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本研究通过对陇西南塬区农业生产系统的结构分析,确认该系统的特征为产业结构不合理(以种植业为主),种植业以粮食生产为主,复种指数低(111%);养殖业中草食家畜比例低,饲养技术落后,良种率低;林果业效益低下;人口密度高,劳动力过剩,生产能源短缺等。通过系统分析提出了调控方针,该系统整体效益提高的关键是发展以草食家畜为核心的养殖业,种植业应及时调整结构,提高经济作物和饲料作物的比例,提高复种指数,林果  相似文献   

<正>种养结合型家庭农场猪粪资源化利用模式是一种将种植业与生猪养殖业充分结合的生态循环农业模式,即以农户家庭为单位开展适度种、养一体化生产,生猪养殖为种植业提供优质的有机肥,农作物又作为生猪养殖的饲料来源,形成农业生态良性循环链。2004年起,上海市松江区开展了种养结合型家庭农场养殖建设试点,2008年探索发展种养结合家庭农场养猪模式。该模式以上海松林畜禽养殖专业合作社为纽带,采用"公司+农户"经营模式运  相似文献   

调查结果,农业结构中种植业占40%,养殖业占30%,劳务经济占30%,比例基本合理,以大量的数据和事例,反映了同心县农业科产业和经济收入状况。以种植业、养殖业、劳务经济为调查对象,对同心县各地区农村产业结构调整的相关情况进行了调查分析。  相似文献   

种养结合是发展现代生态农业的关键环节   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>时下,生态农业的发展要求把发展粮食与多种经济作物生产,发展大田种植与林、牧、副、渔业,发展大农业与第二、三产业结合起来,通过人工设计,形成生态上与经济上两个良性循环。经济、生态、社会三大效益的统一。在这当中种植业和养殖业作为生态农业的重要组成部分却问题重重。首先来看种植业的现状:耕地总量不足,人均耕地面积为  相似文献   

该模式是以畜牧场为核心的典型的“种养”结合生态农业模式,即种草→养牛→种林果,这种模式采用种草养牛与发展经济林果相结合的运转方式,通过人工草场建设,提高牧草产量和质量,提高养牛效益,带动种植业生产发展。牛粪直接还地,以培肥地力,促进牧草生产。良种循环是由种植业、养殖业、林果业三个部分组成。  相似文献   

郑芳  他淑君 《中国饲料》2022,1(24):127-130
乡村振兴战略背景下,推进农业供给侧结构性改革是提高农业综合效益和竞争力的重大举措。加速农业生产模式已成为推动农业发展的必然方向。养殖业作为我国农业产业体系的重要组成部分,加速养殖业供给侧结构性改革、构建全新的生态养殖业生产模式,是未来养殖业发展的主流方向。因此,养殖业供给侧的饲料加工制造产业必然受到冲击。因此,新时期有机饲料加工制造企业该何去何从,该如何更好地适应生态养殖业的发展,是农业生产领域研究的重点课题。本文就农业生态经济发展对有机饲料生产的影响进行研究,探索新时期有机饲料加工制造企业的转型和发展方向,进而更好地助力生态农业、绿色农业、可持续发展农业。 [关键词] 乡村振兴|农村生态经济|有机饲料生产|影响  相似文献   

王正淑  王继军  刘佳 《草地学报》2016,24(2):263-269
《联合国气候变化框架公约》签订后,国内外学者开展了大量碳汇方面的工作,而碳汇与农业生态经济系统关联性的研究较为薄弱。因此,作者通过野外采样和室内试验,结合课题组累积的15年调研资料,利用灰色关联分析方法,分析县南沟流域碳汇与农业生态经济系统的关系,以期为碳汇与农业生态经济系统的研究与实践提供参考。结果表明:退耕还林(草)工程实施以来,林草碳汇显著增加,年碳汇增量从2523.17 Mg增加至4562.06 Mg。在碳汇增加的过程中,农业土地利用结构和产业结构(以收入结构为表征)的演替对其产生了较强的正向效果,土地利用结构调整通过扩大林草面积增加碳汇量;产业结构的变化通过非农收入的增加和高效设施农业的发展减轻对土地的压力,进而促进和稳固土地利用结构。根据研究结果,建议今后应进一步优化农业系统结构,以促使林草碳汇的稳定增加。  相似文献   

河南畜牧经济发展态势的灰色关联分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近几年来,畜牧业在农业结构中的比重不断上升,促进农民收入和国民经济增长的作用不断增强。但畜牧业又是一个复杂的产业系统,分析了解该系统发展中的主要因素和次要因素及近期发展态势,无疑对了解畜牧生产现状,调整畜牧业生产结构有着很重要的作用。本文运用灰色关联分析的方法对河南省畜牧业经济发展态势进行分析,以供有关部门参考。1灰色关联分析的原理与步骤1.1原理灰色关联分析是灰色系统分析的主要内容之一。它以分析灰色系统中系统主行为因子与相关行为因子的关系密切程度,从而判断引起该系统发展的主要因素和次要因素为其…  相似文献   

