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甘肃省白龙江林区木本药用植物资源的多样性   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:3  
通过多年调查研究,弄清了白龙江林区木本药用植物共63科、117属、161种,其中国家Ⅰ级保护植物3种.以药用部位进行统计,根及根茎类、叶类、种子果实类最多,分别占木本药用植物的54.66%、36.02%、29.19%;从生活类型统计,灌木和乔木最多,分别占木本药用植物的60.25%、28.57%;以林区植物的垂直分带统计,海拔1 700~2 500 m的针阔混交林带和海拔550~1 100m 的常绿阔叶林带木本药用植物最多,分别占木本药用植物总种数的39.75%、29.19%.  相似文献   

为了更好地反映甘肃省白龙江、洮河林区野生食果资源情况,为开发利用提供原始资料,就该林区野生食果资源现状进行了多年的调查研究,结果表明:该林区共有野生果树52科、82属、260种;其中木本植物235种,约占总种数的90.38%,草本植物25种,约占总种数的9.62%;分布广泛和较广泛的种类约占总种数的80.77%;果实类型以浆果、核果和坚果为主;其地理分布类型共有10个,以北温带分布为主。还介绍了野生果树在6个不同景观带的分布情况;简述了主要野生果树在民间的利用方式,并提出了具体的保护和利用建议。  相似文献   

在调查鉴定内蒙古贺兰山国家级自然保护区内的植物标本的基础上,结合查阅有关研究饲用植物资源文献,统计分析了保护区的野生饲用植物资源,结果表明,保护区内分布的野生饲用植物共有370种(含种以下单位),隶属57科188属。其中草本植物占绝对优势,共计302种,占保护区内饲用植物总种数的81.62%;从水分生态型分析,中生植物最多,有199种,占保护区内饲用植物总种数的53.79%。从饲用价值上看优等37种、良等101种、中等121种、低等91种、劣等20种,分别占保护区内饲用植物总种数的10%、27.30%、32.70%、24.59%和5.41%。良等以上饲用植物占该保护区野生饲用植物总种数的37.30%,可以看出该保护区饲用植物价值高,具有很高的开发利用潜力。本文还对该保护区野生饲用植物资源的保护及开发利用提出建议。  相似文献   

高蕊 《辽宁林业科技》2020,(3):44-46,49
为合理利用和保护丹东地区野生乡土观赏植物资源,对丹东地区野生乡土观赏植物资源的分布规律、生活型和观赏性进行调查。结果表明:丹东地区野生乡土观赏植物有76科180属290种,其中以双子叶植物为主,共213种,占野生乡土观赏植物总种数的73.4%;多年生草本野生乡土观赏植物144种,占49.7%;观花类野生乡土观赏植物种数最多,为232种,占46%;优势科是百合科、蔷薇科,无绝对优势属,相对优势属是百合属、槭属。  相似文献   

辽宁外来入侵植物种类组成与分布特征的研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
通过对辽宁外来入侵植物的调查,报道外来入侵植物种类。并对外来入侵植物的原产地、分布特点、引入途径等进行分析。结果表明辽宁目前有51种外来入侵植物:①隶属于17科35属。其中菊科为优势科,所含种数为11种,占外来入侵植物总种数的21.8%;②来自美洲的植物29种,占总种数的56.9%;来自于欧洲的外来入侵植物有10种,占外来入侵植物总种数的19.6%;③在辽宁的分布特点是大连地区分布种数最多为43种,其次是沈阳地区为40种;④有30种是人为有意引进,占外来入侵植物总种数的58.8%。15种是属于无意引进造成的,占总种数的29.4%。  相似文献   

