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Nest-site selection patterns of Red-crowned cranes(Grus japonensis) and the effects of environmental variables were studied during the years of 2002-2008 in Zhalong Nature Reserve,Qiqihar city,northeast China.The nest-site selection pattern of Red-crowned cranes included two orders and three choices:the choice of nest-site habitat type within the macro-habitat order,nest zone selection and nest-site micro-habitat selection within the micro-habitat order.Various habitats(such as Carex swamps and reed fire districts) can be selected as the nest sites for Red-crowned cranes,of which reed swamps(93.15%) are given a preference.Factor Analysis reveals that the micro-habitat selection are affected by four main factors:fire,security(concealment /disturbance),incubation(conditions,nest-material),and food.Further analysis reveals that Red-crowned cranes have certain adaptability to the changes of nesting habitat quality in the Zhalong wetlands.In conclusion,fire,reeds,and water were the most important variables for nest-site habitat selection of Red-crowned Cranes in Zhalong Nature Reserve.  相似文献   

White-naped crane (Grus vipio) is a globally threatened spe- cies. It is very important to analyze its nest site selection in circum- stances where there are multiple disturbances, and also helpful to accu- mulate valuable information about this threatened species and supply scientific suggestions for conservation and management. We studied nest site selection and the effects of environmental variables on nesting habits of white-naped crane at Zhalong National Nature Reserve, Qiqihar City, Heilongiiang, China, during March-May of 2002-2008. White-naped crane responded and adapted to changes in the quality of the spatial environments of landscape and microhabitat under multiple environ- mental disturbances. Nest site selection included two scales and two choices, namely the choice of nest site habitat type within the macro-habitat scale and nest site micro-habitat selection within the mi- cro-habitat scale. Nest sites were recorded only in reed marshes. The choice of nest site micro-habitat included three basic elements and six factors, namely incubation element (nest parameters factor, incubation temperature factor and incubation humidity factor), safety element (pro- tection factor and concealment factor), and food element (water factor). Water, remnant reed clusters, and fire were major resource management challenges during the breeding period for the white-naped crane in this Reserve.  相似文献   

Zhalong National Nature Reserve(Zhalong) is an important stopover for migratory birds.In recent decades,Zhalong has become the focus of researchers and public discussion in relation to irrigation.We studied relationships between birds and habitats at different water levels to guide development of more effective habitat management measures.We used line transects to survey bird numbers and distribution during April-May from 2005-2009 at Zhalong,and used cluster analysis and Chi-Square tests to analyze data.We recorded 139 bird species of 39 families and 13 orders during spring migration,including Anseriformes,Charadriiformes,Ciconiiformes,Columbiformes,Coraciiformes,Cuculiformes,Falconiformes,Galliformes,Gruiformes,Passeriformes,Piciformes,Podicipediformes,Strigiformes.Dominant vegetation and geographic region were the main influence factors of avian distribution.Different ecological groups preferred different water levels(p<0.01) and different habitat types(p<0.01).Grallatores,Natatores and Passeres were the main ecological groups in different wetland habitats,and reed marsh and lake are the main habitats for management.Grallatores preferred reed marsh and lake with water levels >30 cm and 5 15 cm.Natatores preferred lakes with deep water(>30 cm).Passeres preferred open forest and reed marsh with no surface water.Different avian ecological groups occupied specific habitats depending on water level and we recorded some overlaps in bird distribution.  相似文献   

长白山国家级自然保护区自建区以来连续43年未发生森林火灾。本文基于历年来森林防火经验对其进行剖析,全面分析了长白山国家级自然保护区森林防火的重要意义和成绩的来之不易,同时认真总结过去,为今后的森林防火工作向科学化发展打下坚实基础。  相似文献   

长沙县森林火灾发生规律研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据长沙县"十一五"期间森林火灾发生的统计数据,从地域、时间、火因和肇事者等分析森林火灾发生的规律.结果表明:森林火灾发生存在明显的地域差异,据此可分为重灾区、较重灾区、较轻灾区、轻灾区和无灾区;森林火灾主要发生在防火期内,其中春防期明显多于冬防期,2月或3月为高发期,一天中的起火高峰在10:00—18:00;森林火灾发生主要由人为因素引起,森林火灾的肇事者老人最多,占30.6%。通过对森林火灾发生规律的调查分析,为长沙县"十二五"期间的森林火灾防控对策提出了建议。  相似文献   

