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Contagious caprine pleuropneumonia (CCPP) is a serious disease of goats, occasionally sheep and wild ruminants, caused by Mycoplasma capricolum subspecies capripneumoniae (Mccp). The disease is characterized by severe serofibrinous pleuropneumonia, very high morbidity (~100%), and mortality (80–100%). CCPP affects goats in more than 40 countries of the world thereby posing a serious threat to goat farming around the globe. The characteristic clinical signs of CCPP are severe respiratory distress associated with sero-mucoid nasal discharge, coughing, dyspnea, pyrexia, pleurodynia, and general malaise. In later stages, severe lobar fibrinous pleuropneumonia, profuse fluid accumulation in pleural cavity, severe congestion of lungs and adhesion formation is observed. Mycoplasmal antigen interactions with host immune system and its role in CCPP pathogenesis are not clearly understood. CCPP is not a zoonotic disease. Diagnosis has overcome cumbersome and lengthy conventional tests involving culture, isolation, and identification by advanced serological (LAT, cELISA) or gene-based amplification of DNA (PCR, RFLP, and hybridization) and sequencing. The latex agglutination test (LAT) is rapid, simple, and better test for field and real-time diagnosis applicable to whole blood or serum and is more sensitive than the CFT and easier than the cELISA. Moreover, the studies on antibiotic sensitivity and exploration of novel antibiotics (fluoroquinolones, macrolides) can help in better therapeutic management besides preventing menace of antibiotic resistance. Re-visiting conventional prophylactic measures focussing on developing novel strain-based or recombinant vaccines using specific antigens (capsular or cellular) should be the most important strategy for controlling the disease worldwide.  相似文献   

This review converses the Zika virus which has attained global concern due to its rapid pandemic potential and impact on humans. Though Zika virus was first isolated in 1947, till the recent large-scale outbreak which occurred in Micronesia, in 2007, the virus was placed into the innocuous pathogen category. The World Health Organization on 1 February 2016 declared it as a ‘Public Health Emergency of International Concern.’ Of the note, American as well as Pacific Island strains/isolates is relatively closer to Asian lineage strains. The African and American strains share more than 87.5% and 95% homologies with Asian strains/isolates, respectively. Asian strains form independent clusters, except those isolated from China, suggesting relatively more diversity than African strains. Prevention and control are mainly aimed at the vector population (mosquitoes) with Aedes aegypti being the main species. Surveys in Africa and Asia indicated seropositivity in various animal species. However, so far its natural reservoir is unknown. There is an urgent need to understand why Zika virus has shifted from being a virus that caused mild illness to unforeseen birth defects as well as autoimmune-neurological problems. Unfortunately, an effective vaccine is not available yet. Availability of cryo-electron microscopy based on 3.8 Å resolution revealing mature Zika virus structure and the probable virus attachment site to host cell would provide critical insights into the development of antiviral treatments and vaccines.  相似文献   

Nipah (Nee-pa) viral disease is a zoonotic infection caused by Nipah virus (NiV), a paramyxovirus belonging to the genus Henipavirus of the family Paramyxoviridae. It is a biosafety level-4 pathogen, which is transmitted by specific types of fruit bats, mainly Pteropus spp. which are natural reservoir host. The disease was reported for the first time from the Kampung Sungai Nipah village of Malaysia in 1998. Human-to-human transmission also occurs. Outbreaks have been reported also from other countries in South and Southeast Asia. Phylogenetic analysis affirmed the circulation of two major clades of NiV as based on currently available complete N and G gene sequences. NiV isolates from Malaysia and Cambodia clustered together in NiV-MY clade, whereas isolates from Bangladesh and India clusterered within NiV-BD clade. NiV isolates from Thailand harboured mixed population of sequences. In humans, the virus is responsible for causing rapidly progressing severe illness which might be characterized by severe respiratory illness and/or deadly encephalitis. In pigs below six months of age, respiratory illness along with nervous symptoms may develop. Different types of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays along with molecular methods based on polymerase chain reaction have been developed for diagnostic purposes. Due to the expensive nature of the antibody drugs, identification of broad-spectrum antivirals is essential along with focusing on small interfering RNAs (siRNAs). High pathogenicity of NiV in humans, and lack of vaccines or therapeutics to counter this disease have attracted attention of researchers worldwide for developing effective NiV vaccine and treatment regimens.  相似文献   

仙台病毒(sendai-virus),又名(hemagglutinatingvirus of Japan,HVJ)是实验啮齿类动物的最难控制的疾病之一.其影响和干扰实验,当仙台病毒和绿脓杆菌存在时,如把动物用于放射或使用免疫抑制剂实验可引起发病死亡.  相似文献   