于2013-2015年采取样方调查、路线调查以及查阅文献资料等方法,对西藏米林县野生药用植物资源进行调查和多样性特征分析。结果表明,米林县共有药用植物资源77科225属316种,分别占本区维管植物科、属和种总数的84.62%,72.82%,58.30%;多年生草本植物占优势,共有183种,占本区药用植物总种数的57.91%;全草类药用植物最多,共有138种,占总数的43.67%;清热药类占多数,共有119种,占总数的37.66%;民族药用植物62科172属229种,占米林县药用植物总种数的72.47%。调查表明,米林县野生药用植物资源十分丰富,在入药部位、生长型、药效等方面具有较高的多样性。本文提出了建立野生药用植物资源数据库、加大民族药用植物研究、建立药用植物保护区的保护与发展建议。  相似文献   

在河池市兰科植物调查的基础上,分析该地区兰科植物的种类特征、区系特点和濒危原因,提出保护对策。结果显示:1河池市野生兰科种类资源丰富,分布不均。调查有兰科植物62属183种,占广西兰科植物总属数(108属)和总种数(388种)的57.41%和47.16%,是广西兰科植物最丰富的区域之一。2地理成分复杂,热带性质明显。河池市兰科植物的属共有12个类型,3个变型,地理成分复杂多样,以热带成分占绝对优势,其属的R/T比值达3.54,其所含种的R/T比值达5.90,植物区系的热带性质十分明显。3多数种类主要分布于海拔100~1 800 m,垂直分布跨度大。4生活型齐全,以地生兰种类最多,有34属100种,占总种数的54.64%,其次是附生兰,有26属78种,占总种数的42.62%,再次是腐生兰,有5属5种,占总种数的2.73%。5导致河池市兰科植物濒危的因素有人类活动影响和物种生物学原因,人类活动的影响是其致濒的主要原因。提出加强就地保护、迁地保护等兰科植物保护对策。  相似文献   

为了解广西林业外来入侵植物的组成与分布特征,根据实地调查和文献资料整理,研究广西林业外来入侵植物的种类组成、分布情况、生境类型、原产地和危害程度。结果表明:广西目前有林业外来入侵植物75种,隶属于24科56属。其中,菊科(Compositae)的种数最多(25种),远大于其他科;来源于美洲的种类最多(62种),占总种数82.7%。林缘和林区道路的外来入侵植物种类最多,所受危害程度最大;人工林中外来入侵植物的种数和危害都大于天然林。对本地生物多样性造成严重危害的外来入侵植物有14种,危害程度中等的有21种,较轻的有40种。研究结果为深入研究林业入侵植物提供了基础,也可为广西林业入侵植物的管理和防治提供依据。  相似文献   

蜜源植物是农业多种经营的自然基础,黑龙江省广大林区生长着丰富的野生草本和木本蜜源植物,为养蜂业发展提供得天独厚的资源条件。本文列述的是黑龙江省主要野生木本蜜源植物资源54种,及其种类名称、学名、分布、生境、花期等,为发展养蜂业提供基础资料。1杨柳科柳属(Salix)(1)  相似文献   

为了摸清米仓山南麓野生药用植物资源及其分布规律,分析其多样性特征,为该区域野生药用植物资源的保护和开发利用提供科学依据。结合第四次全国中药资源普查,采用样方调查法,通过开展野外调查,对米仓山南麓的野生药用植物的多样性进行了分析。结果表明,该区域的野生药用植物共有95科223属290种。科属构成丰富多样,科的构成上寡种科最多,有44科136种,分别占总科数的46.3%,占总种数的46.9%;属的构成上单种属占绝对优势,有178属,占总属数的79.8%,占总种数的61.4%。该区域野生药用植物的生长类型以草本药用植物略占优势,占总种数的53.1%。解毒和清热是该区域野生药用植物的主要功效,分别占总种数的44.5%和42.1%。该区域的野生药用植物以全草或全株和根与根茎入药为主,分别占总种数的33.6%和22.3%。综上所述,米仓山南麓的野生药用植物种类丰富,药用植物生长类型、功效、药用部位等类型多样,但缺乏规范的保护和利用计划,建议制定野生中药材的保护和利用规划,为该区域内中药材资源地保护和可持续利用奠定基础。  相似文献   

