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为了提高云南本地水牛的产奶和产肉性能,云南省1974年、1997年和2002年先后从广西水牛研究所引进摩拉水牛对云南本地水牛进行杂交改良.以杂交一代、杂交二代及摩拉水牛、本地水牛为研究对象,从杂交后代体形外貌、生长发育情况、产奶情况几方面对杂交改良效果进行了总结,结果发现引进的种公牛对云南高原的气候条件适应性良好,精液品质优良.杂交一代水牛初生重、1月龄、3月龄、12月龄体尺、体重均显著高于本地水牛(P<0.05),杂交一代水牛和本地水牛12月龄体尺、体重均极显著低于同龄摩拉水牛(P<0.01),杂交一代母水牛产奶量极显著高于本地母水牛(P<0.01),但显著低于杂交二代母水牛产奶量(P<0.05).表明本地水牛可望利用摩拉水牛进行改良培育成乳用型水牛.  相似文献   

发展水牛挤奶是城镇郊区农民发财致富的好路子。在广东省南海市 1头杂交产奶水牛的年利润是 50 0 0元左右 ,饲养 1 0头产奶水牛年利润是 5万元左右 ,需要劳动力 2人 ;韶关地区 1头杂交产奶水牛的年利润是 70 0 0元左右 ,吴川市郊 1头杂交产奶水牛的年利润是 50 0 0元左右。发展水牛挤奶不但可以帮助农民增加收入 ,还是解决南方地区人民牛奶供应的一条路子。本文主要介绍建立乳用水牛场的基本方法。 (选牛、选场址建场及水牛的管理 )1 乳用水牛的选择我国乳用水牛品种主要由杂交水牛组成 ,包括本地水牛与摩拉牛的杂交后裔 ,本地水牛与尼里水…  相似文献   

中国水牛乳业的可持续发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中国有水牛2276.0万头,乳、肉、皮等主要产品产量分别为265.0万吨、39.6万吨和11.9万吨,水牛头数及其主要产品产量居世界前三位,水牛乳主要乳制品在世界上也占有一席之地。广西本地水牛属沼泽型役用水牛,试验证明:采用河流型乳用水牛进行杂交改良,杂交二代水牛一个泌乳期泌乳量  相似文献   

乳水牛是利用水牛挤奶的牛,它包括本地水牛、纯种的河流型水牛和上述二个类型的杂交后代水牛,它的产奶量虽然不如黑白花奶牛那样高,但它的乳脂率高,达7%~12%。本文要谈的是杂交乳水牛的选择。1杂交乳水牛的血统和世代我市杂交乳水牛主要有以下二大类五个世代。第一类是摩拉杂交乳水牛,这类杂交水牛在我市较多,主要有含50%、75%和25%摩拉水牛血统的三个世代。①摩杂一代水牛。它是摩拉水牛与本地水牛的杂交一代母水牛(含50%摩拉水牛血统)。毛色通常灰黑,胸、颈下没有本地水牛所具有的白毛带,尾帚带有白色,体躯较大,背腰宽而平直,后躯发达,乳…  相似文献   

1 成年杂交母水牛的乳房特点及乳汁分泌 杂交母水牛乳房比黑白花奶牛的小而硬实,外形呈半球形或盘状不下垂.乳房周长因水牛品种不同而差异较大,本地水牛40~94 cm,摩杂一代60~108 cm,纯种摩拉80~120 cm.杂交母水牛的乳池很小,特别是本地水牛更小.杂交水牛乳头平均长度比黑白花奶牛的短小,长度多为4~8 cm,本地水牛3~5 cm,而黑白花奶牛多为6~11 cm.后乳头明显比前乳头长,乳头中央有孔导管,向上通到乳头乳池,末端为乳头孔.杂交母水牛乳头的肌层很厚,乳孔狭窄,乳头托的肌肉张度高,致使水牛人工挤奶费力.  相似文献   

