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Summary Soybean germplasm was screened for resistance to bacterial pustule disease. The etiological agent, Xanthomonas campestris pv. glycines, was isolated from the leaves of field grown soybean in Maharashtra, India. The screening of soybean stocks was carried out by excised leaf inoculation method. A differential susceptibility to the pathogen was observed in the tested stocks. Two stocks P-4-2 and P-169-3 were found to be completely resistant to the pathogen and displayed an incompatible reaction. Four cultivars, EC-34160, Bragg, Kalitur and PK-472 displayed moderate resistance and the remaining stocks were susceptible to the attack of the pathogen. The stocks P-4-2 and P-169-3 remained resistant even to a high concentration of 109 colony forming units (cfu)/ml of the pathogen.  相似文献   

Summary Inheritance of aphid resistance and allelic relationships among sources of resistance was studied in the parents, F1, F2, F3, and backcross populations of cowpea crosses. Each 4-day old seedling was infested with five fourthinstar aphids. Seedling reaction was recorded 14–16 days after infestation when the susceptible check was killed. The segregation data from eight crosses between resistant and susceptible cowpea cultivars indicated that aphid resistance was inherited as a monogenic dominant trait. Segregation data from crosses among eight resistant cultivars indicated that one or two loci and modifier(s) were involved in the expression of resistance to aphids. It was suggested that further studies on allelism among sources of resistance needed to be conducted in order to resolve this.  相似文献   

G. O. Myers  S. C. Anand 《Euphytica》1991,55(3):197-201
Summary The objectives of this study were to determine if genes for resistance to soybean cyst nematode (SCN) in soybean PI 437654 were identical or different from the genes in Peking, and PI 90763. The F2 plants and F3 families were studied from crosses between PI 437654, Peking, and PI 90763. The cross PI 437654 × susceptible Essex was included to determine inheritance of resistance to SCN. For Race 3, PI 437654 was found to have genes in common with Peking and PI 90763. The segregation in PI 437654 × Essex indicated the presence of one dominant and two recessive genes. For Race 5, PI 437654 indicated the presence of similar genes as those in PI 90763 and Peking whereas, PI 437654 × Essex indicated the action of the segregation ratios of two dominant and two recessive genes. For Race 14, the data from the cross PI 437654 × PI 90763 indicated monogenic inheritance with resistance being dominant; whereas PI 437654 × Peking showed a recessive gene controlling resistance. The segregation in PI 437654(R) × Essex(S) suggested one dominant and two recessive genes for Race 14 reaction.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to identifymicrosatellite markers linked to a gene forresistance to Heterodera glycinesIchinohe (Soybean Cyst Nematode – SCN) insoybean cultivar Hartwig. ABC1F2 mapping population derivedfrom a cross between Hartwig (resistant)and the Brazilian soybean line Y23(susceptible) was used. About 200microsatellite or simple sequence repeat(SSR) primer pairs were tested in a bulkedsegregant analysis (BSA). Those thatshowed clear polymorphisms were amplifiedin the BC1F2 population, whichhad been previously inoculated andevaluated for resistance/susceptibility toSCN Race 3. Three SSR markers linked toSCN resistance were detected in thepopulation. Two of them, Satt 038 and Satt163, flanking a dominant resistant gene(d/a = –0.90), explained 37% of thephenotypic variance. This gene was mappedat the edge of molecular linkage group G. Broad and narrow sense heritabilities wereestimated to be 50.54% and 37.73%,respectively. A selection efficiency of91.18% was obtained with the simultaneoususe of the two markers. The identified SSRmarkers will be useful tools for assistingthe selection of homozygous genotypes andfor expediting the introgression of the SCNresistance locus from cv. Hartwig tosoybean elite cultivars.  相似文献   

