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Summary Resistance toPhytophthora infestans was evaluated histologically using leaves of potato cultivars with different levels of general resistance. Host genotype did not influence the preinfectional processes of encysted zoospores, e.g. frequency of germination, length of germ tubes, or frequency of formation of appressoria. Most of the appressoria on the leaf surface were attached to epidermal cells, but they were also found on cells of the stomatal complexes, on hairs and glands, and on cells adjacent to vascular tissue. There were significant differences between cultivars in the extension of intercellular hyphal growth and branching 24 and 48 h after inoculation, the differences increasing with time. In contrast to cv. Bintje, the hyphae in the most resistant cultivar Matilda were mostly confined to the epidermal and palisade cells even 48 h after infection, the number of hyphae per section was much lower, and sporulation capacity was reduced.  相似文献   

Fungicides are applied by air, chemigation, and ground in the Columbia Basin of Oregon and Washington. These methods of fungicide application differ in deposition of fungicide to the canopy and cost. This study compared the alternate use of air and chemigation application of fungicides (AIRCHEM) with chemigation alone (CHEM), by either measuring chlorothalonil or manganese (mancozeb) amounts in three canopy levels (upper, middle, lower), both on leaflets and stems, after multiple fungicide applications on a 7-day schedule. Greater amounts of chlorothalonil or mancozeb were usually found on the leaflets in the upper and middle canopy locations from AIRCHEM compared to CHEM, the day of fungicide application and 7 days later. Deposition of fungicides on stems generally follow the same pattern as leaflets, but the amount deposited and maintained on stems was significantly less than leaflets. Mancozeb deposition in the three canopy levels followed the same pattern as was found for chlorothalonil. The greater the amounts of chlorothalonil on leaflets and stems resulted in better disease reduction during inoculation assays. Reduced fungicide amounts on stems compared to leaflets may be the reason for increased stems infections in recent years by more aggressive strains of late blight. This is the first report quantifying chlorothalonil or mancozeb amounts on potato stems and the first to report amounts of mancozeb on potato foliage after fungicide application.  相似文献   

Summary Synergism between fungicides could be used to reduce the application dosage. Synergism between cymoxanil and mancozeb was studied using potted potato plants under field conditions. In three experiments the preventive efficacy of the fungicides and fungicide mixtures in the treatments were studied using a bio-assay. Potato plants were sprayed with the fungicides or fungicide mixtures. Leaves were picked from the potato plants with regular intervals after fungicide application. The efficacy of the fungicides was studied in a bioassay by inoculating the leaves withPhytophthora infestans zoosporangia. The Abbot method was used to show synergistic effects of the cymoxanil/mancozeb mixtures tested. In two of three experiments synergy of the fungicide mixtures was found.  相似文献   

Acidulocomposting recycles food wastes by means of thermophilic lactic acid fermentation. This process can decrease ammonia volatilization and odor emission during processing and produce compost with high nitrogen (N) content. To compare the yield of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L. ‘Dansyakuimo’) and the suppression of weeds with acidulocompost (AC) and those with conventional composts and inorganic fertilizer (IF), we conducted field experiments in Miyagi Prefecture, northeastern Japan. Potatoes were cultivated in 2008 and 2009 in an Andosol field treated with AC, conventional food waste compost (FWC), poultry manure compost (PMC), cattle manure compost (CMC), IF, or no fertilizer (NF). AC, but not the other treatments, delayed the emergence of potatoes, and suppressed the emergence of weeds, but it did not inhibit potato growth during the late growth stage or yield. Potato N uptake and tuber yield with AC were significantly higher than those with NF and similar to those with FWC, PMC, and IF. The N uptake efficiencies (ratio of difference between N uptake in the treatment and the control to added N) for AC (10.4–12.7% in 2008 and 2009) were similar to those for FWC and PMC (10.2–13.1%), higher than those for CMC (–1.3 to 6.3%), but significantly lower than those for IF (30.2–42.3%). Our findings indicate that AC has an N supply capacity similar to those of FWC and PMC and additionally suppresses the emergence and growth of weeds.  相似文献   

