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Staphylococcus aureus is one of the most important pathogens of the bovine mammary gland. The interaction of S. aureus with cells of the bovine mammary gland is considered to play an essential role in the pathogenesis. In this study, we identified a new target cell for S. aureus adhesion and invasion. For that purpose, cells which compose the alveoli of the mammary gland were cultured. In these cultures, two morphologically different cell types, elongated and cubic cells, were observed. Adhesion and invasion of S. aureus was studied using microscopical and microbiological methods. S. aureus adhered specifically and in large numbers (about 300 bacteria/cell) to the elongated cell type. No adhesion to the cubic cell type was observed. In addition, bacteria were also found intracellularly in the elongated cells, and enclosed in membrane vesicles. Adhesion and invasion were time dependent and reached maximum levels after 4 h. Invasion was strongly reduced by staurosporine and genistein. The newly identified target cell was further characterized.  相似文献   

The role of Staphylococcus aureus and coagulase-negative staphylococcal exosecretions in bovine udder infection was tested by monitoring the cows' response to in vivo inoculation of bacterial exosecretions into udder quarters. Twenty Israeli-Holstein dairy cows were included in the study; two or three of the udder quarters of each cow were intracisternally inoculated with 0.04-0.05 mg/quarter (total proteins) of the various sterile bacterial exosecretions in a sterile pyrogen-free saline. Each udder was inoculated with two or three different bacterial exosecretions or placebo (Columbia Broth). Cows were monitored for 96 h post-inoculation for rectal temperature, heart and respiratory rates, alimentary tract activity (rumen contraction), udder temperature, pain, oedema and udder size. Milk samples were examined bacteriologically and for somatic cell count, N-acetyl-D-glucosaminidase (NAGase) activity and somatic cell differentiation. No enterotoxins (beta-G) or toxic shock syndrome toxin-1 were detected in response to any of the bacteria tested. Control quarters or those inoculated with Columbia Broth, showed similar NAGase and somatic cell count values throughout the experiment. Twelve of the 18 strains tested, induced inflammation in the inoculated quarters while six did not. Of the 12 strains causing local inflammation, only six were found significantly different from the control and were considered as high response (group 1). The other six that caused a local inflammation did not differ significantly from the control, and were considered to be moderate response (group 2). The six S. aureus isolates that did not cause an inflammatory response were considered to have low response (group 3). In all quarters inoculated with S. aureus bacterial exosecretions belonging to groups 1 and 2, the polymorphonuclear cells and macrophages were proportionally increased while CD4+ and CD8+ T-lymphocyte populations decreased. One-dimensional NuPAGE (7%) Tris-acetate gel electrophoresisof the bacterial exosecretions revealed four different bands appearing between 36 and 31 kDa, marked from top to bottom as A, B, C and D. An association was found between the combinations of expressed bands and the cow responses: the majority of the cases could be linked to the expression of bands B and C.  相似文献   

This study identifies and compares the distribution of mononuclear cells in the mammary gland tissues and milk of healthy and chronically infected with Staphylococcus aureus cows. Somatic cell counts (SCCs) during the 3 months before the study were > 1 x 10(6) cell/ml in the infected quarters and < 1 x 10(5) cell/ml in the infection-free quarters. Immediately after slaughter, samples from the tissues above the gland cistern and supra-mammary lymph node were collected. No histological differences were found between the supra-mammary lymph nodes of the healthy and infected udders, and both appeared normal. In the milk of the healthy infection-free mammary glands, SCC was < 50,000 cells/ml) while epithelial cells were the predominant type. The percentage of CD18+ was low than 45%, of which over three-quarters were polymorphonuclear (PMN), and less than one- quarter were mononuclear cells. The later comprised CD4+ or CD8+ T-lymphocytes, macrophages (Mo) but not B-cells. In the tissues, there were few CD18+ leukocytes, and most of the cells were T-lymphocytes. The number of B-lymphocytes bearing CD21+ was similar to that of CD8+ and were localized in the connective tissue as clusters of 2-5 cells, mainly in areas with no alveoli, or as single cell having a dendritic like form. The number of Mos was negligible. In the milk of the infected glands, SCC exceeded 700,000 cells/ml, of which > 95% were CD18+ positive. The distribution of the leukocytes had two patterns: one presented (> 80%) of PMN cells and a small number of mononuclear cells; the second had less than 50% PMN and many mononuclear cells. The CD8+ cells in these infected sections were observed throughout the mammary epithelial cells (MEc) around the alveoli and in the alveolar lumen (AL). The numbers and the location of CD21+ B-lymphocytes were similar to those in the infection-free mammary glands. The number of CD5+ positive cells was lower than T and B- cells combined and were located throughout the mammary epithelial cells, around the alveoli and within the connective tissue. Mo numbers were high in most of those infected quarters, and were localized around the connective tissue and within the AL.  相似文献   

