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《Scientia Horticulturae》2005,105(4):467-474
The effect of diurnal maximum/minimum (20/10 or 25/15 °C) temperatures on seed and fruit development of ‘Irwin’, ‘Kensington’ and ‘Nam Dok Mai’ mangoes (Mangifera indica L.) was studied in a controlled-environment glasshouse. Exposure to low temperatures (20/10 °C day/night) 3 days after hand pollination significantly increased the percentage of stenospermocarpic fruit (nubbins), in which embryos were aborted at some stage during early fruit development. There were significant differences between cultivars in the percentage of nubbins produced out of the total fruit set following overnight exposure to 10 °C with 21% for ‘Nam Dok Mai’, 11% for ‘Kensington’ and 3% for ‘Irwin’. At 45 days after pollination, nubbin fruits were much smaller in size and weighed ca. 50% less than normal fruits. The lower percentage of nubbin fruits in ‘Irwin’ implies a greater adaptation to cool temperatures by this cultivar during fruit set and early embryo development.  相似文献   


Ten mango cultivars of tropical and subtropical origin (Carabao, Kensington, Nam Dok Mai, Alphonso, Dashehari, Florigon, Glenn, Irwin, Haden and Sensation) were grafted onto cv. Kensington seedling rootstock and held at four day/night temperatures for 20 weeks (15/10°C, 20/15°C, 25/20°C and 30/25°C). Vegetative growth increased with increasing temperatures. All grew vegetatively at 25/20°C and 30/25°C. Cultivars which did not grow at 20/15°C were Carabao, Kensington and Dashehari. Cultivars Kensington, Nam Dok Mai, Alphonso, Florigon, Glenn, Irwin, Haden and Sensation produced flower panicles at 15/10°C. The rise in temperature increased the average number of growth flushes (in responsive cultivars) from 0.48 at 15/10°C to 3.21 at 30/25°C, and the number of leaves per growth flush (1.22 at 15/10°C to 13.63 at 30/25°C). Distribution of dry matter from new growth was mostly to the roots at the lowest temperature (95% at 15/10°C) and to the leaves (58%) at 30/25°C. The mean daily temperature for zero vegetative growth was calculated to be 15°C. Temperature and related growth activity also affected the concentration of starch in the woody tissue of rootstock trunks at the end of 20 weeks (15.9% starch at 15/10°C v. 4.8% starch at 30/25°C). ‘Irwin’ had the highest starch concentration at the two higher temperatures (twice that of any other cultivar at 30/25°C) while ‘Kensington’ the lowest starch level at 25/20°C, ca. 50% of most other cultivars.  相似文献   


The effect of temperature on inflorescence development and sex expression in two mono-embryonic (`Irwin' and `Sensation'), and two poly-embryonic (`Nam Dok Mai' and `Kensington') mango cultivars was studied. Trees were subjected to natural winter temperatures to induce flowering prior to transfer into controlled environment glasshouse rooms under day/night temperature regimes of 15/5, 20/10, 25/15 and 30/208C for 20 weeks. Inflorescence development did not progress when trees were held at 15/58C. Cooler temperatures (20/108C) delayed the start of anthesis (42.4.d) compared with trees grown at 25/158C (23.d) and 30/208C (16.1.d). At 20/108C, the delay in the start of anthesis was greatest for `Sensation' (55.5.d) and least for `Nam Dok Mai' (25.5.d) while at other temperatures there was little difference between cultivars. The distribution of hermaphrodite flowers within the inflorescence was independent of temperature with the highest percentage found in the apical half of the inflorescence. There was an inverse relationship between the length of the anthesis period and temperature, with anthesis occurring over 30.d at 20/108C and reducing to fewer than 10.d at 30/208C. Temperature also had an inverse effect on the total number of flowers per inflorescence with 619. (mean for all cultivars) at 20/108C decreasing to 431. at 30/208C.  相似文献   


Graft union formation in mango (Mangifera indica L.) was studied using light microscopy. The initial wound response was resin secretion which contributed mainly to the initial adhesion of the graft partners. Early callus formation occurred mainly from the rootstock with cells produced in definite rows, often in fan-like array. Parenchyma cells at the cortex, pith, xylem and phloem rays were all involved in callus formation. The establishment of the cambial bridge between the stock and scion was followed by the formation of a protective layer, the periderm across the callus edges.  相似文献   