Summary Cultivar Peking has been extensively used as a source of resistance to Race 3 and Race 5 of soybean cyst nematode, Heterodera glycines I., and Peking genes for resistance are present in a wide range of resistant soybean cultivars. Peking is also used as a host differential in the soybean cyst nematode race classification system. Thirteen Peking lines maintained in the USDA Soybean Germplasm Collection and in several breeding programs were surveyed using RFLP and RAPD markers for genetic characterization. Based on the molecular diversity combined with reaction to soybean cyst nematode, Peking genotypes from a common original source were identified. Peking lines PI 297543 (introduction from Hungary), and PI 438496A, PI 438496B and PI 438496C (introductions from Russia) represented unrelated germplasms. Identified molecular polymorphism can be used to validate the genetic purity of Peking lines used as host differentials for soybean cyst nematode classification system as well as utilization of an individual germplasm line in genetic-breeding programs.  相似文献   

Worldwide, cyst nematode (SCN) Heterodera glycines is the most destructive pathogen on cultivated soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.). In the USA yield losses in 2001 were estimated to be nearly 60 million dollars. Crop losses are primarily reduced by the use of resistant cultivars. Nematode populations are variable and have adapted to reproduce on resistant cultivars overtime because resistance primarily traces to two soybean accessions. Recently cv. Hartwig was released which has comprehensive resistance to most SCN populations. A virulent nematode population LY1 was recently selected for its reproduction on Hartwig. LY1 population originated from a mass mating of Race 2 (HG Type 1.2.5-) females with Race 5 (HG Type 1.2-) males. LY1 nematode population infects currently known sources of resistance except PI 567516C. The female indices obtained on PI 567516C and Hartwig were 7% (resistant) and 155% (susceptible), respectively. However, the genetic basis of LY1 resistance in soybean PI 567516C is not known. Resistant PI line 567516C was crossed to susceptible cultivar Hartwig to generate 105 F2:5 families. These families together with parents, seven indicator lines and a susceptible control cv. Lee-74 were evaluated for response to LY1 nematode population in the greenhouse. Chi-square analysis showed resistance in PI567516C to LY1 was conditioned by one dominant and two recessive genes (Rhg, rhg, rhg). Chi-square value was 0.15 and P = 0.70. This information will be useful to soybean researchers for developing resistant cultivars to nematode population that infects Hartwig.  相似文献   

Selective herbicides are valuable weed control tools; however, selectivity is not always complete, resulting in crop damage. Stem breakage, lodging, and enlarged hypocotyls (brittle bean syndrome) limit yields of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] genotypes treated with pendimethalin [N-(1-ethylpropyl)-3,4-dimethyl-2,6-dinitrobenzenamine]. Developing genotypes with resistance to pendimethalin injury would eliminate or reduce this problem. Genetic studies were conducted to determine the inheritance of resistance to pendimethalin induced stem damage. The F2:3 progeny of crosses involving resistant ('Asgrow A4715' and 'Flyer') and susceptible (`Essex' and K87-7-95) genotypes were screened in a greenhouse. Each genotype was treated with 1.68 kg ha-1 pendimethalin preemergence and irrigated as needed. Plants were scored at V4 for stem breakage. Progeny distributions indicated that resistance to brittle bean syndrome damage behaved as a quantitative trait. Dominance for stem breakage was expressed in the population of A4715 × Essex. Flyer was more sensitive to herbicide damage than Asgrow A4715 because it has fewer genes for resistance or different alleles. The F2:3 variance component heritability estimates ranged from 0.19 to 0.52. Gain from selection for resistance to pendimethalin injury is possible, and resistant progeny can be recovered from segregating populations. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

P. L. Dyck 《Euphytica》1994,80(1-2):151-155
Summary The inheritance of leaf rust resistance was studied in 13 accessions of the A.E. Watkins wheat collection. Eight of the accessions (V409, V624, V628, V712, V731, V734, V745, and V855) were shown to have gene Lr33 and four of these (V409, V624, V628, and V731) also have LrW. Accessions V624 and V338 have LrB, and V377 and V488 have Lr11. V46 has an unidentified gene that gives an intermediate level of resistance. V860 has a partially dominant gene that gives a fleck reaction to avirulent isolates in the seedling stage. This gene is different from LrW and may be previously unidentified. It has been assigned the temporary gene symbol LrW2. In addition to seedling-effective genes, V46, V731, and V745 may have Lr34 and V745 may have Lr13. The adult-plant resistance in V488, V624, and V860 could not be identified. Seedling gene LrW2 and some of the adult-plant resistance should be useful sources of resistance.Contribution NO. 1576.  相似文献   

