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Agroecosystems are dynamic, with yearly changing proportions of crops. Explicit consideration of this temporal heterogeneity is required to decipher population and community patterns but remains poorly studied.


We evaluated the impact on the activity-density of two dominant carabid species (Poecilus cupreus and Anchomenus dorsalis) of (1) local crop, current year landscape composition, and their interaction, and (2) inter-annual changes in landscape composition due to crop rotations.


Carabids were sampled using pitfall-traps in 188 fields of winter cereals and oilseed rape in three agricultural areas of western France contrasting in their spatial heterogeneity. We summarized landscape composition in the current and previous years in a multi-scale perspective, using buffers of increasing size around sampling locations.


Both species were more abundant in oilseed rape, and in landscapes with a higher proportion of oilseed rape in the previous year. P. cupreus abundance was negatively influenced by oilseed rape proportion in the current year landscape in winter cereals and positively by winter cereal proportion in oilseed rape. A. dorsalis was globally impacted at finer scales than P. cupreus.


Resource concentration and dilution-concentration processes jointly appear to cause transient dynamics of population abundance and distribution among habitat patches. Inter-patch movements across years appear to be key drivers of carabids’ survival and distribution, in response to crop rotation. Therefore, the explicit consideration of the spatiotemporal dynamics of landscape composition can allow future studies to better evidence ecological processes behind observed species patterns and help developing new management strategies.



Landscape heterogeneity (the composition and configuration of matrix habitats) plays a major role in shaping species communities in wooded-agricultural landscapes. However, few studies consider the influence of different types of semi-natural and linear habitats in the matrix, despite their known ecological value for biodiversity.


To investigate the importance of the composition and configuration of matrix habitats for woodland carabid communities and identify whether specific landscape features can help to maintain long-term populations in wooded-agricultural environments.


Carabids were sampled from woodlands in 36 tetrads of 4 km2 across southern Britain. Landscape heterogeneity including an innovative representation of linear habitats was quantified for each tetrad. Carabid community response was analysed using ordination methods combined with variation partitioning and additional response trait analyses.


Woodland carabid community response was trait-specific and better explained by simultaneously considering the composition and configuration of matrix habitats. Semi-natural and linear features provided significant refuge habitat and functional connectivity. Mature hedgerows were essential for slow-dispersing carabids in fragmented landscapes. Species commonly associated with heathland were correlated with inland water and woodland patches despite widespread heathland conversion to agricultural land, suggesting that species may persist for some decades when elements representative of the original habitat are retained following landscape modification.


Semi-natural and linear habitats have high biodiversity value. Landowners should identify features that can provide additional resources or functional connectivity for species relative to other habitat types in the landscape matrix. Agri-environment options should consider landscape heterogeneity to identify the most efficacious changes for biodiversity.

Agricultural burning is an important land use practice in the central U.S. but has received little attention in the literature, whereas most of the focus has been on wildfires in forested areas. Given the effects that agricultural burning can have on biodiversity and emissions of greenhouse gasses, there is a need to quantify the spatial and temporal patterns of fire in agricultural landscapes of the central U.S. Three years (2006?C2008) of the MODIS 1?km daily active fire product generated from the MODIS Terra and Aqua satellite data were used. The 2007 Cropland Data Layer developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture was used to examine fire distribution by land cover/land use (LCLU) type. Global ordinary least square (OLS) models and local geographically weighted regression (GWR) analyses were used to explore spatial variability in relationships between fire detection density and LCLU classes. The monthly total number of fire detections peaked in April and the density of fire detections (number of fires/km2/3?years) was generally higher in areas dominated by agriculture than areas dominated by forest. Fire seasonality varied among areas dominated by different types of agriculture and land use. The effects of LCLU classes on fire detection density varied spatially, with grassland being the primary correlate of fire detection density in eastern Kansas; whereas wheat cropping was important in central Kansas, northeast North Dakota, and northwest Minnesota.  相似文献   

Landscape Ecology - Landscape complexity affects herbivores in agroecosystems, but consequences on pest control services are variable. Carryover effects of landscape composition in previous years...  相似文献   



The landscape heterogeneity hypothesis states that increased heterogeneity in agricultural landscapes will promote biodiversity. However, this hypothesis does not detail which components of landscape heterogeneity (compositional or configurational) most affect biodiversity and how these compare to the effects of surrounding agricultural land-use.


