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对精准农业的产生及相关概念,精准农业的主要技术体系、作业流程及国内外精准农业的研究进展进行了综述。对精准农业的概念提出新的理解,认为精准农业的主要技术体系应该是包含时空变量投入(VITS)、全球定位系统(GPS)、地理信息系统(GIS)、遥感(RS)、决策支持系统(DSS)、计算机网络系统(CNS)、自动化机械系统(AMS)、生物技术(BTS)的"8S"技术,并针对烟草行业发展的新趋势对精准农业的主要技术在烟草上的应用进行了展望。  相似文献   

中国有机农业发展现状、问题和对策   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
马卓 《中国农学通报》2006,22(11):338-338
从中国有机农业发展的现状出发,详尽记述了有机农业发展在政策、技术等方面面临的困境,提出了现阶段有机农业和有机食品发展的对策,即从政策扶持、市场开拓、理论研究、技术推广等方面的宏观策略。  相似文献   

春小麦精量稀播亩产千斤的生物学及生理学基础   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对内蒙古河套灌区春小麦精量稀播亩产千斤生物学,生理学基础的研究结果表明,在高肥力土壤和高水肥管理的条件下,适当降低播量和基本苗,协调好个体与群体的矛盾,是春小麦高产栽培的主要发方向,采用精量稀播并集约精细管理,走主蘖并重的道路,亩产量稳定可达到千斤左右。  相似文献   

精量播种减免间定苗对棉花产量和产量构成因素的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
间苗、定苗是黄河流域棉区十分普及却费工费时的棉田管理措施。通过精量播种减免间苗、定苗环节,将为黄河流域棉区棉花轻简化栽培提供新的技术途径。2011-2013年连续3年在山东省临清市、夏津县、惠民县和东营市4个地点,以常规播种保苗方式为对照,研究了精量播种保苗(播量11.25 kg hm–2,出苗放苗后不间苗、定苗)方式对棉花收获密度、籽棉产量和产量构成因素的影响。年份、地点和播种保苗方式对棉花收获密度、籽棉产量和铃数皆有显著的互作效应。12个点次(3年4个地点)中有10个点次精量播种保苗方式的收获密度达到4.5~8.5株 m–2,铃数和籽棉产量与常规播种保苗方式相当;2011年东营点和2012年惠民点精量播种保苗方式的密度分别只有3.53株 m–2和3.63株 m–2, 铃数比常规播种分别减少13.8%和9.7%,单铃重与各自的对照无显著差异,籽棉产量分别减少14.2%和5.5%。精量播种处理中2个点次减产的主要原因在于收获密度过低,导致铃数降低。通过提高播种质量确保较高的收获密度,精量播种减免间定苗能够实现省工节本不减产,可作为一项重要的简化栽培措施在黄河流域棉区推行。  相似文献   

咸水淡化技术是开发利用海洋资源最合理的方式。文章从咸水直接灌溉带来的土壤盐渍化危害入手,概述了咸水处理与精准灌溉的意义,介绍了微咸水淡化流程和精准灌溉流程,提出了微咸水处理及精准灌溉的结合方式,展望了咸水淡化和节水灌溉的发展趋势,并分析了制约咸水淡化技术发展的能源和工艺2个因素。本研究得出,节水灌溉技术未来将集远程灌溉管理和综合调控分析于一体,真正实现智能化灌溉管理。将太阳能技术与纳滤技术相结合会创造广阔的市场前景,纳米颗粒膜和光热转化碳纤维等材料将是海水淡化研究的热点。因此,咸水淡化技术与精准灌溉相结合,其资源利用效率将大幅提高,土壤环境亦会得到极大改善,与未来生态科技的发展趋势将更加契合。  相似文献   

Abstract: The campaign for community forestry in upland areas of northern Thailand reflects an ‘arborealised’ perspective on upland agriculture. Arborealisation – which I define as the process whereby upland livelihoods are recast as forest livelihoods – is evident in the main elements of NGO and academic advocacy for the resource rights of upland peoples. As a result of this arborealised perspective, securing rights to forest resources has come to be seen as the key to enhancing the livelihood security of upland farmers. However, the emphasis of the proposed community forest legislation on communally managed forest resources means that it will do little to enhance the tenure security of farmers in relation to agricultural land.   相似文献   

