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红脂大小蠹的生物学特性及在我国的发生规律   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对红脂大小蠹越冬部位及虫态,胁迫条件下的寄主、生活习性进行模拟试验,对各地红脂大小蠹的年生活史进行系统研究.结果显示,在我国红脂大小蠹各主要发生地,该害虫主要在油松伐桩、衰弱树和新死亡树的根部以大龄和老熟幼虫或少量成虫越冬.在山西、河北和河南、陕西的北部部分发生区,油松伐木树皮下也是红脂大小蠹的重要越冬场所之一 ,红脂大小蠹成虫还可以转主为害.林地火灾、割松脂作业过度和偷砍乱伐等人为不良因素干扰的林地,红脂大小蠹发生程度较重.做好林地的防火、防盗伐 ,合理的抚育是控制红脂大小蠹发生非常重要的措施.  相似文献   

大小蠹植物引诱剂对红脂大小蠹诱引效果试验   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
2000年至2001年,在山西省榆次区庆城林场应用加拿大生产的大小蠹类植物引诱剂对红脂大小蠹(dendroctonux valens LeConte)成虫发生期进行了监测。并开展了大量诱杀试验。结果表明,该引诱剂对红脂大小蠹成虫有较强的引诱作用,60个诱捕器在成虫扬飞期共诱到大小蠹成虫7119头。应用诱捕器后,林地红脂大小蠹被害主下降54.5%,平均侵入孔数下降58.7%。可用于红脂大小蠹的监测和防治。  相似文献   

红脂大小蠹成虫侵入孔的空间分布型研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
应用扩散系数等6种指数法测定了红脂大小蠹成虫侵入孔的空间分布型。结果表明,红脂大小蠹成虫侵入孔的空间分布型呈聚集分布,分布的基本成分是个体群,扩散蔓延规律为聚集型扩散。聚集的原因分析表明,该虫的聚集是由某些环境因素所致,如食物等。  相似文献   

笔者在山西省红脂大小蠹(Dendroctonus valens LeConte)发生地区做了连续调查,结果表明:油松抚育间伐林红脂大小蠹危害重于对照林;割脂与未割脂油松林红脂大小蠹危害差异显著(P=0.001),割脂油松林红脂大小蠹危害重于未割脂油松林;过火与未过火油松林红脂大小蠹危害差异显著(P=0.014),过火油松林红脂大小蠹危害重于未过火油松林;油松混交林与油松纯林红脂大小蠹危害无显著差异(P=0.828),混交林不能减轻红脂大小蠹对油松的危害;不同郁闭度下对应的平均有虫株率不完全相同(P〈0.000 1),郁闭度为0.3,0.4的林分受害最为严重;阴坡与阳坡油松林红脂大小蠹危害差异显著(P=0.000 1),阳坡油松林红脂大小蠹危害重于阴坡油松林。  相似文献   

红脂大小蠹(Dendroctonus valens)于1999年首次在芦芽山地区发现危害油松林,1999年9月至2004年12月对本区红脂大小蠹的生物学特性及防治技术进行了研究。结果表明:红脂大小蠹在本区主要以老熟幼虫、二龄以上幼虫及成虫在主、侧根的虫道内或土层中的干基部分越冬。成虫于5月上中旬开始出孔扬飞,6月初开始产卵,初孵幼虫始见于6月中旬,8月上旬为化蛹始期,8月中旬成虫开始羽化,10月上中旬以各种虫态进入越冬状态。卵历期11 d~15 d,幼虫历期45 d~55 d,蛹期11 d~13 d。综合防治方法主要分越冬期防治、危害期防治、利用天敌防治和采取营林措施。  相似文献   

中条林区红脂大小蠹危害调查初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
红脂大小蠹属鞘翅目大小蠹科 ,自 1998年 9月在晋城市首次捕捉到成虫以来 ,通过数次大规模调查 ,发现全省多数地市都有该虫分布 ,尤以中条山东部和太岳山危害最重 ,全省发生面积达 2 0万 hm2 。该虫以危害油松和华山松为主 ,直接威胁着山西林业的发展 ,已成为山西主要造林树种—油松正常生长的主要障碍。我们于 1999年下半年开始 ,对中条林区的红脂大小蠹危害进行了全面详细的调查 ,现将结果整理初报如下 :1 红脂大小蠹危害对松树生长的影响红脂大小蠹主要侵害松树树干基部和根部 ,既影响松树的生长势 ,抑制松树的高生长和直径生长 ;又可导…  相似文献   

