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草莓微繁殖苗光合特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以草莓品种全明星和丰香的微繁殖一代苗和二代苗为材料,在日光温室中系统地比较了草莓微繁殖苗和普通苗在光合特性和光合色素质量分数的差异。结果表明,2种性质的微繁殖苗的净光合速率和气孔导度都显著高于普通苗;微繁殖苗的光饱和点和补偿点低于普通苗,其中全明星的一代苗与普通苗差异显著,而丰香的一代苗和二代苗与普通苗差异均显著。在表观量子效率上,微繁殖苗显著高于普通苗。微繁殖苗的叶绿素b质量分数显著高于普通苗;微繁殖苗光合速率的日变化规律与普通苗相似。  相似文献   

草莓微繁殖苗移栽后开花结果的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
以草莓品种丰香、吐德拉、全明星、北辉为试材,研究了移栽时期、生根方式对草莓微繁殖苗移栽后开花结果的影响。草莓微繁殖苗在春季移栽时期对开花结果习性具有重要影响,2月份移栽,4个品种都开花结果,成熟期比露地栽培草莓大约晚20d,全明星、吐德拉和丰香3个品种的产量与普通苗露地栽培的产量相近;3月份移栽,虽然有开花结果,但并无经济学产量;4月份移栽,4个品种均未开花。不同品种的微繁殖苗在开花株率、单株产量等指标上差异显著,其中全明星微繁殖苗的开花结果能力最强,2月份移栽的微繁殖苗的开花株率达89.3%,单株产量达98.2g。在花序数上,培养基中不含植物生长调节剂处理显著高于附加植物生长调节剂的处理。  相似文献   

In the presence of 6-benzylaminopurine strawberry plants produce many axillary buds which grow into shoots bearing more axillary buds. Rooted plantlets, however, are only formed in the absence of added cytokinins. A technique that can be used to multiply large numbers of strawberry plants very quickly is described.  相似文献   

Two transgenic strawberry lines (Pel 1 and Pel 3) containing the open reading frame of a fruit specific strawberry pectate lyase gene (FaplC) under the control of the CaMV35S promoter have been obtained to evaluate the role of this gene on fruit softening. Ripen fruits from both lines showed a significant down-regulation of FaplC, being the percentage of silencing of 84 and 71% on Pel 1 and Pel 3, respectively. The agronomic behaviour of transgenic plants was evaluated during two consecutive years. Fruit set increased in the two transgenic lines when compared with control plants, although Pel 1 showed a significant reduction on fruit weight. Firmness of full ripen fruits from Pel lines was significantly higher than control fruits, while color and soluble solids were not affected. The increase of firmness in Pel lines was maintained when ripe fruits were stored for 3 days at 25 °C. Histological analysis of ripe fruits showed lower intercellular spaces and a higher degree of cell to cell contact area in transgenic fruits when compared with controls. Altogether, these results suggest a direct relationship between pectate lyase gene expression and strawberry fruit softening.  相似文献   

草莓病毒脱除方法的比较与评价   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以感染病毒的草莓品种宝交早生为试材,利用多重RT-PCR同时检测SMoV和SMYEV技术,对茎尖培养、热处理、抗病毒药剂处理3种脱毒方法进行了比较和评价,以期为草莓脱毒苗培育提供重要参考.结果表明,0.2mn茎尖和0.5 mm茎尖都能够有效地脱除SMoV和SMYEV;热处理能够脱除草莓试管苗中的SMoV,但不能脱除SMYEv,39℃恒温处理30 d,SMoV脱除率达到63.0%;利巴韦林不能清除草莓植株体内的SMov和SMYEV.综合脱毒率和茎尖分化成苗率2个指标,认为0.5 mm茎尖培养是适宜的草莓病毒脱除方法.  相似文献   

草莓微繁殖苗及其后代性状表观遗传变异研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
为揭示微繁殖导致表观遗传变异的表现特点,以草莓品种佐贺清香和全明星为试材,研究了微繁殖导致草莓表观遗传变异的生物学性状表现和生理生化变化。草莓微繁殖原种苗和一代苗繁殖匍匐茎子苗的能力明显高于普通苗,其中佐贺清香微繁殖原种苗繁苗能力比普通苗高1倍以上。微繁殖苗后代与普通苗在物候期上没有明显差异,同样在叶片形态和发育上也没有明显差异。在果实成熟期,微繁殖苗后代的生长势强旺,佐贺清香二代苗和全明星二代苗分别比普通苗增产49.8%和9.7%;微繁殖苗后代叶片中可溶性糖含量、可溶性蛋白质含量、苯丙氨酸解氨酶活性、几丁质酶活性和β-1,3-葡聚糖酶活性明显低于普通苗,这意味着微繁殖可能导致草莓的抗病性降低。  相似文献   

After cold storage for various periods (42, 99, 155, 189, 227 and 259 days) strawberry waiting-bed plants cultivar ‘Elsanta’ were planted on six dates between January and August. Plant performance was evaluated simultaneously in a growth chamber under controlled environmental conditions and in a greenhouse. Starch content in the crown tissue was clearly reduced during the cold storage period.