采用线路调查和样地调查相结合,并参阅前人已有的研究成果及文献资料的方法,对南岳衡山野生油料植物资源及其特征进行研究。结果是:南岳衡山有油料植物(种子植物)309种,归属于93科180属,其中油脂植物80科165属263种,精油植物33科46属80种。油料植物科含属一级的大小级中,随属级的大小级增加,科的数量逐渐减少,油料植物属有相对集中于少属科的倾向;随种级的大小级增加,科的变化规律不明显。油脂植物科含属一级和含种一级的大小级均随大小级的增加而科数逐渐减小,以含1属(种)和2~4属(种)的科占绝大多数。精油植物以含1属的科和1种的科占绝对优势,没有≥10属和≥10种的科。油料植物以木本植物为主,占70.55%;草本植为辅,占29.45%。油脂植物中木本植物占78.71%,草本植物占21.29%;精油植物木本植物占45.00%,草本植物占55.00%。含油器官大多为果实、种子。起始含油量(19.0%)以上的野生油脂植物140种,占全区油脂植物53.23%;油脂植物中有大量的富油植物(含油量≥50.0%)和较富油植物(含油量40.0%~49.9%),其含油量最高达73.8%。油脂植物的脂肪酸组成中,有富含油酸、亚油酸、亚麻酸的植物,还有一些类群富含低碳原子脂肪酸、桐酸、癸酸、棕榈酸等特用脂肪酸。  相似文献   

调查了河源市4个绿地类型1163个样地木本植物状况,结果表明,共有木本植物78科227属401种(含种下单位),其中常绿木本植物为333种,占比为83.1%,木本植物以常绿为主;观花植物179种,占木本植物的44.6%,花色以红色、白色和黄色系列为主,花期集中在春、夏和秋三季。建成区城市绿地木本植物种类数在国内已有报道的城市中处于中游水平。绿地中频繁应用的植物种类仅30种,绿地景观多样性和植物多样性差。本地木本植物指数为0.86,达到了国家城市园林绿化的II级标准。  相似文献   

High Andean cloud forests are home to a diversity of unique wildlife and are important providers of ecosystem services to people in the Andean regions. The extent of these cloud forests has been widely reduced through conversion to pasture for livestock, which threatens the forests’ ability to support biodiversity and provide ecosystem services. This paper explores whether impacts on woody plant biodiversity and four ecosystem properties (woody plant species richness, juvenile timber tree abundance, soil organic matter content and soil moisture) from converting forest to pasture can be mitigated if some woody forest vegetation is maintained within pastures. Woody vegetation in pastures was found to conserve those woody plant species that are more tolerant to exposure and grazing, but conservation of the high montane cloud forest community required areas of forest from which livestock were restricted. The sampled sites clustered according to woody plant species cover; these clusters represented a gradient from pasture with patches of shrubs to mature forest. Clusters differed in both woody plant species richness and number of juvenile timber trees whereas soil organic matter and soil moisture were observed to be similar among all clusters. This suggests that the different habitats may have some equivalent ecosystem properties. We conclude that the presence of woody vegetation in pastures may reduce some of the impacts of converting forest to pasture, but should not be considered a substitute for protecting large areas of forest, which are essential for maintaining woody plant species diversity in high Andean cloud forest.  相似文献   