The exfoliation rate of mammary epithelial cells (MECs) in milk is affected by physiological, breeding and environmental factors. Little is known about the relationship between the MEC exfoliation into milk and mammary‐infected Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) load on bovine mastitis caused by S. aureus. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between S. aureus load and the proportion of MEC exfoliation in milk using five substantial bovine mastitis models. In 64 randomly extracted milk samples from udders at 3–21 days after S. aureus infusion, there were various samples with different numbers of S. aureus counts and somatic cell counts. No significant correlations were found between the S. aureus counts and somatic cell count (r = 0.338). In contrast, a significant correlation was noted between S. aureus counts and the proportion of cytokeratin‐positive cells in the milk from the infused udders (r = 0.734, < 0.01). In conclusion, the increasing MEC exfoliation rate in milk from mastitis udders caused by S. aureus may contribute to reduced milk yield.  相似文献   

The response of the bovine mammary gland to lipoteichoic acid (LTA), which is a major pathogen-associated molecular pattern of Gram-positive bacteria, was investigated by infusing purified Staphylococcus aureus LTA in the lumen of the gland. LTA was able to induce clinical mastitis at the dose of 100 microg/quarter, and a subclinical inflammatory response at 10 microg/quarter. The induced inflammation was characterized by a prompt and massive influx of neutrophils in milk. LTA proved to induce strongly the secretion of the chemokines CXCL1, CXCL2, CXCL3 and CXCL8, which target mainly neutrophils. The complement-derived chemoattractant C5a was generated in milk only with the highest dose of LTA (100 microg). The pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-1beta was induced in milk, but there was very little if any TNF-alpha and no IFN-gamma. The re-assessment of CXCL8 concentrations in milk whey of quarters previously challenged with S. aureus, by using an ELISA designed for bovine CXCL8, showed that this chemokine was induced in milk, contradicting previous reports. Overall, S. aureus LTA elicited mammary inflammatory responses that shared several attributes with S. aureus mastitis. Purified LTA looks promising as a convenient tool to investigate the inflammatory and immune responses of the mammary gland to S. aureus.  相似文献   

The virulence towards mice of Staphylococcus aureus strains from bovine mastitis was enhanced upon growth in milk whey compared to homologous organisms grown in tryptic soy broth (TSB). In the mouse mastitis model, S. aureus grown in milk whey caused more severe lesions than homologous strains grown in TSB. Staphylococcus aureus strain F1440 grown in milk whey induced 75% mortality and local necrotic reaction in subcutaneously inoculated mice, whereas the homologous strain grown in TSB caused only 5% mortality and slight skin reaction. Extracellular capsule on milk whey-grown, S. aureus could not be demonstrated. However, diffuse type colony morphology could be correlated with an increased virulence of S. aureus towards mice.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To isolate bovine mammary gland cells with stem cell characteristics. SAMPLE POPULATION: Monolayers of bovine mammary gland cells. PROCEDURE: Mammary gland cell populations were separated by use of selected media supplements. Phenotypic characteristics were examined via light and transmission electron microscopy. Cellular expression of casein and connexin 43 was identified immunohistochemically. A scrape-loading and dye transfer assay was used to examine the mammary gland cell populations for homogenous gap junctional intercellular communication (GJIC). RESULTS: Subpopulations of mammary gland cells grown in vitro are classified on the basis of their distinct morphologic features and ability to communicate via gap junctions. Ultrastructurally, 2 morphologically distinct cell types were classified as type I and II cells. Type I cells were small light undiffertiated cells and large light undifferentiated cells that were deficient in functional gap junctions (as is characteristic of stem cells). Type II cells included large light differentiated cells and terminally differentiated cells; GJIC was functional in type II cells. Type II cells had cytoplasmic expression of connexin 43, whereas, type I cells did not. All cells expressed casein. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Subpopulations of bovine mammary gland cells with stem cell characteristics were identified. Phenotypic differences are observed among type I bovine mammary gland cells with stem cell characteristics. Gap junctional intercellular communication may be necessary for the differentiation of stem cells. Characterization of bovine mammary gland stem cells and their progeny may provide a new tool with which to study mammary gland health.  相似文献   

