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辽阳地区毛皮动物养殖初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
笔者于2005年7~8月在辽宁省辽阳市进行毛皮动物养殖现状调查。调查结果发现:该地区毛皮动物养殖总量在 22.4万左右,辽阳市各区间繁殖成活率有所差异,最高为太子河区(5.28±0.48)、最低为弓长岭区(3.82±0.870)。通过主成分分析确定代表该地区毛皮动物养殖主要特征的因子为饲养员人数、代表养殖动物的种群结构因子以及繁殖成活率。最后对该地区毛皮动物养殖现状进行评估,并提出管理建议。  相似文献   

<正>近日,由中国皮革协会和国际毛皮协会联合举办的"第二届国际动物福利(水貂狐貉)示范场新闻发布会"在北京国家会议中心举行,山东潍坊远东养殖有限公司等8家毛皮动物养殖场获评"国际动物福利(水貂狐貉)标准示范场"称号。截至目前,全国已有13家毛皮动物养殖企业获此殊荣,为促进毛皮经济动物养殖行  相似文献   

<正>一、毛皮动物养殖的条件误区1:全国各地都能发展毛皮动物养殖。点评:珍贵毛皮动物的繁殖、换毛与日照周期的变化直接相关,只有长短日照变化明显的北纬35°以北地区才适合养殖,北纬35°以南地区不宜饲养。否则会失去繁殖能力,也生产不出优质毛皮。  相似文献   

由中国皮革协会和国际毛皮协会联合举办的"第二届国际动物福利(水貂狐貉)示范场新闻发布会"在北京国家会议中心举行,山东潍坊远东养殖有限公司等8家毛皮动物养殖场获评“国际动物福利(水貂狐貉)标准示范场”称号。截至目前,全国已有13家毛皮动物养殖企业获此殊荣,为促进毛皮经济动物养殖行业的规范发展,提升行业在国内外良好形象,促进中国毛皮经济动物养殖行业融入全球毛皮可追溯生态系统树立了典范。  相似文献   

山东是我国毛皮动物(水貂、狐和貉)养殖第一大省,年出栏率占全国的一半以上,近年来更是发展迅速,在部分地区已成为当地的支柱产业。但毛皮动物养殖业仍然存在养殖水平低、产业链不完善、发展不够规范等问题,笔者基于当前毛皮动物养殖形势,对加快发展山东省毛皮动物养殖业提出几点看法,以期对相关工作的开展起到推动作用。  相似文献   

堪培拉 《北方牧业》2006,(22):11-11
近年来,河北省昌黎县以貉、狐、貂为主的毛皮动物养殖规模得到了迅猛发展,全县养殖专业村达160个,近4万农户、10余万人从事毛皮动物养殖及其相关行业,养殖总量已达750万只,预计2006年可出栏毛皮动物500万只,创产值20亿元,农民人均养殖毛皮动物纯收入将达到3000元,毛皮动物养殖已经成为农民增收、农业增效的重要渠道。  相似文献   

<正>前些年,由于皮毛市场活跃,养殖毛皮动物效益很高,人们养殖皮毛动物的积极性很大,诸城市形成了以密州街道为中心辐射全市的毛皮动物养殖地,建立了毛皮动物养殖农场、养殖专业合作社、养殖小区、规模养殖场和一些散养户,诸城市特种动物养殖场多达6 000余家,种貂养殖537万只,年出栏皮张1 867万张,销售收入突破20亿元。目前,养殖数量占全国的近三分之一,已成为人们的主要经济来源,成为促进当地经济发展和农村  相似文献   

<正>近几年,毛皮动物养殖业获得了较高的经济效益,吸引更多人投资毛皮动物养殖,不断扩大种群。这使一些地区养殖密度不断增大,加上饲养管理水平不足,导致各种疫病流行,给毛皮动物养殖产业带来严重危害,应引起重视。从2012年11月份到2013年10月份的一年中,笔者对山东省各地区送诊的208例毛皮动物病例进  相似文献   

正毛皮动物养殖业作为山东省诸城市畜牧业的主导产业之一,养殖规模约占全国的1/4,年出栏数量近1000万只,是名副其实的毛皮动物养殖大市。历经30多年的发展壮大,毛皮动物养殖业已经由过去的小生产,逐渐转变为带动农民增收致富的大产业,产业发展的集中度和规模优势突出。一、毛皮动物产业发展现状1.产业基础优势突出。诸城市毛皮动物养殖产业呈现出产业规模  相似文献   

近年来,我国毛皮动物养殖业发展迅速,特别是山东省的胶东半岛地区,依靠地理位置和近海资源的优势,已经一跃成为全国最大的毛皮动物饲养基地。随着养殖规模的不断扩大,有些地区出现养殖管理技术水平相对滞后,经验化管理严重等情况,使得许多中小型养殖场出现繁殖率低效益差等问题,严重影响养殖业的经  相似文献   

Histoplasmosis naturally occurring in laboratory guinea pigs is described in its clinical, necropsy, histological and mycological aspects.

