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We compared sap-flux-scaled, mean, canopy stomatal conductance (GS) between Picea abies (L.) Karst. in Sweden and Pinus taeda (L.) in North Carolina, both growing on nutritionally poor soils. Stomatal conductance of Picea abies was approximately half that of Pinus taeda and the sensitivity of GS in Picea abies to vapor pressure deficit (D) was lower than in Pinus taeda. Optimal fertilization increased leaf area index (L) two- and threefold in Pinus taeda and Picea abies, respectively, regardless of whether irrigation was increased. Although it increased L, fertilization did not increase GS in Picea abies unless irrigation was also provided. In Pinus taeda growing on coarse, sandy soils, the doubling of L in response to fertilization reduced GS sharply unless irrigation was also provided. The reduction in GS with fertilization in the absence of irrigation resulted from the production of fine roots with low saturated hydraulic conductivity. When Pinus taeda received both fertilization and irrigation, the increase in L was accompanied by a large increase in GS. In Pinus taeda, a reference GS (defined as GS at D = 1 kPa; GSR) decreased in all treatments with decreasing volumetric soil water content (theta). In Picea abies, theta varied little within a treatment, but overall, GSR declined with theta, reaching lowest values when drought was imposed by the interception of precipitation. Despite the large difference in GS both between Picea abies and Pinus taeda and among treatments, stem growth was related to absorbed radiation, and stem growth response to treatment reflected mostly the changes in L.  相似文献   

Temperature-independent fluctuations in stem CO(2) efflux were measured in Pinus taeda L. seedlings. Stem CO(2) efflux was measured during high and low transpiration rates, high and low net photosynthesis rates, and normal and interrupted substrate supply conditions. Stem CO(2) efflux rates were an average of 6.7% lower during periods of high transpiration compared to periods of low transpiration. This difference in stem CO(2) efflux rates was not due to water stress. The most likely cause was movement of respiratory CO(2) in the transpiration stream. Interruption of substrate supply to the stem by phloem girdling reduced stem CO(2) efflux rates. Increasing net photosynthesis rates from low to high had no effect on stem CO(2) efflux, but decreasing net photosynthesis from high to low caused relatively small reductions in stem CO(2) efflux. These results indicate that diurnal changes in net photosynthesis rate may play a small role in temperature-independent afternoon depressions of stem CO(2) efflux. The transport of respiratory CO(2) by the transpiration stream compromises measurements of woody tissue respiration obtained by commonly accepted gas exchange techniques. This phenomenon could also affect measurement of leaf net photosynthesis and branch woody tissue respiration.  相似文献   

To investigate whether long-term elevated carbon dioxide concentration ([CO(2)]) causes declines in photosynthetic enhancement and leaf nitrogen (N) owing to limited soil fertility, we measured photosynthesis, carboxylation capacity and area-based leaf nitrogen concentration (N(a)) in Pinus taeda L. growing in a long-term free-air CO(2) enrichment (FACE) facility at an N-limited site. We also determined how maximum rates of carboxylation (V(cmax)) and electron transport (J(max)) varied with N(a) under elevated [CO(2)]. In trees exposed to elevated [CO(2)] for 5 to 9 years, the slope of the relationship between leaf photosynthetic capacity (A(net-Ca)) and N(a) was significantly reduced by 37% in 1-year-old needles, whereas it was unaffected in current-year needles. The slope of the relationships of both V(cmax) and J(max) with N(a) decreased in 1-year-old needles after up to 9 years of growth in elevated [CO(2)], which was accompanied by a 15% reduction in N allocation to the carboxylating enzyme. Nitrogen fertilization (110 kg N ha(-1)) in the ninth year of exposure to elevated [CO(2)] restored the slopes of the relationships of V(cmax) and J(max) with N(a) to those of control trees (i.e., in ambient [CO(2)]). The J(max):V(cmax) ratio was unaffected by either [CO(2)] or N fertilization. Changes in the apparent allocation of N to photosynthetic components may be an important adjustment in pines exposed to elevated [CO(2)] on low-fertility sites. We conclude that fundamental relationships between photosynthesis or its component processes with N(a) may be altered in aging pine needles after more than 5 years of exposure to elevated atmospheric [CO(2)].  相似文献   