农林牧协调发展的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>依靠科技兴牧,以建设优良草食牲畜基地为目标,注重规模效益,实施生态畜牧业集约化经营,提高土地的综合效益,实现生态林果业、养殖业的高效、优质、有序发展。国务院下发的《关于加快林下经济发展的意见》,要求各地在保护生态环境的前提下,坚持以市场为导向,科学合理利用林业资源。加大扶持力度,努力营造有利于林下经济健康发展的良好环境,促进林下经济向集约化、规模化、标准化和产业化发展。  相似文献   

<正> 农业开发是一项系统工程。要使我省农业得到持续稳定的发展,就必须全面地、深入地研究整个农业生产系统,使农业生产系统内部各子系统之间达到最佳组合,从而最大限度地发挥农业生产系统的总体效益。在以种植业为主的农区(以下简称农区),尤其要协调好种植业与畜牧业的关系,也就是  相似文献   

Fleshy‐fruited plants in tropical forests largely rely on vertebrate frugivores to disperse their seeds. Although this plant–animal interaction is typically considered a diffuse mutualism, it is fundamental as it provides the template on which tropical forest communities are structured. We applied a mutualistic network approach to investigate the relationship between small‐fruited fleshy plant species and the fruit‐eating bird community in an intact evergreen forest in northeast Thailand. A minimum of 53 bird species consumed fruits of 136 plant species. Plant‐avian frugivore networks were highly asymmetrical, with observed networks filling 30% of all potential links. Whereas some of the missing links in the present study might be due to undersampling, forbidden links can be attributed to size constraints, accessibility and phenological uncoupling, and although the majority of missing links were unknown (58.2%), many were probably due to a given bird species being either rare or only a very occasional fruit eater. The most common frugivores were bulbuls, barbets and fairy‐bluebirds, which were responsible for the majority of fruit removal from small fleshy fruited species in our system. Migratory birds seemed to be a minor component of the plant‐frugivore networks, accounting for only 3% of feeding visits to fruiting trees; they filled 2% of the overall potential networks. The majority of interactions were generalized unspecific; however, Saurauia roxburghii Wall. appeared to be dependent on flowerpeckers for dispersal, while Thick‐billed Pigeons were only seen to eat figs.  相似文献   

Grasslands are important to domestic and wild animals. Migratory shorebirds are important components of coastal rangeland ecosystems. Buff-breasted Sandpiper (BBSA, Calidris subruficollis) and American golden-plover (AMGP, Pluvialis dominica) are two insectivorous, migrant shorebirds that rely on livestock-grazed grasslands in the Southern Cone of South America during their nonbreeding season, as well as on migration in North America. We studied habitat selection of these species and contrasted their needs with livestock requirements needed to develop recommendations for grazing management that benefit wildlife and livestock production. Short grass height was positively related to BBSA and AMGP abundance, with ideal grass heights from 2 to 5 cm. However, maximum livestock production is associated with grass height over 6 cm. The amount of forest cover, which is used to provide shade to livestock, was negatively related to the occurrence of both shorebird species, likely due to higher risks of predation. Grassland improvement did not affect BBSA but negatively affected AMGP abundance. Short grass habitat was selected by both shorebird species in spite of the higher arthropod biomass in taller grasslands, suggesting that other factors besides food abundance, such as the ability to detect prey and predators, are driving habitat selection. To enhance shorebird (and other wildlife) conservation and livestock production, we recommend managers adjust grazing intensity so that grass height is > 6 cm from mid-February to September, when the Nearctic migrant shorebirds are absent, and from 2 to 5 cm from October to early February when shorebirds are present. These austral summer adjustments should be restricted to paddocks with low forest cover so that livestock production in paddocks with high forest cover remains maximized. All adjustments should be evaluated by each farmer to ensure adequate economic returns are met.  相似文献   

Vitamin E is an essential nontoxic fat‐soluble micronutrient whose effects on livestock performance and products can be attributed to its antioxidant and nonantioxidant properties. Although it is needed in small quantity in the diet, its roles in livestock production are indispensable as it is required in boosting performance, nutritional qualities, and yield of animal and animal products. The dietary or oral supplementation of vitamin E is essential in reducing lipid oxidation in muscle, egg, and dairy products as well as lowering cholesterol concentrations and improving antioxidant status of livestock. Evidence has shown that bioavailability of vitamin E–enriched animal products could serve as an invaluable nutritional benefit to consumers; especially those in regions of limited resources where vitamin E deficiencies pose a risk that may be detrimental to some cellular activities of the body and on human health. It is therefore important to redirect research on the impact of vitamin E supplementation as antioxidant on livestock performance and animal products.  相似文献   