Dry afromontane forests are among the most poorly managed and endangered ecosystems.Therefore,we assessed the composition,diversity,and conservation status of woody plant species of the Debre Libanos church forests and surrounding forest lands in Oromiya Regional National State,central Ethiopia in 62 nested circular sample plots spaced 200 m apart along two transect lines.Large circular plots 314 m~2 were used to sample trees with DBH of at least 10 cm,and subplots of 28.26 m~2 were laid in each main plot were used to assess saplings and shrubs;a small subplot of 3.14 m~2 was used to assess seedlings.In total,70 woody plant species belonging to 62 genera and 43 families were recorded.Of these,59,28 and 32 were in the church,government and private forest types,respectively.The most dominant families were Fabaceae and Verbenaceae,each represented by five species.In the forests considered,trees accounted for 61%,and shrubs with diameter at breast height(DBH) of 1-10 cm accounted for ca.33%.Among growth forms of woody species,shrubs and seedlings,followed by trees constituted much of the density of woody species in all the three ownership types of forests.The church forest had the most species(59) and highest Shannon(3.12) and Simpson(0.92) species diversity indices,and the government and private forests had a nearly similar total number of species and Shannon and Simpson species diversity indices.Most of the species with higher importance value indices(IVI) were indigenous in origin within the church forest(Juniperus procera=82),government forest(J.procera=66) and private forest(Acacia abyssinica=84).The composition,diversity,and population structure of woody species in the church forest were significantly higher than in the other forest lands.However,interventions of the government and private sectors to conserve forest systems in the areas,particularly the government-owned forest and specific species such as Olea europaea need active enrichment plantings due to their limited natural regeneration.Without improved management interventions,livelihood income diversification and ecosystem services obtained from the forest will not be sustainable.  相似文献   

为清楚了解、掌握河北小五台山国家级自然保护区野生木本植物资源情况,并妥善加以利用,采用野外实地调查的方法对小五台山野生有色木本植物进行研究。调查发现,小五台山内野生有色木本植物资源丰富,许多物种在不同生长季的树叶、树干、花及果实具有极高的观赏性,部分果实还具有可食性;保护区常见的有色木本植物共116种,隶属于33科67属,以蔷薇科、桦木科、榆科、卫矛科、忍冬科为主,其中观叶植物64种、观枝观干植物12种、观果植物37种;观叶树种可在园林绿化中应用,观果树种具有食用和药用价值,部分树种可应用于防护林建设;因此,应加强野生有色木本植物保护,合理利用,建立彩色植物园,加快引种、驯化、繁育基地的建设,丰富彩色木本植物资源,实现野生有色木本植物资源的可持续利用。  相似文献   

Biodiversity in Eastern Madagascar is threatened by slash and burn agriculture, which is resulting in species extinction, land and soil degradation and rural impoverishment. An ethnobotanical study was undertaken to determine the domestication potential of indigenous fruit tree species as components of agroforestry systems. Four major selection criteria were used: nutritional and income needs of the population, diversification of the agroecosystem, and protection of plant and animal diversity. At three sites, Andasibe, Masoala and Ranomafana, in the humid primary forest region of Eastern Madagascar, a total of 150 wild fruit species from 82 genera and 42 families, of which 85% were indigenous and 92% of woody habit, were identified. In contrast to most of the deforested areas in Madagascar, the rural population in these areas possess an intimate knowledge of indigenous plant resources. Most of the indigenous fruits are collected from the forest but for a few species, domestication is initiated by managing naturally established species or by planting individual trees in agricultural fields. Wild fruits supplement the daily diet, substitute for exotic fruits, gain importance during periods of food shortage and are most appreciated by children. Commercialization of wild fruits is mainly undertaken by the poorer section of the population. Gender related differences in knowledge and preferences on species were identified and related to the respective household responsibilities. A list of the 26 priority species was established based on the preferences of children, women and men at the three sites. Local, fruit-eating lemur species are also highly dependent on indigenous fruit trees and are crucial for successful regeneration of forest vegetation. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The endozoochorous and epizoochorous dispersal of vascular plant species by roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) and wild boar (Sus scrofa) was investigated in forest areas of Schleswig-Holstein and Lower Saxony, Germany. The primary aim of this study was to learn about which plant species and in what numbers diaspores are dispersed by the two wild ungulate species. In particular, the significance of zoochory for species composition and biodiversity of forests was evaluated. Fresh faecal pellets were collected from April–November 2001 in the forests of the two study areas. In addition, the coats and hooves of shot roe deer and wild boar were brushed out. The number of viable seeds was determined by greenhouse germination (seedling emergence method). The samples were spread in trays over sterilized soil from the study forests and were kept under controlled conditions in the greenhouse for 12 months. A total of 2,473 individuals from 77 vascular plant species were recorded. While roe deer exceeded wild boar concerning seed contents in the faeces, the significance of roe deer for epizoochorous dispersal was relatively low compared with wild boar. An analysis of the habitat preference of the vascular plant species dispersed by the two ungulate species revealed a high proportion of species growing in forests as well as in the open landscape, and also of non-forest species, while woody plants and herbaceous species closely tied to forest habitats were severely underrepresented. We also discuss consequences for forest ecology and nature conservation.  相似文献   