The occurrence of race-specific resistance genes to the stem canker fungus, Leptosphaeria maculans, was analysed in 453 accessions of B. napus, mainly originating from the Institut für Pflanzengenetik und Kulturpflanzenforschung (IPK) GeneBank. Major resistance genes Rlm1, Rlm2, Rlm4 and the putative RlmBBA gene were investigated using genetically improved strains of the fungus harbouring as few corresponding avirulence genes as possible. In addition, a screening with fully virulent isolates was used to uncover novel resistance sources. Major resistance genes were rarer in frequency and diversity in spring-type cultivars compared to winter types. In the former, 65.7% of the accessions were fully susceptible to all isolates, whereas only 12.2% of the winter types were devoid of at least one R gene. In spring cultivars, the most common R gene, Rlm4 was found in 26.6% of accessions, whereas the other R genes were rare. In winter cultivars, the most common R genes were Rlm2 (more than 45.9–54.0% of the accessions) and Rlm4 (26.4–27.7% of the genotypes). In winter types however, the improvement of the quality of oils, through the generation of single- and double-low genotypes improved the homogeneity of the cvs, whereas it impoverished R gene diversity, including the loss of complete resistance that was harboured by 18.4% of the less advanced accessions, and a reduction in the ratio of accessions harbouring Rlm1. Correlation between the R gene(s) present in the accessions and their field resistance is discussed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The melon accession ‘TGR-1551’ shows a clear and total resistance to the transmission of several isolates of CMV and ZYMV when A. gossypii was used as the vector. The genetic analysis of the progenies obtained crossing this accession with the susceptible Spanish cultivar ‘Bolade Oro’ showed that the resistance to mosaic virus transmission is conferred by the presence of a dominant gene. There are also evidences that this dominant gene is different from ‘Vat’ gene. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Haiyan Jia  James E. Kurle 《Euphytica》2008,159(1-2):27-34
Phytophthora sojae, an important yield limiting pathogen of soybean, causes seed, seedling, root, and stem rots. Losses caused by P. sojae can be controlled by both major gene and partial resistance. Early maturity group (MG) soybeans are an increasingly important crop in northwestern Minnesota and eastern North Dakota. Early MG plant introductions (PIs) from the USDA Soybean Germplasm Collection and early MG public and private cultivars were evaluated for resistance and partial resistance to P. sojae. Of the 113 PIs, PI438445, and PI438454 exhibited resistance to P. sojae races 4, 7, 17, and 28 indicating they may possess either Rps1c, Rps1k, previously unidentified or multiple resistance gene to Phytophthora sojae (Rps) genes. Because they exhibited partial resistance equal to or greater than the standard check cultivar Conrad, three early MG soybean cultivars (MN0902, MN0302, and 91B53) were selected as standard checks to evaluate early MG PIs for partial resistance. Sixty-nine PIs were evaluated for partial resistance to P. sojae races 7 and 25 using the inoculum layer method. Of this group of PIs, 22 had the same level of partial resistance as Conrad to P. sojae race 7 while 19 had the same degree of partial resistance to race 25. Twelve PIs had same level of partial resistance as Conrad to both P. sojae races 7 and 25. The PIs and cultivars identified in this study will be of great value in developing early MG soybean cultivars suitable for planting in Canada and the northern United States.  相似文献   

