertility of ‘WA-LiuqianxinA’, which is a WA-type japonica CMS line. Additionally, Rf genes for WA-type CMS were identified in the BT-type japonica restorers. Meanwhile, ‘C9083’, which is a BT-type japonica restorer, exhibited a limited ability to restore the fertility of WA-type japonica CMS lines, and a genetic analysis revealed that the fertility restoration was controlled by one locus. The Rf gene was mapped to an approximately 370-kb physical region and was identified as Rf4. Furthermore, Rf gene dosage effects and the temperature influenced the fertility restoration of WA-type japonica CMS lines. This study is the first to confirm that Rf4 has only minor effects on the fertility restoration of WA-type japonica CMS lines. These results may be relevant for the development of WA-type japonica hybrids.  相似文献   

Interspecific hybrids were developed between Trifolium alexandrinum cultivar Wardan × Trifolium vesiculosum and T. alexandrinum cultivar BL1 × T. vesiculosum through embryo rescue, as the crosses failed to set seed under natural conditions. Trifolium vesiculosum was used as a donor/male parent in this study as it is reported to possess tolerance to stem rot and high forage yield. Fertilization in crossed florets of the crosses was manifested from the recovery of swollen ovaries (< 7.80%) and confirmed from the presence of one degenerated ovule in most (> 93.00%) of the swollen ovaries. The hybrid embryos at various developmental stages (heart, torpedo and cotyledonary) were rescued at a frequency of 2.56% from Wardan × T. vesiculosum and 6.12% from BL1 × T. vesiculosum. Differentiation occurred only in the cotyledonary stage embryos, resulting in 17 putative interspecific hybrid plantlets. The assessment of plantlet hybridity through SSR markers (for the alleles inherited from the donor parent), micromorphological leaf traits (leaf texture and stomata) and morphological characters (plant height, leaflet length and width) confirmed production of two interspecific hybrids designated as AV1 and BV3 representing both the crosses. AV1 displayed moderate resistance and BV3 was resistant to stem rot.  相似文献   

Based on studies of the distribution of alleles at the important Rht and Ppd loci on wheat chromosomes 4B, 4D and 2D, different groups of winter wheat cultivars registered in the Czech and Slovak Republics during the period 1976–2007 were examined for a range of agronomic traits using official data from multi-location trials. Significant variation for all traits was detected among and between genotype groups. The frequent introduction of ‘Rht-D1b’ cultivars from the UK and Western Europe to the Czech Republic since 1995 has positively influenced lodging resistance and undoubtedly also yielding ability, but negatively affected winter-hardiness and bread making quality. An improved opportunity for earlier flowering cultivars with high winter-hardiness levels, in combination with high bread-making quality, can be obtained with genotypes carrying the Xgwm261 allele 192-bp that is probably indicative of the presence of Rht8. While GA insensitive Rht genes caused approximately a 10 cm reduction of plant height, the 192-bp allele at Xgwm261 was not associated, in these conditions, with a significant reduction in plant height when compared to Xgwm261 alleles 165- and 174-bp. Likewise, the photoperiod insensitive allele Ppd-D1a did not have a significant effect on plant height and it had not adversely affected other characters. Later heading genotypes carrying Xgwm261 alleles174- and 165-bp, often in combination with Ppd-D1b, could probably guarantee broader adaptability, which is highly desirable for changeable weather conditions. While the presence of the 192-bp allele was clearly associated with suitability for cultivation in the warmer maize growing regions, this was not so obvious for Ppd-D1a, particularly when combined with the 174-bp allele. GA responsive genes did not, apparently, influence adaptability to the different growing conditions. These studies reveal that there were both shortcomings and benefits attributable to the use of germplasm from different origins when introducing Rht and Ppd alleles. These results should be helpful to breeders in optimizing the choice of parents for crossing, and selection strategy in these target environments.  相似文献   

Crown rust, which is caused by Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae, P. Syd. & Syd., is the most destructive disease of cultivated oats (Avena sativa L.) throughout the world. Resistance to the disease that is based on a single gene is often short-lived because of the extremely great genetic diversity of P. coronata, which suggests that there is a need to develop oat cultivars with several resistance genes. This study aimed to identify amplified fragment length polymorphism AFLP markers that are linked to the major resistance gene, Pc68, and to amplify the F6 genetic map from Pc68/5*Starter × UFRGS8. Seventy-eight markers with normal segregation were discovered and distributed in 12 linkage groups. The map covered 409.4 cM of the Avena sativa genome. Two AFLP markers were linked in repulsion to Pc68: U8PM22 and U8PM25, which flank the gene at 18.60 and 18.83 centiMorgans (cM), respectively. The marker U8PM25 is located in the linkage group 4_12 in the Kanota × Ogle reference oat population. These markers should be useful for transferring Pc68 to genotypes with good agronomic characteristics and for pyramiding crown rust resistance genes.  相似文献   