Volatiles from potato plants infected with Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary were monitored by in situ headspace sampling. The sampling was done in four periods i.e. 28–42, 52–66, 76–90, and 100–114 h after inoculation (HAI). The headspace samples were analyzed by a gas chromatography–flame ionization detector (GC–FID) to assess the differences in volatile fingerprints between the infected-plant group and control groups, i.e. non-inoculated-plant and empty-vessel groups. The samples were subsequently analyzed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry to identify specific peaks observed by GC–FID. Spore germination, infection, symptom development and sporulation were also monitored to ascertain the disease developmental stage when marker volatiles were first generated. The first symptoms of infection were visible after two days. Three marker volatiles i.e. (E)-2-hexenal, 5-ethyl-2(5H)-furanone and benzene-ethanol were found in the third and fourth trapping periods (3–4 days after inoculation) when sporangiophores were already formed. The volatile metabolites from blighted plants could be applied for sensor development to detect the occurrence of the disease in the field as well as for investigation of volatile production in relation to plant responses to infection.  相似文献   

The fungicides metiram, mancozeb, metiram + triphenyltin hydroxide, propamocarb hydrochloride + chlorothalonil, dimethomorph + mancozeb, cymoxanil + mancozeb, and chlorothalonil were applied by aircraft and through center-pivot irrigation systems (chemigation) to replicated plots in commercial fields of ‘Russet Burbank’ potato. Fungicide deposition and redistribution were indirectly determined by inoculation of excised leaves withPhytophthora infestans and directly by chlorothalonil residue analysis from upper, middle, and lower crop canopies. The effectiveness of two surfactants added with fungicide and applied by aircraft, an increased water volume rate used by aircraft, and a reduced water volume used with chemigation was also determined. The addition of synthetic latex and siliconepolyether surfactants did not increase efficacy of metiram or mancozeb in controlling late blight when applied by aircraft. The protectant fungicides metiram, mancozeb, and chlorothalonil were not significantly different from dimethomorph + mancozeb, cymoxanil + mancozeb, and propamocarb hydrochloride + chlorothalonil in late blight control when applied by aircraft. However, cymoxanil + mancozeb had limited efficacy when applied by chemigation. Fungicide deposition through the canopy differed when air applications were made before or after canopy closure (row closure). Fungicides applied by aircraft prior to row closure protected the entire canopy; whereas, fungicide application after row closure initially protected the top and middle canopies, and subsequent applications and redistribution of the fungicides were needed for adequate protection throughout the canopy. The fungicides and fungicide mixtures tested were evenly deposited throughout the potato canopy with each chemigation application. Severity of late blight did not differ on leaves treated with mancozeb or chlorothalonil applied by aircraft at water volumes of 47 L/ha and 94 I/ha and then inoculated withP. infestans, nor did severity of late blight differ on inoculated leaves previously treated with chlorothalonil by chemigation at water volumes of 15,145 and 50, 571 L/ha.  相似文献   

Potato seedlings and cultivars were successfully subjected to moderate to heavy late blight pressure in field plots to which a race complex of the pathogen was applied. Multiple assessments through the course of the epidemics revealed differences in overall disease susceptibility or resistance. Differences were also demonstrated in disease response patterns among potato lines with similar overall disease ratings. Use of principal component and cluster analyses established discrete groupings of potato lines. This provides a basis for a more objective interpretation of the results in identifying both overall disease response and pattern (slow or fast) of response of potato cultivars and breeding lines.  相似文献   

Summary Field experiments between 1996 and 2000 compared the efficacy of fungicide programmes applied in accordance with the NegFry and Met éireann (Mé) decision support systems (DSS) for the control of late blight with 7- and 10-day routine fungicide programmes. The Mé DSS reduced fungicide use by 68% and 54% respectively while NegFry reduced fungicide use by 49% and 27% compared with the 7- and 10-day programmes. The NegFry DSS was similar to the 10-day routine programme in terms of late blight control, quality and marketable yield. A similar result was found when the NegFry DSS was compared with a 7-day routine mancozeb programme (included for two seasons only). Within the NegFry DSS the use of fluazinam resulted in improved yield, foliage blight and tuber blight control compared with mancozeb, but this benefit was significant for tuber blight only. The Mé DSS resulted in inferior disease control, yield and quality.  相似文献   