水牛是我区农业生产的主要动力之一。为了加速水牛的发展和提高水牛的品质,我区一九七八年开始引进摩拉水牛冻精杂交改良本地水牛。五年来,用摩拉水牛冻精配种本地水牛1564头,产杂交牛636头,深受群众欢迎。为了摸索杂交牛的经济效益和生产能  相似文献   

中国水牛数量居全球第二位,均属沼泽型,大致可分为大、中、小三种类型,其共同特点是:利用粗饲料能力强,性温驯,使用年限长,体格粗壮,胸深广和乳脂率高。但乳、肉生产性能较低,后躯发育较差,这些缺点急待改进,1957年和1974年分别从印度和巴基斯坦引进么拉55头和尼里/拉菲50头。这两个河流型乳用水牛品种都能适应中国环境。目前在中国约有么拉2300头和尼里/拉菲210头。引种目的主要是通过杂交以改良本地水牛。1965年开始用人工授精方法共繁殖么拉杂种牛约120000头,这些杂种水牛的生产性能都优于本地水牛。1977年进一步用尼里/拉菲公牛和么拉杂一代母牛杂交,已繁殖其后代含尼里/拉菲、么拉和本地水牛种质分别为50%、25%、和25%的三品种杂交水牛1492头,这种杂交水牛的生长速度和乳、肉生产性能等表现都颇为理想。因此,三品种杂交水牛可作为我国选育乳肉兼用型水牛的基础。  相似文献   

杂种水牛的若干泌乳生理特性及其与乳业生产的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国水牛与摩拉、尼里/瑞菲水牛杂交改良后,乳肉性能明显提高,尤其是三元杂种水牛(含尼里血统50%,摩拉和中国水牛各25%)更为突出。但在生产中还存在一些问题。为进一步提高生产性能,结合挤乳和选育提供生理依据。笔者曾对摩拉、尼里及与中国水牛的三元杂种水牛若干泌乳生理特性进行比较研究。并对生产中一些问题作初步探讨。  相似文献   

刘学洪 《中国奶牛》2012,(23):23-25
云南省水牛乳用性能的杂交改良已有十多年历史。通过引入乳役兼用的河流型水牛与本地沼泽型水牛杂交,杂种水牛泌乳性能有很大提高。目前,云南省有乳用杂种泌乳水牛2.8万头,杂种牛一个泌乳周期的平均产奶量达1 000~1 500kg。为加快发展云南省奶水牛特色产业,目前,仍需要深入研究杂种水牛的泌乳特性、繁殖特点、营养需要以及饲养管理等课题。  相似文献   

尼里·拉菲水牛与德宏水牛杂交效果观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪90年代以后,随着农机具的推广运用,作为役用型的德宏水牛存栏数逐年下降.为提高该品种牛的乳肉役兼用性能,1997年借助中欧德宏水牛开发项目,我们开始引进印度的摩拉水牛与本地水牛(德宏水牛)进行杂交试验,因其后代产奶量达不到理想要求,2000年又开始引进尼里·拉菲水牛与本地水牛杂交,并及时测定尼×德杂交一代水牛不同生长发育时期的有关数据.通过十多年的试验研究,取得了较为理想的改良效果,现将尼×德杂交结果报告如下.  相似文献   

A negative relationship of glutamic acid content and milk yield over the first 100 days of lactation was found in a set of 20 cows. In some free amino acids, large differences exist between the cows with the higher milk yield and those with the lower milk yield, the largest difference being recorded in the content of glutamic acid (in favour of the cows with the lower milk output). The group of cows with the higher milk output per day or per first 100 days of lactation showed no dependence on any of the free amino acids in milk. The group of cows with the lower milk yield showed a significant negative relation of glutamic acid content to milk yield over the first 100 days of lactation and a significant to highly significant positive relation between serine, threonine and alanine contents on the one hand and daily milk yield on the other.  相似文献   