In the greenhouse trials a variable decline in fruit number and yield per plant was found in relation to the length of cold storage and the temperature conditions during the growth and harvest period. Also in the growth chamber, under a constant temperature regime, a significant decline in the number of flowers per plant developing up to anthesis was observed after increasing periods of storage. This indicates that it is not only stressing climatical conditions after planting which are influencing the performance of cold stored plants. Also, the length of cold storage strongly affects plant vigour and productivity. This is related to the carbohydrate status of the plants after cold storage.  相似文献   

中华 《广西园艺》2012,(2):27-30
通过对桂林市不同立地环境、不同品种类型、不同栽培技术、不同保护措施的条件下主要盆栽园林植物受冻害的调查与分析,发现在应对园林植物防冻方面存在着对园林植物耐寒性考虑不周,防寒措施不完善,防寒力度分散,防寒系统性不强等不足,并提出防止园林植物受冻的保护方法和措施。  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》2001,89(3):195-206
In the classical method of strawberry micropropagation, the rooting phase is done in vitro. The trials were undertaken to replace in vitro rhizogenesis by a direct ex vitro rooting. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the morphological and physiological status of strawberry plants rooted by both methods. The micropropagated shoots of strawberry, cultivars Senga Sengana, Kent and Kama were rooted by the standard method at the in vitro stage or they were treated as soft cuttings and rooted ex vitro (in non-sterile conditions). After a 4-week rooting period the plantlets rooted ex vitro had larger root systems than in vitro-rooted ones, as evidenced by a significantly lower ratio of shoot to root dry weights (2.95, 3.33 and 4.24, respectively, for ex vitro rooted Senga Sengana, Kent and Kama plants versus 5.09, 6.95 and 5.04 for in vitro rooted plants of the same cultivars). During subsequent growth, differences in development increased and were most pronounced in runner formation, more than twice as many runners were formed by ex vitro, than by in vitro-rooted plants. Chlorophyll fluorescence parameters showed that photochemical activity was similar in the leaves from plants rooted in vitro and ex vitro. Values of chlorophyll fluorescence parameters indicated that persistent leaves play the key photosynthetic role at the beginning of the growth period. With the formation of new leaves, the photosynthetic activity of the persistent leaves decreased and their function was taken over by the newly formed ones.  相似文献   

An important strategy to conduct intentional breeding of octoploid strawberry plants is to recognize the functions of every chromosome. To do so, a methodology must be developed to distinguish chromosomes one by one. We reported the possibility of distinguishing chromosomes using light microscopy when somatic cells of octoploid strawberry plants were stained using ordinary methods with lacto-propionic orcein (LPO). However, karyotype analysis of octoploid strawberry plants required clearer chromosome images. This study obtained clearer chromosome images of octoploid Fragaria × ananassa and F. chiloensis plants. Three staining methods were examined: 60% acetic acid (AA) alone, 1.5% LPO alone, and two-step treatments with 60% AA and 1.5% LPO. Collected root tips of the plants were placed in 2 mM 8-hydroxyquinoline solution for 1 h and were subsequently stored at 4 °C for 15 h. The samples were then fixed in a 3:1 absolute alcohol: glacial acetic acid solution for 40 min, followed by mixture with 1N HCl solutions at room temperature for 2 h and then at 60 °C for 10 min. For separate staining using 60% AA and 1.5% LPO, the root tip was expelled on the glass slide with a drop of each solution for a few minutes to stain the chromosomes. For the two-step staining method, the samples stained with 60% AA were frozen at −80 °C for at least 5 min. The cover slip was removed using a razor blade. Subsequently, the specimens were air-dried and stained with the 1.5% LPO for 3 min. Digital images of chromosomes were obtained using light microscopy. Samples of the two-step staining method produced the clearest chromosome images in both F. × ananassa and F. chiloensis. Furthermore, the greatest color difference between the chromosomes and the cytoplasm was obtained from images of the two-step staining method among the three staining methods. These results demonstrate that the two-step staining method is useful for chromosome counting and karyotype analysis in strawberry plants.  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》1986,28(4):331-337
The anatomy and surface structure of strawberry leaves formed in vitro and after removal from culture were studied by light and scanning electron microscopy. A digital image analyzer was used to measure cell and leaf sizes. Leaves formed in vitro were relatively thin and were characterized by poorly-formed palisade cells and large air spaces. Significant deposits of epicuticular wax were observed on abaxial surfaces. After removal from culture, persistent leaves increased in size, due to increase in cell size rather than cell number. Deposits of epicuticular wax increased on both abaxial and adaxial surfaces of persistent leaves during the first 20 days after removal from culture. Leaves formed after plants were removed from culture (newly-formed leaves) were intermediate in morphology between those that matured in vitro and field-grown leaves. Palisade layers were 3–4 cells deep, and occupied a relatively greater area than palisade cells of leaves formed in vitro. Deposits of epicuticular wax became more dense and complex in newly-formed leaves, and in many cases covered stomates. Although anatomical features of persistent leaves changed after removal from culture, the changes were limited, indicating that vigorous growth of tissue-cultured plants after removal from culture depends as much on development of new leaves as on adaptation of leaves present on the plants at the time of culture.  相似文献   