Yang SH  Loopstra CA 《Tree physiology》2005,25(8):1063-1073
In developing xylem, gene expression levels vary in different genotypes, at different stages of development, throughout a growing season, and in response to stresses. Commercially important characteristics such as wood-specific gravity are known to differ with seed source. For example, when grown on a common site, the specific gravity of Arkansas loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) trees is greater than that of Louisiana loblolly pine, and Texas loblolly pines have a greater specific gravity than loblolly pines from the Atlantic coast. A microarray analysis was performed to examine variation in gene expression among trees from different geographical sources when grown on a common site, and seasonal variation in gene expression in each seed source. We used microarrays containing 2171 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) with putative functions of interest, selected from several loblolly pine xylem partial cDNA libraries and a shoot tip library. Genes with significant variation in expression for each factor were identified. Many genes preferentially expressed in latewood compared with earlywood were for proteins involved in cell wall biosynthesis. Variation in gene expression among trees from the two seed sources in each growing season suggests that there may be more differences between South Arkansas trees and South Louisiana trees in latewood than in earlywood. Variation in gene expression among trees from different regions may reflect adaptation to different environments.  相似文献   

Few studies have examined the effects of elevated CO2 concentration ([CO2]) on the physiology of intact forest canopies, despite the need to understand how leaf-level responses can be aggregated to assess effects on whole-canopy functioning. We examined the long-term effects of elevated [CO2] (ambient + 200 ppm CO2) on two age classes of needles in the upper and lower canopy of Pinus taeda L. during the second through sixth year of exposure to elevated [CO2] in free-air (free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE)) in North Carolina, USA. Strong photosynthetic enhancement in response to elevated [CO2] (e.g., +60% across age classes and canopy locations) was observed across the years. This stimulation was 33% greater for current-year needles than for 1-year-old needles in the fifth and sixth years of treatment. Although photosynthetic stimulation in response to elevated [CO2] was maintained through the sixth year of exposure, we found evidence of concurrent down-regulation of Rubisco and electron transport capacity in the upper-canopy sunlit leaves. The lower canopy showed no evidence of down-regulation. The upper canopy down-regulated carboxylation capacity (Vcmax) and electron transport capacity (Jmax) by about 17-20% in 1-year-old needles; however, this response was significant across sampling years only for Jmax in 1-year-old needles (P < 0.02). A reduction in leaf photosynthetic capacity in aging conifer needles at the canopy top could have important consequences for canopy carbon balance and global carbon sinks because 1-year-old sunlit needles contribute a major proportion of the annual carbon balance of these conifers. Our finding of a significant interaction between canopy position and CO2 treatment on the biochemical capacity for CO2 assimilation suggests that it is important to take canopy position and needle aging into account because morphologically and physiologically distinct leaves could respond differently to elevated [CO2].  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that increasing atmospheric CO(2) concentration enhances accumulation of carbon in fine roots, thereby altering soil carbon dynamics and nutrient cycling. To evaluate possible changes to belowground pools of carbon and nitrogen in response to elevated CO(2), an early and a late successional species of pine (Pinus taeda L. and Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex Laws, respectively) were grown from seed for 160 days in a 35 or 70 Pa CO(2) partial pressure at low or high temperature (30-year weekly mean and 30-year weekly mean + 5 degrees C) and a soil solution nitrogen concentration of 1 or 5 mM NH(4)NO(3) at the Duke University Phytotron. Seedlings were harvested at monthly intervals and growth parameters of the primary root, secondary root and tap root fractions evaluated. Total root biomass of P. ponderosa showed a positive CO(2) response (105% increase) (P = 0.0001) as a result of significant increases in all root fractions in the elevated CO(2) treatment, but all other main effects and interactions were insignificant. In P. taeda, there were significant interactions between CO(2) and temperature (P = 0.04) and CO(2) and nitrogen (P = 0.04) for total root biomass. An allometric analysis indicated that modulation of the secondary root fraction was the main response of the trees to altered environmental conditions. In P. ponderosa, there was an increase in the secondary root fraction relative to the primary and tap root fractions under conditions of low temperature. In P. taeda, there was a shift in carbon accumulation to the secondary roots relative to the primary roots under low temperature and low nitrogen. Neither species exhibited shifts in carbon accumulation in response to elevated CO(2). We conclude that both species have the potential to increase belowground biomass substantially in response to rising atmospheric CO(2) concentration, and this response is sensitive to temperature and nitrogen in P. taeda. Both species displayed small shifts in belowground carbon accumulation in response to altered temperature and nitrogen that may have substantial ecosystem consequences over time.  相似文献   