Summary Host plant resistance is an important component to the management of potato late blight,Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary. Assessment of potato lines (Solanum tuberosum L.) with various levels of resistance toP. infestans (US8, A2 genotype) were evaluated in field trials, greenhouse controlled environment chambers and inoculated tuber reactions. Five lines (AWN86514-2, B0692-4, B0718-3, Jacqueline Lee, and B0288-17) with strong foliar resistance to late blight were identified in these inoculated field trials. Greenhouse controlled environment chamber studies allowed resistant and susceptible lines to be distinguished, but the 1998 greenhouse results did not correlate well with field data. Four lines (A084275-3, Bzura, MSG007-1, and MSG297-4RD) evaluated by a digital image analysis technique demonstrated tuber resistance based upon average reflective index values in the inoculated tuber studies. Tuber resistance did not correlate with field foliar resistance. Based upon these results, field assessment of foliar reaction toP. infestans provides the best measure for assessing late blight resistance in potato. Tuber resistance to late blight can be identified among lines with varying levels of foliar resistance.  相似文献   

In northwest Washington State, fungicidal control of late blight caused byPhytophthora infestons was evaluated for three years. During 1977, a high rainfall year with supplemental sprinkler irrigations, all metalaxyl and chlorothalonil treatments reduced tuber rot at harvest, but only metalaxyl extended control of tuber rot after 4 months’ storage. During 1978, a high rainfall year, one application of metalaxyl sprayed over or dusted on potato seed pieces at planting or applied five times to foliage at 2 or 4 wk intervals gave excellent blight control equal to that with chlorothalonil applied to foliage every 2 wk. In 1979, a low rainfall year,P. infestons did not kill plants in untreated plots until October. Five applications of metalaxyl sprayed every 2 wk on foliage did not control foliage blight. However, metalaxyl reduced foliage blight when dusted on cut potato seed pieces. Mancozeb sprayed every 2 wk also gave excellent control. The possibility that metalaxyl applied to foliage is effective in late blight control only when washed into the soil by rainfall or irrigation for uptake by roots is discussed. Yields and percent U.S. No. 1 grade tubers were not significantly affected by any treatment in these 3-year trials.  相似文献   

A polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based test for potato late blight (Phytophthora infestans) and pink rot (P.erythroseptica, P. nicotianae) diseases has been developed for use with potato tuber tissue. Primers based on sequence analysis of the ITS2 region of ribosomal DNA of late blight and pink rot pathogens were utilized in PCR assays of inoculated tubers and tubers harvested from plots known to have late blight and/or pink rot. Assays of artificially inoculated Kennebec and Russet Burbank tubers revealed thatP. infestans was detected by PCR as early as 72 h after inoculation and in the absence of visible symptoms. Much higher detection frequencies were obtained by PCR compared with plating on selective medium or placement of tissue in moist chambers. Tubers from plots known to have late blight and/or pink rot were tested using the PCR assay. Assay of late blight lesions showed ca. 80% recovery for late blight-infected tubers from the field. Results indicate that the PCR assay provides a rapid and accurate test for diagnosis of late blight and pink rot in potato tubers.  相似文献   

Summary Morphological and biochemical parameters that could be involved in resistance to late blight were studied in non-infected and in infected potato hybrids resulting from a cross betweenSolanum phureja, resistant toPhytophthora infestans, and a susceptibleSolanum tuberosum. Some morphological differences between resistant and susceptible hybrids, indicating a positive correlation between stem diameter and phloem thickness in the stem and resistance toP. infestans, were observed. The lignin content in the leaves of the resistant hybrid rose upon infection byP. infestans. In the leaves of the susceptible hybrid, a diminution of the lignin content could be observed upon infection byP. infestans. In the same context, peroxidasic activity raised upon infection byP. infestans in both resistant and susceptible hybrids. Further characterization of the hybrid clones based on the polymorphism of peroxidases was attempted using isoelectric focusing.  相似文献   

