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2000年7月上旬和2001年7月上旬,贵州省沿河土家族自治县先后在三个山羊改良示范村发生一种以波尔山羊后躯运动神经障碍,痿弱和共济失调的一种疾病,如不及时治疗,可导致病羊后躯最终不能站立、消瘦、贫血最后死亡。后经确诊为山羊脑脊髓丝虫病,现将诊疗情况报告如下:1发病情况沿河自治县沙子镇十二盘村波尔山羊改良示范点饲养的二只波尔纯种公羊2000年7月6日发病。7月8日淇滩镇瀚陵村波尔山羊改良示范点两只波尔公羊中的一只发病,发病羊年龄在二岁左右。2001年7月上旬,在淇滩镇瀚陵村和黑水乡建权村又一次发…  相似文献   

我市引进河鲁山牛腿山羊为父本,本地山羊(长江三角洲白山羊)为母本,进行杂交改良,其杂种一、二代的初生重、3月龄、6月龄和周岁体重,以及屠宰率均比本地山羊有所提高,呈现明显的杂种优势,并且有较高的产羔率,板皮品质好,特别是,摩擦牢度达到了合格标准,其制革性能超过了亲本。本市自繁的牛腿山羊的体重,母羊产羔率,公羊屠宰率都达到和超过原产地牛腿山羊的生产性能指标。  相似文献   

张力  卢月香 《中国养羊》1997,17(4):19-20
选用1.5岁甘肃高山细毛羯羊12只,进行了尿素复合添加剂舔砖对绵羊瘤胃液中氨态氮(NH3-N)含量及pH影响的试验,并与试验前测定的数据进行对比。测定结果:在未喂舔砖时绵羊瘤胃液(NH3-N)在每天08:00、11:00、17:00分别为7.70、7.45、6.85mg/100ml,喂尿素舔砖后相应的时间内NH3-N含量分别为8.04、13.62、12.34mg/100ml。表明早08:00未喂前NH3-N含量相差0.34mg/100ml,差异不显著;喂饲后的11:00、17:00相差分别为6.17和5.48mg/100ml,差异均极显著。pH的变化范围喂舔砖后平均为6.82~6.86,喂舔砖前为6.73~6.86,差异均不显著。  相似文献   

波尔山羊胚胎移植技术研究初报   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
为了提高波尔山羊群体繁殖力,应用FSH 对40 只波尔山羊进行超数排卵处理,共采卵460个,获得胚胎278 个,可用胚248 个,平均6-2 ±7-12个/只,可用胚占胚胎总数的89-21% 。移值受体129 只,移植双胚受体占92-25 % ,移植单胚受体占7-75% 。  相似文献   

广州百兴三鸟批发市场价格(2003年2月10日)品种名计量单位批发价格(元)品种名计量单位批发价格(元)清远鸡(1.2千克以上)只19.00珍珠鸡(0.7千克以上)只14.00文昌鸡千克———鹌鹑千克9.00竹丝鸡千克7.00鹧鸪(美国)只6.00老母鸡千克7.60乳鸽(0.5千克以上)只9.00本地麻鸡千克7.00乳鸽(0.4~0.5千克)只8.00三黄鸡(广西)千克12.00乳鸽(0.4千克以下)只8.00三黄草鸡(江西)千克14.80鹅千克11.00温氏鸡公千克6.80鹅(江西)千克———…  相似文献   

对格尔木地区山羊绒毛品质进行物理性能测定。结果,改良山羊净绒率55.49%,绒纤细度13.04-14.84μm,绒纤维长度6.12cm,绒纤维强力5.7cN,绒纤维伸度40.1%,是名符其它的优等毛纺原料。  相似文献   

为了摸清扬州市山羊寄生虫状况,于1997年4 ̄6月进行了山羊寄生虫调查。共对73只山和系统性寄生虫检查,对85只山羊进行直肠取粪检查虫卵和卵囊。共检出体内外寄生虫33种,隶性6纲16科21属。线虫为山羊感染的主要寄生虫,感染率达100%。  相似文献   

