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不同大豆品种对钾素吸收和利用效率差异的比较研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
以钾高效大豆品种九农15和低效品种GD8521为试验材料,在溶液培养条件下研究不同钾浓度处理下植株干重及各部分钾含量、钾积累量的变化情况,从而分析其吸收及利用钾素效率的差异.结果表明:钾高效品种相对干重显著大于低效品种,高效品种植株各部分钾含量分布均匀,在低钾胁迫下根系和叶片中的钾含量均高于低效品种,表现出了对钾的高效吸收和利用特性;而低效品种吸收的钾却富集在茎秆中,说明钾在植株体内的运输受到阻碍.由此可见,钾在植物体内的利用情况如运输、同化是植物钾效率差异的关键.  相似文献   

不同香蕉品种钾离子吸收动力学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在人工气候箱内不同的钾营养液培养条件下,研究了4个香蕉品种苗期的吸钾效率差异.研究结果表明,生物量、对K~+的亲和力(1/K_m)以及I_(max)是香蕉苗期钾吸收效率的主要决定因素,且K~+吸收动力学参数K_m和I_(max)可作为对不同香蕉品种钾效率分类的指标进而评价分析高效吸收钾的品种(系).但不同品种香蕉K_n和I_(max)在不同钾营养状况下表现的规律不同,K_m和I_(max)值的大小受到香蕉本身钾营养状况反馈调节.有的品种受本身钾营养状况影响较大,有的受其影响较小,但总体上相一致.综合以上因素认为泰选是钾高效吸收品种,皇帝蕉是钾低效吸收品种,巴西和8818属于中间型.同一基因型的香蕉在不同钾营养状况下以不同机制吸收钾.  相似文献   

磷素对不同磷效率基因型大豆根系养分吸收特性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以两类不同磷效率基因型大豆(磷高效品种锦豆33和辽豆13,磷低效品种铁丰3号和锦8-14)为试验材料,设3个磷浓度用量(0,82.5,165 kg·hm-2),测定大豆根系氮、磷和钾的百分含量和积累量,考察磷素对不同类型大豆根系养分吸收特性的影响和磷高效基因型大豆根系N、P、K吸收动态特征。结果表明:在低磷处理下,鼓粒期和始熟期磷高效品种根系氮的百分含量显著高于磷低效品种;除分枝期外其它生育时期磷高效品种的根系磷的百分含量均高于磷低效品种的,平均高41.4%;整个生育期磷高效品种根系钾的百分含量均高于磷低效品种的,平均高84.8%。磷高效品种的磷和钾的积累量也均高于磷低效品种的(平均高73.3.7%和122.9%)。与低磷相比,中磷和高磷处理能显著增加磷低效品种的根系氮、磷和钾的积累量,而磷高效品种则相对变化较小,即使在较低的磷浓度下其根系也能吸收较多的氮、磷和钾。  相似文献   

研究了温室沙培条件下不同品种甘蔗在0.02和2 mmol/L钾水平处理下的吸钾特性与钾利用效率的关系。结果表明:施钾促进甘蔗根部、茎(叶)部生长,降低根冠比,提高光合速率,有利于生物量的积累;低钾胁迫,促进粤糖159(YT159)根系生长,增加吸收面积,提高根际钾素有效性。随着钾水平的提高,粤糖2号(YT2)和新台糖22号(ROC22)的根系也随着生长,YT159的根系生长则受到抑制;在两种钾水平的处理下,YT159的生物量、根系形态指标值、光合速率都比ROC22和YT2要高,说明YT159是钾高效品种。从低钾到高钾处理中,YT159的生物量增幅小,发达的根系使其能够正常生长,因此,YT159也是耐低钾品种。  相似文献   

为了解低氮胁迫下氮效率差异油菜在根系形态及养分吸收累积方面的差异,以一对氮效率差异油菜种质为材料,通过水培研究在低氮胁迫下苗期根系形态和养分累积的变化及差异。结果表明,在不同氮浓度处理下,两个材料根系和养分累积量都存在显著差异(P<0.01)。低氮胁迫下(N浓度为0.38mmol/L),油菜主根长和侧根长显著增加,根系木质化程度降低,养分累积量显著下降。与氮低效油菜种质相比,氮高效油菜总根长、根表面积、根体积、侧根数及主根长,分别高出30.96%、22.02%、24.13%、28.20%和40.62%,且植株氮、磷、钾累积量分别是氮低效油菜的2.02、1.89、3.37倍。此外,氮高效油菜根尖分生区细胞分裂数目增加,伸长区细胞长度增加,可能导致了油菜主根的伸长生长。综上所述,与氮低效油菜相比,氮高效油菜对低氮胁迫耐受力更强,根系较为发达、养分累积 量降低幅度小。因此,氮高效油菜种质可能通过更发达的根系和更多的养分累积来应对低氮胁迫。  相似文献   