Alternative methods of milk recording have been investigated. The aim of the investigation was to examine the significance of simplified and thus less expensive methods of recording. The investigation was based on Danish data from 1146 cows tested at weekly intervals at Progeny Testing Stations and 4196 lactation records from four-weekly tests by Milk Recording Societies.An increase in the intervals between milk weighings and butterfat tests resulted in a small increase in S.D. of bias; however, the bias was not significant for intervals up to 12 weeks. The results indicate that lactation records from bimonthly or trimonthly tests are reasonable alternatives to a traditional recording once a month as far as utilization of data for breeding purposes is concerned.Cases were investigated where milk weighings were fixed to 4- or 8-week intervals and the number of butterfat tests varied during lactation. The results indicate that milk weighing at 4-week intervals and butterfat tests at 12-week intervals gives approximately the same significance of production records as testing for both milk and butterfat with 8-week intervals.Recording in the first part of the lactation may cause a large part of the error of the lactation record. By correcting for length of the interval between calving and first recording it is possible to reduce the S.D. of bias.Possibilities of using butterfat tests from dairy plants were investigated. Even a reduction in butterfat tests to one per cow in each lactation combined with the herd average of butterfat percentage from the dairy plant may give a reasonable significance in data from Milk Recording Societies.  相似文献   

Yield, butterfat, protein, lactose and solids-not-fat of milk from mature dams (n = 128) representing eight Bos taurus and Bos indicus X Bos taurus breed types were evaluated approximately 60, 105 and 150 d postpartum. Breed type was a significant source of variation in milk yield at each stage of lactation. Average 24-h milk yields (kg) were: Hereford, 7.3; Red Poll, 9.1; Hereford X Red Poll, 9.1; Red Poll X Hereford, 9.1; Angus X Hereford, 8.6; Angus X Charolais, 9.3; Brahman X Hereford, 7.3 and Brahman X Angus, 8.3. Daily yields of Brahman X Angus dams increased as lactation progressed, while production levels of other breed types remained approximately the same or declined. Hereford-Red Poll crosses showed significant heterosis in 24-h milk production and component yields at 150 d. Breed type effects also were significant for lactose yield throughout lactation. Sex of calf influenced (P less than .05) milk yield at 60 and 105 d postpartum and yield of protein and solids-not-fat at 105 d. Mastitis caused a reduction (P less than .01) in percentage of lactose but had no effect on milk yield. Residual correlations between yield traits and preweaning average daily gain were all positive and significant, with values ranging from .22 to .45. Breed type was a major source of variation in milk traits of beef-type Bos taurus and Bos indicus X Bos taurus dams.  相似文献   

研究10峰阿拉善双峰驼第一次分娩后不同泌乳时间驼乳中氨基酸的含量变化。第一次所挤驼乳的蛋白中Thr、Met、Ile、Leu、Phe和Lys的含量分别为6.50、2.10、4.05、7.94、4.38和7.40g/100g,7d时驼乳蛋白中相应的值分别为4.54、2.86、5.50、9.46、4.40和7.89g/100g,之后含量保持相对稳定;而泌乳前1d的时间内必需氨基酸Val的含量较高,之后含量保持相对稳定(6.11—6.25g/100g)。分娩后第一次所挤初乳中Asp、Ser、Gly、Ala和Arg的含量分别为8.39、6.01、3.48、3.76和4.94g/100g,之后随泌乳时间的延长含量降低,到泌乳7d时分别为7.16、4.72、1.49、2.51和4.27g/100g,之后含量保持相对稳定。在研究的泌乳时间内乳样中His(2.50—2.75g/100g)和Phe(4.31-4.73g/100g)的含量没有大的变化。  相似文献   