种子质量对免耕精播夏玉米生长及产量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了研究中国玉米机械化精播对种子质量的要求,于2011年选用不同种子公司的11个品种,利用田间试验,研究了种子质量对免耕精播夏玉米生长及产量的影响。研究表明,10个精播种子、‘郑单958’普通种子、‘郑单958’精播种子的平均出苗率为96.47%、90.95%和93.92%,精播种子之间、‘郑单958’普通种子和精播种子之间的田间出苗率差异不显著‘。先玉335’精播种子、国内精播品种的平均出苗速率分别为0.21和0.17,二者差异达显著水平。精播种子的出苗整齐度和株高整齐度分别为6.10和4.80‘,郑单958’普通种子的出苗整齐度和株高整齐度分别为4.86和3.94,差异达显著水平。所有参试品种株高和叶面积差异不显著。所有精播种子、国内精播种子、‘郑单958’精播种子和‘郑单958’普通种子的产量分别为9820.79、9862.19、10116.04、9477.75kg/hm2,所有精播种子和‘郑单958’普通种子产量差异不显著,9个国内精播种子之间产量的差异也不显著。而‘郑单958’精播种子和‘郑单958’普通种子差异达显著水平。综合以上因素,玉米机械化播种要采用精播种子。  相似文献   

Cereal cultivars conferring a high degree of crop competitive ability, especially against aggressive weeds, are highly beneficial in organic farming as well as other farming systems that aim to limit the use of herbicides. In this study, thirteen winter wheat cultivars, plus one spring wheat and one winter oat were assessed for their competitive ability at key growth stages, across three seasons. The natural population of weed species was allowed develop without agronomic intervention. Weed suppression ability for each cultivar (S var) was calculated as the difference between weed growth in plots for each cultivar and the maximal weed growth (W max) from adjacent uncropped areas. The sensitivity of S var in response to changes in weed growth (S varW) was derived from the linear regression coefficient of S var plotted against W max. There was significant variation in S var between cultivars and strong evidence for cultivars to vary in S varW. Amongst groups of cultivars with similar levels of S var some could be defined as being of higher or lower sensitivity to changes in weed growth. Some cultivars also had relatively good S var at high levels of weed growth. The use of both weed suppression ability and sensitivity across different levels of weed growth or weed populations has considerable potential for selecting new cultivars suitable for organic agriculture. Ideally new cultivars will be selected on the basis of high S var and/or low S varW. This analysis provides the means to measure sensitivity of cultivar performance across a range of favourable and unfavourable conditions.  相似文献   

The Passiflora L. (Passifloraceae) genus consists of about 500 species widely distributed throughout tropical and subtropical regions, commonly known as the passion flower. The passion flowers are considered ornamental plants because of the exotic beauty of their flowers and variant foliage. Since their introduction to the Old World, around 1625, seventeenth century, they have been used to decorate European glasshouses and gardens. Interspecific hybridization is used to produce single ornamental plants. However in some countries, such as Brazil, being centre of origin of many species, the potential value of these species has hardly been exploited. The beauty of these wild species and their hybrids is little known in Brazil. Therefore it is here intended to highlight the productive and commercial potential of the passion flowers for the purpose to generate an income in family agriculture, while maintaining the ecological balance and optimizing the use of natural resources.  相似文献   

Monoliths of a fertile, although N limited, C3 grassland community were subjected (or not) to an atmospheric CO2 enrichment (600 μmol mol−1), owing to the Mini-FACE system from August 1998 to June 2001, at two contrasting cutting frequencies (3 and 6 cuts per year). The present study reports the effects of elevated CO2 on the above-ground productivity and on the herbage quality. Elevated CO2 did not affect the dry matter (DM) yield of the swards in 1999. In 2000, the second year, there was a positive CO2 effect (+26%) both on the DM and on the nitrogen yields (+30%). With the frequently cut monoliths, the DM of the legume component of the sward was strongly increased by elevated CO2. This effect became also significant in July 2000 for the low cutting frequency treatment. These results are in good agreement with the concept of an increased legume development and symbiotic N2 fixation triggered by an increased ecosystem scale demand of N under elevated CO2. At a low cutting frequency, the DM of the forbs was strongly increased in elevated compared with ambient CO2. This increased development of the forbs apparently led to a competitive decline of the grasses. Therefore, the total DM yield response to CO2 was smaller at a low (+15%) compared with a high (+36%) cutting frequency in 2000. An increase in the water soluble sugar content of the bulk forage under elevated CO2 and a corresponding decline in cell wall contents (NDF) were observed. In June 1999, the decline in NDF was correlated with an increased in-vitro DM digestibility. The forage quality was also indirectly affected by elevated CO2 through changes in leaf:stem ratio and in botanical composition. At a low cutting frequency, the increased forb content favoured the herbage quality because of a higher digestibility of the forb shoots and, indirectly, through the reduction in the mass of the grass stems. These results emphasise the role of species dynamics for elevated CO2 impacts on semi-natural grassland productivity and herbage quality.  相似文献   