生物有机肥对日光温室草莓生长发育的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以垄栽“丰香”草莓为试材,研究了生物有机肥对日光温室内草莓生长发育的影响。结果表明:生物有机肥能显著促进草莓新根的发生与生长,提高了根系活力,新根鲜重、新根总长度和新根粗度、新根总表面积及根系生长点数增加,根系呼吸强度增强。地上部鲜重、平均叶面积和总叶片数也增加,叶片光合强度提高,叶绿素含量增加。植株的根冠比增加5~22个百分点;单株产量增加,品质改善。每克草莓干重果糖、葡萄糖、蔗糖的含量分别提高56.8mg、85.39mg和85.66mg。比较产投比,应用时生物有机肥与园土按1:30~1:15的比例配制基质较为合适。  相似文献   

Conditions of low night humidity (50–55%) and high night humidity (90–95%) were imposed on tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Young-Kwang) for 30 days, and on strawberry plants (Fragaria grandiflora Ehrh. cv. Bogyo) for 40 days. Shoot dry weight and leaf area in tomato plants increased with high night humidity whereas the strawberry plants did not show any such increases. The concentrations of five major nutrients (N, P, K, Ca and Mg) were reduced in tomato plants under high night humidity, with the calcium content in younger leaves being the most severely affected. For the strawberry plants, however, high night humidity tended to increase the concentrations of major nutrients, including calcium in the younger leaves. Possible reasons for the differences in response of these two species to night humidity are discussed.  相似文献   


Strawberry plants were grown in rockwool under glasshouse conditions at NaCl salinities of 2.6,5.9 and 8.6 mS cm-1 and at total irradiances of 2.1 and 4.9 MJ m?2d?1. Increasing salinity and irradiance reduced leaf water potential (ψω), osmotic potential (ψπ) and turgor potential (ψτ). There was an interaction between salinity and irradiance on with the lowest ψπ recorded for the unshaded leaves. Increased salinity altered the ionic composition of the leaf. Chloride concentration was increased from 0.03 to 0.61 % (D.W.) while NO3 content in the leaf sap was reduced from 10.51 to 3.60 mg ml-1 as salinity increased from 2.6 to 8.6 mS cm?1. Expressed on a fresh-weight basis, the concentration of K was reduced at high irradiance whereas Ca and Mg were enhanced. On a dry-weight basis K, Na, Ca and Mg were unaffected by salinity treatment. Net photosynthesis was reduced by high salinity but only in plants grown in unshaded conditions.  相似文献   

Comparison of four everbearing or day-neutral cultivars of strawberry (Rapella, Ostara, Fern and Selva) grown under glasshouse conditions in rockwool showed Rapella to accumulate the greatest shoot dry weight and leaf number together with the production of few stolons but many relatively large fruits per inflorescence. Subsequent studies with cv. Rapella found that increasing the salinity of the irrigation supply from 2.5 to 5.7 and to 8.5 mS cm"1, by the addition of NaCl, progressively reduced leaf number emerged and final leaf area by up to 36% and 48% respectively, after 100 d of treatment. Shoot dry weight, excluding fruits, was reduced by up to 47%. The number of crowns (lateral branches) was reduced from 11 in the lowest salinity to 8 and 7 at the higher salinity levels. Leaf water potential, \)/w, was reduced by up to 0.23 MPa in young leaves and 0.36 MPa in older leaves. Leaf osmotic potential, xj/^, was decreased by up to 0.14 MPa in younger leaves following salinity treatment at 8.0 mS cm-1. Consequently leaf turgor was reduced more in older than in younger leaves. Inflorescence number was reduced from 27 to 20 and 17. Within the remaining inflorescences however, flower numbers, fruit numbers and duration of fruit ripening were not affected. A marked decrease in the fresh weight of the fruit was detected in both higher salinity treatments but fruit dry weight was only slightly reduced.  相似文献   