大豆根内胞囊线虫的时空动态研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于2006-2007年田间自然生长条件下,研究大豆苗期(7~37 d)胞囊线虫(4号生理小种)在根系的时空分布动态。结果表明,大豆胞囊线虫分布与根系生长状况有密切关系。出苗后7 d已有线虫侵入根内,随着根系生长发育,单位根长线虫数以及线虫总数增多,单位根长内线虫数量呈S型曲线变化。随着出苗后天数的增加,主根和侧根内线虫数量变化呈相反趋势,其中主根内线虫密度减少,侧根内线虫密度增加至相对稳定值。随着土层的加深,主根和侧根内线虫密度差异减小;5~15 cm土层根系内线虫数量及其所占比例均最大。说明苗期大豆胞囊线虫主要分布在5~15 cm土层。  相似文献   

To determine and utilize RAPD markers linked to resistance to downymildew incited by Peronospora manshurica in soybean, a resistantcultivar `AGS129' was crossed to a susceptible cultivar `Nakhon Sawan 1'(NS1). F2 and BC1 populations were advanced from the F1 and evaluatedfor resistance to the disease. 2-test demonstrated that the resistancewas controlled by a single dominant gene (Rpmx). Near-isogenic lines(NILs) and bulked segregant analysis (BSA) were used to identify RAPDmarkers linked to the gene. Six DNA bulks namely F5(R), F5(S),BC6F3(R), BC6F3(S), F2(R) and F2(S) were set up by pooling equalamount of DNA from 8 randomly selected plants of each disease responsetype. A total of 180 random sequence decamer oligonucleotide primerswere used for RAPD analysis. Primer OPH-02 (5 TCGGACGTGA 3 andOPP-10 (5 TCCCGCCTAC 3) generated OPH-021250 and OPP-10831fragments in donor parent and resistant bulks, but not in the recurrentparent and susceptible ones. Co-segregation analysis using 102 segregatingF2 progenies confirmed that both markers were linked to the Rpmxgene controlling downy mildew disease resistance with a genetic distance of4.9 cm and 23.1 cm, respectively. Marker OPH-021250 was presentin 13 of 16 resistant soybean cultivars and absent in susceptible cultivars,thus confirming a potential for MAS outside the mapping population.  相似文献   

Summary Wild relatives of common wheat, Triticum aestivum, and related species are an important source of disease and pest resistance and several useful traits have been transferred from these species to wheat. C-banding and in situ hybridization analyses are powerful cytological techniques allowing the detection of alien chromatin in wheat. C-banding permits identification of the wheat and alien chromosomes involved in wheat-alien translocations, whereas genomic in situ hybridization analysis allows determination of their size and breakpoint positions. The present review summarizes the available data on wheat-alien transfers conferring resistance to diseases and pests. Ten of the 57 spontaneous and induced wheat-alien translocations were identified as whole arm translocations with the breakpoints within the centromeric regions. The majority of transfers (45) were identified as terminal translocations with distal alien segments translocated to wheat chromosome arms. Only two intercalary wheat-alien transloctions were identified, one induced by radiation treatment with a small segment of rye chromosome 6RL (H25) inserted into the long arm of wheat chromosome 4A, and the other probably induced by homoeologous recombination with a segment derived from the long arm of a group 7 Agropyron elongatum chromosome with Lr19 inserted into the long arm of 7D. The presented information should be useful for further directed chromosome engineering aimed at producing superior germplasm.Contribution No. 96-55-J from the Kansas Experimental Station, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506-5502, USA.  相似文献   