The animals if adult show a chronic disease with progressive emaciation and lameness of the hind legs. The young below three months of age died in 2 to 4 weeks presenting ruffled fur, great dorsal curvature and sometimes closed eyelids and catarrhal conjunctivitis.

At necropsy the principal lesions were ulcerative gastritis, hemorrhagic and catarrhal enteritis, enlarged spleen and mesenteric lymph nodes. Sometimes the liver, lungs, mediastinal lymph nodes and other organs showed lesions.

Histological and mycological demonstration of the fungus completed the diagnosis and the surviving animals were burned and sanitation measures instituted.

Histological evidence of histoplasmosis in a cow's lung from the area from which the grass was obtained for the feeding of the guinea pigs suggests an epidemiological link. Efforts will be made to isolate and demonstrate H. capsulatum in wild animals on the same area.


在铜锌生物学作用基础上,阐述了毛皮动物对铜锌的营养需要,并根据国外的标准给出了适宜的推荐量:同时,针对毛皮动物铜锌缺乏的症状,分析其缺乏的可能原因及评价铜锌营养状况的方法;最后,结合铜锌比、铜锌超氧化物歧化酶说明铜锌两种微量元素在毛皮动物营养中的相互关系。  相似文献   

韩菲菲  钟伟  王静  李光玉 《中国畜牧兽医》2019,46(11):3225-3233
日粮能量和蛋白质水平可直接影响毛皮动物的健康状况与生产性能,决定日粮成本,产生环境污染效应。日粮中营养物质的能量比和来源会影响动物对日粮能量的利用率,从而影响日粮的有效能值。因此,探究毛皮动物能量与蛋白质需要量,明确日粮中营养物质的能量比和来源对实际生产具有重要意义。作者介绍了毛皮动物能量体系,综述了国内外毛皮动物日粮营养物质能量比和来源、能量与蛋白质需要量及其代谢规律研究进展,并对未来研究发展方向进行展望,旨在为毛皮动物精准化饲养及日粮配制提供参考。  相似文献   

In the autumn of 1968 Pseudorabies was demonstrated in blue foxes (Alopex lagopus) on two fur farms in Jutland. The foxes had been fed with dead piglets from herds of swine belonging to the two farmers.At the same time the disease was diagnosed in piglets from these herds. At the two fur farms there were, respectively, 34 and eight foxes in all; respectively 26 and two died with signs of pruritus. Only few of the surviving foxes had had the opportunity to eat piglets. Eight weeks after the period of disease no antibodies against psedorabies virus could be demonstrated in serum of three surviving foxes.The virus content in various organs of six foxes submitted to the Laboratory was determined by titration in tissue cultures (Table 1).The results indicate that the spreading of virus from the port of entry of the virus to the brain must have occurred by nervous routes.The presence of virus in the tonsils of five of the six foxes and in the nasal mucosa of the sixth one, together with similar results from examination of dogs at this institute would seem to suggest that a transmission of the disease from these carnivores to other animals is possible.Based upon the high virus titers in the medulla oblongata and pons, and with reference to similar results of examination of dogs and to a previous publication on Pseudorabies in Danish red foxes, it is concluded that these tissues must be the material of choice for demonstration of Pseudorabies virus in these carnivores.  相似文献   

The frequency of eye infections in the Finnish blue fox population has increased during the past decade. Eye infection may incur economic losses to producers due to reduced selection intensity, but ethical aspects need to be considered as well because eye infection can be quite painful and reduce animal well‐being. The purpose of this study was to determine the potential for genetic selection against susceptibility to eye infection. The data were collected from 2076 blue foxes at the MTT fur animal research station. Genetic parameters were estimated using single‐ and multiple‐trait animal models. The heritability estimate for eye infection was analysed as a binary trait (EYE) and was moderate (0.24 ± 0.07). EYE had a moderate antagonistic genetic correlation (–0.49 ± 0.20) with grading density (thick underfur). The genetic correlation of EYE with grading size or body condition score was estimated without precision, but all size traits had a low antagonistic phenotypic correlation with EYE. Our results suggest that there is genetic variance in susceptibility to EYE, indicating that eye health can be improved through selection. The current recommendation is that the sick animals should be culled immediately. If more efficient selection is needed, the selection index and multiple‐trait animal models can be applied in breeding for better eye health.  相似文献   

