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An atomic force microscope was used to study single-electron motion in nanotube quantum dots. By applying a voltage to the microscope tip, the number of electrons occupying the quantum dot could be changed, causing Coulomb oscillations in the nanotube conductance. Spatial maps of these oscillations were used to locate individual dots and to study the electrostatic coupling between the dot and the tip. The electrostatic forces associated with single electrons hopping on and off the quantum dot were also measured. These forces changed the amplitude, frequency, and quality factor of the cantilever oscillation, demonstrating how single-electron motion can interact with a mechanical oscillator.  相似文献   

The motion of individual cesium atoms trapped inside an optical resonator is revealed with the atom-cavity microscope (ACM). A single atom moving within the resonator generates large variations in the transmission of a weak probe laser, which are recorded in real time. An inversion algorithm then allows individual atom trajectories to be reconstructed from the record of cavity transmission and reveals single atoms bound in orbit by the mechanical forces associated with single photons. In these initial experiments, the ACM yields 2-micrometer spatial resolution in a 10-microsecond time interval. Over the duration of the observation, the sensitivity is near the standard quantum limit for sensing the motion of a cesium atom.  相似文献   

Phase coherence is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics. Understanding the loss of coherence is paramount for future quantum information processing. We studied the coherent dynamics of a single central spin (a nitrogen-vacancy center) coupled to a bath of spins (nitrogen impurities) in diamond. Our experiments show that both the internal interactions of the bath and the coupling between the central spin and the bath can be tuned in situ, allowing access to regimes with surprisingly different behavior. The observed dynamics are well explained by analytics and numerical simulations, leading to valuable insight into the loss of coherence in spin systems. These measurements demonstrate that spins in diamond provide an excellent test bed for models and protocols in quantum information.  相似文献   

The key challenge in experimental quantum information science is to identify isolated quantum mechanical systems with long coherence times that can be manipulated and coupled together in a scalable fashion. We describe the coherent manipulation of an individual electron spin and nearby individual nuclear spins to create a controllable quantum register. Using optical and microwave radiation to control an electron spin associated with the nitrogen vacancy (NV) color center in diamond, we demonstrated robust initialization of electron and nuclear spin quantum bits (qubits) and transfer of arbitrary quantum states between them at room temperature. Moreover, nuclear spin qubits could be well isolated from the electron spin, even during optical polarization and measurement of the electronic state. Finally, coherent interactions between individual nuclear spin qubits were observed and their excellent coherence properties were demonstrated. These registers can be used as a basis for scalable, optically coupled quantum information systems.  相似文献   

We have demonstrated laser cooling of a single electron spin trapped in a semiconductor quantum dot. Optical coupling of electronic spin states was achieved using resonant excitation of the charged quantum dot (trion) transitions along with the heavy-light hole mixing, which leads to weak yet finite rates for spin-flip Raman scattering. With this mechanism, the electron spin can be cooled from 4.2 to 0.020 kelvin, as confirmed by the strength of the induced Pauli blockade of the trion absorption. Within the framework of quantum information processing, this corresponds to a spin-state preparation with a fidelity exceeding 99.8%.  相似文献   

By coupling a single-electron transistor to a high-quality factor, 19.7-megahertz nanomechanical resonator, we demonstrate position detection approaching that set by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle limit. At millikelvin temperatures, position resolution a factor of 4.3 above the quantum limit is achieved and demonstrates the near-ideal performance of the single-electron transistor as a linear amplifier. We have observed the resonator's thermal motion at temperatures as low as 56 millikelvin, with quantum occupation factors of NTH = 58. The implications of this experiment reach from the ultimate limits of force microscopy to qubit readout for quantum information devices.  相似文献   

Kerr rotation measurements on a single electron spin confined in a charge-tunable semiconductor quantum dot demonstrate a means to directly probe the spin off-resonance, thus minimally disturbing the system. Energy-resolved magneto-optical spectra reveal information about the optically oriented spin polarization and the transverse spin lifetime of the electron as a function of the charging of the dot. These results represent progress toward the manipulation and coupling of single spins and photons for quantum information processing.  相似文献   

Beyond traditional nonlinear optics with large numbers of atoms and photons, qualitatively new phenomena arise in a quantum regime of strong interactions between single atoms and photons. By using a microscopic optical resonator, we achieved such interactions and demonstrated a robust, efficient mechanism for the regulated transport of photons one by one. With critical coupling of the input light, a single atom within the resonator dynamically controls the cavity output conditioned on the photon number at the input, thereby functioning as a photon turnstile. We verified the transformation from a Poissonian to a sub-Poissonian photon stream by photon counting measurements of the input and output fields. The results have applications in quantum information science, including for controlled interactions of single light quanta and for scalable quantum processing on atom chips.  相似文献   

An asymmetric pair of coupled InAs quantum dots is tuned into resonance by applying an electric field so that a single hole forms a coherent molecular wave function. The optical spectrum shows a rich pattern of level anticrossings and crossings that can be understood as a superposition of charge and spin configurations of the two dots. Coulomb interactions shift the molecular resonance of the optically excited state (charged exciton) with respect to the ground state (single charge), enabling light-induced coupling of the quantum dots. This result demonstrates the possibility of optically coupling quantum dots for application in quantum information processing.  相似文献   

The exceptional spin coherence of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond motivates their function in emerging quantum technologies. Traditionally, the spin state of individual centers is measured optically and destructively. We demonstrate dispersive, single-spin coupling to light for both nondestructive spin measurement, through the Faraday effect, and coherent spin manipulation, through the optical Stark effect. These interactions can enable the coherent exchange of quantum information between single nitrogen-vacancy spins and light, facilitating coherent measurement, control, and entanglement that is scalable over large distances.  相似文献   

