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Multiple independent trials were conducted to evaluate the performance of Cry1Ab-susceptible (Cry1Ab-SS), -heterozygous (Cry1Ab-RS), and -resistant (Cry1Ab-RR) genotypes of the sugarcane borer, Diatraea saccharalis (F.), on eight commercial hybrids and six experimental corn lines. The commercial varieties included two non-Bt and six Bt corn hybrids that expressed a single Bt protein (either Cry1Ab or Cry1F) targeting above-ground lepidopteran pests. The six experimental lines consisted of two non-Bt and four Bt corn lines, two expressing just the Cry1Ab protein and two containing the pyramided-genes Cry1A.105 and Cry2Ab2 (event MON 89034). Larval mortality on non-Bt corn leaf tissue ranged from 6 to 45% after 12 d across insect genotypes. The 12 d mortality of Cry1Ab-SS on leaf tissue of commercial Cry1Ab or Cry1F corn was 96-100%, whereas it was 80-96% for Cry1Ab-RS and 68-78% for Cry1Ab-RR. On intact plants, 39-64% of larvae survived on non-Bt corn plants after 21-25 d. Larval survivorship on intact plants of commercial Cry1Ab or Cry1F corn was 0-8.1% for Cry1Ab-SS, 1.3-34% for Cry1Ab-RS, and 19-51% for Cry1Ab-RR. Larvae of Cry1Ab-RR and -RS also caused significant plant injury to most of the commercial Bt corn hybrids, especially to the Cry1Ab corn. Cry1Ab resistance in D. saccharalis was incompletely dominant on commercial Bt corn hybrids. However, both experimental lines with pyramided genes of Cry1A.105 and Cry2Ab2 provided complete control of all three insect genotypes in both leaf tissue and intact plant tests. Results of this study suggest that MON 89034 should offer a means for Bt resistance management in D. saccharalis.  相似文献   

On-farm field experiments were conducted in 2004 and 2007 to assess the suitability of novaluron, a chitin synthesis inhibitor, for sugarcane borer, Diatraea saccharalis (F.), management in Louisiana sugarcane (Saccharum spp. hybrids). Aerial insecticide applications reproducing commercial production practices were made when D. saccharalis infestation levels exceeded a recommended action threshold. In addition to decreased D. saccharalis infestations, 6.3 – 14.5-fold reductions in end of season injury, expressed as the percentage of bored sugarcane internodes, were observed in plots treated with novaluron. D. saccharalis control in novaluron plots was equivalent to (P > 0.05) or better (P < 0.05) than that achieved with tebufenozide, an ecdysone agonist that has been extensively used for over a decade on sugarcane. With a numerical trend of a 3.1-fold decrease in percent bored internodes, the pyrethroid gamma-cyhalothrin seemed less effective than the biorational insecticides in protecting sugarcane against D. saccharalis. Using continuous pitfall trap sampling, no measurable (P > 0.05) decreases in predaceous and non-predaceous soil-dwelling non-target arthropods were associated with insecticides. However, numerical trends for decreases in immature crickets associated with novaluron and gamma-cyhalothrin were recorded in 2007. Our data suggest that novaluron will fit well in Louisiana sugarcane integrated pest management.  相似文献   

Between 2002 and 2004, collections of egg masses of Asian corn borer (ACB), Ostrinia furnacalis (Guenée) were made from corn-planting sites on the major Philippine islands of Luzon (Laguna, Pangasinan, Camarines Sur and Isabela provinces) and Mindanao (Bukidnon and South Cotabato provinces). The resulting neonates were bioassayed for susceptibility to Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) Cry1Ab protein. The median lethal concentrations (LC50s) for the different collections ranged from 0.42 to 2.37 ng/cm2. The bioassay results suggest that Philippine corn borer populations were highly susceptible to Cry1Ab protein prior to the widespread deployment of Bt corn. The upper limit of the estimated LC99 (104 ng/cm2) from the pooled bioassay data was selected as a candidate diagnostic concentration and subsequently tested on eleven ACB populations. Results of the validation assays showed that the mortality response of all the tested ACB populations was higher than the expected mortality (99%). Therefore, the concentration of 104 ng/cm2 was used to monitor susceptibility in ACB populations in the Philippines. Monitoring of field populations during 2009 in areas where Bt corn had been grown for 3 years found some enhanced survival of neonates at the diagnostic concentration but progeny of the diagnostic-concentration survivors did not survive on Bt corn, indicating that ACB populations in the Philippines remain susceptible to Cry1Ab-containing Bt corn hybrids.  相似文献   

