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Serotonin (5-HT) has long been implicated in social behavior and impulsivity, but the mechanisms through which it modulates self-control remain unclear. We observed the effects of manipulating 5-HT function on behavior in the ultimatum game, where players must decide whether to accept or reject fair or unfair monetary offers from another player. Participants with depleted 5-HT levels rejected a greater proportion of unfair offers, but not fair offers, without showing changes in mood, fairness judgment, basic reward processing, or response inhibition. Our results suggest that 5-HT plays a critical role in regulating emotion during social decision-making.  相似文献   

Traditional models of economic decision-making assume that people are self-interested rational maximizers. Empirical research has demonstrated, however, that people will take into account the interests of others and are sensitive to norms of cooperation and fairness. In one of the most robust tests of this finding, the ultimatum game, individuals will reject a proposed division of a monetary windfall, at a cost to themselves, if they perceive it as unfair. Here we show that in an ultimatum game, humans' closest living relatives, chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), are rational maximizers and are not sensitive to fairness. These results support the hypothesis that other-regarding preferences and aversion to inequitable outcomes, which play key roles in human social organization, distinguish us from our closest living relatives.  相似文献   

两个实验在群体层面探讨了奖励和债务领域社会距离(内群体/外群体)对不公平行为回应的影响.实验1采用标准最后通牒游戏范式,发现在奖励领域,个体对内群体成员不公平行为的接受程度比对外群体成员的接受程度更高.实验2使用改编的最后通牒游戏范式,结果表明在债务领域,个体对内群体成员不公平行为的接受程度也比对外群体成员的接受程度更高,且对内群体成员不公平行为的满意度比对外群体更高.该研究表明,即使内群体成员违反公平规则,个体还是会表现出内群体偏好.  相似文献   

The nascent field of neuroeconomics seeks to ground economic decision making in the biological substrate of the brain. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging of Ultimatum Game players to investigate neural substrates of cognitive and emotional processes involved in economic decision-making. In this game, two players split a sum of money;one player proposes a division and the other can accept or reject this. We scanned players as they responded to fair and unfair proposals. Unfair offers elicited activity in brain areas related to both emotion (anterior insula) and cognition (dorsolateral prefrontal cortex). Further, significantly heightened activity in anterior insula for rejected unfair offers suggests an important role for emotions in decision-making.  相似文献   

Bowles S 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2008,320(5883):1605-1609
High-performance organizations and economies work on the basis not only of material interests but also of Adam Smith's "moral sentiments." Well-designed laws and public policies can harness self-interest for the common good. However, incentives that appeal to self-interest may fail when they undermine the moral values that lead people to act altruistically or in other public-spirited ways. Behavioral experiments reviewed here suggest that economic incentives may be counterproductive when they signal that selfishness is an appropriate response; constitute a learning environment through which over time people come to adopt more self-interested motivations; compromise the individual's sense of self-determination and thereby degrade intrinsic motivations; or convey a message of distrust, disrespect, and unfair intent. Many of these unintended effects of incentives occur because people act not only to acquire economic goods and services but also to constitute themselves as dignified, autonomous, and moral individuals. Good organizational and institutional design can channel the material interests for the achievement of social goals while also enhancing the contribution of the moral sentiments to the same ends.  相似文献   

教育公平是社会公平的基础。城乡二元结构和经济发展的不平衡性是农村教育欠公平的主要原因。国家应加大对农村教育资源的投资与优化配置力度,实行投资和政策倾斜。  相似文献   

先用权在专利法中是针对"先申请原则"的一种救济性措施。在植物新品种权申请中,我国也采取先申请原则,先用权制度所要避免的不公平现象在植物新品种的申请和获权中同样存在。从《种子法》和《植物新品种保护条例》的规定来看,我国对植物新品种"先用权"是禁止的,以植物新品种"先用权"为由主张权利是有法律障碍的。因此,文章中原告主张的植物新品种"先用权"在现行法律中缺乏法律基础。但从公平的角度分析,先用权制度应当在植物新品种中占有一席之地。  相似文献   

近年来,随着农地经营权的逐渐放活,农地经营权流转规模不断扩大,在农地经营权流转中 存在的问题也逐渐显露。农地经营权流转涉及主体多元,本文选取集体推进视角,采用文献法、专家 咨询法、实地调研法,对农地经营权流转问题进行研究。发现在农地经营权流转中存在农村集体经济 组织与村委会职能模糊,流转效率低、公平性不够等问题。在此基础上,提出规范农村集体经济组织、 加强相关制度建设、建立专业化服务体系、健全交易平台等措施。  相似文献   