Increases of velvet mesquite (Prosopis velutina Woot.) in southwestern grasslands might have been caused by livestock consumption of fuels that once burned with sufficient frequency and intensity to kill the trees. However, attempts to control mesquite with fire usually have failed. We measured fire damage and 5 years of postfire recovery for 225 mesquite trees > 1 m tall, following a 2002 wildfire that included grasslands differing in fire history, presence vs. 34-year livestock exclusion, and predominance of native vs. exotic grasses. The fire burned 100% of ground cover in ungrazed areas and 65% on grazed lands. Top-kill was 100% for trees in exotic ungrazed grasslands (the areas with highest fuel loads), 79% for trees in ungrazed native grasslands, and 28% for trees in grazed grasslands. Most top-killed trees produced ground sprouts, so that by 2006 the combined foliage volume from ground sprouts and surviving branches was 78% (± 3.2 SE) of preburn foliage volume in grazed areas, 66% (± 3.3) in ungrazed exotic grasslands, and 57% (± 4.0) in ungrazed native grasslands. Fire damage was greater among surviving trees in ungrazed areas that had burned twice (1987 and 2002) than among those that had burned only once since 1968 (in 2002), especially in native grasslands where postfire foliage recovery for twice-burned trees was only 47% (± 6.3) by 2006. Only 1 of 84 trees died in the area burned once, whereas 12 of 66 (18.2%) died in the area burned twice, including several individuals > 3 m tall. These results suggest that repeated fires likely could have prevented the historic spread of velvet mesquite into southwestern grasslands, but probably could be used to control mesquite today only in areas where abundant herbaceous growth provides sufficient fine fuels.  相似文献   

The burrow architecture (length, internal dimensions, fractal dimension of tunnel systems, number of nesting chambers and surface mounds) was investigated in the Damaraland mole-rat (Fukomys damarensis). A total of 31 animals were caught from five different colonies and their burrow systems were excavated in their entirety. The mean and SD colony size was 6 ± 3.3, with a range of 2–10 mole-rats. The sex ratio tended to be male biased 1.21:1. Males had a body mass of 80.5 ± 33.8 g, but were not significantly different to those of females, which had a mean body mass of 83.4 ± 24.9 g. The burrow system of the Damaraland mole-rats follows the same general architectural plan as recorded for other species of mole-rat with either one or two more centrally based, deeper, more permanent burrows that often connect to a nest area, which is used for resting and rearing offspring. The burrow systems contained several more superficial secondary tunnels at a shallower depth. The secondary tunnels accounted for up to 80% of the total burrow system. The mean length of the burrow system was 130 m and covered an area of 1 403 m2. The mean number of secondary branches in a burrow system was 10. The mean fractal dimension was 1.15, which implies the mole-rats do not explore their surrounding environment particularly efficiently when compared with that of other mole-rat species, but this may relate to the size of the main food resource, the Eland bean (Elephantorrhiza elephantina), which is randomly distributed and fed on in situ. Our study showed that colony size influences the size and complexity of the burrow system, with larger colonies having a longer burrow system covering a greater area with more secondary tunnels than that of smaller colonies.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to evaluate the nutritional response of organically grown diets in buffaloes on nutrients utilization and nutrient efficiency for milk production. For this, ten milch Murrah buffaloes of average body weight (490.72?±?6.65 kg), milk yield (8.13?±?0.33 kg), and lactation stage (85?±?5.28 days) were distributed in inorganic (InDg) and organic dietary groups (OrDg) with five animals in each. Buffaloes of InDg and OgDg were fed sorghum hay–berseem fodder-concentrate mixture-based diets grown inorganically and organically, respectively. After 60 days of feeding, a digestion cum metabolism trial was conducted to assess feed intake, nutrient utilization, and N balance, while milk yield and composition were recorded fortnightly. DM, CP, digestible crude protein (DCP), and metabolizable energy (ME) intake (g/Kg w0.75) were similar in animals of InDg and OrDg. NDF, ADF, and hemicellulose digestibility were (P?<?0.05) higher in animals on OrDg (59.20, 51.55, and 62.67) than InDg diet (54.57, 43.72, and 56.61 %), respectively. Urinary n loss (g/day) was (P?<?0.05) lower in OrDg (67.23) than in InDg (83.55); however, milk N was comparable in animals of both dietary groups (47.36 vs 45.82 g/day). Nitrogen balance was higher in animals of OrDg (39.72) than in InDg (28.08). DCP, TDN, and ME values of both diets were similar. No effect of diet was observed on milk yield and its composition; however, increased lactation length decreased milk yield. Buffaloes on both diets had similar efficiency and conversion ratio of nutrients for milk production. Results revealed that diets (organically vs. inorganically grown) have no effect on milk yield and its composition; however, buffaloes on organic diet have higher fiber digestibility and low urinary N loss which did not affect the dietary nutrients efficiency and conversion ratio for milk production.  相似文献   