An understanding of root system capacity to acquire nitrogen (N) is critical in assessing the long-term growth impact of rising atmospheric CO2 concentration ([CO2]) on trees and forest ecosystems. We examined the effects of mycorrhizal inoculation and elevated [CO2] on root ammonium (NH4+) and nitrate (NO3-) uptake capacity in sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua L.) and loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.). Mycorrhizal treatments included inoculation of seedlings with the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus Glomus intraradices Schenck & Smith in sweetgum and the ectomycorrhizal (EM) fungus Laccaria bicolor (Maire) Orton in loblolly pine. These plants were then equally divided between ambient and elevated [CO2] treatments. After 6 months of treatment, root systems of both species exhibited a greater uptake capacity for NH4+ than for NO3-. In both species, mycorrhizal inoculation significantly increased uptake capacity for NO3-, but not for NH4+. In sweetgum, the mycorrhizal effect on NO3- and NH4+ uptake capacity depended on growth [C02]. Similarly, in loblolly pine, the mycorrhizal effect on NO3- uptake capacity depended on growth [CO2], but the effect on NH4+ uptake capacity did not. Mycorrhizal inoculation significantly enhanced root nitrate reductase activity (NRA) in both species, but elevated [CO2] increased root NRA only in sweetgum. Leaf NRA in sweetgum did not change significantly with mycorrhizal inoculation, but increased in response to [CO2]. Leaf NRA in loblolly pine was unaffected by either treatment. The results indicate that the mycorrhizal effect on specific root N uptake in these species depends on both the form of inorganic N and the mycorrhizal type. However, our data show that in addressing N status of plants under high [CO2], reliable prediction is possible only when information about other root system adjustments (e.g., biomass allocation to fine roots) is simultaneously considered.  相似文献   

The relationship between carbon exchange rate (CER) and internal CO(2) concentration was measured in leaves of saplings of Liquidambar styraciflua L. (sweetgum) and Pinus taeda L. (loblolly pine) grown from seed for more than 14 months at atmospheric CO(2) concentrations of either 350 or 500 microl l(-1). An elevated concentration of CO(2) during growth reduced CER at any given internal CO(2) concentration in sweetgum, but not in loblolly pine. Stomatal limitation of CER showed little response to concentration of CO(2) during measurement, but was higher in both species when grown at 500 than at 350 microl l(-1) CO(2). The net effect of a long-term increase in CO(2) concentration from 350 to 500 microl l(-1) was an increase in CER of loblolly pine, but a slight decrease in CER of sweetgum. It is suggested that the depression of CER in sweetgum resulted from a reduction in the activity of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase.  相似文献   

