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怎样选择笼养鸟饲养笼鸟,应从种类和个体两方面进行选择。一、羽色体态漂亮的笼鸟有虎皮鹦鹉、金山珍珠等,但其鸣声不甚优美。二、鸣声悦耳的笼鸟有画眉、黄雀、鹊鸲等。三、能歌善舞的笼鸟如百灵、云雀,经过一段时间的训练,能边舞边鸣唱。四、表演技艺的笼鸟如黄雀、...  相似文献   

怎样饲养虎皮鹦鹉孙继和(江苏南通市罐头食品厂226005)虎皮鹦鹉又名娇凤,是驰名中外的笼养鸟之一。它羽毛艳丽,生性温柔,姿态静逸,因此,喜欢养虎皮鹦鹉的人越来越多,但光有养鸟的兴趣还不行,还要讲究技术,掌握饲养方法。虎皮鹦鹉可以成对饲养,也可以成群...  相似文献   

山东招远市蚕庄镇许家村,曾是远近文明的养殖虎皮鹦鹉的专业村,其饲养量最多达几万只,可称得上家家养鸟,户户发财,此鸟小巧玲珑,羽毛艳丽,观赏价高,还具有喂料少,易饲养,能繁殖,投入少,效益高的特点,成鸟不仅鸣声悦耳,且可用手擎着  相似文献   

1虎皮鹦鹉的养殖技术 虎皮鹦鹉又叫娇凤、彩凤、阿苏儿,原产于澳大利亚,后经人工培育现已成为世界性的笼养鸟,各国都有饲养。这种鸟羽毛华丽,易于饲养,可大量繁殖供人们玩赏。  相似文献   

在牡丹鹦鹉的繁殖中,由于某些珍稀品种抱窝性较差,而造成繁殖率下降。为了提高繁殖率,提高经济效益,人们常采用保姆育雏法,又称转蛋抱窝、转窝代孵。它是目前牡丹鹦鹉繁殖中最常用的技术之一。即用低档牡丹鹦鹉或虎皮鹦鹉来担任保姆鸟,代孵高档的牡丹鹦鹉。本文简述一下此法的一般操作。1用低档的牡丹鹦鹉转蛋抱窝高档牡丹鹦鹉1.1保姆鸟的选择保姆育雏与自繁自养存在着很大的区别,不是保姆鸟能抱所有的高档鸟,而且,不同阶段选用的保姆鸟及代孵的高档鸟对象也不同。养鸟者在实践中总结了一些规律。即:棕头牡丹鹦鹉转蛋抱窝绿黑头、黑头脸和绿…  相似文献   

1995年 3月~ 1 997年 7月 ,在长沙动物园对虎皮鹦鹉的人工繁殖习性进行了观察。结果表明 ,虎皮鹦鹉的繁殖期为 3月中旬~ 6月中旬 ;年产 2窝 ,窝产卵数为 4~ 7枚 ;雌鸟担任孵化 ,孵卵期为 ( 1 9± 2 )d ,孵化率为 86 8% ;育雏期 ( 30± 5 )d ,育成率为 92 3%。  相似文献   

<正> 家庭养鸟,环境和饲料是养好鸟的关键,要使鸟健康的生活,为繁殖和鸣唱做好充分准备,必须掌握规律性、制定管理措施.笼具的选择:饲养绯胸鹦鹉、牡丹鹦鹉、虎皮鹦鹉必须用金属笼,内放食罐、水  相似文献   

鹦鹉热衣原体为人畜共患性病原体,人被感染后称之为鹦鹉热或鸟疫。1982年,西宁市人民公园由江苏邳县引进150余对虎皮鹦鹉与本园鹦鹉同舍饲养,9月上旬鹦鹉起病,20余日死亡过半,为了查明原因及与人群的关系,在有关单位的协助下进行了病原体分离和血清学检查,初步认为新分离的病  相似文献   

鸟多瘤病的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
鸟多瘤病是近年来新发现的一种鸟类病毒性传染病,该病于1981年首次在美国和加拿大的澳洲长尾小鹦鹉(虎皮鹦鹉)的雏鸟中被观察到[2]。疫病因多发生在2-3周龄的雏鸟,即羽毛逐渐丰满阶段,所以当时被称为澳洲长尾小鹦鹉丰羽疾病(BudgerigarfiedglingIn。,BFD)。该病病原很快被确定,并被命名为澳洲长尾小鹦鹉丰羽病病毒(BFDV)。现在这种病毒已经传播到全世界,对虎皮鹦鹉和其它外来品种鸟的饲养造成了灾难性的损失。然而,随着研究的不断深人,多瘤病毒在不同种的非澳洲长尾小白鹉、鸥鸟和家养鸟中逐渐被发现,有的学者认为,鸟…  相似文献   

