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 为了探讨‘砀山酥梨’芽变品系‘锈酥’果皮褐色形成机理,采用分光光度法测定盛花后25、50、75、100、125、150和175 d果皮中木质素含量和相关酶活性变化;从构建的‘锈酥’正向SSH-cDNA文库中筛选出与木质素生物合成密切相关的CCoAOMT-EST,通过实时荧光定量PCR测定了‘砀山酥梨’和‘锈酥’果皮中CCoAOMT的相对表达量。结果表明:‘锈酥’果皮发育前期木质素增量较大,且木质素增量累计比‘砀山酥梨’高12.2%;‘砀山酥梨’和‘锈酥’果皮中PAL、4CL、CAD酶活性均在花后75 d达到最大值,而POD酶活性则在花后125 d出现高峰;二者果皮中4种酶活性变化趋势基本一致,但‘锈酥’果皮中均相对较高;‘锈酥’果皮中的PAL和4CL酶活性与木质素增量变化均呈显著正相关,而‘砀山酥梨’则未呈现出此规律;在果实生长发育各个时期,‘锈酥’果皮中CCoAOMT相对表达量均高于‘砀山酥梨’。因此推测,‘锈酥’果皮褐色形成与果皮中木质素积累及相关酶活性提高有关,果皮中CCoAOMT的增量表达是‘锈酥’果实褐皮形成的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

‘华苹’是以‘金冠’与‘惠’杂交育成的优良中晚熟苹果新品种。平均单果质量177 g。果实长圆形,果皮鲜红色,果面光洁,外观美丽,果肉黄白色,肉质松脆,汁液多,风味酸甜、微香,品质好。果实硬度7.1 kg · cm-2,可溶性固形物含量12.84%,可溶性糖9.60%,可滴定酸0.64%,维生素C 0.056 mg · g-1。在辽宁省辽西地区4月上中旬萌芽,5月上旬开花,9月下旬果实成熟,果实发育期140 d左右。较抗寒和抗枝干轮纹病,适宜在‘金冠’种植区发展。  相似文献   

姜中武    宋来庆  赵玲玲  刘美英  唐岩  孙燕霞 《园艺学报》2015,42(Z2):2811-2812
‘美乐’是从富士苹果芽变品种‘长富2’中选育出来的浓红色芽变新品种。果实长圆形,果形指数0.88;平均单果质量267.8 g;果皮底色黄绿,全面着鲜红色;果面光滑无锈;果点小,平均密度为5.1个· cm-2;果肉乳黄色,细脆多汁,风味酸甜,果实去皮硬度8.4 kg · cm-2,可溶性固形物含量14.5%,品质优良。果实发育期180 d左右,在山东烟台10月中旬成熟。  相似文献   

 ‘苏翠1 号’是以‘华酥’为母本,‘翠冠’为父本杂交选育而成的早熟砂梨新品种。树姿 半开张,花芽易形成。在南京地区7 月中旬成熟,果实倒卵圆形,果皮黄绿色,果锈极少或无。平均单 果质量260 g。果肉白色,肉质细脆,石细胞极少,汁液多,味甜,可溶性固形物含量12.5% ~ 13.0%。早 果丰产性强。  相似文献   

苏俊  陈霞  李林  范建成  李自生  舒群 《园艺学报》2016,43(Z2):2687-2688
‘彩云红’是由‘幸水’ב火把梨’F1杂交优系P125自交选育的红色砂梨新品种。树姿开张,花芽易形成,以短果枝结果为主。早果丰产性强,果实近圆形或扁圆形,果皮绿色,阳面有红晕,成熟后红色着色面积60%以上,果锈极少或无。单果质量180 ~ 280 g。果肉白色,肉质细脆,石细胞极少,可溶性固形物含量13.6% ~ 16.5%,常温下果实可贮藏40 d,耐储运。  相似文献   

喷药操作技术对金冠苹果果锈发生的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 果锈是影响金冠苹果果实外观和商品价值的主要因素。过去威海市果园对减轻金冠果锈的经验是:7月份以前不喷波尔多液;花后一个半月不喷有机磷农药,喷药尽量采用低浓度,而且不混加尿素。这些措施都是从减少对幼果的刺激入手,虽对减轻果锈有较好效果,但还不够理想。1986年我们观察发现,喷药勤换喷钱的果园,金冠的果锈较轻;喷药时喷头距幼果较近的,果锈发生  相似文献   