玉米根系特征的基因型差异及与氮吸收效率的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在4个硝酸盐浓度下进行2个玉米品种盆栽砂培试验,研究玉米根系特征的基因型差异对硝酸盐浓度的响应及与氮素吸收效率的关系。结果表明,氮高效品种郑单958在硝酸盐浓度为0.08、0.8、4.0 mmol/L时,根重、根幅、根长、根表面积、根体积、分枝数、分形维数、根系活力均显著高于氮低效玉米品种内单314。各根系形态指标随硝酸盐浓度的增加逐渐增加,当硝酸盐浓度从4.0 mmol/L增加至8.0 mmol/L时,不同基因型品种间差异不显著。在低氮胁迫条件下,玉米主要通过增加细根比例、增加根表面积吸收更多的氮素;在氮素供应充足条件下,通过增加根系平均直径,形成高密的分枝系统吸收氮素。进一步通径分析表明,根长与根体积对氮吸收效率直接影响最大,是氮吸收效率差异的主要原因。  相似文献   

不同磷效基因型大豆在生长关键时期根系形态变化的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用不同磷效基因型大豆:磷高效品种(HP134、HP119)、磷低效品种(LP113、LP102),采用盆栽控制磷供应量(低磷和高磷),探讨其牛长关键时期(花期、结荚期、鼓粒期)的根系形态变化,以期从根系形态学特点为筛选磷高效利用基因型大豆提供一定的理论基础.结果表明:在低磷处理下,磷高效品种的根系适应性强,根系通过增加根长、根总表面积、根体积、根直径、总根毛数来增强对土壤中磷素的吸收,但HP119和HP134两者适应低磷的根部表现又有所不同;磷低效品种根系适应性较差,其根长、根总表面积、根体积、总根毛数在不同处理下相差很大,多数郜呈显著甚至极显著差异,且各项数值在低磷处理下远低于高磷处理.由此可见,在大豆生长关键时期可以利用根系形态变化来较好的区分筛选不同磷效基因型.  相似文献   

土壤培养条件下,研究缺硼对不同硼效率甘蓝型油菜品种及其相互嫁接植株下部叶片硼及其它矿质养分含量的影响。结果表明,缺硼条件下,硼高效油菜品种青油10号(QY10)下部叶片硼含量最高,低效品种Bakow(Ba)最低,嫁接植株介于高效品种与低效品种之间。推断甘蓝型油菜下部叶片硼含量受根系(砧木品种)和地上部(接穗品种)共同影响。硼对油菜下部叶片其它矿质元素影响的受控部位不完全相同,缺硼对氮、磷、钙和锌的影响主要取决于地上部,与根系关系相对较小,对钾的影响主要由根系决定,而对镁、锰、铁、铜的影响不明确,可能受地上部和根系共同控制。  相似文献   

以磷高效大豆BX10和磷低效大豆BD2为材料进行水培,比较了品种间磷的吸收和同化效率差异以及二氢茉莉酸丙酯浸种(PDJ)对磷的吸收和同化的调控效果。低磷减少大豆干物质和P的积累,BD2减幅大于BX10;低磷通过增加根系活跃吸收面积、Imax和α值,减小Km、Cmin和β值来提高磷的吸收和运输能力,不论在正常和低磷条件下,BX10都比BD2具有更强的P吸收能力,BX10比BD2根系活跃面积大,但吸收动力学参数并没有优势。低磷胁迫增强了P同化到干物质,BX10增幅大于BD2。低磷胁迫下,PDJ预处理促进大豆干物质和P的积累,对根系的效果好于地上部,对BD2的效果好于BX10。PDJ预处理增加了低磷胁迫大豆根系活跃吸收面积,但吸收动力学参数并没有改善,对磷的同化效率影响也不大。二氢荣莉酸丙酯浸种可以增加低磷胁迫大豆根系活跃吸收面积、同步增强磷吸收进而增加干物质积累。  相似文献   