红脂大小蠹诱捕效果影响因子调查与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用引诱剂防治红脂大小蠹以其经济、简便、无污染的优点,成为监测和防治该虫的重要方法。但是,不同位置诱捕器对红脂大小蠹的诱捕效果不同,经调查分析,结果表明:引诱剂种类及其释放速率,诱捕器距虫源距离、诱捕器所处环境位置等因素都对诱捕效果产生直接的影响。应用引诱剂防治红脂大小蠹时,应将引诱剂释放速率调整到250~350 mg/d,诱捕器设置在林外10 m处温暖干爽、四周空旷且距虫源聚集地较近处,诱捕器间距100 m。  相似文献   

温湿度对红脂大小蠹扬飞的影响及其物候观测   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
红脂大小蠹扬飞集中在 5月份 ,通过分析其扬飞量与温湿度等环境因素的变化关系 ,认为温度与红脂大小蠹的扬飞成正相关 ,而湿度相应呈负相关。同时找出了检测红脂大小蠹扬飞正态变化的标志性苗木的花期物候 ,对该虫的科学防治具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

红脂大小蠹防治技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
红脂大小蠢是对松树林造成毁灭性危害的一种害虫.本文通过对红脂大小蠹进行伐桩涂药、虫孔注药、虫孔插毒杆、树干喷药、诱捕器诱杀等试验.得出了最佳防治方法和最佳药剂和剂量,为红脂大小蠹的防治提供了科学依据.  相似文献   

红脂大小蠹越冬场所及成虫出土观察   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
2001-2002年,在山西省中条山森林经营局北坛林场卫村管护站院内和簸箕凹油松人工林中,对红脂大小蠹越冬场所及成虫出土情况进行了观察,结果表明,红脂大小蠹以成虫、幼虫、蛹越冬。越冬场所包括伐桩根及受害木的根、干部和干基部,在干部和干基部不能正常越冬,死亡率极高,在根部能正常越冬,是次年扩散为害的主要虫源。越冬成虫可以由根部直接钻出土表转移为害。  相似文献   

Non-host volatiles (NHVs) that are often reported as being disruptive to coniferophagous bark beetles were tested for both electrophysiological and behavioral effects on the red turpentine beetle, Dendroctonus valens LeConte (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae), which was accidentally introduced into China in the mid-1980’s. All NHVs tested elicited dose-dependent antennal responses by D. valens. In Y-tube olfactometer trials, D. valens were repelled by NHVs tested. When NHVs were added to a kairomone blend, responses of D. valens were significantly inhibited. Further field trapping experiments showed that attraction of D. valens to kairomone baited traps was reduced by all individual NHVs, with reductions ranging from 26.3 to 70%. 1-Octen-3-ol, (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol, and (E)-2-hexen-1-ol were the three most effective NHVs, significantly reducing D. valens to kairomone-baited traps by 69.5, 68.3 and 66.0%, respectively. In the development and implementation of a semiochemical-based management programme for D. valens, NHVs may have considerable potential for disrupting the beetle’s ability to locate suitable hosts.  相似文献   

利用树木解剖及昆虫饲养选择的方法调查红脂大小蠹的捕食性天敌,发现一种鞘翅目颚甲科的昆虫为红脂大小蠹的天敌.利用Y-型嗅觉仪进一步研究发现健康油松挥发物、虫害油松挥发物及虫粪挥发物对该天敌昆虫都有显著的引诱作用,尤其对虫害油松挥发物趋向行为更强烈.该天敌昆虫在栖境定位和寄主选择过程中所利用的挥发物主要来自上述3类挥发物.4种单萜烯化合物对此种天敌昆虫的室内引诱实验发现,(S)-( )-3-蒈烯对天敌的引诱作用较为强烈.  相似文献   

紫胶种植园中的粗纹举腹蚁与云南紫胶虫之间存在互利共生关系,为了揭示粗纹举腹蚁蚁巢和种群的时空分布,于2009年11月至2010年7月在云南省墨江县雅邑乡的紫胶林和对照林内分别调查了粗纹举腹蚁巢的数量、空间位置和体积,记录了蚁巢数量和工蚁数量的时间动态变化。结果表明:紫胶林中的蚁巢数量和工蚁数量均显著高于对照林;蚁巢的集群分布、随机分布和离散分布模式在研究样地内均有出现,但紫胶林中的随机分布频率高于对照林;蚁巢数量与工蚁数量随月份变化,紫胶虫成虫期的工蚁数量略高于紫胶虫幼虫期。本研究结果表明蚂蚁与紫胶虫的互利共生改变了蚁巢的分布模式,增加了蚂蚁的种群数量,为在紫胶种植园中利用粗纹举腹蚁进行生物防控提供了一定的生物学依据。  相似文献   