田义轲  王彩虹 《园艺学报》2018,45(Z2):2697-2698
‘彩虹1号’苹果是以‘礼泉短富’为母本、‘金冠’为父本杂交选育成的中熟新品种。果实近圆形,果形指数0.84,平均单果质量260 g;果面光洁无锈,底色黄色,全面着鲜红色;果肉黄白色,质地细,口感松脆,汁液多,味酸甜,有浓郁芳香味;果实硬度为10.2 kg ? cm-2,可溶性固形物14.6%;果实发育期140 d左右,在青岛地区9月中下旬成熟。树体萌芽率高,成枝力强,成花容易,短枝结果为主,连续结果能力强,丰产稳产,高抗炭疽菌叶枯病。在适宜‘富士’苹果种植的区域均可推广。  相似文献   

苹果新品种‘苏帅’   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
盛炳成  渠慎春 《园艺学报》2012,39(10):2075-2076
 苹果新品种‘苏帅’是以‘印度’为母本,‘金帅’为父本杂交选育而成。植株生长健壮,树冠紧凑,枝条粗壮。平均单果质量241 g,果实圆锥形,底色黄绿,果皮光滑无锈,果点小,果实发育期155 d左右,品质上等。产量45 t · hm-2。  相似文献   

抗裂与易裂枣内源激素含量和细胞壁代谢相关酶活性比较   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
 以枣抗裂果品种‘圆铃枣’和易裂果品种‘俊枣’为材料,测定了果实生长发育曲线、果 形指数及种子败育率,并对果皮、果肉、种子中内源激素含量及果皮、果肉中细胞壁代谢相关酶的活性 进行了检测。结果表明,‘俊枣’果形指数和种子败育率均显著高于‘圆铃枣’。果实发育后期‘俊枣’ 果皮中的GA3 含量、果肉中的IAA 含量明显高于‘圆铃枣’,而‘圆铃枣’果肉及种子中的ABA 含量高 于‘俊枣’;‘俊枣’果肉及种子中(GA3 + IAA + ZT)/ABA 的比值在整个果实生长发育期均高于‘圆铃 枣’。果实生长发育后期‘俊枣’果皮中的果胶酶及纤维素酶活性高于‘圆铃枣’,且‘俊枣’果肉中的 POD 及PPO 活性也较高。以上结果显示,枣果实生长发育后期易裂品种‘俊枣’果肉中的IAA 积累较多, 而抗裂品种‘圆铃枣’果肉及种子中ABA 含量显著高于易裂品种;易裂品种‘俊枣’果肉及种子中(GA3 + IAA + ZT)/ABA 的比值较高,果皮中的果胶酶、纤维素酶活性影响裂果的发生,其POD 及PPO 活性相 对较高。  相似文献   

金冠苹果果锈发生原因及预防措施金冠苹果果实产生果锈是生产上普遍存在的难题,严重时锈斑粗糙连片使果实失去商品价值。除金冠外,赤阳、红玉、国光及元帅等品种也有发生。1发生果锈的原因易发生果锈的品种,果实表皮细胞较大,细胞壁薄且排列疏松,果面角质层薄,易于...  相似文献   