雌雄比例失调是画眉鸟当前严重生态问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《野生动物》杂志社: 画眉属鸟纲,画眉科。眼圈白色,向后延伸呈蛾眉状而得名。为我国南部留鸟。由于其雄鸟善鸣喜斗,鸣声婉转,是民间常见的笼养鸟,更得到海外人士的喜欢。但近年来由于捕捉日甚以至山中画眉雌雄比例严重失调,从而影响繁殖,使得画眉日渐稀少。笔者到贵州雷公山区考寨,只见凯里市苹果山公园、大阁山公园、雷山县马家屯溜鸟处有鸣声,西江镇苗寨屋檐鸟笼中有叫声,而深山中反而没有雄鸟的鸣叫声。有时可以见到雌鸟在笼子周围窃窃私语,仿佛在诉说相思之苦。而雄鸟则在笼中又蹦又叫仿佛大喊“我没有罪!”。赶场日你可…  相似文献   

以尼克红商品蛋鸡鸡胚和出壳雏鸡为材料,分析了不同出雏时间雏鸡性比例的变化,旨在探讨出雏时间与雏鸡性别的关系及鸡胚在孵化期不同性别生长发育的规律,为精细调控孵化条件和制定鸡苗销售计划提供依据。结果表明,不同时间出壳的雏鸡,性比例存在明显差异(P<0.05或P<0.01),并呈现出明显的规律性。在20d12h之前出壳的母雏比公雏多,20d时母雏比例最高(公母性比值为0.268±0.054);其后公雏比例增加,到21d时公雏比例最高(公母性比值为2.184±0.090);此后,母雏比例又逐渐增加。到21d16h时公母比例降低到1.453±0.099;但接近出雏结束时,公雏比例又有所回升,至出雏结束时,公母比例上升为1.75±0.057。  相似文献   


The aim of our study was to investigate the effect of rearing system (mixed or single-sex) on performance and carcass quality of entire male and female pigs slaughtered at around 90 or 115 kg live weight. We also studied the combined effect of live weight and dietary supplement of raw potato starch (RPS) on technological meat quality for both sexes, and boar taint compounds in entire male pigs. Furthermore, we investigated pre-slaughter routines (pen-wise or mixing with unfamiliar pigs) and sexual maturity. A total of 408 growing/finishing pigs were included in this two-year study. Performance did not differ significantly between entire male and female pigs irrespective of rearing system, except for daily weight gain in the interval from 90 kg to slaughter. Mixed pigs had significantly higher daily weight gain in this interval than single-sex pigs. Entire male pigs had higher carcass lean meat content than female pigs (1.6 percentage units). Technological meat quality differed only slightly between the sexes. Females reared in mixed pens were sexually more mature than female pigs reared in single-sex pens, and mature females had higher growth rate but lower meat content in carcasses than immature females. In contrast, female contact did not influence sexual maturity of entire male pigs. Mixing entire male pigs with unfamiliar pigs at the abattoir resulted in more damaged skin compared with pen-wise keeping whereas female pigs had almost no visible skin damage. We therefore recommend that entire male pigs are not mixed with unfamiliar pigs during transport and at the abattoir, because of fighting and subsequent skin damage. The levels of skatole in fat were significantly lower in high-weight entire male pigs fed RPS compared to high-weight pigs without RPS. Androstenone levels in fat were high in all groups.  相似文献   

The fact that male cats are routinely castrated prior to full sexual maturity for behavioral reasons prompted a survey of the prevalence of these behaviors in prepubertally gonadectomized male and female cats. About 10% of the 134 male and 5% of the 152 female cats studied engaged in spraying on a frequent basis later in adult life. Problem spraying and fighting in males was of the same order of magnitude as in males castrated in adulthood after the problem behaviors had appeared. The age of prepubertal castration, ranging from 6 to 10 months, had no influence on spraying or fighting later in life. It was found that male cats are more likely to spray and fight if they are in households with female cats than with other male cats. With regard to female cats, spraying or fighting was less than that of male cats. Age at the time of gonadectomy was not a factor in their tendency to spray or fight. Possible prenatal masculinization of female fetuses by male fetuses, as revealed by littermate composition, was not a factor in the predisposition of female cats to spray or fight.  相似文献   

Effect of the strain combination of the donor and recipient on production efficiency of W‐bearing sperm in mixed‐sex chimeric testes was analyzed. The combinations of the donors and recipients were White Leghorn (WL) and Rhode Island Red (RIR), and vice versa. Generated mixed‐sex chimeras that had the male phenotype at sexual maturity were classified into four groups: (1) a female WL donor and a male RIR recipient; (2) a male WL donor and a female RIR recipient; (3) a female RIR donor and a male WL recipient; (4) a male RIR donor and a female WL recipient. The mean number of W‐bearing sperm detected by in situ hybridization among 10 000 sperm observed were 147, 165, 30 and 45 in groups 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively. The numbers in groups 1 and 2 were both significantly higher than those of groups 3 and 4 (P < 0.05). The combination of a WL donor and a RIR recipient produced W‐bearing sperm more efficiently than the reverse combination.  相似文献   