Field corn, Zea mays L., plants expressing Cry1Ab and Cry1F insecticidal crystal (Cry) proteins of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) Berliner are planted on considerable acreage across the Southern region of the United States. The fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith), is an economically important pest during the mid-to-late season on non-Bt and some commercial Bt corn hybrids. The objective of this study was to quantify foliar injury and survivorship of fall armyworm on transgenic corn lines expressing Cry1Ab or Cry1F Bt proteins. Corn lines/hybrids expressing Cry1Ab, Cry1F, and a conventional non-Bt cultivar were evaluated against artificial infestations of fall armyworm in field trials. Larvae (second instars) of fall armyworm were placed on corn plants (V8-V10 stages). Leaf injury ratings were recorded 14 d after infestation. Hybrids expressing Cry1F had significantly lower feeding injury ratings than non-Bt corn plants. Development and survivorship of fall armyworm on Bt corn lines/hybrids were also evaluated in no-choice laboratory assays by offering freshly harvested corn leaf tissue to third instars. Transgenic corn hybrids expressing Cry1Ab or Cry1F significantly reduced growth, development, and survivorship of fall armyworm compared to those offered non-Bt corn tissue. However, 25-76% of third instars offered Bt corn leaf tissues successfully pupated and emerged as adults. These results suggest Cry1Ab has limited effects on fall armyworm; whereas Cry1F demonstrated significant reductions in foliar injury and lower survivorship compared to that on non-Bt corn tissues. Although fall armyworm is not considered a primary target for insect resistance management by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, these levels of survivorship could impact selection pressures across the farmscape, especially when considering that transgenic Bt cotton cultivars express similar Cry (Cry1Ac or Cry1F) proteins.  相似文献   

The sugarcane borer, Diatraea saccharalis (F.) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), is the key insect pest of sugarcane, Saccharum spp., grown in Louisiana. For more than 40 years, Louisiana sugarcane farmers have used a value of 10% internodes bored at harvest as the economic injury level (EIL). Three plant-cane studies were conducted to re-evaluate the long-standing sugarcane borer EIL level using the most recently released varieties of sugarcane. Varieties were exposed to artificially enhanced borer infestations; the experimental treatments consisted of borer control with insecticides or no control. Data were collected on infestation intensity, damage intensity, and associated yield losses. Crop yields from plots were obtained by mechanical harvesting, and losses were classified as field losses, e.g. losses of gross tonnage in the field and factory losses, e.g., losses that were realized at the factory as cane is being milled. Farm income is based on the product of these two measures of yield, i.e. cane yield×sugar yield. In our study, seasonal stalk-infestation counts did not reveal any indication of preference by the borer moths for a specific variety; infestation pressure was generally uniform within a season among the varieties that we planted. Significant differences were detected among the varieties for harvest percentage of internodes bored as well as yields between borer-controlled and non-controlled plots (P<0.05). In general, varieties were less susceptible to losses in the field (sugarcane yields) than in the factory (sugar yields). As a group, the most recent varieties released to Louisiana growers exhibit more tolerance to the borer than varieties grown 40 years ago. The percent reduction in sugar/ha loss per 1% internodes bored has decreased from an average of 0.74 for varieties grown in the 1960s to 0.61 as a mean for the newly released varieties. Although the cost associated with an insecticide application for sugarcane borer control has increased nearly 4-fold from 1971 to present, sugar yields have increased by approximately 60% allowing farmers to offset some of these increased costs. Our economic analysis indicates that the EIL of 10% internodes bored is too high, considering the high yielding potential and susceptibility of currently grown varieties. For the most at risk farmer, the tenant farmer, a more appropriate value for the EIL is 6% internodes bored. However, this EIL can be raised 12% if a resistant variety is grown.  相似文献   

