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安康 《果农之友》2012,(8):44-44
苹果树日灼病也称日烧病,在北方每年均有发生,尤以干旱年份发生较重。苹果树日灼病常发生在果树枝干及果实上,以果实受害最为明显。苹果树日灼病发生季节有夏季发生和冬春发生。果树日灼病夏季常常发生在水分不足影响蒸腾,不能调节  相似文献   

正葡萄日灼病是我国各葡萄产区广泛发生的一种生理失调症,它的发生与温度、光照等有密切关系,果面高温与太阳强光辐射是诱发日灼病的直接原因。气温、风速等外界环境条件影响果面温度,与日灼病的发生有密切关系。葡萄日灼病发生时,果面出现大小不等的坏死斑块,使果实失去食用价值,常造成生产上的重大损失。1日灼病症状日灼病的症状可分为三种类型:日烧型(日伤害型)、气灼型(热伤害型)、混合型。  相似文献   

猕猴桃果实日灼病综合防治措施猕猴桃果实日灼病多发生在果实生长后期的7~9月,导致果实干缩、腐烂及脱落。一般着生在树冠西南方位的果实,由于其向阳面受日照时间长容易发生此病。挂果较多的衰弱树亦常发病。土壤肥水不足易加剧猕猴桃日灼病发生。根据几年实践,采取...  相似文献   

<正>苹果树日灼病也称日烧病,在北方每年均有发生,尤以干旱年份发生较重。苹果树日灼病常发生在果树枝干及果实上以果实受害最为明显。  相似文献   

茂谷柑日灼病发生较为严重,选择轻质碳酸钙+胶水+水、轻质碳酸钙+水稀释液涂抹果实、果实套袋,预防果实日灼病进行了田间试验.结果表明,轻质碳酸钙+胶水+水(10:6:1)稀释液涂抹果实,防治果实日灼病效果好.  相似文献   

果树日灼病也称日烧病。北方果树均可发生此病。干旱年份发病较重。果树日灼病常发生在桃、苹果、梨和葡萄等果树枝干及果实上。  相似文献   

1)发生原因。红地球葡萄日灼病是一种非侵染性生理病害。幼果膨大期强光照射和温度剧变是其发生的主要原因。果穗在缺少阴蔽的情况下,受高温、空气干燥与阳光的强辐射作用,果粒幼嫩的表皮组织水分失衡发生灼伤,或是由渗透压高的叶片向渗透压低的果穗争夺水分造成灼伤。红地球葡萄果实日灼病致病  相似文献   

柑桔果实日灼病的发生与治疗张达增(福建省三明市良种场365009)柑桔果实日灼病在各柑桔产区均有不同程度的发生,特别是5~7年生的初结果树,由于树冠较小发生较严重。果实日灼病的主要症状表现为:果实绿色时,果顶皮部受害,发育停滞;果实成熟时,受害部果皮...  相似文献   

葡萄日灼病阈值温度及主要影响因子分析   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
 以8年生红地球葡萄为试材,从诱发葡萄果实日灼病发生的阈值温度(临界果面温度)研究入手,探索气温、光照、风速等对果面温度的影响。结果表明:果面高温是果实发生日灼的直接原因。在‘红地球’葡萄果实的快速生长期测得日灼病发生的阈值温度为42.0~42.8℃(平均值42.3℃);遮阴下的果实突然暴露在阳光下,12min后果面温度可达到最大值;强烈的光照可产生较高的气温及较高的果面温度,是日灼病发生的最重要影响因素。在夏季晴天无风的中午,每1万lx的光照强度可使果面温度增高1℃左右;无风时果面温度显著高于风速1.5m﹒s-1以上时。在3.0m﹒s-1风速下6min内可使果面温度降至最低;在相同的光温条件下,较高的空气湿度更利于日灼的发生。  相似文献   

大棚避雨栽培美人指葡萄,可显著减轻病虫危害,但果实日灼病发生较严重。采取适地建园、合理施肥、及时排灌、注意架面管理、果穗套袋、挂网遮阳及摘除病果等措施可有效防止果实日灼病发生。  相似文献   

落叶果树芽的休眠是一种十分复杂的生命现象,涉及到一系列复杂的生理生化反应(如光周期反应、温度反应、水分代谢、能量代谢、活性氧代谢、激素代谢等)和许多信号分子的转导,被称为"生命的隐蔽现象"。落叶果树芽休眠的诱导、维持和解除不是某单一基因作用的结果,参与休眠调控编码光敏色素、水通道蛋白、脱水素、腺苷三磷酸水解酶和抗氧化酶等主要结构基因和细胞周期调控基因已被分离,一个重要的转录因子MADS-box对休眠调控的功能已被初步鉴定。综述了这些休眠相关基因的表达和调控研究进展,以期为果树芽休眠的调控研究提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   