Defoliated shoots of cvs Alphonso, Dashehari, Totapari etc. (receptors), could be induced to flower within four weeks during the off-season by veneer grafting them to leafy shoots of the off-season flowering cv. Royal Special (donor) during the non-flowering season. Experiments on defoliating the donor and receptor shoots revealed the crucial dual role of the leaves in flowering. In the ‘floral cycle’, leaves from the donor promoted flowering, whereas leaves on the receptors, in the vegative phase, were inhibitory, and prevented graft-induction of the receptors. Thus, for graft induction, leafy donors and defoliation of receptors were essential. The inhibitory effect of the leaves on the receptors was localized and did not affect flowering of the donor shoots’ The similarity between these findings and those in the herbaceous, day-length sensitive species strengthens the view that flower formation is controlled in the same way in herbaceous and in woody perennial species. A minimum threshold of the floral stimulus appeared to be another requirement for an optimum flowering response. This was concluded from an experiment in which the leafy receptors were defoliated on different dates during the off-season flowering cycle. At the end of cycle, the defoliated receptors produced small panicles, and finally only vegetative shoots, probably indicating sub-threshold levels of the stimulus. Bud activity at the apex in the receptor was also an important pre-requisite for graft-induction. Some veneer-grafted scions which remained dormant during the flowering cycle of the donor and which sprouted much later after the completion of off-season flowering, ‘escaped’ the stimulus and invariably turned out to be vegetative. It is postulated that the cyclic synthesis of the floral stimulus in the leaves in an inductive cycle, and the gap between two such cycles, mainly decides the flowering behaviour of mango cultivars—biennial, annual and multiflowering. Two other requiremets are the absence of non-induced leaves and the synchronization of meristematic activity in the bud with the inductive cycle. Juvenile shoots from one to four year old seedlings could not be graft-induced—unlike the shoots from mature, six year old seeding trees. This juvenility effect continued into the second year when defoliation of the receptor shoots had no effect and failed to induce them to flower.  相似文献   

In vitro tests for pollen germination and pollen tube growth of olive cultivars were carried out with the addition of pistil extracts. Low pistil extract concentrations (.0.3–0.6 mg ml-1 f.w.) enhanced pollen germination and pollen tube growth for the same or different cultivars. Different responses to temperature were observed when pollen and pistil extract belonged to the same or to different cultivars. The results suggest that this in vitro test could be used to assess compatibility groups between olive cultivars.  相似文献   


Burl, typically manifest as a swelling of the trunk and lower branches, is a relatively unknown disorder of mango (Mangifera indica L.). We studied the incidence of the disorder in trees of each of three mango cultivars in India, and its effect on fruit yields over 2 years. Information was also collected on the relationship between the growth of the burl and the age of the trees, together with details of the anatomy of the affected tissues. ‘Langra’ had the highest incidence of the disorder (80.3% of 24 studied trees affected) and the largest burl (31.8 cm diameter), followed by ‘Chausa’ (17.5%; 16.4 cm), then ‘Gulab Jaman’(7.5%; 4.0 cm). Burl significantly reduced fruit yields in ‘Langra’ (121 kg tree–1 in affected trees vs. 162 kg tree–1 in normal trees), but not in ‘Chausa’ (110 vs. 129 kg tree–1) or ‘Gulab Jaman’ (100 vs. 98 kg tree–1). The sizes of the burls increased as the ages of the trees increased from 15 to 55 years, especially in ‘Langra’ and ‘Chausa’. No pathogens or insects were found to be associated with the affected tissues. The woody tissues in the burl lacked orientation and were not specifically aligned in a transverse, radial, or tangential direction. Further studies are warranted to determine the cause of this disorder and how it can affect fruit yields.  相似文献   

【目的】了解杧果Mi LCYB2基因的表达调控规律。【方法】应用染色体步移方法克隆了991 bp的Mi LCYB2基因启动子序列。【结果】用在线软件Plant CARE分析表明,该序列除含有启动子基本元件,如TATA-BOX、CAAT-BOX外,还含有ABA、GA、Auxin、SA、Me JA多种植物激素响应元件,以及参与生理周期调控、MYBHv1结合位点和光响应元件等一些其他的调控序列,推测Mi LCYB2基因的表达受多种植物激素、光照、生理周期、MYBHv1转录因子等的调控。【结论】杧果Mi LCYB2基因启动子的分离与序列分析为进一步探究杧果类胡萝卜素基因的调控机制提供了新的理论基础。  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》2001,87(1-2):147-151
Catecholase and cresolase (PPO) enzyme activities and phenolic content were measured in different mango cultivars at panicle initiation. Enzyme activity and phenolic content varied widely amongst eight cultivars, the maximum being in Bhadauran and minimum in Tommy Atkins. Floral malformation incidence was maximum (53.75%) in ‘Tommy Atkins’ and minimum in ‘Bhadauran’ (1.10%). A strong negative correlation was found between both the enzyme activity, phenolic content at panicle initiation and the incidence of floral malformation. Thus, PPO activity and level of phenolic compounds at panicle initiation may give a possible estimate of malformation incidence in mango.  相似文献   