日粮添加大豆黄酮对去势仔猪生长性能及有关内分泌的影响   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
断奶仔猪 (公母均去势 )随机分为对照组和实验组 ,分别饲喂基础日粮和基础日粮添加 5mg/kg日粮的大豆黄酮 ,试验期持续一个月。与对照组相比 ,实验组的增重和饲料利用率均有所改善 ,但存在明显的性别差异 :雄性去势仔猪增重提高 5 9.15 % (P <0 .0 1) ,但雌性去势仔猪低 2 6 .39% (P <0 .0 5 ) ;血液胰岛素样生长因子 (IGF I)含量平均提高 2 6 .6 0 % (P <0 .0 5 ) ,公、母分别为提高 5 0 .91%和降低 9.6 6 % ;睾酮含量提高 17.4 6 % (P <0 .0 5 ) ,其中雄性提高 18.4 1% ,而雌性降低 6 .86 % ;血钙含量提高 11.78% (P <0 .0 5 ) ,其中雄、雌分别提高 17.92 % (P <0 .0 5 )和 6 .4 7%。上述实验结果表明 ,大豆黄酮对去势仔猪生长和有关激素状态表现明显的性别差异性。能够显著促进去势仔公猪生长和睾酮、IGF I分泌 ,而对雌性去势仔猪则起抑制性影响  相似文献   

叶城沙蜥是一种主要分布于中国新疆南部地区的蜥蜴,通过测量和比较采自新疆塔里木盆地且末县叶城沙蜥的个体大小以及口宽等8个形态特征,研究了叶城沙蜥的两性异形。研究共采集叶城沙蜥62只,其中成年雌性个体27只,雄性个体35只。结果显示:(1)叶城沙蜥雌雄性成体的体长有显著差异,雄性大于雌性,表明叶城沙蜥具有雄性偏大的两性异形模式;(2)叶城沙蜥其他身体形态特征中尾长、腹长和头长3个特征有显著差异,其中雄性的尾长和头长大于雌性,而雌性的腹长大于雄性;(3)叶城沙蜥雌雄性个体间的口宽、眼间距等其他形态特征则没有显著差异。叶城沙蜥的两性异形表现为雄性大于雌性,并且雄性具有更大的头部和更长的尾部,雌性具有更长有腹部,这可能是雄性个体面临的性选择压力与雌性个体面临的繁殖压力共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

Animals communicate with potential mates using species‐specific signals, and pheromones are powerful sexual signals that modify conspecific behavior to facilitate mate location. Among the vertebrates, snakes are especially adept in mate searching via chemical trailing, which is particularly relevant given that many snake species are invasive outside their native ranges. Chemical signals used in mate choice are, thus, potentially valuable tools for management of invasive snake species. The Burmese python (Python bivittatus) is an invasive snake in the Florida Everglades where it is negatively impacting native fauna. In this study, we sought to: (i) determine if males can follow conspecific chemical trails in a Y‐maze; and (ii) describe the mate searching behaviors exhibited by males while trailing. All males consistently followed a single female scent trail in the maze, but when only a male scent trail was present they did not discriminate between the male and blank arms. Rate of tongue‐flicking, a proxy for chemosensory sampling, was also marginally higher when males were following female versus male scent trails. However, when both female and male scent trails were simultaneously present in the Y‐maze, males did not show a preference for the female arm, although the tongue‐flick rate was higher in the female‐only trial compared to female versus male. Analyses of multiple male behaviors individually and using an ethogram revealed that behaviors were more frequent and complex in the female‐only trials compared to male‐only trials. Additional behavioral trials are needed to determine if an effective pheromonal approach to Burmese python management is possible.  相似文献   

2000年6月~2001年2月,对甘肃兴隆山保护区麝场性活跃程度不同的雌麝行为进行了研究,结果表明,由于对圈养环境的敏感度及育幼投资的不同,性活跃雌麝在非交配季节的站立凝视行为持续时间为(109.50±24.56)s,显著地多于性不活跃雌麝(56.58±15.60)s(P<0.05);在交配季节,性活跃雌麝的站立凝视行为持续时间为(103.15±14.48)s,也同样地显著多于性不活跃雌麝(48.00±27.60)s(P<0.05)。性不活跃雌麝在交配季节和非交配季节的环境探究均显著多于性活跃雌麝,而且前者在交配季节的冲突行为也显著较多,推测可能与圈养环境下的刻板行为发育有关。此外,性活跃雌麝在交配季节通过蹭尾行为的表达加强了信息标记。在驯养实践中,雌麝站立凝视持续时间的相对长短可以作为种麝遴选的参考标准。  相似文献   

A case of animal sexual abuse and sadism in a female sheep is described. The animal suffered severe genital tract injury most likely caused by the insertion and manipulation of a branch of wood and by penile penetration by a human male. Postmortem examination revealed multiple perforations of the vagina with massive haemorrhages. Animal sexual abuse is a complex diagnostic problem in veterinary medicine. Reported cases are often linked to sadism and often lead to the animal's death. Veterinarians should keep in mind animal sexual abuse as a differential diagnosis in cases of anogenital injuries of unknown origin.  相似文献   

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