The legume pod borer Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) has developed high levels of resistance to conventional insecticides, and therefore, efforts are being made to develop transgenic chickpea expressing toxin genes from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) for controlling this pest. However, there is an apprehension that acid exudates in chickpea might interfere with the biological activity of Bt. Therefore, we studied the biological activity of Bt (BiolepR) on four chickpea genotypes with different levels of resistance to H. armigera under field conditions, and by incorporating lyophilized leaf and pod tissue into the artificial diet with and without Bt. The pH of the acid exudates varied from 2.1 to 2.9, and malic and oxalic acids were the major components of the acid exudates in different chickpea genotypes. There was no survival of H. armigera larvae in chickpea plants sprayed with 0.1, 0.2 and 0.5% Bt. There was a significant reduction in larval survival, larval and pupal weights and fecundity, and prolongation of larval and pupal periods in chickpea plots sprayed with Bt (0.05%) as compared to the unsprayed plots. Biological activity of Bt was lower on artificial diets with leaf or pod powder of chickpea genotypes, which might be because of a low intake of Bt toxins due to the antifeedant effects of acid exudates in the chickpea or reduction in biological activity of Bt due to the interaction of biochemical constituents in chickpea with the Bt toxins. Larval survival, larval and pupal weights, pupation and adult emergence were significantly lower on diets with leaf or pod powder of the H. armigera-resistant genotypes than on the susceptible check. Chickpea genotypes with resistance to H. armigera acted in concert with Bt to cause adverse effects on the survival and development of this insect. The results suggested that development of transgenic chickpeas expressing toxin genes form Bt will be quite effective for controlling of the pod borer, H. armigera.  相似文献   

Transgenically expressed Bacillus thuringiensis insecticidal-protein Cry1Ab was quantified in target tissues of insect feeding of several YieldGard® corn hybrids. The Cry1Ab protein is intended to protect corn plants from two economically important stem borers, Chilo partellus and Sesamia inferens. A total of seven YieldGard hybrids, all with MON810 event, were field-tested in a total of fourteen locations during the dry season (October–March) of 2005/2006 and wet season (May–October) of 2006. S. inferens and C. partellus oviposit on leaves of young corn plants, 15–60 days after emergence (DAE). The neonates initially feed by scraping the leaf lamina before migrating to bore into the stem. Thus high concentrations of Cry1Ab in whorl leaf and stem tissues would ensure effective control of the borers. The mean tissue Cry1Ab concentrations during the oviposition window of the borers (15–60 DAE), ranged from 50.05 to 21.01 ppm in whorl leaf, and between 9.26 and 3.47 ppm in stem tissue during the same period in the dry season of 2005/06. Similarly, Cry1Ab concentrations in whorl leaf and stem between 15 and 60 DAE during the wet season of 2006 ranged between 19.30 to 11.08 and 14.28 to 4.69 ppm, respectively. The baseline-sensitivity data of these insects to Cry1Ab in laboratory assays was determined. The concentrations of Cry1Ab in the target tissues as studied in seven YieldGard hybrids tested suggest effective management of the two borers. This paper also provides a summary of the expression of the Cry1Ab gene in various genetic backgrounds.  相似文献   

Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is a serious pest of cotton and many other crops in northern China. To evaluate the contribution of alternative hosts as an effective refuge for transgenic cotton expressing the Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) Cry1Ac toxin, the susceptibility to this toxin was measured in progeny derived from field-collected H. armigera larvae and pupae from different hosts in the Xiajin’s region of the Shandong Province in northern China. During 2008-2010, progeny from a total of 258,56,184 and 160 single-pair crosses derived from wheat (first-generation), Bt cotton (second-generation), Bt cotton (third-generation), and corn (third-generation) were screened on Cry1Ac diets, respectively. Based on relative average development rates (RADR) of H. armigera larvae in these F1 tests, the second and third-generation moths emerging from Bt cotton fields were more tolerant to the Bt toxin than the first and third-generation moths emerging from wheat and corn each year. These results suggest that there is significant variation in susceptibility to Bt toxins among H. armigera populations derived from different host crops. Alternate crops, such as corn, that maintain Bt susceptible populations of H. armigera could be used as refugia to minimize the evolution of resistance to Bt cotton.  相似文献   