Plants from 6 potato cultivars uniformly infected with potato virus X (PVX) were exposed to darkness and gradual temperature increases from 37 to 40 C, during a two-week period. This was followed by shoot tip culture to obtain virus free individuals. The procedure was effective in obtaining PVX-free propagation material from 4 of the 6 varieties. Differences were observed in the response of the cultivars to the heat and to thein vitro culture. At least one plant from every cultivar showed repeated negative serological reaction against PVX after the tissue culture regeneration, except Atzimba and Montsama. Tollocan and Murca were the most resistant to heat, developed better duringin vitro culture and resulted in the largest number of PVX-negative plants. Rosita was intermediate, and Juanita did not adapt to heat stress.  相似文献   

Strategies based on using the translaminar fungicide cymoxanil for control of potato late blight, caused by Phytophthora infestans, were compared in the highland tropics of Ecuador in three separate field experiments. In one strategy, a commercial formulation of cymoxanil mixed with mancozeb was sprayed sequentially three times early in the season; this was then followed by three sequential sprays of a commercial product containing mancozeb alone. For the other strategy, the same commercial products were alternated. For each strategy, a spray interval of 14 d was used after the contact/translaminar mixture and 10 d after sprays containing mancozeb alone. Both strategies were evaluated with a manually operated knapsack sprayer but with two levels of application quality. High quality was achieved with a constant pressure valve and a new nozzle, while for low quality, fungicide was applied without a valve and using a damaged nozzle. All treatment combinations gave adequate disease control and no consistent effect of application strategy or application quality could be measured on disease severity or yield. However, approximately twice the volume of fungicide was applied using poor quality equipment, regardless of the application strategy. Advantages and disadvantages of the strategies and their potential effects on fungicide resistance are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary A technique is described which enables potato clones to be screened for resistance to both species of potato cyst nematode (Globodera rostochiensis andG. pallida) and to blight (Phytophthora infestans) in the foliage during the winter and first spring following harvest of seedlings grown from true seed. A container test, used to assess resistance to both species ofGlobodera in a mixed inoculum, is followed by an assessment of resistance to foliage blight, using the same plants in the glasshouse. This screen can be completed in time for duplicate tubers of the resistant clones to be planted for multiplication in the second growing season. The close correlation between results obtained using this system and those predicted from the known inheritance of the characters selected and the gain in efficiency achieved in breeding, are illustrated by examples. In Kartoffelzuchtprogrammen müssen viele Eigenschaften berücksichtigt werden. Die Reihenfolge ihrer Selektion kann grossen Einfluss auf die gesamte Arbeitsleistung haben. Dort wo die Aufspaltung der Nachkommenschaft bedeutsam ist, kann eine frühe Selektion leicht erkennbarer Eigenschaften, wie Resistenz gegenüber Sch?dlingen und Krankheiten, die Populationsgr?sse wirkungsvoll verringern. Dies k?nnte den starken Selektionsdruck auf Knolleneigenschaften als erste Hauptprüfung in Kartoffelzuchtprogrammen ersetzen. In dieser Arbeit wird eine Technik zur Prüfung auf kombinierte Resistenz gegenüber Kartoffelnematoden und Krautf?ule beschrieben, und es werden die Ergebnisse für Nachkommen aus typischen Kreuzungen mitgeteilt (Tabelle 1). Die Nematodenresistenz wurde mit Hilfe eines Gef?sstestes ermittelt, bei dem ein Inokulumgemisch aus Larven vonGlobodera rostochiensis undG. pallida verwendet wurde. Dies ergab die in Tabelle 2 dargestellten Befunde und eine Verteilung der Zystenproduktion, wie sie in den Abbildungen 1A und 1B gezeigt wird. Diese Ergebnisse best?tigten, dass die nicht wiederholten Tests Reaktionen ergaben, wie sie von der bekannten Vererbung der Eigenschaften erwartet wurden, und ein Chi-Quadrat-Test (Tabelle 2) ergab bei drei von vier Familien, dass keine Abweichung von den erwarteten Verh?ltnissen für H1, von dem sich dieG. rostochiensis-Resistenz herleitet, vorlag. Eine vorkommende Abweichung (Tabelle 