Twenty days after an open castration, a 5-year-old dromedary was presented to the Dubai Camel Hospital with severe central nervous symptoms. The dromedary showed the following signs: off feed, stiff gait with extended neck, external swelling of the preputial sheath and groin region, and foamy saliva drooling from the mouth. The dromedary was unable to swallow. Three days after admission, the camel developed lockjaw, and on the fifth day it was unable to stand owing to paralysis of the hindquarters. Because of the severity of the disease and because it did not respond to treatment, the camel was euthanized 26 days after the operation and submitted to the Central Veterinary Research Laboratory for further investigation. Both castration wounds were closed and spermiducts were filled with necrotic masses from which Clostridium tetani was isolated. Two mice, which were injected with the filtrate of the thioglycolate broth, developed typical signs of tetanic spasm of the hind leg. Faecal samples from camel and horse paddocks that were only 50 metres apart were negative for C. tetani. However, C. tetani was isolated from two soil samples of the horse paddock. It is recommended that camels should be vaccinated against tetanus prior to castration.  相似文献   

Ebola virus (EBOV) is an extremely contagious pathogen and causes lethal hemorrhagic fever disease in man and animals. The recently occurred Ebola virus disease (EVD) outbreaks in the West African countries have categorized it as an international health concern. For the virus maintenance and transmission, the non-human primates and reservoir hosts like fruit bats have played a vital role. For curbing the disease timely, we need effective therapeutics/prophylactics, however, in the absence of any approved vaccine, timely diagnosis and monitoring of EBOV remains of utmost importance. The technologically advanced vaccines like a viral-vectored vaccine, DNA vaccine and virus-like particles are underway for testing against EBOV. In the absence of any effective control measure, the adaptation of high standards of biosecurity measures, strict sanitary and hygienic practices, strengthening of surveillance and monitoring systems, imposing appropriate quarantine checks and vigilance on trade, transport, and movement of visitors from EVD endemic countries remains the answer of choice for tackling the EBOV spread. Herein, we converse with the current scenario of EBOV giving due emphasis on animal and veterinary perspectives along with advances in diagnosis and control strategies to be adopted, lessons learned from the recent outbreaks and the global preparedness plans. To retrieve the evolutionary information, we have analyzed a total of 56 genome sequences of various EBOV species submitted between 1976 and 2016 in public databases.  相似文献   

Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) infection has been the focus of several studies because this virus exhibits genetic and pathogenic characteristics that are similar to those of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). FIV causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in cats, nevertheless, a large fraction of infected cats remain asymptomatic throughout life despite of persistent chronic infection. This slow disease progression may be due to the presence of factors that are involved in the natural resistance to infection and the immune response that is mounted by the animals, as well as due to the adaptation of the virus to the host. Therefore, the study of virus–host interaction is essential to the understanding of the different patterns of disease course and the virus persistence in the host, and to help with the development of effective vaccines and perhaps the cure of FIV and HIV infections.  相似文献   

When Bill Manktelow died at his home in his 74th year on the 3rd of May, the veterinary profession lost a major figure whose work over 50 years has influenced many people in all branches of the profession.  相似文献   

A female buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) of the Bulgarian Murrah breed aged 1,090 days was observed to give birth to a second newborn (normally developed male) after she had calved (normal female) 49 days earlier. This phenomenon is highly associated with her melatonin treatment within a trial for induction of puberty, the last ear implants being placed approximately 50 days before the assumed date of first mating, to which point the level of progesterone had increased dramatically. Despite none of the matings of the dam was visually witnessed to prove ovulation over an existing gestation, we take the liberty to qualify this phenomenon as superfetation, ruling out the other possible phenomena, namely embryonic diapause as it is highly unlikely to occur in any livestock species, and differentiated development of twin foetuses as it is associated with foetal malformation, which was not observed in this case.  相似文献   

Marek’s disease virus type 1 (MDV-1) shows a strict dependency on the direct cell-to-cell spread for its propagation in cell culture. As MDV-1 shows an impaired nuclear egress in cell culture, we wished to address the characterization of capsid/tegument genes which may intervene in the maturation of intranuclear capsids. Orthologs of UL17 are present in all herpesviruses and, in all reported case, were shown to be essential for viral growth, playing a role in capsid maturation and DNA packaging. As only HSV-1 and PrV UL17 proteins have been characterized so far, we wished to examine the role of MDV-1 pUL17 in virus replication. To analyze MDV-1 UL17 gene function, we created deletion mutants or point mutated the open reading frame (ORF) to interrupt its coding phase. We established that a functional ORF UL17 is indispensable for MDV-1 growth. We chose to characterize the virally encoded protein by tagging the 729 amino-acid long protein with a repeat of the HA peptide that was fused to its C-terminus. Protein pUL17 was identified in infected cell extracts as an 82 kDa protein which localized to the nucleus, colocalizing with VP5, the major capsid protein, and VP13/14, a major tegument protein. By using green fluorescent protein fusion and HA tagged proteins expressed under the cytomegalovirus IE gene enhancer/promoter (PCMV IE), we showed that MDV-1 pUL17 nuclear distribution in infected cells is not an intrinsic property. Although our results strongly suggest that another viral protein retains (or relocate) pUL17 to the nucleus, we report that none of the tegument protein tested so far were able to mediate pUL17 relocation to the nucleus.  相似文献   