Our objectives were to: (1) assess the influence of the components of structural landscape heterogeneity on taxonomic diversity; and (2) compare the effects of landscape heterogeneity to those of different types of agricultural land-use in the same landscape across different taxonomic groups.


We identified a priori independent gradients of compositional and configurational landscape heterogeneity within an agricultural mosaic of north-eastern Swaziland. We tested how bird, dung beetle, ant and meso-carnivore richness and diversity responded to compositional and configurational heterogeneity and agricultural land-use across five different spatial scales.


Compositional heterogeneity best explained species richness in each taxonomic group. Bird and ant richness were both positively correlated with compositional heterogeneity, whilst dung beetle richness was negatively correlated. Commercial agriculture positively influenced bird species richness and ant diversity, but had a negative influence on dung beetle richness. There was no effect of either component of heterogeneity on the combined taxonomic diversity or richness at any spatial scale.


Our results suggest that increasing landscape compositional heterogeneity and limiting the negative effects of intensive commercial agriculture will foster diversity across a greater number of taxonomic groups in agricultural mosaics. This will require the implementation of different strategies across landscapes to balance the contrasting influences of compositional heterogeneity and land-use. Strategies that couple large patches of core habitat across broader scales with landscape structural heterogeneity at finer scales could best benefit biodiversity.

Dynamics of small biotopes in Danish agricultural landscapes   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
The contemporary pattern of small biotopes - small uncultivated areas in the agricultural landscape, its historical development and recent trends have been studied in Eastern Denmark. The study is based on ordinance maps dating back to 1885, aerial photographs, and field studies (1981 and 1986). The development of these areas is seen in changes in agricultural production. A general decrease in the overall density, and especially in the density of the smallest, wet biotopes, is demonstrated. This change, however, is hiding a more dynamic process of removal, establishment and change within the individual biotopes. The consequences on research, monitoring and management of the agricultural landscape are discussed.  相似文献   

Habitat specificity analysis provides a tool for partitioning landscape species diversity on landscape elements by separating patches with many rare specialist species from patches with the same number of species, all of which are common generalists and thus provide information of relevance to conservation goals at regional and national levels. Our analyses were based upon species data from 2201 patch elements in SE Norwegian modern agricultural landscapes. The context used for measuring habitat specificity strongly influences the results. In general the gamma diversity contribution and core habitat specificity calculated from the patch data set were correlated. High values for both measures were observed for woodland, pastures and road verges whereas midfield islets and boundary transitional types were ranked low, as opposed to findings in traditional, extensively managed agricultural landscapes. This is due to our study area representing intensively used agricultural landscape elements holding a more trivial species composition, in addition to ruderals being favoured by fertility and disturbance, a finding also being supported by the semi-natural affiliation index. Results obtained by use of checklist data from the same study area diverged from patch data. Caution is needed in interpretation of habitat specificity results obtained from checklist data, because modern agricultural landscapes contain several land types which are seldom surveyed by botanists, thus being under-represented in the data set. We propose the use of core habitat specificity and gamma diversity contribution in parallel to obtain a value neutral diversity assessment that addresses patch uniqueness and other properties of conservation interests.  相似文献   

Large mammalian herbivores are notorious for their propensity towards population irruptions and crashes, yet many herbivore populations remain relatively stable. I explore how resource heterogeneity within landscapes dampens population instability, using a metaphysiological modelling approach considering patch state distributions. Resource heterogeneity is functionally stabilizing through spreading consumption away from preferred resources before these become critically depleted. Lower-quality resources act as a buffer against starvation during critical periods of the seasonal cycle. Enriching resource quality is destabilizing, even if patch diversity is maintained, because food quantity then becomes the limitation. The potential consequences of landscape fragmentation are explored using the Serengeti ecosystem, characterised by broadscale resource gradients, as a hypothetical example. Further insights provided by the model are illustrated with specific examples concerning the effects of patch scales and waterpoint distribution. A metaphysiological modelling approach enables the basic consequences of landscape heterogeneity to be distinguished from further effects that may arise from specific patch scales and configurations, without the distracting detail of spatially explicit models.  相似文献   