藏山乳主要营养养成分及乳酶,乳清蛋白的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文研究了分布西藏和四川地区的藏山羊乳蛋白、乳糖和乳脂含量,并对乳中4种酶活力及乳清蛋白的组成进行了研究。结果表明:藏山羊乳中3种营养成分存在一的地区差异,脱脂乳中乳酸脱氢酶,碱性磷酸酶,r-保氨酰转肽酶、乳过氧化物酶活力分别为81.9±37.8,7.7±3.5,437.4±93.0,532.7±202.6单位。乳过氧化物酶在体外可被10^-5M的硫氰酸根或乳酸根活化。用琼脂糖凝胶电泳可将乳LDH  相似文献   

连续6~9天描记10只山羊7个导联的心电图,可见因受瘤胃运动等因素的影响,同一导联各波型,波向在不同日期可以发生生理性变化。  相似文献   

布尔山羊母羊繁殖性能的观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
布尔(BOER)山羊原产南非,是当今世界上公认的优良肉用山羊品种。1995年我所首次从德国引进,现将我们3年多来对该羊繁殖性能观察结果报告如下。1 材料和方法1.1 饲养场地 本试验在陕西省永寿县羊场进行。该场位于陕西渭北黄土高原西部的黄土梁峁区,东径107.6°,北纬34.3°,海拔1000m左右,年平均降雨量601.6mm,年平均日照2166.2h,年平均气温10.8℃,最热的7月份平均23.7℃,最冷的元月份平均-2.9℃,年平均无霜期210天。1.2 羊群 本研究以1995年初引进的9只…  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究藏绵羊和山羊在相同营养及湿热应激条件下血清激素、抗氧化和免疫指标的变化规律,考察湿热应激对藏绵羊和山羊生长性能、抗氧化能力以及免疫功能影响的差异。选取年龄和体重[(45.83±3.54)kg]相近的藏绵羊与山羊(波尔山羊×本地黄羊)各6只,试验共进行135 d,其中预试期15 d,正试期120 d。每日测定温湿度指数(THI),每月测定藏绵羊和山羊的血清相关指标。结果表明:1)5—7月份,羊舍THI随月份的增加显著升高(P0.05),6—8月份羊舍THI均大于72,因此将6—8月份定为湿热应激期。2)7、8月份藏绵羊和山羊直肠温度和呼吸频率均显著高于5月份(P0.05),且湿热应激期内藏绵羊直肠温度和呼吸频率均显著高于山羊(P0.05)。3)正试期内,湿热应激使得藏绵羊和山羊的干物质采食量最大降幅分别为10.70%和10.44%,平均日增重(ADG)最大降幅分别为50.00%和47.82%。4)羊舍THI由71.17(5月份)升高到76.82(7月份),藏绵羊和山羊血清皮质醇和胰岛素浓度显著升高(P0.05),血清葡萄糖和三碘甲状腺原氨酸浓度显著降低(P0.05)。湿热应激下,藏绵羊血清中生长激素和甲状腺素浓度的最大降幅均大于山羊。5)除藏绵羊7月份和山羊8月份血清总抗氧化能力,藏绵羊和山羊7、8月份的血清超氧化物歧化酶、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶活性和总抗氧化能力均显著低于5月份(P0.05)外,血清丙二醛浓度均显著高于5月份(P0.05)。湿热应激下,山羊血清超氧化物歧化酶活性、总抗氧化能力和丙二醛浓度变化幅度均大于藏绵羊。6)与5月份相比,藏绵羊和山羊8月份的血清免疫球蛋白A、免疫球蛋白M、免疫球蛋白G和白细胞介素-2浓度显著降低(P0.05),而血清肿瘤坏死因子-α浓度则显著升高(P0.05)。湿热应激下,藏绵羊血清免疫球蛋白、白细胞介素-2和肿瘤坏死因子-α浓度的变化幅度均大于山羊。综上所述,湿热应激状态下藏绵羊和山羊的呼吸频率和直肠温度升高,抗氧化能力和免疫功能降低,从而导致生长性能降低。藏绵羊生长性能和免疫功能受湿热应激影响较大,而山羊抗氧化能力受湿热应激影响较大。  相似文献   

