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我国北方地区尤其是东北,冬季异常寒冷,低温状态会对狐狸等毛皮动物的繁殖率及幼仔成活率造成很大影响。狐狸大多都在冬季进行配种,此时若不对种狐进行精心管理,将会影响到种狐的受精率、产仔率及幼狐的成活率,使经济效益下降。因此,在北方地区寒冷的冬季,要做好狐狸繁殖期的饲养管理,提高种狐繁殖率和幼狐成活率,以获得较高的经济效益。  相似文献   

产仔母狐断乳后,不要立即降低饲养标准,至少要保持20天的哺乳期饲养标准,对产仔多,母性强、泌乳质量好的母狐和优良的公狐要特殊饲养,中午要适量补喂新鲜的鱼肉类或乳蛋类饲料。对刚分窝仔狐应渐进改变饲养标  相似文献   

<正>繁殖期的种源筛选至关重要,是配种期能否顺利进行的关键所在,多数养殖户对种源的筛选概念较为模糊,器官检查、配种技术等的差异导致配种期疾病多发;同时此时期因饲料问题导致消化道疾病的发生更不是鲜见,因此繁殖期疾病防控的根本在于饲料原料品质控制和配种工作的规范。繁殖期疾病主要是以生殖系统疾病为主,主要是以睾丸炎、阴道炎、子宫内膜炎等,  相似文献   

羊业生产中,如何提高羊群的繁殖力是至关重要的。羊群繁殖力的高低是提高羊群质量,增加养羊效益的必要条件。对于现代肉羊业,要有效提高肉羊的繁殖性能,必须加强各个时期的饲养管理。  相似文献   

正近几年国内规模化貂场的数量稳步上升,优质种貂不断引入国内,为我国貂种的改良提供了丰富的资源,但是进口种貂进入国内貂场后在由于饲料搭配、疫病防控及日常管理的差异出现繁殖率下降、仔兽成活率降低等一系列问题,严重影响了貂场的收益,严重者导致貂群发生疾病甚至死亡,带来较大经济损失;根据笔者一线走访遇到的一系列问题进行简单总结,共广大貂场参考。1饲料加工及管理要点(1)繁殖期饲料安全是养殖场管理的重中之重,饲  相似文献   

每年2-4月是狐狸的发情配种季节,其中银黑狐和赤狐在2-3月份发情配种,蓝狐在3-4月份发情配种,在这个季节里,公狐总是处于发情状态。狐狸一年就发情1次,所以一定要抓住发情期管理,提高配种率,提高养殖狐狸的经济效益。  相似文献   

王雁秋 《北方牧业》2006,(21):14-14
狐狸是重要的经济毛皮兽.与水貂皮、波斯羔羊皮形成国际裘皮业的三大支柱。狐狸在全国广泛分布.90年代初.国内北极狐消费开始流行。需求极大,刺激发展。养殖户越来越多.母兽全部留种.只有淘汰的才上市。上市少.供应量小.价格攀升.供求严重脱节.尤其是质量好的蓝狐皮.当时价格曾经达到800元/张。但是近几年来由于扩种太快,质量达不到标准。品质下降.价格开始不断降低.今年我国质量最好的狐皮只有300元左右.质量差的甚至跌破100元大关。  相似文献   

作用。冬季鸡舍通风控制的感官要求是,鸡舍排风扇端的氨气味,以不使人的眼睛不舒服为宜,如能刺激人的眼睛有泪,表明氨气浓度大,应加大通风量。最小通风量可以在温度较低时使用。此时,要避免舍外冷空气直接吹到鸡身上,鸡舍通风由纵向通风改为横向通风,降低舍内空气的流动量。鸡舍相对湿度要求的正常范围值是55%-65%,如果地面潮湿和氨气多就可以通过增加定时钟工作的时间来增加通风量,  相似文献   

正肉用种鸽长到5~6月龄时开始发情,6~7月龄时进入性成熟期,此时可进行配对繁殖,开始配对繁殖的鸽子称为种鸽或繁殖鸽。1选择种鸽选种的目的是为了获得肉质好、产量高的乳鸽,以获得好的经济效益。选种时应从个体、系谱、后裔等方面进行综合评定。1.1个体选择1.1.1外貌要求体质健壮,结构匀称,发育良好,性情温顺,采食性强,额宽而长,龙骨直而不弯,腹大柔软,胸宽深而向前突出,背平宽而长,雄鸽耻骨坚  相似文献   