Jeanneret  Ph.  Schüpbach  B.  Pfiffner  L.  Walter  Th. 《Landscape Ecology》2003,18(3):253-263
Determining explanatory environmental factors that lead to patterns of biodiversity in cultivated landscapes is an important step for the assessment of the impact of landscape changes. In the context of an assessment of the effect of agricultural national extensification programme on biodiversity, field data of 2 regions were collected according to a stratified sampling method. A distribution model of 3 indicator species taxa (butterflies, spiders, and carabid beetles) is related to influencing factors by means of multivariate statistics (CCA, partial CCA). Hypothetical influencing factors are categorised as follows: (1) habitat (habitat type, management techniques) and (2) landscape (habitat heterogeneity, variability, diversity, proportion of natural and semi-natural areas). The correlation models developed for spider, carabid beetle and butterfly assemblages revealed that there are no general rules relating species diversity to habitat and landscape features. The relationship strongly depends on the organism and on the region under study. Therefore, biodiversity response to landscape and habitat changes has to be identified by means of a multi-indicator concept in different landscape situations.This revised version was published online in May 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   



Amphibians are declining worldwide and land use change to agriculture is recognized as a leading cause. Argentina is undergoing an agriculturalization process with rapid changes in landscape structure.


We evaluated anuran response to landscape composition and configuration in two landscapes of east-central Argentina with different degrees of agriculturalization. We identified sensitive species and evaluated landscape influence on communities and individual species at two spatial scales.


We compared anuran richness, frequency of occurrence, and activity between landscapes using call surveys data from 120 sampling points from 2007 to 2009. We evaluated anuran responses to landscape structure variables estimated within 250 and 500-m radius buffers using canonical correspondence analysis and multimodel inference from a set of candidate models.


Anuran richness was lower in the landscape with greater level of agriculturalization with reduced amount of forest cover and stream length. This pattern was driven by the lower occurrence and calling activity of seven out of the sixteen recorded species. Four species responded positively to the amount of forest cover and stream habitat. Three species responded positively to forest cohesion and negatively to rural housing. Two responded negatively to crop area and diversity of cover classes.


Anurans within agricultural landscapes of east-central Argentina are responding to landscape structure. Responses varied depending on species and study scale. Life-history traits contribute to responses differences. Our study offers a better understanding of landscape effects on anurans and can be used for land management in other areas experiencing a similar agriculturalization process.

Forest productivity is driven by a suite of direct climatic and non-climatic factors that are transient or permanent. The kind of productivity driver and the nature of their effects vary by species, and scale dependencies potentially complicate these relationships. This study explored productivity-driver relations in eastern Boreal Canada and determined spatial effects in productivity control when expressed with stand dominant height at a reference age (site index). Data from 4,217 temporary sample plots obtained from boreal mixedwood and conifer bioclimatic domains, and with varied species composition, were used in this study. A single-level global model that assumes equal sensitivities across spatial scales was calibrated and compared with three alternative models reflecting different hypotheses on possible spatial heterogeneities. Alternative models were calibrated by plot-level soil deposit types (microscale), landscape dominant deposits (mesoscale) and bioclimatic domains (macroscale). A marked difference between the global and alternative models was observed, suggesting that a single global model does not sufficiently reflect existing heterogeneity in productivity-driver relationships. A combination of macro- and microscale models provided the best explanation of site index. Results further showed that site index is mainly driven by species composition (complementarity effects of aspen and jack pine compositions) and stand diameter structural diversity effects. It is concluded that successional changes, more than direct climatic effects, drive productivity.  相似文献   

Landscape Ecology - While the concept of ecosystem services (ES) is well established in the scientific and policy arenas, its operationalization faces many challenges. Indeed, ES supply, demand and...  相似文献   