The effect of tree density (2000, 2667, and 4000 trees per ha) and the ratio of between to within-row distance (1:1, 2:1, and 3:1) on light interception, fruit production, colour and individual fruit weight was evaluated in a ten-year comparative field study with apple at two sites in The Netherlands (51° 30′ and 52°0′ N) and one site in Denmark (55°30′). For each combination of tree density and rectangularity, trees were pruned at three heights (1.50, 1.88, or 2.25 m). Fruit production over nine years and seasonal incoming radiation between bloom and harvest were 20 and 15% greater in The Netherlands. Climate-based estimates of potential production as provided by a crop-growth model, predicted 18% higher fruit production in The Netherlands. Production was proportional to light interception and increased with tree density, but the amount of well-coloured fruit per ha in later years did not increase with planting density. With more than 70% light interception in later years, a large proportion of shade within the canopy was found. Fruits were smaller and less coloured at the Danish site. Fruits were more coloured in the taller and more open trees, even at the highest tree densities. Plantings with 1:1 and 2:1 between-to within-row distances intercepted more light and had a more uniform light distribution than 3:1 designs. This led to higher fruit production and better fruit colour. Fruit weight was not influenced by tree density, rectangularity, or tree height.  相似文献   

Ethephon (2-chloroethylphosphonic acid) was tested as a fruit thinning agent in an experiment on the mandarin cultivar ‘Murcott’.Ethephon was effective at 150 and 300 mg l?1, but 300 mg l?1 gave the higher yield and larger fruit sizes over a 2-year period, following a single spray application during natural fruit fall in November. The thinning percentage was also higher when ethephon was applied to trees with a heavy crop density than when applied to trees with a light crop density.  相似文献   

鲜枣贮藏期病害研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
对鲜枣采后贮藏期间发生的生理性病害和侵染性病害进行了概述。贮藏期易发生的生理性病害主要包括枣果的酒化、褐变和低温伤害;病原菌在田间的潜伏侵染和采后的伤口侵染是引起枣果贮藏病害的主要原因,其病原菌的种类既有真菌也有细菌。枣果病原菌潜伏侵染的病理机制是今后侵染性病害的研究热点。减少枣果的采后病害可以通过田间综合防治、采收及采后处理过程中避免机械损伤和入库前的消毒处理等措施来解决。生物防治是控制枣果采后病害的研究新方向。  相似文献   

植物苯丙氨酸解氨酶基因的表达调控与研究展望   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43  
苯丙氨酸解氨酶(phenylalanineammonia-lyase,PAL,EC4.3.1.5)是催化苯丙烷代谢途径第一步反应的酶,也是这个途径的关键酶,对植物有非常重要的生理意义。根据有关文献综述了植物PAL的分布与定位、酶学性质,总结了生长发育、钝化因子与调节因子、末端产物等内部因素及光、温、机械损伤与生长调节剂等外部因素对PAL的调控作用,得出外部因子是在转录水平上对酶活性实施调控的结论,并运用酶学和分子生物学方面的知识阐述了其调控机理。还着重阐述了PAL酶在果树上的研究现状与进展,并对其今后的研究及在果树上的应用进行了展望。  相似文献   

Eight ‘Golden Delicious’ apple trees on an experimental plot were systematically thinned to give different numbers of fruit per spur, per branch, and per tree. At harvest, fruits were weighed individually and their positions on spurs and branches noted. Trunk and branch girths were measured.Mean fruit weights were not significantly affected by the presence of several fruits on a spur, or by the degree of local crowding on branches, compared with the general mean for the whole tree. However, mean fruit weight varied between trees, depending on the number of fruits carried per unit of trunk girth of cross-sectional area.μ (mean fruit weight) = a — bN (number of fruit per unit trunk dimension)The distribution of fruit weights on each tree can be regarded as normal and on the 8 trees examined, standard deviations did not differ significantly. An equation was derived relating total crop per tree and fruit-size distribution to trunk dimensions and fruit number, both of which were variable from tree to tree, involving 2 coefficients of the mean size equation and the standard deviation of the weight distribution, which seem to be constant for the 8 trees under the prevailing conditions.Using the equations, it could be shown that although fruit thinning would increase the proportion of larger fruit in the crop, in only one case would careful thinning have increased the total weight of larger fruit.  相似文献   