Albaugh TJ  Allen HL  Fox TR 《Tree physiology》2008,28(7):1083-1098
We quantified nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) content, use (nutrient amount for one growth year), retranslocation (nutrients recycled before foliage senescence), uptake (use minus retranslocation), volume production per unit of uptake and fertilizer-uptake efficiency (percent applied taken up) in a 2 x 2 (nutrient and water) factorial experiment replicated four times in an 8-year-old loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) stand growing on a nutrient-poor sandy soil in Scotland County, North Carolina, USA. Over 14 years, we applied 1140, 168, 393, 168 and 146 kg ha(-1) of elemental N, P, K, Ca and Mg fertilizer, respectively, and an average of 710 mm year(-1) of irrigation. All plots received complete vegetation control. Fertilization about doubled tissue N, P, K and Mg contents at age 21, whereas irrigation resulted in smaller increases in nutrient contents. Maximum annual uptake was 101, 9.3, 44, 37 and 13 kg ha(-1) year(-1) and volume production per unit of nutrient uptake was 0.35, 3.5, 0.66, 1.1 and 3.1 m(3) kg(-1), for N, P, K, Ca and Mg, respectively. Irrigated plots had greater volume production per unit of N, P, K and Mg uptake than control plots, likely because irrigation allowed photosynthesis to continue during dry periods. Fertilized plus irrigated plots had less volume production per unit of these elements than the fertilized plots either because nutrient uptake exceeded the requirement for optimum growth or because available water (rainfall plus irrigation) was insufficient for the leaf area achieved with fertilization. At age 19, fertilizer-uptake efficiencies for N, P, K, Ca and Mg were 53, 24, 62, 57 and 39%, respectively, and increased with irrigation to 68, 36, 78, 116 and 55%, respectively. The scale of fertilizer uptake was likely a result of low native site nutrient availability, study longevity, measurement of all tissue components on site, a comprehensive assessment of coarse roots, and the 3-m rooting depth. Ecosystem nitrogen retention (applied nitrogen found in living plant material, litter fall and soil to 150-cm depth) was estimated at 79% at age 17, a value that would likely be greater when including soil nitrogen to rooting depth and calculating retention at age 21 when the study ended. The ecosystem retention value provides evidence that intensive site resource management can be accomplished with low likelihood of applied materials moving offsite.  相似文献   

Teskey RO  Will RE 《Tree physiology》1999,19(8):519-525
To determine the extent to which loblolly pine seedlings (Pinus taeda L.) acclimate to high temperatures, seedlings from three provenances-southeastern Texas (mean annual temperature 20.3 degrees C), southwestern Arkansas (mean annual temperature 16.2 degrees C) and Chesapeake, Maryland (mean annual temperature 12.8 degrees C)-were grown at constant temperatures of 25, 30, 35 or 40 degrees C in growth chambers. After two months, only 14% of the seedlings in the 40 degrees C treatment survived, so the treatment was dropped from the experiment. Provenance and family differences were not significant for most measured variables. Total biomass was similar in the 25 and 30 degrees C treatments, and less in the 35 degrees C treatment. Foliage biomass was higher, and root biomass lower, in the 30 degrees C treatment compared with the 25 degrees C treatment. Net photosynthesis and dark respiration of all seedlings were measured at 25, 30 and 35 degrees C. Both net photosynthesis and dark respiration exhibited acclimation to the temperature at which the seedlings were grown. For each temperature treatment, the highest rate of net photosynthesis was measured at the growth temperature. Dark respiration rates increased with increasing measurement temperature, but the basal rate of respiration, measured at 25 degrees C, decreased from 0.617 &mgr;mol m(-2) s(-1) in the 25 degrees C treatment to 0.348 &mgr;mol m(-2) s(-1) in the 35 degrees C treatment, resulting in less carbon loss in the higher temperature treatments than if the seedlings had not acclimated to the growth conditions. Temperature acclimation, particularly of dark respiration, may explain why total biomass of seedlings grown at 30 degrees C was similar to that of seedlings grown at 25 degrees C.  相似文献   

Joly RJ  Hahn DT 《Tree physiology》1991,9(3):415-424
Overnight exposure of cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) seedlings to chilling temperatures between 4.7 and 15.8 degrees C reduced net CO(2) assimilation rate (A) and stomatal conductance to water vapor (g(s)), with temperatures below 10 degrees C causing severe inhibition. Net CO(2) assimilation rates of chilled seedlings recovered to those of nonchilled plants within 7 days. No differences in daytime intercellular CO(2) concentration (c(i)) with overnight temperature were observed on the first day after the chilling treatment, which indicates that the reduction in photosynthesis was not caused by the reduction in stomatal conductance. However, c(i) of chilled plants was much less than that of nonchilled plants on the second day after treatment, which suggests that chilling caused a change in stomatal response to CO(2) concentration. Even 7 days after treatment, when A had recovered to control values, g(s) of chilled leaves was only approximately 70% that of controls. Chilling did not inhibit A through an effect on leaf water potential, which was higher in chilled plants than in unchilled plants.  相似文献   