Three trials assessed the effects of two 6-benzyladenine (BA) formulations, CyLex® and Accel®, and carbaryl/thiram (C/T) combination sprays as secondary or post-bloom thinners of ‘Fuji’, ‘Delicious’ and ‘Golden Delicious’ apples. Ethephon was applied as a primary thinner at full bloom (FB) on ‘Fuji’ and ‘Delicious’, while NAA was used on ‘Golden Delicious’. CyLex and Accel were applied at different rates at 20 days after full bloom (dAFB) while C/T was applied as a tank mix either once, twice or three times at seven day intervals from 18 dAFB on ‘Fuji’. The ‘Delicious’ and ‘Golden Delicious’ were treated with either Accel or C/T. In ‘Fuji’, all CyLex treatments achieved target crop load levels and resulted in increased fruit weights, but neither Accel nor C/T achieved thinning or fruit weight targets. In ‘Delicious’ Accel showed no thinning effect, while C/T thinned slightly. Accel had no thinning effect on ‘Golden Delicious’. Accel caused development of pygmy fruit in both ‘Fuji’ and ‘Delicious’. All C/T, CyLex and Accel treatments increased fruit soluble solids in ‘Fuji’, while the CyLex and Accel treatments also increased fruit firmness over ethephon alone. Although not achieving target levels of thinning, C/T was more effective than Accel, however neither Accel or C/T improved fruit size. It is concluded that Accel is an ineffective thinner of ‘Fuji’, ‘Delicious’ and ‘Golden Delicious’, while CyLex is an effective and consistent thinner of the difficult to thin cultivar ‘Fuji’.  相似文献   

Individual organic acids and sugars were analysed in the fruits of scab resistant and susceptible apple cultivars. The total sugars ranged between 128.2 and 191.6 g/kg, and the total organic acid between 5.1 and 13.4 g/kg. In the flesh and peels of different apple varieties single phenolics (gallic, protocatehuic, chlorogenic, caffeic, ferulic and p-coumaric acid, phloridzin, epicatechin, catechin, quercitrin and rutin) were analysed together with their total phenolic content (TPC). ‘Golden Delicious’ was the cultivar with the lowest TPC whereas ‘Rubinola’, ‘Jonagold’ and ‘Goldrush’ had the highest level of TPC in the pulp. Peels showed a 2–9 times higher phenolic content than the pulp. ‘Goldrush’ had the highest content of TPC in its peel. The total antioxidant capacity of peels was about 2–5 times higher than respective pulps. Scab resistant apple cultivars had significantly higher content of some single and total phenolic contents in comparison with the scab susceptible, especially the pulp.  相似文献   

The quali-quantitative distribution of phenolic compounds varies considerably between apple flesh and peel, but the concentration of phenolics is substantially higher in the peel than flesh. Because the peel comprises only a small percentage of the entire fruit weight, its significance as a donor of phenolics is disputable. We assessed the contribution of the peel to the total phenolic yield of 19 apple cultivars. Calculations were based on the weight of the whole fruit and the peel (which is frequently discarded) and the concentration of individual phenolic compounds. On average, 8, 24, 32, 50 and 66% of chlorogenic acid, (+)-catechin, (−)-epicatechin, phloridzin, and rutin, respectively, were present in the peel, which constitutes about 6–8% of the whole apple weight. With the exception of chlorogenic acid, 50% or more, on average, of the above phenolics were present in the peel of ‘Granny Smith’, ‘Idared’, ‘Red Rome’, ‘Jonamac’ and ‘Gloster’ apples; the highest percentage was found in ‘Starking Delicious’ apple peel (82%). The lowest peel contribution to total phenolic content per whole apple ranged between 26 and 29% and was observed in ‘Pilot’, ‘McIntosh’ and ‘Prima’ apples. Presented results may be useful for further investigations of the relationship between phenolics and agronomical parameters or future selection of apple genotypes having improved nutritional quality when consumed as fresh or as processed apple products.  相似文献   

苹果果实酶促褐变底物及多酚氧化酶活性的研究   总被引:21,自引:5,他引:21  
 以5个苹果品种为试材,研究了果实的褐变度,绿原酸、儿茶素和表儿茶素含量及多酚氧化酶(PPO)对不同底物的活性。结果表明,‘富士’果实褐变度最高,其次为‘新红星’,‘金冠’最低。3种酚类物质总量新红星和富士最高,金冠最低。儿茶素仅在‘乔纳金’和金冠果实中检测到少量。富士果实绿原酸含量显著高于表儿茶素,新红星和‘王林’表儿茶素含量显著高于绿原酸。以绿原酸为底物,PPO活性新红星最高,其次是富士和金冠,王林最低。以表儿茶素为底物,富士、乔纳金和王林PP0活性显著高于金冠和新红星。以儿茶素为底物,王林PPO活性最高,其次是富士,新红星最低。  相似文献   