Coffee varieties with resistance for the plant-parasitic nematodes Pratylenchus coffeae and Radopholus arabocoffeae are limited in Vietnam. A selection of imported varieties and high yield varieties of Arabica coffee in Vietnam were evaluated for resistance to both plant-parasitic nematode species in Northern Vietnam. The same experiments were carried out with hybrid arabica coffee, three selected clones of Coffea canephora and one clone of Coffea excelsa in the Western Highland of Vietnam. The screened coffee accessions from Ethiopia (KH1, KH13, KH20, KH21, KH29, and KH31) were susceptible and good host for P. coffeae. Also accessions 90P4 (Portugal) and Oro azteca (Mexico) had a reproduction factor Rf > 1. Pluma Hidalgo (Mexico), 90/6 (Vietnam), 90P3 (Portugal), 90P2 (Vietnam), Variedad (Mexico), 90T (Portugal), and Garnica (Mexico) were poor hosts (Rf < 1) but not tolerant to P. coffeae, expressed by a reduction of root weight compared to untreated control plants. Most of the coffee accessions tested in Northern Vietnam were intolerant to R. arabocoffeae, except 90T which showed no reduction of root weight, even at high initial nematode densities (4,000/pot). Good hosts for R. arabocoffeae were Variedad, KH1, KH21, KH29, KH20, KH31, and KH13 with Rf > 1. Pluma Hidalgo, 90/6, 90P3, 90P2, 90T, Oro azteca, and Garnica were poor hosts (Rf < 1). In the Western Highland experiment, all arabica coffee accessions were susceptible for P. coffeae with Rf ranging from 1.41 to 1.59. Tolerance to P. coffeae was found in C. liberica var. Dewevrei, Hong34 and Nhuantren. Coffea excelsa, Hong34, Nhuantren, and H1C19 were tolerant to R. arabocoffeae at the highest inoculation density (4,000 nematodes/pot). The most susceptible accessions were Nhuantren and K55. Resistance (Rf < 1) to R. arabocoffeae was found in C. liberica var. Dewevrei and Hong34. This article reports on the first screening for resistance and tolerance to P. coffeae and R. arabocoffeae in coffee accessions in Vietnam and shows promising results for enhanced coffee-breeding.  相似文献   

The potential of microsatellite markers for use in genetic studies has been evaluated in Allium cultivated species (Allium cepa, A. fistulosum) and its allied species (A. altaicum, A. galanthum, A. roylei, A. vavilovii). A total of 77 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primer pairs were employed, 76 of which amplified a single product or several products in either of the species. The 29 AMS primer pairs derived from A. cepa and 46 microsatellites primer pairs from A. fistulosum revealed a lot of polymorphic amplicons between seven Allium species. Some of the microsatellite markers were effective not only for identifying an intraspecific F1 hybrid between shallot and bulb onion but also for applying to segregation analyses in its F2 population. All of the microsatellite markers can be used for interspecific taxonomic analyses among two cultivated and four wild species of sections Cepa and Phyllodolon in Allium. Generally, our data support the results obtained from recently performed analyses using molecular and morphological markers. However, the phylogeny of A. roylei, a threatened species with several favorable genes, was still ambiguous due to its different positions in each dendrogram generated from the two primer sets originated from A. cepa and A. fistulosum.  相似文献   

The genus Psidium includes important fruit crops. However, there are very few studies focusing on its reproductive biology, which limits the establishment of breeding programs. The present work investigated the reproductive biology of Psidium guajava and Psidium cattleianum in terms of compatibility of crossings between these two species aiming at interspecific hybridization because the latter species is an important source of resistance against the nematode Meloidogyne enterolobii. Several types of crosses were performed to understand the reproductive biology of these species, including the compatibility of intra- and interspecific crossings, using assisted in vivo germination of pollen grains on the stigma. In addition, the in vitro germination of both Psidium species was studied at different stages of fruit development to rescue young seeds to improve the chances of obtaining the hybrids. No fruits of 270 pollinations were obtained on guava buds at the pre-anthesis stage, regardless of the source of the pollen grain and the cultivar used as female genotype. Microscopic analyzes demonstrated the germination of pollen grains and pollen tube growth at crosses between guava cv. ‘Pedro Sato’ (P. guajava) and Psidium cattleianum. High germination percentages of Psidium cattleianum seeds were obtained in MS medium without sucrose or containing 15 g/L of this carbohydrate.  相似文献   

Ten F2 clones from an initial hybridization of Prunus webbii?×?Prunus persica cv Harrow Blood were evaluated under greenhouse conditions for their reaction to Xylella fastidiosa subsp. fastidiosa strain M23 during two growing seasons. Clonal accessions used for the study were selected on the basis of horticultural diversity, and were a small subset of trees from a large F2 population. Foliar symptoms of M23-inoculated trees were monitored weekly throughout the 20-week growth period. Clones were then sampled for bacterial titer determinations. With the exception of parental accession Harrow Blood, all clones yielded measurable titer; however, almond leaf scorch disease symptoms were never observed in five of the ten sibling clonal accessions. Vegetative bud break and bloom phenology data collected from field-grown mother trees over a 7 year period as well as leaf morphology characters of the clonal accessions were examined for associations with bacterial titers of inoculated clones using a principal components analysis. No clear associations were noted, with small sample size limiting the predictive ability of the analysis.  相似文献   