Different roughage-to-concentrate ratios of sweet sorghum bagasse (SSB) (a by-product of the biofuel industry)-based complete diets were assessed. Twenty four growing Nellore × Deccani ram lambs aged about 3 months (average body wt., 10.62?±?0.25 kg) were randomly allotted to four complete rations (CR) varying in roughage-to-concentrate ratios viz. 60:40 (CR-I), 50:50 (CR-II), 40:60 (CR-III) and 30:70(CR-IV) for a period of 180 days. The feed intake was comparable among the lambs fed different experimental complete diets. Average daily weight gain (in grams) was 77.31?±?4.90, 81.76?±?5.16, 85.83?±?2.83 and 86.30?±?3.25, and feed conversion ratio (in kilograms of feed per kilogram gain) averaged 11.42?±?0.68, 10.57?±?0.64, 10.17?±?0.37 and 9.96?±?0.38 in ram lambs fed CR-I, CR-II, CR-III and CR-IV rations, respectively. Statistically, differences in daily weight gain and feed conversion ratio among the lambs fed four experimental rations were not significant (P?>?0.05). The cost per kilogram gain was significantly (P?<?0.01) higher in ram lambs fed CR-IV and CR-III rations compared to CR-I ration, and it was comparable between CR-I and CR-II rations. Dressing percentage averaged 44.90?±?0.15, 42.57?±?0.72, 43.67?±?0.16 and 44.42?±?0.76 for the respective diets. No significant difference and trend was observed in preslaughter weight, empty body weight, carcass weights, dressing percentage, wholesale cuts and edible and non-edible portions of experimental animals. Similarly, no significant variation could be seen in bone and meat yield (in per cent) and their ratios in various wholesale cuts among the dietary treatments. The roughage-to-concentrate ratio did not affect the chemical composition of meat; however, the fat content of meat was linearly increased with increase in the proportion of concentrate in the diets. The results of the experiment indicated that SSB can be included at 60 % level in the complete diet for economical mutton production from growing Nellore × Deccani ram lambs.  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究饲粮魔芋甘露寡糖(KON-MOS)添加水平对生长獭兔生长性能、毛皮质量、屠宰性能和肉品质的影响。选取平均体重为(0.84±0.07)kg的断奶獭兔120只,随机分为5组(每组24个重复,每个重复1只)。其中,Ⅰ组为对照组,饲喂基础饲粮,Ⅱ~Ⅴ组为试验组,分别饲喂KON-MOS添加水平为50、100、150、200 mg/kg的试验饲粮。预试期7 d,正试期60d。结果表明:1)饲粮KON-MOS添加水平对生长獭兔的平均日增重、料重比有显著影响(P0.05)。以Ⅲ组平均日增重最高,显著高于对照组(P0.05);以Ⅲ组料重比最低,显著低于对照组(P0.05)。饲粮KON-MOS添加水平对生长獭兔的腹泻率和死亡率无显著影响(P0.05),但试验组两者均低于对照组。2)饲粮KON-MOS添加水平对生长獭兔的被毛密度、被毛长度和毛皮重量无显著影响(P0.05),对皮张面积有显著影响(P0.05)。Ⅲ组皮张面积显著大于对照组(P0.05),各试验组间差异不显著(P0.05)。3)饲粮KON-MOS添加水平对生长獭兔的全净膛率及半净膛率无显著影响(P0.05),但各试验组两者均高于对照组。4)饲粮KON-MOS添加水平对生长獭兔屠宰后45 min时和24 h时的p H、剪切力、蒸煮损失以及亮度(L*)、红度(a*)、黄度(b*)值均无显著影响(P0.05)。综合考虑本试验所测指标,生长獭兔饲粮中适宜的KON-MOS添加水平为100 mg/kg。  相似文献   

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