We have characterized the mitochondrial cox1 gene copies in two apple cultivars ‘Golden Delicious’ and ‘Delicious’. Both the cultivars contained an intact copy and a truncated copy of cox1. The intact ‘Golden Delicious’ and ‘Delicious’ cox1 genes, designated G-cox1 and D-cox1, respectively, were both found to be actually transcribed to give an RNA of approximately 1.7 kb. The two intact cox1 and two truncated copies (G-φcox1 and D-φcox1) shared a common 1115-bp segment flanked by four combinations of two different 5′- and 3′-sequences. PCR assay demonstrated that the configurations bearing G-cox1 and G-φcox1 existed in substoichiometric amounts within the mitochondrial genome of ‘Delicious’ whereas substoichiometric molecules carrying D-φcox1 were present in the ‘Golden Delicious’ mitochondrial genome. Although ancestor/descendant relationships cannot be inferred between the G-cox1 and D-cox1 arrangements, the results led us to hypothesize that (1) the 1115-bp segment containing part of the progenitor cox1 was duplicated, thereby generating a pseudo-cox1 copy, and (2) this was followed by homologous recombination across a portion of the 1115-bp repeats which gave rise to the descendant cox1 and pseudo-cox1 arrangements.  相似文献   

The poor red blush development on ‘Cripps Pink’ (Malus x domestica Borkh.) apple fruit at commercial maturity (CM) reduces the economic return to apple growers in warmer regions of the world. The effects of delayed harvest maturity up to 6 weeks following CM on the development of red blush and fruit quality of ‘Cripps Pink’ apple were investigated at two locations in Western Australia during 2003 and 2004. The red blush, export-grade fruit, total anthocyanin, cyanidin 3-galactoside, chlorogenic acid, catechin, and epicatechin of apple fruit skin tissues increased with advancement of harvest maturity at both locations in both years, whereas hue angle, concentration of phloridzin, fruit firmness, and titratable acidity (TA) of apple fruit tissues decreased with delayed harvest. The internal ethylene concentration was elevated with the delayed harvest. The concentrations of quercetin 3-galactoside, quercetin 3-arabinoside, quercetin 3-rutinoside, quercetin 3-rhamnoside, and quercetin 3-glucoside increased up to 2 weeks following CM, and then declined in 2003 at both locations and at Perth Hills in 2004. Delayed harvest resulted in improved development of red blush on the fruit surface, accumulation of total anthocyanin, cyanidin 3-galactoside, chlorogenic acid, catechin, epicatechin, and quercetin glycosides in fruit skin, SSC:TA ratio and reduced fruit firmness possibly due to the increased ethylene production.  相似文献   

Covering apple orchards with nets protects them from hailstorms but this changes the amount and quality of the light supplied to the trees. This study was carried out to assess the effects of shade provided by white protection net on yield and fruit quality of apple orchards in Southern Brazil, along three growing seasons (2002/2003, 2003/2004, and 2004/2005). ‘Gala’ and ‘Fuji’ apple trees (on MM111 rootstock, raised as slender spindles, with a spacing of 5.5 m × 3 m) were left uncovered (control trees) or covered with white net. The white net reduced the photosynthetically active radiation (λ = 400–700 nm) accumulated over the trees’ canopy along a day by 18.4%, leading to a higher leaf chlorophyll content in both cultivars, and a higher specific leaf area in ‘Gala’. The shade provided by the net did not affect yield and increased fruit average weight in both cultivars. At harvest, the number of seeds per fruit and severity of russet were not affected by netting in both cultivars, as well as the incidence of watercore in ‘Fuji’. The main beneficial effects of the white net were the reduced incidence of sunburn on ‘Gala’, reduced incidence of bitter pit during cold storage in both cultivars, and reduced incidence of apple scab at harvest and of decay after cold storage in ‘Fuji’. Fruit fly damage in ‘Gala’ (assessed in one season) was reduced by netting. However, netting affected negatively some fruit quality attributes. ‘Gala’ and ‘Fuji’ apples from trees protected by the net had a poor skin color (pale blush and a more intense green background color) at harvest. The net reduced flesh firmness and SSC, and increased the starch index of ‘Gala’ apples at harvest, and reduced flesh firmness and SSC, assessed after cold storage and shelf life, in fruits of both cultivars.  相似文献   