Four treatments (control, burn-only, thin-only, and thin-and-burn) were evaluated for their effects on bark beetle-caused mortality in both the short-term (one to four years) and the long-term (seven years) in mixed-conifer forests in western Montana, USA. In addition to assessing bark beetle responses to these treatments, we also measured natural enemy landing rates and resin flow of ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) the season fire treatments were implemented. All bark beetles were present at low population levels (non-outbreak) for the duration of the study. Post-treatment mortality of trees due to bark beetles was lowest in the thin-only and control units and highest in the units receiving burns. Three tree-killing bark beetle species responded positively to fire treatments: Douglas-fir beetle (Dendroctonus pseudotsugae), pine engraver (Ips pini), and western pine beetle (Dendroctonus brevicomis). Red turpentine beetle (Dendroctonus valens) responded positively to fire treatments, but never caused mortality. Three fire damage variables tested (height of crown scorch, percent circumference of the tree bole scorched, or degree of ground char) were significant factors in predicting beetle attack on trees. Douglas-fir beetle and pine engraver responded rapidly to increased availability of resources (fire-damaged trees); however, successful attacks dropped rapidly once these resources were depleted. Movement to green trees by pine engraver was not observed in plots receiving fire treatments, or in thinned plots where slash supported substantial reproduction by this beetle. The fourth tree-killing beetle present at the site, the mountain pine beetle, did not exhibit responses to any treatment. Natural enemies generally arrived at trees the same time as host bark beetles. However, the landing rates of only one, Medetera spp., was affected by treatment. This predator responded positively to thinning treatments. This insect was present in very high numbers indicating a regulatory effect on beetles, at least in the short-term, in thinned stands. Resin flow decreased from June to August. However, resin flow was significantly higher in trees in August than in June in fire treatments. Increased flow in burned trees later in the season did not affect beetle attack success. Overall, responses by beetles to treatments were short-term and limited to fire-damaged trees. Expansions into green trees did not occur. This lack of spread was likely due to a combination of high tree vigor in residual stands and low background populations of bark beetles.  相似文献   

云南切梢小蠹(Tomicus yunnanensis Kirkendall and Faccoli)是云南松(Pinus yunnanensis Franchet)的主要害虫之一[1],该虫于20世纪80年代首次在滇中地区大面积危害,以后蔓延至云南省15个州(市)65个县,迄今已导致6万多公顷云南松林死亡[2-5].2008年以前,该虫曾经长期被认为是纵坑切梢小蠹(Tomicus piniperda L.)[1].与大多数小蠹相似,云南切梢小蠹钻蛀在树皮与边材之间,终生潜伏生活,只有新成虫羽化后的短暂时间飞离树身,在林中活动、觅食、交配,另筑坑道入侵新寄主[6-7].  相似文献   

Many forests that historically experienced frequent low-intensity wildfires have undergone extensive alterations during the past century. Prescribed fire is now commonly used to restore these fire-adapted forest ecosystems. In this study, we examined the influence of prescribed burn season on levels of tree mortality attributed to prescribed fire effects (direct mortality) and bark beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae) (indirect mortality) in ponderosa pine, Pinusponderosa Dougl. ex Laws., and Jeffrey pine, Pinusjeffreyi Grev. and Balf., forests in California, USA. A total of 816 trees (9.9% of all trees) died during this 3-yr study. Significantly higher levels of tree mortality (all sources) occurred following early and late season burns compared to the untreated control, but no significant difference was observed between burn treatments. The majority (461 trees) of tree deaths were attributed to direct mortality from prescribed burns and was strongly concentrated (391 trees) in the smallest diameter class (<20.2 cm diameter at breast height, dbh). For the largest trees (>50.7 cm dbh), significantly higher levels of tree mortality occurred on early season burns than the untreated control, most of which resulted from indirect mortality attributed to bark beetle attacks, specifically western pine beetle, Dendroctonus brevicomis LeConte, and mountain pine beetle, D. ponderosae Hopkins. Red turpentine beetle, D. valens LeConte, was the most common bark beetle species found colonizing trees, but tree mortality was not attributed to this species. A total of 355 trees (4.3% of all trees) were killed by bark beetles. Dendroctonus brevicomis (67 trees, 18.9%) and D. ponderosae (56 trees, 15.8%), were found colonizing P. ponderosa; and Jeffrey pine beetle, D. jeffreyi Hopkins, was found colonizing P. jeffreyi (seven trees, 2.0%). We also found pine engraver, Ips pini (Say) (137 trees, 38.6%), and, to a much lesser extent, Orthotomicus (=Ips) latidens (LeConte) (85 trees, 23.9%) and emarginate ips, I. emarginatus (LeConte) (3 trees, 0.8%) colonizing P. ponderosa and P. jeffreyi. Few meaningful differences in levels of indirect tree mortality attributed to bark beetle attack were observed between early and late season burns. The incidence of root and root collar pathogens (Leptographium and Sporothrix spp.), including species known to be vectored by bark beetles, was low (18% of trees sampled). The implications of these and other results to management of P. ponderosa and P. jeffreyi forests are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