Mango (Mangifera indica L.) trees grown at high density show a decline in flowering and fruiting after good fruiting years as a result of various factors. Annual pruning can restore production and productivity in such trees. Chlorophyll, total sugars (TS), total phenolics (TP), and proline contents as well as polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activities, were measured in the 2005–2006 and 2006–2007 seasons in shoot buds with a few leaves in three mango cultivars (‘Amrapali’, ‘Mallika’, and ‘Dashehari’). Trees were grown at high density in an orchard and the aforesaid parameters were measured 1 month after different degrees of pruning (Stage I) and after subsequent fruit bud differentiation (FBD; Stage II). Severely-pruned mango trees had the highest contents of chlorophyll a, while chlorophyll b and total chlorophyll contents were found to be highest in moderately-pruned trees. Lightly-pruned trees had the highest contents of reducing sugars (RS), whereas TS contents were highest in severely-pruned trees. The contents of RS and TS increased in shoot buds during the FBD stage. A moderate intensity of pruning significantly increased TP contents, while the lowest TP contents were recorded in non-pruned trees. ‘Off’-year shoots had higher TP contents than ‘on’-year shoots. Irrespective of pruning intensity, shoot buds of ‘Mallika’ trees had the highest PPO activities, with lower levels in ‘Amrapali’ and ‘Dashehari’ shoot buds. PPO activities were reduced at the FBD stage in ‘on’-year shoots. Severely-pruned trees had the highest PPO activities, while the lowest PPO activities were recorded in lightly-pruned trees. Shoot bud proline contents were found to be highest in non-pruned trees, and decreased with increasing pruning intensity. Thus moderate pruning can be adopted in high density orchards to obtain sustainable production with improved maintenance of canopy architecture.  相似文献   

The optimum leaf number: fruit ratio in various mango cuitivars was sought by isolating individual fruits with known numbers of supporting leaves by shoot girdling. 14CO2 feeding experiments showed a higher rate of carbon fixation in the leaves of girdled shoots than of control shoots but the translocation of 14C assimilates to the developing fruits on the girdled and control shoots was comparable. Starch accumulation in the leaves was reduced by shoot girdling. The stomatal resistance of the leaves of girdled shoots was comparable to that of leaves on control shoots. In all the cuitivars studied it was observed that 30 leaves, the maximum available on a shoot, could not support the growth of a single fruit to normal size. The results also show that fruit development depends not only on the current assimilates but also to a great extent on reserves. The utilization of reserve metabolites from vegetative organs during the ‘on’ year could be a contributing factor towards biennial and erratic bearing.  相似文献   

【目的】利用多基因手段结合形态学特征重新确定广西杧果炭疽病菌的分类地位,并统计分析各种类病菌的分布,了解广西杧果炭疽病菌的种类和优势群体,为进一步研究我国杧果炭疽菌及其病害的诊断、防控提供有力依据。【方法】从广西百色市、南宁市、钦州市等杧果产地采集杧果不同部位的炭疽病害样本,采用组织分离法进行分离,对所得分离物进行致病性测定,证明为杧果炭疽病菌。对病菌的ITS和ACT、GPDH、TUB2、CAL多基因位点进行扩增和测序,各基因序列按ITS、GPDH、ACT、TUB2、CAL的顺序相连接形成复合序列,采用MEGA 6.06软件以邻接法(neighbor-joining,NJ)构建系统发育树,结合病菌的形态特征鉴定其分类地位,并统计各种类病菌的总分离率及其在不同地区、植株不同部位的分离率。【结果】获得50株杧果炭疽病菌菌株,分别属于3个种:Colletotrichum asianum、C.fructicola、C.siamense,其中36株为C.asianum、12株为C.fructicola、2株为C.siamense。C.asianum、C.fructicola、C.siamense的总分离率分别为72%、24%、4%;C.asianum在所有检测地区、植株部位均能分离到,且分离率均最高,超过57.1%;C.fructicola能从所有检测地区、枝条以外的植株部位分离到,其中花梗上的分离率最高,为42.9%;C.siamense仅从百色市的果实上分离到,分离率为13.3%。【结论】广西杧果炭疽病菌主要有C.asianum、C.fructicola和C.siamense 3个种,均属于C.gloeosporioides复合种,其中C.asianum为优势种,C.fructicola是我国杧果炭疽病菌的新记录种;病菌的种类与地理来源、侵染部位无明显相关性。  相似文献   