Studies on the effect of forest loss and fragmentation on plant species richness at different spatial scales have yielded contradictory results that have been attributed to different ways to measure fragmentation. The main goal of this study was to investigate the independent and combined effects of forest loss and habitat fragmentation on woody species richness. Woody species were grouped according to their habitat requirements (forest specialists, forest generalists, non-forest and total woody species). We used regression models to investigate the effect of fragmentation and human occupation on woody species richness. The underlying factors were investigated by partitioning of the variation, i.e. decomposing the variation in species richness between the pure effects of forest loss, fragmentation and human occupation. The relationship between species richness and forest loss resulted extremely non-linear. The models for forest specialist, generalist and total woody species richness accounted for 35%, 31% and 33% of the total variance respectively. Model for non-forest species richness only accounted for 7% of the total variance. The largest fraction of variability in species richness was accounted by fragmentation variables for all groups (except for non-forest species). Results emphasize the larger independent effect of fragmentation over forest loss, suggesting that species variation is mainly conditioned by the spatial configuration of the habitat.  相似文献   

Most studies undertaken in the field of agroforestry have focussed on system design, soil fertility management, and system interactions. Less emphasis has been placed on biodiversity aspects. The aim of this study is to investigate the potential of indigenous, multistrata agroforests for maintaining native woody species diversity in the south-eastern Rift Valley escarpment, Ethiopia. A total of 60 farms, representing three agroforest types (enset-AF, enset-coffee-AF and fruit-coffee-AF), were randomly selected along altitudinal gradients. Enset (Ensete ventricosum) is a perennial, herbaceous monocarpic banana-like plant which serves as a food plant in Ethiopia. The three agroforests are results of the domestication of natural forests and intensification of the landuse systems centuries ago. Sample-based assessment protocols were employed to place sample quadrats and to measure all individuals in the quadrats. A total of 58 woody species, belonging to 49 genera and 30 families, was recorded. Of all woody species identified, 86% were native. The highest proportion of native woody species was recorded in enset-AF (92%), followed by enset-coffee-AF (89%) and fruit-coffee-AF (82%). Among native tree species, Millettia ferruginea and Cordia africana were the most widespread. In all, 22 native woody species were recorded as of interest for conservation, acccording to IUCN Red lists and local criteria. Among them, Pygeum africanum and Rhus glutinosa were categorised as vulnerable in the wild, and in need of conservation priority. The introduction of non-native fruit trees in agroforests can be a threat to maintenance of native woody species. Management strategies favoring enset and coffee will also put other native tree species at risk. A smaller number of native woody species was recorded in fruit-coffee-AF, but a higher mean basal area and stem number. The mean basal area and stem number ranged from 5.4?±?0.5 to 11.7?±?1.0?m2?ha?1 and 625?±?84 to 1,505?±?142 stems?ha?1, respectively. Altitude explained 68 and 71% of the variation in species richness and abundance, respectively. Finally, it is concluded that recognition of the indigenous agroforestry system as an option for maintaining native woody species should be given more attention, to counteract the local threat of these species from the wild.  相似文献   

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