2, Familie 4) liess sich mit der ungenügenden Unterscheidung der unreifen Zysten von beidenGlobodera-Arten erkl?ren. Bei der Selektion auf Resistenz gegenüber den beiden Arten ist diese Fehlerquelle unbedeutend. Die als nematodenresistent ermittelten Pflanzen wurden in T?pfen bei hoher Luftfeuchtigkeit in einem Polythen-Tunnel in Gew?chshaus angezogen und mit einer Zoosporensuspension aus einem Isolatkomplex vonPhythophthora infestans besprüht. Die Anf?lligkeit wurde ermittelt, indem die ungef?hre Blattfl?che der entstehenden nekrotischen L?sionen bewertet wurde. Die Ergebnisse in Tabelle 3 und die Verteilung der resistenten Klone (Abb. 1C) weisen—wie erwartet—auf die polygene Vererbung hin. Bei den angewandten Selektionsstufen erhielt man ungef?hr 15% der Nachkommen mit hinreichender Resistenz gegenüber den drei vorgegebenen Eigenschaften. Die Teste wurden in der Lagerzeit der Knollen, die ursprünglich von S?mplingspflanzen stammten, abgeschlossen, so dass sie in der der Aussaat nachfolgenden Saison ausgepflanzt werden konnten. Dans les programmes de sélection de la pomme de terre, de nombreux caractères sont pris en compte et le choix de la succession de leurs mesures a une forte importance sur l'efficacité globale du travail. Quand il y a ségrégation pour des caractères importants et facilement mesurables comme la résistance aux ravageurs et aux maladies, on peut réduire le travail de maintenance du matériel en réalisant des cribles précoces pour ces caractères. Ces tests peuvent être d'abord réalisés à la place des tests de qualité, classiquement effectués en début de programme. Les auteurs décrivent ici une technique de tests de résistance à la fois vis-à-vis des nématodes à kyste et du mildiou. Les résultats de tests de descendance de quatre croisements sont détaillés. La résistance aux nématodes est mesurée par des tests en conteneours dans lesquels le substrat est infesté par un mélange de larves infestantes deGlobodera rostochiensis et deG. pallida. On trouve les résultats globaux en Tableau 2 et les distributions exprimées en valeur relative du nombre de kystes neoformés sont représentées en figures 1A et 1B. Malgré l'absence de répétitions, ces résultats sont en accord avec ceux espérés: le {ie67-1} (Tableau 2) ne montre pas de différence significative pour 3 familles sur 4 avec les résultats théoriques quand c'est la résistance due au gène H1 qui est mesurée. Le cas de non concordance (Tableau 2, famille 4) est explicable par une possible confusion des espèces à la lecture. Cependant, cette source d'erreurs est peu importante quand la sélection est dirigée en même temps contre ces deux espèces. Les clones jugés résistants sont alors testés vis-à-vis dePhytophthora infestans. Ils sont placés en pots et cultivés en serre sous tunnel de polyethylène pour entretenir une forte humidité relative. Une suspension de zoospores d'un isolat complexe est pulvérisée et la sensibilité est appréciée par la surface approximative des lésions nécrotiques du feuillage. Les résultats du Tableau 3 et la distribution relative de la fréquence des clones résistants confirment l'hérédité polygénique de la résistance au mildiou. Environ 15% des familles sont ainsi retenues comme ayant un bon niveau de résistance aux deux espèces deGlobodera et àP. infestans. Les tests, réalisés en hiver, sont achevés à temps pour que les duplicatats, conservés à basse température, identifiés comme résistants puissent être plantés au champ en temps utile, l'année qui suit les semis de graines.  相似文献   

Summary A survey of control practices and grower perceptions of early blight in South Africa was conducted from May 2001 — July 2002 using an informally structured questionnaire. Questionnaires were collected from the 10 largest of the 14 potato production regions in South Africa. The predominant control method for early blight was the use of fungicides with mancozeb or chlorothalonil as active ingredient. Most respondents commence spraying at flowering and spray at 7–10 day intervals thereafter. BP1, Up-to-date and Mondial were the most commonly planted cultivars. The majority of farmers indicated that they would be willing to use an early blight decision support system if an accurate and cost-effective one was available, and that they believe more research is necessary on early blight in South Africa. Estimated economic losses ranged from 1–60%, with the average being approximately 20%. This is the first such survey to be conducted in South Africa.  相似文献   

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