摘要:通过调查得知:拜城县木扎提河湿地自然保护区湿地有高等植物17科29属30种;主要有6个植物群系;湿地野生动物35种,隶属13目18科;地表水水质等级为Ⅱ类;湿地综合受威胁等级为轻度威胁。本文同时指出了湿地保护管理中存在的问题,并提出了相应的建议,旨在为拜城县木扎提河湿地自然保护区的保护提供参考。  相似文献   

Dendrochronological dating of fire scars was used to determine the history of forest fires, and the effects of the fires and of slash‐and‐burn cultivation on forest structure were studied in eastern Finland. A total of 67 fire years were dated over an area of 26 km2. Forest fires increased towards the end of the 17th century and again towards the end of the 18th century, but decreased markedly in the middle of the 19th century. The mean fire interval was shorter near the historically known slash‐and‐burn cultivation areas than elsewhere. A forest survey map from 1913 was used to reconstruct the forest structure after the cessation of slash‐and‐burn cultivation and forest fires. This map showed that most of the younger forests were situated near old slash‐and‐burn cultivation areas, while the older forests were situated farther away from these. The proportion of deciduous trees decreased with increasing distance from slash‐and‐burn cultivation areas.  相似文献   

对扎龙国家级自然保护区的野生草本植物进行了专项调查,研究表明,该保护区野生草本植物共有86种,隶属于24科69属,其中优势种26种。保护区内野生草本植物种类组成丰富,许多种类具有药用、食用和园林应用价值、根据对扎龙国家级自然保护区野生草本植物资源普查结果,分析该保护区野生草本植物群落的保护现状,对于如何将野生草本植物资源优势转化为经济优势提出建议,为后续保护区的工作提供技术帮助。  相似文献   


The use of fire in the La Amistad Biosphere Reserve, Panama, is a complex issue, especially given its biophysical, cultural, and socioeconomic context. A geographic gradient exists, depicting the threat from fire to the reserve. Areas around Volcan Baru have a high potential fire threat due to the biophysical aspects of the area and land-use activities. Fire use has a long cultural history in Panama. It continues to be frequently employed to clear land for swidden agriculture, cattle ranching on the Atlantic side of the Talamancan mountain range, and agricultural development on the Pacific side. Land tenure insecurity and perverse policies also incite its utilization for claiming land. Set fires often escape their boundaries and burn property, structures, crops, and fire-sensitive ecosystems. If left unchecked, anthropogenic fires pose a significant threat to both the ecological and socioeconomic well being of the Biosphere Reserve. Recommendations for the reserve's fire management plan focus on policy augmentation, educational outreach, monitoring, prevention, and fire research.  相似文献   

指出了龙凤湿地自然保护区是黑龙江省省级自然保护区。根据保护区的动植物特点,总结出了湿地具有典型性、稀有性、多样性、自然性、脆弱性等特征,提出了应从湿地景观生态设计、湿地污染源分析与控制对策、以芦苇为代表的湿地植物水体净化研究、红外监控网的布点原则、以鸟类和环境监测为基础的湿地环境变迁与鸟类群落变化相关性研究、湿地生态环境综合整治等多方面进行湿地管理技术研究,通过三级防控措施将有效实现龙凤湿地的生态风险防范,进一步保持和改善龙凤湿地的生态环境。  相似文献   

珠江源自然保护区的生态地位及其保护重点   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
珠江源自然保护区地处滇东高原曲靖市的沾益县和宣威市境内 ,总面积为 2 30 4 5 9hm2 ,由于历史上开发较早 ,导致环境恶化 ,生态脆弱 ,湿地遭到严重破坏 ,因此要对珠江源生态环境实施全方位多角度保护 ,其保护重点为 :自然遗迹 ;喀斯特湿地系统 ;森林植被 ;生物物种等。建议今后对保护重点实施分类管理 ,并尽快建立管理机构 ,强化管理措施 ,理顺条块关系。  相似文献   

扎龙自然保护区湿地生物多样性现状及保护对策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
分析扎龙国家级自然保护区的湿地生物多样性现状及面临的主要问题,提出扎龙自然保护区湿地生物多样性保护的对策.  相似文献   