基于科学知识图谱的方法与知识可视化的理论,以CNKI数据库中收录的1997—2016 年20 年间遥感在农业领域研究的文献数据为切入点,探索20 年来遥感在农业领域研究的热点和趋势。通过对具体的机构合作图谱、聚类图谱和关键词图谱进行分析解读,直观展现了该领域正处于快速发展阶段,研究机构差异显著、热点主题明确。通过机构合作分析发现遥感在农业领域研究中中国科学院的发文量居于首位;通过关键词共现分析,探究该领域的研究热点集中在农用地变化和遥感监测以及精准农业形成的3 个大的聚类;最后通过突现检测分析得出,遥感技术和地理信息系统技术在土地利用、核农学和生物科学等领域的运用将成为很长一段时间的发展趋势。  相似文献   

In the context of deteriorating soil health, stagnation of yield in rice-wheat cropping system (RWCS) across Indo- Gangetic plains (IGP) and environmental pollution, a long term field experiment was conducted during 2009–2016 taking four crop scenarios with conservation agriculture (CA), crop intensification and diversified cropping as intervening technology aiming to evaluate the sustainability of the systems. Scenario 1 (S1) represented conventional farmers’ practice of growing rice and wheat with summer fallow. In scenario 2 (S2) and scenario 3 (S3), legume crop was taken along with rice and wheat with partial CA and full CA, respectively. Conventional RWCS was replaced with rice-potato + maize- cowpea cropping system with partial CA in scenario 4 (S4). The S3 scenario registered highest total organic carbon (TOC) stock of 47.71 Mg C ha−1 and resulted in significant increase of 14.57% over S1 (Farmer’s practice) in 0–30 cm soil depth after 7 years of field trial. The S4 scenario having intensified cropping systems recorded lowest TOC of 39.33 Mg C ha−1 and resulted in significant depletion of 17.56% in C stock with respect to S3 in 0–30 cm soil depth. The TOC enrichment was higher in S2, S3 and S4 scenario in the surface soil (0–10 cm) compared to S1. At lower depth (20–30 cm), the TOC enrichment was significantly higher in S2 (12.82 Mg C ha−1) and S3 (13.10 Mg C ha−1 soil) over S1 scenario. The S2 and S3 scenario recorded highest increased allocation of TOC (3.55 and 6.13 Mg C ha−1) to passive pool over S1. The S2 (15.72 t ha−1), S3 (16.08 t ha−1) and S4 (16.39 t ha−1) scenarios recorded significantly higher system rice equivalent yield over S1 (10.30 t ha−1). Among the scenarios, S3 scenario had greater amount of total soil organic carbon, passive pool of carbon and higher system rice equivalent yield, thus, is considered the best cropping management practice to maintain soil health and food security in the middle IGP.  相似文献   

中国农业科研机构基础条件投资与效果评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为加大农业科研投入、优化投入结构提供理论与实证基础。运用了统计、计量和专家打分等方法对基础条件投资的规模及变化趋势、投资效果等进行分析,发现中国农业科研机构的基础条件投资规模与强度都存在较强的不稳定性,现有条件水平主要得益于“十一五”期间的超常规发展,增加科研基础条件投资对提高科研机构产出能力作用显著等,建议进一步加强基础条件投资,并逐步建立持续稳定的投入机制。  相似文献   

传统农业技术向现代农业技术的转变-继承、改造和提升   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
根据中国传统农业技术的特点,通过分析其历史演变过程,对比传统农业技术与现代农业技术的不同特征,提出在实现农业现代化的过程中,要正确对待传统农业技术,继承其优良传统,改造其落后和不完善的地方,最终将传统农业技术提升为现代农业技术的组成部分,是实现传统农业现代农业技术转变的有效途径和必由之路。  相似文献   

This review presents an overview of accomplishments on different aspects of cowpea breeding for drought tolerance. Furthermore it provides options to enhance the genetic potential of the crop by minimizing yield loss due to drought stress. Recent efforts have focused on the genetic dissection of drought tolerance through identification of markers defining quantitative trait loci (QTL) with effects on specific traits related to drought tolerance. Others have studied the relationship of the drought response and yield components, morphological traits and physiological parameters. To our knowledge, QTLs with effects on drought tolerance have not yet been identified in cowpea. The main reason is that very few researchers are working on drought tolerance in cowpea. Some other reasons might be related to the complex nature of the drought stress response, and partly to the difficulties associated with reliable and reproducible measurements of a single trait linked to specific molecular markers to be used for marker assisted breeding. Despite the fact that extensive research has been conducted on the screening aspects for drought tolerance in cowpea only very few—like the ‘wooden box’ technique—have been successfully used to select parental genotypes exhibiting different mechanisms of drought tolerance. Field and pot testing of these genotypes demonstrated a close correspondence between drought tolerance at seedling and reproductive stages. Some researchers selected a variety of candidate genes and used differential screening methods to identify cDNAs from genes that may underlie different drought tolerance pathways in cowpea. Reverse genetic analysis still needs to be done to confirm the functions of these genes in cowpea. Understanding the genetics of drought tolerance and identification of DNA markers linked to QTLs, with a clear path towards localizing chromosomal regions or candidate genes involved in drought tolerance will help cowpea breeders to develop improved varieties that combine drought tolerance with other desired traits using marker assisted selection.