Cavity optomechanics studies the coupling between a mechanical oscillator and the electromagnetic field in a cavity. We report on a cavity optomechanical system in which a collective density excitation of a Bose-Einstein condensate serves as the mechanical oscillator coupled to the cavity field. A few photons inside the ultrahigh-finesse cavity trigger strongly driven back-action dynamics, in quantitative agreement with a cavity optomechanical model. We approach the strong coupling regime of cavity optomechanics, where a single excitation of the mechanical oscillator substantially influences the cavity field. The results open up new directions for investigating mechanical oscillators in the quantum regime and the border between classical and quantum physics.  相似文献   

The effective interaction between magnetic impurities in metals that can lead to various magnetic ground states often competes with a tendency for electrons near impurities to screen the local moment (known as the Kondo effect). The simplest system exhibiting the richness of this competition, the two-impurity Kondo system, was realized experimentally in the form of two quantum dots coupled through an open conducting region. We demonstrate nonlocal spin control by suppressing and splitting Kondo resonances in one quantum dot by changing the electron number and coupling of the other dot. The results suggest an approach to nonlocal spin control that may be relevant to quantum information processing.  相似文献   

Picosecond optical excitation was used to coherently control the excitation in a single quantum dot on a time scale that is short compared with the time scale for loss of quantum coherence. The excitonic wave function was manipulated by controlling the optical phase of the two-pulse sequence through timing and polarization. Wave function engineering techniques, developed in atomic and molecular systems, were used to monitor and control a nonstationary quantum mechanical state composed of a superposition of eigenstates. The results extend the concept of coherent control in semiconductors to the limit of a single quantum system in a zero-dimensional quantum dot.  相似文献   

Quantum mechanical superexchange interactions form the basis of quantum magnetism in strongly correlated electronic media. We report on the direct measurement of superexchange interactions with ultracold atoms in optical lattices. After preparing a spin-mixture of ultracold atoms in an antiferromagnetically ordered state, we measured coherent superexchange-mediated spin dynamics with coupling energies from 5 hertz up to 1 kilohertz. By dynamically modifying the potential bias between neighboring lattice sites, the magnitude and sign of the superexchange interaction can be controlled, thus allowing the system to be switched between antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic spin interactions. We compare our findings to predictions of a two-site Bose-Hubbard model and find very good agreement, but are also able to identify corrections that can be explained by the inclusion of direct nearest-neighbor interactions.  相似文献   

The excitation spectrum of a model magnetic system, LiHoF4, was studied with the use of neutron spectroscopy as the system was tuned to its quantum critical point by an applied magnetic field. The electronic mode softening expected for a quantum phase transition was forestalled by hyperfine coupling to the nuclear spins. We found that interactions with the nuclear spin bath controlled the length scale over which the excitations could be entangled. This generic result places a limit on our ability to observe intrinsic electronic quantum criticality.  相似文献   

We demonstrate coupling and entangling of quantum states in a pair of vertically aligned, self-assembled quantum dots by studying the emission of an interacting electron-hole pair (exciton) in a single dot molecule as a function of the separation between the dots. An interaction-induced energy splitting of the exciton is observed that exceeds 30 millielectron volts for a dot layer separation of 4 nanometers. The results are interpreted by mapping the tunneling of a particle in a double dot to the problem of a single spin. The electron-hole complex is shown to be equivalent to entangled states of two interacting spins.  相似文献   

We propose a protocol and physical implementation for partial Bell-state measurements of Fermionic qubits, allowing for deterministic quantum computing in solid-state systems without the need for two-qubit gates. Our scheme consists of two spin qubits in a double quantum dot where the two dots have different Zeeman splittings and resonant tunneling between the dots is only allowed when the spins are antiparallel. This converts spin parity into charge information by means of a projective measurement and can be implemented with established technologies. This measurement-based qubit scheme greatly simplifies the experimental realization of scalable quantum computers in electronic nanostructures.  相似文献   

Molecular motion is influenced by quantum mechanics, which thus affect molecular properties such as their reactivity and the ease with which they isomerize. In his Perspective, Bowman describes recent theoretical advances that allow accurate quantum mechanical calculation of molecular motions for ever larger systems.  相似文献   

The hyperfine interaction of an electron with the nuclei is considered as the primary obstacle to coherent control of the electron spin in semiconductor quantum dots. We show, however, that the nuclei in singly charged quantum dots act constructively by focusing the electron spin precession about a magnetic field into well-defined modes synchronized with a laser pulse protocol. In a dot with a synchronized electron, the light-stimulated fluctuations of the hyperfine nuclear field acting on the electron are suppressed. The information about electron spin precession is imprinted in the nuclei and thereby can be stored for tens of minutes in darkness. The frequency focusing drives an electron spin ensemble into dephasing-free subspaces with the potential to realize single frequency precession of the entire ensemble.  相似文献   

Single spins in solid-state systems are often considered prime candidates for the storage of quantum information, and their interaction with the environment the main limiting factor for the realization of such schemes. The lifetime of an excited spin state is a sensitive measure of this interaction, but extending the spatial resolution of spin relaxation measurements to the atomic scale has been a challenge. We show how a scanning tunneling microscope can measure electron spin relaxation times of individual atoms adsorbed on a surface using an all-electronic pump-probe measurement scheme. The spin relaxation times of individual Fe-Cu dimers were found to vary between 50 and 250 nanoseconds. Our method can in principle be generalized to monitor the temporal evolution of other dynamical systems.  相似文献   

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