童雄  闵力  孙浩  徐斌  丁迪云  李大刚  王刚 《中国畜牧兽医》2021,48(10):3625-3634
本试验旨在研究广东地区夏季热应激对雷州山羊、努比亚羊及其杂交F1代生理和血液生化指标的影响,进而评估3个类群羊之间热适应性的差异。试验以各个类群5月龄的阉羊为研究对象,在广东夏季(2019年7月)全天温湿度指数(THI)均值为84.30的热应激环境下,正试期第1和2天在08:00、14:00、20:00 3个时间点测定羊群的4项生理指标,第3天采集羊群血液进行29项生化指标的测定分析。结果显示,3个类群羊的表皮温度(ST)、直肠温度(RT)、呼吸频率(RR)和心率(HR)随着08:00至14:00 THI的增高而增高,随着14:00至20:00 THI的下降而下降。在08:00和14:00平均THI高于82的热应激条件下,雷州山羊的RT和RR极显著或显著低于努比亚羊(P<0.01;P<0.05)。白细胞分类指标中,雷州山羊的嗜中性粒细胞比例(NEUTr)在3个类群羊中最高,且显著高于努比亚羊(P<0.05)。与此相反,雷州山羊的淋巴细胞比例(LYMPHr)在三者中最低,且显著低于努比亚羊(P<0.05)。血液电解质指标中,雷州山羊的钾离子(K+)在3个类群中最高,且极显著高于努比亚羊(P<0.01)。血清酶类活性指标中,努比亚羊的乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)活性在3个类群中最高,且显著或极显著高于其他2个类群羊(P<0.05;P<0.01)。相比雷州山羊和杂交F1代,努比亚羊的丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)活性更高,这与LDH的趋势一致,但其仅显著高于杂交F1代(P<0.05)。对比血清酶类活性指标(ALT和LDH),三碘甲状腺原氨酸(T3)的激素水平在3个类群羊之间呈现相反的趋势,努比亚羊的T3最低,且显著低于雷州山羊(P<0.05)。应用3个类群羊组间差异显著性的血液生化指标进行PCA聚类分析时发现,雷州山羊与努比亚羊之间存在明显的群体分离,而杂交F1代介于2个亲本群之间。综合以上结果,试验羊在试验期间全天长时间处于热应激状态;试验羊的生理和血液生化指标受到热应激的影响,且反映出类群之间存在耐热性差异,雷州山羊的耐热性优于努比亚羊,而杂交F1代的耐热性介于2个亲本之间。  相似文献   