选择同处于泌乳初期的睢宁白山羊6头,于右乳区经过乳导管灌注10μg/kgCpG—ODN,左乳区则灌入等体积的灭菌100μL0.0lmol/LpH7.2磷酸盐缓冲液(PBs)作为对照,灌注后第3d按同等剂量进行二次灌注;次灌注后第2d,分别于左右乳区经乳导管灌注3mL(2&#215;10^9CFU/mL)金黄色葡萄球菌(S.aurcus),于灌注细菌前(0h),灌注后8h,16h,24h,48h和72h分别收集左右乳区乳汁进行检测。临床症状观察显示,乳腺内灌注3mL(2&#215;10^9CFU/mL)的S.aureus能迅速诱导山羊典型的急性乳腺炎症状。组织学观察显示感染S.aureus后72h乳腺腺泡内仍有嗜中性粒细胞(PMN)浸润,但实验乳区明显减少。乳汁S.aureus数同在感染后24h上升至最高,CpG—ODN能显著降低各个时间点乳汁细菌数。乳汁白细胞介素-6(IL-6)水平同在感染后24h上升至最高,CpG-ODN能显著提高感染后24h乳汁IL.6水平。对照和CpG—ODN处理乳区乳汁肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)水平分别在感染后24h和16h上升至最高,其中在感染后24h实验乳区比对照下降40.63%(P〈0.051。乳汁N-乙酰-β—D-氨基葡萄糖苷酶(NAGase)水平同在感染后16h达最高(P〈0.01),CpG—ODN能显著提高感染后8h乳汁NAGase水平。上述结果表明CpG—ODN可通过提高乳汁IL-6水平、加速并促进乳汁TNF-α的释放,从而减少了乳汁中S.aureus数量,减轻了炎症介质对细胞的损伤,对缩短炎症过程也有一定的作用,实验结果证实了CpG—ODN对S.aureus感染诱发的山羊乳腺炎的乳腺有保护作用。  相似文献   

A 5 to 6 log10 reduction in the viable count of Staphylococcus aureus was produced in vitro with 10 micrograms lysostaphin ml-1 milk. Infusion of the lactating murine mammary gland with 10 micrograms lysostaphin, immediately following inoculation with 10(8) colony forming units of S aureus, resulted in a significant 2 to 3 log10 reduction in viable S aureus (P less than 0.02) within 30 minutes. Pre-infusion with 10 micrograms lysostaphin either immediately before or one hour before staphylococcal challenge reduced the recovery of S aureus by more than 6 log10 and greatly reduced pathological changes typical of S aureus mastitis. This clearly demonstrates that lysostaphin has considerable potential for the therapeutic or prophylactic control of staphylococcal mastitis.  相似文献   

Injection of mammary glands of cows with heat-killed staphylococcal cells, staphylococcal cell walls, or distilled water induced leukocytosis. The magnitude of leukocytic response to staphylococcal antigens in cows of each treatment group depended on the extent of previous experience with staphylococcal cell materials. The 2nd intramammary injection produced greater reactions than did the 1st, and the 1st injection in cows previously parenterally vaccinated with killed cells in oil-water adjuvant produced responses comparable with those elicited by the 2nd intramammary injection in nonvaccinated cows. The implications that these changes have toward understanding the pathogenesis of, and immunity to, staphylococcal mastitis were discussed.  相似文献   

Cytokine kinetics were examined in milk and in afferent and efferent lymph of the supramammary lymph node after intramammary infusion of endotoxin from Escherichia coli. Cows were sampled 0, 2 and 4h after infusion (p.i.). Neutrophils appeared in afferent lymph 2h p.i., and in efferent lymph and milk 4h p.i. The milk contained high concentrations of interleukin-8 (IL-8) at 2 and 4h p.i. IL-8 was also found in lymph, but at lower concentrations. The tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) concentration tended to increase in afferent lymph at 2h p.i., and increased in milk at 4h p.i. The level of IL-1beta increased at 4h p.i. in milk, but was not detected in lymph. Interferon-gamma was not detected in any sample, at any time. The results indicate a primary role for IL-8 in the recruitment of neutrophils into the gland, and suggest that IL-1beta and TNF-alpha are not necessary for IL-8 production and release in response to endotoxin.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus is recognized worldwide as a pathogen causing many serious diseases in humans and animals and is one of the most common etiological agents of clinical and subclinical bovine mastitis. The purpose of this study was to determine the presence of genes encoding clfA, fnbA, fnbB, cap5, cap8, hla, hlb, nuc, sea, and tst of S. aureus strains (n?=?39) isolated from bovine clinical mastitis in Guangxi by polymerase chain reaction amplification. The results of the present study indicated that all isolates were found to contain one or more virulence-associated genes. The most frequently encountered genes were fnbA (97?%) and nuc (90?%), followed by hla (85?%) and hlb (82?%), respectively. None of the investigated S. aureus strains harbored fnbB and sea genes. The data in the present study showed a relatively wide distribution of the genes fnbA and nuc among the investigated isolates, indicating that they play an important role on bovine mastitis pathogenesis. The study provides a valuable insight into the virulence-associated genes of this important pathogen.  相似文献   