Stomatal number and stomatal conductance are important structural and functional parameters for the assessment of carbon assimilation and water use under elevated CO2. We studied stomatal density, number of stomatal rows and stomatal conductance of Pinus sylvestriformis and P. koraiensis needles exposed to elevated CO2 (500 μmol mol?1 CO2) in open-top chambers for 10 years (1999–2009). Elevated CO2 increased stomatal density on P. sylvestriformis by 10.8 % (13.5 % on abaxial surface and 8.0 % on adaxial surface) and the number of stomatal rows on P. koraiensis by 7.9 % (5.0 % in 1-year-old needles and 10.7 % in current-year needles). Increased stomatal density for P. sylvestriformis and number of stomatal rows for P. koraiensis indicate that elevated CO2 increases stomatal number in both tree species. Needle age significantly influenced stomatal density and number of stomatal rows in P. koraiensis but not in P. sylvestriformis. For both species, elevated CO2 did not significantly affect stomatal conductance but increased water use efficiency. The increase in stomatal number is not accompanied by significant changes in stomatal conductance at elevated CO2 for both tree species suggesting that there may be no direct relationship between stomatal conductance and stomatal numbers.  相似文献   

Gas exchange techniques were used to investigate light-saturated carbon assimilation and its stomatal and non-stomatal limitations over two seasons in mature trees of five species in a closed deciduous forest. Stomatal and non-stomatal contributions to decreases in assimilation resulting from leaf age and drought were quantified relative to the maximum rates obtained early in the season at optimal soil water contents. Although carbon assimilation, stomatal conductance and photosynthetic capacity (V(cmax)) decreased with leaf age, decreases in V(cmax) accounted for about 75% of the leaf-age related reduction in light-saturated assimilation rates, with a secondary role for stomatal conductance (around 25%). However, when considered independently from leaf age, the drought response was dominated by stomatal limitations, accounting for about 75% of the total limitation. Some of the analytical difficulties associated with computing limitation partitioning are discussed, including path dependence, patchy stomatal closure and diffusion in the mesophyll. Although these considerations may introduce errors in our estimates, our analysis establishes some reasonable boundaries on relative limitations and shows differences between drought and non-drought years. Estimating seasonal limitations under natural conditions, as shown in this study, provides a useful basis for comparing limitation processes between years and species.  相似文献   

通过高海拔地区火炬松人工林凋落物量及养分季节动态变化的研究 ,为揭示生态系统养分循环特征以及科学施肥提供理论依据。研究结果表明 ,凋落物中各营养元素含量一般在 5月份和 8月份达最高 ,Na元素表现最为典型  相似文献   

We studied assimilation, stomatal conductance and growth of Mangifera indica L. saplings during long-term exposure to a CO(2)-enriched atmosphere in the seasonally wet-dry tropics of northern Australia. Grafted saplings of M. indica were planted in the ground in four air-conditioned, sunlit, plastic-covered chambers and exposed to CO(2) at the ambient or an elevated (700 micro mol mol(-1)) concentration for 28 months. Light-saturating assimilation (A(max)), stomatal conductance (g(s)), apparent quantum yield (phi), biomass and leaf area were measured periodically. After 28 months, the CO(2) treatments were changed in all four chambers from ambient to the elevated concentration or vice versa, and A(max) and g(s) were remeasured during a two-week exposure to the new regime. Throughout the 28-month period of exposure, A(max) and apparent quantum yield of leaves in the elevated CO(2) treatment were enhanced, whereas stomatal conductance and stomatal density of leaves were reduced. The relative impacts of atmospheric CO(2) enrichment on assimilation and stomatal conductance were significantly larger in the dry season than in the wet season. Total tree biomass was substantially increased in response to atmospheric CO(2) enrichment throughout the experimental period, but total canopy area did not differ between CO(2) treatments at either the first or the last harvest. During the two-week period following the change in CO(2) concentration, A(max) of plants grown in ambient air but measured in CO(2)-enriched air was significantly larger than that of trees grown and measured in CO(2)-enriched air. There was no difference in A(max) between trees grown and measured in ambient air compared to trees grown in CO(2)-enriched air but measured in ambient air. No evidence of down-regulation of assimilation in response to atmospheric CO(2) enrichment was observed when rates of assimilation were compared at a common intercellular CO(2) concentration. Reduced stomatal conductance in response to atmospheric CO(2) enrichment was attributed to a decline in both stomatal aperture and stomatal density.  相似文献   