选取舍饲甘肃肉用绵羊新品种核心群母羊14只,对其产后1~30 d产奶量及乳成分指标的变化规律进行了研究。结果表明,舍饲甘肃肉用绵羊新品种核心群母羊产后30 d内具有较高的泌乳性能,30 d总泌乳量为(32.82±0.19) kg,日均泌乳量为(1.09±0.08) kg,1~30 d泌乳曲线方程为Y=530.60t0.368e-0.015t,日增重可达(0.234±0.033) kg。母羊产后30 d内各种常规成分及物理性质均以第1天变化最为显著,到第3天趋于平稳;初乳中各种成分的含量均与常乳不同并呈现一定规律性变化,产后1~7 d常规成分中可溶性固形物、非脂固形物、蛋白质和脂肪含量呈下降趋势;乳蛋白、非脂固形物、密度和酸度在产后1~21 d呈下降趋势,随后呈上升趋势;乳脂、可溶性固形物和酸度在产后30 d内一直呈下降趋势;乳糖含量在1~14 d呈上升趋势,随后其含量趋于平稳;冰点在1~5 d呈上升趋势,随后呈缓慢下降,而乳密度在产后30 d内变化不显著(P>0.05)。以上结果为甘肃肉用绵羊新品种群种质特性和早期断奶羔羊的补饲提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

本研究采用在生产条件下的对比饲养试验,通过研究日粮中添加本实验室研发的过瘤胃保护蛋氨酸产品对高产荷斯坦牛乳和血浆氨基酸含量与组成、血液生化指标的影响,验证产品的性能,探讨过瘤胃保护蛋氨酸对奶牛生产性能和乳成分产生影响的机理。试验选择2~5胎之间、日产奶量30kg以上、处于泌乳高峰期的荷斯坦牛20头,随机分为两组,试验组每头每天添加本实验室研发的过瘤胃保护蛋氨酸产品75g。试验结果表明,日粮中添加该产品可明显增加荷斯坦牛乳大多数种类氨基酸和总氨基酸含量,使11种血浆游离氨基酸含量有不同程度的增加,总游离氨基酸含量有一定程度的提高,血浆白蛋白、球蛋白、总蛋白含量明显增加,6种血浆游离氨基酸含量有不同程度的降低,谷草转氨酶和谷丙转氨酶活性增强,游离脂肪酸含量和葡萄糖含量明显上升,尿素氮含量明显降低。上述结果进一步验证了本实验室研发的过瘤胃保护蛋氨酸产品具备较好的瘤胃稳定性和小肠可消化性,在一定程度上揭示了其提高产奶量和乳蛋白含量的作用机理。  相似文献   

The objectives were to investigate effects of nutritional plane and Se supply during gestation on yield and nutrient composition of colostrum and milk in first parity ewes. Rambouillet ewe lambs (n = 84, age = 240 ± 17 d, BW = 52.1 ± 6.2 kg) were allocated to 6 treatments in a 2 × 3 factorial array. Factors included Se [adequate Se (ASe, 11.5 μg/kg of BW) or high Se (HSe, 77.0 μg/kg of BW)] initiated at breeding, and nutritional plane [60 (RES), 100 (CON), or 140% (HIH) of requirements] initiated at d 40 of gestation. Ewes were fed individually from d 40, and lambs were removed at parturition. Colostrum was milked from all ewes at 3 h postpartum, and one-half of the ewes (n = 42) were transitioned to a common diet meeting lactation requirements and mechanically milked for 20 d. Colostrum yield was greater (P = 0.02) for HSe ewes than ASe, whereas CON had greater (P < 0.05) colostrum yield than RES and HIH. Colostrum Se (%) was greater (P < 0.01) for HSe than ASe. Colostrum from ewes fed HSe had less (P = 0.03) butterfat (%), but greater (P ≤ 0.05) total butterfat, solids-not-fat, lactose, protein, milk urea N, and Se than ASe. Colostrum from HIH ewes had greater (P ≤ 0.02) solids-not-fat (%) than RES, whereas RES had greater (P ≤ 0.04) butterfat (%) than CON and HIH. Colostrum from ewes fed the CON diet had greater (P = 0.01) total butterfat than HIH. Total solids-not-fat, lactose, and protein were greater (P < 0.05) in colostrum from CON than RES and HIH. Ewes fed HSe had greater (P < 0.01) milk yield (g/d and mL/d) than ASe, and CON and HIH had greater (P < 0.01) yield than RES. Milk protein (%) was greater (P ≤ 0.01) in RES compared with CON or HIH. Ewes fed HSe had greater (P < 0.01) milk Se (μg/g and mg/d) than ASe on each sampling day. Milk from CON and HIH ewes had greater (P < 0.01) total solids-not-fat, lactose, protein, and milk urea N than RES. Total Se was greater (P = 0.02) in milk from ewes fed the CON diet compared with RES. Somatic cell count and total somatic cells were greater (P ≤ 0.05) in milk from CON than RES. A cubic effect of day (P ≥ 0.01) was observed for milk yield (g and mL). Butterfat, solids-not-fat, lactose, milk urea N, and Se concentration responded quadratically (P ≤ 0.01) to day. Protein (%), total butterfat, and total Se, and somatic cells (cells/mL and cells/d) decreased linearly (P < 0.01) with day. Results indicate that gestational nutrition affects colostrum and milk yield and nutrient content, even when lactational nutrient requirements are met.  相似文献   