A current major concern is increasing levels of atmospheric CO2 which may be responsible for global warming or climate change. Fruit tree orchards have received attention in recent years by virtue of their potential to act as carbon pools. The trans-Himalayan valley (i.e., the Nubra Valley) at an altitude of 3,048 m, is covered by > 60,000 temperate fruit trees. The focus of this paper is on the potential of these fruit-yielding trees as a means of carbon sequestration in the Nubra Valley. The valley produces approx. 4,650 metric tonnes (MT) of apricot, apple, walnut, mulberry, grape, and plum fruit. It was observed that the total biomass of the temperate fruit trees (i.e., apricot, apple, and walnut) in the area surveyed was 40,000 MT dry weight (DW). Thus, 22,300 MT of carbon has been sequestered by these fruit species. This study revealed that the cultivation of temperate fruit crops species such as apricot, apple, and walnut could be exploited more efficiently for carbon sequestration which subsequently helps in mitigating global CO2 levels and restoring degraded land in these cold, arid areas by improving soil organic carbon (SOC) contents. These results concluded, in part, that growing biomass to sequester carbon is a beneficial grow-and-store process for sustainable development.  相似文献   


Studies have shown that applying a reflective film to the floor of an orchard enhances fruit colouration. Here we assessed whether this practice also prolonged the post-harvest storage life of apple (Malus domestica Borkh cv. Fuji and Malus prunifolia [Willd.]) fruit. Strips of reflective mulching film (RMF) were placed beneath the apple trees and RMF-treated fruit were compared with those from untreated control (CK) trees. Enzymes involved in reducing lipid peroxidation such as superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) are associated with delaying fruit senescence. Their activities, as well as malondialdehyde (MDA) concentrations, were quantified as indicators of physiological changes related to lipid peroxidation and membrane damage in the peel and flesh of RMF-treated or control apple fruit during 50 d of post-harvest storage at 4ºC. SOD activities increased in the peel and flesh from RMF-treated fruit during the first 40 d post-harvest, but declined significantly during the final 10 d of storage. RMF treatment resulted in increases in CAT activities of 5 – 14% and 16 – 29% in the peel and flesh of RMF-treated apples, respectively, compared with untreated CK fruit. Conversely, MDA concentrations were 7 – 23% and 14 – 30% lower in the peel and flesh, respectively, of RMF-treated fruit than in CK fruit over the 50 d storage period. Similarly, RMF treatment resulted in reductions of 7 – 20% and 3 – 10% in saturated fatty acid (SFA) concentrations in the peel and flesh, respectively, compared to CK fruit, while the corresponding polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) concentrations increased by 2 – 10% and 3 – 7%. In conclusion, the use of RMF in apple orchards appears to be an effective technique to delay post-harvest senescence in apple fruit.  相似文献   

树形是影响成龄山楂树生长发育的一个重要因素。调查结果表明,少主枝疏层形比多主枝自然圆头形树冠内各部位光照强度高,叶片栅状组织厚,叶绿素含最高0.37mg/dm~2,光合强度高1.21~2.68mg/(dm~2.h)。花序座果率和花朵座果率分别高12.61%和17.0%。健壮的发育枝和结果枝数量多,比倒大,叶面积指数高,高功能叶多10.60%,叶效值大1220。  相似文献   


Seasonal patterns of fruit development of young and mature `Bellamy' navel orange trees were measured from mid November to late July. Growth of whole fruit, expressed as fresh or dry weight, was best described by a fourparameter logistic curve (R2>0.99). The fresh weight growth curves of fruit from young and mature trees were not significantly different. Dry weights and fresh weights were linearly correlated (R2>0.99). The relationship between relative growth rate (RGR) of whole fruit and time was best described by two linear regressions (R2>0.98, 0.92, respectively). The two linear phases of RGR did not correspond to ontogenic phases of fruit development as described by Bain (1958). Increases in whole fruit and pulp radii, and whole fruit, pulp, rind and albedo volume during fruit development followed single sigmoidal patterns (four parameter logistic function, R2 >0.99). Relative changes in the volume of the structural parts of the fruit were small during Stage III of fruit development. Diurnal variations in growth and rind temperature of fruit from young (under continuous irrigation) and mature (under weekly irrigation) `Leng' navel orange trees were recorded during Stage II of fruit development. Inelastic growth measured by LVDTs was described better by diurnal diameter means (max 1 min)/2 than diurnal maxima or minima. Diurnal diameter means of fruit from young trees showed a significant (R2 = 0.42, P<0.0001) relationship to daily ambient temperature maxima, and the diurnal growth profiles paralleled the diurnal temperature profiles of the rind. In contrast, the diurnal growth rhythms of fruit from mature trees were insensitive to ambient temperature maxima and the diurnal rhythms appeared to reflect the water status of the tree.  相似文献   

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