Bananas cultivated for export all belong to Cavendish cultivars and are all recognized as very susceptible to nematodes, particularly to the burrowing nematode Radopholus similis and the lesion nematode Pratylenchus coffeae. Even if there have been many changes in the management of banana nematodes in large commercial banana plantations, chemical control still remains most often the last resort method to manage the nematodes, although the number of registered products is definitely declining. Therefore, nematode control though genetic improvement is gaining new interest worldwide. In this study, 55 banana accessions mostly diploids from the Musa acuminata genome group (AA) but including some triploid accessions (AAA), some diploids of the Musa balbisiana genome group (BB) and some interspecific hybrids (AAB, AB) were evaluated for resistance to four nematode species R. similis, P. coffeae, Meloidogyne incognita and M. arenaria. These experiments were conducted in a growth chamber under controlled conditions. All banana accessions were susceptible to nematode species, although many different levels of susceptibility were detected. This study confirmed the good resistance status to R. similis of some cultivars from the Pisang jari buaya and Pisang batuau subgroups and the partial resistance of 17 diploid accessions significantly different from the susceptible reference cv. Grande Naine. This study also showed that 12 diploid accessions exhibited a partial resistance to P. coffeae, including some usual or potential genitors belonging to the wild diploids subspecies burmannica (cvs. Long Tavoy 1 and 2) and burmannicoides (cv. Calcutta 4). No source of resistance to Meloidogyne spp. was found. These screening results, combining for the first time four nematode species, are discussed within the scope of banana breeding in order to produce parental diploid lines with single or combined nematode resistances and further develop triploids that can substitute existing susceptible commercial cultivars.  相似文献   

Summary Stability in yield components was estimated in several species of Triticum grown across a range of soil moisture. The aim was to assess the effect of varying soil moisture on mechanisms leading to grain yield stability, particularly in the accessions identified as having stable yields and drought resistance viz., T. sphaerococcum, T. vavilovii and T. aestivum cv. C 306 (Paper I of this series). The study indicated that number of grains per spike provided stability to the accessions of T. sphaerococcum and T. vavilovii whereas number of spikes per unit area contributed towards the stability of T. aestivum cv. C 306. It is suggested that these accessions could be utilized as the genetic sources for improving specific yield components with regard to grain yield stability under droughted conditions.  相似文献   

Summary Winter wheat cultivars released in the Netherlands before 1930 carried durable resistance to yellow rust. Cultivars released in the period between 1930 and 1950 often were durably resistant while recent cultivars infrequently showed durable resistance. This durable resistance was not difficult to transfer to new cultivars. Twenty nine older cultivars with durable resistance and eight recent non-durably resistant cultivars were tested in the seedling stage and in the adult plant stage against 12 West-European yellow rust races and against some non-European races in the seedling stage only. The adult plant tests were carried out in race nursery tests in the Flevopolder. Per race nursery all 37 cultivars, planted in hills of about 20 plants on both sides of the highly susceptible cv. Michigan Amber, were exposed to one race.The infection type of each cultivar-race combination was scored on 0 to 9 scale once in the seedling stage and twice in the adult plant stage. In the race nurseries the percentage leaf area affected was evaluated three times to be used to calculate the area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC). This AUDPC multiplied with the mean infection type in the field gave the susceptibility index (SI).The infection types were classified into resistant (R), intermediate (I) or susceptible (S) when the infection types were 0 to 3, 4 to 6 or 7 to 9, respectively. Four categories of resistance were discerned on the basis of the three infection type scores: 1) RRR, overall resistance; complete or near-complete resistant at all stages. 2) SRR, adult plant resistance, complete- or near-complete resistant at the adult plant stage only. 3) SRS and SSR, temperature sensitive resistance, the resistance changed from the one evaluation data to the other. 4) SSS and an SI lower than that of Michigan Amber, partial resistance.The frequencies of overall, adult plant and temperature sensitive resistance were 1.4, 52 and 54% in the older cultivars and 40, 62 and 22% in the recent ones, respectively. Among the older cultivars all had a fair to high level of partial resistance, the SI being on average only 20% of that of Michigan Amber, while most cultivars also seemed to carry temperature sensitive resistance. The partial resistance of the recent cultivars was of a much lower level with a mean SI compared to that of Michigan Amber of 61%. Partial resistance was highly correlated (r = –0.94) with the mean resistance scores from the Dutch Recommended Cultivars Lists. It was concluded that partial resistance and temperature sensitive resistance were the major components of the durable resistance in the older cultivars.  相似文献   