[目的]分析我国地方培育奶山羊品种与国外引进品种的遗传进化关系。[方法]以4个国内奶山羊品种(文登奶山羊、关中奶山羊、崂山奶山羊、雅安奶山羊)和3个新西兰引进奶山羊品种(阿尔卑斯奶山羊、吐根堡奶山羊、萨能奶山羊)为研究对象,采集33只个体的外周血样本,提取血液基因组DNA,利用PCR法扩增线粒体DNA(mitochondrial DNA,mtDNA)D-loop区全长序列,对测序获得的序列进行生物信息学分析,探究不同奶山羊品种的遗传多样性及进化关系。[结果]7个品种奶山羊的mtDNA D-loop区中A、T碱基含量高于G、C碱基含量。共检测到82个多态位点,25个单一多态位点,55个简约信息位点。各品种单倍型多样度(Hd)范围为0.905~1.000,核苷酸多样度(Pi)范围为0.001 51~0.013 32;共存在26种单倍型,文登奶山羊和萨能奶山羊各有5个单倍型,阿尔卑斯奶山羊有4个单倍型,崂山奶山羊、吐根堡奶山羊、关中奶山羊、雅安奶山羊各有3个单倍型;各品种核苷酸平均差异数(KXY)范围为6.400 00~38.450 00,核苷酸歧异度(DXY)范围为0.005 79~0.034 76,遗传分化系数(GST)范围为0.000 00~0.186 05,遗传分化指数(FST)范围为0.231 56~0.971 52。品种间系统发育树表明,文登奶山羊和崂山奶山羊聚为一支;关中奶山羊与3种新西兰奶山羊遗传距离较近,从遗传学角度证实了关中奶山羊由国外奶山羊与地方品种经杂交选育而成;雅安奶山羊与其他品种遗传距离最远。[结论]中国奶山羊存在2个支系起源且未发现群体扩张;中国培育奶山羊品种含有较多的国外奶山羊血统;文登奶山羊与崂山奶山羊亲缘关系较近,雅安奶山羊在遗传进化中可能存在地域隔离。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of medetomidine and its antagonism with atipamezole in goats. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective randomized crossover study with 1 week between treatments. ANIMALS: Six healthy 3-year-old neutered goats (three male and three female) weighing 39.1-90.9 kg (60.0 +/- 18 kg, mean +/- SD). METHODS: Goats were given medetomidine (20 microg kg(-1), IV) followed, 25 minutes later, by either atipamezole (100 microg kg(-1), IV) or saline. Heart and respiratory rate, rectal temperature, indirect blood pressure, and mechanical threshold were measured, and sedation and posture were scored and blood samples obtained to measure epinephrine, norepinephrine, free fatty acids, glucose, and cortisol concentrations at baseline (immediately before medetomidine), 5 and 25 minutes after medetomidine administration, and at 5, 30, 60, and 120 minutes after the administration of antagonist or saline. Parametric and nonparametric tests were used to evaluate data; p < 0.05 was considered significant. RESULTS: Medetomidine decreased body temperature, heart rate, and respiratory rate and increased mean arterial blood pressure, cortisol, and glucose. Recumbency occurred 89 +/- 50 seconds after medetomidine administration. All goats were standing 86 +/- 24 seconds after atipamezole administration whereas all goats administered saline were sedate and recumbent at 2 hours. Tolerance to compression of the withers and metacarpus increased with medetomidine. From 5 to 120 minutes after saline or atipamezole administration, there were differences in body temperature, glucose, and cortisol but none in heart rate or blood pressure. Three of the six goats receiving saline developed bloat; five of six urinated. After atipamezole, four of six goats developed piloerection and all goats were agitated and vocalized. CONCLUSION: At the doses used, atipamezole antagonized the effects of medetomidine on recumbency, sedation, mechanical threshold, and the increase in glucose. Atipamezole increased the rate of return of cortisol toward baseline, and prevented further decline in rectal body temperature. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Atipamezole may be used to antagonize some, but not all effects of medetomidine.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the effects of ketamine hydrochloride, xylazine hydrochloride, and lidocaine hydrochloride after subarachnoid administration in goats. ANIMALS: 6 healthy goats. PROCEDURE: In each goat, ketamine (3 mg/kg), xylazine (0.1 mg/kg), lidocaine (2.5 mg/kg), and saline (0.9% NaCI) solution were injected into the subarachnoid space between the last lumbar vertebra and first sacral vertebra (time 0). Analgesic, ataxic, sedative, cardiovascular, and respiratory effects and rectal temperature were evaluated before (baseline) and 2, 5, 10, 15, and 30 minutes after administration and at 30-minute intervals thereafter as needed. RESULTS: Administration of anesthetics induced varying degrees of analgesia. Onset of the analgesic effect was more delayed for xylazine (mean +/- SD, 9.5 +/- 2.6 minutes) than for ketamine (6.7 +/- 2.6 minutes) or lidocaine (3.5 +/- 1.2 minutes). Duration of analgesia induced by xylazine (88.3 +/- 15 minutes) was twice as long as the duration of analgesia induced by ketamine (48.8 +/- 13.5 minutes) but similar to that induced by lidocaine (66.5 +/- 31 minutes). Xylazine induced bradycardia, whereas ketamine caused a nonsignificant increase in heart rate. Xylazine induced a reduction in arterial pressure, whereas ketamine or lidocaine did not affect arterial pressure. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Subarachnoid administration of xylazine in goats resulted in longer duration of analgesia of the tail, perineum, hind limbs, flanks, and caudodorsal rib areas than administration of ketamine or lidocaine. However, xylazine caused bradycardia and respiratory depression. Additional studies are needed to determine whether the analgesia would be sufficient to allow clinicians to perform surgical procedures.  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate the effects of tryptophan (Trp) supplementation on cashmere fiber characteristics and on serum Trp, melatonin (MEL), prolactin (PRL), insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), triiodothyronine (T(3)), and thyroxine (T(4)) concentrations in cashmere goats during the cashmere fast-growth period. Thirty-six Liaoning cashmere wether goats were stratified on the basis of body weight (28 ± 0.8 kg) and assigned randomly to 1 of the following 4 rumen-protected Trp treatments: 0, 2.0, 4.0, and 6.0 g per goat per day. The experimental period lasted 137 d. Blood samples were collected monthly during the daytime (8:00 AM) and at night (8:00 PM). Tryptophan supplementation improved cashmere growth rates, cashmere weight, and body weight (P = 0.001) and increased serum Trp levels, nighttime MEL concentrations, IGF-1, and T(3) and T(4) concentrations (P < 0.05). Across the treatments and sampling months, a highly positive correlation between cashmere growth rate and nighttime serum MEL concentrations was observed (r = 0.879, P = 0.001). A moderately negative correlation between cashmere growth rates and serum PRL concentrations during the day and at night (r(day) = -0.645, P = 0.007; r(night) = -0.583, P = 0.018) was observed. A moderately positive correlation between the cashmere growth rate and the daytime serum IGF-1 concentration (r = 0.536, P = 0.032) was observed, and no correlation was found between the cashmere growth rate and the other serum hormone concentrations. These data indicate that changes in serum concentrations of MEL, IGF-1, and PRL are related to cashmere growth in Liaoning cashmere goats during the cashmere fast-growth period. Under the experimental conditions of the current trial, we suggest that Trp may promote cashmere growth by increasing daytime IGF-1 and nighttime MEL secretion.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to determine the analgesic and systemic effects of subarachnoid administration of xylazine hydrochloride (XY), lidocaine hydrochloride (LI) and their combination (XYLI) in goats. Six healthy goats were used in a prospective randomised study. Three treatments were administered to each goat, with 1-week intervals between each treatment. Treatments consisted of 0.1 mg/kg xylazine, 2.5 mg/kg lidocaine and a combination of xylazine 0.05 (mg/kg) and lidocaine (1.25 mg/kg). Analgesia, ataxic, sedative, cardiovascular and respiratory effects, and rectal temperature were evaluated before (baseline) and at 5, 10, 15, and 30 min after subarachnoid injection, and then at 30-min intervals until loss of analgesia occurred. Lidocaine induced analgesia in 3.1 +/- 1 min (mean +/- SD), which lasted for 66 +/- 31 min. Heart and respiratory rates and blood pressure remained unchanged after lidocaine-induced analgesia. Xylazine induced analgesia in 9.5 +/- 2.6 min and xylazine-lidocaine in 3.2 +/- 1.2 min. Xylazine-lidocaine-induced analgesia lasted longer (178.3 +/- 37 min) than that induced by xylazine (88.3 +/- 15 min). The XYLI treatment induced prolonged motor blocking (115 min), more than the XY (80 min) and LI (90 min) treatments. Both xylazine and xylazine-lidocaine caused significant decreases in the heart and respiratory rates, but not in blood pressure. The combination of xylazine (0.05 mg/kg) and lidocaine (1.25 mg/kg) can be administered subarachnoidally (between last lumbar vertebra and 1st sacral vertebra) to produce prolonged (> 2.5 h) analgesia of the tail, perineum, hind limbs, flanks and caudodorsal rib areas in goats. Despite the prolonged analgesia, using this combination is desirable for relieving postoperative pain, but it may be a disadvantage due to a motor block when dealing with goats.