环县畜牧业生产现状与发展建设议   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
马永年 《草业科学》2008,25(5):138-141
通过对环县畜牧业生产现状的调查,分析了环县畜牧业生产中存在的问题(天然草场严重退化,饲草料严重短缺,生态环境日趋恶化,畜牧业整体结构不合理,饲养管理条件差、技术落后,畜牧产品生产加工包装粗糙,名牌产品少,效益低)等,提出了环县发展畜牧业生产应积极引进优良品种试验示范推广、因地制宜地调整畜种群结构、加强技术培训、进行规范养殖、加大饲草料种植和棚圈建设力度、确保棚圈饲草料满足供应、多方引进资金技术设备、开展畜产品精深加工及出口创汇、不断提高综合效益、逐步实现畜牧产业化、增加农牧民收入等一系列具体建议.  相似文献   

Genetic improvement programs for livestock would be enhanced by the ability to accurately and easily measure body composition of live animals or to make measurements at anatomical reference points that can be used to accurately predict body composition. Advances in ultrasonic technology, such as real-time imagery and portable ultrasound units, have renewed interest among animal scientists working with genetic improvement programs and the livestock industry groups they serve. Ultrasound has been used for more than 30 yr and, for swine, has been demonstrated to improve significantly the accuracy of predicting body composition. However, many studies have shown less success in improving prediction of body composition from the use of ultrasonics to measure live beef cattle and sheep. The swine industry probably will be the first to benefit measurably from use of ultrasound technology in large-scale genetic improvement programs for carcass merit. Considerable research and development is needed before ultrasound technology can be effectively used in similar large-scale programs in the beef cattle and sheep industries.  相似文献   

高寒牧区牲畜暖棚与蔬菜种植试验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本试验针对暖季青海省广大牧区牲畜暖棚大多闲置这一现象,在牧区暖棚内进行了蔬菜种植,做到暖棚养畜与蔬菜种植并举,从而达到牲畜暖棚综合利用的目的,获得了成功并取得较好的经济效益。但是由于受区域环境及人为因素等限制,牧区牲畜暖棚种莱技术对牧民群众而言,是一项较为复杂的管理和经营技术,目前还不适宜在三江源区大面积推广。各地应因地制宜的选择适宜推广的地域。  相似文献   

重庆市云阳县天然草地改良效果分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对改良三峡库区 (云阳县 )天然草地的效果进行了研究。结果表明 :建设人工、半人工草地 ,配置优良畜种 ,调查畜群结构等配套技术组织生产 ,提高了草地———山羊生产系统的潜在生产能力和经济效益 ,取得了令人满意的结果  相似文献   

合理确定草地载畜量对有效保护草地资源并高效利用有重要的指导意义,传统方法计算的载畜量只表明了核定时段内的平均载畜量,没有明确载畜量核定的具体时间,开展载畜量核定容易引起混淆和争执,核查工作量大,耗时长,实际操作难度大。为此,本文综合近年来草地载畜量的相关研究结果、结合草原生态气候变化和草牧业的发展趋势,提出了以秋末入冬为载畜量核定时间,以能繁母畜数量作为核定主要指标的新草地生态载畜量计算方法,并提出了加强畜牧业基础设施和人工草地建设,加大牲畜出栏,开展划区轮牧和春季草地禁牧试点示范,合理利用牲畜补偿代谢特点,利用牧草再生特点提高牧草产量和贮备等技术措施,以期为提高草地载畜能力,增加牧民经济收入,实现草原畜牧业的可持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   

构建了农产品加工业竞争力评价指标体系,应用因子分析法对甘肃省12类农产品加工行业的竞争力进行了实证研究。结果表明,甘肃省农产品加工业发展高度反映出资源导向型的开发战略,农产品加工业各行业竞争力呈现分化特征。传统农产品加工业竞争力已不复存在,因而,加快发展方式转变,促进其转型升级成为必然。以区域特色农产品为主要原料的新型农产品加工业竞争力优势显著,但市场开拓相对滞后,产品产销衔接不畅以及加工设备、技术落后导致的资源利用效率低下成为影响其竞争力进一步提升的关键因素。  相似文献   

畜禽良种在畜牧产业发展中发挥核心作用,是区域畜牧业发展的物质基础,也是各国畜牧业科技竞争的焦点。现代畜禽良种繁育技术是由一系列技术组成的技术群,在畜牧业生产中的应用有助于提升优质种畜禽使用效率,加快区域畜禽养殖的良种化进程,提高畜禽生产性能。介绍了主要畜禽良种繁育技术及在我国的应用现状,分析了现代畜禽良种繁育技术对畜禽群体饲草料转化效率及良种选育效率的影响,从经济学视角探讨了现代畜禽良种繁育技术与养殖场投入及产出的关系,以期为我国建立现代畜禽良种繁育体系提供参考。  相似文献   

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