<正>一、狐狸繁殖期饲养方法与管理1.配种前准备。(1)狐狸繁殖特性。狐狸是季节性发情的自排卵动物,属哺乳纲食肉目犬科动物。春节繁殖,一年繁殖1次,5~10只/胎。山东省潍坊市狐狸养殖多以北极狐为主,从8月开始,雌狐卵巢、雄狐睾丸均开始发育,雌狐黄体逐渐退化,卵泡迅速增长。11月起雄狐发育明显,此时可产生成熟精子。翌年春季,雌狐开始发情、排卵。  相似文献   

空怀母猪包括后备母猪和断奶后的母猪.将这两个阶段的种猪饲养好,不仅能增强母猪体质,还能增加母猪的产仔数,减少母猪难产和不发情症状,延长母猪的使用时间,提高猪场的经济效益.  相似文献   

种公猪对整个猪群的作用很大,自然交配时,每头公猪可担负20~30头母猪的配种任务,一年繁殖仔猪400~600头;人工授精时,每头公猪一年可繁殖仔猪万头左右.俗话说:"母猪好,好一窝;公猪好,好一坡."这说明了公猪精液质量的好坏直接关系到猪场的经济效益.特别是在高温季节,规模化养殖场除了科学管理好种母猪外,对种公猪的科学管理也是必不可少的.笔者就高温季节如何做好种公猪的管理提出自己的看法,供参考.  相似文献   

陆方善 《中国家禽》2000,22(7):29-29
长江中、下游及江南地区在每年的6月中、下旬与7月上、中旬期间 ,多以阴雨天气为主 ,气温高 ,湿度大 ,人畜极感烦闷 ,持续20d左右 ,气象学上称这段时间为“梅雨期”。现结合多年来的生产实践 ,将梅雨期种鸡饲养管理要点总结如下 ,供同行参考。1调整饲料配方由于天气炎热 ,鸡体内代谢率提高 ,产热量增加 ;另一方面 ,体内蛋白质消耗过多 ,应适当降低饲料中的代谢能 ,提高蛋白质含量1 %~1.5 % ,配方调整幅度不能太大 ,应保持相对稳定 ,以免影响种鸡采食量。考虑到用鱼粉、豆粕补充粗蛋白质会增加体热 ,给鸡体散热带来负担 ,可直接用…  相似文献   

The possible effect of fenchlorphos, 0-0-dimethy1-0-(2.4.5-trichlorophenyl) phosphorothioate, upon the reproductive endocrinology in blue foxes (Alopex lagopus) was investigated. Five females were administered fenchlorphos orally at a dose of 100 mg/kg daily from 10 days before oestrus and up to the 21st day of gestation. This dose represents the therapeutic dose for the treatment of sarcoptic mange. Blood samples were collected for the analyses of progesterone, oestradiol-17β and luteinizing hormone (LH) in plasma. The vixens were ovario-hysterectomized on day 23, except 1 animal in the control group which was operated on day 17. Additionally, sperm quality and mating performance in 3 male blue foxes, which were administered 100 mg/kg fenchlorphos daily during the first 3 weeks of the mating season, were examined.Pregnancy was recorded in 2 medicated and 4 control animals. No pathological changes were observed in the uterus and the ovaries. The plasma concentrations of the hormones were similar to those obtained from the control group. No evidence of any disturbances concerning spermatogenesis in the males was observed. However, their libido appeared to be reduced. None of the males achieved a mating during and after the period of medication.  相似文献   

近年来 ,驯养野猪出售和烹吃野猪肉的事时有传闻。经过调查访问 ,略知梗概 ,现将所得报道如下。1 真正的野猪并不好养野猪体重比家猪小 ,成年体重 1 0 0~ 1 3 0千克。毛色一致 ,呈灰黑或暗褐色 ,具有保护色彩 ,皮粗毛硬。硬毛下有许多绒毛。鬃毛多 ,从颈部漫延至臀部。四蹄黑色 ,躯干短 ,尾巴短 ,头长而大 ,伸直呈圆锥形 ,头长与体长之比为1 :3 ,咀尖长、耳小 ,甲高臀部低 ,背线由前向后倾斜。体侧扁平且前宽后窄。乳头很少超过4~ 5对。四肢管骨细长、坚实 ,呈椭圆形。野猪 1 8-2 0月龄才达性成熟 ,繁殖性能差 ,成年母野猪每年仅在秋末…  相似文献   