In the Ultimatum Game, two players are offered a chance to win a certain sum of money. All they must do is divide it. The proposer suggests how to split the sum. The responder can accept or reject the deal. If the deal is rejected, neither player gets anything. The rational solution, suggested by game theory, is for the proposer to offer the smallest possible share and for the responder to accept it. If humans play the game, however, the most frequent outcome is a fair share. In this paper, we develop an evolutionary approach to the Ultimatum Game. We show that fairness will evolve if the proposer can obtain some information on what deals the responder has accepted in the past. Hence, the evolution of fairness, similarly to the evolution of cooperation, is linked to reputation.  相似文献   

“三变”是党的十八大以来我国农村土地产权变革的积极探索与创新,其基本目标是实现效率与公平的均衡发展。对重庆中益乡的实地考察发现:在现实层面,公平与效率的协调均衡并不是自动实现的,而是相关行动主体通过利益博弈实现的;各个行动主体在利益博弈中有其各自的动机、行为策略。要更好地推进“三变”工作,应坚持以“人民为中心”的发展思想,把公平与效率辩证地结合起来,实现二者的互构均衡。相应地,在政策层面,应建立健全农村社会保障体系,加快推进土地确权,以提高农村土地流转市场化效率,建立完善土地估价、产权交易、流转收益分配、风险防范等制度机制。  相似文献   

近年来,我国市场经济得到了迅速发展,市场体系日趋完备,市场竞争日益激烈,一些新的不正当竞争行为逐渐暴露出来,有的表现还很突出。相比之下《反不正当竞争法》规范的不正当竞争行为、执法手段、法律责任等与现实经济生活存在着明显的不适应。目前,我国反不正当竞争法律制度的缺陷主要包括:缺失一般条款规定、不正当竞争行为涵盖不全、法律条款的操作难度大、执行条款缺乏强制性、执法主体规定缺乏唯一性等。应从以下几个方面解决:增加对新的不正当竞争行为的界定、加强《反不正当竞争法》的可操作性、强化反不正当竞争的执法手段、划清反不正当竞争的执法权限、加大处罚力度,增加惩罚性处罚条款。  相似文献   

在社会学视野里,学校体育竞赛中的体育暴力、冒名顶替、以大打小、裁判员不公平判罚及服用兴 奋剂等违反竞赛规范的行为被称之谓越轨行为。研究以越轨社会学理论,提出了学校体育竞赛中越轨行为 的概念,以越轨行为的目的为依据,列举了情绪宣泄型、利益驱动型、精神满足型和偏激盲动型四类越轨 行为及其表现方式,分析讨论了这些越轨行为的发生原因,并提出了相应的控制对策。  相似文献   

To sustain or repair cooperation during a social exchange, adaptive creatures must understand social gestures and the consequences when shared expectations about fair exchange are violated by accident or intent. We recruited 55 individuals afflicted with borderline personality disorder (BPD) to play a multiround economic exchange game with healthy partners. Behaviorally, individuals with BPD showed a profound incapacity to maintain cooperation, and were impaired in their ability to repair broken cooperation on the basis of a quantitative measure of coaxing. Neurally, activity in the anterior insula, a region known to respond to norm violations across affective, interoceptive, economic, and social dimensions, strongly differentiated healthy participants from individuals with BPD. Healthy subjects showed a strong linear relation between anterior insula response and both magnitude of monetary offer received from their partner (input) and the amount of money repaid to their partner (output). In stark contrast, activity in the anterior insula of BPD participants was related only to the magnitude of repayment sent back to their partner (output), not to the magnitude of offers received (input). These neural and behavioral data suggest that norms used in perception of social gestures are pathologically perturbed or missing altogether among individuals with BPD. This game-theoretic approach to psychopathology may open doors to new ways of characterizing and studying a range of mental illnesses.  相似文献   

Among critical responses to the perceived perils of the industrial food system, the food sovereignty movement offers a vision of radical transformation by demanding the democratic right of peoples “to define their own agriculture and food policies.” At least conceptually, the movement offers a visionary and holistic response to challenges related to human and environmental health and to social and economic well-being. What is still unclear, however, is the extent to which food sovereignty discourses and activism interact with and affect the material and social realities of the frequently low-income communities of color in which they are situated, and whether they help or hinder pre-existing efforts to alleviate hunger, overcome racism, and promote social justice. This research and corresponding paper addresses those questions by examining food justice and food sovereignty activism in the city of New Orleans since Hurricane Katrina as understood by both activists and community members. I argue, using post-Katrina New Orleans as a case study, that food projects initiated and maintained by white exogenous groups on behalf of communities of color risk exacerbating the very systems of privilege and inequality they seek to ameliorate. This paper argues for a re-positioning of food justice activism, which focuses on systemic change through power analyses and the strategic nurturing of interracial alliances directed by people residing in the communities in which projects are situated.  相似文献   