在太行山石灰岩中山区,以侧柏、油松2年生苗为研究对象,选择地膜、石块等材料覆盖,进行水分胁迫试验,每天3次用TDR测定土壤含水量,记录苗木严重萎蔫时的时间。结果表明:地膜覆盖盆植侧柏苗各层土壤温度均高于对照,而在生态垫覆盖下均低于对照;两种覆盖处理均能明显增加侧柏苗的土壤体积含水量,且延长侧柏苗存活天数10 d以上;覆盖处理盆植油松苗各层土壤温度与对照间均无显著差异;地膜和生态垫覆盖下油松苗的土壤体积含水量显著高于对照,石块覆盖下的土壤体积含水量与对照间无显著差异;地膜、生态垫、石块覆盖的油松幼树存活天数明显长于对照,以地膜覆盖延长的时间最多;侧柏苗和油松苗的致死土壤体积含水量分别为6.7%和7.8%。  相似文献   

植物功能性状由生境条件和遗传因素共同决定,田间控制实验能够揭示植物功能性状在种内和种间的变异程度.采集南北样带温带区8个地点6种栎属树种的种子,通过田间栽培试验,以均一环境下1年生幼苗为对象,研究比较种内及种间比叶重、单位叶面积光合速率、单位叶重量光合速率、总干物质含量和根冠比5种功能性状的变化差异,并且分析幼苗功能性状与种子性状的关系.结果发现:栎属树种种间幼苗的功能性状变异系数高于种内,并且种内功能性状的差异较小,种间差异性较大,而比叶重和叶片光合速率无论在种间还是种内,其变异率都较小;总干物质量和根冠比与种子质量显著相关,随种子质量增加幼苗的总干物质量和根冠比呈现增加的趋势,比叶重和叶片光合速率与种子质量的相关性较小.  相似文献   

Rotation periods control not only the above-ground growth but also the assimilate transfer to the root systems in Short Rotation Coppice (SRC). Since assimilates are needed for the nutrient supply of associated mycorrhizal fungi, their control by rotation period length seems most probable. One poplar (Populus nigra × maximowiczii cv. Max 4) and one willow clone (Salix viminalis clone 78–101) cultivated as SRC were investigated on their ectomycorrhiza formation in response to 15 years of continuous different rotation periods (three and six years) at the same test site in Northern Germany. On the poplar clone the frequency of ectomycorrhizae was significantly lower in 6-year than in 3-year rotation. On the willow clone frequency of ectomycorrhizae was not significantly affected, but the portion of dead fine roots was significantly higher in the 6-year than in the 3-year rotation in autumn. In both rotation systems, the frequency of ectomycorrhizal (EM) colonisation was significantly higher in autumn than in spring. Five EM morphotypes were found on the poplar and seven on the willow clone. EM morphotypes which were common on both clones were formed with two fungal partners of the Pezizales (Geopora cervina, Tuber rufum), one of the Agaricales (Laccaria sp.) and one of the Thelephorales (Thelephoraceae). In spring G. cervina constituted the largest part of all observed EM morphotypes on P. nigra × maximowiczii and S. viminalis. The results indicated a selective promotion of EM formation of some Pezizales (Tuber and Peziza spp.) and some Agaricales (Laccaria spp.) due to shorter rotations, and a selective promotion of other Agaricales (Inocybe sp.) and Boletales (Scleroderma spp.) due to longer rotations. This might allow selective manipulation of the mycorrhizal diversity by the selection of the rotation system. A future challenge will be to select which mycorrhizal diversity might be more advantageous for the vitality and biomass production of poplar and willow clones.  相似文献   

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