A 5-yr study was conducted beginning in 1983 with 460 cows to evaluate the effects of three breeding seasons (30, 45, and 70 d in length) and two times of spring calving, March (early) and April (late), on cattle production under Nebraska Sandhills range conditions. Criteria evaluated included pregnancy and weaning percentages, calving date and distribution, cow weights and body condition at four intervals, calf birth and weaning weights, and cow productivity. The 30-d breeding season included a 10-d estrus synchronization and AI period; in the other breeding seasons only natural breeding was used. The same sires were used over the entire study period. Percentage of cows pregnant and percentage of calves weaned were lower (P less than .01) for cows bred for 30 d than for cows bred for 45 or 70 d. Average calving dates were similar among the breeding groups within the early and late calving herds. Pregnancy rates from AI were higher (P less than .01) for the cows calving in April (64%) than for the cows calving in March (41%). Cows calving in April lost less weight between precalving and prebreeding and were heavier (P less than .05) at prebreeding time than the cows calving in March. Calf weaning weights were not different (P greater than .10) among any of the breeding season groups or between the two calving herds when calves were weaned at a similar age. Cow productivity (calf weaning weight per breeding female) was highest (P less than .05) for the cows bred for 70 d (186 kg), intermediate for the cows bred for 45 d (172 kg), and lowest for cows bred for 30 d (162 kg).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A total of 260 tons of a new mineral feed supplement [MKP-C(P)] was used on farms in the Písek district. In the period from January to April, 1988, the mortality of calves decreased by 2.9% in comparison with the same period of 1987 when the Polymin Z or MKP-C supplements had been used. The MKP-C(P) supplement, containing 8 to 10% calcium, 3 to 4% phosphorus, 6 to 7% magnesium and 8 to 10% sodium, was used in all first-calver barns in the 1987/88 winter feeding season. It was administered to about 7300 highly pregnant heifers and first-calvers at rates of 0.15 to 0.2 kg per head and day. It has been concluded from the results of the experimental and farm-scale testing of the MKP-C(P) supplement, containing much more magnesium (by 180%) and less phosphorus (by 46%) than the commercially produced supplements MKP-C and Polymin Z, that the new product is able to meet all the phosphorus requirement, together with a rational management of magnesium, in young breeding cattle. Apart from a higher effect, especially in the compensation of hypomagnesiaemia and metabolic acidosis, the use of the new supplement in first-calver stocks allows to reduce the total financial costs of mineral feed supplements by 20%. The basis for the reduction of costs is the saving of phosphates in the potato-growing areas; this is also associated with a reduction of the supply of cadmium to the cattle feed rations.  相似文献   

每年夏暑炎热季节来临,降雨少,气温高,空气流通不畅,造成天气闷热,严重影响奶牛生产性能的正常发挥和综合经济效益的提高。如何做好防暑降温,特别是夏、秋季减少炎热环境,也就是减少热应激对奶牛造成的不利影响,各地制定了一系列相关措施与方法,取得了一定的效果。以下是本人长期从事科技推广工作所积累的一点体会:一、关中地区气温特点关中地区,地处北回归线以北,每年面临夏、秋两季高温炎热,平均气温在32℃,最低气温也在20℃以上,最高气温39℃左右(室外)。高温炎热天气主要集中在6~10月份。7~9月平均气温持…  相似文献   

本次调查采用现场问卷的方法,从生产指标、成本指标、管理指标、疫病信息、免疫指标、环境指标等6个方面,对全省23家重点种猪场饲养管理及疫病防控现状进行调查,通过调查分析,初步摸清目前辽宁省种猪场饲养管理及疫病防控方面的能力水平以及存在的主要问题。调查结果表明,全省种猪场在饲养管理方面总体上较为规范,在疫病防控上能力较强,但同时也存在诸如科学管理、生态养殖及专业队伍建设等方面的问题。  相似文献   

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