Strawberries and cucumber plants were grown in ambient atmospheric CO2 concentrations of 300 v.p.m. and at elevated levels of 900, 1500 and 3000 v.p.m. during winter and early spring in 10 unheated greenhouses in the coastal plain of Israel. Co2 enrichment averaged 7 hours per day between the end of November and the second half of April.Strawberry plants of cultivar ‘Tioga’ yielded 31, 43 and 51 % more than the control when subjected to a 3-, 5- and 10-fold increase in CO2 concentration, respectively.Cucumber plants of cultivar ‘Elem’ grown at 3000 v.p.m. CO2 yielded 26 % more over the whole picking season than those grown at 300 v.p.m. Yield during the first month of picking was doubled by both a 3- and a 10-fold increase in aerial CO2 concentration.  相似文献   

A morphological abnormality occurring in micro-propagated strawberry plants is described and illustrated. The condition is recognised in established micro-propagated plants by an abnormal phyllotaxy which results typically in 2 or more young leaves emerging together rather than singly and by an excessive number of small branch crowns being produced. Dissection shows that the abnormality originates at the apex and is manifest as a linear (or less often as a circular) arrangement of multiple apices. Such multi-apexing plants “bud-off” normal single-apexed crowns from time to time but the abnormality can persist in the main shoot for 2 years (the limit of our observations). The multi-apexing differs fundamentally from clusters of single apices which, when removed from culture and separated, give rise to normal single-crowned plants.Similarities between the multi-apexing condition and fasciation in other plant species are discussed. Changes in growth regulator constituents of the culture media are shown to control the incidence of multi-apexing. In the presence of indole-3-butyric acid (IBA), higher 6-benzyl-aminopurine (BA) concentration increases the frequency, while adding gibberellin (GA3) decreases the incidence of affected plantlets. The frequency of abnormality varies greatly between different cultivars.It is suggested that conditions favouring greater proliferation rates in culture may also favour multi-apexing. Results indicate that multi-apexing can be avoided by using appropriate concentrations of growth regulators in culture media which will concomitantly maintain a good proliferation rate.  相似文献   

不同菌剂对丰香组培苗生长发育和白粉病抗性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以丰香草莓微繁殖苗为试材,分别以重茬土和混合基质为栽培基质,比较研究了丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)菌剂、木霉(Trichoderma)菌剂和有效微生物群(EM)菌剂对草莓植株生长发育和生理生化指标、产量、白粉病抗性等的影响。结果表明,无论是重茬土还是混合基质,供试的3种微生物菌剂处理后均可促进丰香草莓微繁殖苗的生长势,提高草莓叶片叶绿素、蛋白质、可溶性糖和淀粉质量分数,增加果实产量,其中AMF菌剂处理的效果显著,其叶面积和叶片叶绿素质量分数均是CK的1.5倍左右,产量比CK增加68.6%(重茬土)、39.5%(混合基质)。AMF菌剂处理和木霉菌剂处理植株中β-1,3-葡聚糖酶的活性是CK植株的2.6~5.5倍。在提高草莓微繁殖苗白粉病抗性上,木霉菌剂处理的效果最为显著,在重茬土和混合基质上,木霉菌剂处理植株的病情指数分别为36.7和19.2,分别为CK植株的51.8%和59.1%。  相似文献   

草莓品种对蚜虫的抗性机制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为探讨草莓品种对蚜虫的抗性机理,以5个常规草莓品种为试材,通过调查、测定大棚内蚜虫自然发生动态和室内人工接虫后种群变化,并对草莓叶片的形态学和生理学特性与抗蚜性的关系进行了分析。结果表明章姬对蚜虫高感,丰香感,卡姆罗莎和吐德拉抗,弗吉尼亚高抗。草莓品种对蚜虫抗性与叶片背面的茸毛密度成正相关,与气孔密度呈显著负相关;与叶片的木质素含量成正比;与酚类物质含量无显著关系,与总游离氨基酸、可溶性固形物含量和水分含量无明显的线性关系。但草莓对蚜虫的抗性程度与叶片中脯氨酸、缬氨酸和胱氨酸的含量有关,特别是缬氨酸和胱氨酸在感蚜品种中的含量是抗蚜品种中的2~3倍。  相似文献   

Marked differences in the microclimate and the performance of strawberry plants were observed under glass cloches and clear polyethylene tunnels as compared with coloured polyethylene tunnels. Under glass and clear film the average air and soil temperatures were higher and fluctuated more, and the vapour pressure deficit was greater during the day, than under coloured film. The plants under glass and clear film made more vigorous early growth and cropped earlier than those under the other tunnels, but the heaviest yields were picked from plants under red and pink covers. Flowering and fruiting were delayed under green and blue covers by at least one month, and yields were comparatively small owing to poor pollination and fruit set.

Both strawberry mildew (Sphaerotheca macularis (Wallr. ex Fr.) Lind.) and Botrytis fruit rot were more severe on plants under the coloured films than under glass or clear film.  相似文献   

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