Mango (Mangifera indica L.) is one of the most important fruit crops in tropical and subtropical regions worldwide. On the coast of Granada and Malaga (SE Spain), irrigated subtropical fruit species have been introduced and cultivated on terraces with a considerable economic importance as the only European production region. The subtropical fruit production in this zone is possible with intensive irrigation on terraces, which are economically more profitable than traditional rainfed crops (almond and olive), which have been replaced or abandoned. A 2-year monitoring period was conducted using drainage lysimeters to determine the crop coefficients (Kc) and fruit yield in mango (Mangifera indica L. cv. Osteen) orchards. Also, some quality parameters such as titratable acidity, total soluble solids, and vitamin C were evaluated under these conditions. The averaged Kc values of mango trees varied within production cycle of 0.43, 0.67, and 0.63 at flowering, fruit set, and fruit growth, respectively. In this study, the fruit yield under full water requirements (100% ETC) averaged 24.1 kg tree?1, amounting to 21.2 kg ha?1 mm?1 in terms of water-use efficiency. The quality parameters of the mango fruits harvested in the study area were satisfactory. Thus, this study highlights the need to optimize the irrigation-water use according to actual mango requirements, thereby achieving more sustainable Mediterranean subtropical farming in orchard terraces.  相似文献   

杧果种质果实品质性状多样性分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
 对中国热带农业科学院南亚热带作物研究所杧果种质资源圃40份杧果(Mangifera indica L.)种质的果实品质性状进行了连续3年的观测,采用方差分析、相关分析和主成分分析方法,从物理指标(果实形状、果实纵径、果实横径、果实侧径、单果质量、果核质量、可食率、果实纤维、果皮颜色)、化学指标(可溶性固形物、可滴定酸、还原糖和维生素C)和感官指标(风味和香气)3个方面对果实品质性状多样性进行了研究。结果表明:40份杧果种质的果实品质性状存在着极显著差异,具有丰富的多样性。Shannon-Weinner多样性指数(H′)在0.94 ~ 1.60之间,主成分分析表明果实品质性状变异的多向性。除可滴定酸和还原糖外,各种质品质特性年度间的差异不显著;一些果实品质性状间存在着显著或极显著的相关性。  相似文献   

采用改良涂片法对低温和常温条件下卡亡果‘台农1号’和‘Irwin’花粉母细胞减数分裂过程进行观察,结果表明:卡亡果花粉母细胞胞质分裂为同时型。常温(25-30℃)条件下,花粉母细胞减数分裂过程较为正常,双线期染色体主要形成二价体,二价体构型以“V”、“O”、“Y”、“X”型、点状和棒状等形式存在,以点状、“V”和“O”型较多见,出现少量的单价体和多价体,其中台农1号为0.79%和4.76%,Irwin为0和3.57%;同时仅在少量中期Ⅱ和后期Ⅱ花粉母细胞中观察到落后染色体。低温(10—20℃)条件下,减数分裂过程中核仁的行为发生大量异常,微核仁的平均检出率高达22.88%,明显高于常温条件下的平均值(4.56%);双线期单价体和多价体的发生频率有明显增加,其中台农1号中为8.82%和17.65%,Irwin中为14.52%和24.19%;减数分裂中期Ⅰ、Ⅱ及后期Ⅰ、Ⅱ均观察到落后染色体,其中台农1号的异常率为12.73%、5.63%、15.79%和4.76%,Irwin为11.11%、7.61%、9.52和6.38%。低温条件下减数分裂异常可能是造成雄性不育的重要原因。  相似文献   