The reduction in milk production caused by subclinical mastitis in dairy cattle was assessed through the regression of test day milk yield on log-transformed somatic cell counts (LnSCC). Data was obtained from Valacta, Quebec, and a total of 312,756 test day records from Ayrshire cows and 1,869,785 test day records from Holstein cows were included in the analyses. A segmented regression was fitted to estimate the cutoff point in the LnSCC scale where milk yield starts to be affected by mastitis. The statistical model used to explain daily milk yield included the effects of herd–year-season of test (random), days in milk, age at calving and LnSCC, and analyses were performed by breed, parity and stage of lactation. The cutoff point where milk yield starts to be affected by changes in LnSCC was estimated from data to be around 2 (approximately 7400 cells/mL) for Canadian Ayrshires and Holsteins. Milk losses per unit increase in LnSCC varied from 0.55 to 0.84 kg/day in first lactation Ayrshires, from 0.33 to 0.55 kg/day in first lactation Holsteins, from 0.74 to 2.45 kg/day in adult Ayrshires and from 0.77 to 1.78 kg/day in adult Holsteins. Daily milk losses caused by changes in LnSCC were dependent on breed, parity and stage of lactation, and these factors should be considered when estimating losses associated with subclinical mastitis.  相似文献   

In a study based on 3078 Swedish dairy cows from 126 herds, milk acetone was measured at the first 3 monthly production tests after calving. The values were assessed together with data from the official milk recording system, artificial insemination records and the computerised recording system for veterinary treatments. Milk acetone concentrations above 0.40 mmol 1?1 were considered to indicate hyperketonaemia. The prevalence of hyperketonaemia was 8.9, 4.7 and 1.1%, respectively, at the first 3 monthly production tests. A significant influence on milk acetone was found for herd mean production, breed, herd, lactation number, cow, week of lactation, season and the interaction between lactation number and week of lactation. The highest individual milk yield and highest individual acetone value were significantly positively correlated. Test-day milk yield and milk acetone on the same day were significantly negatively correlated. The recorded incidence of clinical ketosis and ovarian cysts increased with increasing highest milk acetone concentration. Significant correlations were found between the prevalence of hyperketonaemia and herd means of the intervals from calving to first and last service. No significant correlations were found between milk acetone and fertility traits when calculated on an individual cow basis.  相似文献   

No differences in blood samples were found out when the biochemical parameters in arterial and venous blood of dairy cows were compared before and after milking. Negative correlation coefficient (r = -0.3460) approaching the significance level was determined by comparing the values for milk yield on the day of sampling (in ascending phase of lactation) and protein content in venous blood after milking, and significant negative correlation coefficient (r = -0.3813) for daily milk yield and gamma-globulin concentration in venous blood before milking. The relationship between butterfat content on the day of milking and the values of alkaline phosphatase can be characterized by significant up to highly significant negative correlation coefficients in all three blood samples (r = -0.3232 to -0.3908).  相似文献   

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