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae and Mycoplasma arginini were the species of Mollicutes most commonly isolated from 175 goats with respiratory disease in Ontario. The pathogenicity of M. ovipneumoniae, strain B321B and M. arginini, strain D53e, was assessed in goats following endobronchial inoculation. One out of three two year old goats developed fever after inoculation with a pure culture of strain B321B, and it had extensive subacute fibrinous pleuritis when necropsied three weeks later. Neither of the remaining goats had lesions in the respiratory tract. Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae was recovered from one of the animals four days after inoculation, but not at necropsy from any of the goats, at which time a marked humoral immune response with growth inhibiting antibodies was detected. In a second experiment three four to five week old goats were inoculated with the same strain and three other goats were given placebo treatment. One experimental goat developed fever and coughing, and it had extensive subacute fibrinous pleuritis in the right side and pneumonia. Another goat had focal pneumonia in the left diaphragmatic lobe. Microscopically there was subacute hyperplastic suppurative bronchiolitis, atelectasis and nonsuppurative alveolitis. The infected animals did not clear the mycoplasma and not all of them produced antibodies. Mycoplasma arginini, strain D53e, did not induce lesions in any of four goat kids within 14 days after inoculation but did cause transient elevations in rectal temperature, circulating monocytes, circulating neutrophils and blood fibrinogen. Mycoplasma arginini was infective and immunogenic for all inoculated animals and showed a particular affinity for the tonsil. Thus, this study provides the first evidence that M. ovipneumoniae is pathogenic for goats causing pneumonia and pleuritis.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Experiments were performed on 11 adult Red Sokoto goats (RSG) with the aim of determining their diurnal temperature fluctuations during the harmattan season. The rectal temperatures (RT) of goats were recorded with a standard clinical thermometer every hour from 06:00 to 19:00 hours. The RT of goats rose gradually from its minimum value of 38.3+/-0.1 degrees C at 06:00 hours and attained its peak value of 39.2+/-0.1 degrees C at 18:00 hours (P < 0.001). Thus, the RT values rose concurrently with increase in ambient temperature. The overall mean RT obtained was 38.7+/-0.1 degrees C. The diurnal fluctuation in the RT of the goats was 1.9+/-0.1 degrees C. There was a highly significant correlation between time of day and RT values (r = 0.947, P < 0.001). The results indicate a diurnal rhythm in the RT of the RSG, which agree with the established pattern of fluctuations in the RT of other breeds of goats. The high diurnal range of 1.9+/-0.1 degrees C confirms that the harmattan season is thermally stressful to the RSG.  相似文献   

Vitamin B12 deficiency was induced in 15 small East African goats by feeding cobalt deficient Chloris gayana hay (containing 0.02 mg of Co/kg dry matter) over a 25 week experimental period. Cobalt was supplemented as an oral drench to supply 0.3 g of Co/goat/week to 15 treated goats. At intervals of 3-4 weeks, serum concentrations of Vitamin B12 , total thyroxine (TT4), free tetra-iodothyronine (FT4) and free tri-iodothyronine (FT3) were determined by radioimmunoassay, while the rate of resting metabolism was determined by measuring the goats' rate of oxygen consumption. Serum Vitamin B12 concentration was significantly higher (p<0.01) in cobalt-treated (289.6 +/- 40.76 pg/ml) than in control (142.8 +/- 28.27 pg/ml) goats. The mean serum TT4 concentration was significantly (p<0.01) higher in control (59.0 +/- 1.70 nmol/l) than in cobalt-treated (51.6 +/- 2.45 nmol/l) goats. However, the levels of FT4, FT3 and the rate of resting metabolism were unaffected by the goats' cobalt status. Furthermore, the goats did not lose weight or become anaemic.  相似文献   

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