低钾胁迫对玉米苗期根系生长和钾吸收特性的影响   总被引:2,自引:7,他引:2  
研究低钾胁迫对玉米苗期根系生长和钾吸收特性的影响。玉米自交系种子A(不耐低钾)和B(耐低钾)用三个钾离子浓度(5μmol/L,100μmol/L,1000μmol/L)进行液体培养,4周时将苗转入培养桶中,连续培养50天。在转入的0d、3d、10d、25d、50d天时距根尖2cm处取样,观察根部形态特征及解剖结构,对其根系活力、Imax、Km进行测定。结果表明:耐低钾品种B低钾条件下,根表形态结构上,根毛数量增加,且形成部位距根尖较近;根解剖结构上,木质部导管分化增强,并改善了疏导组织运输能力;根冠比上,长度、重量根冠比增加;根系吸收能力上,根系活力、Imax显著提高,Km显著降低。耐低钾品种从根形态结构改变及根系活跃吸收能力增强两方面协同作用适应低钾胁迫,提高钾吸收能力。  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》2001,72(3):185-196
Two field experiments were carried out on a temperate sandy loam using six pea (Pisum sativum L.) and five spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivars to determine cultivar complementarity in the intercrop for grain yield, dry matter production and nitrogen (N) acquisition. Crops were grown with or without the supply of 40 or 50 kg N ha−1 in the two experiments. Cultivars were grown as sole crops (SC) and as mixed intercrops (IC) using a replacement design (50:50). The land equivalent ratio (LER), which is defined as the relative land area under SC that is required to produce the yields achieved in intercropping, were used to compare cultivar performance in intercropping relative to sole cropping.Barley was the stronger competitor in the intercrops and as a result barley grain yield and nitrogen uptake in IC were similar to SC. The per plant pea grain production and aboveground N accumulation in IC were reduced to less than half compared to SC pea plants due to competitive interactions.Application of N caused a dynamic change in the intercrop composition. Competition from barley increased with N application and the pea contribution to the combined intercrop grain yield decreased. The LER values showed that in the intercrop plant growth resources were used on average 20% more efficient without N application and 5–10% more efficient with N application.The choice of pea cultivar in the intercrop influenced the intercrop performance to a larger degree than the choice of barley cultivar. Furthermore, pea cultivar×cropping systems interactions was observed, indicating that cultivars performed differently in sole and intercrops. An indeterminate pea cultivar competed strongly with barley causing a greater proportion of peas in the intercrop yield, but caused a reduced N uptake and yield of barley. Determinate peas with normal leaves caused the highest degree of complementary use of N sources by allowing barley to exploit the soil N sources efficiently, while they contribute with fixed N2. However, difference in performance among cultivars was observed. Using the indeterminate pea cultivar combined IC grain yield was in general lower than the greatest sole crop yield and vice versa for the determinate pea cultivars. Up to 22% (LER=1.22) greater combined IC grain yield was observed in several mixtures using determinate pea cultivars.From the present study, it is was concluded that there is a need for breeding suitable pea cultivars for intercropping purposes, since cultivars bred for sole cropping may not be the types, which are the most suitable for intercropping. For optimized N-use in pea–barley intercrops it is concluded that important traits for the intercropped pea are: (1) determinate growth, (2) a medium competitive root system for soil inorganic N and other nutrients during early growth, (3) high light absorption capacity by peas growing underneath the canopy of the higher barley component and (4) early establishment of symbiotic N2 fixation to support a high growth rate during early growth stages.Fertilized pea–barley intercrops gave a 15% higher net income than fertilized barley sole cropping and is regarded as a better safeguard for the farmer’s earnings compared to pea sole cropping known for variable yields and poor competitive ability towards weeds.  相似文献   

为了解甘蓝型油菜不同钾素利用效率的植株所具有的表型特征,以长江流域冬油菜主产区广泛种植的34个甘蓝型油菜品种为试验材料,在田间试验小区以最佳肥料用量(每公顷210kg 氮,45kg五氧化二磷,67.5kg氧化钾)种植油菜,比较不同品种油菜对钾素的吸收利用率。根据平均值法可将材料分为四类:A-高效吸收高效利用型、B-低效吸收高效利用型、C-高效吸收低效利用型、D-低效吸收低效利用型。比较发现:A类的一次分枝数、一次分枝角果数、籽粒产量和茎秆干物质均显著高于B、C、D三类,每角粒数显著大于D类,而分枝节位则显著小于D类。A类籽粒钾含量和钾(氧化钾)积累显著高于其他类型。地上部钾积累总量表现为A(和C)高于B(和D)。  相似文献   

玉米苗期耐低钾基因型筛选方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过水培实验及低钾土壤的盆栽实验,研究了不同供钾水平对玉米苗期吸钾量和钾利用指数的影响及筛选耐低钾玉米基因型的最佳指标、适宜生育时期及钾浓度。结果表明,水培实验的筛选指标为钾利用指数优于吸钾量,筛选的适宜生育时期为6叶期,钾浓度为0.1mmol/L。经筛选初步确认吉单27为较耐低钾胁迫的基因型,先玉335在低钾胁迫条件下为相对敏感基因型。  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(4):434-439