Peach powdery mildew is one of the major diseases of the peach. Various sources of resistance to PPM have thus been identified, including the single dominant locus Vr2 carried by the peach rootstock ‘Pamirskij 5’. To map Vr2, a linkage map based on microsatellite markers was constructed from the F2 progeny (WP2) derived from the cross ‘Weeping Flower Peach’ × ‘Pamirskij 5’. Self-pollinations of the parents were also performed. Under greenhouse conditions, all progenies were scored after artificial inoculations in two classes of reactions to PPM (resistant/susceptible). In addition to Vr2, WP2 segregated for three other traits from ‘Weeping Flower Peach’: Rm1 for green peach aphid resistance, Di2 for double-flower and pl for weeping-growth habit. With their genomic locations unknown or underdocumented, all were phenotyped as Mendelian characters and mapped: Vr2 mapped at the top of LG8, at 3.3 cM, close to the CPSCT018 marker; Rm1 mapped at the bottom of LG1, at a position of 116.5 cM, cosegregating with the UDAp-467 marker and in the same region as Rm2 from ‘Rubira’®; Di2 mapped at 28.8 cM on LG6, close to the MA027a marker; and pl mapped at 44.1 cM on LG3 between the MA039a and SSRLG3_16m46 markers. Furthermore, this study revealed, for the first time, a pseudo-linkage between two traits of the peach: Vr2 and the Gr locus, which controls the red/green color of foliage. The present work therefore constitutes a significant preliminary step for implementing marker-assisted selection for the four major traits targeted in this study.  相似文献   

Previous studies reported that some genotypes with introgressed Festuca chromosome segment(s) in Lolium genome showed enhanced winter hardiness compared to Lolium. The aim of this study was to search comprehensively for the Festuca pratensis chromosome regions affecting winter hardiness-related traits when introgressed into the Lolium perenne genome. Association between F. pratensis introgression and winter hardiness-related traits (fall and winter hardiness indexes, early-spring dry matter yield, and freezing tolerance) were screened in the diploid introgression populations (n = 203) that had some F. pratensis chromosome segments introgressed. Eighty-four intron markers corresponding to unique rice genes randomly distributed across the genome were used for genotyping. Winter hardiness of almost all plants in the introgression populations was lower than that of the F. pratensis and triploid hybrid parents, but the average was higher than that of L. perenne. A significant positive effect of F. pratensis introgression on early-spring dry matter yield was detected on chromosome 7. This quantitative trait locus (QTL) was confirmed by linkage analysis using a backcross population with F. pratensis introgression in the target region of chromosome 7. However, the contribution of the newly identified QTL was rather small (6.7–9.6%), suggesting that superior winter hardiness of F. pratensis compared to L. perenne is conferred by multiple small-effect QTLs. We also detected a previously unreported negative effect of Festuca introgression on winter hardiness. Newly obtained QTL information in this study would contribute to the design of Festuca/Lolium hybrid breeding.  相似文献   

S. D. Basha  M. Sujatha 《Euphytica》2009,168(2):197-214
The present study aims at characterization of Jatropha species occurring in India using nuclear and organelle specific primers for supporting interspecific gene transfer. DNA from 34 accessions comprising eight agronomically important species (Jatropha curcas, J. gossypifolia, J. glandulifera, J. integerrima, J. podagrica, J. multifida, J. villosa, J. villosa. var. ramnadensis, J. maheshwarii) and a natural hybrid, J. tanjorensis were subjected to molecular analysis using 200 RAPD, 100 ISSR and 50 organelle specific microsatellite primers from other angiosperms. The nuclear marker systems revealed high interspecific genetic variation (98.5% polymorphism) corroborating with the morphological differentiation of the species used in the study. Ten organelle specific microsatellite primers resulted in single, discrete bands of which three were functional disclosing polymorphism among Jatropha species. The PCR products obtained with organelle specific primers were subjected to sequence analysis. PCR products from two consensus chloroplast microsatellite primer pairs (ccmp6 and 10) revealed variable number of T and A residues in the intergenic regions of ORF 77–ORF 82 and rp12rps19 regions, respectively in Jatropha. Artificial hybrids were produced between J. curcas and all Jatropha species used in the study with the exception of J. podagrica. Characterization of F1 hybrids using polymorphic primers specific to the respective parental species confirmed the hybridity of the interspecific hybrids. Characterization of both natural and artificially produced hybrids using chloroplast specific markers revealed maternal inheritance of the markers. While the RAPD and ISSR markers confirmed J. tanjorensis as a natural hybrid between J. gossypifolia and J. curcas, the ccmp primers (ccmp6 and 10) unequivocally established J. gossypifolia as the maternal parent. Evaluation of backcross interspecific derivatives of cross involving J. curcas and J. integerrima indicate scope for prebreeding and genetic enhancement of Jatropha curcas through interspecific hybridization.  相似文献   

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