The respiratory burst activity of bovine polymorphonuclear (PMN) cells in response to milk whey- and TSB-grown S. aureus strains isolated from bovine mastitis was studied in whole blood chemiluminescence (CL) and in a CL system with purified bovine neutrophils. In both cases milk whey-grown S. aureus strains elicited significantly less CL than homologous strains grown in TSB. Ingestion of milk whey-grown S. aureus strains by bovine neutrophils was also considerably lower than that of the corresponding homologous organisms grown in TSB. Binding of complement factor C3 to serum-opsonized milk whey-grown S. aureus strains was lower compared with TSB-grown homologous organisms. Moreover, 5 of 6 S. aureus strains grown in milk whey were significantly more resistant to in vivo clearance from the peritoneal cavity of mice compared with homologous bacteria grown in TSB. S. aureus strains grown in TSB exhibited hydrophobic surface properties, whereas homologous strains grown in milk whey were hydrophilic.  相似文献   

We previously showed that Staphylococcus aureus cells adhered mainly to an elongated cell type, present in cultures of bovine mammary gland cells. Moreover, we showed that this adhesion was mediated by binding to fibronectin. The same in vitro model was used here, to study adhesion of other important mastitis pathogens. Like the S. aureus strains, the Streptococcus dysgalactiae strains adhered mainly to elongated cells, which seemed to be mediated by fibronectin binding. In contrast, Streptococcus uberis strains adhered mainly to cubic cells. Since the cubic cells did not express fibronectin and S. uberis cells bound fibronectin less efficiently, the adhesion of S. uberis cells was independent of fibronectin binding. Streptococcus agalactiae strains adhered poorly to both cell types. The specificity and efficiency of adhesion of Escherichia coli strains was strongly strain dependent. None of the S. agalactiae and E. coli strains tested was able to bind fibronectin efficiently. The results suggest that the different mastitis pathogens have different target cell specificities and use different mechanisms to adhere to cells of the bovine mammary gland.  相似文献   

Mastitis remains a major cause of economic losses in dairy herds. It is believed, that the enhancement of natural defense mechanisms in mammary gland may be helpful in the treatment of bovine mastitis. Our study was designed to assess the apoptosis of leukocytes isolated from bovine milk during subclinical staphylococcal mastitis. Milk samples were collected from cows naturally infected with one pathogen--Staphylococcus aureus and from animals with mastitis caused by several pathogens, including S. aureus. It has been determined that the rate of apoptosis was lower in mastitic milk, as compared with control samples, although varied significantly between groups. High percentage of apoptotic cells was detected in milk with high counts of pathogenic bacteria. In all groups the rate of apoptosis was dependent on the bacterial load, although various correlations were identified. Thus, it is postulated, that the rate of apoptosis of somatic cells in mastitic milk is related to the etiology of infection and is determined by the bacterial load.  相似文献   

In total, 63 S. aureus strains from mastitis milk samples of different animals in 57 farms were isolated. In 14 (22%) of the S. aureus strains resistancies against one or several of the examined antibiotics could be observed whereby six resistance patterns were found. 14.3% of the strains were penicillin resistant. 34 (54%) of the 63 S. aureus produced enterotoxins (SE). Three strains formed SEA, 21 SEC, three SED and seven strains 2 SE, SEAC, SEAD or SEBD.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to comparatively investigate 25 Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from bovine subclinical mastitis. The S. aureus strains, obtained from six different farms at five locations in one region of Germany, were characterized by phenotypic and genotypic methods. The S. aureus could be identified and further characterized by their cultural, biochemical and hemolytic properties. To analyze the epidemiological relationship the isolates were subjected to DNA fingerprinting by macrorestriction analysis of their chromosomal DNA, by PCR amplification of the gene encoding the 16S-23S rRNA intergenic spacer, by PCR amplification of the gene encoding the IgG binding region and the X region of protein A and by amplifying, and subsequent, digestion of the gene encoding staphylococcal coagulase. The macrorestriction analysis revealed five DNA restriction patterns with DNA patterns I, III and IV occurring in three, four, and three different farms, respectively. In addition, clones with different DNA patterns could be found within one herd. The PCR products for the spacer DNA, the spa gene encoding the X region of protein A and the coa gene encoding coagulase corresponded mostly to the pattern observed by DNA fingerprinting. Amplification of the gene encoding the IgG binding region revealed sizes of 620 bp for 20 of the isolates and 280 bp for four isolates indicating, for the latter, a deletion of segments in this region. These findings show, that single, widely distributed clones seemed to be responsible for cases of bovine subclinical mastitis found in one region of Germany.  相似文献   

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