This paper addresses the challenge of measuring spatial heterogeneity in categorical map data. Spatial heterogeneity is a complex notion that involves both spatial variability and attribute variability, and metrics to capture this are a product of their developers’ simplifying assumptions about both spatial and attribute dimensions. We argue that the predominantly binary treatment of categorical data is frequently an unnecessary oversimplification that can be replaced by ordered measures based on semantic similarity evaluations. We develop a typology of autocorrelation metrics for categorical data that identifies a critical gap: existing measures are limited in their ability to capture variability of both spatial and attribute dimensions simultaneously. We demonstrate an approach to formally characterize the semantic similarity between pairs of categorical data classes as a continuous numeric variable. A series of experiments on synthetic and actual land cover data contrasts the information content provided by metrics representative of all portions of the typology: the recently proposed semantic variogram, the indicator variogram, the contagion index, and the edge contrast index. Experimental results suggest that the typology captures essential qualities of metric information richness. Among our findings is that the commonly used contagion index is directly correlated with Moran’s I for 2-class maps but it fails to distinguish between negatively and positively autocorrelated patterns. We identify the semantic variogram as the only metric that can simultaneously detect both spatial and semantic attribute aspects of categorical autocorrelation. The semantic variogram is also relatively robust to attribute scale changes and therefore less sensitive to class aggregation than the other metrics.  相似文献   

Geertsema  W.  Opdam  P.  Kropff  M.J. 《Landscape Ecology》2002,17(3):263-279
In agricultural landscapes many plant species are limited to the network of landscape elements that are not used for agricultural production. This habitat is fragmented in space and time due to anthropogenic, biotic and abiotic factors. Therefore, plant populations are spatially sub-divided and their persistence might be dependent on the spatial dynamics in the network of local populations. Dispersal characteristics and seed bank persistence are main determinants of colonization ability which in turn is a key determinant of metapopulation viability. We propose a conceptual model that relates plant population dynamics to habitat quality, configuration and dynamics. In this model, the habitat is arranged as a network of suitable and unsuitable patches,and the distribution of the patches is assumed to be dynamic in time. Based on dispersal and seed bank characteristics four plant strategies are distinguished:species having either long (> 100 m) or short (< 100m) distance dispersal and either a long (> 5 yr)or short (< 5 yr) term persistent seed bank. We expect that species with contrasting strategies have different survival probabilities in landscapes with contrasting habitat arrangement in space and time. We found few empirical studies for testing the hypotheses based on the model. Therefore the relation between landscapes and plant survival needs to be further explored,especially the quantitative aspects. We propose an iterative process of empirical and modelling research to determine this relation and to define management options for multifunctional farms in which biodiversity is one of the land use aims. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   



Wild bee populations are currently under threat, which has led to recent efforts to increase pollinator habitat in North America. Simultaneously, U.S. federal energy policies are beginning to encourage perennial bioenergy cropping (PBC) systems, which have the potential to support native bees.


Our objective was to explore the potentially interactive effects of crop composition, total PBC area, and PBC patches in different landscape configurations.


Using a spatially-explicit modeling approach, the Lonsdorf model, we simulated the impacts of three perennial bioenergy crops (PBC: willow, switchgrass, and prairie), three scenarios with different total PBC area (11.7, 23.5 and 28.8% of agricultural land converted to PBC) and two types of landscape configurations (PBC in clustered landscape patterns that represent realistic future configurations or in dispersed neutral landscape models) on a nest abundance index in an Illinois landscape.


Our modeling results suggest that crop composition and PBC area are particularly important for bee nest abundance, whereas landscape configuration is associated with bee nest abundance at the local scale but less so at the regional scale.


Strategies to enhance wild bee habitat should therefore emphasize the crop composition and amount of PBC.

Collectivization of agriculture (1950s–1970s) was one of the most important periods in landscape development in Slovakia. Traditionally managed agricultural landscapes, that covered more than half of the Slovak territory, were transformed into large-scale fields and only fragments of traditional agricultural landscapes survived. We mapped the remaining traditional agricultural landscapes using aerial photos and historical maps. We then statistically analyzed the various geographical factors and their influence on the transformation process of traditional and collectivized fields, i.e., slope steepness, soil fertility, distance from settlements and isolation from regional capital cities. The comparison was performed using classification tree analysis. We constructed a set of decision rules that explain why fields were managed traditionally or collectivized. Our findings show that traditional agricultural fields were more likely to persist on steep terrain, less fertile soils, and on locations that were closer to the settlements, but more isolated from the regional capital cities. Steepness played the most important role: small-scale fields located on steep areas were not accessible to heavy machinery and therefore, frequently survived the collectivization. We show that the selected geographical factors are good explanatory variables for the collectivization of arable fields and orchards. For vineyards and grasslands, however, the explanatory power of the selected geographical factors is lower, and we suspect that other factors, not depicted in the analysis play an important role.  相似文献   

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