We describe and then model satellite-inferred severe (stand-replacing) fire occurrence relative to topography (elevation, aspect, slope, solar radiation, Heat Load Index, wetness and measures of topographic ruggedness) using data from 114 fires > 40 ha in area that occurred between 1984 and 2004 in the Gila Wilderness and surrounding Gila National Forest. Severe fire occurred more frequently at higher elevations and on north-facing, steep slopes and at locally wet, cool sites, which suggests that moisture limitations on productivity in the southwestern US interact with topography to influence vegetation density and fuel production that in turn influence burn severity. We use the Random Forest algorithm and a stratified random sample of burn severity pixels with corresponding pixels from 15 topographic layers as predictor variables to build an empirical model predicting the probability of occurrence for severe burns across the entire 1.4 million ha study area. Our model correctly classified severity with a classification accuracy of 79.5% when burn severity pixels were classified as severe vs. not severe (two classes). Because our model was derived from data sampled across many fires over a 20-year period, it represents average probability of severe fire occurrence and is unlikely to predict burn severity for individual fire events. However, we believe it has potential as a tool for planning fuel treatment projects, in management of actively burning fires, and for better understanding of landscape-scale burn severity patterns.  相似文献   

神农架自然保护区森林防火工作对策探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
神农架自然保护区生物多样性极其丰富,是全球生物多样性保护的重要场所之一,保护好这里的资源、加强森林防火工作非常重要。本文对22a来神农架自然保护区森林防火工作进行了总结和分析,探索神农架自然保护区如何进一步加强森林防火工作,为今后的森林防火工作总结经验。  相似文献   

根据我国森林火灾蔓延的特点,在分析了国内外主流林火蔓延模型的基础上,将元胞自动机原理与林火蔓延自身的特点相结合,着重研究了风作用系数、地形坡度调整系数等在元胞自动机中的作用形式,并引入地图代数中距离系数的概念,对原有林火蔓延速度模型进行改进,以提高模拟精度,使模拟结果更加真实地反映现实世界中林火的蔓延特点。最后采用C#语言结合ArcEngine的编程技术,以汕头市某山地DEM(数字高程模型)数据为例,动态模拟了林火蔓延的过程。  相似文献   

LiangshuiNattJreReserveliesinthentiddlezoneofXiaoking'anMountain.ThenattlrePintlsko,niensiSforestsdistrlbutedintheRe-servearewellProtected.NatUreKoreanpineforesthasabundantanimalsandPlantsinthenorthtemPeratezoneofEurasla.ItisanimportanttasktoprotectthenaturalKoreanPineforest.ForestersandnatUreProtectorsmustpayattenhontothistask.ItisverysignficantforcOlltroloffOrestfireandprotechonofre-sourcediversityofnatUreKoreanPinefOrest.METHODSDeneraISituationLiangshuiNattlreReserveislactat…  相似文献   

In recent years, especially in the summer of 2002, the most serious forest fires occurred in the Daxingan Mountain of Heilongjiang province and Inner Mongolia. There has been long time serious forest fire environment in summer in Daxingan Mountain. The grass in the forest is scorched for long time drought and the moisture content of litter and turf layer decrease rapidly. The accumulation and dryness of fuel build the summer forest fire environment, which are major caused by Meteorological environment. Human are lack of the right recognition of summer fires, and can not achieve the goal of detecting and fighting in time. Also summer fires have the tendency to increase in some areas of the world and human have to pay much more attention to how to prevent and control summer fires.  相似文献   

武夷山生物圈保护区,是以保护亚热带森林生态系统和自然景观为主的保护区.为了搞好该区的森林防火工作,在建立保护区地理信息系统、分析其护林防火现状的基础上,对其森林火灾预防监测体系进行了系统设计,对现代林火管理系统、火险等级及分布、森林火灾蔓延模型等进行了模拟和设置,为现代林火管理、防火设施配制及火灾损失评估等提供了系统分析的依据.  相似文献   

通过调查得知:吴岭鹭鸟自然保护区湿地有维管植物47种,分属19科45属;湿地植被可划分为1个湿地植被型组,3个湿地植被型,5个群系;脊椎动物102种,隶属5纲19目37科;地表水和地下水水质等级均为Ⅲ类;湿地综合受威胁等级为轻度威胁。笔者同时指出了湿地保护管理中存在的问题,并提出了相应的建议,旨在为吴岭鹭鸟自然保护区的保护提供参考。  相似文献   

结合保护区开展的控制性火烧工作,分析了西双版纳自然保护区内林火具有火强度低、蔓延速度慢的特点.认为开展控制性火烧工作可有效缩短火灾周期,减少发生重特大火灾的机率,对增加野生动物食物来源,增加群落生物多样性,改变群落物种的组成结构,增加土壤肥力等方面均会起到积极的促进作用.藉此提出了全面开展利用林火管理生态系统的建议.  相似文献   

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