A three year (2003-2005) field study compared the susceptibility to the Cry1Ab toxin, expressed in Bt maize, of Mediterranean corn borer (MCB) Sesamia nonagrioides populations collected from areas with different adoption rates of Bt maize in Spain with Bt-free areas in Greece. Spain is the only European country where the cultivar Compa CB derived from the event Bt176 was commercially grown, from 1998 to 2005. The large decrease of the titer of the toxin in this cultivar at later growth stages represented the worst-case scenario for resistance development of MCB, since larvae of the second and third generations were exposed to sublethal concentrations of Cry1Ab toxin. Our data revealed that the variation in susceptibility to Cry1Ab for the MCB Spanish field populations analyzed in the three years was very low, with LC50 values fluctuating between 12 and 30 ng Cry1Ab/cm2, regardless of the region of origin, the type of maize (Bt or non-Bt) and the year. Furthermore, no significant differences were found when comparisons were made with a laboratory population (LC50 values: 18-26 ng Cry1Ab/cm2) or with field populations from Greece (Bt-free areas), which displayed LC50 values ranging between 22 and 27 ng Cry1Ab/cm2. Standardizing bioassay protocols proved to be essential for obtaining comparable results. These findings suggest that resistant MCB populations did not evolve in those Spanish maize areas where Compa CB was largely cultivated for eight years, contradicting the expected rapid development of resistance under these unfavourable conditions. Additionally, our results can be used as baseline indices in post-market resistance monitoring programs if Bt maize is introduced in Greece. Further studies should continue, since the insights gained from a resistance monitoring program may help to enhance the durability of Bt maize.  相似文献   

利用q RT-PCR和ELISA等方法测定转Cry1Ab-Ma基因玉米CM8101不同世代、不同组织目标基因表达量,开展玉米螟室内和田间生测鉴定,评价转Cry1Ab-Ma基因玉米CM8101对亚洲玉米螟的抗性。结果表明,Cry1Ab-Ma基因在CM8101各组织中均有表达,不同世代间目的基因的表达量无显著性差异,遗传稳定。室内生测结果表明,转基因玉米CM8101各组织均对亚洲玉米螟具有显著的杀虫效果,不同世代间玉米螟的存活率均无显著性差异。田间接虫鉴定结果表明,CM8101在T3、T4、T5世代的抗性等级均为1级,抗性水平为高抗。  相似文献   

通过室内生物测定,研究球孢白僵菌和苏云金芽胞杆菌联合防治玉米螟的效果。研究表明,确定白僵菌与苏云金芽胞杆菌浓度分别为1.0×106孢子/mL、1.0×109孢子/mL条件下,杀虫效果达到最佳,LT90为6.64(±0.07)d,较1.0×109的Bb LT90缩短26.06%。通过助剂悬浮率、乳化效果以及助剂对微生物活性影响等确定1个白僵菌与苏云金芽孢杆菌水悬浮剂剂型配方。田间防治玉米螟结果表明,两种生防菌均在防治过程中起作用,田间玉米受害株数、活虫数均明显低于未施药对照,防治效果优于单一使用白僵菌或苏云金芽胞杆菌。  相似文献   

采用农杆菌介导法获得转Cry1A.401基因抗虫玉米CM8302和CM8303,通过多代回交与自交获得BC4F1、BC4F2和BC4F3世代的转基因玉米材料。利用qRT-PCR和ELISA方法明确转基因抗虫玉米叶片、花丝和子粒均有Cry1A.401基因表达,不同世代间目的基因表达量无显著差异。田间接虫鉴定结果表明,CM8302和CM8303三个世代心叶期和吐丝期的抗性等级均为1级,抗性水平为高抗。室内生测结果表明,亚洲玉米螟幼虫取食CM8302心叶、花丝和子粒第6天存活率分别为0、4.0%和4.0%;取食CM8303心叶、花丝和子粒第6天存活率分别为0、4.0%和2.0%。分析显示转基因抗虫玉米CM8302和CM8303的心叶、花丝和子粒均具有显著杀虫效果且遗传稳定。  相似文献   

Bt基因玉米对亚洲玉米螟的抗性及其农艺性状研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以普通玉米杂交组合N3030、N4640为对照,通过盆栽接虫试验和田间调查,系统研究了转Bt基因玉米杂交组合N3030Bt和N4640Bt对亚洲玉米螟的抗虫效果和主要农艺性状变化。结果表明,转Bt基因玉米对亚洲玉米螟产卵无驱避作用,但花叶率、茎秆和雌雄穗的受害程度均明显轻于对照;转Bt基因玉米的生育期、株高、穗位高、穗长、穗粗等与对照差异不大,秃尖长明显短于对照,穗粒数和产量明显高于对照。  相似文献   