There are two competing approaches to sustainability in agriculture. One stresses a strict economic approach in which market forces should guide the activities of agricultural producers. The other advocates the need to balance economic with environmental and social objectives, even to the point of reducing profitability. The writings of the eighteenth century moral philosopher Adam Smith could bridge the debate. Smith certainly promoted profit-seeking, private property, and free market exchange consistent with the strict economic perspective. However, his writings are also consistent with many aspects of sustainable agriculture. For example, Smith argued that people ought to exercise restraint in their pursuit of self-interest, and he believed in balancing economic with environmental and social considerations. If both sides of the debate more fully regard the work of Adam Smith, then proponents of the strict economic perspective might be more appreciative of the concerns raised within the sustainable agriculture community, while advocates of sustainability might be more effective in achieving the objective of a sustainable agriculture. Harvey S. James Jr., PhD is an Associate Professor in the Division of Applied Social Sciences at the University of Missouri-Columbia. His research interests are in the economic determinants of trust and ethical behavior. He recently completed studies on trust in biotechnology institutions and the ethical attitudes of farmers.  相似文献   

胡柳 《安徽农业科学》2014,(11):3312-3314
从包容性增长视角审视我国乡村旅游经济的发展,发现乡村旅游目的地“飞地化”普遍存在,而乡村旅游中经营和利益分配的飞地化导致的收入分配不公正是近几年乡村旅游目的地上访、冲突、拦阻游客现象频发的根源所在.最后,提出了我国乡村旅游经济包容性增长路径.  相似文献   

存续了近50年的户籍制度及相关法律对中国社会产生了深刻的影响,尤其是对农民的基本权利:选举权和被选举权、居住和迁徙的自由、财产权、受教育的权利等产生了巨大影响,导致了严重的不公平。应逐步剥离户籍制度所附带的利益,完善相关法律和政策,对户籍制度进行彻底的改革。  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国民法典》构建了土地经营权担保法律制度的宏观框架和基本原则,针对试点实践中土地经济价值难以实现和土地经营权担保融资效果不明显的问题,从学理和规范层面入手,提出土地经营权担保物权的权利性质为抵押权,担保类型为抵押。以流转为标准区分担保主体,不发生流转时,主体为土地承包经营权人和金融机构;发生流转时,主体为土地经营权人和金融机构。应当在《中华人民共和国民法典》视域下结合土地经营权担保的适用困境,明确土地经营权担保的主、客体,采用登记生效主义,探索担保权利实现方式,并进一步完善配套制度建设。  相似文献   

Community supported agriculture (CSA) programs are transforming the way people relate to food and agriculture. Many researchers have considered the transformative potential of CSAs on economic, social, and environmental relations. They illustrate how participants are embedded in broader political economic transformations. The same focus, however, has not been given to CSAs’ transformative impact on individual shareholders—especially in terms of their relationship to food and health. We draw together literatures from behavioral economics, econometrics, and political ecology to evaluate the potential impacts of CSA participation on food lifestyle behaviors. Using primary data drawn from a survey of four groups with distinct food acquisition environments, we compare respondents’ self-assessed food-related behaviors along three different categories: (1) produce versus processed food consumption, (2) food away from home consumption, and (3) food acquisition and interest in nutrition. By documenting between-group differences, we confirm that shareholders display significant absolute differences to other groups along numerous indicators related to the above-stated categories and in general assessments of health. These differences correspond directionally to behaviors public health officials identify as correlated to beneficial health outcomes. We conclude by theorizing how the food environments delineated by a CSA exchange relationship provide unique reflexive opportunities for participants to develop diverse food-related skills and behaviors.  相似文献   

选取中国内地2007年SO2排放、工业固废产生、废水排放和能源消耗作为评价指标,以"森林面积"和"农业用地"为"生态容量"表征指标,计算基于生态容量的中国资源环境基尼系数,以绿色负担系数判断资源消耗和污染物排放不公平因子.结果表明:4项指标资源环境基尼系数分别为0.56、0.57、0.67、0.60,表现出极大区域分配不公平性.由绿色负担系数可知,上海、天津、江苏、北京、山东、河北、山西、河南、辽宁、浙江、重庆、广东等经济发达省市是主要不公平因子,需要转变经济发展模式,减少环境压力.  相似文献   

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