 苹果无融合生殖砧木‘青砧1 号’是1999 年通过杂交育种获得,母本为平邑甜茶(Malus hupehensis Rehd.),父本为柱型苹果株系CO(Malus × domestica Borkh.)。该砧木树体柱形,无融合生殖坐果率97.0% ~ 98.1%,种子繁殖,实生苗整齐,可以直接作为基砧嫁接‘嘎拉’、‘乔纳金’、‘烟富3’ 和‘烟富6’等主栽品种,表现亲和性好,成苗率高;嫁接树抗重茬病能力强,并且成花早,产量高,果实品质优,适于在环渤海湾、黄土高原等中国苹果主产区应用。  相似文献   

An apple orchard consisting of a single cultivar under the condition of natural pollination must have suitable pollinizers such as Crab apples to ensure stable fruit production. We selected ‘Maypole’ and ‘Dolgo’ as pollinizers for the cultivar ‘Fuji’, and investigated the rate of fruit and seeds in ‘Fuji’ fruits produced by pollen of the pollinizers. We developed a method for tracing pollen flow based on the leaf color of progeny and S-RNase allele of ‘Maypole’, and on Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) analyses of ‘Maypole’ and ‘Dolgo’. These were powerful tools for determining the distance insects (mainly Osmia cornifrons) carry pollen from the pollinizers to ‘Fuji’. Although the fruit set of ‘Fuji’ apples was not reduced with increasing distance between ‘Fuji’ apple trees and pollinizers (probably due to pollen flow from other commercial cultivars planted outside the area), the rate of ‘Fuji’ apple fruit produced by the pollen of the pollinizers decreased with increasing distance. The rate of fruit produced by the pollinizers was 84% and 77% when ‘Fuji’ was 2.5 m from ‘Maypole’ and ‘Dolgo’, respectively, and 71% and 64% when ‘Fuji’ was 5 m from ‘Maypole’ and ‘Dolgo’, respectively, but was reduced to 47% and 39% when ‘Fuji’ was 10 m from ‘Maypole’ and ‘Dolgo’, respectively. However, the spacing could cause reduced fruit size, and require extra fruit thinning for producing large fruits. It could also cause reduction of the yield for increasing the planting area of pollinizers. We recommend that pollinizers should be planted not more than 10 m from ‘Fuji’.  相似文献   

The response of ‘Conference’ pear subjected to branch bending in the content levels of various metabolites in its fruit was investigated. The fruits in commercial maturity were sampled in 2004 and 2005 from branches bent in the late summer of 2003 (the summer treatment), from branches bent in the late spring of 2004 (the spring treatment) and from control branches. The content levels of carbohydrates, organic acids and phenolic compounds were compared among treatments in two successive years. The fruit revealed various responses in content levels of metabolites. In the first year after bending, no significant differences were found in the content of each carbohydrate, but in 2005 by far the highest content level of glucose and fructose and the lowest content level of sucrose were found in fruits from the control. The control fruit showed significantly higher content levels of malic acid and lower content levels of some phenolics (chlorogenic and vanillic acid) in the first year after bending, but in the next year the opposite reaction occurred—the control fruit had the lowest content level of malic acid and the highest content level of epicatechin, quercetin-3-d-galactoside and quercetin-3-β-d-glucoside. The comparison of the two bending treatments alone in 2004 showed that the summer treatment often produced a slightly higher value of each phenolic in comparison to the spring treatment. However, in 2005 the significantly highest content of chlorogenic acid was in fruit from the spring treatment. Sorbitol, as well as citric acid, catechin and sinapic acid showed no clear tendency among treatments, neither in 2004 nor in 2005. It is suggested that these variations of ‘Conference’ fruit subjected to different bending treatments could not be the result of bending alone, but that they could be indirectly affected by other physiological responses of the fruit tree. However, it seemed that variations are affected by the time of bending and by the year-to-year, and such responses can be attributed to the ‘Conference’ genotype only.  相似文献   

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