吴俊  徐芹  张绍铃  陶书田  李晓 《果树学报》2005,22(6):606-609
为进一步研究活体条件下精胺对梨花粉萌发及花粉管生长的影响,以幸水、新雪、长-二十世纪为材料,采用荧光显微镜观测了不同浓度精胺处理的花粉萌发及花粉管生长情况。试验结果表明:较低浓度的精胺能促进花粉萌发,而超过一定浓度时则表现抑制作用,适宜于花粉萌发的精胺浓度是0-0.025mmol/L。精胺对花粉管生长的促进作用因品种而异,0-0.05mmol/L,精胺促进幸水、新雪花粉管生长的作用主要表现在花柱中上部;而到达基部的花粉管仍较少,与对照间差异不显著。在0-0.025mmol/L的适宜浓度下,精胺可促进长-二十世纪花粉管生长并到达花柱基部。不同浓度的精胺对幸水、新雪坐果影响不大;而适宜浓度的精胺可促进长-二十世纪坐果。  相似文献   


Changes in electrolyte leakage were assessed on the skin, outer and inner mesocarp of hot-water treated mangoes at the end of 2, 5, 10 d during storage at 4, 9, and 138C respectively. Batches of fruit were subjected to hot-water treatments at the following time-temperature combinations: (1) untreated; (2) 36.58 for 75 min; (3) 36.58C for 60 min stepped up to 46.58C for 43 min, or 46.5C for 90 min (same heat units), and (4) 36.58C for 75 min plus 46.58C for 61 min or 46.58C for 120 min (same heat units). The time-temperature combinations were designed to ensure that the fruits received heat units equivalent to about 0, 1/2, 1 or 11/3 of (468C for 90 min). Electrolyte leakage in fruit tissue was significantly highest in inner tissue and lowest in the fruit skin. The leakage increased in all fruit parts over time and with rise in storage temperature. Significant changes in electrolyte leakage were observed only in fruits stored at 138C. The skin of mangoes immersed in hot water at 46.58C for 120 min showed significantly higher electrolyte leakage compared with control and phased hot-water treatment (368C for 60 min + 46.58C for 43 min). Phased hot-water treatments showed lower electrolyte leakage compared with constant (one-stage) hot-water treatments and control. Fruits that received heat equivalent to 1 or 11 Ï /3 of 46.58C for 90 min through phased hot water showed lower leakage compared with constant hot water immersion at the same heat units. Linear regression of natural logarithms of electrolyte leakage against calcium contents showed a strong negative correlation. Hot-water treatment at 46.58C for more than 60 min exacerbated the problem of fruit skin damage especially during storage at 138C.  相似文献   

采用花粉液体培养法研究钙离子浓度对桃花粉萌发和花粉管生长的影响.结果表明,培养基内钙离子浓度在一定范围内对花粉萌发和花粉管生长起促进作用,但超过一定浓度时有抑制作用;培养基中添加的钙离子浓度为1.0mmol/L时有利于花粉萌发,而添加0.1mmol/L时,适于花粉管生长.  相似文献   

The pollen germination and pollen tube growth among nine Pistacia genotypes was quantified in order to identify differences in the tolerance of pollen to temperature variations. The effect of temperature on in vitro pollen germination and pollen tube growth was investigated in Pistacia vera (Uygur, Atli, Kaska, Sengel, Kavak), P. atlantica, P. khinjuk, P. terebinthus and P. palaestina. When pollen was incubated in a germination medium for 24 h in darkness, distinct differences were observed in pollen germination and pollen tube growth at different temperatures.  相似文献   


Moderate day/night temperatures (20/15° v. 15/10°C) increased vegetative growth and reduced flowering in the seven litchi cvs Tai So, Bengal, Souey Tung, Kwai May Pink, Kwai May Red, Salathiel and Wai Chee. At higher temperatures (25/20° and 30/25°C), vegetative growth was promoted further and flowering eliminated. Temperature also influenced the type of inflorescence formed. More leaves were formed on the panicles of trees growing at 20/15° than at 15/10°C. All terminal shoots on all cultivars produced panicles at 15/10°C. The relative order for the amount of flowering at 20/15°C was: ‘Wai Chee’>‘Salathiel’>‘Kwai May Pink’>‘Tai So’>‘Bengal’>‘Souey Tung’>‘Kwai May Red’. Cultivars which were vigorous at high temperatures produced fewer panicles at 20/15°C and fewer leafless panicles at 15/10°C. Only small differences were observed in the leaf water potential and the nutrient status of the shoots at different temperatures. Vigour and flowering of the cultivars in the glasshouse generally reflected field performance in subtropical Australia (Lat. 27°S). Low vigour could be useful for selecting litchi cultivars for good fruiting in environments with warm autumns and winters.  相似文献   

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