Flooding during germination inhibits the sprouting and emergence of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.], reducing subsequent growth and yield. Previous studies revealed that cultivars tolerant to pre-germination flooding have a mechanism of reducing water absorption speed (WAS) during the initial stage of inundation; however, seed structures involved in WAS have not been fully clarified to date. The objectives of this study were to identify possible seed structures responsible for cultivar difference in WAS and pre-germination flooding tolerance. WAS of two tolerant cultivars (Peking and Williams) and two susceptible cultivars (Nakasennari and Enrei), which were identified in our previous study, was compared in relation to seed structures. In Peking, WAS was markedly lower than that of the other cultivars, either in intact seed or seed with the seed coat removed, suggesting that both the seed coat and the embryo have a mechanism of reducing WAS in this cultivar. WAS of the hilum side tended to be higher than that of the back side, and sealing of the micropyle significantly lowered WAS, showing that the micropyle rather than the hilum appeared to be responsible for the higher WAS of the hilum side regardless of cultivar. A comparison of cross section area of the hilum revealed that the tolerant cultivars tended to have a larger area than the susceptible cultivars, suggesting that an inner space of the hilum can act as a reservoir at the initial stage of inundation, thereby reducing WAS in tolerant cultivars.  相似文献   


Seedlings of Hong Mang Mai wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) emerge from much deeper in the soil than do other cultivars by elongating their first internode. We examined the roles of ethylene, gibberellins (GA) and potassium in the elongation of the first internode in wheat cultivars. Although ethylene stimulated the elongation of the first internode of Hong Mang Mai in the dark, the ethylene evolution and the expression level of ethylene-receptor-like gene of this cultivar were not greater than those of other cultivars.

In Hong Mang Mai, gibberellin A3 (GA3) substantially stimulated the elongation of the first internode in the dark. Maximum elongation of the first internode was obtained by GA3 at the concentrations of 2.89 × 10–6 to 2.89 × 10–7 M. This cultivar responded markedly to gibberellins A1 and A3 by elongating the first internode in the dark. A mixture of gibberellins A4 and A7 (GA4+7) was not effective in inducing the elongation. Haruhikari, a cultivar having no GA -insensitive-reducing-height (Rht) genes, substantially responded to GA3, but other cultivars did not. The differences in the sensitivity to GA could account, at least in part, for the varietal differences in the elongation of the first internode in wheat. Takune-komugi, a cultivar whose first internode elongates in response to ethylene, did not respond to GA3. Thus, there are different mechanisms for the GA- and ethylene-stimulated elongation of the first internode in wheat.

Also, it was suggested that potassium uptake from the soil might function together with endogenous GA in inducing the elongation of the first internode in Hong Mang Mai wheat.  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(3):381-389

Scarcity of water and N fertilizer are major constraints to rice production, particularly in developing countries where rainfed upland condition dominates. Improvement of genetic adaptability to inadequate water and N fertilizer is one option to maintain productivity in these regions. NERICAs are expected to yield higher under low input conditions, but growth and yield responses of the cultivars to different ecosystems and N levels remain unknown. The objectives of this study were to characterize the growth and yield performance of NERICAs, in comparison with selected Japanese rice cultivars. The two NERICAs (NERICA 1 and NERICA 5), two Japanese upland cultivars (Toyohatamochi and Yumenohatamochi), and a Japanese lowland cultivar Hitomebore were grown under two ecosystems (irrigated lowland (IL) and rainfed upland (RU)) with two N levels (high (H) and low (L)) for two years. The cultivar difference in the aboveground dry weight and grain yield was the largest in the in RU × L plot, where the values of NERICAs were similar to those in the other plots, but the values of other cultivars were substantially reduced. Regardless of cultivar, N contents of the plants at maturity correlated significantly with the aboveground dry weight at maturity, spikelet number and grain yield per area. These results indicate that NERICAs, compared with the selected Japanese upland cultivars that were bred for drought tolerance, have a higher ability to absorb N under upland conditions, which may contribute to higher biomass production and sink formation, resulting in increased gain yield.  相似文献   

甘蓝型油菜不同硼效率基因型对硼的吸收、分配的影响   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
在土培条件下,研究了甘蓝型油菜不同硼效率基因型对硼的吸收、分配和运转。结果表明,甘蓝型油菜硼效率不同基因型的差异首先表现在植株对硼的吸收能力上,特别是缺硼胁迫时高效品种的吸收能力更明显大于低效品种。其次在硼的分配、运转和再利用上,高效品种繁殖器官分配的硼多于低效品种,缺硼时硼的运转和再利用能力高效品种大于低效品种  相似文献   

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