Forest soils store an immense quantity of labile carbon (C) and a may be a large potential sink for atmospheric C. Forest management practices such as fertilization may enhance overall C storage in soils, yet changes in physiological processes following nutrient amendments have not been widely investigated. We intensively monitored belowground C dynamics for nearly 200 days following diammonium phosphate fertilization of pot-grown loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) seedlings in an effort to examine the short-term effects of fertilization on processes involved in soil C sequestration. Soil respiration rates initially increased in fertilized pots relative to controls, followed by a brief reversal in this trend and then a final sustained pattern of elevated rates of soil respiration in the fertilized treatment. Patterns in soil respiration rates over time reflected changes in autotrophic (root) and heterotrophic (microbial) components of soil respiration. Root respiration rates were greater in the fertilized treatment 49 days following fertilization and returned to control rates by the end of the study. In contrast, microbial respiration rates and microbial activity per soil C concentration remained depressed over the same time period. Compared with control seedlings, total root biomass was 27% greater in fertilized seedlings harvested at the end of the study, indicating that the elevated soil respiration rates observed toward the end of the study were a result of increased respiring root biomass. We conclude that fertilization, at least over the short-term, may increase soil C sequestration by increasing belowground biomass production and reducing microbial driven C turnover.  相似文献   

To explore the physiological mechanisms underlying ozone-induced growth reductions in loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.), seedlings were exposed to sub-ambient (charcoal-filtered), ambient or twice-ambient ozone in open-top chambers for three growing seasons. In the final year of exposure, current-year needle fascicles were labeled with (14)CO(2) and the incorporation of (14)C into biochemical fractions was followed for 48 hours. Irrespective of ozone treatment, losses of (14)C-assimilates from foliage to respiration and translocation were minimal during the first 3 hours, whereas more than 60% of the label was lost during the next 45 hours. Radiolabel in sugar decreased rapidly after a lag period, roughly paralleling the pattern of total (14)C loss. The amount of (14)C label in starch and lipids plus pigments remained constant throughout the 48-hour chase period, whereas the amount of (14)C label in other fractions showed a net decrease over the 48-hour chase period. Ozone treatments altered foliar carbon dynamics in two ways: (1) ozone exposure increased foliar (14)C retention up to 21% for the first 5 hours after labeling, but not thereafter, and (2) ozone exposure decreased partitioning of (14)C into starch and increased partitioning of (14)C into organic acids, residue, and lipids plus pigments, indicating an intensified partitioning of carbon to injury and repair processes. Both short-term carbon retention and diversion of carbon from storage compounds to repair processes are foliar mechanisms by which ozone exposure could decrease growth in loblolly pine seedlings.  相似文献   

Will RE  Teskey RO 《Tree physiology》1999,19(11):761-765
Pinus taeda L. stomata respond slowly to changes in irradiance. Because incident irradiance on a leaf varies constantly, the rate of change in stomatal conductance to fluctuating irradiance may have a large effect on plant water use. We estimated total daily water use of Pinus taeda foliage for 10 days with very different irradiance patterns, assuming that rates of stomatal opening and closing were similar. To determine how the most extreme imbalance in rates of stomatal opening and closing affects estimates of water use, we also estimated total daily water use assuming instantaneous stomatal opening and a realistic rate of stomatal closing. Total daily water use was calculated by summing estimates of transpiration based on irradiance and vapor pressure deficit measured every minute at locations atop and within a canopy. Estimates of total daily water use calculated on the basis of realistic rates of stomatal opening and closing were similar to estimates calculated assuming instantaneous stomatal change (mean difference between methods of calculation was less than 0.2%). Estimates of total daily water use assuming instantaneous stomatal opening and a realistic rate of closing differed from estimates of total daily water use based on similar rates of stomatal opening and closing. The discrepancy was greater within the canopy (mean difference 6%) than at the top of the canopy (mean difference 1%). Calculation of mean daily conductance from mean daily irradiance, without accounting for minute-by-minute variations in irradiance, resulted in overestimations of daily stomatal conductance (13% mean error) and the magnitude of the error was directly related to the variation in irradiance for that day. We conclude that, provided variation in irradiance is accounted for, rates of stomatal opening and closing have little effect on estimates of daily water use.  相似文献   

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