1. The effect of lactic acid marination at 5°C on post mortem changes in breast muscle pectoralis major of spent layer Tsaiya duck was studied.

2. Myofibrils were prepared from 0.1 M and 0.2 M lactic acid marinated muscle and control (non‐marinated samples) sampled at 0, 1, 3, 7 and 14 d post mortem.

3. Changes in myofibril fragmentation index (MFI), myofibrillar proteins and Z‐line structure were examined.

4. Marination of duck breast muscle in lactic acid at 5°C enhanced fragmentation of myofibrils and degradation of myofibrillar proteins and Z‐line structure as compared to control samples.

5. In summary, lactic acid marination at 5°C can accelerate the post mortem degradation of myofibrils in Tsaiya duck breast muscle.  相似文献   


In the European Union, vaccination campaigns against Pseudorabies virus (PRV) in swine have been started to eradicate PRV. Specific sampling designs are needed to monitor PRV seroprevalence at a regional level. This paper demonstrates how sampling theory can be applied to design a disease seroprevalence survey, using PRV as an example. In the spring of 1994, the four regions in the Netherlands covered by the regional Animal Health Services were monitored with respect to PRV seroprevalence. Per region, blood samples from approximately 1400 herds, with two animals per herd, were collected. The sampling design accounted for stratification by fattening pig and sow population within each region. The regional PRV seroprevalence of swine in the Southern region was the highest (24.9%), closely followed by the PRV seroprevalence of swine in the Eastern region (20.5%). These regions have the highest density of swine in the Netherlands. The PRV seroprevalence in the Western and Central region (11.7%) was about half of the seroprevalence in the Southern and Eastern regions; the lowest regional PRV seroprevalence was observed in the Northern region (3.5%). The Northern part also has the lowest pig density. The PRV seroprevalence was approximately two times higher in sows than in fattening pigs.  相似文献   

Veterinary Research Communications - Although laboratory animals experience pain as a necessary component of the objectives of experimental protocols, the level of pain should be minimized through...  相似文献   

材料与方法在开罗附近的政府农场选取40头临床健康的水牛,年龄5~7岁,经产3~5胎,所有动物在绿色季节(12~5月)饲喂埃及三叶草,而在干燥季节(其他月份)饲喂精料和干草,自由饮水.把验证过繁殖力的公牛配给15~20头一组的母牛,采取自由交配系统.因此,把三  相似文献   

脂蛋白(a)(Lp(a))是Kare Berg从血浆中分离出来的一种蛋白质,发现于1963年。目前已经证实,血浆Lp(a)浓度的升高与早期冠心病,脑卒中、心脏手术后血管狭窄等动脉粥样硬化性疾病的发生密切相关。本文就Lp(a)的分子结构及其致动脉粥样硬化、促血栓形成的可能机制作一综述。  相似文献   

连续两天采用非外科手术对发情周期第四天以后的母牛,用输精器直接输入靠近有黄体的卵巢一侧的子宫角中前列腺素(PGF2a)每天0.5mg,形成一个极为有效的引诱母牛发情的方法,并且因此使母牛同时发情。  相似文献   

猪塞内加谷病毒(Seneca Valley virus,SVV)是一种新出现的可感染仔猪及母猪并导致仔猪死亡的病毒。2015年3月份至今年在我国、巴西及美国出现了几起塞内加谷病毒感染猪群并伴随严重的临床症状及发病死亡的疫情,造成严重的经济损失。为分离鉴定SVV,本研究将RT-PCR检测为SVV阳性的猪临床样品无菌处理后接种PK-15细胞,连续传代培养。通过细胞病变、RT-PCR扩增、电镜观察和基因序列测定对细胞培养物进行鉴定。结果表明我们成功分离到国内首株SVV,并将其命名为SVV CH-01-2015。全基因组的系统发育分析表明SVV CH-01-2015位于Senecavirus病毒属,与Senecavirus病毒属中的病毒成员同源性最高,由此可以确定本研究所分离到的SVV属于Senecavirus病毒属。本研究为进一步研究SVV的致病性和致病机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

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