采用网格式取样200株玉米,整株剖秆调查亚洲玉米螟、桃蛀螟和棉铃虫在玉米上的数量,用地统计学的方法分析和模拟它们在田间的水平分布;采用生态位理论分析3种害虫在玉米植株上的生态位和种间竞争。结果表明,亚洲玉米螟、桃蛀螟和3种鳞翅目害虫整体在玉米田中的水平分布分别适合球形、高斯、球形模型拟合,均属于聚集分布。Kriging插值模拟图显示,亚洲玉米螟和桃蛀螟为核心分布型;在垂直分布上,雌穗上3种害虫数量最多,占总虫量的69.82%。亚洲玉米螟的基础生态位宽度最大,在整株玉米上都可危害;桃蛀螟则主要在玉米中、上部;棉铃虫基础生态位最窄,只在雌穗附近危害。3种害虫在玉米茎秆上种间竞争激烈,异种害虫无法共存;雌穗上种间竞争程度小于茎秆,异种害虫可以共存。  相似文献   

The main insect pest in Brazilian corn is fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith, 1797) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) can be used to control this pest, and can be applied together with various insecticides. Thus, the objective of this work was to evaluate the efficacy of mixtures of EPNs and insecticides to control S. frugiperda in corn crops. In laboratory bioassays three species of EPNs were tested (Heterorhabditis indica, Steinernema carpocapsae and Steinernema glaseri) together with 18 registered insecticides to control S. frugiperda in corn. Efficacy of association between insecticides and EPNs on S. frugiperda larvae was evaluated against the insect's third instar, 2 and 4 days after applications in laboratory. Experiments in the field were performed in two consecutive years, with located application of H. indica and S. carpocapsae (250 IJs/cm2) mixed with chlorpyrifos (0.3 L/ha) and lufenuron (0.15 L/ha) on the corn husk. In laboratory, after two days exposure the interaction between chlorpyrifos and H. indica was synergistic, while interaction with cypermethrin, spinosad, methoxyfenozide and deltamethrin + triazofos was additive, as was interaction between lufenuron, chlorpyrifos and cypermethrin with S. carpocapsae. In contrast, the interaction between chlorpyrifos (Vexter™ and Lorsban™) and lufenuron with S. glaseri was synergistic. In the field, the best treatment was the mixture of H. indica with lufenuron (0.15 L/ha), with 62.5% and 57.5% larval mortality in the two evaluation years in the field, respectively.  相似文献   

The Brazilian apple leafroller, Bonagota salubricola (Meyrick, 1937) (Bonagota cranaodes) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), is one of the main pest problems in apple orchards is Brazil. The purpose of this work was to evaluate B. salubricola larval and pupal susceptibility to different species of entomopathogenic nematodes, isolated in Rio Grande do Sul state in Brazil, under laboratory and field (apple orchard) conditions. Bioassays for isolates selection and determination of lethal concentration were performed in tubes of 1.5 ml (eppendorf), each containing one B. salubricola third instar larvae and filter paper. Field experiments were performed in commercial orchard, with application of 100 infecting juveniles (IJs)/cm2 for each apple plant previously infected with five B. salubricola larvae covered with plastic trays containing thin cloth. Nematodes H. bacteriophora RS107 and H. bacteriophora RS57 had LC50 of 13 and 4.5 IJs/larvae (4.3 and 1.5 IJs/cm2), respectively. In the field, H. bacteriophora RS107 and H. bacteriophora RS57, applied with sorbitol as an adjuvant, reached 70.2 and 61.1% larval mortality, respectively. The results showed that both isolates had biological activity against B. salubricola under laboratory and field conditions.  相似文献   

Research to evaluate effective and selective insecticides through periodic screening is needed to strengthen diamondback moth (DBM) (Plutella xylostella L.) management. The efficacy of the insect growth regulator novaluron on DBM and effects on the parasitoids Diadegma sp. (Hym.: Ichneumonidae), Apanteles sp. (Hym.: Braconidae) and Oomyzus sokolowskii Kurdjumov (Hym.: Eulophidae) were evaluated. Novaluron was compared with the microbial insecticide Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) var. aizawai, the pyrethroid insecticide λ- cyhalothrin and the organophosphate insecticide profenofos. Two replicated experiments were conducted on head cabbage, Brassica oleracea var. capitata, planted in March and May 2007 at Wonji in the Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia. Infestation by DBM was less with novaluron and Bt compared with other treatments for both planting dates. Infestation with λ-cyhalothrin and profenofos was comparable with the untreated control. Yields were greatest with novaluron and were 80 and 32.5% (12.4 and 7.4 t ha−1) greater than the untreated treatment for the first and second plantings, respectively. Diadegma sp. accounted for 91% of the parasitoid complex observed. Parasitism of DBM by Diadegma sp. ranged between 10 and 43% among treatments. Parasitism was less with λ-cyhalothrin and profenofos compared with other treatments. Owing to its efficacy against DBM and relative safety to its parasitoid, Diadegma sp., novaluron can be used in integrated DBM management for low elevation brassica production in the Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia.  相似文献   

The fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith, 1797) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is considered the main key pest of corn crops in Brazil. Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) may be used to control this pest, applied together with other different entomopathogen agents or phytosanity products in the spraying mixture. Thus, the objective of work was to evaluate the compatibility of EPNs with different insecticides used of S. frugiperda control in laboratory conditions. Three species of EPNs (Heterorhabditis indica, Steinernema carpocapsae and Steinernema glaseri) and 18 insecticides registered to control of S. frugiperda in corn crops were tested. Compatibility of the insecticides with EPNs was evaluated by observing mortality and infectivity of infecting juveniles (IJs) 48 h after immersion in solution of the insecticide formulations. Among all insecticides tested, Lorsban™ (chlorpyrifos), Decis™ (deltamethrin), Match™ (lufenuron), Deltaphos™ (deltramethrin + triazophos), Dimilin™ (diflubenzuron), Stallion™ (gamacyhalothrin), Karate Zeon™ (lambdacyhalothrin) Tracer™ (spinosad), Vexter™ (chlorpyrifos), Galgotrin™ (cypermethrin), Certero™ (triflumuron), and Talcord™ (permethrin) were compatible (class 1) with the three nematode species tested under laboratory conditions.  相似文献   

Although dozens of transgenic Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) rice lines have been developed, none of them has been released to farmers. Under field conditions, we evaluated the influence of a hybrid Bt rice on the primary rice insect pests and rice yield in 2005 and 2006. Four treatments were evaluated, including Bt and non-Bt rice treated with insecticides when necessary, and unprotected Bt and non-Bt rice. Unprotected Bt rice exhibited stable and high control of the three primary lepidopteran pests, Chilo suppressalis Walker, Tryporyza incertulas Walker and Cnaphalocrocis edinalis Güenée. Under unprotected conditions, larval densities of these three pests in Bt plots decreased by 87.5–100% compared to those in non-Bt plots, and percentages of damaged stems and leaves remained less than 0.6% during the entire rice growing season. In early rice growth stages, populations of two important planthoppers, Nilaparvata lugens Stål and Sogatella furcifera Hovarth, were significantly affected only by protection level (protected vs unprotected). However, in late rice growth stages (filling and maturing), densities of planthoppers were significantly affected both by protection level and by rice type (Bt vs non-Bt), and densities of N. lugens were significantly higher in Bt plots than in non-Bt plots under unprotected conditions. Pesticide sprays were reduced by 60 and 50% in protected Bt vs protected non-Bt plots in 2005 and 2006, respectively. Yield of unprotected Bt rice increased by 60–65% compared to unprotected non-Bt rice, but decreased by 28–36% compared to protected Bt rice. These results show that Bt rice increased yield greatly, but still required pesticide sprays to avoid losses caused by non-target insect pests.  相似文献   

The aphids Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas) and Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) are responsible for yield reduction in potato (Solanum tuberosum) production by direct phloem feeding and by spreading viruses. Breeding resistant traits from Solanum chomatophilum into the potato germplasm provides alternative means to control aphid infestations. Integrated pest management strategy, using plant resistance, benefits from the characterization of the resistance and of its impact on aphid biology. Our objective was to characterize the resistance of S. chomatophilum by assessing the effects of accessions, plant parts on aphid performance, and by assessing the impact of the resistance factors on different aphid developmental stages and on alate morph production. Detailed aphid performance was obtained by measuring fecundity, survival, percentage of nymphs that reached adult moult, and population growth using whole plant and clip cage experimental designs. Accession and plant physiological age, but not aphid developmental stage, influenced all life-history parameters, except for alate morph production which was not induced on the resistant accessions. Plant part influence was independent of plant species and accession. Both experimental designs resulted in congruent resistance levels at the accession level for each of the two aphid species, supporting the use of any of them in S. chomatophilum resistance screening. PI243340 was resistant to both aphid species, while PI365324 and PI310990 were also resistant to M. euphorbiae and M. persicae, respectively.  相似文献   

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