Resistance to viruses such as wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV) and barley yellow dwarf virus(BYDV) is lacking in the primary gene pool of wheat, and therefore resistance is being introgressed from wild relatives such as Thinopyrum species. Resistance to BYDV was found in partial amphiploids (2n = 8x = 56, consisting of 42 wheat and14 alien chromosomes) obtained in hybrids between wheat and both Th. intermedium and Th.ponticum. GISH analysis revealed that the alien genomes of all but one resistant partial amphiploid were heterogeneous consisting of different ratios of St, Js and J genome chromosomes obtained from theThinopyrum parent. Translocated chromosomes consisting of Robertsonian, interstitial and terminal translocations between the different genomes were also detected. The tissue blot immunoassay showed that partial amphiploids having resistance could be inoculated with the virus but both virus multiplication and spread were completely blocked. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Inheritance of resistance to Soybean mosaic virus in FT-10 soybean   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The occurrence of a new isolate from the G5 strain of Soybean mosaic virus (SMV), which broke the resistance of soybean cultivar FT-10, was first reported in Brazil in 1995. Cultivar Davis is an ancestor of ‘FT-10’ and the likely source of resistance to the virus. Diallel crosses among resistant cultivars Epps (PI 96983), Ogden and FT-10, and susceptible cultivar Hill were made to investigate the inheritance of SMV resistance in FT-10. The experiments for genetic studies were performed undergreen house conditions. Plants of the F2 population and F3 families from each cross and the parents were inoculated with SMV G1 and G5 strains. Plants were classified as: symptom less (R), susceptible with typical symptoms of mosaic (S), and systemic necrosis (N). Plants showing necrosis or no symptoms were classified as resistant. Each F3 family was classified as resistant (homozygous),susceptible (homozygous), or segregating (heterozygous). The results of both F2 and F3 were analyzed by Chi-square tests. The results suggested that FT-10 carries an allele at the Rsv 1 locus for resistance to SMV. However, the allele is different from those in Epps and Ogden. The symbol Rsv 1 d is a tentatively named for the newly detected allele in FT-10. This allele probably originated from Davis cultivar. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This experiment was carried out to investigate whether and how much field resistance to late blight, caused by Phytophthora infestans, is present in the local cultivated potato germplasm. In total 36 entries were compared in a field experiment in an area highly conducive to late blight development. Of the 36 cultivars 32 were local cultivars belonging to five Solanum species, S. tuberosum (1 accession), S. andigena (18), S. juzepczukii (2), S. stenotomum (9) and S. ajanhuiri (2). The other four cultivars were derived from breeding programmes, one being the Dutch cultivar Alpha used as a highly susceptible control. The 36 cultivars were planted according to a simple 6 × 6 lattice design with three replicates. Each replicate was divided in six incomplete blocks each with six cultivars. The disease severity was assessed weekly during 9 weeks starting 48 days after planting. The area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) was used as a measure of the field resistance. Nine isolates from surrounding potato fields were tested for their virulence to the resistance genes R1–R11 using 22 differential cultivars. The components of the field resistance of 19 of these cultivars were compared in the greenhouse using a local isolate with virulence to all known R-genes, except to R9. The nine isolates represented seven races with a race complexity varying from 7 to 10 virulence factors. All isolates carried virulence against R1, R2, R3, R7, R10 and R11, while virulence against R9 was absent. The AUDPC among the 32 local cultivars ranged from very large, significantly larger than that of ‘Alpha’ to very small. The AUDPC from S. stenotomum accessions ranged from very large to intermediate, those from S. andigena accessions from large to very small. Especially among the S. andigena accessions interesting levels of field resistance were found. Four components of field resistance were assessed, latency period (LP), lesion size (LS), lesion growth rate (LGR) and relative sporulation area (RSA). All four showed a considerable variation among the cultivars. The LP ranged from 3½ to 6 days. The LS ranged from 225 mm2 to 20 mm2. The LGR varied about six-fold, the RSA more than 10-fold. The components tended to vary in association with one another. LP and LGR were well associated with each other and had a significant correlation with the AUDPC.  相似文献   

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