现代农业内涵、特征及发展趋势   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
现代农业是基于现代产业组织和现代涉农产业系统的培育与完善,横跨一、二、三产业的涉农经济体系,与发达国家农业总产值中占有重要比重的涉农产业(Agribusiness)相当。在科学界定现代农业概念与内涵的基础上,梳理国际涉农产业发展的实践与发展趋势,具有积极的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

火龙果温室栽培已成为北方特色观光农业,但发展过程中存在诸多问题。笔者从火龙果国内外研究现状入手,叙述了国内外火龙果发展现状与发展进程,重点介绍了火龙果在国内的研究进展,包括引种与栽培、品种培育、采后生理与贮藏、加工与利用、病虫害研究和分子生物学分析等方面;并从北方种植火龙果的优势与前景、出现的问题与解决措施着手分析了北方引种的可行性,认为北方发展火龙果种植既有优势,也存在着不少挑战,如果能解决“品质+产量+市场”3个问题,加上消费痛点和地理优势,火龙果北方种植仍然存在着很大空间。  相似文献   

In a two year factorial field trial the influence of slight shading (daylight reduced by 27 %), row spacing (15 and 30 cm respectively) and N fertilization (60 and 120 kg* ha?1*cut?1 respectively) on yield and nutritive value of Lolium multiflorum (Lam.) was investigated. Three cuts were taken in the seeding year and four in the full harvest year. Shading reduced DM yield by 4 % at low and 16 % at high level of N fertilization. Higher amount of N fertilizer increased yield by 28 % without and 12 % with shading. Row spacing was of minor importance; on average wider spacing decreased yield by 9 %. Increasing N fertilization and shading had the same effects on nutritive value: crude protein (CP), nitrate content and protein/energy ratio (P/E) went up, whereas energy value (NEL) went down. Compared to the effects of shading or N fertilization, the influence of sward density on nutritive value was small. The effect of shading and high fertilization on nutritive value was similar in both years. However for vegetatively grown forage in the seeding year shading caused P/E values and nitrate contents too high for an adequate ruminant feeding which was already evident at low level of N fertilization; also increased supply of N fertilizer without shading deteriorated the nutritive value. On the other hand forage of the full harvest year (at reproductive stages) showed too high P/E values only in shaded and highly fertilized plots. Therefore N fertilization ought to be limited at periods when the grass only grows vegetatively and/or light intensity is low, like e.g. in autumn. None of the experimental treatments had any marked effect on the fibre content of the forage (ADF) in the seeding year; in the full harvest year, however, when plants grew reproductively, shading as well as higher N fertilization increased ADF content. There was no significant correlation between ADF and NEL for vegetatively grown plants but a close relation for plants which were at reproductive stages.  相似文献   

武倩  李茜 《中国农学通报》2017,33(2):155-159
为全面推进农业现代化,实现县域农业绿色永续发展,基于内源式发展理念,以平陆县农业为研究对象,按照县域农业绿色发展要求,寻求符合内源式发展理念的农业绿色发展条件,在此基础上确定农业生产基地规模化、农业产业链特色化、生产全程标准化和绿色农业品牌化的农业绿色发展内容。最终提出推进县域农业绿色发展的策略:创新农业生产经营主体;发掘县域特色农业,创新技术;严把农产品质量关,创建县域绿色品牌农业。  相似文献   

为了对干旱区村域种植业生产效益影响因素进行研究,以旱地区生态脆弱的奇台县西北湾乡三屯村为例,通过实地调查和入户问卷调研与访谈获取研究数据,利用回归分析方法,分析种植业成本构成及关键成本、成本与土地种植面积对种植业收益的影响、作物种植类型对种植业收益的影响。结果表明:打井成本和作物种植成本是影响农户种植业生产总成本的重要因素;种植业生产属于资本密集型,地租、作物种植成本和打井费用是影响种植业收益的主要因素;种植业属于粗放的土地资源依赖型,承包土地面积扩张是影响农民种植业收益的主要方式;小麦种植是农户的种植业的主要收益来源。  相似文献   

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